Little Valley Farm in Laguna, New South Wales, Australia | Livestock farm
Little Valley Farm
Locality: Laguna, New South Wales, Australia
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25.01.2022 When Majestic photobombs and puts her ears down - trying to look innocent. How cute is she? But mum has the feed bucket! #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #huntervalley #alpaca #alpaka #alpacasofinstagram #instaalpaca
23.01.2022 So here we are finally together in a photo surrounded by our amazing herd of alpacas. Its us, Euan & Daniela! We started our alpaca journey back in 2012 after 15 years living in Europe and Asia for hubbies work and it was an amazing time in our life. We both loved it. I worked for then start-up @luxecityguides in HK & Singapore as well as having our chi-chi marketing company. ... The return brought us back to Sydney but definitely not the city. The Hunter Valley and the charm of the Wollombi Wilderness was the inspiration for our new home. Why alpacas? They are gentle on the land, they are inquisitive, intelligent and oh-so cuddly. We spend everyday working with them and after 8 years we are still learning from them. They are amazing creatures. Over the years we have earned their trust and are gracefully allowed into the herd. They love us as much as we love them. They show it in their eyes. Do they spit? Not really but feeding time you may be in the line of fire. Can I buy one? No. Alpacas are herd animals and need to be in 2-3+. They will die of a lonely heart if left alone. We sell our alpacas to small farms and acreages in the Hunter Valley, Sydney and the Central Coast. We also run alpaca workshops for potential new alpaca owners. Our farm stay is exclusively for four adults and we dont allow day visits here so our guests can enjoy the alpacas all to them self. Open days are held in spring and autumn and sell out within days. Fleece? We use their fleece and spin it into yarn and also sell the raw fleece for spinners and felters. Stay tuned for our spring open day at @littlevalleyfarm. #littlevalleyfarm #wollombivalley #wollombi #lagunansw #hunterxhunter #huntervalley #visithuntervalley #alpacasofinstagram #alpaca #alpacaselfie #alpacafarm #alpacaworld #alpacalove #alpacagram #alpacatoday Thank you @planet_rachor @lienrachor @felixrachor for visiting our alpaca farm and the superb Photos. @ Laguna, New South Wales, Australia
23.01.2022 No rain today and we are pretty happy. It's kinda soggy out there on some of the paddocks. Snowy and Panna keeping me in good company today. The rest of the girls are chilling under the amber trees. . .... . #wollombi #lagunansw #littlevalleyfarm See more
22.01.2022 August workshops are fully booked. Get in early and book in for our September workshops now. Alpaca sales for breeding females with cria at foot opens up mid September. Jump on the link for more info: ...
21.01.2022 What an adorable girl gang! Suki and Majestic making best friends with Julia our delightful guest. How gorgeous is this! @julieqtran ... Our unique farmstay offers personal maximum hang out time with our girls and they will demand your attention. We just love seeing our guests interacting with the pacas and the alpacas are not shy in getting your attention. @riparide.syd @riparide #littlevalleyfarm #huntervalley #lagunansw #lovelaguna #goodvibes #alpaca #alpacasofinstagram #alpacalove #alpacalife @visithuntervalley @julieqtran
20.01.2022 Three days old and we can confirm it’s a girl. Mum is called Snow-Glow, so we need to think of a name that relates to snow glow for this beautiful little girl? Got any ideas? #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #wollombiwilderness #lagunansw #newbaby #Alpacafarm #alpaca #alpacas #alpacalove #alpacagram #alpacagram #alpacaworld #alpacafriendschallenge #alpacalife #alpacalovers
19.01.2022 Putting the glamour into glamping at @littlevalleyfarm thanks to red dress adventures @bronflynnphotography What is your favourite glamping essential? #Repost @bronflynnphotography... ~*~ Not with regret but with a smile ~*~ A lot has happened over the last eight months. Some good, some bad, some great, some stressful. While I miss Scotland more than I can explain, I dont regret my time there, as short as it was. I made incredible new friends, gained a hell of a lot of insight into myself and overcame challenges. Most of all, I know I will make it back there one day soon, so that was simply round one. Round two, Im coming for ya! . . #bronflynnphotography #advancedselfie #reddressadventures #thereddress #alpacafarm #girlswhotravel #naturephotography #solotravellingwoman #travelblogger #traveltheworld #travelphotography #travellingthroughtheworld #adventures #photographer #phototips #posingtips #dontregret #dontgiveup #onlytimewilltell #inspired #riparide #highheelsontravel @bronflynnphotography See more
19.01.2022 We are getting ready for our annual shearing session next month. Its a huge setup with lots of alpacas to be shorn and cool for the summer days ahead. In the meantime we have some fleece left over for Felting or spinning. Pick up Laguna. Via appointment only. #littlevalleyfarm #fleece #alpaca #knitters #spinners #felters @ Laguna, New South Wales, Australia
18.01.2022 "Knowledge will give you the opportunity to make a difference on the farm and for your new herd of wonderful alpacas." Join us for our unique alpaca workshops at Little Valley Farm. Daniela
18.01.2022 Happy days in the Hunter Valley with @planet_rachor Was habt ihr noch so auf der bucketlist? Liens Traum war es schon immer mal auf eine Alpaca farm zu gehen. ... Der Blick sagt alles! In den nachsten Tag erzahlen wir euch die ganze Story, die ist schon besonders geil! Wir hatten heute einen unglaublich schonen Tag auf der @littlevalleyfarm & haben unfassbar viele tolle Bilder und Videos gemacht. #alpaca #alpacalove #visitnsw #australia #travel #alpacasofinstagram #happyanimals #bestday #happy #animallove #huntervalley #awesometravel
18.01.2022 Little Valley Farm featured in the Hawkesbury Gazette this month with our LUXE picnic with the alpacas. Our LUXE picnic events will hopefully be back in time for the lovely spring weather + the added bonus of many little babies running around the paddocks. We so cant wait.
17.01.2022 Little Bon Jovi standing tall. He is only a week old but strong and determined from the minute he was born. There is no wonder why, with his intense mother Bianca and strong-willed sister Neve, he comes from a long line of incredible characters. All the others still getting to know him and it will be interesting to see where he fits in the herd. The young siblings, Piaf and Banjo, love to sit beside him when mum is eating and get him involved in their running races. Welcome B...on Jovi. #huntervalleyalpaca
17.01.2022 We are getting ready for our first training session for 2021 and our girls have decided to look-their-best and roll in the mud! If you would like to book in for a workshop jump on our website to find out more as our workshops are perfect for people wanting have alpacas on their farm.
16.01.2022 Mads her impersonation of a quokka! Is it working? #huntervalley #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #alpacafarm #alpaka #lagunansw #quokka #wollombivalley #alpacasofinstagram #alpacaselfie #alpacafarm #alpacalife #alpacaworld
16.01.2022 ~ IN THE MEDIA A Hunter Valley farm-stay unlike any other by Kacey Johnson of Hunter Hunter. Also, featuring our two favourite Laguna places Great Northern Trading Post and Laguna Village Providore.... Thank you, Kacey! Discover Hunter Hunter
15.01.2022 Summer 2019/2020 How different the farm looks today. Can’t keep up with the mowing. What a lovely problem to have compared to last year.
14.01.2022 My gorgeous girl Bianca. The eldest on the farm and the funniest. Dont you just love her face? Goofy indeed. Full of life and character. She is 16 years old. They all have their quirky personalities. ... #littlevalleyfarm #wollombivalley #wollombi #lagunansw #huntervalley #alpaca #alpacasofinstagram #instagood #instaalpaca #alpacalife @planet_rachor
14.01.2022 Miss Sukey stares right into your soul! A snake bite survivor and a funny character. She is a real chatter box our girl. Sukey and the girls enjoying feed time with our guest Felix. Gotta love winter afternoon feeding sessions under the big beautiful blue sky. ... @planet_rachor #littlevalleyfarm #wollombivalley #laguna #alpacafarm #alpacalove #wollombi #instagood #instaalpaca #instamood #instaalpaca #goodvibes #weekendvibes #alpacalife #alpacka #huntervalley @visithuntervalley @felixrachor @lienrachor
13.01.2022 What a pleasure this week hosting @felixrachor (Fotograf Felix Rachor) and his beautiful wife @lienrachor. A well known photographer in Germany, Felix sold up and is on solid adventure around the world @planet_rachor We love having positive, intensely passionate people experience our part of the world. We thank them for their beautiful photos and our deep discussions on everything from photography to alternative living. ... #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi
13.01.2022 One day old and owning the farm. I still need to check what sex it is but what a cutie! Strong as an ox cute as a button. Do you think it’s male or female? ... Looking forward to naming this little cutie. #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #alpacafarm #alpacalove #alpacasofinstagram #alpacagram #alpacaworld #alpacalife #alpacalovers #wollombi #wollombiwilderness #alpaka #huntervalley #huntervalleynsw #countryescapesau #alpacasofinstagram
13.01.2022 Baby Willie Wagtails waiting for breakfast near the Alpaca Shed. Look closely and you see the whole nest wrapped in alpaca fleece, gathered from our hanging baskets of fleece around the farm. We hope that helps keep them cool this weekend in this summers first heat wave.... PM us if you would like a large bag of the left over unspinnable fleece for just $5. #alpaca #AussieBirdCount #birdlovers
12.01.2022 Paris and baby Piaf at sundown. Such a wonderful mum taking care of her adorable and super playful little grey cria (baby alpaca). Piaf a favourite in front of the camera. ... It was a long wait as alpacas are pregnant for 11.5 months - yeap. 11.5 months! Well worth the wait. More crias due to unpack next month. Stay tuned from your Hunter valley alpaca breeder. credit @planet_rachor #littlevalleyfarm #wollombivalley #wollombi #huntervalley #alpacalove #weekendvibes #alpaca #alpacababy #alpacasofinstagram #instaalpaca #alpacafarm #alpacaworld #alpacalover
12.01.2022 Do you think Im sexy? Sure Abbs we certain do! Flashing us her pearly whites. She is a character and the current leader of the herd. ... She will come running at you for food and will be right in your face. Sometimes she will even share it. Sometimes! Loves a neck rub from me and loves running around the paddocks. We have alpaca raw fleece available for sale In huacaya and Suri from $10 per saddle. #littlevalleyfarm #lagunansw #wollombi #wollombivalley #alpacafarm #alpaka #alpacasofinstagram #alpacas #alpacalove #alpacafibre #alpacayarn #instaalpacas #alpacastyle #alpacalover #alpacagram #alpakafarm @planet_rachor
12.01.2022 There is so much going on at the farm these days. We can’t keep up! . The bees are happily enjoying our sunflower and lavender hill and it looks so pretty against the super fast growing lush grass. There is plenty of food for the bees right now. We have our old flowhive but need to get it back into action. We stopped during the horrible bush fires last year. If there is anyone wanting to put more hives out on our farm we certainly have plenty of space and food for our lit...tle pollinators. Let us know and I would be super stoked to get some help out here with the bees. . . . #littlevalleyfarm #alpacafarm #lavenderfarm #sunflowers #bees #flowhive #flowhivehoney #beekeepers #beekeeper #lagunansw #huntervalley See more
11.01.2022 Why support Mr Bezos when you can support our network of spinners on a small Aussie farm? Be a champ and shop local. Support a small business and says bye-bye to Amazon or made in China stuff. Be sustainable and fall in love with 100% made in the valley alpaca yarn thanks to a ever so gorgeous alpacas. ... Check it out online
11.01.2022 A huge shout out to media Urban List Sydney for featuring our little farm in The Best Alpaca Farms Worth Visiting in Australia. Feeling proud and thank you! ~~~~... Step Up Your Adventuring With 5 Of The Best Alpaca Farms Worth Visiting In Australia Enjoy reading more here. By Jessica Best 2nd Sep 2020 #littlevalleyfarm #lagunansw #wollombi #huntervalley #farmstayau #alpacafarm #countryescapeau #MEDIA #goodvibes #wollombivalley #australianalpacas
11.01.2022 Great weekend vibes thanks to baby Oberon. What a cuddly cutie! Her Mum is Sukey our white huacaya. Sukey is a champion. Last winter she was bitten by a red belly snake. It was horrible but amazingly she pulled through whilst being pregnant with baby Oberon. We had weeks of caring for our girl and both mum and bubs survived. How lucky we are to have them here. ... Our guests get to know Sukey pretty quickly once the feed bucket comes out. She loves to be handfed. Her inner diva comes out and she talks (a lot) whilst eating. A classic girl. Baby Oberon is super fluffy and a quite natured cria. Opposite to her mum! Richmond (dad) loves to roll in his hay. Oberon does the same at feeding time! Dont you just love how they have their own personalities? #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #huntervalleyalpacas @planet_rachor
10.01.2022 Doing what I love most - taking alpacas! I could talk about these amazing creatures all day long. Mystical, magical and magnificent these pacas take the centre stage and all who meet them fall in love. The perfect livestock for your farm or acerage....
09.01.2022 We have a name for a new little girl. Welcome Snowflake. Sharing a sweet little moment with her sis Oberon. #littlevalleyfarm #visitwollombi #wollombi #lagunansw #hunteralpacas #alpacafarm #alpacasofinstagram #instamood #instagood #farmlifeaustralia #harvesttrailsmarkets #alpacalove #alpacalovers #alpacababy
09.01.2022 What is the coolest thing about Nicole Kidmans beautiful home in rural Australia? "My 6 alpacas". Be like Nicole. Get a cool alpaca . ...
09.01.2022 It’s that time of year when our phone runs hot with alpaca inquiries. Remember to do your homework and make sure the alpacas are the right livestock for your farm as it’s a 20 year commitment. Yep, 20 years! Our youngest is five days old and eldest is 17, how cool is that.... Talk to us about 2021 alpaca workshops in the Hunter Valley. Little Valley Farm always promoting responsible animal ownership. #littlevalleyfarm #huntervalley #alpacafarm #wollombi #wollombivalley #lagunansw
08.01.2022 Look what’s new on the paddocks this week? Cria alert with more to come. #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #lagunansw #huntervalley #huntervalleyalpacas #alpaca #alpacasofinstagram #alpacafarm #alpacalove
07.01.2022 Our native birds go crazy over alpaca fibre. What better way to line their nests? It's our way of recycling the scrappy and short leg fleece by placing it in a pretty birdcage or wire box hanging from a tree they love to visit. The birds fly in, take what they need to build their nest. When you need more fleece you can pick it up from us every October after shearing. You don't need a fancy cage hanging from your tree, but it does look great. You can use hanging from old... wire coathangers to make a ball and fill with the fleece or just simple wire. The fleece is also great if you want to use it as a soft toy infill. Pick up Laguna via appointment only. Large bags are only $5 and will last you till next shearing season. #littlevalleyfarm #lagunansw #wollombi #alpacafarm #sustainableliving #alpacafleece #alpacalove #birdlovers #alpacasofinstagram
06.01.2022 Glorious winter days and wonderful stays at Little Valley Farm. We are loving this glorious Winter sun. Lien of @planet_rachor enjoying the late afternoon feeding sessions with our pregnant girls. Yeap, all our ladies are due in Spring and we are going to be super busy once again with little crias (baby alpacas) running around the paddocks. We soo cant wait even know we have been doing this since 2012 - its still super fun waiting for the unpacking! Our lovely pacas... are super friendly and love hanging out with our guests. It must be the special alpaca treats we give them. No human food just good quality hay and special paca pellets. Photo credit @planetachor #alpacalove #alpaca #alpacaofinstagram #instaalpaca #alpacababy #huntervalley #wollombi #visitwollombi #wollombivalley #visithuntervalley #destinationnsw #destination_nsw #alpacaphotography
05.01.2022 The many faces of Neve and she certainly knows how to work a camera. Such attitude this girl! With two days of heat waves hitting us this weekend we recommend keeping the Alpacas under deep shade with a running water trough to keep the temperature cool. ... If your trough is out in the sun adding a bag of ice inside the tub to cool the water down otherwise a plastic iced bottle of water will do well also. Frozen peas or corn for the chickens and Guinea fowl. For me, under the sprinkler I go!
05.01.2022 Alpaca yarn. Alpaca fleece. 100% pure luxury is this ultra sustainable fibre. Also known as the Fibre of Gods for a very good reason. Its glorious! If you are a spinner, knitter or felter please contact us for raw fleece sales. We have white, fawn and chocolate brown fleece saddles for sale from $10-$30 per bag. ... Pick up in Laguna via appointment only. Wear sustainable fibre and help our alpaca and slow fashion movement. Fast fashion is killing our planet #littlevalleyfarm #wollombivalley #wollombi #lagunansw #slowliving #slowfashion #alpaca #alpacas #alpaka #alpacasofinstagram #instagood #instamood #instafashion #feltersofinstagram #knittersofinstagram #sustainablestyle #sustainablefashion #sustainability Link in bio @ Laguna, New South Wales, Australia
04.01.2022 Alpacas are fascinating animals, but they require special management. Join Daniela at Little Valley Farm for their unique hands-on workshop that is perfect for people living on small farms or acreage and that are thinking of having alpacas as pets. There are places only two dates left on Sept 27th & October 4th. ... Mid-October is our shearing week and we will not be running any workshops during this time. Workshops are a maximum of 4 people to ensure we are COVID safe at all times.
03.01.2022 Admiring my beauties! All my girls are a huge part of our family. They are fun, Goofy, friendly, cheeky and super inquisitive. We just love them! Afternoon feeding sessions are the best. ... #littlevalleyfarm #wollombivalley #lagunansw #wollombi #alpaca #alpacasofinstagram #instaalpacagram #farmlifeau #countrylifeau #goodvibes #weekendvibes @planet_rachor See more
03.01.2022 One of my favourite photos of years ago during another heat wave by the petite shepherds hut. Nothing like deep shaded areas for the Alpacas’s plus a cool down under the sprinkler. Ice bags in the water trough or iced water bottles to cool it down. Me, I am out there checking up on them. They are clever, they sit under the shade and wait till dusk to venture out. ... #littlevalleyfarm #wollombi #wollombivalley #lagunansw #huntervalley #alpacafarm
03.01.2022 Hip hip hooray bonfires and alpacas is all you need. Our gorgeous guests make the most of their exclusive adult farmstay at @littlevalleyfarm. Winters are all about bonfires, melting hot marshmallows and enjoying local wine. Spring is all about the outdoor bath tub overlooking the alpaca paddocks. What else do you need? ... #happyday #wollombivalley #littlevalleyfarm #bonfirenights #huntervalley #visithuntervalley #goodvibes #socialmediafamous #farmstaysaustralia @planet_rachor @ Laguna, New South Wales, Australia
02.01.2022 Here we are! Mr Chan & Lady Ho. Our appropriate farm dogs! Mr Chan has rounded up our sheep, once! It lasted until he ran into the cow dung. That was the end of his working life as well as sleeping in our bed! ... Lady Ho on the couch. No need to move much. Both born in Singapore when we lived and worked then and now on the farm with us. Chan loves it. Ho not so much. They are now over 15 years old and are kept away from the alpacas for safety. Up at the house they enjoy the sun. Happy Dog Day today! #littlevalleyfarm #chihuahua #instachihuahua #chihuahuasofinstagram #farmdogsofinstagram #happydoghappylife #happydog
02.01.2022 If you are new to the world of alpacas or wanting a small herd for your farm or acerage join our private group to get you started on your alpaca journey. Daniela
02.01.2022 Sneak peak of behind-the-scenes wedding shoot. Yesterday we had the opportunity to be part of a wonderful wedding photo shoot opportunity. A huge thank you to all the crew who made the magic happen on the super hot day. ... I’m so looking forward to seeing the professional photos next week. weddinggrounds Bryce Noone Photography HYRE Events, Bowerbird Bloom @andy
01.01.2022 May 2021 now open for bookings. Stay with us at this magical time of year, full of colour, misty mornings and beautiful clear days. Exclusive off grid, rustic glamping farm stay at a working alpaca farm in Laguna, Hunter Valley. Just 90 min from Sydney but a world away from the everyday.
01.01.2022 Here we are talking to Tony Eyres and Andrew Bulkeley of Rounding Up regarding agri-tourism. Something we are very passionate about at Little Valley Farm for the Hunter region. Thanks to Advance Cessnock City and The Advertiser, Cessnock #huntervalley #wollombivalley #littlevalleyfarm ... Daniela Riccio Euan Wilcox
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