LitCity Perth in Perth, Western Australia | Church
LitCity Perth
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 421 853 378
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20.01.2022 But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome. Acts 23:11 NKJV Paul was persecuted by the religious leaders but God raised the ruler of that nation to protect Paul from being killed.... While as a captive, Paul still fulfilled the plan and purposes of God. As Paul remain submitted to God for the preaching of the Gospel, God's plans were fulfilled in Paul's life. God spoke to Paul in the barracks that He needed to bear witness of Jesus to the Romans. In the natural sense, how can Paul do that when he was a captive? Yet God used the resources of the world to guard and bring Paul to Rome so that Paul can fulfill God's plan. When God told Paul about witnessing in Rome, Paul was a captive in Jerusalem. Paul did not question God or give God the list of why that can't happen. To make the matter worse, Paul can't even get out safely because of the vicious mob that would not eat or drink until Paul is killed. Yet Paul has seen and have experienced time and again that when God says it, it will come to pass. No matter how things are, Paul never doubted God's word but saw it come to pass in his life. God has spoken many things over us and through His promises, we know what God has said. We too need to remain in peace and see the fulfillment of God in our lives. Paul is ever ready to be a witness for Jesus in the prison right to the pulpit before the multitude. Let us keep our faith in Him who never fails and how He loves us, our Jesus Christ, our Lord. Blessing Ambrose Francis
20.01.2022 LitCity and Empowered International Ministeries with Ps Ambrose Francis Xavier
18.01.2022 Will go live shortly for prayer meeting
18.01.2022 Join us us tomorrow and praise the Lord
08.01.2022 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3 NKJV This is a powerful encounter that the disciples experienced that turned their lives right up for God.... This is the same picture given in the beginning, in Genesis 1:2. The spirit of God was hovering over the face of the deep. And the same picture is given when Jesus was baptised in water. The heavens were open and the Holy Spirit of God came and remained in Him. The new covenant believers have this promise, that the Holy Spirit remains in the believers. The Holy Spirit hovering brings enlightenment and it manifests the blessings of God to all who believe in Jesus. The Holy Spirit of God remains in each one of us to empower us in His glory. We don't have to wonder that we might need to be filled again? The Holy Spirit remains in us because this is a new covenant that was made by Jesus to all who would believe IN HIM. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is not a liquid that we need to be filled with like a leaking vessel. God lives in us fully and He never leaves us. We need to continue to renew our mind and heart to our spiritual condition that was established by Jesus. Let us continue to flow in the Spirit knowing that the Holy Spirit desires to see fruitfulness in each one of us. Blessings Ambrose Francis
05.01.2022 Dear family there is a Foursquare virtual leadership conference. You are welcome to join but need to register (it's free) then they will send you the link. Would be good to join n see what the Lord is doing through Foursquare movement. Here is the link to register before Tuesday. Blessings Family.
04.01.2022 For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. Galatians 2:19 NKJV Paul who was a keeper of the law justifies that the law is the proof that man need God. For no man can keep the law and not break one of them.... So Paul is saying that through the law death was sentenced to him but through Christ life was given to him. We are not supposed to find death or speak about the law when we are already delivered by Jesus. The very thing that justified death to all mankind is the law. And the very thing that justifies life to us is Jesus Christ. There is no condemnation for us in Christ because we already have been justified by the death and resurrection of Christ. To boast about keeping the law is to boast about death and sin. But to boast about the grace and love of God is life forevermore. Eternal life is not attained by keeping the law but by consistently living in Jesus. If one boasts about how we can keep up with the ceremony, it means we are keeping up with death. If one is boasting about living in the grace of God, it means we are keeping up with life that Christ has provided. Grace is the power to overcome sin. For the one who is under the grace of God overcomes every temptation and lives a victorious life. The life we are called to live is not unto death through the law, we are called to live our life unto Christ who is the author of Life. Let us continue to fix our eyes on Jesus and live in the abundance He has prepared for us all. Blessings Ambrose Francis
04.01.2022 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10 NKJV God does not want us to let our mind and heart to be dominated by fear. Fear is a thief that steals away our true image and our true identity in Christ Jesus.... Jesus said, "Fear not, for I AM WITH YOU." Our identity, our resources, our abilities and ideas change the moment God is in the picture and God is on our side. Fear wants to occupy our mind so that we may lose focus of who we are in God and what we have in Him. This is the first enemy that we must be aware and not allow it into our thoughts and hearts. Perfect love can cast out all fear because God is love. The absence of God is the presence of fear. The presence of God is the absence of fear. What God is speaking to us in this passage is don't fear because God has made the promises to look after us. We are not to be dismayed. Not be dismayed means don't be concerned about the problem or get stressed. If we do find ourselves in that place, we need to bring our mind and heart back to God and reflect whose child are we? Who lives in me and what God has made me to be? This is all possible because God says to us, "For I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Blessings Ambrose Francis
04.01.2022 Litcity Prayer and Worship. Join us in exalting His name together.
02.01.2022 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. Colossians 1:18 NKJV Jesus Christ is the head of the body, which is the church. Jesus is the one to direct the church by the power of His Spirit.... Jesus is the first born from the dead. Jesus defeated death and brought forth life. He is the beginning of a new life to all who would believe in Him. In Him all things are held together and through Him all good things flow. Every need and longing of souls can be met in Christ Jesus our Lord. Mankind can never be satisfied until Christ Jesus becomes the Lord over our lives and lives in us. The reason Christ is to have the preeminence or the first place in our lives so that all that is in Him can flow through us. For Christ to be the preeminence or first place is not for Himself, it's for our sake. For life flows only through Him and in Him we can partake in abundant life. To put Christ Jesus as the first in our life and to follow through His instructions will lead to a successful and fulfilled life. To let Christ to be the head and leader over our lives is the best decision anyone can make. To have Jesus in our lives means to live forever from this life to eternity. Let us follow Jesus and give Him the preeminence over our lives so that we can fully live life that is blessed in every way. Blessings Ambrose Francis
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