Little Field Mice in Braidwood, New South Wales | Farm
Little Field Mice
Locality: Braidwood, New South Wales
Phone: +61 411 147 742
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23.01.2022 When it comes to growing an orchard, grove or even an avenue of trees, it is always more rewarding to have grown them yourself. Tonight, we are starting to stratify our second batch of sugar maple seeds. Three days soaking then three months in the fridge before around 25-40% should sprout ... Not for the impatient gardener. Some of our first batch are due to come out next weekend and sit on a heat pad to trick them into thinking it's springtime!
23.01.2022 There is something about Spring that is simply magical. Everywhere you look, the blooms are turning into fruit and early maturing plants are already ripening. The promise of a glorious summer now boils down to how well you care for everything in the coming summer months.
22.01.2022 Its the only way we roll!
22.01.2022 Stuck for a last minute Christmas gift? What about an apple tree that happily lives in a pot all its life? We have a few super dwarf apple trees available and ready for their new homes. They only grow to around 2m in height and are great on a patio, on a balcony or grown as a hedge. Generally these awesome little trees are strong enough to hold fruit in their 2nd year but some are already in fruit now! We have both common and heritage varieties available. Our short list of fa...vourites are: Granny Smith Red Delicious Golden Delicious Fuji Royal Gala Golden Hornet Crab Apple White Transparent Democrat Let us know what variety you are after and we will check our stock. Pickup this Saturday. Message us to secure your tree. Cost is $30 each (incl GST) ****UPDATE**** As of this morning (saturday 16/12), we have Almost sold out! Thanks everyone for your support! We currently have a handful of trees left. They are... 5 x Pink Lady 2 x Red Delicious 1 x Jonathan 1 x Golden Delicious 1 x Devonshire Quarrenden - a smal to medium heritage Apple. Juicy with a strawberry sweetness.
22.01.2022 So we harvested our pumpkin patch today as the frost arrived this week and killed off the leaves. Just a few JAPs!
21.01.2022 ALL SOLD! Garlic grading in progress! Lots of awesome garlic this season. Our first variety is the Glen Large ... an artichoke type variety with plump, juicy cloves. Early harvesting and hence our first variety for boxing up!... Next week were harvesting 9 other varieties ... and in around 4 weeks our final one ... the Spanish Roja.
21.01.2022 Asparagus anyone? Our asparagus babies are coming along nicely now. We have just over 150 little pots ... which will graduate to larger ones in spring next year. These guys are destined for our first commercial asparagus plot on the new farm ... very exciting times. ... Did you know that asparagus will produce year on year for 20 years or more!?!? Now to start off another few hundred!
19.01.2022 Finished cleaning up all the saffron corms this afternoon ... a perfect activity while waiting for cookies to bake. Should be able to harvest enough saffron threads next year to sell!
18.01.2022 Saffron harvest should start in 10 days! These gorgeous crocus should start to flower soon ... 3 weeks of beautiful and fragrant purple flowers. The constant weeding is finally paying off. Woot!
18.01.2022 The last two weeks has been all about cuttings! With the sap starting to rise in deciduous plants already, now is the time for cuttings. We've kicked off 3 varieties of flowering peaches, 2 apricot vars, 3 mulberry vars, 5 fig vars, sugar maple, apple rootstock, pear rootstock, pomegranates, finger limes, Tahitian limes, blood and naval oranges, 5 olive vars, 3 lemon vars and 3 mandarin vars. *phew* just shy of 1000 cuttings. ... I've used up several packets of rooting compound. Next year I'm buying it in bulk! .... now to plant those tomato seeds!I
18.01.2022 Winter is planning time here on the farm. The question is ... do you want our meat birds again this year? Looking at costs, these guys would be $30 each this year. If you're interested, please let us know. The average 12 week old bird size last year was around 3.8kg (dressed). So who's up for replacing a turkey at Christmas for one of our meat birds?
17.01.2022 We are trialling quite a few different table grape varieties on the farm this year .... and they're just starting to grow! If all things go well, we will be able to offer disease free, organic table grapes from next year! It is a very exciting time here. The varieties we're trialling are: Concord, Crimson Seedless, Sultana, Autumn Royal, Fantasy Seedless, Gordo (Muscatel), Black Muscat, Isabella Black, Flame Seedless, Sun Muscat and Saturn. ... While spring is beautiful, a part of me can't wait until autumn already!
16.01.2022 It's an exciting but sad day for this little farmer. Just picked the last three of my purple broccoli from the farm as part of the house move ... I'm going to miss this over the next few months!
16.01.2022 Some interesting changes to the horticulture award.
15.01.2022 It's garlic planting season! And you know that you have garlic fever when you spend every second night of your evenings for almost a month sourcing, peeling and sorting garlic bulbs. Now is the time to plant soft neck varieties. Then soon afterwards the hardnecks can go in. All hail the amazing garlic!
15.01.2022 Remember those figs we struck for cuttings about 2 months ago? Well, they've graduated today to their very own individual pots!
15.01.2022 Were getting our priorities right when building on the new farm ... the first groundwork to commence is not on the shed or house ... it's the steps of the epic kids fort located on one of the granite outcrops. During the break, we set up the archery range too. Photos to follow!
15.01.2022 There are some plants in our pantry garden whose sole purpose is to cover the soil when nothing else is growing. Mother Nature hates being naked, as she leeches nutrients. One of the plants we use is the humble sweet potato. It creates great leafy coverage, grows quickly, needs very little water and sends out nice deep roots. Its only drawback is that it hates the frost. Bonus for us though as it lets us know when to harvest it! In preparation for spring planting, we started... pulling out some of the old vines to check on the soil condition and found all these lovelies in only one square metre! I can smell a nice baked dinner coming up!
15.01.2022 The first of the cherry trees are going in ... exciting! Lots of mulch once they're in.
13.01.2022 Because we had spare room in the garlic plot this year, I'm introducing a few new varieties ... this gorgeous parcel arrived from Rivertree Organics today with a few kilos of Printanor (a white French var.) and Oriental Purple (name says it all).
12.01.2022 We hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas! Don't forget to shower your apple trees with a little Christmas cheer. You should now start seeing new growth starting to burst forth. When you notice that there are lots of leaves shooting on your apple trees, this is a great sign to give them a little extra TLC. The new growth is essentially next year's flowers and fruit. Here is what you can do to ensure that your next crop is a bumper one...... * gently hoe the weeds around the base * apply some organic fertiliser * mulch all around the base * strip off any shoots growing from the rootstock * thin out current crop to promote larger apples * give a good watering Happy gardening!
11.01.2022 We've been busy planting out our nursery plants this summer on our new property in Braidwood ... now there is plenty of space for restocking this winter! So the question is.... how many fruit trees do I graft? On the plan are 15-25 of each of the following so far ... - 4 way Apple (granny Smith, golden delicious, red delicious and fuji) - Black Boy cherry... - Stella cherry - Lapins cherry - Starburst cherry - Smyrna quince - 2 vars of nashi pear - Anzac peach - moorpark apricot - blood plum (Satsuma) ..... any other ideas? We are also trialling a 1.8m standard weeping apple. Medium sized fruit on a 1.8m high trunk. Should be gorgeous.
09.01.2022 Mmmmmmmn .... figs are in season! These guys are HUGE and honey sweet. Can't wait until the baby trees are producing these gems.
09.01.2022 Here's a neat trick we use to plant everything in neat rows... take 3 hardwood stakes and mark off 10cm intervals. As you prepare to plant things out, lay down the stakes to form a H and plant away ... our beds are 1.2m wide so we plant our garlic 5 to a side
08.01.2022 Here's something different....
07.01.2022 We unwrapped a very big preset over the last two days ... our future on-site sales office! A 12x7m freezer panel shed with two rooms (cold storage and office), an area for a future commercial kitchen, adjoining bathroom and porch out the front to enjoy a nice lunch break... woot! Now to decipher the assembly instructions ... I will definitely need to draw on a lot of patience ... watch this space!
07.01.2022 Only 199 more saffron flowers to make up 1 gram of threads!
06.01.2022 We are prepping our fig cuttings for the fig, olive and pomegranate orchard. This time of year is perfect for striking cuttings. These are the Brown Turkey cuttings from our trees. We're also putting in some White Genova, Pink Genova, Purple Province and one from my grandfathers original orchard, all the way from Sicily more than 60 years ago. The plan is to have around 50 of each variety. Figs rock!
06.01.2022 Too wet to do a lot today, so I got creative in the relative shelter of my glass house! What do you think ... good enough as an outdoor table piece?
06.01.2022 Here are the different drying stages for saffron threads ... the top one is fresh, the middle is partially dried and the bottom one is ready for storage.
05.01.2022 Just getting a little excited here ... I have an order of 70 raspberry canes arriving next week! Can I squeeeeee yet or should I wait until they arrive?
03.01.2022 I may be obsessed with garlic and apples, but my son is obsessed with cacti. And not your "normal" cacti you get at Bunnings ... No, he loves those huge things that make you look twice and think "hell no!" We took a drive and approached neighbours for some cuttings of different varieties for his collection ... This one is by far his favourite. Saw in hand, nice strong boots and and a giant cactus ... A very happy little man indeed.
03.01.2022 Our first paddock fences are going up on the new farm. If the weather behaves itself, ground will be broken in a few weeks time for our first shed and water tank .... Followed closely by ground prep of our market garden beds.
03.01.2022 Resurrected an old egg basket ... love these colors! The trick is keeping the eggs rotated so the fresh ones aren't always at the top! I think I need a bigger egg basket though.
03.01.2022 Seed saving at its finest!
03.01.2022 There is something about crocheting useful items that keeps me smiling. I'm currently re-creating some string market bags that my grandmother taught me. Several hours well spent! On recommendation from a friend, I've decided to post these up on Easy ... let's see what happens!
02.01.2022 The garlic is coming along beautifully this year. It always amazes me that Garlic has such different leaf shape and colour depending on the variety! This year we have 11 different varieties in the ground. The first pic shows 3 clearly. The last weeding session before winter really makes the beds pop! Lots of mulching to do now.
02.01.2022 We are mixing up a summer green manure today in preparation for next year's garlic. The results look really pretty and it smells divine! We also cleaned out some of the older seed stock too. This mix has... Beans, peas, clover, rye, wheat, sunflower, barley, fenugreek, coriander, oats, Lucerne, lettuce and a few brassica varieties.
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