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Little BIG Love


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24.01.2022 From a reader of Little Big Love "So far I’m feeling like my feelings must be ‘natural’ because they are written in a book by a woman living on the other side of the world. In the group of women I can’t believe how similar things are to the point of finishing eachothers sentences almost. It’s such an intricate thin thread that links all of us mothers we call grief. The respect and understanding for eachother. The no ‘trumping’ of our pain. In life I am asked we’ll how far along were you as if that’s to grade my level of grief. Thank you for allowing me to grief and read grief without having to show through ‘stats’ how much I ‘should’ grieve. So far these are the thoughts I’ve had while reading and sharing over the last week."

23.01.2022 Free worldwide postage for the next 24 hours. Offer ends 12pm Saturday 20th October, Adelaide, South Australia time.

22.01.2022 A great campaign....

22.01.2022 Here is a heartfelt review of the Little Big Love book received today: "Little big love arrived at a critical time for me to read and absorb. Feeling others stories and reading of their loss and personal journeys in grief (and beyond) offered hope and strength. Particularly true to the many of us who may initially experience a quitened hush or a heavy silence outside of the hospital consult rooms. Thankfully we o...pened up and let more people in to our loss which allowed healing to begin. I believe this book made the process of reaching out much easier in a society that does not have a very open approach to early pregnancy or for that matter pregnancy loss. While reading it it is hard not to form a sense of tribe amongst the women in whose shoes you have unwilling dragged your feet and heart behind. Much needed book, generally, to lift the veil of silence that seems to trap so many and get the dialogue started." See more

21.01.2022 We are giving away a free copy of Little Big Love. To be in the running for your free copy please post one word which describes how you are feeling today.

19.01.2022 A big thanks to those who joined me for my very first pregnancy loss webinar. You are brave, beautiful mothers. I felt your support and I can only hope you feel a tiny bit better for having tuned in. For those of you unable to attend tonight's session, I'll be holding another one at 10:30am Adelaide, Australia time. This one will be good for people living in the USA to tune into. Just google the time zone differences for your exact time to tune in.

19.01.2022 Here is what one reader had to say about the Little Big Love Book.... " I only know personally of two other people who have been through miscarriages, one is my best friend who suffered multiple miscarriages for the best part of ten years, before going on to have two beautiful children and the second is my mum. Who only told me about her loss when ...she was comforting me when I had my miscarriage. I do believe that the subject is taboo and many mothers feel like they have to keep their emotions and feelings to themselves. Society tells them to move on and get over it, that it wasn’t really a proper baby yet! That baby, was a human being, a child, a little boy or girl, a sister, a brother, a ‘proper baby’! No matter how far along they were in their gestation. It had a life and the right to be deemed a true blue little being. From the very start of this book, right until the very end, I felt a kinship with these women. All of us going through the same traumatic, painful experience. This book emotionally grabbed me immediately from the beautiful illustration on the front cover and held me in a tight embrace to the very last page. My emotions were a roller coaster, feeling the total devastation of each and every parent who shared their story. Knowing that they were all different but actually all the same. The book showed me how I wasn’t alone in my feelings, my actions at the time of my miscarriage. The anger, the sadness, the loss and the hopelessness was mirrored in all of these women and probably millions more around the world. After finishing reading the book, It gave me a sense of inner peace. That I hadn’t had before. I’d never really talked about my loss as I didn’t want to make other people feel awkward or uncomfortable. As per usual, I think about other peoples feelings before my own. This book tells the stories of terrible sadness and loss but of hope too. These stories will move you and bring tears to your eyes. But also give you a sense of relief, that you aren’t alone, you aren’t the only one to feel this way. It’ll be 9 years on the 28th of November 2018 since I lost my baby girl. Its true what they say about things get easier as time goes by, but the raw emotion deep inside you is always there, bubbling away. Sometimes I’ll share my story to someone who I trust, not to seek attention but to try to help them understand and appreciate the gravity of the event and maybe give them an insight into an unspoken subject. If you, or someone you know has gone throw miscarriage, then this book is a must read. It’s like a little healing bible of life, loss & love. It won’t ‘fix’ you but I promise it will help to heal you and send you on that path of acceptance. " Bec Matthews

18.01.2022 Little Big Love now posts worldwide via Ebay, with the safety of Paypal payment. Click on "shop now" to be taken directly to the listing.


17.01.2022 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a miscarriage, but often the women that experience these painful losses go through it alone and unsupported, a new program is offering much-needed support.

16.01.2022 This Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day Sands joins with you in honouring and remembering the lives of the thousands of babies who die each year as a resul...t of miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death. Wherever you are today and however long you’ve been carrying the memory of your baby in your heart, we walk alongside you in support and hope. #october15 #waveoflight #weremember #missyou #sandsunderstands See more

14.01.2022 L O S S || We should be quiet in libraries. We should refrain from talking while a sermon is being delivered. But when it comes to miscarriage, we should be an...ything but silent. No one should be compelled to tell their story if they don’t want to, but we as a society should dare to be vocal about reproductive challenges & how they affect us. On Christmas Day 2019, I received the best gift a mother could hope for: a positive pregnancy test. So in a perfect world, this should be my birth announcement. But instead it’s a tribute to honour the little life that was with me for a very small part of mine. It feels wrong not to acknowledge this special soul that chose me as it’s Mummy for just 10 weeks & for whatever reason could not stay any longer with me. It’s not a dirty, dark secret that I should be hiding & its not an experience any woman or parent should go through alone, ever. 10 weeks doesn’t sound like a lot of time to connect & fall in love but it felt like I had been pregnant for months & months & when I saw those two lines on the test, I instantly began to imagine our life with this new baby in it; I saw it so clearly. But time heals & as weeks pass it gets easier. Having Farrah as my guiding light & earth angel has made the heartbreak more bearable. Some may think that being a Women’s health practitioner I have it all sorted. I don’t, of course. None of us do. We all have our battles & our scars & I’ve got plenty. Scars are lessons & experiences that help us become stronger, more compassionate. This loss was a hard lesson I didn’t wish to learn. I didn’t want this to be my story. But it is & I’ll do what I can to make the silver lining shine. A reminder that everyone is going through their own darkness at times even if it seems all roses & smiles in the outside. In sharing this I truly hope it helps break down some of the stigma attached to miscarriage & hopefully help even just one mother feel less alone. It’s such a personal experience but we should never feel like we can’t talk about it, like we do for every other loss. This world needs to change, be the change. ||

14.01.2022 Thinking of every mother of angel babies today and always.

13.01.2022 SALE> for the next 24 hours there will be FREE SHIPPING on all book orders no matter where you are in the world. Click on the shop now link on this page and it will take you to the Ebay sales page for purchase with free shipping. This offer will end at 12pm Saturday, 20th October, Adelaide, Australia time. This book is a wonderful healing gift for yourself or someone you love who needs support through the journey of losing a child in pregnancy.

12.01.2022 These angel babies will always be with their mum.

10.01.2022 You can now safely purchase the Little Big Love book via PAYPAL by clicking on the 'shop now' link on this page.

06.01.2022 I want this week's Little Big Love give away copy to go to someone who you love who needs support. Please post if you have a friend or family member who you would like to give a copy to help them through the pregnancy loss journey. Many women who have not experienced recent losses say the book has really helped them even though their loss was long ago because they never properly don't discount people who may have experienced this terrible loss some time ago from your thoughts. Grief has no time limits. Love to hear from you beautiful people who want to support someone today. :)

06.01.2022 So many women go through the loss of a baby in pregnancy alone. Even if they have supportive people in their lives it's very difficult for anyone who hasn't been through pregnancy loss to understand the significance, pain, shock or loneliness that a woman feels on this journey. It's a journey most walk alone, feeling lonely and confused by the intense feelings of grief that no one prepared them for. Many women I've spoken to have even told me they feel 'guilty' or 'weak' for ...Continue reading

03.01.2022 Its been moves much goes on...but we never forget our angels. Anyone needing a copy of the book for a loved one or for you, let me know. I can send to you for cost of postage only for next 24 hours.

01.01.2022 If you are feeling alone, lost, lonely, confused in your grief please join us tomorrow, 25th October at 8:30pm Adelaide, Australia time (google your time zone) for a free pregnancy loss webinar. This is not a journey you need to walk alone. Looking forward to connecting with people tomorrow.

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