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25.01.2022 Low Tox Tuesday - toothbrushes Apparently we should replace our toothbrushes every 3 months. To make remembering easier, I change ours with the seasons. What do we do with the old one? ... Australia has a population of 25m. If everyone is replacing their toothbrushes after 3 months, that equates to a staggering 100 million toothbrushes going to landfill every year! Toothbrushes aren't recyclable via household recycling facilities but you can recycle them through TerraCycle - either send it directly to them or some dentists are collection points. (They also accept toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers and electric toothbrush heads). Did you know that eco-friendly toothbrushes can be found in the supermarket?? Woolworths had one but it was in plastic packaging so I vetoed that one immediately. Coles had two to choose from Grants $4 and Jordan $5. GREENWASH ALERT!!! The Jordan one with its award winning Scandinavian design, recycled cardboard packaging and "green clean" advertising is actually just made of recycled plastic (not bamboo as I had assumed). So back to the Grants toothbrush. The handle can be composted but the bristles are made from nylon so you can either pull the bristles out or snap the head off when it comes to disposing of it. Grants also make a kid-sized toothbrush but you'll have to buy it at the health food store or online. I still love my electric toothbrush but I now have a bamboo travelling option and a recycling solution for the electric heads. Have you tried a bamboo toothbrush? Let me know what you think xoxox

24.01.2022 "Choose your own adventure" quiche It's a running joke in my family that the only thing I can make is a frittata. I confess that when there's a gathering I will usually bring a frittata and most weeks I will make a "bottom of the fridge" frittata with whatever is left so there is an element of truth to it!. I don't tend to make a quiche as I feel better without gluten and most GF pastry is filled with rubbish ingredients. I was very excited to see this recipe with a sweet ...potato crust - brilliant! Who else is going to try it? If you don't have these veg on hand just throw anything in - choose your own adventure style!

21.01.2022 Your Self Care Sunday reminder...

20.01.2022 Low Tox Tuesday - Fake Tan We've had our first hint of sunshine here in Melbourne and my legs look like they belong to a ghost If you're looking for a bit of colour for those warm days then there are some really good low tox options out there.... What do we want to avoid? The usual hormone disrupting culprits: Phthalates (fragrance/parfum) Parabens Phenoxyethanol My favourite option is Eco Tan Cacao Tanning Mousse (online/some chemists/healthfood shops). The Eco Tan website will help you find stockists and tanning salons if you don't want to do it yourself! I hear good reports about the TanOrganic brand but I haven't tried it. Also loads of options with reviews on the Nourished Life website. Enjoy!

20.01.2022 Day 30 - the healing nature of a gratitude practice There are so many ways we benefit from having a gratitude practice: Increase in happiness, enhances empathy, improves self esteem, encourages quality sleep and mental resilience. It's also been shown to reduce depression and aggression. ... Hands up who thinks the world needs more of this!!! What does a gratitude practice look like?: There are so many ideas online. A couple of easy ones that I like are: Night-time/first thing in the morning - keeping a notebook by your bed and writing a few lines of what you're grateful for each day. (Sometimes I do a mental list as soon as I turn out the light as a small person has taken my notebook.) Dinner table - we go around the table and talk about the best part of the day. Hugh van Cuylenburg from The Resilience Project suggests the following three prompts: What was the best thing that happened to me today? Who am i most grateful for today and why? What am I most looking forward to most about tomorrow and why? Studies have shown that in 21 days you will have retrained your brain to look for the positives. A number of years ago I left a very toxic relationship and a daily gratitude practice was a key piece to help me switch off ruminating on the past and worrying about the "what ifs". Gratitude is a powerful tool but you do need practice so it becomes a habit. My gratitude piece for today: I am so grateful for all of you joining me for the 30 days of change. A huge thank you for all the likes, loves and comments. The Facebook algorithm is a fickle beast and your activity means that these posts will get seen by more people. xoxoxo

19.01.2022 Stainless steel pegs on sale! 40% off

18.01.2022 Something to try - cauliflower rice If you’re keen to add more nutrients to your meal or to reduce your intake of carbohydrates, try switching your rice for cauliflower rice. You will need:... cauliflower coconut oil salt (I used Herbamare) First wash your cauliflower and then whizz briefly in smaller batches until it resembles rice. (In the thermomix this is about 1 second on speed 7). I’ve heard that you can use a hand grater but I haven’t tried it. Heat up a frypan, add a tablespoon of coconut oil Add the cauliflower to the pan and add some salt Sauté for about 6-10 mins and serve. I haven’t tried serving it to the worlds fussiest eaters but the man-child quote likes it. Note: the raw cauliflower ‘rice’ freezes well #plantpowered #plantrich #justeatrealfood #iinhealthcoach

18.01.2022 Public service announcement - on sale at Woolworths

17.01.2022 Your self care Sunday reminder...

17.01.2022 This makes me very happy! Why can’t Australia do the same?

17.01.2022 In Australia, it’s estimated that 5 million tonnes of food waste ends up in landfill each year. Once it’s in landfill it creates methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. This is a fascinating article on an option to keep food waste out of landfill. (There is not enough money in the world to get me to work in one of these places!!! )

17.01.2022 Does anyone else have an excessive glass jar collection? I don’t have much storage space so my options for offloading surplus jars are: the local Buy Nothing Facebook group my retired neighbour who makes jam... the local food co-op See more

16.01.2022 A reminder to gather up your little bits of foil into a bigger ball before recycling...

14.01.2022 Day 29 - Steps towards a healthier home This is a massive topic that we could spend a whole month on but today I want to give you some small, manageable steps to start with. Ditch the artificial fragrances. Phthalates are a group of chemicals that are used to make fragrances last longer. These are known hormone disruptors with links to thyroid issues, fertility issues, some cancers and metabolic dysfunction (eeeek!!!). These are commonly found in: air fresheners, plug-ins, ...candles, cleaning products, shampoos, skin care, makeup. Check the ingredient lists for words such as parfum or fragrance. If it states the fragrance is from essential oils then it's OK, otherwise get rid of these/replace them with a low-tox version Clean air - Indoor plants look great and will filter the air, air purifiers are great but can be expensive, open doors/windows to allow ventilation Clean water - we are so blessed to have access to clean drinking water, however some of the chemicals that are added to our water supply have some less desirable side effects. Chlorine impacts our precious gut bacteria, fluoride may help our enamel when applied topically to the tooth but is also a neurotoxin and is not required by any of our body's internal functions. A water filter is a great investment. Minimising EMFs (electromagnetic field) and EMRs (electromagnetic radiation): Switch off your Wi-Fi modem at night Ideally no phones in the bedroom, or at least make sure they are on flight mode Make sure your baby monitor is at least 1 metre from the babies head Ethernet cable is a better option than Wi-Fi Rest tablets on a table, thick book or the floor rather than resting on your body (especially for children) Make sure your bed isn't against a wall with large electrical items on the other side eg fridge, smart meters. PM me if you'd like to talk about this more, it's something I'm really passionate about. I've collated plenty of resources on low-tox products and have done lots of trial and error to find products that work and don't cost a fortune!! ##30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #healthyhabits #betterhealth #healthyliving #IINhealthcoach #lowtoxliving

13.01.2022 Day 28 - Know your ingredients I'd like to introduce you to my all-time favourite app, possibly the best $11 I've ever spent - Chemical Maze. In an ideal world, we would all be eating whole foods and there would be no need to read an ingredients list because there wouldn't be one.... In reality, we are surrounded by "products" so it is important to know how to interpret an ingredients list. Here's my "Know your ingredients 101" ingredients are listed in accordance to proportional percentage i.e. largest to smallest you want the ingredients list to look like what you would use to make the item at home e.g. bread should have flour, water, yeast, salt. As an experiment, have a look at the ingredients list on the bread in your pantry in particular, watch out for sugar under different names i.e. a biscuit may contain raw sugar, golden syrup and glucose, if they were combined it may be the number 1 ingredient but because they are separate they are further down the list know your numbers!!! This is where Chemical Maze rocks my world. Plug in the number (or name) of the additive and it will tell you whether it's best to avoid, use caution or safe. e.g. 282 Calcium propionate (a common preservative in bakery products) Best avoided. Potential effects - developmental delays, migraines, neurological problems, prohibited in foods for infants (!!! Check your labels please!!) products get reformulated (usually with cheaper ingredients) so double check your preferred products from time to time this is a good project to involve older kids. Instead of saying no to a product, get them to check the ingredients and ask them whether they think those ingredients are the sort of thing they want to consume If you'd like a hand to go through your pantry, shopping list or a socially-distanced trip to the supermarket, PM me as I love this project! (P.S. if you have an aversion to paying for apps then have a look at Additive Alert, free but not as easy to use) #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #betterhealth #healthyhabits #IINhealthcoach #justeatrealfood #additivefree #chemicalmaze

13.01.2022 "You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you." Does this quote resonate with anyone else? Your mission this weekend is to write a list of things that light you up (that are inline with whatever stage of Covid restrictions apply to you) and then schedule them!... We'll be at the beach getting some Vitamin Sea - hooray!

12.01.2022 I hope you enjoyed September's #30daysofchange and found a few tweaks that you can easily implement. If you're looking for a "next step", check out my Green Smoothie Reset If you want a hand to reduce/remove additives from your shopping basket (day 28), I offer an "Shopping List Hour of Power" where we'll walk through your usual shopping list and ensure you're making the best available choices.... If you'd like a hand to remove harmful chemicals from your home (day 29), I also have a "Low Tox Hour of Power" where I'll guide you through a "ditch and switch" (or "what to buy then this runs out") to reduce your family's toxic load. Both these sessions work well over Skype/Zoom and cost $100AUD for the session - PM me if you'd like to arrange a time.

11.01.2022 A quick trailer on an episode on regenerative farming. The full episode is here (I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet)

10.01.2022 Day 22 - Oils ain't oils (anybody else visualising a 1980's car oil advert?) We could talk for days on this topic but here's just a quick snapshot. (Contact me if you want to discuss in more detail!) The supermarket shelves contain a variety of different oils, how do we know which to choose?... The following oils are highly processed (chemical solvents are used to extract the oil - YUCK) and create inflammation in the body: Vegetable and seed oils e.g. canola, sunflower, soybean, peanut, rice bran etc. AVOID THESE!!!! These are in a lot of processed foods so read your labels!! The following oils are your best choices (choose cold pressed, extra virgin): olive oil, coconut, avocado, macadamia and other nuts (have these raw, not for cooking at high temps). #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #betterhealth #healthyhabits #IINhealthcoach #justeatrealfood

09.01.2022 A great recipe if you’re keen to make Easter eggs this year

08.01.2022 Low Tox Tuesday - hand cream Does anyone else have hands like alligator skin after all this hand washing and sanitiser?? Here are a few of my favourite low tox hand creams: ... Anything from Weleda. Available online, in health food stores and David Jones. My favourite is Skin Food, it’s rather thick so there is a Skin Food Light if you prefer Andalou range from Priceline or online Kora or Inika in some health food shops, online and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Kora in David Jones too. What do we want to avoid in hand creams? These products are a minefield of hormone disruptors! Synthetic fragrances, preservatives such as phenoxyethanol, PEGs (polyethylene glycols) - depending on the manufacturing process may be contaminated by known carcinogens and are an environmental disaster as they don’t easily degrade.

08.01.2022 Day 26 - Listen to your body Our bodies are constantly providing us with feedback but we seem to have lost the knack of listening. If we have a headache, indigestion, constipation, aches and pains etc we tend to turn to a pill to "solve" the problem instead of investigating the root cause. In effect we are just treating the symptom, not the underlying problem.... Today I want you to start consciously thinking about how you feel immediately after eating, 30 minutes after eating and then 2 hours after eating. For example, I used to love poached eggs, avocado and tomato on sourdough for breakfast. Almost immediately I would feel as though I had a brick in my stomach, 30 minutes later I would feel like someone had pulled the handbrake on and two hours later I would be completely exhausted and looking for sugar to pick me up. Gluten is not my friend! If you want a hand to decode your body's feedback, then please PM me, I'd love to help. #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #healthyhabits #betterhealth #IINhealthcoach #listentoyourbody

08.01.2022 Meat free Monday! This looks delicious - gluten free, dairy free and packed with veg. The million dollar question: Will the world's fussiest eaters try it? Wish me luck!

07.01.2022 Day 24 - Switch to organic where possible We could talk for days on this topic. In an ideal world we would have the resources to buy all organic produce. Each year the US-based Environmental Working Group releases its "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" lists. These are the worst and best in relation to the presence of pesticides in produce.... I am still searching for a list using Australian-based research so in the meantime this is according to the EWG: Dirty Dozen (best to buy organic) Strawberries Spinach Nectarines Apples Grapes Peaches Cherries Pears Tomatoes Celery Potatoes Capsicum Clean Fifteen (OK to buy conventional if you need to) Avocados Sweet corn Pineapples Cabbages Onions Sweet peas Papayas Asparagus Mangoes Eggplants Honeydew melons Kiwi fruit Cantaloupes Cauliflower Broccoli And don't forget to wash them properly!

07.01.2022 Day 21 - What do you need to STOP DOING? Are you the type of person who says yes to things but internally you are screaming no? () Perhaps you silently groan when you look at some items on the calendar for the week? ( Although after lockdown I am looking forward to seeing something (anything!) on the calendar)... Do you feel overwhelmed by the length of your "to do" list? () Saying yes to things you don't want to do or loading yourself up with endless tasks is a huge drain on your emotional energy. Your challenge today is to consider your behaviour and practice simply saying no. There is a brilliant and humourously written book called "The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F--k. How to stop spending time you don't have doing things you don't want to do with people you don't like", by Sarah Knight. #30daysofchange #changeforthebetter #healthyhabits #betterhealth #IINhealthcoach #peoplepleaser #itsoktosayno

06.01.2022 Day 23 - Soy products How much soy do you consume? You may be picturing a piece of tofu or a glass of soy milk. Actually there is soy in most supermarket "products". I discovered the extent of this a few years ago when I realised I had a soy allergy.... Historically soy has been consumed in very small quantities after a lengthy fermentation process to remove the toxins and anti-nutrients. This is very different to the majority of soy products on the market and the quantity being consumed. So what's wrong with soy products? Phyto-oestrogen meaning it mimics oestrogen in the body. Studies have shown that as little as two tablespoons of soy per day can increase the thyroid stimulating hormone (can lead to: goitre, hypothyroidism, fatigue and constipation). Links to early puberty in girls. Contains phytic acids which block the uptake of certain minerals (eg calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron) Commonly genetically modified crop and heavily sprayed with pesticides/herbicides etc Unexpected items that contain soy: Bread, sausages, cake mixes, biscuits, crackers, ice cream, infant formula, protein powders. Make sure you read your labels!!! Are there any soy products that are ok? Look for organic, fermented and use sparingly eg tofu, tempeh, miso, tamari. #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #betterhabits #betterhealth #healthyhabits #IINhealthcoach #justeatrealfood #organic

05.01.2022 A little reminder before we head into the Black Friday/Cyber Monday chaos....

04.01.2022 Day 27 - Spread some kindness "Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." Scott Adams So many beautiful reasons to be kind:... Performing an act of kindness releases all sorts of wonderful hormones: serotonin (our feel-good hormone), endorphins (our pleasure/euphoria hormone) and oxytocin (our "love" hormone which also lowers blood pressure and reduces inflammation) One act, both parties benefit! In fact, it's shown that even witnessing an act of kindness triggers these hormones to be released So let's look for opportunities to be kind; a warm smile, a simple "good morning", an opportunity to help someone in need. While you're at it, share some kindness with yourself (mothers of young children, I'm especially talking to you!) xoxo #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #selfcare #betterhealth #healthyhabits #IINhealthcoach #kindness

04.01.2022 Beware of the greenwash! Nick bought the newspaper today as his beloved Magpies won (). I saw this advert for an organic, natural, vegan, cruelty free skin care range. ... So I hunted for the ingredients list. fragrance phenoxyethanol I don’t need to dig any further. 100% greenwash. Let me know if you’re looking for a genuine natural, low tox skin care range, comment below and I’ll let you know my favourites. #greenwash #lowtoxliving #iinhealthcoach #betterchoices

03.01.2022 Day 20 - Self care Sunday Don't forget to breathe! Not just any old breathing but deep belly breathing.... What is belly breathing? Deep diaphragmatic breathing, the sort that makes your tummy look like you've eaten 4 bowls of pasta. What's so good about belly breathing? Belly breathing is the only scientifically proven method to switch the body from stress mode to "rest, digest and restore". So often in our busy modern lives we find ourselves shallow breathing, or only breathing into our chest. Our body interprets this as a danger sign and produces stress hormones to keep us on high alert. When we're in this state we don't digest our food properly, we don't sleep well and our immune system is downgraded. We may be shallow breathing due to a full email inbox, a traffic jam, a disagreement, a deadline perhaps? None of these are life threatening but stress hormones don't differentiate between a life threatening situation and psychological stress/busyness. (I'll write another post on stress and how it impacts our health) How to belly breathe: Easy peasy, deep breath in through your nose focusing on filling your belly, slight pause and then a long exhale. To promote relaxation you want your exhale to be longer than your inhale. Even just three of these breaths is beneficial, a couple of minutes is awesome. When to do this: It's a great way to start the day when you first wake Before eating so that your body prioritises digestion If you notice yourself becoming tense/anxious When you get into bed at night Enjoy your Sunday and don't forget to drink your water also! #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #betterhealth #healthyhabits #iinhealthcoach #breathe #bellybreathing

02.01.2022 I love shampoo bars for the ‘no plastic’ factor but they’re a bit messy for travelling. Here’s an option that I love - EverEscents Organic Australian owned AND made (even the bottles, labels and marketing materials are made here)... Not tested on animals and vegan No toxic ingredients No palm oil Refillable (love this!) Sample sachets available so you can try it first Part of the proceeds goes to supporting Camp Quality I was tossing up between the bergamot (for fine hair) and the berry blonde (to reduce brassiness). I went with the berry and it works beautifully but I think I would have preferred the smell of the bergamot. (Not a sponsored post) #lowtoxliving #thingsilove #iinhealthcoach #betterchoices #reducereuserecycle #saynotosingleuseplastic

01.01.2022 Day 25 - It's Fun Friday so let's talk chocolate The good news: Chocolate has its place in a healthy lifestyle (in moderation!!!) The not-so-good news: Most of the chocolate in the supermarket is additive-filled, loaded with sweeteners with a dash of soy perhaps? or maybe some palm oil? .... Look for the following: quality DARK chocolate, the higher the cacao percentage, the better Ideally organic and fair trade The fewer ingredients, the better My research so far: If you're in the supermarket, Green and Black's is a brand that I've seen. Pana Organic is a Melbourne made product found in most health food shops and I've seen it in the supermarket recently. Loving Earth is another amazing one to try. Who's got other suggestions? Enjoy your Friday and if you're "researching" chocolate then remember quality and MODERATION!!!!!! #30DaysOfChange #changeforthebetter #betterhealth #healthyhabits #IINhealthcoach #chocolate #justeatrealfood

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