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Little Bunya's Early Education Centre of Excellence in Waterford, Queensland, Australia | Childcare service

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Little Bunya's Early Education Centre of Excellence

Locality: Waterford, Queensland, Australia

Phone: 3805 8183

Address: 929-943 Kingston Road 4133 Waterford, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 All of our children have to opportunity to engage in music bag their time with us. Our 0-3’s have a dedicated music instructor share a regular morning with them, singing, dancing, looking at rhythm, integrating numeracy and literacy, building their coordination, developing an appreciation for sound and most importantly having FUN with their friends. We love our music mornings! ... #musicfortoddlers #beingbelongingbecoming #learningthroughplay #exceedingthestandard #centreofexcellence See more

22.01.2022 Our youngest nature warriors were hard at work this week refreshing our worm farm as we head into summer.. did u know that the majority of our food waste is given to our worms, placed in our compost or sent home to community families via our ‘chook’ buckets? A large component of our sustainability policy is to reduce our waste footprint; teaching these important concepts to our children is also included in our day to day actions in relation to the plan. Even our younger litt...le Bunya children enjoy feeding our worms and contributing to looking after our planet. Caring for our worm farm fosters a sense of responsibility as children learn about the interconnectedness of living things- how our direct actions leave a ‘footprint’ on the world. #wormfarms #childrenlovegardening #natureplay #sustainability #sustainabilitymatters #beingbelongingbecoming #centreofexcellence #exceedingthestandard #reducingwaste See more

21.01.2022 Our December Playgroup is now up and ready for registrations, if you have family, friends, neighbours or anyone who you know would love a quality playgroup facilitated by early childhood specialists, please let them know about us. Bookings are essential and we appreciate the share.

20.01.2022 Our winners of the most fabulous Gingerbread house competition to date! ... we must say we are getting better at creating these and our success rate at having a stand alone creation was much higher this year! well done nursery and junior kindy.. 2020 Gingerbread House champions!

17.01.2022 Our wonderful Mel has a special birthday celebration today! She gives 110% to our families and children each and every day- we couldn’t do it without you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mel... we all appreciate you

17.01.2022 Our youngest Little Bunyas exploring the multiple dimensions of clay... the respectful invitation to explore set by our early childhood professionals.. who observe, support, encourage and share in the wonder of learning with the children. Clay exploration and creation is a staple of our sensory activities. #centreofexcellence #claycreations #reggioinspired #reggioclassroom #reggio #earlychildhoodprofessional #boutiqueearlylearning

15.01.2022 Questioning...hypothesising..making meaning of what is happening.. forecasting..observing...what/why/how it all happened...what it signifies...creating an understanding of our world. Who would have thought all of this came out of a very simple science experiment where the children looked for the unusual happenings when they mixed milk, food colouring and a tiny drop of dish detergent! Our little learners are so eager to learn more about the world around them and we offer ha...nds on learning - like this STEM experience - to help them achieve that. As milk is mostly water, it also contains tiny droplets of fat suspended in the solution. Fats are sensitive to changes in the solution around them.. the secret for the children was the tiny drops of detergent... because of its bipolar characteristic it swirls around until it can attach to a molecule.. the children were fascinated with the the two molecules join together the movement slows and eventually stops. Another benefit of our amazing learning environments is the conversation... back and forth talking, building on language skills, developing confidence and most of all having fun! #kindergarten #queenslandkindergarten #scienceiscool #stemeducation #centreofexcellence #boutiqueearlylearning #exceedingthestandard See more

15.01.2022 Final chance to wear your footy colours to Kindy - last game of the year - last chance to wear the red or blue.. make it count!

15.01.2022 Our finale for NAIDOC week was the completion of our two collaborative canvases that showcased our acknowledgement and recognition of this weeks theme Always Was, Always Will Be. We are so grateful that we have such a talented team of early childhood specialists on board at Little Bunyas. This activity was facilitated by one of our team that has an interest in Indigenous art; she worked with the children to design and plan out the illustrations and we couldn’t be happier with the end result. What a special keepsake from our week! #naidocweek2020 #collaborativeart #culturalheritage #diversity #respect #childrenarecapableandconfidentlearners #childrenarecreative #

14.01.2022 Reggio Emilia explores the creativity that lies within each and every child as a unique individual; promoting awareness of their own decisions to learn. There were so many creative opportunities with our children this morning; painting, natural clay sculptures and paper mache building of a spaceship!! All wonderfully diverse but all explicitly linked to the children’s interests and ongoing projects. We support and guide the children’s creative expression and allow them to direct the activity ... we believe strongly in process over product; more learning occurs during the actual creation rather than focusing on a ‘product’ being produced at the end. #reggioinspired #reggioemiliaapproach #childrenarecapable #childrenarecreative #natureplay #clayart #centreofexcellence #boutiqueearlylearning

13.01.2022 Save the Date - Friday 13th November, we are inviting all grandparents and special friends into the centre at 10am to spend the morning with us. As this event is RSVP only, make sure you let us know if you are coming along. We have a wonderful morning of art, craft and a delicious morning tea planned, so we are looking forward to seeing as many of our grandparents as we can. Call us on 38058183 to register.

09.01.2022 Today our beautiful babies ventured outside and collected a wide range of natural materials from our bamboo garden and used them in their clay experience. Clay is such a beneficial tool for our babies; it develops those fine motor muscles needed for hand eye coordination as they push, pull and pat the clay. Pinching and squeezing is also important as they add detail to their objects. Clay also gives them the opportunity to be creative and learn about textures, how things feel, the relationship between textures and natural items and to just be together as a group and have fun! #clayart #natureplay #babiesarecapable #childrenarecompetentandcapable #reggioinspired #reggioemiliaapproach #exceedingthestandard #boutiqueearlylearning #centreofexcellence

08.01.2022 We’d love to wish all of our beautiful children and families a wonderful, restful and safe holiday season. For those separated from their loved ones, our thoughts are with you. This year has been both different and at times difficult for many in our community; we thank you for your unwavering support, it means the world to us and keeps our passion alive. Your children are all unique and wonderful little learners.. enjoy your time with them and we’ll see you all again next week. #merrychristmas

07.01.2022 Another wonderful afternoon celebrating our spectacular kindergarten children of 2020! Some of our graduating children this year have been with us since babies.... so seeing them on the stage as confident, capable and eager learners ready to take the leap to school really made us proud. Our children are certainly ready for school and will walk through those school gates with confidence and skills that our amazing kindergarten program provides. As mentioned in our graduati...on speech delivered by Candice tonight.. ‘we pay tribute to these young people of tomorrow, we know they have received a remarkable start to their lifelong learning journey... it has been a real honour to be a part of your children’s early childhood journey ... remember to always smile big and try your very best! ‘ #kindergarten #kindergarten2020 #beingbelongingbecoming #partnerships #childrenarecapableandconfidentlearners See more

06.01.2022 Wow! We had such a beautiful morning welcoming our grandparents and special friends into our centre for morning tea... the wonderful relationships that were clearly visible this morning was so heart warming.. there were smiles from ear to ear when the children saw their special person walk through the door and like always, our Bunyas community supported our event and made our morning a memorable one.. so thank you! #grandparentsday2020 #grandparentsarethebest #exceedingthestandard #centreofexcellence

06.01.2022 Celebrating and recognising NAIDOC week is always a highlight of our year... the week has started well with such a diverse range of age appropriate learning experiences that allow large and small group contributions as well as opportunity for conversation and togetherness. Always Was, Always Will Be is the theme for 2021... Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. It also signifies tha...t we are all spiritually and culturally connected to this country in many ways. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists. We are raising the next generation of engineers, farmers, botanists, scientists, diplomats, astronomers and artists... and we recognise this and take our role with this influence seriously.. We are also excited to share a wonderful collaborative art project that is currently underway.. stay tuned as we will share later in the week.... #naidocweek #naidoc2020 #culturalsensitivity #beingbelongingbecoming #atsi #centreofexcellence #boutiqueearlylearning #exceedingthestandard See more

05.01.2022 Out this morning and I saw so many prams covered tightly to protect the baby from the sun (great idea), yet the way the muslin covers were attached to the pram, the air circulation for the bub inside would have been minimal. With the hot weather now upon us, it is a timely reminder to ensure your baby has sufficient airflow inside the pram and to be aware that the temperature inside the pram will be significantly higher than outside the pram. Please ensure that you are regularly checking your baby, opening the back panels to allow sufficient airflow, seeking shade, and ensuring that you are only using the dedicated accessories that allow for correct ventilation - not pegged wraps or sheets that prohibit airflow. Great reminder shared from Parents 2 B Facebook page - share with your fellow new mums!

05.01.2022 Diwali day was recognised today with a diverse range of activities introduced to the children to celebrate it. Candle tea light holders and stunning fireworks paintings were just some of the creative ways our children signified the event. Diwali is the five day Festival of Lights that often coincides with their new year and harvest. It signifies new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil; light over darkness... #diwali2020 #childrenarecompetentandcapable #childrenarecreative

05.01.2022 As you all know, we are huge fans of Maggie Dent here at Bunyas - she has a great podcast on Spotify- jump on and follow if you are a podcast fan.. we talk often about how children can be 'roosters and lambs'; its a great way to understand your child and what they need. We often get comments from families that their children's temperaments are so different from each other.. some great tips in here to support your parenting.

03.01.2022 Our children immersed themselves in all things dinosaurs this morning.. as a Christmas treat we booked an interactive dinosaur show; we dug for fossils, painted dinosaurs, learnt all about dinosaurs and what the world was like when they roamed the Earth.. we also were brave and patted the dinosaurs. Check out our stories for how incredible this experience is! #dinosaursarecool #dinosaurs #childrenarecapableandconfidentlearners #beingbelongingbecoming #ignitingcuriosity #exceedingthestandard #centreofexcellence

03.01.2022 Another lovely morning sharing our time and conversation with members of our community.. have you ever thought about coming along to our Playgroup Queensland meet ups? We hold the on the first Monday of every month. It’s a relaxed and enjoyable morning; spending time playing, exploring the outdoor environments, meeting other families and chatting with our early childhood specialists. It’s one of our favourite times of the month and we love meeting the new abs returning families as they come along. #playgroupqueensland #learningthroughplay #beingbelongingbecoming #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodprofessional #centreofexcellence #exceedingthestandard

03.01.2022 Our Annual Gingerbread House competition is in the foyer and ready for judging.. our younger rooms decorated to their hearts content with our older rooms having the additional challenge of building AND decorating.. check out our stories for more images.. we are now asking for your votes. Swing by our office and let us know which one is your favourite... our winning class gets to have bragging rights for the year! #gingerbreadhouse #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #buildingpartnerships

02.01.2022 Gentle guidance, supporting, scaffolding, encouraging, nurturing... all words we could use to describe this beautiful, respectful experience of clay work. Presenting a beautiful invitation for the children is the first step in encouraging them to engage and explore with us. Our professional early childhood specialists are the most dedicated and passionate team of individuals, all bringing their unique contribution to our team. We are beyond proud of the team at Little Bunyas and we know that the children who call Little Bunyas their early learning centre are being taught by the very best! #earlychildhoodprofessionals #exceedingthestandard #centreofexcellence #clayart #exploringwithclay

02.01.2022 Our wonderful Bunyas team snuck in an early Christmas celebration this weekend; they rarely have an opportunity to spend quality fun together outside the busy demands of their classrooms.. our lovely Miss Shadae also celebrated the last year of her 20’s too! Such a lovely morning (was super hot!) full of laughter, chat and not so great golf swings!! #itslookingalotlikechristmas #bestteam #bestteamever #partnerships #boutiqueearlylearning

01.01.2022 Our early learning centre is in the news Kids On The Coast Magazine recently interviewed our founder and chatted about our approach to early learning and what makes us unique and different from other early learning environments. We are so proud of all our centres and our passionate & dedicated educators who live, breathe and fully nurture our centre philosophy. If you want to find out more about our approach, why not pop into our centre and discover for yourself. We can't wait to meet you!

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