Little Kickers Penrith & Districts in Glenmore Park, New South Wales | School
Little Kickers Penrith & Districts
Locality: Glenmore Park, New South Wales
Phone: +61 421 973 346
Address: PO Box 8337 2745 Glenmore Park, NSW, Australia
Likes: 2542
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25.01.2022 Got your new badge and wondering what to do with it? These badges can be adhered to your uniform with a simple heat application - using an iron or even a hair straightener. Ensure you apply a heat barrier between the uniform/badge and the heat pad to avoid damaging the uniform! If using an iron, ensure to set it to Polyester/Synthetic to melt the glue but not the uniform. Your badge might go on your chest, shoulder, or bottom of the shirt. There are no rules except to be pro...ud of your achievement! Can't wait to see our players showing off their new achievement badges in class. Ask your coaches to see their achievement badges too!
25.01.2022 Getting down to serious business today and packaging up all the certificates and badges to be sent out to classes for next week! Who’s excited for badge week?! #playnotpush
25.01.2022 Badge Week! 23rd to 28th November. 2020 has been the year of disruption across the globe, but we are very pleased to confirm that Badge Week is back! Our program runs over 12 weeks towards certain key skills - our amazing players are rewarded at the end of each block with a badge that can be ironed onto their uniforms and a certificate that can be kept forever.... This block players have been working towards: Little Kicks: Attention & Listening Junior Kickers: Kicking Mighty Kickers: Problem Solving Mega Kickers: Attacking We'll be posting updates this week with the skills each badge is recognising. #badgeweek #LittleKickers #playnotpush
24.01.2022 TUESDAY CLASSES AT MELROSE HALL TODAY! Junior Kickers | 10am Mighty Kickers | 11am... Have fun today players!
23.01.2022 Did you know you can register into a Little Kickers class all year round? Whether you are a returning player, or a new starter, you can join your preferred class at : Preferred class booked out? Join the waitlist and we'll issue an invitation to join as soon as a place becomes available. We also use our waitlists as a guide on whether a new class for your age group is needed.
23.01.2022 Our first badge presentations kick off today at Richmond Raceclub! Let's put the spotlight on Little Kicks (18m-2.5y). Our tiniest age group has been working towards: Cognitive:... Learning to follow the coach for instructions Beginning to interact with coaches in the session and understands when coaches are asking a question Physical: Able to recognise some body parts through warm-up exercises Can copy the coach through a series of different movements - standing, running, walking, stopping Soccer: Learning to wait for their turn to score a goal and quickly starts to love penalties Able to strike football off the ground Have fun today and watch our Facebook page for instructions on how to iron on your badge.
23.01.2022 Are you raising an awesome leftie? Bet you didn't know these AMAZING soccer players are left-handed! Lionel Messi... Diego Maradona Ryan Giggs Roberto Carlos Raul Gonzalez Paolo Maldini Ashley Cole Patrice Evra Petr Cech Happy left-handed day!
22.01.2022 Coach Ahmad has so much fun every Wednesday playing with the kids at Cranebrook Community Pre School! Little Kickers is one of the many complimentary services this centre gives their kids. Did you know we offer tailored, flexible preschool packages designed with your centres needs in mind? Taking bookings now quarter 1 for one off incursions and recurring programs... [email protected]
21.01.2022 Little Kicks! Our youngest age group Aged 18 months to 2.5 years these players are mischievous, adventurous, and so excited to learn. What a big difference 6 months has made! Elias is turn taking, following directions, and learning his colours and body parts... Why not come see for yourself what Little Kickers can do for their socialisation and confidence?
21.01.2022 WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! The winners of 1 of our fabulously exclusive rainbow sharing balls are: Max from our Thursday Little Kicks class... AND Hazel from our Saturday (Richmond) Junior Kickers class Congratulations players! Coaches will have your prize in class. And thank you all so much for your support in helping our little business reopen after isolation. It meant so much to us and our coaches to see classes filled with excited little players again.
20.01.2022 Latest newsletter has been sent - check your junk mail if it doesn't hit your inbox (and don't forget to add [email protected] to your 'safe' list!). Read online here for all the end of year dates:
19.01.2022 Easter flowers are the best kind We are looking forward to the long weekend!
18.01.2022 Briefly contemplates trying a display of coordination like this amongst our players. Well that won’t be happening but how impressive are these kids!
18.01.2022 Update on photos! All parents who booked in for photos have been emailed their photo gallery links and class passwords on the weekend. If you haven't received it via email please check your junk mail first then email Belinda at [email protected] so that she can resend your link... Can’t wait to see the photos of your gorgeous players - please feel free to share them with us!
18.01.2022 Mighty Kickers! This quarter our Mighty Kickers have been working towards: :... Shows some problem solving skills in various games with and without the football Coaches are able to ask the children key questions related to games and they are able to respond to ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions : Learning to jump over a specific height or distance Good decision making using spatial awareness : Can make a decision on where to strike the ball into the goal Able to score past a goalkeeper Can't wait to see you all showing off your new achievement badges! #littlekickers #playnotpush #badgeweek
18.01.2022 More badge week photos! Our players work hard, and we love to reward that hard work every quarter though our one of a kind skills recognition program.
17.01.2022 Stand by! That moment you’ve ALL been waiting for! We’ll be drawing the winners of our Rainbow balls tonight, and announcing them right here on Facebook tomorrow. All new and returning customers who started in July are in the draw! Good luck and fingers crossed
17.01.2022 We are back online today and responding to your emails - so excited to be getting back to work! We will also be opening up the waitlists for the classes that were booked out in 2020 for new enrollments - if you were on a waitlist and you receive a class offer it is important you take up that offer promptly as waitlists are longer than places. At this stage our return to classes date is still expected to be Saturday 16/01/2021.... We will be monitoring all public health orders, as well as the community situation and will adapt start dates or class COVIDsafe proceedures accordingly if needed. All families can be assured we will always keep the safety and health of your children and our coaches top of mind. #littlekickers #playnotpush #activekidsvoucher #penrithkids #hawkesburykids
16.01.2022 Happy Diwali celebrations to our Little Kickers community! We would love to see photo's of our players and their families celebrating this very special event Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
16.01.2022 New year, new activity? Our classes are the perfect introduction to sport that will see them move into club and school sport in a few years with all the skills they need to integrate well with a team and play the world game! Little Kickers for boys AND girls aged 18 months to 7 years... Running at: Londonderry, Emu Plains, Glenmore Park and Jordan Springs. Register at (click on find a class). With many classes already sold out, now is the right time to waitlist or register into the class of your choice! [email protected] 0421 973 346 First class back in 2021 is Saturday 16/01/2021
13.01.2022 We had a special visitor in class this week! Coach Jade came in to celebrate badge week with her classes, moon boot and all. Don’t worry kids! We’ll have her back in classes kicking a ball with you soon.
13.01.2022 Little Kickers is a COVIDsafe business! Our equipment is all cleaned in between classes. Hand sanitiser is used regularly by all who attend our sessions social distancing is encouraged and enabled in our classes... We are keeping ahead of all NSW health recommendations and want to thank our coaches and customers for all your cooperation these past weeks.
13.01.2022 Social distancing and rain keeping your little ones cooped up? Little Kickers has the answer! Our fun, imagination based, INDOOR classes follow our COVIDsafe plan and all NSW Health recommendations. We get kids of Richmond and Penrith playing again! With 4 targeted age groups, we have a class for everyone!... Classes at: Richmond | Glenmore Park | Jordan Springs | Emu Plains Visit our website for timetables and to register: (click on find a class). If your preferred class is full, free to join our waitlists as they often move quickly AND we can determine whether more classes are needed.
13.01.2022 Club soccer coming to an end? Why not join our Mega Kickers class for kids aged 5-7 years and keep the fun going in the off season? Register now at Mega Kickers class running at Glenmore Park and waitlisting at Richmond on Saturdays. If enough interest we'll open up extra classes.
13.01.2022 Badge Week continues! Now for a spotlight on the skills and milestones our Junior Kickers (2.5-3.5y) have been working towards : Starting to understand when to use different styles of kicking, small kicks for dribbling & big kicks for striking & scoring... Ability to take part in more than one activity in the session independently : Can do a variety of movements such as walking, running, jumping, crawling Able to demonstrate basic foot eye co-ordination : Beginning to demonstrate two-paced kicking i.e. small kicks and big kicks Developing and improving kicking with left and right foot and able to attempt the body walk down independently #playnotpush #badgeweek
13.01.2022 Looking for some COVIDsafe fun for Australia Day? One of our amazing venues - Richmond Race Club - Greyhounds - will be hosting a Family Fun Day with free entry. Follow their Facebook page to get all the details of the event #AustraliaDay2021
12.01.2022 What are our Kickers hoping for from Santa?
12.01.2022 All grown up! So many of our players go on to join local teams when they finish their time with Little Kickers. Our goal is always to instill a life long love of playing in the children we coach so photos like these give us so much pleasure! Looking good Miss Havana!
11.01.2022 Ok Glenmore Park it’s your turn! Coach Jade and Coach Ahmad are looking forward to seeing you all Classes today at Surveyors Creek Community Centre
11.01.2022 For all our players but most especially all our past/present Kickers and their older siblings who are heading off to their BRAND NEW SCHOOL (opening today!) at Jordan Springs Public School we wish you the best of luck. We know you’ve been waiting a long time for your own school, so we wish you strong relationships, amazing memories, and plenty of learning.
11.01.2022 1,2,3,4... Check out this AMAZING counting by one of our Wednesday Little Kicks! Little Kickers is SO MUCH MORE than soccer! We cover colours, counting, turn taking, sorting, team work, and the list goes on!... Why not come try the Little Kickers difference for yourself? Register into a class at
10.01.2022 We’re coming back to Cranebrook Community Pre School! Little Kickers is one of the many complimentary programs and services that this amazing preschool offers to their community. Coach Ahmad can’t WAIT to get back to all his little players and meet new ones.
10.01.2022 Little Kickers teaches the FUNdamentals of soccer in fun, imagination based classes for boys AND girls aged 18 months to 7 years! Running at Emu Plains, Glenmore Park, Jordan Springs, & Londonderry Mon-Sat. To enrol or view timetables: [email protected] | 0421 973 346
10.01.2022 Our tiniest players kicked off the day at Glenmore Park High School in our Little Kicks class from 8am. Our classes start at 18months and these players are the CUTEST! #littlekickers #playnotpush
09.01.2022 Badge week gallery! Thanks to parents and coaches that sent some photos through. Hope the kids are very proud of their achievements! If you have an amazing g photo of your superstar share in the comments #Badgeweek #littlekickers
09.01.2022 Due to equipment setup in the hall, Glenmore Park classes today will run at the covered outdoor basketball courts a little further into the school. Apologies for the late notice.
08.01.2022 Yep! Sounds about right
07.01.2022 Our last week of classes for 2020 will be: 14th to 19th December. At this last class all currently registered players are presented with a special medal. All registrations carry over to 2021 unless otherwise advised. For our players starting big school next year, please feel free to have a chat to us about your class options. First day back in 2021 will be: Saturday 16th January. Note that there is a public holiday closure for Australia Day - Tuesday 26th January.... 0421 973 346
07.01.2022 Some of our Kickers at our in centre program at Cranebrook Community Pre School showing off their skills certificate. It’s the highlight of our week to go into this amazing little centre that is growing so much and so fast.
05.01.2022 BEST SELLER! With the crisp July weather we have been seeing more and more orders of socks! You can get your very own pair of Football socks delivered straight to your Penrith or Richmond class venue at our merchandise store for only $12. ... Want extras for preschool and home? We also have Blue football socks for only $5 available too!
05.01.2022 Are you coming to your first class this week? Look for the colourful Little Kickers signage and flags outside all our venues! Classes for kids aged 18 months to 7 years running at: Monday | Londonderry Tuesday | Emu Plains... Wednesday | Emu Plains Thursday | Glenmore Park Friday | Jordan Springs Saturday | Glenmore Park Saturday | Londonderry To register or view timetables: [email protected] 0421 973 346
04.01.2022 WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! There were 169 eggs in the jar and with the closest guess is Michelle Want with her guess of 172. That is ALOT of eggs.... Michelle we'll be in contact to organise pickup of your eggs and ball.
04.01.2022 It's been a rough 2020. Penrith Council have put together an amazing initiative to help bring Penrith back to life. Throughout the month of November, ReAnimate Penrith is set to transform our City Centre into a wonderland of colour, art, exploration, technology and fun. Immerse yourself into an animated world, as the streets of our City come to life with street art, animated artworks and augmented reality (AR) experiences.. ReAnimate Penrith is an exciting new program that p...rovides an opportunity for our community to reconnect, enjoy art, and digital innovation while remaining safe and socially distanced. It’s also a fantastic way to support local businesses, as you make your way along high street and connecting arcades, uncovering 3D animations whilst enjoying the great restaurants, cafes and bars our vibrant city has to offer. Bring the ReAnimate Penrith experience into your home! Download and print the interactive colouring sheet from and fill the page with colour and creativity. Once your masterpiece is complete, download the ReAnimate Penrith App to see your creation come to life! Do you like a little bit of healthy competition? Follow @ReAnimatePenrith on Facebook and Instagram and share a photo or video of your animation using the hashtag #reanimatepenrith to be in with a chance to win a $100 food/beverage voucher!
03.01.2022 Terrific news for our Tuesday through Friday players! Penrith Council venues are now using the 4sqm rule to determine max. occupants. This means there is no longer any concern with school holiday siblings or partners also coming to spectate as our class and hall sizes comfortably fit into that rule.... This affects classes at: Melrose Hall Surveyors Creek community centre Jordan Springs Community hub Normal social distancing and hygiene procedures continue to apply. Thank you all for your cooperation in week 1! #covidsafe #penrithkids #littlekickers
03.01.2022 Hope everyone is enjoying a sleep in this Easter Long Weekend! Stay safe on the roads, enjoy lots of chocolate, and have an amazing weekend (PS: Coach Emily is the bravest person Ever, snuggling down for a nap while 10 active toddlers run around nearby with balls at their feet )
01.01.2022 It's photoweek at Little Kickers and we'll have professional photographer Belinda Dahl from Dahling Creations Photography onsite to take photo's of your beautiful children! See our newsletter for information on how to book in - only children with consents will be photographed. You CAN book in for a makeup class on another day if you will be missing your usual session. Coordinate it with us as early as possible.... Dates and Locations: Saturday 10th October : Richmond Indoor Sport Centre Monday 12th October : Richmond Indoor Sport Centre Tuesday 13th October : Melrose Hall, Emu Plains Wednesday 14th October : Melrose Hall, Emu Plains Thursday 15th October : Surveyors Creek Community Centre, Glenmore Park Friday 16th October : Jordan Springs Community Hub Saturday 17th October : Glenmore Park High School
01.01.2022 Little Kickers has just won the INTERNATIONAL SUPERBRAND accolade at the BFA Awards! We are so proud to have achieved this prestigious award. Our customers are at the heart of what we do so thank you for all your support. This is simply amazing recognition of the amazing brand we are proud to be part of - all across Australia and the world we know our colleagues are celebrating with us
01.01.2022 Little Kickers has been rated in the Entrepreneur worldwide Top Franchise list - one of only a handful of franchises outside the US! This is a huge distinction, and one we are very proud of. It’s a wonderful reflection of the work we do locally to provide a fun, diverse workplace and bring amazing, imagination based sport to the kids of Penrith & The Hawkesbury. #littlekickers
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