Litter Legends | Environmental conservation organisation
Litter Legends
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24.01.2022 Week 1 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay The first clean-up at a new location is always an interesting one as you don't know what you're dealing with or what you'll find. I certainly wasn't expecting to gather this much rubbish from when I first arrived. I ended up having to do two trips in my vehicle to remove all of the rubbish. We removed:... - 12 bags of rubbish - 40+ bottles and cans - 6 tyres w/ rims - 2 polystyrene boxes - 2 pieces of timber - 2 wooden stakes - 2 bricks - 1 cardboard box full of items - 1 bike w/ training wheels - 1 plastic bakery crate - 1 T-Top bollard - 1 metal stake - 1 piece of thin PVC piping - 1 tricycle - 1 clothing rack - 1 lamp from a street light - 1 long piece of metal - 1 pressure washer - 1 syringe - 1 suitcase - 1 door frame (flimsy) - 1 foldable kids chair - A few pieces of barbed wire (weren't officially counted) Unfortunately, this clean-up is a bit of a record-breaker. We've never removed 12 bags of rubbish from one clean-up before. It's quite shocking to think that 12 bags of rubbish, as well as everything else, came from under 685-metres of road and bush. They're currently building a tiny housing estate along German Church Rd. So it was no surprise we were getting a few flags, stakes and signage. Now I'll give you some backstory on a few of the items we picked up. The 6 tyres all with rims, suitcase, cardboard box w/ items and clothing rack were all found in the bush. The 2 polystyrene boxes were found half-buried on a slope leading into a beautiful lagoon. I couldn't see any rubbish in the lagoon itself other than a tiny pontoon that wasn't attached to anything. Unfortunately, it was in the middle of the lagoon and was unreachable. The T-Top bollard and bakery crate were both found in the waterway coming from the lagoon, as well as, with a few plastic bottles and soft plastics. We found a whole bunch of rubbish, broken and half-decent toys behind a property which is where the broken tricycle came from. When I was sorting through the rubbish I came across a can with a capped syringe in it (I'm unsure whether it was picked up and put in the can by us or if it was already in there). A street light is being replaced along German Church Rd, however, it seems like someone has come along and broken the lamp for the street light. It was missing components and was damaged. As always I'd like to give a massive thank you to the eight volunteers that attended Sunday's clean-up. Having all of you there makes the process of moving up the road a lot, lot faster. Thanks to Felicity, Mark, Lewis & Liberty, John & Joey, Vanessa and Andrea! We'll be continuing German Church Rd this weekend. If you're interested in attending please keep an eye out for the event post on Wednesday night. Thanks all, Layne.
23.01.2022 Week 12 - Clean-Up German Church Rd It was a small quiet clean-up on Sunday. It was only David and I. We didn't get an awful lot done and no major ground was covered. We removed:... - 3 bags of rubbish (15.2kg) - 2 pieces of hard plastic (2kg) - 1 car tyre (7.2kg) - 1 piece of timber (0.8kg) - 1 piece of scrap metal (0.8kg) - Total Weight: 26kg We didn't touch the bushland yesterday due to there only being two of us. That will hopefully be completed at this weekends clean-up. I just stuck to one side of the road and grabbed all the little stuff which is time-consuming with not much ground covered but it needs to be done. It's really disappointing driving to our current meeting point along German Church Rd and seeing the ridiculous amount of new litter covering the sides of the road that we've previously cleaned in past weeks. We've got an idea to hopefully make it all disappear in one-day but we'll need a lot of help from the community! More to come when we get closer to finishing this road. I finally got around to designing our new high visibility vests for Litter Legends and I got them printed earlier last week. I'd like to thank Harrison screenprinting for making the process of screenprinting our vests extremely fast and easy! I'd like to give a massive thank you to David for coming along on Father's Day! Your help is always very appreciated, thank you! If you'd like to give me a hand with cleaning up German Church Rd in Redland Bay. Our clean-up this weekend will be at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. All the details will be posted on Wednesday evening! Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends!
23.01.2022 Week 3 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay After last Sundays clean-up was cancelled due to the weather, this Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day to pick up rubbish. When we arrived, it was disappointing to see so much rubbish where we have already cleaned. We cleaned around 400-metres of roadside. We removed:... - 7 bags of rubbish - 17 pieces of concrete - 5 wooden stakes - 4 pieces of metal - 4 signs - 2 pieces of long plastic - 2 pieces of timber - 1 metal safe - 1 tyre - 1 suitcase - 1 cardboard box - 1 PVC pipe - 1 cushion - 1 T-Top bollard base - 1 long piece of unknown wiring (possibly telephone wire) - 1 glass frame - 1 inflatable pool At the intersection of German Church Rd / Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd, there is a massive sign in the bushes that has collapsed. All it had on it was the colour red. We were unable to get it out of the bushes due to the weight and material of the sign (timber and steel). I will give the council a call to see if they can deal with it, but I doubt it. I have had a look back through Google Maps and it seems this sign may have quite the history. In December 2009, a sign can be seen in the same location with the same material. In August 2015, the sign becomes white. In February 2017, the sign becomes red and from April 2019 the sign somehow collapses. I also found this car track into the bush (not sure what it would have been used for) which is where most of the concrete was found. It also had a bit of reinforcement steel that was rather buried meaning I was unable to remove it. I will give the council a call to see if they can deal with it. It was good to see that there were not any obvious cases of illegal dumping along this section of German Church Rd. A majority of where we cleaned had a fence line so that may explain why, however, it did not stop us from finding a few odd items. Like a suitcase, a broken metal safe and an inflatable pool! Behind the fence line was just mainly soft plastics and polystyrene. The side of the road directly across from the Redland Bay Waste Transfer Station was a mess. It seems the mowing contractors have missed a piece of polystyrene and have shredded it into thousands of little pieces. Unfortunately, we do not have the time or resources to pick it all up. As always, I would like to give a big thank you to the 6 wonderful volunteers that attended yesterdays clean-up. That is Lewis, Mark, Felicity, Spencer, and Andrea & Jill. I hope to see you all again soon! We will be continuing German Church Rd this weekend. If you are interested in attending, either message me or keep an eye out for the event post on Wednesday night. This road clearly needs some attention so anyone willing to volunteer would be highly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please message me. Thanks all, Layne.
21.01.2022 Week 26 - Clean-Up German Church Rd Only me, myself and I this weekend. Believe it or not, this is the first-ever volunteer clean-up where no one has shown up. I cleaned Saturday and Sunday which saw me spend a total of 8 hours cleaning. I removed:... - 4 bags of rubbish - 16 pieces of scrap metal (4 gutters, 4 poles, 2 pieces of reo, 1 grill, 1 wire, 1 car rim) - 15 pieces of timber - 10 tree guards w/ timber stakes - 2 Redland City Council signs - 1 rubber floor mat - 1 tyre w/ rim - Lots of uncounted bricks, concrete, roof & floor tiles - Total Weight: 383.2kg On Saturday, I went for a walk up the track leading to the Hardwood Dr estate to see if there's anymore illegal dumping in store for us. I found two illegal dumping piles and a few other large/heavy items of rubbish throughout the walk. I grabbed what was easy and quick to remove. I swept up a few smashed plates and tiles with written messages on them. To the person who smashed them, I understand you're obviously going through a tough time but that does not give you the right to smash plates and tiles on and near a footpath endangering animals and people walking along the path. Do it on private property. On Sunday, I continued on with an illegal dumping pile that we've been gradually working on for a few weeks. I made some major progress. Removing 3 bags of rubbish, a few pieces of scrap metal, timber and lots of broken bricks and tiles. I spent 5 hours on this pile and there's still plenty of work to be done to it. This pile appears to be from 2009 as I found a receipt for trade supplies. The receipt was hard to read so no extra information was obtained. To all the people that say "just get the council to do it". Sure, that's the easiest option, just pass it on to them, when they haven't done anything about it in the first place. My attitude and mindset are positive. My goal is removing as much rubbish as we physically can without getting council involved as that costs money which could be better directed to other things. Litter Legends is hardcore! We don't look at something and say it's too big unless we physically cannot move it. I hope to see someone at this weekends clean-up. If you're interested message me. Remember, in 2021 don't thank me, help me! Cheers, Layne from Litter Legends.
21.01.2022 Hey, everyone! I'd like to give you all an update on everything that's happening with the fundraiser. First off, I'd like to thank the 39 donors via GoFundMe. 39 people/businesses have donated a crazy $1,520! I'd also like to thank the 2 people who have donated via cash and the 5 people & 1 business that have donated via direct credit. Adding the total of those two other payment options to the GoFundMe donations brings the overall total raised to $2,305. Now you're probably t...hinking "Wonderful only $195 remaining till the goal of $2,500". Unfortunately, I underestimated the prices of trailers. I've now found the exact company that I'll be purchasing the trailer from. The trailer and all of its optional extras that I'll be purchasing (including 12 months registration) comes to a total of $3,800. So, we need another $500 raised before the trailer can be bought Donate here: If you're wondering why I've only said $500 instead of $1,500 is because I already had $1,000 in the Layne's Rubbish Collection before I began this fundraiser (I said this in the original post). I'm having my towbar installed on my truck on Tuesday (23rd of June, 2020). So, if we could get that extra $500 donated before the end of next week it would be ideal. I'm hoping to have the trailer within the next 2-4 weeks if everything goes to plan. Then we can begin to make clean-ups more efficient! Any extra money received will go to other costs (signage for the trailer and clean-up equipment). I've got some awesome ideas once we get the trailer. Such as signage/advertisement for Layne's Rubbish Collection, messages/information/statistics etc. on the sides of the trailer to get our messages across. If you haven't donated yet then this is the time do it! If you still haven't shared this GoFundMe could I please get you too! If you've already donated and are feeling unbelievably generous then you're most certainly welcome to donate again. If you've already shared the original post/link maybe you could share this as an update. Any donations, support or shares will be extremely appreciated like they always are. If you'd like to donate click this link: You can either share this post or the original GoFundMe Facebook Post here: Thank you to everyone who has supported Layne's Rubbish Collection over the past week. - Layne.
19.01.2022 Week 21 - Clean-Up German Church Rd Three words to describe what I witnessed at Sunday's clean-up. WE NEED HELP! Never have I ever, seen this amount of rubbish in one location. Half of this stuff is too big to be moved by hand. We removed:... - 4 bags of rubbish - 5 batteries - 2 PVC pipes - 1 plastic drum (20L) - 1 timber stake - 1 computer chair leg - 1 piece of foam - 1 piece of broken asbestos roof tile (council will collect) - Lots of concrete and bricks (uncounted) - Total Weight: 500kg Yesterday's clean-up was a mess. We discovered a few plastic bags filled with litter (glass bottles and cans) along with a few batteries that were completely buried in mud in Native Dog Creek. Some items had expiry dates back to 2007, so no wonder they were completely buried. We got as much as we could see and feel out. After that, we got the rest of the concrete that we had left behind last week due to time constraints. As promised, Mark and Emma guided me through the bushes so they could show me what they had discovered last weekend. They weren't exaggerating! We're talking mounds upon mounds of illegal dumping of all sorts. Singular concrete slabs 2 x 1.5 metres in length and 15 cm thick weighing probably easily over 150kg each (something only large trucks could move), general litter, the car, mounds of bricks, construction materials, everything and anything. This is beyond Litter Legends ability. Which is something I've never said before. We'll get as much as we can. Then I'll discuss the rest with the council in the coming weeks. This doesn't mean that removing all of this is impossible. It's very possible, you just need the machinery to do it. I'd like to give a ginormous thank you to two of my regular Litter Legends, Mark and Emma! Despite the heat and humidity, we all pushed through, got dirty and very mindblown at the amount of illegal dumping! Thank you, guys! WE NEED YOUR HELP! We'll be back along German Church Rd this weekend to try and tackle the rest of this hell hole! We truly need all the help we can get. Our clean-up this weekend will be at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. All the details will be posted tomorrow evening. If you have any questions about helping out please private message me. Cheers, Layne from Litter Legends!
18.01.2022 Week 7 - Clean-Up German Church Rd What a clean-up! We completely cleaned 300-metres of roadside and removed an unbelievable amount of rubbish. We found plenty of large, heavy, uncommon and old items during the clean-up today. We removed:... - 7 bags of rubbish - 5 pieces of timber - 2 pieces of barbed wire - 2 metal poles w/ concrete attached - 1 road edge guide - 1 piece of foam - 1 side of a recliner couch - 1 piece of chipboard - 1 tyre - 1 battery - 1 piece of rubber - 1 piece of concrete - 1 piece of polystyrene - 1 metal stake - 1 steel roof racks off a vehicle - 38 bottles and cans (eligible for C4C) The bushland is still proving to be the place where a majority of the rubbish is found. All the large items we found today all came from the bushland side of the road. There's always plenty of glass bottles buried deep in the bush. I certainly, wasn't expecting to find roof racks, a battery and the side of a recliner couch today but when you pick up rubbish you find the unexpected. Someone also a glass bottle which from my knowledge is fairly old, however, I've been able to find no evidence of the age of it. It's a glass bottle with an aluminium cap. If you recognise what it could be or the age range for it please comment. Not only do we pick up litter we also rescue wildlife apparently! Felicity arrived at the clean-up and about 5-metres away from where we all parked she spotted a baby bird resting on the ground. We gave the Redlands Wildlife Rescue a call but they were unable to get anyone out for a few hours so Felicity took it upon herself to take the lil' chick to the vet to get checked up. Parents or a nest weren't in sight. I'm unsure of the exact species or type of bird. So, if anyone recognises it you're more than welcome to comment on what it is. I'd like to give a massive thank you to today's 4 voluntary Litter Legends! That's David, Mark, Andrea and Felicity! Your help is always appreciated! Thanks all, Layne.
17.01.2022 Week 20 - Clean-Up German Church Rd Just when I thought we were getting close to finishing German Church Rd, we stumbled upon this monstrosity. We removed:... - 7 bags of litter - 12 pieces of scrap metal (3 poles, 1 clothes rack, 1 piece of tin, 1 car rim, 1 rusted paint tin) - 8 tyres (1 truck tyre, 3 w/ rims) - 3 pieces of timber (1 stake) - 3 cushions/foam material - 2 baby car seats - 2 PVC pipes - 2 batteries - 1 20L plastic drum - 1 large piece of weed matting - 1 plastic pot base - 1 computer - 1 piece of hard plastic - 1 sharps bin (containing one needle) - Lots of concrete, bricks and slate (not counted) - Total Weight: 745.2kg The end of this road is proving to be quite the challenge. Lots of litter, lots of illegal dumping, a car and oh, don't forget the ancient ruins as two of my volunteers described it. I've never seen a location this bad in the history of Litter Legends clean-ups. I didn't even make it into the bush which is where the real goodies are. That's how bad it is. I'll have to wait until this weekend to get a look at what we're really dealing with here. I'd like to give a ginormous thank you to Mark, Emma and Andrea for their determination to get deep in the bush and get some of this stuff out! We'll get as much as we can with the equipment and people power that we have. We'll be back along German Church Rd this weekend to try and tackle the rest of this hell hole! We truly need all the help we can get. Our clean-up this weekend will be at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. All the details will be posted tomorrow evening. If you have any questions about helping out please private message me. Cheers, Layne from Litter Legends!
17.01.2022 Personal Clean-Up - 11th of July 2020 Nearly two weeks ago now, I had an interview with Stacey from the Redland City Bulletin (Read the article here: The interview took place at William Stewart Park in Thornlands which used to be a regular clean-up location for me. I arrived around 30-minutes before the scheduled time for the interview to see how much rubbish there was in the park and to no surprise, there wasn't a shortage! I went around and picked up what I could in the time that I had. When Stacey and regular volunteer Andrea arrived for the interview we sat down, answered some questions and took some photos. After we split ways, I decided to hang around for a bit longer to finish cleaning up the park. I noticed that there were thousands of polystyrene balls in amongst the grass. I remember this being reported to me by a member of the public back at the start of this year (26th of January 2020). I was under the impression that this was cleaned up but I guess it never was. They're all old and flattened now. It honestly looks like sand until you look a little bit closer and realise they're polystyrene balls. Original source from what I was told were bean bags. If you'd like to view what these polystyrene balls looked like when they were first seen be sure to have a look at this YouTube video: After unfortunately having to ignore the polystyrene balls. Two young girls (9 & 10) approached me with a few bits of rubbish in their hands and threw it in my bin. Then they found a bit more rubbish, picked it up and threw it in my bin. They began talking to me and they became my two little helpers for the rest of the afternoon. They were already aware of the threats that litter poses to the environment and wildlife. They were really helpful and seemed to enjoy helping me pick up litter. When we were walking across the grass oval, Lulu nearly stepped on broken glass. She was really annoyed that someone had broken a glass bottle in the middle of the oval where no one would've expected. After picking up the smashed glass the three of us made our way over to Thornlands Skatepark and by no surprise, it was an absolute pigsty. Lulu and Mia ended up having to go home so I continued cleaning the skatepark the best I could with the time that I had. I didn't get it all done but I got most of the larger litter. I also met a lovely boy and his mother at the skatepark who also gave me a hand with picking up some litter. It was a really good afternoon! I got to meet and be helped by some lovely young kids which was fantastic to see. It makes me very hopeful for the future! Thanks all, Layne!
17.01.2022 Week 22 - Clean-Up German Church Rd It was excellent seeing so many new faces at one clean-up! I hope that continues in the weeks to come! We removed:... - 7 bags of rubbish - 5 tyres (3 w/ rim) - 5 pieces of timber - 4 pieces of metal (2 pieces of fencing, 1 stake, 1 component of an electrical heating system) - 2 pieces of weed matting - 2 pieces of piping (PVC & flexible plastic) - 1 half of an inflatable pool - A few pieces of concrete and bricks (uncounted) - Total Weight: 248.2kg Despite there being 8 of us it seemed like we barely made a dent in this monstrous illegal dumping site. However, what we removed in 2 hours is still quite an achievement considering the conditions we faced. A lack of tools is limiting us to how much can be dugout at any given time. I'll be sure to go and purchase some more during the week so progress can increase at a much faster pace. On Sunday, we welcomed 6 new voluntary Litter Legends to the crew! They all did fantastic for their first clean-up especially considering all the elements that they had to face, such as, heat, tough terrain, buried rubbish, long distances etc. I'd like to give a massive thank you to the 7 wonderful volunteers that came along! That's Mark, Brent, Jo, Jillian, Deb, Sarah, and Erin. I hope to see all of your faces again at future clean-ups! WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! We'll be back along German Church Rd this weekend to try and tackle the rest of this hell hole! We truly need all the help we can get. Our clean-up this weekend will be on Sunday. All the details will be posted tomorrow evening. If you have any questions about helping out please private message me. Cheers, Layne from Litter Legends!
15.01.2022 Week 2 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay Even though this clean-up wasn't as bad as last week it's still disappointing. To think that in a kilometre of roadside we've removed a total of 20 bags of rubbish, 17 tyres and plenty of other rubbish gives a pretty good picture of how bad this road is. We removed:... - 8 bags of rubbish - 11 tyres (7 were truck tyres) - 14 pieces of concrete - 10 pieces of bitumen - 4 pieces of barbed wire - 2 20L plastic drums - 2 pieces of timber (fence palings) - 2 pieces of irrigation piping - 1 metal stake - 1 piece of PVC piping. - 1 computer chair leg - 1 LED light bar - 1 piece of metal - 1 boat mast - A few broken bricks (weren't officially counted) A majority of the tyres this clean-up were found roughly in the same spots as last week. We somehow missed them last week. I can assure you we've got all of them now. While we were rolling the tyres out every now and again you'd hear a *crunch* noise. Anyone wanna guess what the crunch was? The crunch was us stepping on plastic bottles that were buried underneath centimetres of leaf litter and bushes. For them to be that hidden and the only way to find them is by accidentally stepping on them makes me wonder how long they've been there for. The most interesting find of the day was a boat mast. I don't remember anyone mentioning finding a boat mast last weekend and it's not like it was hiding. It was just leaning up against a tree. So, was this only dumped or put there within the last week? It was too long to be removed by us so we left it on the side of the road with the truck tyres. I packed all the general waste into my truck and went up the road to the Redland Bay Waste Transfer Station. 15 minutes later I arrived back at the location to collect the smaller tyres to dispose of them and surprisingly the boat mast had just disappeared. Did someone pull over and grab it that quickly or was I just blind and couldn't see where we left it? As always I'd like to give a massive thank you to all the lovely volunteers that made this clean-up so successful! That's Andrea, Mark, Felicity, Liberty & Lewis and Spencer. Even when it started raining I didn't hear a complaint from any of them. They all kept picking up rubbish which is something I'm extremely proud of. We'll be continuing German Church Rd this weekend. If you're interested in attending please keep an eye out for the event post on Wednesday night. This road clearly needs some attention so anyone wanting to volunteer would be severely appreciated. We've also got some exciting things in the making. More on that later. Thanks all, Layne.
14.01.2022 Week 4 - Clean-Up Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd We removed: - 2.25 bags of rubbish - 22 pieces of timber... - 4 pieces of scrap metal (2 reinforcing steel, steel beam, shelf frame) - 2 hard plastic (gerni) - 1 sign - 1 bike - Total Weight: 80kg (not including scrap metal) The clean-up was conducted on Monday morning. Despite the consistent rain drizzle the clean-up still went ahead. We got quite a bit of stuff that wasn't exactly the easiest to remove. The two pieces of reinforcing steel were tangled in extremely thorny bougainvillea's. We did a bit of gardening and somehow managed to get them out! All the timber that was found was from an old gate and fence that I assume has either fallen down or been replaced and not cleaned up afterwards. Exactly where we found the timber gate/fence was the resident's new steel gate/fence. The kid's pushbike was found pretty much buried in leaf litter with thick roots growing through it. The bushes next to the footpath were filled with litter mainly being fast-food packaging, bottles, cans and soft plastic. Some of it was over a decade old. The sign was from a for sale sign which unfortunately appears to have had a match up with someone who decided to destroy it. We got all this from just 220-metres of roadside from the Caltex Service Station up to Magnolia Parade. We're almost magicians making that sort of rubbish just appear out of nowhere. I'd like to give a massive thank you to (you all know who) Mark! Despite the weather, he came along and volunteered his time for two and a half hours on today's public holiday. He got spiked by thorny bougainvillea's, got a bit wet but no complaints were to be heard! I'd also like to give a thank you to Sam who came along and recorded some footage for me which will be featured in a Movie in the Park on the 17th of April. I'll be sure to share it with all of you as well. Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends!
14.01.2022 20/08/2020 - Today marks my 2 year anniversary for picking up litter. Back on the 20th of August 2018, I did my first "official" clean-up just around my local area with my bin contraption. Now for those of you who don't know how I originally became so passionate about picking up litter then here's the story. I began walking my dog (Indica) after school in early August of 2018. Over the first few days, I started to notice how much litter there was. I began taking a bag with me... and I would pick up whatever I saw. It got to the point where I was picking up so much litter that Indica wasn't being walked anymore. Now for the sad news. With a heavy heart, I'd like to announce that Indica has passed away aged 11. We found out yesterday afternoon that she had breast cancer, lung cancer and pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). We decided to euthanise her yesterday evening. She wasn't just my dog. She was my little sister and best friend. I cannot thank her enough for all the fantastic memories that will stay with me forever. Without her, I certainly wouldn't be where I am right now. I may have never found the passion to pick up litter. I would never have met the hundreds of wonderful people over the past two years if it wasn't for her. She's changed the entire course of my life and cannot thank her enough for it. I'm going to miss you so much Indica Bella Utz - 19.08.2020
13.01.2022 SATURDAY & SUNDAY CLEAN-UP THIS WEEKEND For the first time ever, there'll be a clean-up on a Saturday afternoon with our regular Sunday clean-up on as well. For everyone that has ever said, "I'd love to come to one of your clean-ups but they're always at such a bad time.". Well, here's your opportunity to attend one. Since posting the events on Wednesday not a single person has reserved a space for either day which is very disappointing. I shouldn't have to do this all by mys...elf. We all need to start taking action together! Saturday & Sunday clean-up information: Reserve a Space for either clean-up: If you have any questions or concerns please private message me. Thank you, Layne.
12.01.2022 Week 13 - Clean-Up German Church Rd We removed: - 1.5 bags of rubbish (12.4kg) - 63 tree guards (12.6kg)... - 49 timber stakes (9.8kg) - 8 bottles and cans (eligible for C4C) - 7 pieces of timber (33.6kg) - 2 tyres (44kg) - 1 pillar (Unsure of material - 26.8kg) - 1 piece of carpet (6.8kg) - 1 metal box (3kg) - 1 metal stake (2.4kg) - Total Weight: 151.4kg We completed nearly all the way down to the roundabout intersection of German Church Rd/Valley Way/Heinemann Rd on the bushland side of the road. Surprisingly, there wasn't anywhere near as much rubbish in the bushland like I was expecting unless David got most of it last week. We're very close to turning left at the roundabout to hit the final stretch of German Church Rd. One more clean-up and we should be there! Two weeks ago, Mark, Andrea & I started to find a few tree guards in the bushland. Well on Sunday, we found the motherload... The tree guards that we found had been there for quite some time. They were fallen over with some completely buried in grass, others were suffocating the plants that did manage to grow. Why does the council find it so hard to remember that the tree guards need to be removed after a certain amount of time? Then while I was stumbling around in the long grass collecting tree guards I kicked something. I ripped the grass out of the way and voilà, a tyre! I'd like to give a massive thank you to the 7 voluntary Litter Legends that attended Sunday's clean-up. That's Mark, Leiah and new volunteers Alex, Michael, Henry, Liam and Kaea. 5 of the 7 volunteers were children and I have to say organising 5 kids isn't easy. So, to all the parents out there I give you my applause. If you'd like to give me a hand with cleaning up German Church Rd in Redland Bay. Our clean-up this weekend will be at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. All the details will be posted tomorrow evening. Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends!
11.01.2022 Week 10 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay All-day Sunday I was debating whether or not to cancel the clean-up due to extreme wind gusts we were receiving. Thankfully, I didn't as we barely experienced any wind along German Church Rd. It was quite the clean-up though. We didn't gain much ground on one side of the road due to a severe discovery of two very old illegal dumping piles. We removed:...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Week 9 - Clean-Up German Church Rd We completely cleaned another 330-metres of roadside and bushland along German Church Rd on Sunday afternoon. We've now cleaned 3km of German Church Rd meaning we're roughly half-way from finishing. We removed:... - 4 bags of rubbish - 10 pieces of bitumen - 2 steel road edge guides (1 with concrete attached) - 1 truck tyre w/ rim - 1 broken plastic sign - 1 piece of concrete - 1 piece of steel - 1/2 of a rusted barrel (200L) Another week, another tyre along German Church Rd. Mark spotted the truck tyre standing up against a tree in the bush. I can certainly say that it was very tyrering rolling it out of the bush. Mark also spotted a second tyre right at the end of the clean-up. It appears to be almost completely buried in the ground. It's shocking that Mark saw it in the first place. I'll be bringing along tools next week so we can hopefully get it out of there! I'll be sure to take a before and after photo. I recorded a short 20-second video at the clean-up yesterday. It's a video showing hundreds of polystyrene balls along 3 metres of roadside. We've now been finding singular polystyrene balls (bean bag balls) approximately for around 1km now. Like I've said many times in the past, unfortunately, we're unable to pick these up by hand as they're lightweight and the sheer quantity of them is too time-consuming by hand. If we had some sort of industrial vacuum cleaner it'd certainly make this a lot more possible. View the video here: I'd like to welcome two new faces to our Litter Legend crew, Claire and Shane! You guys did a tremendous job for your first clean-up and I hope to see you both back at future clean-ups! Thank you both for coming along! I'd also like to give a massive thank you to Mark for coming along to yet another clean-up! Your hard work and effort is always appreciated, thank you! If you're keen to help us out, clean-ups are every Sunday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM along German Church Rd. Clean-up events with all the details are posted every Wednesday evening. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to private message me. Thanks all, Layne!
10.01.2022 Week 8 - Clean-Up German Church Rd We had another great volunteer clean-up on Sunday afternoon! We completely cleaned another 325-metres of roadside and bushland along German Church Rd in Redland Bay. We removed:... - 6 bags of rubbish - 3 pieces of timber - 2 cushions (1 leather from a couch) - 1 BAUHN 65" 4K Ultra High Definition LED LCD TV - 1 tyre - 1 car battery - 1 hub cap - 1 glove box (car) - 1 piece of medium-density fibreboard (MDF) - 1 piece of fibreglass - 1 sign w/ wooden stake - 1 plastic pot plant - 1 hose fitting for a hydrant - 17 bottle and cans (Eligible for C4C) I guess finding a 65" 4K Ultra High Definition LED LCD TV wasn't something I was expecting when I got up on Sunday morning. It's the first TV we've ever picked up so it was interesting being told by one of my volunteers that they had found a TV. The screen was totally smashed and it looked like it had been in the bush for quite some time. We also found our second car battery on Sunday which was also in the bush just like the one we picked up roughly 500-metres down the road. German Church Rd hasn't failed to disappoint especially with tyres. I go to clean-ups now hoping to find a tyre because it's exciting to think that we've found tyres at every clean-up along German Church Rd so far. It's horrible that they're there but it's an interesting statistic as we've now removed 24 tyres from 2.6km of roadside and bushland. As always I'd like to give a massive thank you to three of my regular volunteers for coming to another clean-up! That's Mark, David and Andrea! I hope you know how much I appreciate all your help! I'm always looking for more volunteers so if you're interested in helping out make sure to keep an eye out for the clean-up events that are posted every Wednesday evening. If you have any questions or concerns about anything please feel free to message me. Thanks all, Layne!
10.01.2022 Earlier this week myself and Andrea Stanley were featured in a Redland City Bulletin article. Go have a read! ----------------------------------- First off, I'd like to give a massive thank you to Stacey from Redland City Bulletin for giving Litter Legends and myself another chance to get our message across.... Littering isn't just throwing a piece of rubbish on the ground. There's plenty of other scenarios than just that. If you're at a public park or bus stop that has bins and they're full don't continue to put rubbish in it. If a bin is overfilled the wind or wildlife will take hold and put rubbish all over the ground. If no one picks it up it will continue to either sit there/blow away until it gets stuck on something/ends up in one of our waterways or in our beautiful Moreton Bay which will then begin to harm the flora and fauna. Solution: Take the rubbish with you if bins are already full. When you're putting out your general waste bin make sure the lid is ALWAYS closed! I've now seen way too many incidents involving crows ripping rubbish out of bins and leaving the street a mess because the bin was overfilled. If the rubbish is not cleaned up, the wind will take hold of it or if it's raining it will go into a stormwater drain which then leads to the nearest waterway. Solution: Ask a nearby neighbour if it would be alright if you could use their bin or hold onto it until the bins are emptied. Unsecured loads are another way to create roadside litter. Solution: Make sure everything being transported is secure so it cannot fall, roll or blow out of the vehicle or trailer. Overall, litter and illegal dumping costs Redland City Council thousands of dollars each year which all comes from ratepayers money. To the people that litter and illegally dump - You're actually paying money to irresponsibly dispose of your own rubbish. Wouldn't this money be better spent on other initiatives like parks, roads etc? Rates would be cheaper if people didn't illegally dump or litter. It's all about education, awareness and taking initiative! If you see a piece of litter pick it up. If you go on a walk take a bag with you and pick up any litter you see. If you'd like to help out on a more professional level you can come volunteer with us on a Sunday afternoon for a couple of hours. By one person taking initiative, it can inspire so many others to also take initiative. Monday morning when I was driving to work I saw a man walking his two dogs and he had a bunch of rubbish in his hands. I'm assuming he was picking it up off the ground as I saw him bend down a few times and pick-up stuff. This was next to the cemetery along Wellington St in Cleveland. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a private message. Thanks all, Layne.
09.01.2022 Hey, everyone! I've created a Facebook group for Litter Legends. It's for anyone that picks up litter in the Redlands or anyone wanting to feel inspired to take action. You'll be able to share your encounters, litter collections and other environmental news/stories to like-minded people. If this sounds like something that suits you please feel free to join! I'd truly love to see how many local litter legends we have in the Redlands and how their litter pick-ups go. Whether it...'s one piece of rubbish or bags of rubbish I'd love to see it! Local Litter Legends - Redland City If you have any questions or concerns about this group please feel free to private message me. I look forward to seeing you in the group! Thanks all, Layne!
09.01.2022 Hey again, everyone! I'd like to give you all an update on how the current fundraiser is going. First off, I'd like to give a ginormous thank you to the 33 people/businesses that have donated a total of $1,270 via the GoFundMe page so far, as well as, the 7 other people that have donated via different methods bringing the overall total raised to $1,570! I'd also like to give a big thank you to everyone who has shared the original Facebook post or the GoFundMe link. My origina...l post has nearly reached 8,000 people on Facebook just from everyone who's shared it. We've just passed the half-way mark for the fundraiser on the GoFundMe page. Donations have begun slowing but I don't want to lose the momentum too much. So, for anyone that has not yet shared the original post on Facebook then now's the time to do it (Original Facebook Post: If you'd like to donate via the GoFundMe page please click this link: Once again, I'd like to thank all the people/businesses that have donated so far, as well as, all the people/businesses that have shared the original post or GoFundMe link. I appreciate you all so much! ------------------------------------------------------------ I'd also like to add quickly that this weekend's clean-up on Sunday afternoon still has plenty of spots available so if you're interested in attending please check out the event page on Facebook here: Thank you all so very much, Layne from Layne's Rubbish Collection!
09.01.2022 Hey, everyone! Layne's Rubbish Collection needs your support. I've set-up a GoFundMe fundraiser for Layne's Rubbish Collection. View it here: For more information please read this post or read the story on the GoFundMe site. All donations will be greatly appreciated and everyone who shares this will be greatly appreciated. Layne's Rubbish Collection is an unofficial non-profit/environmental/community organisation in Redland City, QLD Australia....Continue reading
08.01.2022 Cigarette butt litter! This is an issue I haven't discussed in a while. So, I thought I'd make a post regarding it seeing as the clean-up was cancelled on the weekend. Quick facts about cigarette butt litter: - An estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year (most littered item in the world). - An estimated 7.2 billion cigarettes are discarded in Australia alone each year.... - Cigarette filters (butts) are made of cellulose acetate, a synthetic fibre. They may look like cotton but are actually made of plastic filaments. - Cigarette filters DO NOT biodegrade! They can take all the way up to 15 years to break down into microplastics (depending on the conditions). - In most Western countries cigarette butt litter accounts for around 50% of all litter. - Well over 4,500 fires a year are caused by cigarettes (globally). - Littered butts leach toxic chemicals (such as nicotine, cadmium, lead, arsenic, pyrene and zinc) into water and soil as they decompose, contributing to soil and water pollution and impacting wildlife habitat. - Cigarette filters have been found in the stomachs of fish, birds, sea turtles and other marine creatures. - One cigarette butt can contaminate 40L of water. - Litter is magnetic; the presence of littered butts tends to encourage others to litter their own. - As well as the hundreds of other reasons not to litter. There's only one benefit to littering which is convenience (laziness). Other than that, there's not a single positive. What can you do? If you see a litterer, record any information about their vehicle, description of the litterer, what was littered etc and report them here: You can also make an impact yourself no matter how small. If on your daily walk take a bag and pick up any litter as you go. No daily walks? Then just collect Ten Little Pieces of rubbish anytime, anywhere! Every little bit counts! Just in the last three weeks, I've caught two people littering cigarette butts. They can be viewed here: - - If you have questions about cigarette butt litter or litter in general please feel to ask them below. REMEMBER! DON'T BE A TOSSER! Cheers all, Layne from Litter Legends!
07.01.2022 Week 6 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay We removed: - 5 bags of rubbish. - 3 pieces of timber... - 2 pieces of chicken wire - 2 pieces of scrap metal - 1 rusted car exhaust - 1 piece of hose - 1 piece of cardboard - 1 tyre - 1 bucket (will now be used at clean-ups) - 25 bottles and cans (eligible for C4C) I apologise about the late post. Anyways, it was beautiful weather on Sunday for the clean-up. The bushland along German Church Rd is still proving to be the hotspot for large items, tyres, bottles/cans, soft plastic and polystyrene. In 2 hours with 7 people, we only completed around 300-metres of road and removed 5 full bags of rubbish. While wandering through the bush, I spotted a shape in the leaf litter that looked a bit out of the ordinary. After I gave it a bit of a tug I saw that it was chicken wire. It took quite a bit of force to fully remove it from the leaf litter due to how buried it was. I'd like to give a massive thank you to the 6 voluntary litter legends that came along to Sunday's clean-up! It's proven that the more litter legends we have at a clean-up the more metres we can gain and the more litter we can remove in a single clean-up. The 6 marvellous volunteers that attended Sunday's clean-up were Mark, Andrea, Spencer and Kayla with her two lovely children Jesse & Emmasyn! Unfortunately, when I was driving to the clean-up. I saw a man in an oncoming car do a throwing motion out his window. He threw his cigarette butt out into oncoming traffic. I didn't get his registration as I wasn't expecting anyone to suddenly throw a cigarette butt out their window just as I was driving past them. This past week I've now seen three people directly throw their cigarette butts onto the ground. I had a chat with one of the litterers after they threw their cigarette on the ground. I'll hopefully get around to making a post about how *sarcasm* fantastic her reasoning was on why it's acceptable to litter a cigarette butt on the ground. Thanks all, Layne.
06.01.2022 Week 4 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay Just like our clean-up experience 2-3 weeks ago, last Sunday's clean-up was cancelled due to weather but yesterday's weather was spectacular. No clouds and no wind - perfect weather to pick up rubbish! Not as many volunteers as previous weeks which in return means less rubbish but it was still a great clean-up. We removed:...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Week 2 - Clean-Up Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd We removed: - 4 bags of rubbish - 15 pieces of scrap metal (pole, roadworks sign frame, grill)... - 8 pieces of concrete/bitumen/bricks - 5 pieces of timber (2 MDF) - 3 pieces of hard plastic (engine splash shield) - 1 piece of irrigation piping - Total Weight: 60kg The rain thankfully held off on Sunday morning which meant we were able to clean another 150-metres of hedges, around the south-bound bus terminal and the same drain we cleaned last week. The hedges contained I'd say around 3-4 layers of rubbish with most of it being plastic and fast-food packaging. We found a Queensland Driver's License belonging to a Sean James from Murrarie in one of the hedges. I handed it in to the Cleveland Police Station. The garden beds around the bus terminal by no surprise were filled with cigarette butts from careless smokers. The drain had a bit of new rubbish from the recent rain but thankfully not an awful lot. We've completed up to the Colburn Ave/Bunker Rd intersection on the south-bound side from the Caltex Service Station. This Sunday's clean-up we'll begin working on the opposite side of the road. I'd like to give a massive thank you to my dedicated hardcore volunteer, Mark for putting in 4.25 hours of his time on Sunday. This was also Mark's 45th Litter Legends volunteer clean-up. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication, determination and passion Mark. If you're interested in helping out at our next clean-up along Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd please private message me. Any help is welcomed! Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends!
05.01.2022 Week 14 - Clean-Up German Church Rd What a clean-up we had on Sunday! 7 volunteers removed all of this in just two hours... We removed:... - 4.25 bags of rubbish (38.8kg) - 29 pieces of large concrete (381.4kg) - 18 steel downpipes (21.6kg) - 12 steel roof gutters (29.8kg) - 8 buckets of smaller pieces of concrete (140.6kg) - 6 pieces of timber (10.4kg) - 4 tyres (29.4kg) - 4 plastic car parts (3kg) - 3 timber stakes (2.6kg) - 3 pieces of bitumen (2.4kg) - 3 pieces of scrap metal (26kg) - 2 steel stakes (6kg) - 2 buckets of bricks (37.2kg) - 2 syringes - 1 piece of cardboard (2.8kg) - 1 tyre rim (8.6kg) - 1 roof tile (4kg) - Total Weight: 744.6kg We're officially on the final stretch of German Church Rd. We've passed the roundabout intersection of German Church Rd/Valley Way/Heinemann Rd. The stretch we're on now goes on for 2.25km with both sides of the road being mostly conservation bushland. Unfortunately, from what we found on Sunday, it doesn't seem like everyone cares that it's conservation land. Almost every large item on the list above was removed from only a couple of hundred metres of bushland. I'd like to give a ginormous thank you to Michael, Liam, Henry and Kaea for attending their second clean-up in a row. I'd also like to welcome new Litter Legend Liz to the team! You five did a majority of the heavy lifting on Sunday. Thank you and congratulations on a job well done! I'd also like to give a massive thank you to Mark who stayed behind after the clean-up to help me weigh most of the rubbish as well as pick up the pipes and gutters that we left on the side of the bushland. Four of the pipes and gutters were extremely long so they had to be put on the racks that are on my trailer. Funnily enough, I had no experience with tying down stuff to racks. So it turned out to be a major struggle. I finally was happy with the way they were tied down and I decided to leave. I got a bit further down German Church Rd and felt something wasn't right so I pulled over and they had come loose. Within minutes of pulling over, a good-samaritan by the name of Tyne pulled over and gave me a bit of assistance with tying them down securely. I cannot thank you enough for pulling over and helping me out, Tyne. It was lovely meeting you and talking to you. I wish you all the best! By the time I got home, it was 8:00 PM. Overall, I have to say it was a good life lesson. Next time we find something long, I'll be prepared! If you'd like to give me a helping hand with the rest of German Church Rd. Our clean-up this weekend will be at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Sunday. All the details will be posted tomorrow evening. Thanks all, Layne!
04.01.2022 Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Queensland, I will be delaying posting the event until tomorrow evening to see whether this lockdown will continue or not. Instead tonight I will be posting a short video of Tori who is only 3 years of age. Tori and her mum Melinda attended the German Church Rd - Community Clean-Up earlier this month. Tori is asked a series of questions by her mum about rubbish. She answers them pretty well if I say so myself. If a 3-year-old can be ed...ucated enough to understand what should be done with rubbish, why can’t all the people who litter? Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends.
04.01.2022 Week 3 - Clean-Up Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd We removed: - 1.5 bags of rubbish - 3 pieces of scrap metal... - 2 pieces of fibreboard - 1 piece of timber Total Weight: 20kg We completed the northbound side of the road as well as the median strips on Sunday from the Caltex Service Station to the Colburn Ave/Bunker Rd intersection. Despite the opposite side of the road equating to nine bags of rubbish, this side only equated to one and a half which I was quite surprised by. I guess the brick wall/fence line for the Victoria Point Shopping Centre stopped any litter from blowing down into the bushes along the main road. Hungry Jacks and Guzman y Gomez appeared to be relatively clean but we didn't go too far into their territory. The northbound bus terminal, just like the southbound bus terminal, had hundreds of cigarette butts in the surrounding gardens and grass. A pair of glasses were also found along the footpath near Guzman y Gomez. They're in relatively good condition. If you have lost a pair of glasses like the pair photographed please private message. A trolley was also flipped over in one of the gardens. We picked it up and pulled it out of the garden. We came back 45-minutes later and it was flipped over again. Why people, why? I'd like to give a massive shoutout to the three marvellous volunteers that come along on Sunday. That's my regular hardcore, Mark, Michelle who attended a clean-up along German Church Rd a few weeks back and Roxanne who travelled all the way from Logan. I enjoyed chatting with you all and picking up rubbish together. I hope I have you all back again soon! Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends.
04.01.2022 Disappointed and frustrated are my two words for this. This image was taken along German Church Rd this afternoon by a resident of Mount Cotton. As most of you would be aware, Litter Legends is currently cleaning along German Church Rd. Illegal dumping appears to be a massive problem along this section of road and it still does as per the picture below. Just up the back there, where the black and white striped street signs are is where we are currently cleaning. To the person... who dumped these tyres. You are selfish and careless. Illegal dumping in our parks and conservation areas results in costs diverted to cleanups that could have otherwise been spent on community projects, upgrading parks and infrastructure. If you have any idea or information about who dumped these tyres along German Church Rd please get in contact with Redland City Council. I have read on the original post that the council has been contacted about these tyres. I would grab them myself, however, there will be no clean-up this weekend due to me being unavailable all weekend as I will be up on Fraser Island participating in a clean-up with Ocean Crusaders. : Michelle Gillies
03.01.2022 Week 25 - Clean-Up German Church Rd Yesterday we conducted our last clean-up of 2020! What a year it's been. I'll be posting the Litter Legends - Year In Review (2020) in the coming days which will cover all the exciting things that have happened this year, some data and what's to come in 2021. We removed:... - 3 bags of rubbish - 26 pieces of scrap metal (14 poles, 2 pieces of reo, 1 stake, 1 gutter) - 14 pieces of timber - 4 plastic pot plants - 2 tyres (1 truck, 1 car w/ rim) - 2 pieces of weed matting - 1 piece of hard plastic - 1 car seat - Lots of concrete and bricks (uncounted) - Total Weight: 565kg Yesterday we made some excellent progress on two illegal dumping piles that have been bothering me since we discovered this illegal dumping site. One of the piles came with some really awesome household finds. Barbie dolls, toys, food and drink packaging dating back to 2005 with some of it being in pristine condition. The other pile that Mark worked on was commercial/industrial waste such as steel, bricks, concrete, timber etc. I'd like to give a ginormous thank you to newbie Samantha who is only 15-years-old and regular hardcore Mark for coming along to Litter Legends' last clean-up of the year. Without these two volunteers nowhere near as much would've got completed. Not only did they do hour overtime which extended our clean-up out to 10:00 AM. They both also came along afterwards to the Birkdale Waste Transfer Station to help me out. Thank you so much guys! WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! We'll be back along German Church Rd this weekend to try and tackle the rest of this hell hole! We truly need all the help we can get. All the details will be posted Wednesday evening. If you have any questions about helping out please private message me. Thanks all, Layne from Litter Legends.
02.01.2022 This video consists of an interview with Layne Utz who is the Owner and Founder of Litter Legends. This video also includes footage from our week 6 clean-up at the Redland Bay Marina. I'd like to give a massive shout out and thank you to Samuel Bryham and David Eade who came along to the clean-up and shot some footage as well as interviewing me. I'm very happy with how it turned out!
01.01.2022 Week 11 - Clean-Up German Church Rd Two volunteer clean-ups were hosted on the weekend which is something that has never been done before. We removed:...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Week 5 - Clean-Up German Church Rd, Redland Bay/Mount Cotton We removed: - 2 bags of rubbish - 37 bottles & cans (eligible for C4C)... - 6 pieces of scrap metal (small & large) - 3 pieces of concrete - 3 pieces of hard plastic - 2 tyres - 2 pieces of timber - 1 wooden stake - 1 road edge guide It was very overcast on Sunday which made me a little worried that it might rain but it thankfully just stayed overcast during the clean-up and only begun raining when I was leaving the tip. I donated the bike with training wheels and a kids spiderman chair (that we collected a few weeks ago) to the donation shop at the Redland Bay tip so hopefully, those will go to a good home. Just like last weekends clean-up, there were only three of us meaning we didn't gain to much ground but certainly gathered quite the amount of rubbish from only 250-metres of roadside and bush. I would like to thank mother and daughter duo, Andrea and Jill, for coming along to yesterday's clean-up! Your help was very appreciated like always! The bushland on the opposite side of the road of Kindilan was a mess. Both the tyres, a majority of the bottles & cans, 1 and a of the bags of rubbish were from the bushland. I found a large plastic bag full of rubbish which was completely buried. How I found it in the first place was just pure luck. It was full of bottle/cans and fast-food so I'd say someone's cleaned out their car and just thrown it into the bush. I'd say it's been there for around 3-4 years as the expiry dates were from 2017. I'd like to give another thank you to Ocean Crusaders for allowing Litter Legends to continue borrowing your trailer until ours is made. It certainly makes disposing of the rubbish a lot easier! I've got quite a few posts to do this week so make sure to keep an eye out for them! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me! Thanks all, Layne!
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