Little Learners Day Care Centre in Truganina, Victoria, Australia | Childcare service
Little Learners Day Care Centre
Locality: Truganina, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 8360 5467
Address: 2 Perennial Drive 3029 Truganina, VIC, Australia
Likes: 575
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25.01.2022 Little Learners Pen Pal Program This year in Kinder (Room 7), we have introduced a Pen Pal Program with a Queensland Early Childhood Centre called Balmoral House Preschool. In September we received our first package which included a letter addressed to the kinder children, individual drawings from our new friends and a gorgeous class photo.... This prompted a morning group time discussion to explore the letter, pictures and photos and to discuss where our new friends live and how we might get to Queensland. Our Kinders had great ideas: We can go by bus- Aaryan We can go in an airplane - Ronav This discussion then lead into where we live, which also had a great response: We live in Victoria, but our new friends live in Queensland- Advik We also live in Australia- Vivaan T After many discussions about our new friends, we began to brainstorm ideas on how we could reply and what we could send our pen pals. The Kinder group decided to send: - a letter (Will the postman take it to them?- Olivia) - hand drawn portraits of ourself (So they know what we look like-Julian) - photos of our favourite activities at Little Learners We cannot wait to see this new friendship evolve!! Watch this space for more exciting packages from our pen pals
25.01.2022 Thursday 24th September 2020 'Wear your Team colours’ Come dressed in your team colours or your favourite sports personality.
24.01.2022 REMINDER! Tuesday 20th October 'Navratri Festival Celebrations' Come dressed in your traditional costumes, for a day filled with music and dance!
24.01.2022 EVENT REMINDER! Friday 30th October 2020 'Halloween Dress Up Day' Come dressed to impress!
24.01.2022 Check out what home learning our Little Learners have been doing. We would love to see what you have been doing too. LO 4 Children are confident and involved Learners QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
23.01.2022 Samir wanted to say 'Thank You' to his educators. Great job Samir!
23.01.2022 With inspiration from Avyukt, Maddy wanted to try the Lava experiment. What a great volcano! Thank you for sharing this with us. LO 1 Children have a strong sense of identity.... LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators See more
23.01.2022 ‘Wednesday 29th July’ Children dressed up in animal costumes. What a fun day it was!! Throughout the day children participated in: - Identifying different animals and their sounds - Making animal masks It was great to see children dressed up, showing interest in others and excited to participate in the day.... LO 1 Children have a strong sense of identity LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world LO 5 Children are effective communicators See more
23.01.2022 What have you been doing during stage 4 restrictions? We would love to hear from you. Some of the things Xavier and Oliver have been up to the last few weeks, - Going to the bus depot and driving the bus (Xavier wasn’t so keen but Oliver loved it) - washing mums car ... - meeting some lovely police officers on our daily walk! They invited the boys to sit on the car for a photo. Xavier was not so keen but Oliver was! They also turned the lights and sirens on which Xavier liked a lot. - Xavier became inspired to wash and dry his police car at home. We miss you and hope to see you in a few weeks Thank you for sharing your adventures, we look forward to seeing you back in a few more weeks.
22.01.2022 Just a reminder 'Animal Dress Up Day' tomorrow, Wednesday 29th July! We can not wait to see all the costumes.
21.01.2022 This coming Wednesday 24th June 2020 is Little Learners- TRUGANINA 'Dress Up Day'. Your child can wear there favourite costume to daycare! We're looking forward to seeing lots of different costumes from staff & children :)
21.01.2022 Our Little Learners have been very busy completing some of our home learning activities. Great Job everyone. LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators... QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities See more
20.01.2022 "Advik made a video saying thank you to all Teachers at little learners" Thank you Advik.
20.01.2022 What have you been doing throughout stage 4 restrictions? Aariv has been busy learning how to brush his teeth Painting in the sun Spending time with Mum & Dad... Helping Mum clean and vacuum Riding in his car Washing his car It is great to see Aariv having lots of fun. LO 2 Children become socially responsible and show respect for their environment LO 3 Children become strong in their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing LO 4 Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
20.01.2022 REMINDER! We will be CLOSED tomorrow Tuesday 3rd November 2020 for the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. Have a great day off and enjoy the warm weather Melbourne provides, Stay Safe and we will see you back on Wednesday 4th November.
19.01.2022 WE ARE FAMOUS! Check out Little Learners in the Star Weekly Page 17 We have some copies at the centre, feel free to take a copy and check out what is happening in our local community.... LO 2 - Children are connected with and contribute to their world
19.01.2022 Friday 23rd October 2020 Public holiday (Centre Closed) A ‘Thank You Day’ for Victorians who have made so many sacrifices as part of the community effort to contain the spread of coronavirus. We’re all in this together.... Have a great weekend and stay extra safe!
19.01.2022 24TH 28TH August 2020 ‘Book/Dress up Week’ The children’s book council of Australia brings children and books together to celebrate literacy in the early years with the aim to bring words, images and stories into the hearts and minds of children.... This week at Little Learners we celebrated by bringing in our favourite story book, wearing our favourite costume and with a special visit from Minnie & Mickey. We would love to hear if you did anything at home. :) LO 1 Children have a strong sense of identity LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world LO 5 Children are effective communicators
19.01.2022 REMINDER! Thursday 22nd October 2020 'Wear your team colours' Come dressed in your team colours or as your favourite sports personality!
17.01.2022 'Science Week 2020' So far this week children have participated in a variety of science experiments such as; - Rainbow Paper - Volcano - Sink or Float... - Puff Painting - Rainbow Milk It was great to see children excited to participate in these experiments. LO 2 Children are connected to and contribute to their world. LO 4 Children are confident and involved Learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators.
17.01.2022 Science week has been an exciting time for children to be actively engaged in rich and meaningful inquiry-based science experiments. Children have been provided opportunities to discover and explore through curiosity, creativity and play. Children used reflective thinking to consider why things happen, and what can be learnt from these experiments.... We have loved seeing your home learning experiments! Thank you for sharing them with us. LO 2 Children are connected with, and contribute to their world LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators.
17.01.2022 EVENT REMINDER! Friday 30th October 2020 'Halloween Dress Up Day' Come dressed to impress! We are excited to see what you come dressed as!
16.01.2022 "Harriet wanted to join in on the science week fun with her friends. Thank you to those who have shared their videos, we enjoy seeing them." Thank you for sharing your experiment with us Harriet! LO 1 Children have a strong sense of identity... LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners See more
16.01.2022 Good Afternoon Families, We hope that you are ALL staying safe during Melbourne’s current COVID-19 Pandemic. Just a reminder that we as a Centre have the responsibility of keeping ALL children & staff safe & healthy while at the Centre. We will be continuing to take temperatures of ALL staff, parents, children & visitors, as well as enforcing a 1-person rule for drop off & pick up times. This will be monitored, and changes to these restrictions could be put into place if deem...ed necessary. As per our Email sent out on Wednesday, if you choose to keep your child at home during this lockdown period, NO GAP FEE WILL BE CHARGED. However you will be required to inform the Centre if you will be keeping your child at home, prior to their booked day(s), please send us an Email to [email protected] stating this. This credit will NOT be applied to your account if you DON’T let us know. We remind you that if your child is displaying 2 or more symptoms, we will be calling you to ask that you pick up your child and seek medical attention. We hope that you understand that at this time we must take extra precautions, to ensure the health & safety of everyone entering our Centre. We’ve enforced these restrictions for this reason, and we’re ensuring EXTRA cleaning /health & hygiene practices are being implemented daily. We’ve attached some informative links below, to answer any questions you may regarding the lockdown in MELBOURNE & MITCHELL SHIRE. It is important that EVERYONE follows these restrictions, so that we can reduce the cases of COVID-19 and get out of lockdown! ‘We’re ALL in this TOGETHER!’ Take Care & Stay Safe :)
15.01.2022 Here is our 'Rhino Room-(R8)' children displaying there skills through play! Room 8 has been focusing on topics such as: healthy eating, shapes, numbers and creativity/imagination. What are you teaching your child at home? Please speak to our lovely educators as they'd love to incorporate your at home learning, into our environment at Little Learners Day Care Centre.... Evidence of meeting EYLF LO3, LO4 & LO5
15.01.2022 Get your dress ups ready guys! It's one of the children's most favourite dress up day at Little Learners. This Thursday 28th May 2020, is our 'Super Hero Dress Up Day'. Come dressed as your favourite super hero :)
14.01.2022 Dear Families, Reminder Face Mask or Face Coverings are to be worn when Dropping off and Picking up you child from tomorrow, 'THURSDAY 23RD JULY'. If you are not wearing a face mask or covering you CANNOT drop off or pick up your child.... Thank you for your understanding.
14.01.2022 On Tuesday we held Navratri Festival Celebrations at Little Learners. Children wore their traditional costumes and had lots of fun dancing outside to traditional music using dandiya sticks. The children used their creative skills to design: - cotton bud painting... - rangoli pasting with coloured rice and coloured sand - painting crowns - making dandiya sticks using recycled materials - crafting faces of Ravan - discussions about Navratri Children shared aspects of their culture by sharing their knowledge and understanding of what Navratri is about, their traditional costumes and their traditional dance. Children responded through movement to traditional music and mirrored dancing actions of their peers and educators. LO1 IDENTITY Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities LO2 COMMUNITY Children respond to diversity with respect LO3 WELL BEING Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing
14.01.2022 Outdoor play encourages learning in a different environment! Here are our babies participating in 'Physical Fitness Week'. They've enjoyed climbing, running, bowling, ball play, dancing, riding bikes & participated in small obstacle course which included a tunnel. Evidence of meeting EYLF LO2 & LO3
14.01.2022 Wow! A Floating Ball. What a great Science experiment Panvi! LO 2 Children are connected with, and contribute to their world LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners... QA 6 Collaborative partnership with families and communities See more
14.01.2022 During the month of June, Room 3 has been creating play experiences using recycled materials. They created a 'cubby house' that had a red & blue 'stainless glass roof'! This has been a huge interest outdoors, especially when the sun shines down on it. The children & educators have also created a car park for the 'Road Safety Area'. Evidence of meeting EYLF- LO3, LO4 & LO5
14.01.2022 The children in Room 4 have been enjoying the ‘Welcome to Country’ acknowledgment at group time. Here are a few of our Little Learners showing you what they have learnt. We are so proud
14.01.2022 What great participation we had yesterday for LOUD shirt day!! We loved seeing all of our Little Learners wearing bright colours! Loud Shirt Day encourages the community to showcase their support to deaf or hard of hearing children by dressing in their best (or worst), most colourful, LOUD shirt!! The children enjoyed designing their own t.shirts with paint, pasting, glitter and textas which are now displayed in our windows!... LO2: Community- Children develop a strong sense of belonging to groups and communities
14.01.2022 The Giraffes children in room 4 have participated in an inquiry-based experience that nurtures curiosity and promotes respect for the natural world. They actively participated in a variety of learning processes through intentional teaching, group time discussions and activities such as drawing their own birds nest, creating a play dough model of a birds nest, watching a video of how a bird weaves its nest and making a bird feeder using recycled materials for the outdoor yard.... Using their prior knowledge, communication skills and hands on approach, the children have been able to engage in an exciting learning environment that fosters their curiosity about the world. LO2: Community- Children are connected with, and contribute to their world lO4: Learning- Children are confident and involved learners
13.01.2022 We would like to Welcome all our families back to Little Learners Truganina and say hello to those who were able to stay with us. We are so happy to be back with the children again, seeing their excited faces as they join their friends has been great! Our first week back was lots of fun! We had lovely weather to be able to enjoy some outdoor play!! We are so happy that the children were all super excited to get back and see their educators and friends.... Here are some snap shots of this week! LO 1 Children feel Safe, Secure and Supported LO 2 Children become socially responsible and show respect for their environment
13.01.2022 Monday 14th Friday 18th September 2020 ‘Sports Week’ Children participated in a variety of sports activities such as, Football Soccer... Table Tennis Hopscotch Bowling Egg & Spoon races Sack races Yoga Quoits Children practiced good sportsman ship, taking turns and a variety of skills needed to complete these activities. LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world LO 3 Children have a strong sense of wellbeing LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners
13.01.2022 What a great way to say 'Thank You'. Panvi made a card for her educators. Great Job Panvi
12.01.2022 Just a reminder to Families that we will be CLOSED this coming Monday 8th June 2020. We hope you have a fun & safe long weekend, and we will see you back on Tuesday 9th June 2020.
12.01.2022 Don't forget TOMORROW at Truganina we want to see all you 'Super Heros'!
12.01.2022 By the time children are 3 to 5 years old, their physical skills, like running, jumping, kicking, and throwing, have come a long way. Now they'll continue to refine these skills and build on them to learn more complex ones. Take advantage of your child's natural tendency to be active. WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR INPUT! What do you love doing on the weekend as a family, to maintain physical fitness? - please comment on the post and we will pass it onto your child's educators.... Evidence of meeting EYLF LO 3, LO 4, LO 5
11.01.2022 Arhan wanted to say 'Thank You' to all of the teachers. Thank you Arhan! :)
11.01.2022 We had a very 'Spooktacular Day' here at Little Learners for Halloween. Lots of children & staff dressed up in many different costumes such as witches, superheroes, pumpkins, devils, skeletons, spiders and unicorns! It was great to see so many join in. Throughout the week, children have been exploring a variety of Halloween experiences such as creative arts to make pumpkins, skeletons and spiders, also exploring the Halloween sensory tubs full of spooky spiders! The children ...have explored skeleton bones and read books about the bones in our body. The children thought this was awesome to be able to see 'real' bones! LO2- Children respond to diversity with respect
10.01.2022 NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The children have celebrated NAIDOC Week by participating in a variety of activities such as: Playdough with natural materials Making and eating Damper... Cultural exploring activity Reading a variety of Indigenous books Painting sticks Group time discussions about NAIDOC Week Painted Didgeridoo Group time Acknowledgement to Country Handprint flags Dot painting Tracing symbols in coloured sand LO2 Community: Children respond to diversity with respect
09.01.2022 Today the children and Educators dressed up in their favourite team colours to celebrate ‘Wear Your Team Colours’ day. Children shared with their peers who they follow in sport and talked about what colours they were wearing, broadening their understanding of the world they live in. Children used their creative skills to design their own sports guernsey, choosing the colours they wanted to use.... LO 4- Children are confident and involved learners LO 5- Children are effective communicators
09.01.2022 What have you been doing at home during stage 4 restrictions? "Hi Teachers Hope you are all well. I miss you so much.... My mum says I will be joining you soon. I am growing and learning things at home. Mum says I have gone tall and naughty and I keep my parents on their toes and hijack their meeting which is fun to do so and have made new friends on zoom. I am enjoying being around my parents but also miss my friends and teachers. I also have started helping parents with little chores around the house ,like setting up table for dinner, helping in gardening, washing car, giving food to my pet dog which has become my duty for which I get whole lot of credit (chocolate and 5 cent). I am trying to learn the concept of collecting and saving coins . Also have love doing craft and drawing with mum. Sharing pictures of things which I loved... Hope to see you soon. Till then rest up and take care. Love Avyukt" LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
09.01.2022 Early Childhood Educators Day!!!! ‘Wednesday 2nd September’ Early Childhood Educators day recognises and celebrates the work of Australia's educators in education and care services for their contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of children.... Please take the time to say ‘Thank You’ to our educators this week! Ways you can take the time to say thank you: 1. Use the shapes available at the centre to write a nice note to 1 or more educators. 2. Create a short video thanking your educators and email it to [email protected] 3. Just simply let any of the staff in the centre know how much you appreciate them. We can not wait to see what you come up with!!!!!
08.01.2022 "Hi Teachers, I Made you a cake. Did you know I can ride my bike without training wheels? And thank you for looking after me and thank you again for teaching me things and thank you for making me learn things. Ok byeee" What a great way to say 'Thank You'. Thank you Luca, it has been fun teaching you over the past few years & watching you grow and learn so many things. ... LO 1 Children have a strong sense of identity LO 2 Children are connected with, and contribute to their world LO 5 Children are effective communicators
07.01.2022 Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases in our area & the state of Victoria, we’ve decided to put into place some restrictions, regarding drop off & pick up at Little Learners. The changes are stated below: 1. All children will have their temperature taken when arriving at the Centre for the day. 2. Only 1 parent/guardian is permitted to drop off/pick up their child. This means we ask that NO siblings or extended family members are to come in with you.... 3. ALL Parents and Children are to sanitise their hands on arrival & when leaving the Centre (sanitising station is in front of reception desk) 4. All STAFF will have their temperatures taken when they arrive, prior to their shift starting. As you can understand we’re trying to limit the amount of people entering the Centre on a daily basis. We thankyou for your co-operation, as we try and protect the health & safety of ALL Staff, Children & Families during this difficult time. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to Vicky or Kim on 8360-5467.
07.01.2022 Hi Families! It's Kim here, i just wanted to let you all know that today will be my last day here at Little Learners for 12 months. Due to current COVID-19 situation, I have decided it's best to look after myself and the precious cargo on board (aka Baby BOY). I hope you all stay safe and enjoy the rest of what 2020 might bring. It's been a pleasure working with you all and seeing your smiling faces daily! I'll see you all when I return from maternity leave! Thank-you & Take Care Kim Grech (2IC)
06.01.2022 Monday 17th August - Friday 21st August 2020 'National Science Week' Children will discover and explore the world of science. If you are learning from home check out our Remote Learning pack for some experiment ideas to do with your child.... We would love to see how your experiment goes. See more
06.01.2022 Reminder! CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CLOSURE DATES Friday 25th Dec Friday 1st Jan - CENTRE CLOSED
05.01.2022 ROCKY SPOONVILLE UPDATE!! Hello Friends & Families, Here are some updated photos of our LLDC Rocky Spoonville! ... We have loved seeing your creations in our village. There are so many bright and colourful characters! If you would like to contribute, please feel free to create your own spoon or rock character and place it in our village. LO2 Children are connected with, and contribute to their world
04.01.2022 Wow, check out how much our Vegetable garden has grown! The Children in Room 4, 5 and 6 have shown growing appreciation and care for their natural environment by caring for our garden. Room 5 children spent time tidying up and watering the garden with Deb. ... Room 4 children spotted Broccoli that was ready to be picked and asked Chef Nikki if she could come and help them collect it. The children gathered around Nikki to watch her cut the Broccoli stalk and assisted her by placing it into the bowl. The children were very excited when Nikki also found spring onions ready to be picked. Some of the children went to the kitchen with Nikki and Julia and helped wash the broccoli and spring onion. Room 6 children assisted Laura with planting 10 tomato plants into the garden. They spent time tidying up the garden, followed by watering the plants once they planted the tomatoes. We can’t wait to see the rest of our vegetables grow and to eat them with our lunch LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world
04.01.2022 Don't forget our upcoming event 'LOUD Shirt Day' Wednesday 14th October 2020 Wear something bright or colourful to raise awareness for children who are deaf.
04.01.2022 Have you completed your Little Learners Scavenger Hunt? We would love to see how many objects you checked off your list. Maddy and Ava have been busy checking off their list.... LO 3 Children have a strong sense of Wellbeing LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators
03.01.2022 Harley wanted to say thank you to his educators. Thank you Harley!
03.01.2022 We are loving our family feedback for science week at home! "Avyukt made volcano reusing cardboard and coloured paper and for lava used baking soda, food colouring and vinegar, science week experiment #1" What experiments have you tried? ... Please email a video or photos to [email protected] We would love to see more. LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world. LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners. QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
03.01.2022 We have created our own Little Learners Rocky Spoonville, If you would like to contribute to our Rocky Spoonville please feel free to create your own Spoon or Rock Characters and place it in our village. What you will need: - Spoon or Garden Rock... - Paint, Coloured Markers, or pens - Paint Brushes - Extra craft items you would like to add (e.g. Eyes, hair, clothes) We look forward to seeing your creations. LO 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world LO 4 Children are confident and involved learners LO 5 Children are effective communicators QA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
03.01.2022 On Friday 13th November at Little Learners we celebrated Diwali. Diwali is the five-day festival of lights celebrating new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil, and light over darkness. The word Diwali means row of lights in an Ancient language of India, called Sanskrit. During this festival, people decorate their homes with lights and oil lamps, called Diyas. Here at Little Learners the children enjoyed participating in:... Making diyas with different materials such as clay and art Firework Art using recycled material and paint Group time discussions about the significance of Diwali Making lanterns with pasting material LO2 Community: Children respond to diversity with respect
02.01.2022 Kabir wanted to say 'Thank You' to his educators. Great job Kabir!
01.01.2022 We love hearing what home learning you have been doing. Today we received a video of Arhan’s Sink or Float experiment. What experiments have you tried?
01.01.2022 REMINDER 'LOUD Shirt Day' Wednesday 14th October 2020 Wear something bright or colourful to raise awareness for children who are deaf.
01.01.2022 Monday 24th - Friday 28th August 2020 'Book/Dress Up Week" Bring your favourite book to share and come dressed as your favourite character! We can not wait to see you dressed up and read your favourite book with you.... For Families at Home we would love for you to share some photos.
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