Lithgow Oberon Landcare in Lithgow, New South Wales | Community organisation
Lithgow Oberon Landcare
Locality: Lithgow, New South Wales
Phone: +61 419 795 781
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25.01.2022 These guys have some great webinars and research based info on farm management and biodiversity
24.01.2022 Reminder: the Biodiversity & Climate change Roadshow is on next Tuesday.
23.01.2022 Browns Swamp Working Day Clarence-Dargan Landcare Group is holding a working day to rid Browns Swamp of the garden escapee; Himalayan Honeysuckle Your help would be greatly appreciated.
22.01.2022 Support is available for landholders to manage weeds on their properties after the recent bushfires
22.01.2022 Threatened species day is coming up on September 7, and our regions very own Purple Copper Butterfly has its own stamp!
21.01.2022 That time of the year again!
21.01.2022 To help celebrate biodiversity month I though Id share this great new resource from sustainable farms.
21.01.2022 Local Land Services have funding grants available for private landholders
20.01.2022 Smart Farms Small Grants fund short-term projects that build the capacity of farmers, fishers and foresters to adopt best practice natural resource management. Up to $6.5 million is available for Round 4, with funding of between $5,000 and $100,000 (GST exclusive) for each grant. Applications close 11pm AEDT on 9 October 2020. For more information please refer to the below media release:...
18.01.2022 Thanks to Zig Zag Primary School kids and teachers for giving up your time to help with our Oakey Park Creekcare project. What an amazing bunch of kids!
17.01.2022 Frog ID week - its easy to get involved. Such a great citizen science project!
17.01.2022 The Farmers Creek Habitat and Hollows Project Lithgow Council has received funding from the Environment and Waterways Alliance for the Farmers Creek Habitat and... Hollows Project. Many of our native birds and mammals need habitat hollows (the cavities that form in a tree trunk or branch) to survive and thrive. Naturally occurring tree hollows take around 100 years to develop, and are often in short supply in urban areas such as Lithgow. Creating man-made habitat hollows in old or dead trees or installing nest boxes is becoming a key strategy in supporting local wildlife in many areas across the country. Lithgow City Council has received funding from the Environment and Waterways Alliance for the Farmers Creek Habitat and Hollows Project. Lithgow Mayor Ray Thompson said today A key element of this project is to support biodiversity within the Farmers Creek precinct by creating supplementary habitat for hollow-dependent fauna, including birds, bats and gliders, within the degraded riparian corridor. Artificial hollows and nesting boxes have been shown to improve breeding and nesting opportunities for local fauna populations in the absence of other suitable sites. Even though Farmers Creek has been the site of many revegetation activities, the work we do now is still many years from providing suitable habitat to support local fauna populations. Council has secured considerable investment to improve the riparian zone in the long term through the Farmers Creek Precinct Master Plan; the Habitat and Hollows Project will help to support biodiversity in the interim. Lithgow Council will be working with Lithgow Oberon Landcare to engage local residents, schools or community groups to monitor hollows through the Hollows as Homes web app. Any local residents wanting to get involved in volunteering for such a project can contact the local Landcare on (02) 6354 9999.
16.01.2022 Community Grants now open...
16.01.2022 Nothing like an outdoor event to break the drought! We will announce first thing Thursday morning if the National Tree Day planting is going to go ahead...
15.01.2022 Lets Celebrate...Its #worldbeeday and these little insects are critical to the wellbeing of this planet. The greatest contribution of bees and other poll...inators is the pollination of nearly three quarters of the plants that produce 90% of the worlds food. Playing a vital role in our ecosystems, every third spoonful of food depends on pollination- Bees are integral to ongoing food production! Interested in learning more about these precious insects visit #landcarensw #beesmaketheworldgoaround #pollinators See more
14.01.2022 Our regional Landcare newsletter is out despite a black screen of death computer encounter!
14.01.2022 So many things going on! Funding opportunities, Aboriginal art, Biodiversity month. This set of webinars has been designed to help build resilience into your business - a critical concept in biodiversity, resilience is the ability to recover from disturbance. And, lets face it, 2020 has been rather disturbing - drought, fire, floods, pandemic so what better way to celebrate biodiversity month than incorporating once of its most important elements into your business.
13.01.2022 The Newnes Plateau is an important recreational zone for a range of people as well as being home to a variety of threatened plants and animals. Celebrate this w...onderful area at the Zig Zag Brewery on 16 November with wood fired pizza supplied. Central Tablelands Local Land Services, Visit NSW State Forests, Lithgow City Council, Blue Mountains City Council, Lithgow Oberon Landcare See more
13.01.2022 #LandcareWeek Happy Landcare week everyone! Did you know that Landcare groups undertake a wide variety of conservation and land management work like fencing off Endangered Ecological Communities to protect them from further degradation? Currently, funding is available for landholders in the Lithgow - Oberon region to protect remnant Grassy Box Woodland through stock proof fencing.... The Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association (LOLA) is seeking expressions of interest from landholders to conduct on-ground works to protect mature hollow bearing paddock trees and enhance critically important local biodiversity. This project will increase habitat for threatened species in the Lithgow Oberon region by safeguarding Grassy Box Woodlands and their associated fauna species and increase the connectivity of these mature trees to other isolated paddock trees and clusters. Mature, hollow bearing trees are particularly important for many species of birds, bats, gliders, and insects, including several threatened species, which specifically require hollows for foraging, shelter and nesting on either a daily or a seasonal basis. Threatened species in the Lithgow Oberon region targeted by this project include Powerful Owl, Superb Parrot, Glossy Black Cockatoo and possums such as the Squirrel Glider, Yellow-bellied Glider and Greater Glider. The targeted mature tree species include White Box, Yellow Box, Blakelys Red Gum and Grassy Box If you are interested please email me on [email protected]
13.01.2022 To help celebrate biodiversity month I though I'd share this great new resource from sustainable farms.
13.01.2022 The position for our new Landcare Coordinator closes tomorrow...
12.01.2022 Work is underway in the upland swamps of the Newnes Plateau and the Blue Mountains to protect the endangered Blue Mountains Water Skink (Eulamprus leuraensis). ...The skink is one of Australia’s rarest lizards and is found only in the Blue Mountains. The skink was one of the 119 species identified by the Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel as in need of immediate intervention following the 2019-20 summer bushfires. The endangered Blue Mountains Water Skink is one of the threatened species targeted by a 10-year project to conserve species reliant on the upland swamps of the Newnes Plateau and Blue Mountains. The ‘Swamped by Threats’ project is being led by Central Tablelands Local Land Services under the NSW Government’s Saving Our Species Partnership Grants Program. The project aims to protect and enhance upland swamps of the Newnes Plateau and Blue Mountains in order to help secure the threatened species that rely on them. Project activities are well underway, and monitoring conducted between February and March this year recorded an alarming zero skinks at a key habitat site. Skinks at three of the six key monitoring sites are faring better, with numbers remaining relatively stable. All six of the ‘Swamped by Threats’ monitoring sites were impacted by fire and drought over the 2019-20 summer. Water loss, exacerbated by the recent fires, remains one of the biggest threats to the skink and its habitat. The ‘Swamped by Threats’ team are doing their best to protect crucial habitat. Activities funded under the project will include erosion control, storm water management, weed and pest animal control, volunteer involvement and awareness raising. You can read more about the project here: : Blue Mountains Water Skink, Credit: Sarshag7, Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0
12.01.2022 Butterflies about to take flight Landholders in the Central Tablelands are being asked to report any sightings of the endangered purple copper butterfly (Paralucia spinifera), one of Australias rarest butterfly species. Only found on the Central Tablelands of NSW, this species is restricted to elevations above 850 metres and can be seen where blackthorn (Bursaria spinosa subspecies lasiophylla) is present, as the larvae (caterpillar) of this species feed exclusively on blac...kthorn. The butterfly emerge in spring (September to October) to mate and lay eggs, and only live for about 2 weeks. They are very sensitive to cloud cover and rainy days and will only be seen flying on fine sunny days during the middle of the day, they can be spotted flying low to the ground and close to patches of blackthorn. Knowing where purple copper butterfly occurs will help scientists build a better understanding of the distribution, habitat requirements and threats to this endangered species. This will contribute to better long-term conservation outcomes. To report sightings email [email protected] or to find out more about purple copper butterfly visit #SavingourSpecies #NPWS #threatenedspecies #tscommissioner #Centraltablelandslls #LocalLandServices #purplecopperbutterfly
11.01.2022 Calling all froggers! 6-15 November is FrogID Week - Australia’s biggest frog count. Whether you visit your local creek, pond, nature reserve, or your own ba...ckyard every recording of a frog call contributes to the FrogID team’s research. The data obtained during FrogID Week allows researchers to gain an ‘audioshot’ of Australia’s frogs each year. It helps researchers measure frog health and their distribution around Australia, and how this may have changed over time. Our amphibian friends also play a key role in Australian ecosystems. Observing frog populations can give us a good indication of ecosystem health as frogs are sensitive to environmental change. It’s easy to get involved and the FrogID app is free to download. Head over to the FrogID webpage to learn more: : Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) Stephen Mahoney (Australian Museum)
11.01.2022 We're having a planting at Lake Pillans! COVID 19 protocols will be in place.
10.01.2022 Working Day Cancelled I hate to say it but Im going to have to reschedule the working day up at Browns Swamp. After getting 100mm of rain yesterday it is going to be just too wet to be using chemicals in a swamp! Aside from being unpleasantly damp it will increase the chance of off-target damage considerably with that much moisture around. If you know anyone who may have been thinking of coming; please let them know.
09.01.2022 Have you read Charles Masseys Call of the Reed Warbler? Its a great read about regenerative agriculture and the links between natural resource management and agriculture. This short film is an interesting introduction to some of the ideas and people discussed in the book.
09.01.2022 A big thanks to everyone who participated in our National Tree Day event. The 330 native plants that were planted today are now part of the 5 6 4,5 8 6 plants that have been planted across Australia as part of National Tree Day so far.
06.01.2022 Are you an Aboriginal artist or designer living in NSW? Landcare NSW, under the NSW Landcare Program 2019 - 2023, invites Aboriginal artists from anywhere in NSW to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) concept proposal to produce a commissioned artwork, accompanied by a name and a story, that depicts the theme of "Aboriginal communities and Landcare communities working together for healthy landscapes". We are looking to create a visual brand and title/name to help build the... profile of the Program, so it becomes easily recognisable throughout Landcare and Aboriginal communities. EOIs close 18th September 2020. Expression of Interest form, including the guidelines can be accessed online here.
06.01.2022 Coming soon....National Wattle Day 1 September Wattles have long had special meanings for Australians and in 1988 the Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) was officially gazetted as Australias national floral emblem. Wattle is a symbol of Australia and Australians. Why do we celebrate?... - Wattle welcomes in the spring; - Wattle is our national floral emblem. It is a symbol that comes directly from our land; - Wattles play a vital role in our ecosystems and is among the first plants to regenerate after fire; and - Wattle is Australian and represents us all - like our people, wattle has great diversity (with more than 1,200 species) and resilience. For more info: Photo by Julie Favell
06.01.2022 This should be a great night - dont miss out!
05.01.2022 Lithgow Library Learning Centre will be participating in an online collaborative author talk presenting Craig Reucassel to discuss Fight for Planet A. Craig Reucassel is an Australian writer, comedian and broadcaster who is best known for his work with The Chaser and for going through your bins on The War on Waste. Craig and a group of friends founded The Chaser newspaper, which led to a number of ABC TV Chaser programs, as well as Craig’s work in TV he has also worked on T...riple J radio. Most Australian’s accept that climate change is real, however many don’t know what to do about it. Craig Reucassel shows that it isn’t as scary as we think, and we can make a difference to help protect the world for the future generations. NSW Public libraries are pleased to present a series of online author events. This event is being facilitated through Zoom, and will take place online on Monday 16 November 2020 at 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
05.01.2022 Broad Swamp Appreciaction Day. Friday 26th October. 10am-12pm. Celebrate and learn about the Threatened Ecological Community in our backyard - Upland Swamps on the Newnes Plateauwith Dr Ian Baird and Doug Benson.
04.01.2022 Local Landcare Have your Say The Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association will be conducting a series of surveys and community workshops in 2019 to find out; What do you want from Landcare?
03.01.2022 The blue tree projects mission is to help spark difficult conversions around mental health and help break down the stigma that surrounds mental health
02.01.2022 Have you ever wanted to know more about our local woodland birds? Would you like to be able to tell your Scarlet Robin from your Flame Robin; or your Yellow Rumped Thornbill from your Striated thornbill? Then this workshop is definitely for you! This is a free event but places are limited and reservations are essential - RSVP: Pete Evans 6350 3111 or [email protected] by 26th September.
02.01.2022 Hi everyone, My name is Steve Fleischmann and Im the new Landcare Coordinator for the Lithgow Oberon region. I hope you are all well in this challenging time. While Landcare activities are temporarily on hold we can still discuss future events and share links to interesting web sites, apps and articles relating to Landcare.... I look forward to meeting you soon
01.01.2022 The last 12 months have been really difficult for so many reasons. Learn about the variety of grants currently available and find the stream that may fund your projects to improve community connection in collaboration with others. Activities could include grass roots activities like local get-togethers, short term activities that improve resilience and connection or medium to large scale community projects.... To book for this event and receive your link and passcode click on the Eventbrite link provided below.
01.01.2022 Want something to do during lockdown? This great app, from the Australian museum, can help you identify frogs in your local environment from their call. Alternatively you can record them and send the recording to the museum where theyll identify it for you and map where you saw the frog as part of a frog monitoring and mapping project
01.01.2022 National Tree Day Lithgow. Come and be a part of Australias biggest community tree planting event. Celebrate the start of spring by planting a tree for the 23rd annual Planet Ark National Tree Day. The event, usually in held in July, is being celebrated at the slightly warmer time of spring here in Lithgow. We are aiming to establish 400 native plants to improve the biodiversity and habitat connectivity along Farmers Creek.
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