Little River Primary School in Little River, Victoria | State school
Little River Primary School
Locality: Little River, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5283 1214
Address: 21 Flinders St 3211 Little River, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 A reminder to Families This Friday is the Grand Final/Thank you Public Holiday therefore students are not required at school. Monday 2nd November is a Curriculum Day (Student Free Day) Tuesday 3rd November is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday therefore students are not required at school.
25.01.2022 Happy 100 Days of School to the Grade Preps! Do you like our fabulous hats?
23.01.2022 Lots of changes as of today at school so we hope you enjoy Year 2/3s music video.
23.01.2022 Talking School Finance- Important Information for families!!! I hope everyone is staying well during these uncertain times. Unfortunately camps for Grade 3 /4s to Narmbool and Canberra for Grade 5 /6s have been cancelled. If you have made payment towards these camps can you please email me your preference for a refund to a nominated bank account or for the funds to remain on your school account. (see email address below) ... Thank you to all families that have paid for their 2020 Book packs and Essential Items. Payments for outstanding student charges can still be made at the office. We are happy to accept cash, EFTPOS, direct deposit and Bpay. Stay well! Alison Levvey - Business Manager [email protected]
23.01.2022 Dear Little River Primary School parents / carers This morning Premier Andrews and Education Minister Merlino announced that students across Victoria will commence a return to school in the coming weeks. As this is also the first that schools are hearing of this plan, there is naturally a lot of work that needs to take place and some things that have not be clarified or put into place as yet. However, some of the key points to know are:... Monday May 25 will be a pupil free curriculum day for staff to engage in collaborative work to support a smooth transition back to on site classes Tuesday May 26 students in Years Prep, 1 and 2 will commence schooling on site Students in Years 3 6 will continue with remote learning Students in other year levels are planned to be returning on June 9, after the long weekend There will be additional cleaning and safety measures put into place in schools to assist us keeping the environment a safe and hygienic environment Social distancing measures will be implemented but exactly what these require schools to do is yet unclear. This will rely on students ability to do the right thing and abide by what is required. Beyond these details, there is little known as yet. Please understand that school leadership are already working hard to support a transition back to on site learning, whilst ensuring that successful remote practices are still in place in the meantime. I will provide more information as it becomes apparent to us, so please keep an eye on your email and our Facebook page. I thank you for your ongoing support of the staff and general community at this time. Kind regards Gavin Nelson Principal Little River Primary School
22.01.2022 Dear Parents / Carers Due to the localised severity of COVID 19 in the Melbourne Metropolitan area and Mitchell Shire, all camps have been suspended by the Department of Education. As a result we will not be attending Canberra and the Year 3/4 camp.... We are very sorry to tell you this but at the same time it is obviously for the safety of all our students. To those parents who have already made a payment towards camp the Business Manager will contact you within the next two weeks regarding refunds. With kind regards Gavin Nelson Principal -Little River Primary School
22.01.2022 Its been a busy week inside and outside! Here are some pictures of the beginnings of our rejuvenated front garden area. Stay safe everyone
21.01.2022 MRS LANGRIDGE GRADE 2-3 STUDENTS In the afternoon, you will be required to pick up your child/children at a specific time related to the initial of your surname. If your surname begins between A K please pick up at 3:15pm from the appropriate gate below relating to your teachers name. If your surname begins between L Z please pick up at 3:30pm from the appropriate gates. Siblings can choose to leave via the same gate.
20.01.2022 Morning families School breakfast program is on again this morning from 8:15amMorning families School breakfast program is on again this morning from 8:15am
20.01.2022 A reminder that our latest school assembly is hot off the presses (or whatever the virtual video equivalent is!) and available now on our Remote Learning website
20.01.2022 While ANZAC day this year might look very different to previous years, our Grade 4/5/6 students today did their part to commemorate by making their own wreaths out of whatever they could find at home. I think youll agree that they did us proud!
17.01.2022 Dear Parents/carers Thank you for your ongoing support this week. It’s looking like it’s the last week of remote and flexible learning for us. Congratulations on supporting your child/children through this covid time well done! As a reminder, please note that tomorrow is a Curriculum Day - there will be no remote learning. There will also be no student supervision at school.... Gavin Nelson Principal
16.01.2022 2021 Prep Enrolments are now open for families living in Little River. If you would like a 2021 enrolment form please contact the school by emailing us at [email protected]. 2021 Prep Enrolments are due by Friday 19th June. ... School Tours are currently on hold but please have a look at our virtual tour posted earlier this week.
16.01.2022 The school wishes to advise that the scheduled electricity supply interruption scheduled for Tuesday 19th May has been change to SATURDAY 23rd MAY. Families in Little River please note that this interruption to electricity supply will only effect Flinders Street residents.
15.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, As you are aware our Year 3 6 students will commence school on Tuesday, 9th June and finally join our P 2 students who have already been back for the past two weeks. We are very excited to welcome all our students back and resume our normal teaching and learning routines....Continue reading
15.01.2022 A reminder to families 2021 Prep Enrolments are due in by this FRIDAY. Families living in Little River and those families with siblings already attending Little River Primary School are invited to enrol. If you would like a 2021 enrolment form please contact the school by emailing us at [email protected].... School Tours are currently on hold but please take our virtual tour.
15.01.2022 A reminder to those parents dropping their children off at the Rothwell Rd gate to please not congregate in this area. Drop your child off and go. 1.5 metre distancing markers are being painted after school today. Thank you for your support. Gavin Nelson
14.01.2022 Breakfast time again 8:15 - 8:45 ‘You know you want to’Breakfast time again 8:15 - 8:45 ‘You know you want to’
14.01.2022 We know that, for many of our young (and not so young) people, the internet has become an important place to feel connected to others and to entertain ourselves when other options are limited. The eSafety Commissioner has put together a great resource for parents to help you support your children to stay safe online. Visit this link to find out more:
14.01.2022 Dont forget to place your childs Subway order for the last day of term next Friday by 11.30am on Wednesday 24th June. Head to to place your childs order
13.01.2022 A reminder to parents collecting their children at the Rothwell Road gate to please be mindful of not congregating as we need to follow social distancing and also to allow parents easy access to their child when picking up. Many thanks Gavin
13.01.2022 Good morning everyone If you would like your child/children to have breakfast at school today we will be serving from 8:15am - 8-45am from the gym. Children only at this time sorry. No payment required at all Have a great Friday
13.01.2022 Teeth on Wheels will be visiting our school on December 9th and December 14th. For more information check out last week's newsletter (Term 4 Week 6)
11.01.2022 Due to current circumstances we cannot offer families a school tour. Please share our virtual tour with any prospective parents that you may know of. As always, thank you for your support. Gavin Nelson
10.01.2022 This Thursday will be a Footy/Sporting Day to celebrate the AFL Grand Final on Saturday. Students can come to school on Thursday dressed in their favourite footy colours or sporting clothes. Students are not required to make a donation for this celebration day.
09.01.2022 MR SKINNER GRADE 1-2 STUDENTS In the afternoon, you will be required to pick up your child/children at a specific time related to the initial of your surname. If your surname begins between A K please pick up at 3:15pm from the appropriate gate below relating to your teachers name. If your surname begins between L Z please pick up at 3:30pm from the appropriate gates. Siblings can choose to leave via the same gate.
09.01.2022 Book Club Orders are due back Thursday 22nd October
09.01.2022 Parent and carers, below is a copy of a letter emailed to all families earlier today with regards to tomorrows Student Free Day.
09.01.2022 Lots or changes at school but we are rolling with it. Enjoy this music video by Grade 2/3
08.01.2022 As a reminder to all, we can only have one family at a time in our foyer due to the 1.5 metre distancing rule. Please note our new entry and exit beginning next week.
06.01.2022 Book Club is back! Issue 4 is now available to view online. Parents are asked to place any orders online by 10th June.
06.01.2022 The process of returning to school has commenced. Monday the 25th May has been called a Curriculum Day / Student Free Day by the Department of Education and Training. If you require your child / children to be cared for during this day please make a booking online at CampAustralia:
06.01.2022 A reminder for all families coming into the school during the pandemic
06.01.2022 Hello dear families, Next week will see all year levels back at school, we cant wait. Please remind your child / children which school gate they must enter through. Thank you for your on-going support and patience during this time! Ms McKinlays class at Rothwell Rd gate Mr Skinners class at Rothwell St gate... Mrs Langridges class at Flinders St gate Mrs Kinnersleys class at Flinders St gate Mrs Maslen and Mrs Light at Rothwell Rd gate. To all parents, I thank you in advance for not entering our school grounds. We have staff on every gate from 8:45am to ensure your childs safety. Any questions please contact me at school. Gavin Nelson See more
05.01.2022 A Message from the Schools of Wyndham All schools in Wyndham are working together to provide the community with remote learning options for their students. We appreciate you keeping your children at home and keeping us all safe. It is important to understand that the remote learning options will look different in all of our schools. This is for a variety of reasons and include the diverse platforms schools use and students are already familiar with, the learning the schools a...nd particular subjects are trying to provide and the clientele of the school. Rest assured that we are all working together to provide the best we can. We will consistently make adjustments and changes as we learn more about the processes put in place and what is working well within the community. We wanted to assure parents that the students of Wyndham are being cared for and are learning. Tami-Jo Richter- Wyndham School Network Chair Brent Richards -Wyndham Senior Education Improvement Leader for the Department of Education
05.01.2022 A reminder to all families for tomorrow mornings drop off. Ms McKinlays class at Rothwell Rd gate Mr Skinners class at Rothwell St gate Mrs Langridges class at Flinders St gate. To all parents, I thank you in advance for not entering our school grounds. We have staff on every gate from 8:45am to ensure your childs safety. Any questions please contact me at school. ... Gavin Nelson See more
05.01.2022 Good evening families / carers As you would all be aware, COVID - 19 has added at least one more week of school holidays to some schools. I believe we are affected but I will provide an in-depth update for you all tomorrow once I have gathered all the facts around COVID - 19 and the potential impact it could have on Little River PS. Hope youre all well, Ill be in contact tomorrow. Gavin Nelson
05.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers, As you are aware Foundation - 2 students will be returning to school on Tuesday 26th May, followed by Year 3-6 students on 9th June. We are very excited to welcome our children back into their classrooms. Please note that this coming Monday May 25th is a student free day state-wide. No students will be able to supervised on site during the student free day, however Camp Australia will provide a service. Please check the Camp Australia website for bo...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Dear families Due to the latest COVID restrictions in Metro Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire, you MUST wear a mask if you have to enter our school. Thank you for helping
04.01.2022 Hello to all families, we hope youre all fit and well. As of today and directed by DET, I must take every students temperature as they enter the foyer. This is for students who attended school today. If it is over 37.5 your child will be required to go home. I do not need your consent to do this but I am letting you know out of respect.
04.01.2022 Good evening to our many families, Thank you for being patient with us during this COVID-19 pandemic. School will be open tomorrow from 9 - 3:30pm and will be the last day of term 1. Classes will run as normal. I will keep you updated as frequently as possible with a more detailed update tomorrow. Keep safe Regards Gavin Nelson
04.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers As you are aware, the Victorian Government yesterday made a series of significant announcements about the introduction of new measures across metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). These include announcements about a change to arrangements for schools at the start of Term 3 which include our school, Little River Primary School. It is important to note that these new announcements apply only to schools...Continue reading
03.01.2022 To celebrate our school's Step Up Day on DECEMBER 8th the school will be giving the students an opportunity to have a Subway lunch. Parents can order online by heading to Orders need to be placed by 11.30am Sunday 6th December. More information will be coming home with the eldest child in each family today.
02.01.2022 The LRPS School Council wish all our teachers and staff a happy World Teachers’ Day. Thanks for everything you do for our children. #teachersday #thankteachers #brightfuture @aitsl
02.01.2022 Dear Parents / Carers, The teachers have put together remote learning packs for all students and these will need to be collected during school hours from tomorrow morning onwards but before 3:00pm Friday to ensure students are ready for remote learning on Monday morning. As you can see in the picture, they are all ready to go. For the health and safety of everyone please ensure that you follow these guidelines:... 1. Come to the office (Parents to be mindful that only one family is allowed in the office foyer area at a time and to maintain social distancing when visiting the school) Family with surnames from A to L are asked to come in during the morning and families with surnames from M to Z are asked to come in during the afternoon, to assist with limiting the number of families coming into the school grounds at one time. 2. Sanitise your hands 3. Tell admin staff which students you are collecting packs for and we will collect for you No children are to come inside. A reminder to families that need a device and internet access for remote learning can you please email Gill Light ([email protected]) prior to Wednesday afternoon, Again, thank you for your support Gavin Nelson Principal
02.01.2022 Returning to School Process On Tuesday, 26th May all Year Prep, 1 and 2 students are required to be at school. Due to our numbers we will not be running with staggered starts. All children will be expected to be at school by 9:00am. I will be organising drop off zones for vehicles aligned to classes. If you have a child in these classes, I am asking you to please follow these whole school guidelines in the best interests of safety.... Prep students to be dropped off at the Rothwell Rd entrance. Miss McKinlay (front of school) Year 1/2 students to be dropped off at the Flinders St entrance. Mr Skinner (gate near gym) Year 2/3 students to be dropped off at the Rothwell St entrance. Mrs Langridge (frog pond gate) Only Year 2 students in Mrs Langridges class will attend school from the 26th May. The year 3s from June 9. Parents are to drop their students off at these gates as parents are not permitted onto school grounds. If however, you need to drop something off at the office please do so and adhere to the 1.5 metre distancing rule. If your student is attending school and are in years 3 6 because they are students of essential workers or deemed to be vulnerable, I ask these students to enter via any gate in an orderly manner. If your child is attending school and is late, you must bring them to the office to be checked in. The following also applies from the 26th May: - Drinking fountains will be out of use, students need to bring their own water bottles - The playground will be used and cleaned twice per day - Students will often be learning outside, please ensure your child has a jumper - P 2 students who were loaned a laptop or iPad during the remote learning period must return this device to Mrs Light as soon as possible (Tuesday, 26th May) - All students from years 3 6 will commence school from Tuesday, 9th June - All Little River Primary School staff will be onsite from Tuesday, 26th May. Kind regards Gavin Nelson
02.01.2022 Dear Parents / carers Firstly, thank you for your ongoing support during our COVID times, it’s tested us all! As of late last night, the Department of Education have lifted more restrictions which will make our ‘school lives’ just that little easier. As a transition phase, parents will be welcomed back on site as of Monday, 30th November. The early drop off and early pick up times will also no longer exist. Staff supervision of the yard will commence at 8:45am and all st...udents will be finishing school at 3:30pm There are activities which were not allowed to occur but now can. For instance, our 2020 Year 6 Graduation will now be able to go ahead, on site with parents. I encourage all our families to be patient with myself and staff as we replan the remainder of the year. Not all activities will be replaced due to the lack of time we have for planning. Updated advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer still requires adults to wear masks indoors and outdoors if physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained. I am encouraging parents not to enter classrooms due to our sanitiser regime. Also, please me mindful that only one family at a time be present in our foyer. Our school’s drinking fountains will also be turned back on. As a precaution, they will all be flushed out as they’ve not been in operation for 5 months. If there are any further changes between now and the end of year, particular class notifications will be made via seesaw which go directly from teacher to parents/carers. Should you wish you discuss any of these arrangements, don’t hesitate to call me at school. Many thanks for your ongoing support. Gavin Nelson Principal
01.01.2022 Miss Hands, along with her fianc Luke are thrilled to announce the arrival of Banjo and Bobby, born 14.5.20 Banjo weighing 2.67kg - 44cm Bobby weighing 2.69kg - 45cm ... Everyone well and all very smitten
01.01.2022 A reminder to all parents who drop off and pick up their children in cars to please not park across any of our neighbours cross overs. We have had circumstances where neighbours cannot exit or enter their own property due to an unattended parked car. Thank you for your support.
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