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Lisa Maree Yoga in Sydney, Australia | Sport & recreation

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Lisa Maree Yoga

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 401 469 746


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25.01.2022 In the words of Pema Chdrn... drop the story & find the feeling Our minds are often too good at creating a narrative that distracts us from the experience of what were actually f e e l i n g. ... Practicing with @duncanyoga - the only digital voice I can actually stand telling me what to do for an hour #yogini #wokeyoga #hovyoga #yogaathome #lululemonambassador @hovyoga @lululemonausnz

22.01.2022 Free Yourself. Push back against resistance, expose yourself to new things. Experiment in your life. Get uncomfortable. These are the things David Epstein says will help you cultivate change. Will broaden your mind, engage new areas of the brain and create opportunity for engagement and growth. So Im leaning in... Saying YES to opportunity Practicing that handstand and laughing as I fall Letting a friend teach me the ukulele Allowing vulnerability to lead when face of fear shows up Its all practice, its all yoga. Not letting your history define you. Not allowing the stories of who you are or think you should be limit the potential of what could be. Who you could become. Free Yourself. And join me on the ride

22.01.2022 When the wrong page leads to exactly the right verse... Abandon all these attitudes Of wanting to prolong pleasure And avoid suffering.... Let the heart be itself and feel Whatever is there. Freed from clinging & avoiding, The heart regains its poise And revels in creation. Plunging deep into its centre, Discover that the heart is moved By a pulse that is everywhere. #theradiancesutras #forearmstand #wokeyoga #pulseoftheheart #shakti

22.01.2022 Ever wondered what the virtual classes look like Heres a little snapshot (sped up A LOT) of a class the other week. Ive popped it on mute so you dont here me in hyper speed, but youll notice that Im talking all the time (unusual I know). So even though were separated by a screen and in our own practice spaces for at least a little while longer, you still get all the cues and directions and plenty of loving care to keep you safe and centered, just as if we were in... the studio together. Book in tomorrow - Saturday at 930am to Flow with me in the @wokeyogapottspoint Digital Studio. Just click the link in my bio to take you straight there #yogateacher #digitalyoga #lululemonambassador #thesweatlife #wokeyoga

22.01.2022 Loosening up. Spiraling outwards. Softening in. Unbinding. The practice of being seeing in all your sacred impressions. Exploring all the corners and curves.... Lashings of vulnerability. Courage in equal measure. The subtle creative pulse of Spanda. ... finding a Soft Focus in our classes this week and letting all that divine goodness rise to the top. We might even dance a little #shakti #freedom #heart #dance #pinkhair

20.01.2022 Like most things, keeping it simple is the way to success. #dailymeditation

20.01.2022 The Spiral of Awakening in this little snapshot of this weeks practice .... The spiral vortex is natures favored method of energy transmission and our practice this week loops and winds through the spiral line of the body. This fascial system is designed to assist us during stabilization and rotation. Yet as we repeatedly coil and unfurl on the mat we are enticing the body to unglue its layers, encouraging the prana to pulse more freely and to give freedom for our creative... visions to flourish. Stagnancy and stickyness melt away to reveal an embodied strength that radiates from within. One last chance to practice this week. Saturday 930am via the @wokeyogapottspoint Digital Studio. Make your booking (click the link in my bio) and youll also get a recording of the practice after class if you cant make it to the live session. #digitalyoga #yogini #yogateacher #lululemonambassador #wokeyoga #sydneyyoga

20.01.2022 Be a do-er. Dont be a do nothing bitch. Were exactly the words I needed to hear this morning And theyre the words Im taking into this week. Sometimes we all need a little kick into DOING something, rather than just thinking, planning and talking about it. Its the doing that gets things moving - so dont be a do nothing bitch ... #motivationmonday #peptalk #beaDOER #yogini #action #yogalife

19.01.2022 Getting my daily steps in with my girl gang in the sunshine today #youcantwalkwithus

18.01.2022 This weeks mantra #godeep #mantra #oceaninspiration #yogini #wave #mermaid

17.01.2022 Perfect weather to head up the coast, jump in the lake and try something new Little whip wake surfing behind the new boat with the solid coaching efforts of Matty Kane and I’ve changed my mind about just being a sun baking spectator for boat sports Getting outside your comfort zone (this is a far cry from yoga) and into places where you might suck a little (or a lot) is the most effective way to move past your own limiting stories and keep growing. And you never know kind of fun you might have while you’re there #wakesurfing #lakemacquarie #freedominmovement #boatlife

17.01.2022 A little Barre Fusion for your booty on a Wednesday evening. Do it now or save it for later

16.01.2022 the practice is the glue. the guide. the path. the familiar thread.... the light that leads me home. #yoga

15.01.2022 Just a girl searching for her Sunday morning bagel ... 10,500 steps, two headlands and two coffees later I still dont have a bagel (but I do have a @belgrave_cartel jaffle and thats always a good thing !!) #sundays #manly #scenic #nationalpark

15.01.2022 Playfulness is such an important part of my Self It is the ability to step away from my constructs and stories (and ideas of right behavior and serving the expectations of others) into a moment of freedom and joy that is free from expectation and control. Its finding pockets of time to explore and play. To go upside down or fall in the grass. Sipping a cheeky margarita or run laughing in the rain.... In Sanskrit playfulness is often translated as ll-a self willed joy, the play of a child and the work of god(s). And this concept of ll does not have an end goal, but embodies the circle of creation (create, destroy, rebuild) for no reason other than the pure joy of the process. Finding the levity of ll is something that always brings me back home to myself and teaches me to thrive in the ever arching expansion of life. #modernyoga #yogini #ll #play #grace #yogateacher #wokeyoga #lululemonambassador #thesweatlife #sanskrit

14.01.2022 Nearly didnt practice today. But 50 minutes is better than 0 minutes

14.01.2022 Power sings as it flows, Electrifies the organs of sensing, Becomes liquid light, Nourishes your entire being. Celebrate the boundary,... Where streams join the sea, Where body meets infinity. [lorin roche | radiance sutra 44] There is an ocean (of power) contained within this vessel. An ocean that fear, vulnerability and uncertainty tries to contain. Slowly, it seeps to the surface, waiting to flow freely. To reform all in its path. #yogini #theradiancesutras #shakti #yoga #ocean [image] @marceauphotography

14.01.2022 be still feel the sun and b r e a t h e ... #happyplace #freshwater #breathe

13.01.2022 use it wisely ... such a huge part of the learning curve of the yoga practice is becoming accountable. Realizing and understanding our own personal responsibility and the power (energy) we hold to actively effect change and drive a purposeful course in our life. It’s becoming accountable to the way we show up in the world for ourselves and also for others.... It’s the redirection towards self governance and fulfillment. It’s understanding that the way we utilize, spend and direct our energy in our choices, relationships and daily lives will not just actively move you in that direction. But it will also cost you. Is what you are choosing right now worth the cost ? If not - what is and how can you start to recalibrate your energetic outgoings ? #energy #intention #modernyoga #yogalife

12.01.2022 These times are definitely stretching me in all directions. Pulling me very thin at the seams. I have felt defeated more often than not through the last weeks. But no matter how threadbare I feel the practice of yoga keeps stitching me back together.... Its each thread considered and chosen, each stitch, carefully woven and each knot delicately tied that creates the rich tapestry of our lives. #lululemonambassador #covid19 #yoga #practice #yogini Image by @martyrowney_ for @lululemonausnz

11.01.2022 Surrender is always the hardest part of the practice for me. To recognize when enough effort, enough action, enough work, enough wanting, enough doing and thinking and driving and striving is actually enough. To remember that doing more, working more, pushing more, grinding more sometimes just doesnt give you more. Theres a limit.... One that I personally over step, bully and lean on heavily - because maybe this time, this extra effort will be what turns the whole tide (hint - it never is). Eckharte Tolle says Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to rather than opposing the flow of life and it is in the yielding that we make space for who we truly are. Why wait until theres nothing left and no other alternative until we finally give in to our truest nature. The practice of Surrender is actually a gift. Of being ourselves. Of freedom. Ishvara Pranidhana - surrendering to the Divine, the will of the Universe, the calling of You. Thats what were practicing this week in class (and what I am practicing always). #ishvarapranidhana #yogaphilosophy #yogateacher #lululemonambassador #shakti #surrender #yogalife #wokeyoga

11.01.2022 Four months ago I felt like ‘home’ had completely lost its meaning. My roots were torn, the ground was unsteady, I felt adrift and I could barely see a path forward let alone choose one for myself. Every decision felt heavy, every direction looked muddy and unclear. I didn’t have a place to live, my relationship was over, lockdown was in place, my business was closed and I felt like a whole year of my life had been for nothing.... I clung to my own heart (through practice, meditation, prayer and sheer force of will) like a life raft as it was thrown against rocky shores, tossed amongst towering swell and held under wave after wave. And now we are here. After a morning of teaching and collaborating with my partners on our newest projects and developments. In this cosy apartment, with the afternoon sun that bathes my bedroom. Ample space to practice and breath and for my heart to spread it’s wings. With my little cat and my darling flat mate @sarahgcunha - here I finally feel at home again. In this house. In my life. In the heart that beats and the body that breathes The heart is the home. Even on the darkest of days. And that is something that can’t ever be take away from you #theheartisthehome #yogaphilosophy #modernyoga #heart #shakti

10.01.2022 Accountability and showing up for yourself are key drivers of successful change. So I wrote myself a note at the beginning of the month. In one month from today you can either have a month of results or a month of excuses. Every choice you make, each day, will take you towards one outcome or the other. What is it that you are actively cultivating for yourself with the power of your day to day decisions. Where can one month take you?... by @marceauphotography #lisamareeyoga #yogini #shakti

09.01.2022 H O M E | S L I C E Back in my Freshie hood after a quick little trip to the Coast to see my loved ones this weekend. Really feeling so blessed, to be loved so deeply, by so many. And to have such deep rooted connections into the lives of those I hold dear to my heart.... To be loved for exactly who you are - nothing more or less - is truly a most special thing.

09.01.2022 Join me tonight for BARRE FUSION via Facebook LIVE at Fitness First Australia 530pm || 40 minutes And all you need is a chair in your living room (& to p...ut on your favorite music). Cant wait to do this one with you all !!!

08.01.2022 Step up for yourself. Stand up for yourself. Show up for your Self. [She needs you.]... Loving on the words & fire of @thebrookesolis

07.01.2022 About 3.5 seconds before I slipped & went swinging from one hand (and basically thought I was going to die)... But I didnt die. And surprisingly enough, I didnt even fall.... An interesting place to learn a lesson about my capacity to catch myself. Exposure to new stimulus and moving past the boundaries of resistance and into uncharted territory is the key to growth - physically and mentally. And its SO FREAKING UNCOMFORTABLE. To face all those little fears that exist within. All the stories youve created to hide behind. That youre not strong enough, youre scared, you dont know what to do. You might look stupid, you might fail, you might fall. The created outlines of our individual identities can be so strong, so defining and so tempting to sit within. To go towards only what we have decided we are good at and continue to push back against our perceived weaknesses. I found myself here recently. A little stagnate, existing only in the spaces where I know Im guaranteed an ego boost. The places I am already good. But taking no action at all towards a new direction. To growth and opportunity. So even though it makes me feel scared, anxious and intimidated in varying degrees and absolutely smashes my ego every time... Im loving every second of this new experience (near death falls and all). #growth #thesweatlife #beginnersmind #yogini

07.01.2022 Its International Pilates Day Joesph Pilates was an interesting guy- he taught mostly in his tighty whities, created a healing movement modality back in the first 50 years of the 1900s and lived to 83 espousing the merits of his physical training program for all. Although the Art of Contrology has many modern adaptions and additions the ground work laid by Mr P really paved the way for us, the Pilates teaches of the future.... Thank you to each of you who have practiced Pilates with me over the last TEN YEARS - it really is such a pleasure . #pilatesteacher #internationalpilatesday #lululemonambassador #thesweatlife #woke As always with @marceauphotography behind the lense

07.01.2022 fill your cup to overflowing be so full that your life & love can spill over into the hearts, lives and experiences of others ... This week is all about the overflow. Not resting in the just enough that gets us through every day. We so often sit with bare minimum requirement to meet our needs in so many areas - love, nutrition, physical touch, daily steps, money, relationships, happiness, fulfillment... Living in a perpetual state of depletion. Let us practice cultivating so much prana that it bubbles from the very depths of You. Your own personal life force fountain. So much prana being accessed that it overflows the bounds of your bodily vessel. When we know what this abundance, this overflow feels like, can start we do the same work in the areas of our life where we are existing with just enough to get by?? Come and play in the overflow Tuesday 915am Flow @wokeyogasydney Wednesday 615am Flow Friday 615am Flow Friday 930am Hatha @wokeyogapottspoint Saturday 715am Flow Saturday 830am Flow @powerlivingmanly PS - You can digitally access most of this weeks classes live from home. Send me a message & Ill help you figure it out !!

06.01.2022 Grateful. To return to real life students. Beating hearts & breathing bodies. Energy that rolls in waves. Smiles, laughter, love.... So many things shifted in my life over the last three months. But the delight of sharing this exaltation of connection always remains. A shimmering, glowing ember embedded in my deepest heart space Be on the mat with me tomorrow at @wokeyogapottspoint ~ 615am flow ~ 930am hatha #wokeyoga #yogini #yogalife #radiance #prana #yoga

06.01.2022 Dangling. Connected by the barest thread. It only takes the tiniest of strands to weave your way back to centre.... #yogini #inversion #headstand #findcentre #prana #chakra . @marceauphotography

06.01.2022 #challengeaccepted for the girl i was for the woman i have created and for the future of all women... shakti rising empowerment of all by all so girls & women everywhere have the opportunities to live and thrive grateful to have a girl gang that radiates truth, love and no bullshit. a circle that wants nothing else but success, happiness and growth for ourselves and each other. women who lift each other up, create opportunities for each other to be seen and hold integrity and authenticity as their guiding light. @donnamillercoach @gracey_shaghair @hey_gorgeous_87 @rachaelsueragland @ellendahleman @onetheo @lyndseybenn @the.yin.crowd

05.01.2022 I woke up early this morning. Walked towards coffee in boots and a big jacket, the warmth of bed still lingering on my skin. The globe of the moon shadowed in the sky, just the smallest sliver of brightness. Really, all that you need to illuminate the dark anyway.... The only person awake in the world. The sound of the ocean The sky lightening slowly towards dawn. A new day. A shift. A mantra on repeat. Every little thing is gonna be alright #shakti #handwritten #mermaid #beherenow

05.01.2022 Almost a month ago I sat just here and spoke about the challenges of moving. And the beauty of finding yourself at home in a new place. I also shared that above all else, it is the heart that is the home.... And now I find myself prophetically having to live true to my own words. These four walls are no longer a home for me, or for my heart. I once again pack my life into boxes and move my self to a new place and a new space. And once more turn my attentions to the forever home of my heart that I carry inside. To all the dreams, the hope and the potentials of my future that reside there. #theheartisthehome #yogini #movingagain #nonattachment

05.01.2022 I listened to a podcast today and @joerogan said the world needs more wild people. And I absolutely wholeheartedly agree. The world needs more people living in truth, honesty and radical transparency. Sitting in their eccentricities, strengths and oddities - the things that bring them joy, spark their souls and light up their eyes. People showing up with authenticity and integrity even when its not the socially expected norm. More tall poppies, oddballs and those whos...e minds and interests open up new gateways for others through the simple path of being wildly authentically themselves. This weekend we graduated 18 of our @wokeyogapottspoint 200hr trainees. They spent six months learning, uncovering, redeveloping and reshaping their brains, bodies and ideas of themselves and the world around them. Yoga doesnt let you hide from yourself. But you can use it to stay hidden from others. Another camouflage cloak to blend in to a new scene. The one thing I hope, above all else that these trainees took from my contribution to their study is the importance of their own individuality. And the opportunity that being teacher holds to cultivate and hold space for others to experience themselves in new and unbounded ways. That their own (and your own) authenticity is what will allow them to shine and is exactly what the world needs to see. Get wild. Be free #lisamareeyoga #wokeyoga #yogateacher #lululemonambassador #shakti #wild #free

04.01.2022 dive through the permeable membrane surge into the center feel that wave of clarity tearing at the very fabric of who you think you are ... discover what truly resides there can you set it free @marceauphotography on at @wokeyogasydney #yogini #wokeyoga #lululemonambassador

04.01.2022 The ever expanding reach. A consistent pull on my capacity, a tug to keep growing and extending. To find out what I’m really capable of. How much I really have to share with the world. Where the limits are. And where they are only perceived. By continuing to lean into this expansion I’ve found myself constantly evolving. And at the heart of it all is Yoga.... The last few months have pushed me (to my very edge at times) to evolve in all directions ... Our Woke Yoga 200hr Teacher Training is one of those evolutions - it is now available ONLINE & ON DEMAND beginning 11th Jan 2021. This is our foundational training that will cultivate the skills required to become a confident and capable teacher as well as deepening your own personal practice and understanding of Yoga (and you). I’ve been writing and filming and collaborating with our most excellent team of facilitators to bring together 12 weeks of online study that allows you to register with Yoga Alliance as an RYT200. Our online learning platform gives you the flexibility to create a study schedule that best suits you, while still being able to connect face to face on our live calls. This is such a labor of love for me. To share what has given me so much in my life. And I am so excited & proud of the depth and breadth of our training material - I can’t wait to share it with you. If studying more about yoga, or becoming a yoga teacher has been on your radar - 2021 is your opportunity to expand. To step into the newness and unfold in an unexplored direction. I would love for you to join us #wokeyogateachertraining #teachertraining #wokeyoga #yogateacher #expand #yoga #lululemonambassador #yogini #spanda #shakti #prana @lyndonmarceauphotography

04.01.2022 Im a woman quick to fire In India the Ayurvedic Dr named me Pitta (dosha) with a capital P. Im a Scorpio I burn hot, move fast & cant hide my emotions You could fairly call me headstrong & direct... I like actions, plans and lists. I am a problem solver - digging my fingers in, pushing and pulling, demanding action. Consistently remodeling, questioning, experimenting and moving (which just as it sounds can be very uncomfortable for those close to me) The upside - I know how I feel about mostly everything almost immediately. My gut sense is strong, my intuition a white hot burning flame that is ignored at my own risk. And as a teacher this fire facilitates my ability to hold the container of the practice - to open the doorway of opportunity for every single student to burn themselves down and rise again. The downside - well I guess you could say that patience is not my strong suit. I like to drive or be driven. Action (in any direction) is my language. And waiting, seeing, feeling, going slow and letting it all play out... man that basically feels like Im being burnt alive (and as a woman who has witch blood in her history that burning at the stake vibe is r e a l). In about a million conversations last week (well maybe 3 or 4) I was asked if I was acting with patience. If I was holding instead of acting and solving. If I was leaning in or leading. If I was allowing my fire to be all consuming (in the not good kind of way) You can guess the answer Im sure. So this weeks classes mirror as always the lessons and practices of my life. This week is : The Slow Burn Get onboard #lisamareeyoga #theslowburn #cultivatingpatience #shakti

03.01.2022 I guess this about sums up how I feel right now I have never been sat squarely in the middle of so many I dont know situations in my entire life. And amongst the unrest of the unknown I am slowly uncovering the beauty and power of untapped potential that it holds.... #yogini #unknown #yogateacher #philosophychat #onlineyoga

03.01.2022 blue sky strolls on sundays ... halfway up halfway down somewhere in the middle of everything ...... #norahhead #lighthouse #centralcoast #fallingorflying #yogini #sundayvibes

02.01.2022 So often we carry stories & beliefs about ourselves with us from childhood. Things that we allow to limit our experiences as adults. Many are surprised to find out I was always the uncoordinated one. I wasnt good at sport or dance. I got teased for how I ran, laughed at for not being able to catch or throw. So much so that I tried to sit out of sports all throughout school (which in another story is how I actually found yoga).... Even though for the last almost 15 years Ive taught other people how to move, breathe and function better in their lives. How to perform better as athletes, bosses, lovers and friends. Even though Ive led thousands of students in classes, developed nationally rolled out fitness programs, trained in gyms and practiced yoga for countless hours. The little uncoordinated kid still lived inside. Terrified at any turn that Id be revealed as an imposter. Unconsciously holding me back from trying new physical activities for fear of being the worst person in the room. What I realised today (not logically, but viscerally down to my very centre), is that little girl, that awkward gumby teenager learned how to move. I learned how to communicate with my body. How to feel movement in time and space, in relationship with the earth, the sky and the inner landscape of muscles and bones. I built foundations of neuromuscular connection in the gym and on my yoga mat and in the hundreds and thousands of hours of practice and study and learning. Am I the best person to ask to join your touch football team ?? Thats still probably a no, but can I dance and climb, swim and surf, run and roll. Yes. Yes. Yes So heres to more yess. With a solid trust in the physical foundation of who I am and all the potential that holds. xx the little girl grown. @fitnessfirstmag (celebrating the newest issue out now) in dreamy all specially selected @lululemonausnz kit #fitnessfirst #flowyoga #barreattack #fitness #thesweatlife #lululemonambassador

01.01.2022 I managed to miss a few days along the way But here we are 19 / 25 on the toes and working hard on quality control

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