Lions Club of New Norfolk | Community organisation
Lions Club of New Norfolk
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24.01.2022 FEATURING OUR MEMBERS - MARG CRANNEY Marg Cranney joined our club in April 2018 and is an enthusiastic and active member who can be seen working at BBQs, Baskerville and wherever we are selling raffle tickets. Marg was born and grew up in the southern suburbs of Sydney. On completing high school, she attended Alexander Mackie College of Advanced Education and studied to become a secondary school social sciences teacher. ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 FEATURING OUR MEMBERS - ROY SEABOURNE Roy is a thoughtful and reserved man who is often seen working in our Chocolate Wheel team and at BBQs. Roy was born in Hobart and attended Goodwood Primary School and Cosgrove High School. He came from a hard-working family, Dad was a small goods man and Mum was a cleaner. Fishing was a family affair and the focus for holidays. We used to go camping mostly on the East Coast so that we could go fishing Dad, my uncle, Pop and me. I l...oved those holidays. Many fond memories were created during Roy’s youthful adventures in the Scouts and Venturers. We used to go sailing, rowing and camping and to scout ranger regattas. I loved it. After completing his schooling Roy developed many skills while completing training and working in a variety of jobs. He graduated from a cooking course at Mount Saint Canice College in Hobart; worked as a spray painter, smallgoods man, in the roasting division of the Zinc works and as a contract labourer. Today Roy enjoys driving buses, working on school bus runs and charters which he has done for the past 5 years It’s great work. There are times when we are busy but if there are no charters there’s lots of free time. Roy joined the Lions Club in 2013 because he saw opportunities to work with others on projects and make a contribution to the community just as he had in his youth with scouts and venturers. With enthusiasm, Roy participated in Club activities serving on the Board for five years from 2014 to 2019. He enjoys the friendships that he has developed through Lions. He also appreciates the way in which Lions Clubs work, Lions believe in the motto 'we make things happen'. We also believe that family comes first, then work, then Lions. Roy is conscious of the changes that are affecting the way in which the Club operates. There has been a lot of change. We don‘t do many projects anymore because we need certificates and licences. Now with Covid 19, we seem to be moving towards a cashless society. This will have a big impact on how we raise funds. We will need to change with the times and it’s hard to see what will happen. We’ll need to put our thinking caps on. Lions Australia. We serve(more than sausages).
23.01.2022 SUPPORTING LIONS AUSTRALIA SPINAL CORD FELLOWSHIP The Lions Club of New Norfolk has recently made a donation to the Lions Australia Spinal Cord Fellowship, thanks to the generous support of our community. The purpose of the Fellowship is to support StepAhead Australia which was previously known as the Spinal Cord Society of Australia.... StepAhead is a research organisation dedicated to funding the discovery and development of new therapies for people who have suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury or who live with chronic neurological disorders. The Lions Australia Spinal Cord Fellowship enables Australian researchers to study the latest treatments for spinal cord injury both within Australia and the USA. The knowledge and experience gained is then made available to the Australian community. A primary research focus is the development of ways to promote the formation of new neural circuits (neuro-plasticity) within both the brain and spinal cord that can support recovery of neurological functions. In the vast majority of spinal cord injuries there are surviving neural circuits which may be stimulated to form new circuits. Importantly, neuro-plasticity based treatments will also be applicable to other chronic neurological disorders such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS), Around 15,000 Australians live with a spinal cord injury and between 300 and 400 new cases are recorded each year. Eighty-four percent of people with spinal cord injuries are men. A common misconception is that sports activities cause the majority of spinal cord injuries. However, studies show that the two leading causes are motor vehicle accidents, most frequently in the 15-24 year age group, and falls in people over 65 years of age. Australia unfortunately has one of the highest rates of spinal cord injury per capita in the developed world. Despite advances in rehabilitative medicine, the quality of life for patients is poor. At present there are no clinically approved treatments that can promote significant recovery of spinal function. However, StepAhead Australia believes that is all about to change. Lions Australia. We serve (more than sausages)
23.01.2022 CANCELLATION OF CAROLS IN THE PARK 2020 Disappointment was high at our last meeting when we had to make a decision to cancel Lions Carols in the Park, 2020. Usually, by this time of the year, we have secured sponsorship and we are well underway with bookings for food and drink vendors and entertainers and, of course Santa and his reindeers. This popular event is usually so well attended that the expected numbers exceed current limits for outdoor gatherings and because of the... openness of the venue at Tynwald, we couldn’t guarantee that we could meet current social distancing requirements. Not knowing when these restrictions will be lifted, and having delayed the inevitable for as long as we could, we made the decision to cancel. The good news is that Derwent Valley Council will be organising community events at the end of the year that meet whatever restrictions are in place at that time. We will be delighted to support those activities as best we can. AND we promise to come back bigger and better with Lions Carols in the Park 2021!!
23.01.2022 MEETING OUR NEW DISTRICT GOVERNOR At our meeting last night, we were fortunate to have new District Governor, Byron Dilworth as our speaker. Byron, who attended with his wife Linda who is also a Lion, presented his goals, theme and ambitions for the year. The main goal being to assist Tasmanian clubs re-emerge into their communities following the Covid 19 restrictions on meeting and fundraising. Byron’s theme for the year 2020-2021 is Here to Serve the reason that we all are here as Lions! He also outlined that To be Here to Serve, we must also Hear to Serve we must listen to the ideas, contributions and concerns of our clubs and their members. The Lions Club of New Norfolk congratulates DG Byron on his election and wishes him well for the coming year.
22.01.2022 Sargeant Rod Stacey, Lion Rodger Triffett, Lion Dick Andrew and Susan Stanley, CEO Rotorlift accepting Lions Teddy Bears that will bring comfort to children (young and old) when travelling in Tassies' air ambulance and in the Westpac Rescue chopper.
21.01.2022 GOING TO THE TOTE TODAY? BUY A TICKET OR TWO IN OUR BIG CHRISTMAS RAFFLE WHILE YOU TRY YOUR LUCK ON THE MELBOURNE CUP! Ricky and his team will be selling raffle tickets outside the TOTE today. Not going to the TOTE? You can try your luck in our raffle online. Just go to Good luck in the Cup and in our raffle!
20.01.2022 XMAS RAFFLE TICKET SELLING DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 In a previous message, we listed Thursday, November 6 as our next raffle ticket selling day. Unfortunately, the spot outside the Guardian Chemist was double booked. So Ricky and his team will be selling on Thursday, November 12. Can’t wait that long to try your luck? You can check out the prizes and our wonderful sponsors and buy your tickets online anytime by clicking the link below. Good Luck!
20.01.2022 LIONS RECYCLE FOR SIGHT PROGRAM Have you ever wondered what to do with your old spectacles, reading glasses, sunglasses, hearing aids or contact lenses? Did you know that you can donate them by dropping them into the Lions Recycle for Sight box on the counter of the Derwent Valley Council Offices which have re-opened. You can make your donations between 10.00am and 4.00pm from Monday to Friday.... The box is emptied regularly by local Lion, Dick Andrew, who sends them to program headquarters in Brisbane where Lions volunteers clean, repair, measure them accurately, label and pack them ready for distribution to people in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia and the Pacific. Over the last couple of years, the New Norfolk community has donated between 350 and 400 pairs of glasses to the Australian Lions Recycle for Sight Program great achievement! Thank you so much for your support.
19.01.2022 FEATURING OUR MEMBERS -WAYNE HODGE New Norfolk Lions Club member, Wayne Hodge, has been involved with local volunteer organisations for decades. Wayne was born in Royal Hobart Hospital. His family lived at Dromedary until his father began working for the Australian Newsprint Mill when Wayne was 5 years old. The family then moved to New Norfolk.... After attending New Norfolk and Fairview Primary Schools and New Norfolk High School, Wayne followed in his father’s footsteps and commenced an apprenticeship in boiler-making and welding at the Mill in 1963. Soon after, Wayne met his future wife Jeanette. We married in March 1970, and have two children, Kylie and Dean. Three years volunteering with the New Norfolk Apex Club enabled Wayne to contribute to the community. He particularly remembers collecting wood for local pensioners. In those days there were a couple of timber mills in the New Norfolk and we used to get the offcuts. In April 1984, Wayne joined the Lions Club. Peter Birchall who was a good friend of mine, invited me to come along a see what it was about. I really liked the projects that the Club was involved with such as the Peppermint Hill lookout, collecting and selling sheep manure, building the steps down from the Bush Hotel to the Esplanade. We did a lot of work at Tynwald Park in the BBQs and play areas. I built the swings, slides and monkey bars and we even had a steam engine there for the kids to play on. Wayne remembers his early years in the Club fondly. Many members in the club were the same age and had the same interests. On working bees, when we finished for the day, we used to have a beer and a talk. We had a lot in common. In those days we knew everyone in New Norfolk. In the 1990s, with new technology and a company take-over, the Boyer Mill staff was reduced. After working at the Mill for 30 years, Wayne took a redundancy. He then worked in the structural steel side of the building industry in Hobart for another 20 years. Wayne appreciates the role that the Club has played in his life for the last 36 years. He served on the Board of Directors for many years and was President in 1993/1994. Although Wayne and Jeanette moved to Granton in 2011, he still attends Club meetings each fortnight. The Club was good to me in the early days and it’s good to me now, even though it’s very different today. But you can still make new friends. You can socialise with people. The camaraderie and friendships have always been important to me. Lions Australia. We serve (more than sausages)
17.01.2022 FATHER'S DAY BREAKFAST Thank you so much to everyone who attended our Father's Day Breakfast this morning. It was a wonderful morning and we received very positive comments from our appreciative guests about the delicious food that Kerry and Rodger prepared. First prize in the raffle, a $50 voucher from the New Norfolk hotel was won by Rodger Triffett. Second prize, a bottle of wine, was won by Viv Cardwell. In the photos below Luiwana King draws the first prize and Natasha Woods draws the second prize. In both photos President Kerry Kievit offers the tickets to be drawn. We hope all the Dads out there are enjoying your Day!
17.01.2022 Our wombat signs are going up. Thanks so much to Derwent Valley Council for putting these signs up at Magra.
15.01.2022 DATE CHANGE FOR XMAS RAFFLE TICKET SELLING Computer gremlins have struck at Council and our permit date to sell Christmas raffle tickets this week has been changed. Our next selling day is Friday November 13, not Thursday November 12 as previously advertised. We'll be outside the Guardian Chemist from 9.00am to 3.00pm on Friday. See you there! If you won't be in town on Friday, you could buy your tickets online by following the link below. Good luck everyone!!
12.01.2022 INTRODUCING LIONS DIABETES MEDICAL DOGS The training of rescue dogs is expanding with an announcement by Australian Lions Hearing Dogs that they are commencing a medical assistant dog program to support Australians living with Diabetes. The new medical alert dogs will be trained to alert to low blood sugar levels in asymptomatic Type 1 Diabetics. You may remember a post from last year that featured a story about Carl from Risdon Vale, one of more than ten dogs rescued by the ...Australian Lions Hearing Dogs (ALHD) who were successfully trained, placed in loving homes and now make a real difference in peoples’ lives. The Dogs' Homes of Tasmania (DHOT) regularly selects and sends suitable dogs to Australian Lions Hearing Dogs in Adelaide. Alf, a pug and Karen, a hound who travelled from Tassie last year are currently completing their training. A beautiful terrier cross from Risdon Vale flew to Adelaide yesterday to begin training. Soon these dogs from DHOT will be also be trained as medical alert dogs. The first puppy to be trained in the new program, Cody an English Springer Spaniel, has recently been welcomed into his foster home in Adelaide where he will live whilst completing his training. Lions Hearing Dogs CEO David Horne says the program launch comes at an exciting time for the organisation. Since the 1980s, Australian Lions Hearing Dogs has been procuring, training and placing Hearing Assistance Dogs with deaf or hard of hearing people all around Australia. We are the only Australian organisation accredited by Assistance Dogs International to carry out such work. There is currently a very high demand for our dogs with an increasing number of Australians suffering from some form of hearing loss. Unfortunately, this number is on the rise, as is the number of Australians living with Diabetes, says David. We are very pleased to be expanding our facility in Adelaide so we can support more Australians with our medical alert dogs. Diabetes has been named one of the Lions’ 5 key focus areas and we are excited to be introducing this new program as part of this commitment, The work of Australian Lions Hearing Dogs helps many Australians live a safer, more secure and confident lifestyle while giving dogs from rescue shelters a new home and purpose. Lions Australia. We serve (more than sausages). In the photos - Alf training in suburban Adelaide and Karen training at the Lions Hearing Dog training park.
10.01.2022 XMAS RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE FRIDAY 20 NOV Tomorrow, Ricky and his team are selling tickets from 9am to 3pm outside the Guardian Chemist. Great prizes! Friendly service! Hoping to see you there! For more information or to buy tickets online go to:
09.01.2022 XMAS RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE WEDNESDAY 25 NOV Tomorrow, Ricky and his team are selling tickets from 9am to 3pm outside the Guardian Chemist. Great prizes! Friendly service! Hoping to see you there! For more information or to buy tickets online go to:
09.01.2022 TEDDIES GO TO LACHLAN Last Tuesday, Lion Dick Andrew delivered teddies for the first time to the Lachlan Fire Brigade who were very happy to receive them. Phil Pyke appreciated that the teddies are valuable support especially when dealing with incidents involving children. We are expanding the number of local services who use the teddies, as well as keeping up with demand. Last week, when Dick ran into Digby, one of the local ambos, he let Dick know that they need more. It...’s great to know that these soft, cuddly comforts are so valued. In the group photo from the left: Dick with firefighters Les Horsey, Greg Essex, Stephen Townsend, Alex Thomson, Stephen Butters and in front Bill Rye. In the other photo firefighter Brittany Brown shows the teddies
08.01.2022 DECIDED WHAT TO TO ON FATHER'S DAY YET? Why not start the day by bringing Dad and the whole family to enjoy a yummy breakfast at the Lions Club! Just ring Kerry on 0409 792 007 and book a table! See you there!
06.01.2022 DONATION TO SUPPORT LIONS PROSTATE CANCER RESEARCH, TREATMENT AND SUPPORT Thanks to the generous support of our community, the Lions Club of New Norfolk has recently made a donation to the Lions Prostate Cancer Research, Treatment & Support Project. This project is funded by Lions Clubs across Australia and supports prevention, awareness and treatment of prostate cancer. ... Working on preventing this disease means that the Project contributes valuable funding to research. The main beneficiary is the Mater Prostate Cancer Research Laboratory in Brisbane where researchers are working to develop immunotherapy treatment for patients with prostate cancer. To increase awareness, the Project observes Blue Steel Week which begins on Father’s Day each year. During that week participating Lions Clubs encourage men to talk about their health and be proactive in seeking help. They also hold activities to raise funds for prostate cancer research. Support for treatment occurs throughout the year as Lions Clubs assist those who are currently battling this silent disease and support their families. Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Tasmania. An estimated one in seven men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetimeand sadly nine Australian men die from this disease every single day. These distressing figures affect fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathers and families everywhere. Many prostate cancers will not progress sufficiently to cause harm in a man's lifetime while others can progress to more advanced stages. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that men over the age of 50 should discuss testing for prostate cancer with their GP. With prostate cancer being the most common cancer among Australians after non-melanoma skin cancer, research into the disease has never been so important. Every dollar that the local community contributes to our Club activities enables us to support important and worthy local, state and national causes. Thank you New Norfolk and the Derwent Valley. Lions Australia. We serve (more than sausages)
05.01.2022 THANKS TO OUR XMAS RAFFLE SPONSORS The Lions Club of New Norfolk is very appreciative of all of our sponsors for their wonderful prize donations. The Bush Inn has been supporting our Christmas Raffle for more than 5 years. That's a wonderful contribution to our Club and to our community. Thank you so much. If you would like to buy tickets online just follow the link below.
05.01.2022 SAUSAGE SIZZLE, BUNNINGS SATURDAY - 26 SEPTEMBER We'll be running another Sausage sizzle this Saturday at Bunnings, Glenorchy. We'll be there from 9am to 4pm serving our sumptuous sausages with delicious fried onions, oven fresh bread and sauce of your choice. Yum!! Come and, once again, enjoy the irresistible aroma and delicious delights of a Bunnings sausage sizzle. See you there!
04.01.2022 FEATURING OUR MEMBERS - BARRY ADLARD Barry Adlard has been a dedicated and tireless volunteer in New Norfolk for over 50 years. From the New Norfolk Footy Club where Barry was timekeeper to the Rowing Club where he served as President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer to the New Norfolk Lions Club where he has served in many different roles over the last 26 years. Throughout those 50 years, Marlene, Barry’s wife, has been by his side volunteering in different ways and...Continue reading
03.01.2022 FEATURING OUR MEMBERS - VIV CARDWELL Volunteering is a way of life for Viv Cardwell who currently volunteers on the New Norfolk Swimming Pool Committee, the Derwent Valley Online Access Centre Committee and with Lions. Viv has been a member of Lions Clubs in Victoria and locally for over 40 years. Memories of growing up on a property on the Mitta Mitta River in north-eastern Victoria are tinged with sadness for Viv. By the time I was four and a half, my younger sister Eunice...Continue reading
02.01.2022 XMAS RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE TODAY Ricky and his team are selling tickets from 9am to 3pm outside the Guardian Chemist. Great prizes! Friendly service! Hoping to see you there! For more information or to buy tickets online go to:...
02.01.2022 LIONS ZONE MEETING HELD LOCALLY On Friday November 30, the New Norfolk Lions Club hosted a Lions Zone meeting which was attended by representatives from the Brighton, Clarence, Glenorchy, Kingborough and New Norfolk Clubs. Zone chairman, Peter Goldstone-James led the meeting inviting updates from each club and reporting on recent decisions of Cabinet. Past District Governor, Hester van Niekirk, who also attended the meeting, described Zone meetings as opportunities to bring... clubs together to share information, generate ideas, collaborate on projects and call for help from other clubs if needed. Any member of a Lions Club in the zone can attend and they are usually attended by members holding executive positions. The guest speaker, 2nd Vice-District Governor, Paul Cairnduff, addressed the group about succession planning, While we acknowledge that increasing membership of Lions Club is an important focus, equally important for maintaining healthy clubs is planning for succession. Mentoring others in clubs to be ready to take up positions as Board members and in executive positions can build strong and resilient clubs and ensures that people undertaking new positions are skilled and knowledgeable rather than overwhelmed. Lions Australia conduct Leadership Training Programs and there will be a Regional Lions Leadership Institute Program offered in Launceston in February, 2021. All clubs were encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. President of the New Norfolk Club, Kerry Kievit, received high praise for the delicious 2 course meal provided for all who attended this informative evening. Lions Australia. We serve (more than sausages). See more
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