Lisa Potter in Gold Coast, Queensland | Local service
Lisa Potter
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 407 177 286
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24.01.2022 Dear Future Corpse, The more you consider your own death in life, the more equipped you are for death itself.Dear Future Corpse, The more you consider your own death in life, the more equipped you are for death itself.
23.01.2022 This speaks to me. If I was to be buried, I would want this. Natural burial grounds. No clothing, just a shroud. Annoited in oils. Covered in flowers and feathers.
21.01.2022 In honor of #nationalhospiceandpalliativecaremonth
21.01.2022 My beautiful friend sharing her truth. May we all be able to speak in to our times of darkness, with no shame and no need for 'fixing'.
21.01.2022 What death shares with us ...... Have you been present at a loved ones death? For those of you lovelies who have witnessed and been there experientially for a loved ones actual lead up to and time of death - what was your greatest learning or take away, that the death gifted you?... What did you witness or learn that you didnt know before? What did it teach you, or show you (if anything) about the after life? I would to hear more from your experiences.
21.01.2022 Blatant signage Gearing up for a biz expo and some new workshops.
18.01.2022 Beautiful. Burial at sea. Very difficult to do or be approved for in Australia without a maritime background.
18.01.2022 In a world where we all face conflict, injustice, disappointment, trauma, pain and grief, it can be a natural default to harden our heart. Many times we build up emotional and energetic walls and barriers in an attempt to protect ourselves from further hurt. To soften our heart, to lead with kindness, compassion and hope is an incredibly powerful platform. Do not let what is hard in the world, harden your heart.
16.01.2022 Thanatophobia - commonly referred to as the fear of death. Many people tell me conversationally that they are fearful of dying or death itself, but fail to arti...culate specifically the 'what' or the 'why' of these fears. 7 common fears of dying are: Fear of pain or prolonged process - will the dying process or death itself be painful? How will I cope with that? How can I dispel those fears? How do I prepare for that? Fear of loss of control or independence. Being cared for and reliant on others for comfort and safety. Surrendering to the dying process. Accepting the loss of your loved ones, letting go of attachments to relationships, saying goodbye to people, places and things. Worries about how my loved ones will cope after my death, will they be okay? Fear of dying alone. The fear of your life/world becoming very small and insular, of being isolated at the end. Will my death be lonely? Fear of watching others reactions around me. Will I see fear in their eyes? How will I respond to or cope with all the changes in behaviour and non verbal communication? How do I cope with seeing others reactions/pain to watching me die? Fear of the great unknown, of the after life. What lies on the other side of my physical/earthly death? What can I expect? Does life continue after death? Where am I going? Fear of regrets and considering life to have lacked meaning - of doing a life review and asking - what have I accomplished? What is my legacy? Do I have regrets? What is unfinished/unresolved? What do I wish I had done differently? What do I wish I had achieved, done more of, not done? What impact did I make on the world, on my family, on my children? Who would LOVE to explore this with me?????
16.01.2022 For death begins with lifes first breathFor death begins with lifes first breath
14.01.2022 This is a Recompose vessel. It’s designed to hold one person’s body. Under and around the body is a soft mixture of wood chips, straw, and alfalfa. The labor of... Recompose is done in large part by microbes. These microbes are naturally-occurring: they are on us as we live and breathe. They are on our bodies after we die. Each body stays in the vessel for 30 days. One month of resting, decomposing, changing. The transformation that happens during this month is total. Molecules break down and are rearranged. Human becomes soil. Each Recompose vessel is designed to stack with other vessels. After death, we are part of a collective. Once our bodies are transformed we get to join the broader ecosystem. We become the forest, the meadow, the land. #recompose #precompose #collectivedeathcare #soilhealth #recomposevessel #ecologicaldeathcare Image by Olson Kundig
14.01.2022 Quite a few people admit to me that they have a fear of death ..... But then cannot articulate, or even access what exactly it is they have fear about. They know that the idea, the thought, even talking about it prompts feelings of fear, but why? And what?... Tell me your fears. Are they real? True? Likely? What about death scares you?
14.01.2022 I am not your master, or 'the master'...but I am the master of my own life and death. As are you
13.01.2022 This afternoon I have the profound privilege of farewelling the most adorable, joyful, cherished and loved lil miss A pink and purple angel, a painter of rainbows who left a trail of glitter in her wake. Beautiful girl, saying goodbye is the hardest word. Journey on in clouds of pink love
09.01.2022 This is me at work. Does it look like an easy job? Here, I am filled up to overflowing with emotion, walking the hearse away, on its final journey, departing the funeral. I am holding tight to the hand of a beautiful young Mumma, who is walking beside me, walking ahead of her precious boy, a blonde haired, smiley toddler.... As we took this emotional walk together, I took her hand in mine, as my mummas heart was aching, feeling the unspeakable pain she was experiencing, saying goodbye to the light of her life, her beautiful boy. We held on to each others hands tight. Childrens funerals are the hardest for me to do, yet I want to do them with all my heart. Simply because I imagine how tenderly and lovingly I would want my child farewelled from this life. I create a service and the words I would want and need to hear. I treat the child as my own. But I am human and not immune to feeling all the feels in the moment and after. This is a walk no parent should ever take. In this moment, I was blessed to be there beside her. #funeralservice #grief #grieving #farewells #mourning #goodbye #death #goldcoastfuneralcelebrant #lisapotter #childfuneral #heartbroken #sorrow #holdinghands #endings #letstalkaboutdeath #funeralcelebrant #love #lisapotterlifeanddeath
09.01.2022 Is Legacy an important part of grief? Do we grieve losses in life more than, or differently, than grief that results from the death of someone? What can we learn about death practices, protocols and grieving from our indigenous people?... Is continuing bonds a healthy way to relate to a death?
09.01.2022 This amazing skeletal specimen is Frank. Again, this weekend in conversation with others, my kid pipes up and says, 'Mum has a dead man in her closet'. The reaction? Open mouths and stunned silence until I explain further. Then theres resounding laughter and jokes about literal 'skeletons in the closet'. Ive noticed Death conversation often meets wary laughter and attempts at jokes.... Frank is on loan to us from a dear death-aware friend, Frank has been lodging with us to be loved, revered, cared for and integrated as a teaching tool in my work. Frank was once one of those selfless people who donated his (? not actually determined as male) body to science for the sake of informing medical students and future health professionals. Without the benefit of real cadavers, how would we truly learn about the intricacies of the human body and skeleton. Frank is not a novelty, not a Halloween gimmick. He/She was once a living, breathing person who had a life and human experience. Frank is our ancestor. These bones have a history and stories to tell. I long to know more about the life Frank has led. Where will your bones remain when you have gone? #skeletons #frank #remains #cadaver #humanremains #lisapotterdeathdoula #lisapotterlifeanddeath #letstalkaboutdeath #deathdonewell #deathdoula #deathchat #deathpositive #bodybequest #bodydonation #skull #askme
08.01.2022 You have been near me all week Dad. Thank you for your messages. As an outdoors man, finding your peace in nature, you did teach me to love and respect Tangaroa, the god of the sea. The strength, fluidity and depth of the mighty ocean. Im remembering today how important it was to return your earthly remains to the ocean. For you to keep moving, to flow onwards, to allow your soul to be free.... See more
07.01.2022 Who stands with me at funerals? Lets be honest, I dont dig this picture of me, its kind of unflattering with the angle and two chins proudly on display Im focused intently, prior to the delivery of a graveside funeral service, making changes and additions communicated to me by the family.... I'm in my zone, preparing to be fully present for the mourners sharing space with me this sunshiney day. But, what I DO love, is that in capturing this candid shot, one where Im not posing or even aware its being taken; right behind me, there is clearly a pinkish/purpley orb, at my back. This is one of the first funerals I did after the death of my Dad last year, and it was on a funeral delivered for an older man, so like my own Dad in many ways. I know its someone Dad would have enjoyed a beer and a yarn with. On several occassions, when Ive been waiting to commence a funeral service, I feel the presence of my little sister with me. Once, when I was nervously standing on stage, gazing out into countless faces, I saw her standing to my left, just out of my peripheral vision. She had her arm protectively around the shoulders of the young man whose funeral I was about to deliver. This day, I have no doubt, my Dad came to stand with me Thanks Dad, for having my back. You weren't great at that in life, but I appreciate it so much now. #funeralcelebrant #orb #lisapotterfuneralcelebrant #lisapotterlifeanddeath #funerals #graveside #spiritfamily #neveralone #letstalkaboutdeath #lifegoeson #deathdoula #deathdonewell #myheart #myhappyplace #goldcoastfuneralcelebrant
06.01.2022 Whats Your Grief - a brilliant page and website with relevant resources to follow.
06.01.2022 Zenith Virago, Deathwalker. Such truth in her words
05.01.2022 There’s a gap between our hectic, overpriced, overworked, understaffed healthcare system and our cultural desire to slow down and stay close and take care of ou...r dying at home. Acknowledging that the system is malfunctioning is a step in the right direction, but it's not enough. The limitations we face when we are stuck dying in hospitals and emergency rooms is soul-crushing. I know we can do better. This isn't to say that we don't love and need our physicians and nurses and oncologists. We do! There is obviously huge value in everything these dedicated folks have to offer. But dying is not a medical event. There's a real opportunity right now for the deathcare community (doulas, hospice workers, grief counselors, home funeral and burial guides, art therapists, message and reiki practitioners) to step in and fill this gap. It's time we reclaim death as a sacred event and empower each other to take back the traditions of home deathcare. Who’s with me? Artwork: Icarus 300 @karborn
03.01.2022 "Instead of giving friends advice, ask questions. When you ask people the right questions, and you'll get really good at this, they will come up with their own ...answers, which is even more empowering, and you won't be drained. It's more empowering when people come up with their own solutions." #Healing #BeYourself #LoveYourself #GoodVibes #SelfLove #Advice #DyingToBeMe #AnitaMoorjani #NDE #Empowered
02.01.2022 Conversation Starters - I encourage you all to initiate conversations with family and friends around your end of life wishes. The idea and the reality of choosing, if possible, to die at home, is a truly beautiful, connected and loving process; as well as a true gift of love, as a carer, to bestow upon another. However, its not a choice to be made at the last-minute. There are many practical, logostical, physical and emotional needs that must be planned for and well catered f...or. Dont be blase about your end of life. Look at, discuss and document your options now.
02.01.2022 Speak your truth. Your story is important. Share it.
01.01.2022 Medicinal plant derivatives that decrease fear and anxiety around dying and death? Sounds like it should be a standard option for everyone.
01.01.2022 It is totally legal to bring a deceased loved one home after dying elsewhere. No need for embalming. Why does no one do this?It is totally legal to bring a deceased loved one home after dying elsewhere. No need for embalming. Why does no one do this?
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