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Little Possums Early Childhood Learning Centre in Tumut, New South Wales | Childcare service

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Little Possums Early Childhood Learning Centre

Locality: Tumut, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6947 9090

Address: 30 Forest Street 2720 Tumut, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 OUR LITTLE GREEN FINGERS At Little Possums all children have the opportunity to practice their gardening skills! Check out our Preschools spending time looking after our with Jo! Young children can practice locomotor skills, body management skills and object control skills while they move from one place to the other carrying tools, soil and water. They will be moving their bodies using large muscles and muscles to balance and manage objects too. Fine motor skills such as whole-hand grasping and the pincer grasp (necessary skills for writing) are employed in gardening when children use a trowel or rake and pick up tiny seeds to plant. Further, being outdoors in the fresh air and moving around a lot is a good way to get exercise. See more

25.01.2022 The mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime!

25.01.2022 CELEBRATING LITTLE POSSUMS BIRTHDAY The transition groups enjoyed spending their afternoon celebrating at the park enjoying the sunshine. It was a fun filled afternoon filled with dancing, singing, party hats, lollie bags, party poppers and cake

25.01.2022 Some golden oldies from way back when!!! Happy 10th Birthday Little Possums

24.01.2022 TRAINEE or QUALIFIED CERTIFICATE III In Early Childhood Education and Care We are searching for an applicant wishing to join the wonderful team at Little Possums ECLC Tumut! For this position we will consider applicants who are wishing to become a trainee or someone who has completed their Certificate III in Early Childhood.... This role will see you working in collaboration with the wider Little Possums team to ensure our children are inspired to learn in a stimulating environment. For this position, we are excited to meet someone who will: Be passionate, loyal and have a genuine care for children and their families Be confident in planning and documenting child development Work collaboratively with a "One Team" approach Be able to create stimulating and exciting learning environments Points to consider when applying: Availability to work a 38 hour week Up-to-date documentation such as First Aid Valid WWCC Experience with children If this position sounds like the perfect role for you, please apply by submitting your cover letter and resume to [email protected] For any further information, please contact Anna on 02 69479090 Applications close: Friday 3rd July 2020

24.01.2022 Why So Blue Baby? Apologies for sending home Smurfs instead of your children today ~Sensory FUN for our babes with foam and blue food colouring~

24.01.2022 ITS A LITTLE BIT CrAzY at Little Possums this week! Its CrAzY hAiR wEeK!! Raising awareness of Cystic Fibrosis

23.01.2022 A Friday chocolate brownie pick me up for all the wonderful staff at Little possums!! Which one would you choose??

22.01.2022 HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY Little Possums!!! Day three of celebrations saw us having three legged races, dance parties and a whole centre birthday cake!!

21.01.2022 I wonder who called who for todays dress rehearsal? #spicegirls #stoprightnowthankyouverymuch

18.01.2022 Thankyou so much for helping to support our CrAzY hAiR wEeK this week at Little Possums. Crazy Hair Week is a national initiative, created to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. Click on the links below to find out more... and remember... even if you have no hair - you can still participate in CrAzY hAiR wEeK!!!!! See more

18.01.2022 Sunshine and Chickie Babes

17.01.2022 HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY POSSUMS!! Our Thursday celebrations bought trips to the park, obstacle courses, dancing and birthday cake!!! Special shout out to Aimee who has been at Little Possums since the day we opened 10 years ago!!!!


16.01.2022 Feeding Babies with the Babies! Extending on with the childrens interest with our doll babies, it was time to try them on some solids Our little helpers were very excited to be able to take control of the spoons and feed their babies Disclaimer: weetbix went everywhere!!

16.01.2022 ITS CRAZY HAIR WEEK AT LITTLE POSSUMS!!! Things are getting a little CRAZY!!! Raising awareness of Cystic Fibrosis

15.01.2022 Thank you Franklin Public School for hosting, yet again, a wonderful Easter Hat Parade. Our Little Possums had a fabulous time and were so well behaved that the Easter Bunny decided to pay us a visit The Transition to school children were so proud of their hat creations, they have decided to put them on display in the foyer for everyone to enjoy!... Have a happy Easter

15.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!! Day two of Little Possums 10th Birthday Celebrations!!! We celebrated in style with a trip to the park, some party games, party dress ups, singing and dancing and of course... Birthday Cake!!!

14.01.2022 If you are a past or present family of Little Possums, drop us a line for our 10th Birthday!!! Wed love to hear from you

14.01.2022 Cheeky monkeys, buzzy bees and 5 jelly fish!!! Hands on felt board story fun with Jo and our Explorers group :)

13.01.2022 Today we were so lucky to talk to our oldies again!!! On Face time Technology is a wonderful thing!! We have missed our oldies so so much and it was just so great to see all their beautiful faces again. We gave them a singing concert and sent some virtual hugs and kisses

13.01.2022 We had some very cute chicks visit Possums today. They are probably a little worn out from all the cuddles and should sleep well tonight Thanks to Maggie and her Mummy (Steph) for bringing them in - what a lovely Easter surprise

12.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS Families, Children and Educators.... We made a grand total of $322.95 from our Easter Bake Sale last week! The money raised will go to S.M.A.R.T to purchase valuable products for their animals. Please go to if you would like to adopt a pet or to donate! SMART Animal Sanctuary & Rehoming Centre R251000078

12.01.2022 This month Sheri and Zoes Preschool groups have shown a strong interest in dinosaurs! They have explored dinosaur islands, discovered hidden dinosaur bones, learnt about herbivores and carnivores, read dinosaur books (many many times! ) and talked dinosaurs non-stop. Over the past two days we worked together to make dinosaur bones out of salt dough, we had to roll and squeeze the dough giving our fine motor muscles a work out before baking them. We then added the baked bones to our discovery trays, put in some sand and became real paleontologists!


11.01.2022 Oh the Places you will go! Little Possums 2020 Preschool Graduation! Thursday 12th November 2020 We always get emotional during our Preschool Graduation nights, some of these children have been with us for a long time, since they were little tiny babies, and some for a shorter time. We are all very attached to these children, the special bonds that develop are nothing short of amazing, they all have a special place in our hearts, and now... they are off to Big School! ... We wish them all the very best of luck! :) See more

11.01.2022 Sonica and her children have been engaging in some fabulous STEM activities in the Yellow Transition to School classroom. In this particular geometry based activity, they used skewer sticks and jelly drops to create square pyramids. This activity promotes thinking and problem solving skills, and fine-motor skills. Honestly just so clever well done Yellow Room!

10.01.2022 KINDNESS CUPCAKES Lola, Cord, Hank, Scarlett and Lindsay were excited to tell me (Sheri) about the playdough cupcakes they had made that they were going to share with all of their friends! This sparked an idea ... Since we are focusing on kindness and friendships this month I thought it would be the perfect activity to extend on (and we always love the chance to cook!) So we got to work making some real cupcakes, but we didnt get to eat them ourselves! Instead the children took them around to all of the Little Possum educators to help brighten their day The children were absolutely beautiful, telling the girls things like "I love your hair." "I love when you give me hugs." and "Have a good day!" They put a smile on all of the educators faces, and I could just see how proud they were of their good deed. It sure is good to be kind

09.01.2022 ~Art can open our ears, eyes and mind ~ The children experienced a different sort of art class with Grace- they had to listen and watch closely to create a step by step version of one of their favourite characters BLUEY The children were so engaged and proud of their work!

08.01.2022 CrAzY hAiR wEeK aT LiTtLe PoSsUmS!!!!!!

07.01.2022 EXCITED!!! NERVOUS!!! SCARED!!! All of these are a few a lot of preschoolers experience this time of year who might be transitioning to ! Today our lovely educator Grace together with the preschoolers in the Transition Room discussed their emotions and helped them express their feeling whilst engaging their creativity and reading a book called "' F " Understanding emotions is a critical part of children’s development. It is the underpinning theory of creating long lasting, healthy relationships!

07.01.2022 After a huge amount of child interest over the last few weeks today we have kicked off our dinosaur discoveries, and what better way to start than by working together to make some rather FABULOUS cardboard dinos! Today we learnt that the T-rex was a carnivore that was as high as three doors and that the steggosaurus was a herbivore who used the spikes on their tail as a weapon when in danger! (These were super easy to make! We reused an old nappy box to cut out the dinosaur body and legs, cut slits where they would join together and wallah! A fun holiday activity for home!)

05.01.2022 Welcome to the world Rosie Belle Smart Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Anna, Jake, Reuben and Olivia on the arrival of their new baby girl x We sent this message from the Little Possums Family x

05.01.2022 It is CRAZY HAIR WEEK at Little Possums this week!!! 3rd to 7th August 2020. Crazy Hair week helps raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. Do you know what Cystic Fibrosis is? Do you want to know more about Cystic Fibrosis... Click on this link to find out more ... or go to - they have a great resource centre. See more

04.01.2022 We would like to introduce to you: The staff of Little Possums Linda is the owner/licensee of Little Possums, and the reason we are all here! Anna is the Director (currently on maternity leave!) Jo is usually in the Preschool BGP room, but has taken over Annas maternity leave position in the office!... Lauree, Kaylie, Demi and Grace M are all educators in the Discoverers Room Jessie, Jade, Isabelle and Ailis are all educators in the Explorers Room Sheri and Zoe are the educators in the Preschool BGP Room Grace B and Sonica are the educators in the Red and Yellow rooms - our transition to school rooms Aimee and Bella are our ever important float educators Wendy and Emma are our wonderful cooks! The children are always drawing pictures of the teachers at Little Possums. It is funny to see, but lots of times we also see the children impersonating us!! There are some very special bonds being made between your children and their teachers each and every single day To extend on this, Grace thought it would be a fabulous idea for the children to become artistically inspired and create their own interpretations of their favorite teachers at Possums!! They were very creative and added every detail of the teachers into their drawings, including eye colour, hair colour, freckles, glasses and most importantly - long luscious eye lashes!!!!

04.01.2022 Cmon ladies out of the way so I can feed you!!

04.01.2022 Being creators in Graces group! The children have been busy cutting, sticking, gluing, pasting, tearing, ripping, sticky taping and recycling their way to these AMAZING creations!!! There are sooooooo many benefits of playing with recycled materials, the children learn about their own environment as they manipulate the different open ended materials. Recycled materials foster child initiated play and gets those imaginations working in over time!!

03.01.2022 HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY LITTLE POSSUMS!!! Our Friday celebrations were so much fun!! We were jumping for joy!!!

03.01.2022 Colouring outside the lines is a fine art ~Kim Nance~

03.01.2022 NAIDOC WEEK NAIDOC Week is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and young artist Tyrown Waigana has begun this year’s celebration through his award winning painting, Shape of Land. His winning entry depicts the Rainbow Serpent coming out of the Dreamtime to create the Australian landmass and how Indigenous Australians are strongly connected to it.... Our are celebrating all things indigenous through , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dreamtime stories, and indigenous storytelling symbols and instruments. We continue learning as the week goes on and love watching the children embrace O !!

03.01.2022 "Creativity is contagious, pass it on" ~ Albert Einstein

02.01.2022 HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY to Little Possums!!! Today it is our 10th Birthday!!! We will be celebrating all week with party games, birthday cake and dancing!!

02.01.2022 Jades Toddler group have been busy investigating the ocean and its creatures this week The children have enjoyed the fine motor inspired ocean craft and today popped it up in a display to share with their friends

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