Little Cadets Family Daycare in Perth, Western Australia | Shopping & retail
Little Cadets Family Daycare
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 450 911 662
Address: Quinns Rocks 6030 Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 277
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25.01.2022 Tuesday fun day! (I know a day late again) cars, blocks, car garages and more cars. Lol. Not much more happens on a Tuesday. These boys love their cars and trucks. So its up to me to keep that going in different ways. Our dolls house was converted into a garage and our blocks made a garage. This all works on our fine motor skills and problem solving. Good job boys! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
25.01.2022 Massive Happy 2nd Birthday to Ethan. We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did! Prezzies, banners, balloons, cake and friends! You are becoming such a big boy and we love watching you grow. xx
23.01.2022 So today we made yummy scones. No longer than 15 mins to make but 115 minutes to tidy up! The kids all enjoyed making and eating them. This gave us a great opportunity to do measuring and counting! Then off course licking the spoon! (We all had our own) lol! We also saved 1 for our mummies! The kids enjoyed handing them over! This for me was great to see! Teaching them young to be kind, spoil your mum and off course knowing that theres nothing better in life than some home made baking! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
23.01.2022 Massive Happy 2nd Birthday to our Flynny boy! You came to us at 6 months old. So tiny and small. Look at you now! A proper toddler! You are my rocket pocket. Always watching and learning. You are such a kind little boy who likes to look after ur friends! Giving them their water bottles 100 times a day. we wouldnt change you. You little super star! xxx
22.01.2022 When one of ur daycare kiddies brings her wigs for the day! Got to try them. Lol. We then went to the park for some fresh air, sea views and to burn off lots of energy. Today they were all doing some awesome climbing. Working those gross motor skills for sure. This encouraged lots of talking. Ethan saying "up high" and "stuck" Flynn saying "jump jump" Leo running around saying he was a butterfly and Ethan and Flynn coping! We also spoke about what we enjoy about this park. (As its our fav) The park itself made the list, along with the music you can hear from the cafe, sea views and Mara added in the coffee! Another great day.
22.01.2022 Monday and Tuesday this week. Dinosaurs, colours, drawings, picnics, trucks, princess hair, water play and practising throwing our soft toys in the basket! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
21.01.2022 What a busy Tuesday. We used our tongs to pick up our pompoms. The boys loved this activity. Great for fine motor, colours and numbers. We then pulled every toy out of every box in the toy room. Anyone elses toddlers enjoying doing this? Lol! Then Leo and Flynn were good enough to bring us some of their hand picked strawberries from the weekend. The boys enjoyed taking the ends off. Finished off with the story of Jack and the bean stalk. Look out for our home grown bean s...talks! #boysday #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare See more
21.01.2022 Happy WA Day everyone!! Hope everyone has enjoyed the long weekend! xx
21.01.2022 Monday and Tuesday this week. Playgroup fun where we did some Easter craft. Tuesday some soft play fun. Keeping busy is what we do best. #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
21.01.2022 Today we made a fairy garden and made our own fairy puppets! Kept the little and big kids happy! Then we got our babies out to feed them and to try steal their dummies! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
20.01.2022 Day late but Tuesday was all about colours, painting, cutting and off course cars!!
19.01.2022 Today it was about shapes, colours and sizes. Then we managed to pop to the park for a play before the storm hit. First time back at the park in so long. Then we had lunch, naps and got cosy in our blankets and watched the storm. Followed by playing Peytons matching game she brought in to share with us! Having kind, sharing friends is the best! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
19.01.2022 This video cracks me up!! Lost count how many times Ive watched this!! This little man never stops. Loves all things that involve risk. Hes very clever and has great gross motor skills for his age! He maybe small but hes strong! Hes going to be Australias next ninja warrior!! Lol. Xxx
18.01.2022 Throw back to last Wednesday when we were chasing rainbows!! Lovely topic to have us talking about colours! #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
17.01.2022 Tuesday and Wednesday since I fell asleep early doors last night! Over the last 2 days we have enjoyed building houses for our small teddies! (All fun until the little ones come along and knock them down ) Had lots of fun on our new garden equipment. Lots of upper body hangs and swing fun. Great to see them helping each other on the swing. (Even if there are a few back slaps in there by accident) lol! My daughter also got her bath bombs out to share with the boys. T...hey enjoyed watching the bubbles come up, shrink and then finally disappear. We also spoke about the texture and sizes. (If you have different coloured bath bombs its a good fun way to talk about colours.) Then today (Wednesday) the kids made a pretend library. 2 out of the 4 sat for a story which was nice. We spoke about maybe visiting the real library soon. Topped off with a hide n seek and making birthday cakes in the sand again. (Hope my neighbours dont think Im eating real cake everyday. Lol) Over n out! See you all next week! xx See more
17.01.2022 Look at those little fingers at work. So much concentration going on! Lovely day with this little bunch. Lots of role play today which was lovely to watch. Topped off with little Grace telling me she loved me more than pink mermaids! I mean does anyone else get a complement like that at their work? xxx #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
16.01.2022 Today little Leo came and held my hand as I was doing work. He was having a rest, whilst the younger ones napped. 7 years ago today my son did the exact same thing! isn't that funny and very cute! (Thanks timehop) Clearly used to have loads of time on my hands that my nails were done and on point! #familydaycare #strongbonds
16.01.2022 Yipee playgroup is back open!! I love my house but was good to be out it for a little while. Kids enjoyed the change of scenery as did I! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
15.01.2022 Today we set up out "Vet station" and "doctor station" which was lots of fun. Then the sun was shinning so we got outside to play on our new equipment. There was lots of good sharing with our new swing. Then lots of strength by hanging from our poles! We love the garden. #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
15.01.2022 My two had an extra day off today and were offered to do something fun with Dad! But nop they wanted to come to playgroup! Finally getting to see what mum does on a Monday is so much more fun! I love how they love being with my daycare kiddies! They were a great help today! Could get used to that. Lol! Thanks guys!! xxx
15.01.2022 Today it was all about cubby house making, play doh, building castles and dress ups! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
14.01.2022 Buses, pom poms, counting, lots of colours and fine motor skills all in one! What more does an educator eh I mean kids want? #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
14.01.2022 It was a beautiful day! Perfect park day! These boys were non stop with climbing, jumping and spinning! It was a little busy so gave us great opportunity to share and take turns! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #boys
13.01.2022 Fun at our Monday playgroup!! Great opportunity to practice our threading, as thats what we have been working on here at Little Cadets! #familydaycare #lovegettingoutandabout #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
12.01.2022 What a busy week with our new friends. We got the dinosaurs out and used our recycled yoghurt tubs to make them a home, along with our magnetic blocks. We enjoyed our music this week, colours at playgroup, finished with a play in the garden. #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
11.01.2022 This week marks the start of Naidoc week 2020. Always Was, Always Will Be. recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this land for over 65,000 years. So today we did our own unique painting. Playgroup did some paintings using different native animals. Then we did some this afternoon using our hand prints. ... I've made up some fab little books on symbols for 2mrw. #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #familydaycare
11.01.2022 Seeing your friends after iso being like.......
10.01.2022 When it was ur birthday yday but ur friends still want to party!
09.01.2022 Massive Happy Fathers Day to all our special Dads! Hope you all had a great day like you deserve! The kids have been super busy making lots of nice things for you. Hope you all loved them! xxx
09.01.2022 When I say Happy Campers I really mean Happy Campers! Lol! These guys love camping with their families. Since they have missed it I thought I would bring camping to us! They knew exactly what happens around the camp fire.......marshmallows!! Luckily I had a few lined up for them that we toasted on our fire! We then saved a koala from a burning tree, but it was ok as we had a fire engine to put the fire out! Got to love their imagination! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #play
09.01.2022 Using our rain water. Lots of filling, pouring and measuring! Then some bubble fun to wash our sandy toys with! Sun was out = water play! Lol!
09.01.2022 So on Mondays after playgroup we like to take our turn of being a statue! Lol! Every week!! #familydaycare #playgroup
09.01.2022 Last weeks fun. School holidays started off with a bang. My 2 love hanging with these cool little guys. We had lots of fun last week at lollopops! #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #familydaycare
07.01.2022 Tuesday is my all boy day!! So it always involves getting our cars out. We then used our building blocks to build a car garage. We used the car box to hide from our friends, then finally got outside once the rain disappeared guessed it.....played with our outside cars. We made a "road" with our balancing plank and let our cars go crashing down. We then used our rain water in our veggie patch. No wastage here. (Note- must get new seeds from bunnings as no veggies are actually growing) Will never make it as a pro veggie grower! lol! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
07.01.2022 So my little Leo (left) has been growing his hair but never lets his mum tie it up. His bro (right) has been growing it since birth, so is used of the man bun. However.......throw in 2 little gorgeous ladies who love getting their hair done and all of a sudden Leo wants his hair done! So important that each child feels included and comfortable away from home. This shows it all! They all looked lovely wouldnt you say! #familydaycare #inclusion #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
07.01.2022 Monday and Tuesday this week. We had painting with potatoes at playgroup, blocks, carrot spaghetti, camping, (no adults allowed I was told) lol, babies, car rides and lots of jumping! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
06.01.2022 Monday and Tuesday gang! Playgroup where we got into the Christmas spirit making our tree decorations. Tuesday we went to the park. Lots of sharing encouraged as there were only 2 balls for the ball slide! (Not sure what its actually called?) Lol. Lots of fun had anyways! #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #familydaycare
06.01.2022 Another week done and dusted! Another fast week. We had our usual playgroup on Monday, which was great as always. Then we spent the rest of the week home but managed to get outside to play. We helped each other on the swing. Love how the older kids offer to push and help each other. Then we made some autumn bracelets. Just masking tape with the sticky side up. Then collect all the colourful petals from your garden. Then we were super lucky that Graces mum brought her ne...w Guinea pigs to visit. They were named Anna and Elsa off course. Lol! Then ended with my daughter Eliyah getting one of her bath bombs into a large bowl. Then getting little spoons for the kids to use to try and scoop up. Great job Eliyah! Fantastic for those fine motor skills. #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare See more
06.01.2022 Fun Monday helping our Flynny Boy celebrate his 2nd birthday. Quick sing song with my 2 before they left for school. Playgroup fun, birthday cake and another sing song from his playgroup friends. Then another sing song at afternoon t with our bday scones that Eliyah made yday esp for today! Think everyone enjoyed today as much as the birthday boy! #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #familydaycare
05.01.2022 What a busy week. Started off with our Monday playgroup, which was fun as always. Then my daughter Eliyah loves doing bath bombs with the kids. This gave us a great opportunity to talk about how things feel. Leo said it felt "bumpy" Then Tuesday was only boys. So only one thing for it.....puzzles, cars, trucks, car mats and dragon houses. Oh Eliyah did manage her home work just before sch run, which was great as Leo and Flynn got a quick story before sch drop off. win...ning! We love speaking about "healthy foods" so Leo was happy enough to try some of my smoothie. great way to get Fruit into them. We then finished the weeks with bubbles and water play. I had bought new measuring jugs. 3 different sizes. Flynn said "big one and baby one" They loved pouring and filling water with each other! #littlecadetsfamilydaycare #familydaycare See more
05.01.2022 Fun day to end my working week. We popped to our local park for some fresh air. Lots of playing, climbing and rolling! So much fun to watch these little cuties! We collected some leaves and sticks and used them on our blocks of wood. The wood was given to us by the mens shed at quinns. Thanks guys! #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
04.01.2022 What better way to spend a cold, wet winters day than in ur PJs!! Pyjama day at playgroup!! Not going to lie I was very tempted but went for my comfies instead! Lol! We then popped some stickers onto our blocks. This makes the blocks a bit more fun, good for number recognition, matching and counting. Good easy one for at home! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
01.01.2022 Thats a wrap for another week. We had lots of fun playing with our new tool station. Followed by our fav magnetic blocks. We built a farm with them, rockets and houses. The weather was great this week so we took our babies for a walk to the park one day and went to another park today. Great being able to get back out and about. Roll on Spring next week!! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
01.01.2022 Add a few girls into the equation and its all about babies, washing babies, feeding babies and making Mara lots of tea and coffee! Love how the kids bring everyday life into play. Started off washing baby before feeding her veggie soup. #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
01.01.2022 This afternoon we practised our counting and rolling. This activity is good for counting, number recognition and fine motor skills. Oh and dont forget good for having fun, making animals and tyre prints with our play doh. We then got outside and planted some herbs and fruit!! Wish us luck! #familydaycare #littlecadetsfamilydaycare
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