Lindisfarne North Primary School in Geilston Bay, Tasmania, Australia | Primary School
Lindisfarne North Primary School
Locality: Geilston Bay, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 3 6243 0101
Address: 271 East Derwent Highway 7015 Geilston Bay, TAS, Australia
Likes: 630
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24.01.2022 Southern Primary School Basketball Tournament Lindisfarne North had two Grade 5/6 basketball teams compete in the recent basketball tournament held on 7 and 8 November. It was fantastic to see our students putting their basketball skills, game sense and understanding to the test against other schools.... The experiences gained by participating in such an event are immeasurable, and the improvement in our teams from game one to their last game was terrific. Hopefully we can have more students and teams competing next year as prior experience is not essential as there are a range of levels to opt into to play. A special thank you to Miss Evans who began organising and liaising for this event late in Term 3. Miss Evans and I would also like to thank Jonathan and Kate for preparing and coaching the teams, and Esther for refereeing. Thanks to the parents who ran the bench with scoring and supported all the players so wonderfully. Rob Christie PE Teacher
24.01.2022 What beautiful weather for a walk to school! Part Way is Okay will be leaving from our Granville Avenue meeting point tomorrow morning by 8:40am. Just a reminder that parents dropping off their children are asked to park on the straight section of the road, rather than the curved, for visibility purposes.
24.01.2022 Check out our latest newsletter - read about student achievements, school news and events as well as snapshots of learning from Kinder, 5/6H and music.
23.01.2022 Parent Information Session Postponed Tonight's Prep - 2 LiFT Parent Information Session has been postponed. It will now be combined with the Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten session on Thursday September 3rd. Apologies for any inconvenience!
23.01.2022 4/5/6 Incursion Yesterday we had Todd Sculthorpe from Aboriginal Education in to visit the 4/5/6 classes. Students learnt how Aboriginals have sustainably used natural resources over time. Todd explained how Aboriginals were the first engineers, scientists and mathematicians in Australia and how they developed innovations such as stone tools, the woomera and kelp water carriers to support their way of life. Students explored how Australian Aboriginal lifestyles have changed over time and adapted to new technologies. Students in 4/5/6 classes have been discussing the war on waste and climate change, and were able to reflect on how Australian Aboriginals have lived sustainably for thousands of years. Todd discussed the importance of country and how important it is to respect the natural environment we have - never taking more than we need.
23.01.2022 Our Grade 4/5/6 students walked to ANZAC Park yesterday for the RSL Remembrance Day Ceremony. Lest we forget!
23.01.2022 Sports Colours Day Sports Colours Day is happening tomorrow, Friday the 21st of August! If your child would like to participate by wearing their favourite sports teams' colours they will need to bring a gold coin donation. Money raised will go towards research into childhood cancers.
23.01.2022 Now that our borders are open, it is a good reminder to stay safe and to practise our COVID-Safe behaviours. Wash and sanitise your hands Keep your distanc...e Stay at home if you are sick Get tested if you have symptoms Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow Follow current restrictions If you need more information, visit the COVID-19 page on our website:
22.01.2022 LNPS SWIMMING CARNIVAL - tomorrow (18/9) A reminder that our carnival is tomorrow for those students who have chosen to participate and returned their permission forms! Unfortunately we are unable to have spectators at this event.
22.01.2022 Science Week The theme for Science Week this year is Deep Blue: Innovation for the Future of Our Oceans. Classes are exploring the world's oceans and learning about the layers of the ocean, ocean animal and plant species and the impacts of litter and pollution on our oceans. Prep W have enjoyed investigating and naming the different layers that make up the ocean; trench, abyss, midnight, twilight and sunlight.
22.01.2022 Launching into Learning Next week (beginning Monday 21/9) we have some exciting sessions planned for our LiL students! On Monday Ms Kershaw will meet families at the Botanical Gardens for her Play and Explore session. Bring along a picnic rug and some morning tea! Meet Ms Kershaw at the main gate at 9.15am. Mrs Green can't wait to see the LiL students for Sing, Say, Move, Play on Wednesday morning! On Friday Mrs Ellerton has Samantha from Industrie Performing Arts Dance School coming along to the gymnasium for our Move and Groove session!
21.01.2022 Nude Food Day Tomorrow Congratulations LNPS students on completing our first Nude Food Day (last Tuesday). As a school we reduced our single use plastic by 106 pieces from the previous week. Don’t forget Nude Food Day is every Tuesday. Congratulations to Prep W for having the least amount of plastic with only 21 pieces. We can’t wait to see who wins the trophy tomorrow! From the Nude Food Team.
20.01.2022 A Visit From Olympic Athlete Susan Andrews Some students in grades 5 and 6 were extremely lucky to attend a running workshop with Olympic athlete, Susan Andrews, today. Susan represented Australia in running in both the 1992 and 2000 Olympics. It was fantastic to hear the questions the students had for Susan about her career and witness their enthusiasm on as they listened to her tips on technique and participated in a series of exercises and drills. ... Susan also presented our SRC representatives with an outdoor sign signifying our move to becoming a Move Well Eat Well award school. This sign will be displayed on the front of the school building.
20.01.2022 Our Part Way is Okay walk is cancelled today due to weather. Apologies for any inconvenience. We look forward to seeing some walkers leaving from our meeting spot at the bottom of Moirunna Road next week!
19.01.2022 Launching into Learning - Friday 6/11 Mrs Ellerton will meet the LiL families at Simmons Park from 9.30am for tomorrow’s session!
19.01.2022 Free Dress/Pyjama Day The SRC have organised a Free Dress/Pyjama Day to raise money to donate to The Dogs’ Home of Tasmania! It is happening this Friday, the 27th of November. If your child wants to participate they will need to make a gold coin donation and can wear free dress or pyjamas to school for the day.
19.01.2022 LiL MUSIC WITH MRS GREEN - cancelled Unfortunately our LiL music session for tomorrow (16/9) has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience. We hope to see you next week!
18.01.2022 A big congratulations to King Island District High School for recently becoming a Move Well Eat Well Member and Lindisfarne North Primary School for becoming an Award school. A big round of applause for all the hard work that has gone in to achieve this. Well done everyone!
13.01.2022 Our lost property rack is overflowing with unnamed jackets and jumpers - if you have lost items of school uniform please come to the office area and have a look!
09.01.2022 Part Way is OK Part Way is OK has been postponed and will recommence in Term 4 when the weather is more consistent. Apologies for any inconvenience!
09.01.2022 Our latest newsletter is packed with updates on student learning and achievements! Read about classroom news from 1/2EB and Prep L as well as information on how to engage with your child's literacy learning!
08.01.2022 A reminder that uniform orders for 2021 are due to the office tomorrow to be assured of availability! Payment is not required until uniform items are collected in January.
08.01.2022 NAIDOC Week As part of our celebration of NAIDOC Week, students have been participating in a range of different activities. Some of these included using the kitchen/garden facilities to cook recipes using native ingredients. The Grade 4/5 class created a beautiful whole class mural depicting this year's theme; "Always Was, Always Will Be"!
07.01.2022 LiL MUSIC WITH MRS GREEN - cancelled Unfortunately our LiL music session for tomorrow (23/9) has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience!
07.01.2022 This week our kindergarten students will take home a resource bag to support families to talk, read and play together! The Bounce Back - Talk and Read Project bags includes activities that focus on oral language. The students are very excited to be receiving them!
06.01.2022 The Part Way is Okay walk will leave from the Meeting point at the bottom of Granville Avenue tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Hope to see you there!
05.01.2022 School Photos Our School Photos for 2020 will be taken on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 September. All class photos from Kinder Red to Grade 6 will be taken on Monday 14 September. The majority of family photos will also be taken on that day. Kinder Blue and Kinder Green photos will be taken on Tuesday 15 September, along with any family photos for those groups.
04.01.2022 Part Way is Okay Now that the weather is improving we are starting up Part Way is Okay for Term 4. Walking has a range of associated health benefits and is a great way to start the day, so we hope to see you there. Tomorrow's walk will leave from Granville Avenue in Geilston Bay by 8:40am, and the group will walk along the foreshore track to school (as pictured below).
03.01.2022 Unfortunately our Launching into Learning excursion to the Botanical Gardens today has been postponed due to poor weather. The good news is that Ms Kershaw is looking forward to seeing the LiL families in the kinder classroom this morning instead!
03.01.2022 Move Well Eat Well Events This Week Wednesday the 9th of September is our Ride to School event for Term 3. If your child is interested, the ride leaves from Beltana Park (opposite Currency Cafe) at 8:30am. The group will ride along the foreshore track to school. If there are any parents interested in volunteering for the ride please let the office know. Friday the 11th of September is National Walk Safely to School Day. This event promotes the health benefits of walking and h...elps to create regular walking habits. Students wishing to participate in our group walk can meet staff at the bottom of Moirunna Road, near St Cuthberts, to walk to school. The group will depart by 8:30am. This will follow our Part Way is route so there will be a second meeting point at the end of Brammall Street. Departure from this point will be approximately 8:40am. See more
03.01.2022 Tomorrow (Friday the 11th of September) is National Walk Safely to School Day. Students wishing to participate can meet staff members at the bottom of Moirunna Road at 8:30am or the top of Brammall Street at 8:40am. It would be fantastic to see you there!
03.01.2022 A reminder that we will be holding a parent information session this afternoon (3/9) from 3-4pm in the Kindergarten focusing on reading and how to assist your child with learning to read! This session is aimed at families with children from Pre-Kinder to Grade 2. Please contact the office to RSVP!
02.01.2022 Congratulations to all students who participated in today's Division C Inter School Athletics Carnival at the domain. Our school finished in second place. What a fantastic team effort!
01.01.2022 Combined Schools Choir - Rehearsal A reminder to parents of students involved in the Combined Schools Choir that the next rehearsal is tomorrow (Tues 3 Nov). Parents are not permitted to enter the Lenah Valley Primary School grounds. The rehearsals start at 4pm and conclude at 5.30pm. Students will need to meet Mrs Green at the bottom gate in Colebrook St from 3.45pm and will wait until all students arrive before heading into the rehearsal. Mrs Green will walk students to the same meeting place at the end of the rehearsal.
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