Little Blossoms Family Daycare in Ramsgate, New South Wales, Australia | Nursery
Little Blossoms Family Daycare
Locality: Ramsgate, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 413 441 229
Address: Sans Souci 2219 Ramsgate, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 'Community Workers' We are only half way through our Community Workers theme (which was chosen from children's interests). I thought I would share some experiences that the children have been enjoying as part of their learning experience in the current theme. The experiences ranged across different areas such as dramatic, creative and cognitive.
23.01.2022 WOW!! What an amazing experience, we had visit from St George Fire Department. This was organised as an extension of learning from the current theme 'Community Workers'. I was in complete awe of the childrens reaction to this. Everyone was extremely involved, taking part in conversation, following direction and listening like you wouldnt believe. It was so evident how much each of the children got out of this experience; it honestly couldnt have run than it did. The fire fighters worked so well with the children, and did such a great job at teaching them some vital safety points. The children learnt what number to call if there is an emergency, they then looked over a fire alarm and what to do in a situation if it was to go off when you are asleep. Then they talked about the method stop, drop and roll if there is fire on you. The children were little sponges, their little brains soaked in so much information and had so much fun while doing so. After going through the above key points the children got to see what the fire fighter wear when they enter a fire, they thought the helmet was quite scary. After the group discussion the children went out in groups to have a sit in the fire truck, look at the GPS they use and then the children had a turn one at a time to spray the hose. We all came back in and said goodbye to the firefighters gifting them with cupcakes and craft! This was so a wonderful experience for all, I will defiantly be booking this in for the future! Kogarah Fire Station Early Years Learning Framework 1.1 Children feel safe, secure, and supported. 1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities. 1.4 Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect. 2.1 Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation. 2.4 Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment. 3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. 4.3 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another. 4.4 Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials. 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes. 5.3 Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media.
22.01.2022 More photos from the dinosaur theme!
21.01.2022 Easter Photo Props!
21.01.2022 More photos from our spring theme!
21.01.2022 This morning the children had so much fun hunting for bugs/ insects. We were successful in our findings!
20.01.2022 Little Blossoms is now full. As you can see it only took a few days to fill a position that recently became available due to a family moving out of area. Get your name down on our Waiting List today so you don't miss out on our next availability. Send through a direct message on this Facebook page or alternatively contact Hayley on: 0413441229 ... Email: [email protected] See more
20.01.2022 On Friday we celebrated ST PATRICKS DAY! The children enjoyed taking part in clover craft, wearing green and dressing up in relating accessories, making green play dough and with parents permission putting on some temporary tattoos! A few fun facts about the Irish Celebration... ... One traditional symbol of Saint Patrick's Day is the Shamrock. The Irish have considered shamrocks as good-luck symbols since earliest times, and today people of many other nationalities also believe they bring good luck. The name leprechaun comes from the old Irish word "luchorpan" which means "little body." According to legend, leprechauns live alone, and pass the time making shoes. They also have a hidden pot of gold! Treasure hunters can often track down a leprechaun by the sound of his shoemaker's hammer. The legend reminds treasure hunters that if you happen to catch a leprechaun you must keep your eyes on him every second. If the captor's eyes leave the leprechaun - he's known to trick them into looking away. He vanishes and all hopes of finding the treasure are lost. GREEN- In the 19th century green became used as a symbol for Ireland. In Ireland, there is plentiful rain and mist, so the 'Emerald Isle' really is green all year-round. The beautiful green landscape was probably the inspiration for the national color....Wearing the color green is considered an act of paying tribute to Ireland. It is said that it also brings good luck, especially when worn on St. Patrick's Day. I hope you all had a very LUCKY day!
19.01.2022 Easter This post is a little bit late, I thought I would share how Little Blossoms incorporated some of the children traditions into our programme. ... Firstly I'd like to say a huge thank you to @Maria Stilianou Salem for bringing in some coloured eggs, Greek Easter food Flaounes and Greek Easter biscuit dough Koulourakia. This allowed such a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn about and celebrate Greek culture. Angelina was very excited to share this with her friends, and very proud of her heritage. These resources provided numerous experiences for us. The children used the dyed eggs through a traditional Greek experience which is done on Easter, the children worked in pairs to crack their egg on their peers egg. The egg that was not cracked or the least cracked was called the lucky egg. After all the smashing against the each others eggs one egg stayed together with no cracks! Maria shares- The bright red eggs, besides symbolizing the blood of Christ, have additional meanings, Diane notes. They also symbolize new life and a time for us to get over things that have been holding us back, John Kikrilis explains. The eggs shells are also like Christs tomb. When theyre broken, they symbolize that Christ has risen. The children then used the dough and to create Greek biscuits Koulourakia. The children used their fine motor skills to roll, pinch and construct different shapes with the dough then placing these on a baking try brushing them in a raw egg, The children watched the biscuits cook in the over then were very excited when they tasted their creation. For a late morning tea the children enjoyed the Greek biscuits Koulourakiaand Flaounes which is a Cypriot tradition only made at Eatser time. YUM!
19.01.2022 Police Officer Visit Follow on experience from the current topic 'Community Workers'.... The children were very excited when they were told some police officers were visiting today. Once the officers arrived I expected the children to jump with joy however they were unsure, needing a few minutes to warm up. There was defiantly more uncertainty and fear portrayed from the children to the police officers in relation to the fire fighters on the recent visit. The officers talked with the children about their role in the community. Starting of with some large flash cards the officers talked about people who can keep you safe in the community such as police officers, nurses, doctors, teachers etc. Then they chatted about different 'safe places' in the community including fire stations, hospitals, schools, home and shops. Later the officers went through their uniform showing various things such as their badge, radio, handcuffs etc. the children were then gifted with a balloon and a tattoo which were sent home. Before the officers left we all grouped outside and checked out the police car. Starting of by looking at the red and blue lights then each of the children got to sit in the car! As we waved goodbye the officers ran the sirens which was very exciting. This experience allowed the children the opportunity to not only to learn about community workers but it also allowed the children to work past any conceptions or fear in relation to police officers. Eylf Outcomes: 1.1 Children feel safe, secure, and supported. 1.4 Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect. 3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
17.01.2022 The children here at Little Blossoms have loved learning about spring over the last few weeks! Here are some of the activities they took part in... 1. Studying seeds... 2. Planting flowers and cress 3. Taking care of their planted flowers and cress 4. Exploring flash cards with relating words 5. Creating rain clouds with cotton wool 6. Using forks and paint to make a fork print garden 7. Searching/ studying bugs and insects using my magnifying glass and bug catcher 8. Butterfly print paintings 9. Create paper flowers 10. Learning about the plant life cycle through 11. the use of sequence cards 12. Garden collage with patty cakes 13. Exploring Insects table 14. Various book relating to theme 15. Free painting relating to spring using object table as inspiration 16. Flower sequence stick and paste See more
17.01.2022 We love to express ourselves through play!
16.01.2022 The sun is shining and the children had so much fun taking part in water play this morning.
15.01.2022 The children really enjoyed practising their ball skills using these passing arches. Everyone did such an awesome job, little soccer stars in the making!
13.01.2022 Vacancy Alert Unfortunately one of our Little Blossoms is moving out of area therefore there is an opening position for a new friend to join us. As of the 24th January 2017... 2x position available Tuesday and Friday Looking to fill this position with a child 2+ years. More days will open up towards May onwards. Eligible families are able to claim CCR and or CCB entitlements. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or would like to arrange a tour. 0413 441 229 Thank you, Hayley
12.01.2022 *VACANCIES AT LITTLE BLOSSOMS FDC* 1 x Wednesday & Friday Position Available at Little Blossoms * Little Blossoms Family Daycare located in Sans Souci... * Diploma Trained Educator with 9 years experience *Asthma Management/Anaphylaxis/First Aid Trained & WWC * Small group Ratios 1:4 (1-5 years ) *Registered with All Areas Family Day Care scheme * Looking to fill positions with children 6 months- 2+ years, but very flexible. * Eligible families are able to claim CCS entitlements. *Vacation care & Weekend Care Available Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or want to book a no obligations tour. 0402439002 and/or Email: [email protected] Thank you
12.01.2022 Little Blossoms re opens tomorrow! I can't wait to see my little people and smash out a year filled with milestones, learning, laugher, good conversation and awesome vibes. Bring on 2017, we are ready!
10.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS from Little Blossoms family
09.01.2022 This week we started our new topic 'Health & Hygine', today we focused on hand washing. The children had a ball and displayed great knowledge.
09.01.2022 Here are some photos of a few school readiness experiences. Over the last month or so the children have been focusing on counting/ number recognition along with name recognition. So proud of my Little Blossoms
08.01.2022 STOP... Important Notice Hello everyone! As you are all aware Anzac Day is coming up on the 25th of April. As part of our learning experience I would like to organise a care package that will be sent to Afghanistan in time for the troops to receive this on Anzac Day. In order for this to make it on time it must be sent by the 14th of April. I would really love for not only Little Blossoms families to get involved but also am opening this up to the community to show our gr...atitude and appreciation towards the many people serving for our country through this small gesture. If you would like to bring in something that can be contributed towards our care package. I will list the 'suggestions' given by the government, and the items that cannot be included. If you could please bring this in by Wednesday the 12th of April. Please PM to arrange drop off. Please comment below what items you will be bringing in so we do not double up giving a range of items in our care package. This package will be addressed to both male and female soldiers. Thank you in advance for your donations. . . . . - What can be included in Care Packages? Be creative with donations while being mindful of Australia Posts guidelines. Some suggestions are listed below, as are the general restrictions. Suggestions of what you might like to include: Toiletries o Deodorant (non aerosol) o Shaving cream (non aerosol) o Small bottle of talcum powder o Disposable razors o Shower Gel o Lip Balm o Perfume samples (non glass) Food o Instant Noodles o Biscuits o Lollies o Small tinned consumables o Non-perishable foods Other ideas o Magazines from Vogue to Mens Health o Puzzle books o DVDs o Socks o Letters of support o Stamped, self addressed envelopes this way soldiers can thank you for the donation For the explosive detection dogs Box of dog biscuits -Dried beef bones -Toys -Tennis balls -Treats for the handlers What not to include Pornographic material Alcoholic beverages Clothing (except socks) Pork products Cigarettes Chocolate (if sending to warm climates)
05.01.2022 The beginning of Easter Celebrations, starting of with some craft!
05.01.2022 Wednesday 28th December Awesome day today with my Little Blossoms. Ending the last week of 2016 with a bang. We had so much fun!
05.01.2022 Vacancy Alert Little Blossoms is currently open and fully booked Tuesday-Friday. With the high demand of families looking for childcare, Little Blossoms is looking at opening on Mondays as of February. A new team member will be coming on board to teach the Monday. This educator holds 8 years experience along with A Bachelor in Early Childhood Education. More days will open up towards May onwards.... Eligible families are able to claim CCR and or CCB entitlements. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. 0413 441 229 Thank you, Hayley
05.01.2022 CPR training is an important resource in an emergency. I hope I never have to perform CPR however if an emergency situation presents itself I confidently know how to perform this. Keeping up to date with training is a vital part of my role as an educator. Keeping my Little Blossoms safe in any situation is my number one priority.
04.01.2022 Wednesday 26th October A few photos from our day! The sun is shining and we are having so much fun.
04.01.2022 The children at Little Blossoms have been learning about dinosaurs, here are some photos of different experiences the children enjoyed taking part in as part of the theme
04.01.2022 Over the next few weeks the children will be participating in a topic called Identity and Belonging. The aim of this topic is for the children to share with their peers and educator about themselves + their families/friends to create a sense of belonging at Little Blossoms. A sense of belonging comes through connection to groups and communities, belonging can enrich our identity and relationships. I felt this was the perfect topic to start of our year with as the children s...ettle into another year at Little Blossoms, also as we are welcoming new friends to be a part of our Little B family. Yesterday the children followed this on with a painting experience. The children observed their selves in the mirror, during this time we talked about what each child looked like and what we thought was special about them. The children like that Bronte had a big smile, while the children like Amelias hair, the children loved Thomass little nose. From here each of the children painted a portrait of themselves onto the mirror. This was such a beautiful activity enjoyed from all. See more
03.01.2022 Little Blossoms has been opened for 1.5 years, during this time this is my second educator of the year nomination
02.01.2022 All ready to start the topic SPRING! (Kai is clearly excited!)
02.01.2022 Happy #InternationalDayofHappiness! Nothing makes us happier than teaching more people how to save a lifeshare this poster with all of your friends who are parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, godparents and beyond! It could save a babys life.
02.01.2022 A short video of the children while reading "Handy The Octopus Saves The Day relating to the current topic 'Health & Hygiene'.
01.01.2022 These little beauties All parents know how hard it can be getting a photo of your little one so today I decided to take some shots of the children for the families here at Little Blossoms.
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