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Lita Brows Sydney in Sydney, Australia | Beauty salon

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Lita Brows Sydney

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 412 600 018

Address: 138 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst 2010 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 B O L D C O M B O B R O W @papilates back in for an annual #tattoorefresh #semipermanentmakeup ... #browtattoo #pmua #sydneybrows #litabrowssydney See more

24.01.2022 B r o w + L i n e r = #tattooed #semipermanentmakeup #cosmetictattoos #sydneysalon ... #wakeuplikethis See more

22.01.2022 L E D S E S S I O N Post-Tattoo #healinglight #ledlighttherapy So relaxing to unwind and treat the skin after your tattoo session. If you have time we love to offer this to our #cosmetictattoo clients. Available at in a course or single sessions... #Medilux #LED See more

22.01.2022 O M B R H E N N A B R O W S Great dress-rehearsal for a bold #ombrebrowstattoo application to trial the style and colour before you take the plunge... - -... - #hennabrows #hennalove #ombretattoobrows #ombrebrows See more

21.01.2022 H e a l e d B r o w s Fresh #browshape over #powderbrows #powderbrowstattoo

21.01.2022 F l u f f y B r o w F e a t h e r i n g Your Brows Only Better Made in #sydney Book yourself in online via@the website #semipermanentmakeup ... #browfeatheringsydney #eyebrowssydney See more

19.01.2022 H e a l i n g L I P T A T T O O Day 6 Colour has settled and lip size has returned to normal. Lips peeled almost 100% (client reported shedding wasnt really a concern to her) I recommend at this stage clients continue to use balm or salve for hydration. #lipcolour #liptattoo #perfectpout #glossandgolips #liptattoosydney

19.01.2022 B r o w S t r u c t u r e Bespoke brow #microblading No blocking of the brows... Just supporting strokes to enhance the natural beauty of your unique form #bespokebrows... #eyebrowssydney #litabrows #sydneysalon #sydneybrowspecialist See more

19.01.2022 L i p F u l l C o l o u r (Lip Blush Technique) Beautiful red lips but this is immediately after treatment.... once the healing process takes place lips lose much of the pigment through the peeling phase. Left behind is a tint of colour either sheer or more opaque depending on how many passes made and the result required. Gloss and Go #liptattoo #permanentmakeup #permanentlips

19.01.2022 V I B E Combo Brows incoming... Client with hectic over-tweezed asymmetry and general brow malaise wanted reconstruction. Done. #eyebrowssydney ... @browshopaus tools @lipigmentsaustralia pigments @goldeneye_au_nz #pushgel @vertixneedles - - #sydney #darlinghurst #bbloggersau See more

19.01.2022 H e l l o G o r g e o u s #saturdaysesh #microblading #hairstrokes over #powderbrows for more texture. See you next year!! xx

18.01.2022 N a t u r a l B r o w F e a t h e r i n g #fluffybrows naturally enhanced with #microstroking to add support within the hairline... #naturalbrowtattoo #darlinghurstsalon ... #sydneyeyebrowspecialist #featheringsydney See more


16.01.2022 P e r f e c t P O W D E R Throwback to these perfect #ombrbrows - fave style for a low-maintenance brows 365 days of the year #semipermanentbrows #wakeuplikethis #browsbylita

13.01.2022 M I C R O B L A D E D Brow revision with wider #strokework overlayed for my new client who has had a few sessions elsewhere.

13.01.2022 L I P T A T T O O Day 2 post application. Lips starting to shrink and colour is cracking slightly... constant balm apples helps to keep skin hydrated. #liptattoo #lipcolourtattoo @permablend_pigments ... @browshopaus #sydneybeauty #cosmetictattoosydney #litabrowboutique #smudgeprooflips See more

13.01.2022 M i c r o b l a d e d Brow envy big time. Loving the strokes my goodness and natural hair still in tact (no trimming these babies) #naturalbrowfeathering #semipermanentbrowartist #eyebrowssydney ... #browenvy See more

13.01.2022 S a l o n S e l f i e @marktheflorist strikes again... this time bespoke #agave heaven #darlinghurstsalon #marktheflorist #litabrows #litanrowssydney

13.01.2022 Lamination #sydneybrows #laminationbrows #sydneylaminationbrow

13.01.2022 H e a l i n g P o s t T r e a t m e n t L I P T A T T O O For the uninitiated and the curious... healed work fades *considerably... Please remember this when asking for natural or pale pink/nude tones Your artist will know the strength of pigment needed to get your healed result. #liptattoosydney ... #cosmetictattoosydney See more

11.01.2022 S o f t C o m b o + F i n e L i n e r Pretty as a picture and a matching set for my client with two treatments in one session. My Winter Special is available until Monday online... Be sure to book in for this if youre keen before it expires for another year..... #cosmetictattoo #linerandbrowtattoo -... - See more

11.01.2022 L a m i n a t i o n #browlaminationsydney #eyebrowart #fluffybrowtrend #sydneybrows #darlinghurstsalon

10.01.2022 L a s h L i f t Open your eyes and lift your spirits! Lash lifting is a modern lash perm which smooths and stretches the lashes up and away from the eye... you natural lashes look longer & more uniform in curl giving you that wide-eyed look #lashliftandtint We use #ellebanalashlift products and recommend issuing their amazing lash conditioning product as at-home care between your 8-10 week treatments #sydneylashlift #lashliftsydney

10.01.2022 S a l o n S e l f i e #litabrowssydney #browsalon #sydneybrows #eyebrowssydney ... #cosmetictattoosydney See more

09.01.2022 F I N E R T H I N G S Walking a fine line with this #lashenhancementtattoo. Is it a #eyeliner or is it #lashenhancement? Both! Placement is key for this treatment.... Its invisible once healed if planted in the lash. Placed on top, it looks like a Pro made up your eyes with slick of black.... #tattooed #eyeliner #tattooedliner #sydneytattoo #sydneycosmetictattoo See more

09.01.2022 L I P S T A I N T A T T O O Luscious lips for the win! How gorgeous is this colour? #permablendlips ... #permanentlips Imagine waking up with makeup like this... #lowmaintenanceladylife By Lita @ - - - #semipermanentmakeup #litabrowssydney #litabrowboutique See more

09.01.2022 L a m i n a t i o n (Light tint) Your #browlamination post for the day.... fluffy and full. Thanks @trinatobago

08.01.2022 H e a l e d * L i p B l u s h T a t t o o Colour layered for dimensional effect #lipblushsydney -... -

08.01.2022 #litabrowbabe @theresehoffhansen Brows By Lita Book Online or call the salon 0412600018... #eyebrowssydney #semipermanentmakeup #browtattoo #yourbrowsonlybetter See more

07.01.2022 H e a l e d #lipblushtattoo #Throwback to pre-covid tattoo sesh with this lovely client who opted for the trifecta of lip, eyeliner and brow tattoos to #wakeupwithmakeup #semipermanentmakeup #semipermanentmakeupsydney #lipblushsydney

06.01.2022 L I P T A T T O O Such a beautiful face to match. #fullcolourliptattoo Treatment takes 2.5hrs with colour of your choice (bright colours heal back best to a soft tinted finish)... See more

04.01.2022 * H e a l e d L i p s (No gloss) Just for you to see the final result with no moisture. Balm or gloss really finishes off the work beautifully. This was #lipblush sessions healed 7/8 weeks after last session. #lipblushtattoo

03.01.2022 B e f o r e A f t e r & H e a l e d #liptattoo #lipblush ... @unity_olympia unity_olympia See more

02.01.2022 H e n n a B r o w s Stunning brows all day... #litabrows

01.01.2022 Oh hey gorgeous LIPS! Lip Tattoo incoming.... How divine is this colour too?! More than a tint, however this lip treatment will fade and heal back for a more stained and lip tinted effect once the client heals and peels (check my highlights for lip healing day by day post) #lipcolourtattoo #liptattoo #sydneylips #permanetmakeup ... Will last 1-3 years though its recommended to refresh annually... some dont need to and some will depending on tattoo application and individual taste. - - - See more

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