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25.01.2022 As a practitioner I am ALWAYS looking for any information, skills, tools that create long lasting healing transformation. Those who know me know I have a fascination for healing tools and gadgets and will do anything to integrate and maintain optimal health and well being! I’m always looking for lasar- like ways of cutting through all the programs to ignite the CORE ESSENCE of an individual. ... I know it is possible for another way to BE... beyond pain limitation suffering. As a practioner I DO believe all tools exist within us- that we are the tool so to speak but its always nice to have support and assistance! And this is why I’m excited! The BIOMAT. It has literally become one of my favourite health tools! A game changer! I cannot say enough about this! And I have become the distributor in Byron bay! As a human being I’m prone to bouts of overthinking, overwhelm, anxiety, typical fight or flight symptoms that express as not being grounded, tired, unfocused and scatterbrained! (A shock to some I know) The Biomat literally brings me back INTO MYSELF, into my body, out of survival mode and adrenal stress. Almost instantaneously! It increases the production of serotonin and decreases inflammation through far infrared and negative ions. The mat gives me PERMISSION to relax- to switch off, to unwind, to just be... it is the ultimate in restoration and rejuvenation. I have to fight my kids for it! In fact I bought the biomat one day at a conference. I was feeling very frazzled and exhausted and lay on the mat to try and it COMPLETELY transformed my state of being! So I bought one with absolutely no intention or prior knowledge if it! This is such a powerful tool to have in your home, especially in these times. So much to say about it so if you have any enquires please contact me and come have a free session!

25.01.2022 Who amongst us is aware of our shadow? What if diving into the shadow, especially at this time, was not only necessary but ESSENTIAL to our evolution? According to Jung ... Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected. Carl Jung, Psychology and Often from the moment we wake until the time we go to bed we are in a state of denial, distraction and escape. Distraction can be as mindless as scrolling through social media to watching current affairs or obsessing over so called conspiracy theories- even doing yoga! People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practise Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn the literature of the whole world- all because the cannot get on with themselves and have not the slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has gradually been turned into a Nazreth from which nothing good can come.- Carl Jung Why does facing our shadow have relevance in today’s world? This moment potentially has the space to be a time of going within ourselves. We are finding a loss of faith and trust in what is outside of us. In a time when there is seemingly so much we can’t control out there, why don’t we turn our attention our attention to in there? Why not go within? We just need to come back to ourselves! The very essence of who we are has been denied and suppressed for so long! That we have forgotten who we are for so long! THE SHADOW IS POWER! We do not need to run away! It is the realisation that all the answers lie within! THE SHADOW IS TRANSFORMATIVE. THE SHADOW IS ACKNOWLEDGING THE WHOLE OF US. IT IS TRUE FREEDOM! This could be a truly unique time to go with in, to dance with the light and the dark, to transform, to let go integrate, to blow bubbles!

25.01.2022 I captured a photo of this beauty whilst out for a walk the other day! One of my favourites for those unable to relax, especially in these times. Flower essences have been used for thousands and thousands of years by our traditional land owners. I love them because they are simple, effective, affordable and come from our earth. Not only that- they are tailored to our individual emotional state or stress we are experiencing at the time! According to Ian white, they are ... - catalysts to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs and create emotional health and well being The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self - love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs I believe flower essences are an essential part of our daily routine and well being. They are taken internally and for a unique s essence that is specifically for you and only $15 a bottle- why not?! Please contact me for more info. Paula.

25.01.2022 So excited to be using my new Biomat professional and try it out at the fountain centre in Byron bay! It was a busy day! The biomat uses infrared and crystal technology and just lying on the mat for 30 minutes is so deeply relaxing and transformative. Was so nice to see happy, calm people after The Biomat has so many health benefit, physically, mentally spiritually, as well as being grounding, restoring and rejuvenating. It literally reminds me of being back in the womb! ... So if you’re in need of some nurturing and healing please contact to try it out! PM me if you’re interested x #byronbayhealing #transformative #grounding #infrared #negativeions

23.01.2022 Embracing the stillness Walking along the beach this morning I was so enthralled by this magic spot and the stillness of it all Not a ripple on the water, it was like glass!... So I decided to stand in the water to take a photo of the stillness But my feet created so many ripples that the absolute glass perfection became rippled And I stood watching entranced by how this small action had such a huge impact!!!! The whole lake became rippled! I waited and waited for the stillness to return but it did not and the stillness was lost And it was such a nice reminder... OUR ACTIONS HAVE SUCH IMPACT OUR ACTIONS CREATE RIPPLES! OUR ACTIONS CREATE! What you think about, where you put your attention- the smallest things you do- create ripples! Do not believe you do not have impact, not for a minute! Take heart these small things matter!!! Your actions matter! You matter! Bit cheesy but I was impressed #whereisyourstillpoint Find your still point and create ripples!

21.01.2022 Natural infrared! The Sun! Sunlight is 42% infrared light. It’s essential for health! I it’s important. It stimulates collagen, increases bone healing and heals wounds. It’s why red light therapy is so popular right now. Not only that, infrared light is proven to be anti-ageing; it reduces wrinkles and scars. That’s not what you usually hear about sunlight is it!... Infrared light, along with cellular water, is crucial when it comes to charging your body and creating energy. If you barely expose yourself to natural sunlight, you won’t charge This is why the Amethyst Infrared Biomat is so rejuvenating, restorative, recharging and revitalising! It’s like sun therapy! So get out in the morning or evening sun! Or come lie on the Biomat! Or do both!

19.01.2022 Lately I’m becoming very present to the idea of having an alter. Who is this alter? What is this idea of the alter? The alter is the voice in the head saying to me, whispering in my ear when I cant sleep, the doubts, the insecurities,the sabotage, the I’m not good enough... And I’m becoming very aware of this alter and what she is saying to me.. and it’s that merry go round of thoughts that keeps us stuck and immobilised, we wake up to it, we go to sleep with it, we identify... with it, we think this is us! We believe we are these thoughts! So... did you know this is not actually who we are? Yes it is one aspect but We are not those running stories we have been playing for 20,30, 40 years. And it begs the question. Who are we? Who am I? Who is Paula if she becomes witness to the alter instead of having complete identification with it? And then.... aaah I find her. She is the person who knows she is not her anxieties and worries, she knows she is kind, she knows she is loving, she knows she is love, she knows she deserves good things, she knows she is doing her best, she knows she has choice, she knows she likes to laugh, she knows it is beautiful to be human.. Sometimes this alters voice is loud and makes her afraid of her own shadow and other times well she just knows, she trusts, she knows things change and shift like the ocean, she knows she is love, she knows her core is fundamentally peaceful, free and limitless! So what would it be like if you became more aware of the alter aspect of you? To witness its voice and say I know you are there but that is not all of me. I can hear you but I am not you.. I am freedom, I am love, I am a sovereign being and I am ME in all its expressions! It all seems so simple! Too good to be true! I have created these stories these ideas about myself and my life through my experiences, but I do not have to live my life through this filter. I can see it, embrace it, and yes even love aspects of it. I can say yes I hear you but I know this is not who I truly am! How about that for freedom and choice? It is transformational!! This is not a new idea to many of us but the awareness of how much it is running the program in any given moment may be. This alter can keep us from growing, taking responsibility, taking risks, from loving and nurturing ourselves and making empowered choices. It can keep us from allowing our true essence to flow and shine! So who is this alter aspect of you and what is it saying to you? Better yet who are you without this alter???? Do you think you’re a thought, a belief a program?? No no no! No you are so much more than that! But first you have to stop over identifying with it. So if you’re alter is driving you nuts, it could be time to actually explore and face this shadow so you can come back to you! There are so many ways to do this, meditation is good to become aware of this part of you and yes another is seeing a great practioner! Lots of love

18.01.2022 What does this mean being the centre point of your reality? It means you are the centre. The centre of your experience, how you feel, how you react how you relate to each particular moment, how you create what’s next. It means you are the director! The conductor!... It means you are master of your own energy and you do not compromise your energy field or who you are- not giving away your power! Its about being aware, present and focused, using your keys of awareness, discernment and empowerment! It’s means knowing when we have moved off centre (and we all do it, I know!!!) and having that awareness to gently cajole ourselves back in. It means drawing in and attracting the experiences and people best for your learning, soul growth and expansion. It means radiating your energy from your epicentre into your reality. Radiating your light! Radiating from your core! Being centred being expanded Being creative!

16.01.2022 Contact me for details. The presentation will be an hour presentation on the amazing Biomat! Come and try and feel relaxation within minutes!

16.01.2022 I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately And what it’s going to take for real change It’s going to take more than protests although that’s a start and there’s been some positive discourse amongst many of us already ... This is deeply entrenched, deeply rooted into people’s psyches and it goes waaaaaaay back This is generational- this has been passed down generation upon generation upon generation This is entrenchment this is slavery this is deep trauma this is human against human this is pure hatred- man against man woman against woman- it is raw and I do not personally understand it, as many of us don’t It makes no sense that a persons worth is determined by the colour of their skin or what they look like But here we are and what are we to do? I have never been in the position of many of my fellow humans for whom this is their reality I cannot imagine the prejudice, the shame, the hatred, the persecution, the guilt, that is piled upon some people day in day out The fear, the judgement, the negativity- simply walking down a street, because of who you are! So what is it going to take? To open our heart and to feel some compassion To put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, to embrace our diversity, to embrace our sameness, to understand another’s pain and struggle, to understand our history and our collective history on this planet. To listen, to be heard, to see someone, to be seen To be willing to look at our own pain and suffering to understand anothers To understand our separation to understand our togetherness To open our hearts and really connect to other human beings To be interested in another’s journey, their story To look at another person deep in the eyes and smile and say hey I really see you To acknowledge the fear we have within us That separateness bullshit is over The whole system, has been designed to keep us separate to keep us hating one another, to see another’s pain as separate from our own, to blame, to attack, to suppress /oppress simply because we are too afraid to look at our own shadow Because if we did look at our shadows and our fears we may actually discover our own power!!!!!! We may actually start to see! So yes its going to take inward reflection A new way of looking at things Looking at the way we may actually hate ourselves so that we can hate anther For until you truly love yourself you can never truly live another There is already so much information disinformation arguing debate back and forth already But something needs to change we need to change, the division within ourselves Maybe we could just try and look in the mirror sometimes and smile and then when we go outside, look at our fellow human being and smile And then hopefully we can smile together X

11.01.2022 Now is not the time for complacency or mucking around so I’m going to get straight to the point. I understand everyone’s fear but my rant from yesterday may have been misunderstood. This corona virus is tapping deep into our psyche. To begin with it is triggering our fear of death. A morbid topic but it is freaking the f out of people. Fact one. We will all die at some point. No I don’t want to die but I’m not get myself into crazy panic over it. At some level there is an ac...Continue reading

11.01.2022 First fire of the season #time for a change, bring in the new!

10.01.2022 Stepping out It’s not easy to step away from the crowd And it can take courage and fearlessness To tread a new path ... To face judgement and scrutiny, your fears To stand alone, to stand tall, to speak your truth To follow your heart, follow your excitement, your joy To find what nourishes your soul To look within, to really look at who you are To move awareness from the head to the heart and then merge the two! (Wisdom) It’s not easy, can take a lot of strength But oh so worth it And can actually be quite fun! When you allow yourself to be yourself (Once you know yourself!) Come see me at my new premises in Byron bay or just pop in to say hi!

08.01.2022 As a therapist I unlock the keys to living. Simple. I believe what we want as a people is freedom, empowerment and choice. Simple. I believe we have come here to have a human experience and I believe the possibilities are to uniquely express our own energetic signature, to shine our light, to allow our true souls expression to flow unencumbered. ... To love, to laugh, to cry, to dance, to be vulnerable, to learn, to create, to be. All of the above- its all part of this wondrous human experience. We are living in complex times. Fact. There is a lot of information and misinformation. Fact. A lot of confusion, distraction, disempowerment. All of which are taking us away from ourselves. How are we going to navigate our way through this complex matrix? It always comes back to- KNOW THYSELF. There really is no other way. Its about becoming aware. It’s about being willing to look at your shadows, face your fears. It’s about not running away. It’s about having the courage to transform, to be, to sit still with yourself, to go within. It’s about having the courage to stop giving away your power, to say enough. Its about saying I do not consent. It’s about caring enough about yourself, really caring about yourself to make choices that are best for you regardless of what anyone says, what society says. Its about discernment, knowing yourself enough to know how you are feeling in any given moment, knowing what makes you feel good and what doesn’t. It about extricating your own innate wisdom, and we all have it! Knowing your own truth, being your own discerner! AWARENESS, DISCERNMENT, HEALING, VULNERABILITY, EMPOWERMENT. These are the keys! And when that’s all said and done it’s about coming together and seeing the light within each other. UNIFICATION. Always know you are definitely worth it- and the reward? To have the freedom to be you. More on the keys later! I am now offering remote sessions so please contact me for further details. x

08.01.2022 Just felt to share. Remember! Esoteric but we need to remember at times! #changingtimes#empowerment#collectiverising

06.01.2022 Just checking in These last few weeks have been a big reality check on our lives. We have been faced with much fear, paranoia and scarcity Money, food, people, hugs, touching, not to mention toilet paper-... and with so much information out there it is difficult to reconcile the truth of what is really going on. This is indeed a time for growth and expansion as a human race. I’m really hoping for some good to come out of this. Our society is in desperate need of restructuring and can only hope some change will prevail. To me I am baffled that 30 000 people still die every day of starvation as this to me is an incomprehensible crisis too. When everything is so uncertain, what have you learnt that is important to you? Whether it be good food, company, the health of loved ones, the kindness of strangers, human contact, valuing your health, OUR FREEDOM or simply finding your centre and being grounded within the chaos? We have to examine our belief systems- this includes money, health, the government, our community, the way we live. We have to find our peace amidst the chaos, because we are in it, and on the verge of great shifts regardless of what you believe, things are changing. I’m not down playing what’s occurring or the fear that some may be experiencing but simply wanted to touch base as there is so much happening on so many levels! There’s never been a more important time to look after you however that looks. Much love.

04.01.2022 I really like this saying. How often are we aware of what thoughts/beliefs/ programs are running through our head and how often are these beliefs based in reality? #awareness

03.01.2022 How about waking up and saying this to yourself?

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