Little Bird Bloom | Florist
Little Bird Bloom
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25.01.2022 You know those days where you feel like you’re pushing shit uphill in every way possible? Today seems like one of those days. And it would be so easy to just curl up in bed and say ’No thank you. I’m just not in the mood’ But I didn’t. Instead I showered, got dressed and tried to wrangle in my hair. I chose to push forward, and did the things I didn’t want to do. ... I tell ya what, as someone who prided themselves on perfectionism, it is so uncomfortable to sit in a space of ‘messy action’. It’s a constant swing between grind and grace and today is a day where I have to tell myself to simply meet yourself where your at. No matter what your goal, just take one step and you’ll be a little bit closer to accomplishing whatever it is you have your heart set on. It doesn’t need to be perfect and there is so much value in showing up for yourself each and every day even if it’s only for a short sprint. Love you all.
24.01.2022 A quick reminder to all of you fellow business owners you get to set the rules. YOUR BUSINESS. YOUR LIFE. YOUR RULES. You don’t like something, you change it. You want to start selling hand crafted leather belts and monogrammed diamonte t-shirts? You go right ahead.... Tibetan prayer flags and ancient crystals? You don’t need anyone’s permission. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying any of these things are brilliant ideas but the point is, when you are the boss of your business (and yourself) you get to decide what you do and don’t do. And yes, before y’all start giving me excuses, I know there’s a lot on the line. Believe me, I know the rent, the staff, the suppliers, the brides. I get it. I live with it. But this is just a (slightly aggressive = gentle) reminder to check yourself if you need to take a day off, read a book and have a bath, you have the right to do that. AT ANY TIME. YOU DON’T NEED PERMISSION. There are so many stressful seasons in being the owner of a business but it’s so important we also take advantages of the greatest benefit of being your own boss embrace the freedom and the chance to set (and change) your own rules. Yes? Got it? Sending you so much love today. Ladies, you got this.
23.01.2022 I’ve been thinking a lot about colour these last few days the fact that some see blue where others see brown, the idea that some of us see the number four as purple. It’s endlessly fascinating the world of colour and all feel like I’m just getting started in learning the depths of this world. Thinking I’d like to make more of an effort to dissect colour and conduct colour studies. These are the things I’m dreaming of these days. How fun.... @tonoandco refers to this colour as ‘Mauve’. It’s beyond beautiful. What colour are you crushing on these days? Would love to hear from you. . . . . . #colorstudy #silkribbon #color #colour #mauveribbon #obsessedwithribbon #colourstudy #colormeaning #forflorists #intuitivedesign See more
22.01.2022 When’s the last time you laughed so hard you cried? And maybe even peed yourself a little. If you can’t really remember I encourage you to make that a thing this weekend. It’s nourishing experience for your soul.... #ponderosaworkshop #nourish #creativecommunity #girlsfriends #soulsisters #fiveminutesago #dreamingoflastnight #rememberinglastnight #motivation #mastermind #australiaentrepreneurs #girlbossbusiness See more
22.01.2022 There is this sense of not-enough was that seems to grow when were scrolling through Instagram as a florist you are bombarded with photos of beautiful flowers in your feed all day everyday. And the commentary in your head wow that rose is spectacular...those textures are just spot on...everything she does is perfect...look at the wedding she’s doing this weekend...I wish my work could look like that...I wish I had that many followers...I wish I was her... And there yo...u go, down the spiral of insecurity and not-enough-ness. We’ve all been there. But here’s a thing I’ve been obsessing over recently how do you know if that beautiful photo equates to profit and a sustainable business? The short answer is ‘You don’t.’ Floristry is a tricky business, it’s unpredictable, complicated and filled with a dozen different ways to loose money. But why does no one ever talk about it? Why is there this stigma in the industry when it comes to talking about money? Why are ‘cash flow’, ‘sales targets’, and ‘profitability’ words you don’t hear any designer use in reference to their work? Last time I checked, we needed to pay rent, pay staff, pay suppliers and pay taxes. We want to build a business, not just have an expensive hobby. Is it possible to change it? To brush off some of the stigma around finances, to change the way we talk about floristry, to encourage the next generation of florists to ask questions about pricing the way they do design? F$ck I hope so. And I’m happy to lead the way. I don’t want the next iteration of florists to feel intimidated by the tax office or stressed about whether they’re actually going to be able to buy groceries on Monday. #bethechangeyouwanttosee Got questions about making money in this business? DM me and I’ll tell you all I know. Let open this kimono @foxandkin See more
22.01.2022 ON THE BLOG what motivates you at work? I was listening to @lifecoachschool podcast the other day and she was talking about what it takes to be a good employee. Her advice was so simple but so true show up for work FOR YOURSELF.... It’s not about a pay check or the accolades or because you think you should. You show up for work and you do your best because you deserve to treat yourself with respect and integrity. It sounds so simple but there are so many mind games we play and it’s so easy to make excuses. But at the end of the day, if you can know in your heart you did the absolute best you could on that day, you’re in forsomething much bigger and better than another week’s paycheck. Read more on the blog. Link in bio.. . . . . . #girlboss #girlbosslife #itslonelyatthetop#businessowner #entrepreneur #flowerboss#forflorists #believeitspossible#australianbusiness #smallbusiness#teachme #ladiesinleadership #ladyboss#bosslady #mindset #podcast #yougotthis#testme #itsallonegiantexperiment#growthmindset #florist #flowershopowner #flowerschool #businessowner #BYOBoss #ladyCEO #lifecoach #businesscoach #learnfromme #weallmakemistakes See more
21.01.2022 Toffee roses I love this colour so much! They’re a fairly rare find in Australia which makes me treasure them even more. . . . .... Pinterest #bendooleywedding #southernhighlandsflorist #wollongongwedding #miltonparkwedding #weddingflowerinspiration #girlbossbusiness #learnfloristry #ponderosaworkshop #girlboss #byoboss #forflorists
20.01.2022 I am a lover of language and the power of words. I’ve been wrestling a lot with the notion of being a ‘creative’ and defining ‘creativity’. Here’s an interesting exercise, looking at how some of the world’s best known creatives define creativity. ... This might not work. @sethgodin Living in possibility and abundance rather than limitation and scarcity. CJ Lyons The strange partnership between a human being’s labor and the mystery of inspiration. @elizabethgilbert See more
20.01.2022 I’m ashamed to admit this but I think Sloan and I have the BEST Christmas traditions of any family EVER. We don’t buy presents for each other. We don’t buy presents for our family back in Canada. We don’t decorate the house. We don’t stock up on chocolate and booze. Some would say we don’t do Christmas but au contraire my good friends I think we’ve figured out what matters to us most. And that’s what our Christmas is all about.... One of the best pieces of advice my mum gave me was to say ‘make your own traditions’. And indeed we have. They are very simple but we treasure them so much. And pairing the traditions back to what matters to us most just spending time with each other and making time for the things we wish we could do every other day of the year. People, we get to wake up on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and do whatever the shitballs we feel like doing. And it is bloody marvelous. Friends near and far I hope your festivus has been filled with as much goodness as mine has been. And if not, then I hope you’re making a little time for yourself. On this beautiful sunny (and very hot) Boxing Day afternoon I am sending you so much love. And here’s a pretty by @luisabrimble of a bouquet I made earlier in the year.
20.01.2022 Hello friends! So much great feedback about this week’s live, thought I’d play again. Going to be LIVE again on Sunday morning - 9am AEST - #sundaysession Will play with flowers again but also thought we could talk marketing tactics and get into the details a bit about what’s worked for us (and what hasn’t).... We built a wedding business from $0 to more than $200,000 in less than two years. And I’m feeling such a pull to tell y’all what we learned. Join me live and / or send me any and all questions you’ve got. DM me or comment below and we’ll definitely answer your question LIVE on the insta. See y’all on Sunday! See more
19.01.2022 You are enough. Just as you are. . With your unwashed face and messy hair, mismatched socks and torn Ugg boots. . Even your yoga pants with the hole in the leg and that sweater you wouldn’t dare wear outside the house.... . It’s ok to feel like you don’t ‘have it altogether. You are still worthy of happiness, joy, and success. . Wanna know a secret? None of us actually have our shit together. . And that is ok. . Stop beating yourself up for being imperfect. Stop shaming yourself for feeling ‘behind’. . Slow down. Pause for a moment. . Take three deep breaths. . Everything will be ok. You will be ok. I know it, so deep down in my soul. See more
18.01.2022 I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) . I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) .... I fear no fate(for you are my fate, my sweet) . I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) . And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you . Here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud . And the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) . And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart . I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart) . E E Cummings Still holding on to all the love from all the girl @ponderosa_and_thyme See more
17.01.2022 Because I think everyone needs this dog in their life say Gday to Derby. She is my absolute favourite thing these days. No matter what sort of day I’ve had or who I might want to kick in the junk, she greets us with so much joy and love and pure happiness when we get home. And I love her for that and for being a total pain in the arse at various times of the day. ... She’ll be your best friend if you have any sort of food with a particular love of nachos and a total disdain for green beans. If you’re in doubt with what to do with your life, get yourself a dog. You won’t regret it. . . . #labradoodle #blackdog #blackdogsgetadoptedlast #allourpetsarenamedafterhats #loveofmylife #joy #happiness #getadog #hipuppy #poodle #mydogisthebest See more
17.01.2022 This week, I’ve had the blessing of surrounding myself with a collection of beautiful florists and flower lovers with @ponderosa_and_thyme This experience has been nothing less than spectacular, life changing to say the least. Finding your people can take a bit of time but these beauties are 100% me.... I know it takes time, and trust, and creating a sacred space to be able to create an authentic, true connection to another human. Believe me, it is so worth it. Wherever you are on your journey, they will come, you will find them. xx Kathleen See more
16.01.2022 Decide you can. So deceptively simple. But hard to do in reality. ... Did you know our brains are wired to focus on the negative? No joke. They are literally programmed to keep us safe, to make sure we run when the elephant appears and to ensure we aren’t eaten by the lion. These days, our worries are likely not focused as much on the lions and the elephants, but our brains are still set to default to the negative thoughts. And it’s so incredibly easy to talk ourselves out of pursing our dreams and new ideas. But here’s something I’ve learned. When you hear those negative thoughts come up, acknowledge your brain and say ‘Thank you for working the way you were meant to work. I hear you. But I’m not going to take that advice today.’ Instead, decide you can. And take action. It doesn’t matter how small or messy or imperfect that first step is. Just move forward. Sending you lots of love today.
16.01.2022 There are so many elements of this bouquet that fill my heart with happiness. This colour combination, the textures, the tones. And it makes me truly appreciate floristry as an artwork and the craftsmanship involved in this particular piece.... The more time I spend creating work for our clients the more I realise the selection of the ingredients is EVERYTHING. In the instance of this bouquet, the combination of honesty, dried fern, bunny tails, scabiosa, white ohara roses, a caramel / earl grey roses or two accented with a burgundy so deep it’s called Ox Bloodoh the joy this brings. This bouquet isn’t something we created but we’re dreaming of the day we’re able to. And thank you to whoever made this beauty we found it on Pinterest. xx . . . . . #bendooleywedding #southernhighlandsflorist #wollongongwedding #miltonparkwedding #weddingflowerinspiration #girlbossbusiness #learnfloristry #ponderosaworkshop #girlboss #byoboss #forflorists
15.01.2022 It’s Monday morning and today is a day where I am very much feeling the affects of back to back wedding set-ups, long days and who-knows-how-many-days-in-a-row of work. And my mind so easily jumps to dreaming of taking a full day to just be at home, stare at the wall, take a nap, drink cups of tea and possibly even read a random summer romance. But I also know that’s not what is on the agenda for the next 72 hours. Instead, I am the crazy one who opts to run a retail flower s...hop for her ‘day job’ and focus on weddings and events as her ‘side hustle’. It is definitely not for everyone and I know this is 100% not sustainable. I also know, it’s not forever either. But it is what I choose to do for the current season of this lifetime. On these mornings where my day-dreaming, stubborn-as-a-five-year-old-child-self wishes it was something different, I know so deep down in my soul that I don’t. I am the definition of an ambitious woman and I want to show the world what is possible. And one practice I have found to be soul-soothingly helpful is practicing gratitude. I journal every morning a stream-of-consciousness exercise where you don’t ever go back to read over what you’ve written and one of the aspects of this practice is to write down five things you’re grateful for. Ladies, this exercise alone will change your life and your mindset no matter how shit-balls you’re feeling. And when Negative Nelly comes knocking and you wish you were somewhere else, stop and make yourself a list of five little things to be grateful for. Your heart will be filled with so much gratitude and joy you won’t have room for anything else. I tell ya what, just try it for five days and see how you feel and let me know how you get on. Would love to hear from you. xx
15.01.2022 Simplicity it’s my word for 2019. I use to think this practice was a bit too ‘out there’ for me but I’m realising that there is something so powerful in coming back to a central theme or objective for the year. And it’s something I’ve been talking to brides about as well that your wedding day is a day to celebrate your love and you. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need to do such and such a thing at your reception or spend bags of money on that element carefull...y pick a handful of pieces, spend money on those bits and then leave the rest. Figure out what’s most important to you two and just run with it. I’ve also just finished recording my latest episode of the Thrive Podcast #forflorists which was all about reflecting on what worked and what didn’t work for 2018. It’s an incredible experience to take time for yourself and reflect on the year that was, to remind yourself of all the you’ve accomplished in your business and in your life. I did this exercise at the recommendation of @jennakutcher and I highly recommend you do the same you don’t need to record it and broadcast it for all the world to hear but even sitting down with your 2018 calendar, a pen and your journal, it’s an incredibly cathartic experience. Do you have a theme or chosen word for 2019? If so, I’d love to hear it Comment below. Sending you so much love on this BEAUTIFUL Friday afternoon flower peoples. xx Kathleen . . . . . #bendooleywedding #southernhighlandsflorist #wollongongwedding #miltonparkwedding #weddingflorist #girlbossbusiness #learnfloristry #ponderosaworkshop #businessboss #byoboss #ayearinreview
14.01.2022 Do you sometimes wake up in the morning and feel like you’re brain is on overdrive the to do list, the new ideas, the worries? I do. Big time. I am constantly reinventing my to do list, trying to find ways to keep track of all the big things and little things and my brain needs an outlet.... My remedy: MORNING PAGES. First thing in the morning, make yourself a cup of tea or a coffee grab a piece of paper and a pen and just start writing. This is not about having things make sense, or writing the next NY Times bestseller. It’s an exercise to get all that is in your brain, out. It’s an exercise adapted from @juliacameronlive and, in her words: ‘There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages they are not high art. They are not even ‘writing’. They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind and they are for your eyes only. Just put three pages of anything on the page...and then do three more pages tomorrow. I don’t even do three pages I do one, double sided and that’s enough for me. I strongly encourage you to try it. Even if it’s not first thing in the morning. Just grab a piece of paper and start writing and don’t go back and reread. Give yourself the freedom and the space to simply write what is in your mind. You’ll be astounded at the results. I just know it. Sending you so much love today wherever you are. xx Kathleen . . @lambertfloralstudio . . . . . #morningpages #journal #morningroutine #beingacreative #floraldesign #flowershop #forflorists #bendooleyestate #miltonparkwedding #southernhighlandswedding #southernhighlandsflorist
13.01.2022 Here’s a question to ponder what is it you truly want in your life? Yeah, going deep real fast on a Thursday morning. Scarryyy!!! But it’s a question I’ve been asking myself every day for the past 10 days, giving myself the space and time to really consider my response to move past the immediate reaction of ‘I don’t know’.... Let me tell you, you do know. It is in you and all you have to do is take the time to be still, listen to you. Ignore the perfectly curated photos on Instagram, stop creating superficial goals and really get to the juicy bits. Its more than ok to wake up one day and say ‘Hey, this isn’t me. Why am I doing this?’ Remember, this life is YOUR life so do with it whatever you like and change your mind any time. Pivot, recalibrate, start over. And when it doesn’t feel right, but you’re not sure which direction to head, focus on the basics move your body, eat good food, get more sleep and make space for quiet time, for journaling, meditation and walks with the dog. Most importantly, don’t rush yourself. You will figure it out. You just need time to get there. I say all of this off the back of two of the mentally hardest weeks of my life. Nothing ‘happened’ per se rather it’s the build up of many months and probably years of putting everyone else’s needs ahead of my own. I tell ya what the combination of being a people-pleaser and a Canadian (often referred to as the ‘nicest’ people in the planet) is f’n dangerous. But I am so hyper aware of it now that I know when it’s actually working against me. If you’re in the middle of your own growth period, moment of change or season of sadness, it is ok. Embrace it, feel all the feelings, listen to your body and take it all on board. You will come through the other side a better version of yourself. And now we move onwards and upwards with our day, our week, our month and I am so excited to be here, doing what we do. See more
13.01.2022 Be the most wonderful expression of you that you are capable of. - Marianne Williamson. . . Pinterest... . . . . . #yougotthis #itsinyou #itispossible #forflorists #learnfloristry #businessbasics #byoboss #bendooleyweddings #morningmeditation #girlboss #ladyleaders #womeninbusiness #miltonparkwedding #bendooleyestatewedding See more
11.01.2022 I have dreams of us creating our own line of silk ribbons. And it’s not because they are all the rage these days. It’s simply because I know my eight year old self would be overcome with so much excitement and joy and goodness.... I have had a ribbon OBSESSION for as long as I can remember. My mum use to take me to the shops to buy ribbons after swimming lessons as a reward (bribe?) for actually getting in the pool. Stick me in a corner with a box of Smarties, a bag of ribbons and my 120 box of Crayolas and you might still find me there, 30 years later. It will happen people, one day. #watchthisspace . . @froufrouchic . . . . . . #silkribbon #childhooddreams #color #floraldesign #learnfloristry #miltonparkwedding #southernhighlandswedding #bendooleyestatewedding #forflorists #retailfloristry #floraldesign #flowerschool
10.01.2022 Ladies!!!!! I’m so excited to announce our latest downloadable FREEBIE 2019 Business Planning toolkit #linkinbio Sloan and I sat down earlier this week to talk through our priorities for early 2019. We outlined what’s working well, what’s not, what we want to focus on personally and professionally in the next three months. I woke up so excited because it’s abundantly clear to me now what the next move is, the new projects we want to create and now I have so much clarity aro...und our priories. I wanted to share it with you and you show you the business planning doesn’t need to be hard or complicated. Click the link in our bio and you’ll be directed to the download page. Grab yourself a cup of tea and start reading through the guide. I am such an advocate for planning and I know how easy it is to get wrapped up in the day to day of the work and skip over the bigger picture stuff. But believe me, it makes all the difference! Would love to hear from you guys when you’re trying it out and for you eager beavers, snap a quick photo and tag me in Instagram. Ladies, you got this! xx
10.01.2022 PRICING TIP #1 #forflorists When it comes to wedding and event projects, how much do ya budget for fresh product (wholesale flowers and foliage)? Short answer around 20%. Yep that’s all. The rest needs to be used to cover labor, operational costs, taxes, sundries / hard goods.... I know it doesn’t feel like much but if you want to be in this business for the long haul, it’s a formula that works it means you’ll be able to have enough money to pay rent for your studio, hire a helper and even be able to buy yourself a few groceries at the end of the week. #winning Got other questions about pricing and building a sustainable flower business? DM and I’ll share all I know. Kathleen . . . . . #flowerfinances #businessbuilding #flowershoolcalifornia #flowerschool #byoboss #teamflower #iwannabeaflorist #floristtoflorist #floristsoffacebook #floristintraining #learnfloristry #flowerbusiness #flowershop #weddingfloristry #eventfloristry #londonflowerschool #floristry #floristryschool #flowerpreneur #flowerconference #floristryskills See more
08.01.2022 I get ask so often how we ended up in Australia sometimes I’ll pause and say ‘I don’t know’. That’s always good for a laugh. But the truth is, I do know. We followed our intuition and made the best decision for us at that moment in time.... We were stuck in a rut. It had rained for 29 days straight in Vancouver and we both knew there was more fos us. So we decided to pack up our life, sell the house, move half way around the world to a country I had never been to. My parents told me I had to give it at least two years ‘Don’t dismiss it too early. Settle in, give it some time to find your place.’ And here we are. 10 years later. Still experimenting, finding a new groove. Every month, every week, some times every day that evolves. And it’s fucking brilliant. So here’s my question to you have you listened to your intuition lately? Do you know what it’s trying to say to you? Take a moment to tune in. Don’t pressure yourself to do anything with it, just take a few moments to check in, to see what’s going on.
06.01.2022 Obsessing over this combination of textures and tones. Everything about these photos from @foxandkin fills me with all the good feels. But it’s the look on the girls’ faces that makes me smile the most makes me think of my closest girl friends.... There is something about the relationship between honest to goodness girl friends that is unmatched, the experiences shared in life and the way you don’t have to explain yourself to them. Those friends you don’t have to call every week, the ones you can see once a year and neither of you is judging one another for not ‘making an effort’ the other 364 days. Or better yet, you haven’t seen in 10 years but you get a periodic message from them on Instagram that brings you right back to the days you spent together. You know who you are in my life and I love you so much. See more
06.01.2022 I see you flipping through Instagram, checking out what everyone else is up to. Stop it. Look up for just a second. Take a long, slow breath.... What is it that you’re avoiding? I know. You feel less than. Uncertain. Unsure. Comparing yourself to everyone else. Wondering how they go ‘there’. But let me tell you. You were made for great things. Their journey is not your journey. You are capable of so much so much more than you can ever imagine. And all you need to do today is simply take one step in that direction. Do one thing today to move towards your dream. And tomorrow you can take one more. You got this. You can do this. See more
05.01.2022 So often I look back at things I’ve made and cringe it is so hard not to be critical of our own work and find so-called ‘flaws’. But I keep coming back to the idea of gathering beautiful ingredients to begin with. When you put a piece together using beautiful ingredients, it’s nearly impossible to make it look bad.... It’s a lot like food that way if you pick tomatoes fresh off the vine, a handful of basil and the best Bocconcini, you’re all set for a flavor fiesta. Think of your floral creations the same way hand pick the most beautiful ingredients and see where you land. The roses in this one are beauties from @ellarosefarm in California. We don’t get them in Australia which makes this bouquet even more special to me. I made this at a workshop with @hollychapple @chapeldesigners many months back. I still love it. Also @takenbysarah - she makes it look Gooooood See more
05.01.2022 Kids if you're looking for us jump on over to Instagram.
03.01.2022 What would happen if you stopped resisting your heart’s desires. What might happen if you had the courage to walk forward? towards whatever is whispering at you? What would happen if you stopped telling yourself, on repeat, that you’re aren’t good enough? Or It’s not possible? Or, you don’t deserve it?... @cathyheller cracked my heart open this morning while I was driving home from the market. She continued on to say: Do you remember a moment in the past year where your heart cracked open with joy? Hold on to that moment. There is wisdom there. There is truth there. Peoples, these words resinated with me so much on this beautiful day after New Years Day. I hope they do the same for you. Sending you so much love and joy and peace for 2019. Listen to that whisper. Listen to your heart. And just take one small step in that direction today. Tomorrow you can take another one. xx Kathleen @luisabrimble . . . . #thebusinessofflowers #floraldesign #girlboss #learnfloristry #forflorists #bendooleywedding #southernhighlandswedding #southernhighlandsflorist #bowralflorist #romanticwedding #southcoasteedding #miltonparkwedding
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