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25.01.2022 I’m a big crystal fan. Growing up there was always pieces of amethyst in my home, but I had no idea how amazing these purple rocks could be. Fast forward today, there is still so much I have to learn but I have come to appreciate and understand how to work with these babies as a tool in my everyday life. This months crystal grid The intention is:... Heart portal, creativity, intuition & abundance I’m following my heart, I’m doing what I love. If I’m doing what what I love I’m open to the power of my creativity, if I’m tuning into my creativity Im tuning into my intuition and if I’m tuning into my intuition I am open to all the abundance that is around me #crystals #energy #intentioniseverything #crystalgrids #crystalhealing #lightworker #amythest #citrinecrystal #clearquartzcrystal #calcitecrystal #pyrite
25.01.2022 Tonight was one of those moments that I was so grateful for the tools I have in my mum box when I was able to not only comfort my girl physically but to empower her to become self aware of why she has been feeling triggered lately. I never set out to be a EFT (emotional freedom techniques) practitioner, It was only that I was fortunate to discover first hand how potent & valuable this tool is in helping my children that it led me on my own inner work journey alongside th...em #efttapping #eft #selfawarenessjourney #releasingemotion #reprogramyourmind #eftpractitioner #tapandbreathe #childrenarethebestteachers #sograteful See more
24.01.2022 Never would I thought that we would combined our superpowers and create what is now known as calm your farm Although knowing each other for nearly 10years we only truly integrated into each other’s lives 3 years ago . What brought us together? The discovery of the impact we both found in applying EFT into our lives. ... The goal of wanting to learn everything about EFT The dream of wanting to empower others. 3 years ago we sat across from each other, tapping away talking about our self doubts, our needs in wanting to change our mindset before sharing our dreams and hopes for our future and funny enough we even set intentions without realising how they would manifest. Within those 3years we have become international EFT practitioners , we have worked numerous hours on our own limiting beliefs and have been fortunate to mentor and coach many individually, but the fun comes when we get to run our calm your farm! workshop and share our passion and skills with others. Together we are like Batman & Wonder Woman , Scooby & shaggy, chalk & cheese , ying & yang -our differences is what makes us the perfect combination to be a team . Why? Because we make each other laugh, we honour each other’s wisdom and different perspectives, we raise each other’s vibration and strive together towards our common goal we set 3 years ago. When ever we are in doubt or are unsure we lean in each other, own our shit and move forward as we shift - none of this would’ve been possible without EFT in our world. With holding our last calm your farm for 2020 over the weekend and receiving phenomenal feedback I’m so excited about what we will be manifesting for the future. #eft #eftpractioner #calmyourfarm #workshop #tapping #dreambig #riseeachother #manifest #collaboration #teamwork #dowhatyoulove
24.01.2022 Todays lesson in the garden was: how Taylah views the world and what she TAUGHT ME! As we were removing the overgrown mint from around other herbs Taylah said: mint is kinda like corona, it just spreads and damages other plants ... Its good we are freeing up the space here so the other plants dont touch the mint and they have their on space like we have to with corona The next analogy was: Bugs and plants must have a trading system, they cant live without each other they must be borrowing something from each other As we kept gardening I listened to her talk and loved how innocent she views her world but yet acknowledged the things she is picking up on. It was a great reflection for me to continue to be mindful of what my little people are listening too but not discredit how they make sense of their world in times we are facing. #achildsreflection #howlittleonesviewtheirworld #mint #gardeningwithkids #sheismyteacher
24.01.2022 I’m an educator through and through, it’s what lights me up and I’m very fortunate of being able to spend many days and hours in a week alongside some of my favourite humans making a difference in other people’s lives young and old. Although today I wasn’t in my usual teacher role, I did get to work alongside Tash Alexander from the tapping room and share the gift of EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to others through our Calm your farm workshop . Observing the AH HAmoments occur as these people discover the powerful effects of EFT, gets me super excited as not only do I know that they now have another tool in there kit to help them in their journey of life, I also know the positive ripple effect that will come into their world & that’s EXCITING
24.01.2022 Why do I love EFT (emotional freedom techniques)?.... Because it’s a gentle, effective and potable self- management tool that can be used anywhere to reduce stress! Today when I was on the phone to one of my beautiful pregnant girlfriends , there was an incident that made her feel worried. Being 6 weeks off meeting her cherub I felt helpless I couldn’t be with her to calm her nerves down BUT then I thought TAP & BREATHE , an eft technique that sends a calming signal to the am...ygdala (stress centre in the brain ) which then sends the signal to the rest of the body/mind system, to calm down and stress less about that issue. Although I couldn’t be there physically I was still able to help her with a quick video I whipped up showing her how to do it. Happy to report, that not only was mummy-to-be able to calm herself down but she was able to get some clarity on the issue which allowed her to not overthink the situation And this is one of many reason why EFT is my most go to tool in my survival box. #efttapping #littlegmentoring #mothertobe #clamingthemind #tapandbreathe See more
24.01.2022 Im a big crystal fan. Growing up there was always pieces of amethyst in my home, but I had no idea how amazing these purple rocks could be. Fast forward today, there is still so much I have to learn but I have come to appreciate and understand how to work with these babies as a tool in my everyday life. This months crystal grid The intention is:... Heart portal, creativity, intuition & abundance Im following my heart, Im doing what I love. If Im doing what what I love Im open to the power of my creativity, if Im tuning into my creativity Im tuning into my intuition and if Im tuning into my intuition I am open to all the abundance that is around me #crystals #energy #intentioniseverything #crystalgrids #crystalhealing #lightworker #amythest #citrinecrystal #clearquartzcrystal #calcitecrystal #pyrite
22.01.2022 Ok let’s get serious about Emotional Freedom Techniques! With the upcoming workshop calm your farm I have a few people asking about EFT and wanting to gain a greater understanding of how this tool could be useful. Q1) What are the benefits of applying EFT into your world? ... A) A healthier emotional version of you! Q2) How? A) EFT brings: Mental Clarity -When you have mental clarity, your mind isn't clouded with indecision, what-ifs, overwhelm or worry. Self awareness - evaluate yourself + manage emotions & align your behaviour. Homeostasis - your body having an internal balance maintain even when there is external changes. Reframing - changing your mindset , that internal talk , belief structure These are only 4 points but they are enough to give a general overview but trust me there are sooooo many more, hence why I’m passionate on sharing this tool with those in my world. DM for registration to the beginners workshop or for a free 20mins discovery call. #eftpractitioner #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #mentoring #smashinglimitingbeliefs #reframeyourself #changeyourmindset #changeyourthoughts #stressmanagement #stressrelief #homeostasis #reducecortisol #selfawareness #emotions #emotionalhealing #alignment #behaviour #clarity #mentalhealthawareness #mentalclarity #happierandhealthier #rippleeffect #calmyourfarm
22.01.2022 A big shout out to Al from Owl Design who took the time to immerse herself in my vision for littleg by sampling the goods of what Im here to share with the world and then went away and created this little baby . . #owldesigns #littleg #creatingavisiontogether #holistichealing #energywork #chakrabalancing #efttapping #mentoring #lovewhatigettodo
22.01.2022 Ok for all those asking if there is going to be another EFT workshop ? It’s with great excitement to announce the time has come! CALM YOUR FARM! (A beginners workshop in EFT) Is back on, brought to you by myself and the wonderful Tash Alexander from The Tapping room. ... Details are below or feel free to send me a DM
22.01.2022 When I am in my mentor role I always set the intention to help others release the stuff that no longer serves them, so they can let go of the past and become empowered as they move into their future . Empowering others is what Im born to do its how I shine my light . #ifreakinglovewhatido #energybased #efttapping ... #releasingwhatnolongerserves #steppingoutofmycomfortzone #mentoring #empoweringothers See more
22.01.2022 Oh how perfect to see these words today as this week there has been so reconnection to our inner child and them being not only heard but honoured - thank you Maree for your words of wisdom
22.01.2022 Says it all really.
20.01.2022 As more and more souls are Now awakening and as we transit through this very exciting and unfolding decade of 5D energies , the practice and willingness to vigi...lantly maintain our own auric field and the cutting of ties is vital. Through such practice we truly begin to feel and recognize our personal sacred energies reflecting our frequencies in all moments. But more importantly as we know ours , we then become very aware to those frequencies that are NOT ours , nor in alignment with ours thus affording the opportunity and choice to free ourself by handing each and every soul we encounter their energies back in and through Love accordingly. We each must Also recognize our discordant frequencies and thoughts subjected upon another or the earth and reclaim and transmute all without personal judgement. This is where our true power lies and our evolution accelerates. See more
20.01.2022 As humans when we are feeling good we are feeling happy , our bodies are feeling great and we seem to move through our day to day lives effortlessly perhaps even dancing to the beat of our drum as we feel in alignment to what makes us shine but When feelings of sadness, stress, or anxiety are causing physical problems, imagine how keeping these feelings inside can make you feel worse, perhaps feel out of alignment as you are dimming your light. I know first hand when I’m fee...ling stuck , when I’m not in tuned - for me it comes up physically, mainly appearing like hay fever symptoms. It took me a long time to connect the physical symptoms to the emotions and there has been a journey in that learning itself BUT fortunately I have gained amazing tools along the way which I love sharing with others but my favourite one to shift my shit quickly is EFT (emotional freedom technique aka tapping) I have seen this tool in action and I’m so freaking excited that I have just completed my level 2 training and I’m on my way to becoming an accredited practitioner. Looking forward to sharing this tool along with so many more, to those who are ready to shift their stuff and replace with the stuff that makes them shine #alwaystraining #selfdevelpomenttools #selfdevelopmentjunkie #efttapping #empoweringothers #littleg #eckharttolle #shiftingstuff #ignitingothers
20.01.2022 Calm your farm - what is it and what will you learn
20.01.2022 Calm your farm - an expression used constantly to tell another person (usually my children) to relax or chill out when they are all psyched up over the little stuff as stressing about it only adds to making it a BIGGER problem then it should be. I know as a parent/ human its easy to say but when youre in the thick of your shit how is it even possible to see clear or have some sort of clarity ???? This is where my love of EFT comes in, along with lots of other tools I learnt along my journey. For me EFT is hands down the most effective and fastest tool I know that allows me to get into a state of calmness, a state of clarity with a sense of self awareness of the emotions that are driving my actions. Once the knowing comes in I can manage whats going on in my world from a different state of mind and its this reason and so much more that Im excited to combined my superpowers with the beautiful Tash from @the_tapping_room, to bring a beginners workshop to our community as the more we share this gift the ripple effects are priceless 2020 calm your farm ADULT workshop dates: Saturday 21st March @ Toormina community centre Sunday 24th May @ Lower Bucca Community preschool For further details and registration DM myself or Tash @The Tapping Room
19.01.2022 Meet Busta the dog, Taylah’s favourite friend in this whole wide world. Busta is the biggest sook and brings so much love not only into our family but massively into Taylah’s heart. So recently a beautiful friend of mine lent us the book Polly & Buster by Sally Rippin after she meet our Busta, and OMG this book has now become a favourite. This book incorporates everything I love to teach my children about emotions, friendships, honouring yourself / your truth, intuition..., discerning what doesn’t feel right, energy and magic all along with the enchanting story of a feeling monster & a wayward witch. When I asked Taylah what she learnt from the book her response was it doesn’t matter what or who you are you can love anyone or anything that makes your heart burst even if it feels like others won’t like it. The lesson for me was .....From a fiction story I was shown so many parallels of real life and it was a great mirror for me to acknowledge the inner wayward witch in me #pollyandbuster @sallyrippin #emotions #friendship #love #readingbookstogether #magic #energy #truth #honouryourinnerwaywardwitch #findyourbusterandkeepthem See more
19.01.2022 The last couple of days I found myself feeling irritated, frustrated but it wasnt with anyone or anything in particular so I couldnt quite workout WHY I was feeling this low vibration so I just kept going on about my days as usual until I was forced to physically stop. Hay fever got the better of me and trust me when the world is in COVID mode I dont want to be anywhere appearing red eyed & sneezing, so homebound I was ! Now hayfever for me usually occurs for two reas...ons, either I have eaten or drunk something that has triggered it OR Ive been suppressing some emotions (just quietly this time it was suppressing). The above photos were taken 24hrs apart, the reason being I wanted a before and after shot of how I look when I have dis-ease in my body, when I have been internally frustrated instead of honouring myself with what I need and just pushing it to the side due to me thinking I dont have enough time. Funny enough antihistamine dont work on me so I have to either ride it out for a day or two BUT if I choose to implement some EFT (aka tapping) not only do I get clarity on whats actually going on in my internal world, I also get to own my shit and clear the dis- ease that I have manifested a lot faster. My thoughts of late, thinking I have no time, was indeed making me feel frustrated, cranky, irritated and thank goodness my body stepped in and made me stop because the results 24hrs later is I no longer have hayfever but also I had a day where time stood still and everything just flowed with ease and alignment. I just have to remember to go with my heart and not my head and if that fails I just tap again. #eft #efttapping #emotionalhealth #holisticwellbeing #innerwork #hayfever #hayfeversucks #notenoughtime #notimeforme #clarity #empowerment #lettinggo #lookingaftermyself See more
19.01.2022 The last couple of days I found myself feeling irritated, frustrated but it wasn’t with anyone or anything in particular so I couldn’t quite workout WHY I was feeling this low vibration so I just kept going on about my days as usual until I was forced to physically stop. Hay fever got the better of me and trust me when the world is in COVID mode I don’t want to be anywhere appearing red eyed & sneezing, so homebound I was ! Now hayfever for me usually occurs for two reas...ons, either I have eaten or drunk something that has triggered it OR I’ve been suppressing some emotions (just quietly this time it was suppressing). The above photos were taken 24hrs apart, the reason being I wanted a before and after shot of how I look when I have dis-ease in my body, when I have been internally frustrated instead of honouring myself with what I need and just pushing it to the side due to me thinking I don’t have enough time. Funny enough antihistamine don’t work on me so I have to either ride it out for a day or two BUT if I choose to implement some EFT (aka tapping) not only do I get clarity on what’s actually going on in my internal world, I also get to own my shit and clear the dis- ease that I have manifested a lot faster. My thoughts of late, thinking I have no time, was indeed making me feel frustrated, cranky, irritated and thank goodness my body stepped in and made me stop because the results 24hrs later is I no longer have hayfever but also I had a day where time stood still and everything just flowed with ease and alignment. I just have to remember to go with my heart and not my head and if that fails I just tap again. #eft #efttapping #emotionalhealth #holisticwellbeing #innerwork #hayfever #hayfeversucks #notenoughtime #notimeforme #clarity #empowerment #lettinggo #lookingaftermyself See more
19.01.2022 In so many ways parenting is about rising as we're raising children. Meaning, there is nothing like a childs immaturity to bring out our own, inspiring us to ...raise our skills. We often have unrealistic expectations based on our past experiences. The childhood we have influences how we experience parenthood. We are all doing the best we can. Education and compassion help us turn our aspirations into action. If the needs or emotions of a child awaken our own pain we either repeat history or reclaim our own story. If were here, we're taking the opportunity to courageously and consciously: Relearn how to be emotionally sovereign as we emotionally support our children. Realize how to meet our own needs as we help meet the needs of our children. Reflect on how to take responsibility for our own behavior as we model for our children to do the same. Rewiring our brains through compassion. Resetting our nervous systems through deep slow breathing Reminding ourselves that we are safe, as we become a safe haven. Offer the child within the same empathy and kindness you aspire to offer the child in front of you. This practice strengthens the adult we aspire to be and the adult our child will become. Love Lelia Schott
19.01.2022 I've been pretty quiet on social media but that’s because I have been busy expanding my knowledge and skills and adding more chapters to my own personal journey so I can continue to guide others. Besides working on my process to becoming an accredited practitioner in EFT, I some how happened to find time (thanks to my beautiful partner) to spend 3 long days learning to become a "Celebration Day for Girls" facilitator and also was able to take time out to honour the 12year o...ld girl in me (hence the photo) What is CDG facilitator? Read on and you will find out I love everything to do with empowering our future generations! So much of who we are is shaped in our early years, and my journey to become a Celebration Day for Girls facilitator was a combination of my own menarche (first period) story as well as my daughters. When my daughter was 11 she got her periods and her symptoms & experience were very different to what I had ever experience and she was asking many questions which I was unable to answer authentically as I actually realised that I didn’t know much about menstruation (shocking I know), the truth was that my mother never really sat down and spoke to me about it and so together we had to research and find the right people to guide us both through this process. We were very fortunate to have found that and I was amazed on how much I was learning. When I began to share this story with others I soon realised I was not alone and it was this point in my life that lead me to becoming a Celebrations day for Girls facilitator; as I knew I wanted to be able create a fun, safe and supportive space amongst my community where mothers and daughters can come together to not feel embarrassed but to be empowered about having courage’s conversations regarding puberty and menarche. I’m excited and honoured to be on this journey of rite of passage of women hood with all those I am fortunate to cross paths with. xx
18.01.2022 Such great insight that I had to share
18.01.2022 Gratitude journals are used by individuals who wish to focus their attention on the positive things in their lives.- Wikipedia Thats great, but do they work? Over the years Ive been committed to gratitude journals and it works for a while but when my world is crumbling the headspace to journal positivity is non existence and Ill go months without doing it , it sort of becomes like an exercise that I learnt years ago; to stand infront of the mirror and say positive affirm...ation everyday for 21 days reality for me its not going to change my mindset, what DOES is getting REAL !!! Its showing up when I feel like my world is crumbling, its stepping up and owning my shit, its expanding my consciousness and working through my limiting beliefs and conditionings- because when I do Im actually able to sit down and truly write a gratitude note (sometimes its turns into an essay) to myself that truly allows me to be grateful for what ever the lesson or life experience I am in. Combining this little birthday beauty that I received with my love of EFT Im excited to do this practice different this time and see how the contents in this gratitude journal (now that Im wiser and older ) will be once the pages are full. #gratitude #efttapping #journaling #gratitudeattitude #heartopening #goingwiththeflow #expansion #healingjourney #raisingvibrations See more
18.01.2022 Dear full moon, I let go of...... The full moon is a perfect time to release what no longer serves you. Usually we do a bit of tapping if something in troubling miss T but today we decided to work with grandmother moon’s magic instead.... Doing this simple activity of writing a letter to the moon with miss 8year old, not only brought awareness to me what she is feeling but it gave her the space to get these low vibrational feelings out of her system making room for what ever the next lunar cycle brings. #fullmoon #lettinggo #grandmothermoon #reflection #lesstalkingmoredrawing #selfawareness #expressions
17.01.2022 Ok TWEENS the evaluation sheets came back from our last work shop and there were a lot of requests for facials and cooking activities SO we took this into account ! What we came up with is a recipe to learn about self love Facials + nutrition = skin care which comes down to, self love ... What is self-love and why is it important? Self love means having a high level of respect for your own well-being & happiness. Learning to love ourselves is a tricky thing ; some humans spend their entire lives learning how to do this. Guess what, The empowered blossom team we are getting in early! Why? Because we want the next generations to know that loving yourself is a super power ! If you don’t learn to love YOU, you cannot fully love another with ALL your heart and when you learn to love yourself, not only do you learn self-compassion; YOU also learn to take care of yourself like you would take care of your best friend. If this resonates for any tween in your life , pop over to the empowered blossom website for further details.
17.01.2022 I chose to become a mentor because I love people it’s as simple as that! I believe everyone deserves to feel happy, to believe in themselves as they dance this journey of life but I’m no good to anyone if I don’t look after myself I learnt this at the age of 34 when I crashed and burnt. Was it being an educator for years, was it being a mother of 4, was it trying to keep up with society and the old belief structures I had? It most probably was but the time came to get rid of... what no longer served me . I kept my children and my job BUT chose to bring self care into my life without feeling guilt . It was not easy but thank goodness I found the things that light me up and now I consciously give myself the time and space to nourish ME first as the ripple effect allows me to balance so many aspects in my life. Yesterday I met with a beautiful client and I could relate to every word she was telling me and remembered how I use to live in a world where the external world affect my internal world , flipping the switch on that has been a great lesson in life and helping others do the same thing makes my heart explode . See more
17.01.2022 So true. Our higher self knows what’s in our best interests. Our ego self thinks it does .. but it does not. Limiting consciousness will and can never unders...tand the miraculous opportunities that are absolutely possible through the power of love, faith and belief in a power greater than our physical self. Time to start trusting and surrendering unto it perhaps ? Oh my goodness yessssss! See more
16.01.2022 Just like adults, children need a RDO too, a rested day off, a self care day, a mental health day - a day to fill their cup up. I know as an adult I can get so caught up in what needs to get done, rather then what I want to be doing and this momentum just gets bigger and bigger until bam I’m exhausted. It’s at that point if I’m not physically sick, I actually schedule a whole day off to fill my cup, so why not my little people too. Fortunately I’ve learnt how importan...t it is for me to indulge in self care practices that resonate for me a little bit each week so I can hold the space that is needed for me to be in the roles I take on on a daily basis and it’s very rare if I do get physically sick these days . What I love is that it took me until I was in my early 30s, burnt out and exhausted to learn this, to learn to slow down and listen to my body, to learn what fills my cup up, where as my children are different! They are watching, they are learning, they are asking questions and with that awareness and understanding they are honouring their physical, mental and emotional well-being much younger and the ripple effect is they are learning that you can’t pour from an empty cup - take care of yourself first ! After all self care leads to self love What is one thing that you do that fills your cup up? #selfcare #dayoff #stopandsmelltheroses #slowdown #selflove #timeout #fillyourcupfirst #fillyourcup #wellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #physicalwellbeing #mentalwellbeing
16.01.2022 The way you are helping this world miss Taylah is just by being kind! you don’t have to do anything else right now but just be nice, all you have to worry about is being a kid. That means have fun, make mistakes and do the things that make you feel really happy and let me worry about the big stuff. This is the conversation I had with miss Taylah (7years old)this morning as she asked me if she is killing the earth because another child told her she is because she plays with collectables (Coles plastic toys) and that same child told miss taylah that the treats she has in her lunch box is poison . As a mother, an educator and a mentor I wear lots of different hats and this morning all 3 hats were flipping off my head as I held the space for my daughter to express what she needed too but also not too lose it at what she was being told by another child. My first thoughts were f$&k me it’s 8am she needs to get on a bus, get to school in her book week outfit (which is way out of this kids comfort zone ) and on top of that, have I packed her too much poison in her lunch box today, crap I’m going to be late for work . What was my kid feeling? Confused, anxious (probably scared I was trying to kill not only her but the earth) & judgement. After taking a few breathes I just surrendered and gave Taylah a cuddle and said: Your friends’ family do things different to us and by the sounds they are helping our earth by not having plastic and not eating sugar and that’s great , in our family we are helping the world by being kind Working alongside children everyday I hear too often how our adult belief structures filter down into the thoughts of our little people and then I observe how they make sense of this information in their world. One of my missions on this earth is to hold space and advocate for the innocence of children, how do I do that? It’s simple by being kind & compassionate and hopefully this has a ripple effect. Remember children are like sponges learning everything about their world from those around them. Never forget how our words, mannerisms and actions are so influential and have an impact on our little people. #justbekind#littlepeoplebigworld See more
16.01.2022 Over time I have found myself talking to others about soul contracts and how these contracts have an impact in our lives. I remember when I first heard this terminology and I couldnt wrap my head around contracts I was like WTF seriously...,BUT knowing what I know now and acknowledging those beings who have played certain roles in my life that have had both a positive and negative effect I can see whole heartily where they fitted into my puzzle for me to either guide, lear...n or heal from, and these can be from my family, friends, teachers, bosses, pets , including experiences and environments - its endless and for that I am super grateful for every being that I have crossed paths with, everything I have experienced because I wouldnt be the human I get to be today. This is the type of stuff I love sharing as a holistic mentor, through EFT and other various energy modalities when clients shit comes up; looking at the contract and the role that impacts on them, they are able to gain clarity and a sense of compassion which allows one to let go of an emotional trigger that no longer serves them Soul contracts are everywhere even you reading this now know it was not a coincidence, if youd like to know more send me a DM Id love to share this stuff . . #soulcontract #holistichealing #mentoring #efttapping #differentmodalities #eftpractitioner #energywork #littlegmentoring
15.01.2022 If you read this and it resonates then trust that universal nudge
15.01.2022 The popular topic that has come up this week for discussion is periods! I was hearing about it in my home life, work life , circle of friends etc (I seriously sent the you tube link: this is your period in 2minutes to a few friends this week) but the one moment that stood out was when my creative 12 year old (who loves to sew check her work out @ss_cre8tions ) was asked to create a sanitary pouch for a young girl who is only in primary school . Shanaya did her research, and ...together we talked about the design and size ensuring it could fit in a school skirt pocket and she had clear intentions to ensuring that it wasnt noisy ! Meaning the thought of using Velcro to fasten the pouch was a no go as others will hear that noise. Im pretty open about everything ensuring there is no sense of shame around this rites of passage of a female but listening to my 12 year olds theory I had a giggle as this took me back to my younger years of being in school and not only hiding the pad I had in my hand up my jumper sleeve but also hoping no one could hear you unwrapping it once you got to the toilet. The funny thing is tweens/ teen girls (including mine) still think the same way, and I couldnt believe that they cared what others heard or thought even though we are so open about it but yet I totally related because I could remember what it was like being a tween/ teen but what I dont remember was my mother being so open to talk about periods and it was in this moment that I noticed that each generation will get better at celebrating this rites of passage , will be more comfortable then embarrassed because if I can research , chat and watch my girl design a product to empower other girls then I can only imagine how she will empower her daughter or other girls one day. Empowered girls can change the world @ss_cre8tions . . #periodtalk #ritesofpassage #beopen #shareyourstory #empowergirls #empowergirlschangetheworld #ss_cre8tions #sanitarypouch #celebratingwomen See more
14.01.2022 A shout out to the generation before me and to the ones before them and so on for they didnt have the wisdom , the knowledge , the education and the strength that our generation and our future generation have access to. The more EFT , chakra alignments and lineage work I get to do, the more I get to help others to understand where their conditioning & belief structures come from. And as I sit back and look at my own lineage I cant help but have so much compassion and forg...iveness for the people who came before me but feel immensely grateful for being alive in this point in time as I can see the change already happening in my own family which makes me excited about the new generations that are yet to come #eft #efttapping #lineage #energywork #chakrabalancing #generations #nextgenerations #conditioningandbeliefstructures #movingfoward #compassion #grateful #lovewhatido See more
14.01.2022 Useful information to identify and be in a position to help children with anxiety
14.01.2022 In my mentoring session especially with teenagers I use these rocks as a visual and sensory tool for them to have a concept of how heavy their stuff may feel and what they are carrying around. As adults most of us know know that as humans we carry baggage with us no matter where we go. Do not get this mistaken for the suitcases that we pack before we go on a holiday, its the invisible baggage that comes from both positive and negative experiences that has shaped us and our... beliefs, it can be: Family dynamics, Parents,siblings,Friends, Money, career, Education, Media influences, Environment and so much more.. The list can go on and on. Its all these things and many more that can influence how you feel or perceive the world around you. Now if you were to imagine that each experience that you are dealing with is like a rock and you are getting ready for your day, (with these thoughts and feelings inside you) as you walk out the door you have put on your imaginary back pack that is full different rocks (different baggage), how heavy would it feel? No wonder your body is having physical symptoms! Now imagine that every person you meet has THEIR OWN BACK PACK too which is carrying ALL their stuff, its not long before you can see that everyone has their own stuff to deal with whilst they are just trying to get on with their day, there fore being mindful not to judge others or assume you know what they are going through and also dont assume that they know what you are going through. We all have our baggage, its learning how to stop these rocks from weighing you down! This is where I can help #baggage #empoweringothers #lettinggoofwhatevernotservingyou #eft #efttapping #rocks #weightoftheworld #mentoring #movingforward #energywork
14.01.2022 What are you trying to take control of? How does this affect your world ? As humans we cant CONTROL what happens in our world but what we can control is how we choose to react. As an educator, a mother, a mentor and a practitioner I have to constantly check in with my reactions to whats going on in my world and when I do I always I find I cant control the outside world but if I deal with my stuff I understand the world Im in and whats happening and why Im being tri...ggered, without a doubt its usually ALL my stuff (no one elses) but when I have the clarity Im able to own it and move on or get rid of the garbage in my world that I no longer need! Everyone holds the key to true happiness within themselves and the more opportunities I get to work with people (young and old) the more I love empowering them to understand their self-awareness. When this happens their world comes into alignment, belief structures that are holding them back are crushed, and a sense of ease in moving forward comes organically because when they have a better understanding of who they are and what lights up their world, they are then able to celebrate and experience themselves as the unique and separate individuals they are were born to be taking control of their inner world #cantcontrolothers #noonecancontrolme #empowringothers #empoweringmyself #selfawareness #alignment #mentoringworks #alternativetools #efttapping
14.01.2022 There is always something driving the behaviour
14.01.2022 Man in the mirror -Michael Jackson If you want to make the world a better place, Take a look at yourself and then make the change........ This is the song I heard as I was driving home this morning thinking about the upcoming calm your farm workshop. I was literally feeling excited and pumped for every individual that has chosen to follow their inner compass and join myself and Tash in learning a new modality for their tool box. I was remembering my first experience of actually learning how to apply EFT into my everyday life and how I thought it was going to be beneficial for me as a mother to help my children. Now although it has helped tremendously in that area Its ONLY because it was a tool that I could apply to myself. It has been a tool to keep me in check, to helped me to own my shit , to recognise my behaviour , my triggers, my limiting beliefs and to release what actually doesn’t serve me emotionally or physically so I can move forward. And so as I listened to the classic lyrics of man in the mirror I giggled at the alignment and clarity of the message I was receiving.... To change your world and circumstances it can only start with you having the courage to make the change. If you want to learn more about our last workshop for 2020 feel free to DM. Happy Sunday by Taylah Pitt #eft #tapping #energyhealing #alignment #innercompass #makethechange #bethechangeyouwanttosee #ownyourshit #limitingbeliefs #youareworthit #calmyourfarm #calmyourmind #maninthemirror
14.01.2022 Today’s lesson in the garden was: how Taylah views the world and what she TAUGHT ME! As we were removing the overgrown mint from around other herbs Taylah said: mint is kinda like corona, it just spreads and damages other plants ... It’s good we are freeing up the space here so the other plants don’t touch the mint and they have their on space like we have to with corona The next analogy was: Bugs and plants must have a trading system, they can’t live without each other they must be borrowing something from each other As we kept gardening I listened to her talk and loved how innocent she views her world but yet acknowledged the things she is picking up on. It was a great reflection for me to continue to be mindful of what my little people are listening too but not discredit how they make sense of their world in times we are facing. #achildsreflection #howlittleonesviewtheirworld #mint #gardeningwithkids #sheismyteacher
13.01.2022 I’m super excited to announce that I will be co-facilitating with Tash from The tapping Room - a beginners’ workshop in EFT EFT (emotional freedom technique) is one of the main tools I use in my mentoring session as it’s simple, quick and effective!
12.01.2022 Whilst I’m over here in my corner working on my business, this kid is doing her thing I love that I can go to her and give her a challenge (me needing a necklace to hold my favourite crystal) and she can totally acceptance the challenge, learn everything she needs too and then BAM creates a new line for her business with beautiful intentions . Check her out here @ss_cre8tions or on Facebook @ S.S Creations #crystals #macrame #newline #energyhealing #creativity #rosequatrz #tigereye #citrine #lepidolite #littleentrepreneur #handmadewithlove
11.01.2022 What are you trying to take control of? How does this affect your world ? As humans we can’t CONTROL what happens in our world but what we can control is how we choose to react. As an educator, a mother, a mentor and a practitioner I have to constantly check in with my reactions to what’s going on in my world and when I do I always I find I can’t control the outside world but if I deal with my stuff I understand the world I’m in and what’s happening and why I’m being tri...ggered, without a doubt it’s usually ALL my stuff (no one else’s) but when I have the clarity I’m able to own it and move on or get rid of the garbage in my world that I no longer need! Everyone holds the key to true happiness within themselves and the more opportunities I get to work with people (young and old) the more I love empowering them to understand their self-awareness. When this happens their world comes into alignment, belief structures that are holding them back are crushed, and a sense of ease in moving forward comes organically because when they have a better understanding of who they are and what lights up their world, they are then able to celebrate and experience themselves as the unique and separate individuals they are were born to be taking control of their inner world #cantcontrolothers #noonecancontrolme #empowringothers #empoweringmyself #selfawareness #alignment #mentoringworks #alternativetools #efttapping
11.01.2022 I have a few missions in my life and one of them is to ignite , inspire and empower others and when you have one of those days when a friend pops in and all of a sudden there is random EFT/ energetic healing session happening and I receive a text like this later on, my heart just explodes knowing that I can just help another human by just being me, keeping life real and sharing what I know and love #eft #empoweringothers #energywork #keepingitreal
11.01.2022 I love this TED talk, from an educator point of view, this is why I’m still in the early childhood industry and love mentoring
11.01.2022 Back by demand!!! Is The Empowered Blossom excited to announce our new TWEEN workshop based on SELF -LOVE What is self-love and why is it important?... Self love means having a high level of respect for your own well-being & happiness. Learning to love ourselves is a tricky thing ; some humans spend their entire lives learning how to do this. Guess what, The empowered blossom team are getting in early! Why? Because we want the next generations to know that loving yourself is a super power ! If you don’t learn to love YOU, you cannot fully love another with ALL your heart and when you learn to love yourself, not only do you learn self-compassion; YOU also learn to take care of yourself like you would take care of your best friend. If this resonates for any tween (9-12years) in your life , pop over to the empowered blossom website for further details . . . . #littlegmentoring #martinethehomeopath #theempoweredblossom #selflove #selfcompassion #loveyourselffirst #superpower #tweenworkshop #coffsharbour #meltingpotcoffsharbour #raisingthefuturegeneration
11.01.2022 A shout out to the generation before me and to the ones before them and so on for they didn’t have the wisdom , the knowledge , the education and the strength that our generation and our future generation have access to. The more EFT , chakra alignments and lineage work I get to do, the more I get to help others to understand where their conditioning & belief structures come from. And as I sit back and look at my own lineage I can’t help but have so much compassion and forg...iveness for the people who came before me but feel immensely grateful for being alive in this point in time as I can see the change already happening in my own family which makes me excited about the new generations that are yet to come #eft #efttapping #lineage #energywork #chakrabalancing #generations #nextgenerations #conditioningandbeliefstructures #movingfoward #compassion #grateful #lovewhatido See more
11.01.2022 Soooo little g has been super quiet on social media for many reasons but it mainly comes down to balance and alignment. Alignment is my word for this year and I promised myself that I will do the things that light my heart, that make me feel like I’m in alignment, so this goes for every aspect in my life whether it be family, work, lifestyle, relationship even social media so if I don’t have the urge to post I don’t BUT today I do....... On Friday night I had the honour... to join my friend Martine and combined our passion, expertise and knowledge to run our first tween workshop together as the @theempoweredblossom team. The workshop was based on self awareness and funny enough up until the very last minute of the workshop starting I was very aware of my own emotions of nerves, excitement and fear that my brain was kicking into overthink mode which made me slightly second guess myself.....My heart was pumping it felt like all my Christmas’s had come at once and I was about to open up the best present ever but had no idea what the present would be. This particular moment has felt like years in the making and as my heart was racing I had to trust and let go of any expectations , seriously what’s was the worst that could happen ???? As we talked the about our inner compass and self awareness being a super power I realised I was practicing what I preached and by the end there were 20+ amazing girls who had so much fun and so much to share that not only did we get to create a safe and fun environment and experiences BUT like all children in my life they gave me a gift ..... the gift of making my dreams come true by turning up and the gift of self reflection in all that we got from sharing together and I remembered that my heart was already showing me that what I was about to engage was exactly what I was born to do . That inner compass and self awareness are truely 2 magical tools to have in this journey of life#tweensrock #igniteyourpath #letyourpassionshine #youthmentoring #girlsraisinggirls #selfawareness #innercompass #empowerment #coffshsrbour #theempoweredblossom #littlegmentoring #dothethingsthatlightyouup See more
11.01.2022 Couldn’t of said it better myself
10.01.2022 The other day I combined my daughters passion for sewing with my love of energy work and asked if she could make me a set of chakra scrunchies. Within a couple of days these babies were made and as I sit here now taking a moment of gratitude, I love that through out the entire process of buying the material to the end product being in my hair, I was able to share my knowledge on what colour governs what chakra - through to what area in our life our chakras represents and ho...w I see this play out my world . This procedure allowed my girls have a greater the understanding / consciousnesses of why I love doing the energy work that I do not only within myself but with others. Not only did I get to share my knowledge on chakras and alignment but also on how to look at colours in a different state . Best thing is now I have a different chakra scrunchy to channel in my personal self care tool box. #scruchies @ss_cre8tions #energybase #chakras, #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #colourhealing #energywork #energyhealing #basechakra #efttapping #reiki #creatingwithintention See more
10.01.2022 Oh so true. Whose story and beliefs are you aligning to ? Until the moment in which we actually choose to stop , observe and feel whats not in alignment with... our heart and soul , can we change in our power of choice. In such gifted moments do we dare to honestly challenge our thoughts and feelings , allowing all that is in disharmony deep within us to be acknowledged and or released. Anothers story is truthfully not ours. Its their walk , their Truth or fears , their journey alone. Are you in Truth your mother , your father. , sibling , friend , and or teacher ? Have you lived in their thoughts and minds , experiencing all that they have in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes? If no , and of course the answer is no , then their story is simply not yours. Their fears and all limitations attached and created through fear is theirs. What brings you together and all players in your movie are similar energetic traits only. Your power of Truth always, and this earth game is to recognise in every moment possible , through all other beings stories and mirrors what truthfully feels right and serves you best deep within your heart and simply what does not. Dare to be you. Dare to break away from all limiting patterns and beliefs systems that are not supporting you from Love. The choice is ours alone to make. See more
10.01.2022 Riding the emotional waves as an educator, essential worker & mother
10.01.2022 As I was learning how to apply EFT I needed some guinea pigs to practice with and out of my 50 guinea pigs my first one will always be the one Im grateful for the most, for it was a young male teenage who had the courage to trust me and allow me to help him shift the anger he was holding onto that no longer served him but was causing great discomfort in his physical body . When I look back , What that young man didnt know was... that he actually taught me so much about myse...lf in that session, thoughts like: who am I to say this, do this, and where I thought I would be confident In articulating how I could help, I was actually shitting bricks not knowing if what I was doing was going to work (thank goodness it did) and now I look at where this young man is in life and Im in awe of how we both helped each other to reach our dreams . Children truly are the best teachers #empoweringothers #childrenarethebestteachers #grateful #littlegmentoring #efttapping #steppingoutofmycomfortzone See more
09.01.2022 Ok so I’m always up skilling or learning something new that can be added to my mentoring tool box and this next journey of learning is for both mothers and daughters. Lately I have been feeling the niggle (well mainly mothers have reached out and asked) how they can teach their daughters about their menstrual cycle? Now last year I went and did 3days training to further educate myself on menarche (a girls first period)and gain better understanding of the menstrual cycle ...and far out, I learnt that I didn’t know a lot and there was the inner work and healing I needed to do before I could hold and facilitate a safe, fun, knowledgeable space for young girls and their mothers/ guardians . Fast forward to the present as the niggle has been coming and me manifesting circle work with mothers and daughters -the universe presented me with - first moon circle facilitator training by the lovely Charlotte Pointeaux - Women's Life Coach. 1 week into it and I’m already loving the contents and learnings so much as it aligns with who I am and how I can help empower the next generations of girls as they enter the rites of passage of womanhood. Watch this space it’s going to get bloody good ! #firstmooncircles #facilitatortraining #ritesofpassage #becomingawoman #menache #menstrualcycle #physicalritesofpassage #transformationjourney #inner work #awareness See more
09.01.2022 The more I dive in deeper with EFT and get out of my comfort zone, the more I am able to combined all my favourite modalities to empower and inspire others. Thank you to everyone who chose to step out of their comfort zone and give EFT a go #efttapping #littlegmentoring #releasingenergy #nearlyapractioner #empoweringothers #rebeccacampbell
09.01.2022 In so many ways parenting is about rising as were raising children. Meaning, there is nothing like a childs immaturity to bring out our own, inspiring us to ...raise our skills. We often have unrealistic expectations based on our past experiences. The childhood we have influences how we experience parenthood. We are all doing the best we can. Education and compassion help us turn our aspirations into action. If the needs or emotions of a child awaken our own pain we either repeat history or reclaim our own story. If were here, were taking the opportunity to courageously and consciously: Relearn how to be emotionally sovereign as we emotionally support our children. Realize how to meet our own needs as we help meet the needs of our children. Reflect on how to take responsibility for our own behavior as we model for our children to do the same. Rewiring our brains through compassion. Resetting our nervous systems through deep slow breathing Reminding ourselves that we are safe, as we become a safe haven. Offer the child within the same empathy and kindness you aspire to offer the child in front of you. This practice strengthens the adult we aspire to be and the adult our child will become. Love Lelia Schott
08.01.2022 Meet Busta the dog, Taylahs favourite friend in this whole wide world. Busta is the biggest sook and brings so much love not only into our family but massively into Taylahs heart. So recently a beautiful friend of mine lent us the book Polly & Buster by Sally Rippin after she meet our Busta, and OMG this book has now become a favourite. This book incorporates everything I love to teach my children about emotions, friendships, honouring yourself / your truth, intuition..., discerning what doesnt feel right, energy and magic all along with the enchanting story of a feeling monster & a wayward witch. When I asked Taylah what she learnt from the book her response was it doesnt matter what or who you are you can love anyone or anything that makes your heart burst even if it feels like others wont like it. The lesson for me was .....From a fiction story I was shown so many parallels of real life and it was a great mirror for me to acknowledge the inner wayward witch in me #pollyandbuster @sallyrippin #emotions #friendship #love #readingbookstogether #magic #energy #truth #honouryourinnerwaywardwitch #findyourbusterandkeepthem See more
08.01.2022 My littlest girl is fascinated with animals and we are constantly talking about wisdom and medicine animals bring. For my little girl dragonflies are showing up in her world everywhere and the message is perfect: Usually a dragonfly shows up in one’s life to remind them that they need to bring a lightness and joy to their world. The dragonfly symbolises wisdom, change, transformation, light and adaptability in life. Little miss T has been feeling sad lately so this was per...fect timing for us to dive deeper with what’s going on(with the help of tapping ofcourse ) I remember many years ago learning what a animal spirit totem was and with that going down a rabbit hole learning how to observe animals differently as they show up in your life. I’m pretty sure my spirit animal is a turtle . I seem to have ornaments and pictures of them in my house that have been handmade, painted, drawn or brought for me and every now and then if I’m mediating a turtle image might pop up. Now if a turtle pops up in my life, (I saw one at the beach today) the message or medicine that the universe is sending me is: it’s time to slow down, time to surrender and go with the ebbs and flow and trust I will get to where I’m meant to be. Now life has been a little overwhelming balancing all different walks, so today’s message was absolutely perfect as I start to enjoy school holidays with my fam bam What do you feel your spirit animal is or what animal is showing up in your world? #spiritanimal #kimkransanimalspirit #wisdom #medicine #messagesfromtheuniverse #transformation #slowdown #trusttheprocess #eft #efthealing
08.01.2022 Each month when the full moon comes around, there is a whole bunch of releasing (energetically and physically) with a combination of gratitude. This evening was no different but it was definitely a game changer as I processed the journey our family has been on since the last full moon. Last full moon we had our very first family photos since we have been a family of 6 and we were adamant that our beautiful busta boy would be in them too as he is so much part of our our . The whole session was so surreal, it was perfect! Little did I know our Busta boy would leave our lives forever 2days later. This loss hurt so bad , it absolutely shattered me and I couldnt even hold the space for my family. I felt broken, busta took a piece of my heart with him and there was nothing any one could do or say it was something I had to just ride and worst was knowing how much my children were processing their loss in their own way. As I rode this roller coaster of heartache and grief, little did I know I was going to be blessed by welcoming my beautiful nephew Ruben, who instantly brought so much love and magic into not only my heart but also my whole family at just the right time. Last but not least watching my girl attract her dream first job has been very sensational along with receiving the news my beautiful sister in-law is cancer free (seriously all since last full moon) So tonight as our little family sat at our favourite headland, under the full moon with pizza and Taylahs homemade fruit salad, I was able to wholeheartedly honour and acknowledge the lessons, the triumphs, the obstacles, the blessings & everything else in between, whilst letting go of what no longer serves me and celebrating the wins. If you have read to this point, I hope you too have had a moment to acknowledge your journey since last month lyssphotostories #fullmoon #release #lettinggo #acknowledgement #gratitude #overcomingobstacles #blessings #cycle #circleoflife #death #birth #bigfeels #bigemotions #itsajourney
06.01.2022 Thank you universe for giving me the space and time to do the things I have wish to have more time to do. Being an educator has so many perks and one is school holidays especially when the household love their sleep in. There is so much I could be doing but lets face it living in an iso state of the world - mount washmore (aka laundry) can wait whilst I take the time out for a bit of self care/ me time. From a morning walk, to sitting in my favourite room of the house indulging in my new oracle cards allows me to just enjoy the space and time I am in on my own. Feeling grateful indeed for this little self care practice Ive been fortunate to have today #selfcare #mytime #morningcoffeetime #schoolholidaysforeducators #starseedsoracle
05.01.2022 Yesterday I got to do something amazing alongside my friend Tash from @the_tapping_room . Together we combined our super powers and ran our first Calm your Farm eft workshop and it was amazing! I love 1:1 mentoring but running workshops are the best because it enables me to share my passion with a wider audience and see the ripple effect unfold. It was an absolute honour to serve those who turned up yesterday as not only were they there to gain a new skill for their to...ol bag that helps them navigate life, they turned up open and ready to take the first steps to changing their world around them. And last but not least big thank you to @bucca.preschool for providing us with a beautiful space to hold this event. #clamyourfarm #efttapping #workshops #buccapreschool #rippleeffects #ignitingtheoassioninothers #selfcare #selfhealing #empowerment
04.01.2022 When my miss T and her little friend decided to turn the therapy room into a fish & chip shop aka Kmart and decorate it with crystals , singing bowls and oracle cards Childrens imaginations are the best especially when they are in the flow of their play. Im a huge advocate for children learning through play its how they explore, make sense of the world, express their curiosity, and have fun. ... Through play and active exploration, childrens brains are shaped and designed and many skills are developed such as creativity, communication, problem solving, resilience, emotional regulation and relationship building. Now in saying all that there was only so much playing this mumma wanted to do in the fish & chip shop / Kmart pop up shop - so thank goodness these two had the initiative and confidence to call on the siblings to come and buy something from the shop, even declaring there was a sale and everything must go
04.01.2022 As the COVID-19 continues to increase around the world we are writing to share our continue commitment to ensure we as trainers / EFT practitioners provide a sa...fe environment for our Coffs Coast community and therefore have postpone our Calm your farm workshop on Saturday 21st March . At this stage, Calm your farm in Bucca is still going ahead on 24th May Thank you all for your understanding and support love Giselle and Tash See more
03.01.2022 I am fortunate to be away at a facilitator course for the next 3days (surprise surprise says my inner self development junky). What I freaking LOVE is that here I am, before the course excited about what I will learn and HOW I will SHARE this knowledge in my world, through my community, through my line of work, through my relationships; excited about how this training will help me empower others ? WHEN all of a sudden I come to the acknowledgement that OOPS (I did it again...) I’m peeling off another layer to who I am (as if I just found a missing piece of the puzzle) and Instead I get to honour and empower myself first and remember how important I am, before going out to empower others. When I think I’m here on a mission to help the world, it can quickly turn into a reality check of helping myself first lol. I can’t wait to share what’s too come stay tuned #innerchildwork #stuffishouldjustknow #knowlegdeispower #empoweringmyself #empoweringothers #empoweringgirls #motherdaughters #celebrationdayforgirls #mentoring #puttingpuzzlepiecestogether See more
03.01.2022 Imagine being a teen and having a greater understanding of yourself! Imagine if you knew about the following topics.... Self awareness - knowing how our emotions influence our behaviour ! The Brain - understanding what stage of development your brain is at and knowing why adults and teenagers think so differently!... Inner compass - listening to your sense of intuition and what to do with it ! With having teenagers of my own, being surrounded by plenty of teens and with having the honour to have mentored some incredible teens in the last 6 months I know first hand how powerful and empowering this knowledge is and I’m excited to be able to work alongside the beautiful Martine and run a 3hr fun and interactive workshop that will ignite a greater sense of identity and security within each individual as they navigate their teen years.
03.01.2022 ARE U OK? One of my main reasons for becoming a mentor was to help prevent suicide, especially in teens and young adults. Being 18 years old and losing someone very close to suicide absolutely wrecked me. At the time I became so numb dealing silently with grief, anger, depression and guilt not knowing how I didnt see it coming and in all honesty it took years to understand what my friend was going through internally in his own world and what battles he may have been fig...hting within himself. Knowing what I know now I understand why it may have felt easier for my friend to choose to leave this world on his terms. As a human our brains dont fully develop until we are around the age of 25years old, this when the prefrontal cortex gets lit, its where risk management and long-term planning abilities finally kick into high gear. Prior to that, (especially in our teen years) as our prefrontal cortex is developing we might rely on our amygdala to solve our problems and make decisions. The amygdala is associated with emotions, impulses, aggression and instinctive behaviour - hence why when we are in these growing years we do the shit we do and why situations may feel so intense and our emotions are so heighten that we cant grasp a sense of hope. This is where as an adult asking a young person are you ok and truly listening and acknowledging them can help, because remembering what a young person sees as serious and insurmountable may seem minor to an adult . Trust me being a mother raising teens as well as being a mentor and working with quite a few teens and young adults - something as small as the bus ride to school can feel so overwhelming with thestresses one might have to deal with and of course there is the BIG stuff: * Being the victim of bullying * Being uncertain of sexual orientation * death of a love one * Loss or conflict with close friends or family members * History of physical or sexual abuse * Problems with alcohol or drugs * Physical or medical issues And so much more .. Whether you are a teen, a young adult or at an age of maturity and you are struggling or know of someone struggling please reach out & know Im am here See more
02.01.2022 The reason I love mentoring and EFT is because I’m able to empower others. How I do that depends on the individual It depends on where the Individual is at! It depends on what is going on in that individuals world.... This week I was fortunate to work with a young horse rider. The issue being: Feeling nervous to jump Now this girl is a champion horse rider, so she was able to recall what it felt like previously when she jumped it’s the best feeling, it feels like I’m flying BUT didn’t understand why all of a sudden she couldn’t. Not being able to overcome these fears or nerves was effecting what she loves to do, it was physically stopping her in her tracks. Being 11years old her body was sending her signals. Feeling of discomfort in her throat and stomach as she held onto these nerves before and during riding which led to feeling stuck and her head talk focused on the what if this happens . This is big, imagine not being able to do something you love, something you know you are good at but don’t know why you just can’t anymore ? This is where the power of EFT (tapping) comes in, along with my expertise of understanding children at an age and stage developmental level and knowing how to empower them. Our thoughts control our emotions, our emotions control our behaviour and the cycle goes on & on... As we tapped together simply acknowledging the physical discomfort it wasn’t long before we found the root of the discomfort (- a past jumping event that did scare her) and we where able to tap through that past event , as if bringing it all up to the surface to be acknowledged and released. Miss 11year old came to the conclusion herself, That was a one off , I can’t let that 1 incident stop me from doing what I love And the results are in!!!!! Miss 11year old is jumping again like a true champion after one session #eft #efttapping #mentoring #empoweringothers #horseriders #thoughts #emotions #behaviour #overcomingfear #overcomingobstacles #empoweringchildren
02.01.2022 Calm your farm an expression use constantly to tell another person (usually my children) to relax or chill out when they are all psyched up over the little stuff, as stressing about it only adds to making it a BIGGER problem then it should be. I know as a parent/ human it’s easy to say but when your in the thick of your shit how is it even possible to see clear or have some sort of clarity ???? This is where my love of EFT comes in, along with lots of other tools I have le...arnt along my journey. EFT is hands down the most effective and fastest tool I know that allows me to get into a state of calmness, a state of clarity with a sense of self awareness of the emotions that are driving my actions . Once the knowing comes in I can manage what’s going on in my world from a different state of mind and it’s this reason and so much more that I’m excited to combined my superpowers with the beautiful Tash from @the_tapping_room to bring back a beginners workshop to our Coffs community. Saturday, November 14th 2020 DM for further details and registration. #efttapping #calmyourfarm #eftworkshop #selfawareness #selfmanagementtool #clarity #stresslesslivemore #enjoylife #dontloseyourshit #tap
02.01.2022 Attention mothers, daughters, aunties, big sisters in Sutherland shire, Sydney - if you have a little person in your world who is heading into womanhood please checkout this amazing workshop. Trust me, I have just spent several weeks and hours learning everything about bring awareness to young girls about their menstrual cycle and I can’t wait to I facilitate my first moon circle in Coffs, but if you are in Sydney be sure to checkout this workshop and all the other amazing work Nicole Dargie has to offer to our world
02.01.2022 Meet Giselle Pitt and Tash Alexander trainers of Calm Your Farm Calm Your Farm A beginners workshop in EFT 2 workshops- 21 March in Toormina or 24 May in Lower... Bucca Go to events #Thetappingroom for details Giselle (left) is an EFT International Accredited Practitioner. She is a Coffs local and a mother of 4. Giselle is well trained in energy medicine. She lives and breathes it. Giselle has a background in Early Childhood Education that has led her to supporting children and young adults in many different aspect from ages 0-25years old. Giselle has a passion for Mentoring and sees both adults & children in her Private Practice in Moonee. Now, where Giselle is our spiritual guide, Tash is our voice of reason. The perfect combination. Yin & Yang. Tash Alexander (right) is also an EFT International Accredited Practitioner. She is a Coffs local and a mother of 2 teenage boys. With a background in Physiotherapy and a Medical Educator, the research evidence supporting EFT is very important to her. Tash is the owner of #Thetappingroom and specialises in Personal & Workplace Resilience & psychological well-being. Tash sees adults and children in her Private Practice in Sapphire Beach, as well as running workshops for businesses. Although from very different backgrounds, you will fall in love with their compassion, humour and warmth. They get stressed too, which helps them to keep it real & use EFT to keep stress under control.
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