Lisa Hodgson Naturopath in Hamilton Hill, Western Australia, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Lisa Hodgson Naturopath
Locality: Hamilton Hill, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 404 018 344
Address: Hamilton Hill 6163 Hamilton Hill, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 As a naturopath we treat the whole person. We dont suppress symptoms but treat the root of the conditions. The whole person is considered. Including physical, emotional and sometimes spiritual. We need to know whats happening in your life and how it pertains to your presenting condition(s). Work, family, sport, sleep. You are a whole package and and so much more than just symptoms. We listen and take notice of all that you say. The practitioner only products we use are of the highest quality and are at therapeutic doses. Having said all that Im a person too. Im warm and friendly and I care a lot. Id love to help you so please feel free to reach out. I give free discovery calls to see if Im the right fit for my clients. No strings attached. No sales. Just an interaction that could possibly benefit you. Enjoy your week. Lisa
25.01.2022 Ok food is stashed away and Ill make myself reasonably presentable and Ill see you in an hour.
25.01.2022 See you tonight guys. I hope to be on time but am expecting a food delivery before 7pm. So crossing everything Woollies are in time. Otherwise I might be a few minutes late. Ill keep you posted.
25.01.2022 Here is my new blog. It is on Panic and Anxiety and covers what I spoke about in the live video and then some. Have a great week!
24.01.2022 Looking forward to Thursday nights live. Ive been a bit quiet on here because Ive had a lot on and needing to immerse myself in my work. I do hope youre all well and looking after yourselves? We are going into spring and its the perfect time to spring clean our diets and lifestyle. Gentle exercise such as walking or yoga in the sun. Eating a wide variety of brightly coloured fruit and veg. Winter was wonderful for casseroles with bone broth and lots of seasonal Going within and healing where needed. Now its time to turn our faces to the sun and breathe in fresh air. Lift our spirits in nature. Of course if youre in parts of Australia where theres lockdown then sit in the back yard for at least 10 minutes 3+ days a week with some skin exposed to the sun. I usually go outside with a cuppa and have a chair for me and one for the cat who likes to sit with me. The dog gets jealous and haggles for a spot but we all sit together and just let Mother Earth draw the negativity through my feet. Green in the garden has been shown to have a calming affect on us. So do what you can when you can. Stay safe. See you on Thursday. See more
24.01.2022 Hope youre all well? If anyones interested Id love to hold a free online talk on stress and the gut via skype or zoom. If interested let me know. Ive created a power point presentation to go along with it. Besides that have a great weekend and enjoy this beautiful spring weather. As best as you can during lockdown. I have a little back yard with tons of greenery which soothes my soul. Lisa
24.01.2022 Hello my friends. Todays post is about the gut and how it is, in my opinion, the gateway into our body. Now we may not think that ailments such as autoimmune, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, headaches or fogginess, amongst other things, can come from the gut but more than likely theres a connection. What we eat goes right through us but is broken down in the stomach and from chewing but the good stuff (nutrients) gets absorbed in the small intestine. The molecules have to small enough to cross the gut barrier into the blood stream. However if theres dysfunction such as hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), bile flow issues, enzyme issues or not chewing properly it can mean the molecules are not small enough. Also, if we have inflammation in our gut, poorly populated gut bacteria or leaky gut then the inflammation worsens as the body sees the large molecules as the enemy. This worsens the inflammation and reduces absorption further as an inflamed gut cant absorb nutrients. Its been cited that the gut bacteria is influenced by diet and that it modulates potential disease in the gut. (Singh, R. K. et al. 2017. Influence of Diet on the Gut Microbiome and Implications for Human Health. USA. We need fibre to feed the bacteria as well as for motility or bowel movements. We need to eat a broad variety of foods to give diversity to the strains of bacteria. The wrong kind of bacteria can increase cravings for things such as sugar. The gut environment is the gateway to serotonin production. 95% of serotonin is created in the gut. Nutrients that come from food can be the building blocks of neurotransmitters, hormones and energy. So it is wise to eat a whole food diet and to eat less processed or what I call food like substances. Where that food looks like food but is really a chemical concoction. Retraining the body through diet and to retrain the brain if junk food is a crutch as in emotional eating. It is a commitment to healing the gut by eating only foods that are nutrient dense. That is my rant for now and I hope this helps? If you have gas, bloating, indigestion or any other gut issue feel free to contact me and maybe we can have a 15 minute FREE discovery call to see if I can help you. Happy July folks! See more
24.01.2022 Happy Friday my friends. Ive just this week revived my counselling business. I had a break from it as I was studying naturopath for years and being a mum. So now my son is grown and Ive been qualified two years Im keen to reintegrate my counselling skills again as I feel it will compliment my naturopathy niche in stress and the gut. Not forgetting burnout and adrenal fatigue. Womens health comes into it with our hormones being affected by stress and not forgetting you fellas. We all need to take care of our health. Have a great weekend and I hope to see you soon!
23.01.2022 Adrenal fatigue. What is it? Now AF is a misnomer. Adrenal insufficiency May be one view. HPA axis dysfunction another. ACTH resistance yet another. Now all do involve the adrenals in some way but the body is full of feedback systems and can down regulate or up regulate hormones like cortisol to prevent harm in the body. Chronic stress contributes. The body needs help and yes herbs and nutrients can help but most important is removing stressors and SLEEP!!! Breathing exercise...s and meditation. Being outdoors to lift the mood and vitamin D levels as well as helping with circadian rhythms. Its an over all picture more than the focus on one type of organ. All are a symphony working in order and if one violinist pops a string then the music goes wonky. So as a natural therapist we look at the whole picture. Whats going on for you? What can you change? Is your diet needing tweaking? Are you stressed in a way that you think you are coping but your body says differently? So it manifests in many ways. So digestion is one way in particular. You might have digestive issues. Insomnia. Hypertension. Yes someone like myself can help you. And it starts with you acknowledging that help is needed. And its ok. This is a good thing. So please feel free to contact me for a FREE discovery call. I dont bite. Plus Ive had experience with this myself. I know how it feels. Please LIKE and SHARE. Thankyou. Lisa See more
23.01.2022 Good morning. Up at sparrows you know what and decided it was still porridge weather. So porridge and honey it is. Have a great weekend!
22.01.2022 I’m lying in bed trying to sleep and a thought popped into my head. Did you know our sleep cycles occur every 90 minutes. Hence why we Nats encourage you to wait so you can catch the next wave of sleepiness. Don’t give up! Insomnia can occur for many reasons and stress is a huge factor. A lot of us are so busy and wired during the day that the only time we can unpack the days events for processing is when we stop spinning and go to bed. I’m sensing another LIVE topic coming on. What do you think....?
22.01.2022 Interesting
21.01.2022 Hello everyone! Brrr! Is it me or is it cold! Dont forget to eat fresh foods. I know salads in winter are difficult to eat but raw fresh fruit and veg provide the crunch factor. Plus the nutrients are not lost like they are in cooking. Dont get me wrong cooked food still has nutrients and some foods nutrients are improved with cooking. However getting vitamin C, A and zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron come from fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Make real nut butters. Spread them on spelt bread or sourdough. I find a fresh salad picks me up no matter what the season. I feel like my body is smiling after Ive eaten one. Bone broths are brilliant. Soups and casseroles. Even vegetable lasagna. So yummy. Anyway peeps thats my tip for the week. Dont forget to like and share. Have a wonderful week and take care.
21.01.2022 Happy Sunday everyone. Ive had a wonderful weekend. Took some time to just binge on my favourite programs. Dont forget to take some R and R. Part of that is also taking care of your health. Its important to do so. Anyway have a wonderful week. Im here if you need me via Telehealth. I love looking after people.
20.01.2022 Hello peeps. Please find my blog for this month. In it I discuss my journey briefly and how it led to my area of interest. Enjoy!
19.01.2022 Hi peeps Here is this month's blog. A bit late but I got there in the end! Its on the gut and health. Enjoy!
19.01.2022 Hi everyone. If you know of anyone who needs my services can you please feel free to refer them to me. Im offering a 10% discount for both of you if you do. Im so excited about all that I do and I want to help as many people as possible. Anyone who is struggling with health or gut issues and maybe has a need for natural medicine can benefit from a naturopath such as myself. I know from personal experience how this industry helps people and myself. Its changed my life and for the better! Please PM me or ring me and leave a message 0404 018 344. Thankyou Please LIKE and SHARE.
16.01.2022 Hello again! Ive decided my next live will be based on pre and probiotics and their specific roles in our body. Ill keep you posted as to when Ill do this. Hope youll do me the honour of joining me then?
15.01.2022 Hello my lovelies! Im advertising a FREE zoom talk on stress and the gut and Im keen to get bums on seats. If youre with me then PM me or post below. Its at 7pm on the 17th June. Im looking forward to doing this. Happy hump day kids
13.01.2022 Happy Thursday guys! Im just poking my head in to see how you all are? Having a special interest in stress, stress management and gut issues I thought Id say a bit about how this happens to a lot of us. We all are dealing with either wind, indigestion, malabsorption, mood swings, fatigue and exhaustion. When our endocrine system and adrenals are stretched to the limit the body starts to become depleted affecting us in other ways. Time is precious and in particular time for ...ourselves. Its a real battle. A lot of us are overcommitted to work, sport, hobbies, childrens commitments and to household chores and so on. We have loans, mortgages, credit cards, bills and medical/dental needs. The only way to deal with things I feel is to simplify your life as best you can. Put everything in order of least to most important and knock each thing on the head one by one. Delegate. Most of all stop being so hard on yourself. One thing we nats do is coach you to wellness. Its a team effort. I want to look you in the eyes and show you I care and to be your RaRa team. My service has a personal touch. I come to your house. You are in the comfort of your home. This wasnt meant to be a sales pitch. More of a please let me help you speech. You know where to find me. Better still Ive been through it so I know. Take care my friends and hope to see you soon. EDIT: I forgot. Until the green light from the powers that be ill be doing Telehealth via zoom instead of in person. This includes initial. So Ill still be able to see you. See more
12.01.2022 Did you know....? That the Lamiaceae or Labiatea family of plants are very much used as herbs in herbal medicine. Among many others of course. Plants such as thyme, lavender, rosemary, mint, oregano and basil. The volatile oils, essential oils are very important in what we do as naturopaths, they are antibacterial and anti fungal. Thymol for instance from thyme is a volatile oil that has these properties. Certain constituents from thyme when taken as a tea infusion or decoction, are excreted in the lungs and so are brilliant for treating a bacterial infection in the lungs. These herbs are so common yet effective. Why not grow some in your garden?
12.01.2022 Hello folks! Im truly excited. I have something to share with you soon. Let me ask you... do you feel stressed? Do you have digestive issues or indigestion? Burping? Irregular bowel movements or smelly loose stools? Do you feel like theres a heaviness in your stomach? Malabsorption? Do you have a stressful life and are eating poorly? Yes both conditions can go hand in hand. You may think stress is to do with the mind and that it has nothing to do with the gut. Well Ill be presenting a few things Im offering to help you with your issues. Watch this space as maybe I can help you.
11.01.2022 Interesting podcast on CAM and how its been misrepresented as quackery. Wording in the media frames and controls perceptions with bias. Worth listening to as theres research quoted.
09.01.2022 Hello again! Sorry its been almost a week since I posted. I was chatting to someone about what we naturopaths do. Many think we just fiddle around with herbs and not much more. Well, I can tell you its waaaaaay much more than that. As one of my colleagues said naturopathy is full on medicine and science and researched. We are thorough and dedicated and work hard on self development and ongoing updates in medicine and science. We are an allied profession to allopathic or regular medicine but no less important or informed. Please feel free to ring me or message me to find out more. I love chatting about what I do and I love how I can ignite people's interest. Have a great day.
09.01.2022 Ta dah! Drum roll is my course on Stress and the Gut. Hope those of you who purchase it ($15) find it helpful. Thankyou!
08.01.2022 Whats holding you back? Is it hard to put yourself first? Havent the time? Money? Faith in natural medicine? Its ok. I understand. Seeing a gp means you can bulk bill. Maybe its hard to admit youve got a lot going on. However if stress a part of your life and your body is now complaining you dont want to pay the price. I know. Ive been there. Do you want your life back? Energy? A sense of regaining control and feeling like you can cope? Its a journey. No one pill can fix it. Im not into hard sell. In my other businesses my client base for twenty years was word of mouth. Im a genuine person and all I want to do is help. Think about it and let me know if someone like me can help you. Honestly you deserve to be heard and for you to be a priority. Ill leave it with you. Just know Im here if you need to talk.
08.01.2022 Hello my friends! Please find below the link to my latest blog. Stay warm and be well xx
08.01.2022 Hi guys. To those whove shown interest in my talk please PM me your email. Im going to use Zoom so I need to send the link. Thankyou so much. EDIT: might be able to wrangle doing it in a live. Once Ive figured out how. Will keep you posted.
08.01.2022 Happy Monday one and all. Today I want to chat about overwhelm. This is a huge topic as we are all prone to it at times. Sometimes milder sometimes extreme. Overwhelm is when we have so much to do and possibly a short space to do it. Or we have more bills to pay than income. Or maybe we are working two jobs, being a parent, tending to a sick family member all at the same time. Whatever your story you need to know youre not alone. You are doing the best you can and probably ...doing it better than you think. Overwhelm causes us stress. This triggers sympathetic nervous system fight or flight. We may be close to burn out and adrenals need nourishing. We may have thyroid issues making us fatigued. Ive been there so I understand. What I advised my son when he was a bit overwhelmed was to pull back. To observe this situation from the outside looking in and doing things one thing at a time. Bit by bit. As the saying goes you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. So first thing Id say to you, dear soul, is to breathe, slow down, prioritise and then tackle bit by bit instead of having sixty tabs open all at once. This is something I still have to practice as Im an A type and overthink and overwork. So please know it is normal. You are not incompetent. If anything you are doing amazing even in the face of adversity. A good herb is chamomile. Tea form. Its calming and helps with anxiety. B vitamins are wonderful for the nervous systems. Preferably as a complex as they work best in unison. Stay safe and look after yourselves. You are valuable. See more
07.01.2022 Hi my friends! Looking forward to seeing you tonight here live! It will be a short one but Ill chat about how stress affects the gut and vis versa. See you then!
07.01.2022 Well hello my friends! Im wondering...have you got tummy issues? Do you feel discomfort or bloating? Are you gassy and burping at both ends? Do you feel like somethings not right with you gut? Well, I can definitely help you? Its a common complaint to have digestive and gut issues and obviously there are various potential causes. Everybody is different and we all experience something unique to us. But a naturopath such as myself can definitely help you. Please feel free to contact me. Im really friendly and easy going and I am dedicated to helping. Why put up with discomfort when it can be naturally helped. We naturopaths can work alongside your doctor if you choose. However Im sure if I take a full history and case taking we can get some answers. Please like, share and PM me if you would like to chat. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
06.01.2022 Its my birthday! So I thought Id celebrate by offering two half price initial consults. Celebrate with meIts my birthday! So I thought Id celebrate by offering two half price initial consults. Celebrate with me
06.01.2022 Chamomile tea with fresh mint from a friends garden. Mmmmm
06.01.2022 On another note connected to my live B vitamins are important for the nervous system. I was acutely aware it was over half an hour I had been talking and that is not nearly long enough to cover this large topic. I veered towards trauma as it can play a part in both anxiety and panic conditions. This is by no means comprehensive as it’s a vast subject. However I hope tonight gave you some insight.
05.01.2022 What I also wanted to say in my last live is that the gut bacteria talks to the brain and the immune system. We have also a feedback system and signalling which helps certain parts of the body relay situations to the brain and immune system. Its these specific types of bacteria such as the strain of lactobacillus reuterii that I mentioned that have been found to be most effective. This topic is so vast that we could just go down a rabbit hole with it. Anyway hope youre enjoying the first few days of spring? Its freezing here in Perth but no doubt in a couple of months well be sweltering. Happy hump day guys.
04.01.2022 Hi peeps Here is this months blog. A bit late but I got there in the end! Its on the gut and health. Enjoy!
03.01.2022 Hi guys. Im reading up on industry material on the gut microbiota. The good bugs. I wanted to chat briefly about yoghurt as a source of good bacteria. Now I want to say getting real yoghurt is the only way to go. Not the flavoured (what I call fake) yoghurt. The flavoured el cheapo brands are full of additives and gelatine. Theyre not really beneficial for you and give you a sugar high. Real yoghurt has real cultures in them. Eating everyday gives your gut a natural boost i...n calcium, protein and bacteria such as lactobacillus. Remember, though, that frozen yoghurt has not much benefit. Freezing kills the bacteria as does cooking with yoghurt. Even though both taste yummy. Kefir is good too. Some eat sauerkraut or Kim chi or drink kombucha. Do your research and find whats right for you. Eating good whole food also encourages the good bacteria to flourish. Be kind to your gut and limit bad foods and alchohol if possible. Happy Friday folks. Ill see you soon with my blog. See more
01.01.2022 As awful and heart breaking a time we are going through most of us are experiencing lockdown and this is designed to protect us and the vulnerable but also the frontline workers. I mentioned in the video about lockdown being a godsend for some. This was not meant to be insensitive. It was just a common thing i was hearing. People finding that they could finally rest, get the spare room sorted, get odd jobs at home done. Its forced us all to take care of ourselves and those w...e love. In that way its been a godsend. The lives lost are awful and its so sad but we have to keep going. We need to look after one another. Be responsible. Whatever your political view the situation is still happening. I try so hard not to post like this but I wanted to clarify. Use this time to regenerate. The sooner we heal the sooner life can go back to relative normal. Hugs. Lisa See more
01.01.2022 Hi guys. Dont give up if it freezes on you. I watched it all the way through and its still watchable. If it freezes just tap the 10 second forward arrow. Thankyou for watching!
01.01.2022 Interesting listening
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