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25.01.2022 How do you perceive who or what you truly are? As we begin to listen to the language of spirituality it’s like listening to a foreign language. You can understand the words being used individually, but the way in which they’re being put together sometimes doesn’t make sense. You may think you know what has been said, but the true message must be processed and received by the heart to truely know what they mean. That’s because the language of spirituality requires you to us...e the neutrons located in your heart to comprehend. Yes, our hearts have their own brain neutrons. They help you to recognise the meaning BEHIND the spoken words. Normal listening takes the words at face value. Each word has a meaning, or dependant on the context could mean something else. Well spirituality bring a whole other layer of context. The meaning and comprehension of it exists not in the words but what comes before the creation of them. You could almost liken this to intent, the intent before creation. What exist there? Right now you are having a human experience. You are not the bogey you have a body. You are not the experience or the way in which it is being expressed. You are what’s behind it. The observer. You live in the intention. Would love some questions around this so I can try and learn to hone the English language to express to decode the Spirituality language. How to express the knowing of spirituality into a language that resonates with the heart while making sense to the mammalian mind. Help! Please post questions here Because the language of Spirituality is so foreign, spiritual people are often considered crazy. Have a listen to Prince EA try and decode what Jim Carey is saying in this clip.
25.01.2022 Do you struggle to allow yourself to feel certain emotions? Maybe those that you’ve labeled as negative or bad? Like anger, sadness, melancholy, frustration, disappointment? Do you intentionally try and move through any undesired emotions quickly to return back to a positive state? Gotta be happy, always vibin high? Do you have people around you who don’t like it when you’re anything other than in a positive state? Whenever you try and express your disappointment or anger or ...anything negative, do you get shut down? Belittled? Minimised? We all deserve to be validated in any way that we show up and allowed to experience our feelings as they come up for us. We can not pick and choose which emotions we want to feel, they each serve a purpose. Feeling them fully and honouring what they stand for will allow them to dissipate in their own time, once they’ve been honoured. By ignoring them or suppressing them or trying to move past them to remain positive will only trap the energy that they long to release. #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #emotionalintelligence #intentions #expectations #boundaries #happiness #rules #standards #results #feelings #emotions #emotionalintelligence
25.01.2022 What’s your favourite meditation? I have recently discovered the most divine soul in @SandraRolus on You Tube and have done a few of her meditations finding each one better than the last. I just finished this 30 minute timeline forgiveness meditation that I believe I will do everyday for the coming week it is magnificent and profound. So much so, I had to share it with you. Cheers to radical healing
24.01.2022 As the saying goes Do onto others as you would have done to you is a good motto when you’re paying forward and giving and being generous, it’s when you EXPECT that the same measure of grace to be repaid to you down the track that negates the initial act of kindness and leaves you disappointed. Not everyone thinks the way you do, had the same life experiences and lessons or even capabilities that you do, so it’s very unfair to use your standards as the measuring tool to to others. That’s not to say don’t have boundaries, absolutely have them, so long as they are communicated and people know what you expect of them. The other thing to check is, are your expectations and rules reasonable and fair? A sure way to end up disappointed in life is to have high expectations of others. Even of yourself, don’t set the bar so high that it is impossible to reach or maintain that you either don’t even try or you do and fail... either way it’s a sure fire way to keep you stuck in a cycle and not very happy with yourself. Set yourself up to win, create fair and reasonable expectations and communicate when you raise the bar so everyone knows the rules have changed. #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #emotionalintelligence #expectations #boundaries #happiness #rules #standards
23.01.2022 ***ENERGY SHIFT CHALLENGE*** Everyday throughout September, I challenge you to dance to the Earth, Wind, Fire song "September" as we lead up to the equinox on the 21st September, so much energy is ready to be shifted during September regardless of where you are in the world, you can play your part by raising your own vibration and energy and frequency. One of my favourite ways to do this is to sing and dance. Will you accept my challenge to spend 3:36 minutes for yourself now? #rebootyourlife #rebootyou #lifecoach #raiseyourvibration #changeyourenergy #changeyourlife
20.01.2022 - permission to rest syndrome - when you don’t believe that you are allowed to rest or that you need to keep working because your workload is unable to be paused and you keep pushing through regardless of your own personal health requirement. You don’t give yourself permission to rest until you literally can’t physically go on anymore. Typically, you don’t believe yourself worthy of down time, there’s an underlying belief around work ethic, proving yourself or a disdain ...for laziness. It’s in the inability to accept that at times, being lazy is exactly what you need to be. You will accept all of the external workload that is being piled onto you until it actually feels like it is physically stopping you from continuing. When you believe you can’t be claiming that you need a break, not to yourself or to anyone else, then often a physical condition may be manifested to stop you in your tracks. An ailment which forces you to rest (a lot of people manifest migraine), achieves what you cannot claim for yourself. We always get our needs met and most of our suffering comes from our own hand. If you have a strong resistance and threshold and keep pushing, it becomes dangerous. You can end up manifesting a serious condition requiring hospitalisation or worse. Sometimes this happens in a ‘safe pocket of time’ if you’re lucky or sometimes at an inconvenient time. This part is out of your control which is part of the syndrome - control - you need to take control of your health BEFORE it controls you. You need to be a higher priority on your To-Do list my friend. Trust me. This is a syndrome I’m currently recovering from and I can now spend an afternoon watching movies or reading when I should be doing a thousand other things. The shouldS are the things that need to move down the priority list while you move yourself up. There’s more... another layer. Get in touch if you’d like to hear more.
19.01.2022 Human connection is one of the most important needs of our fundamental 6 core needs. How are you managing during these times of separation and isolation? Are you working out ways to stay connected even if it is only virtual? Are you longing for a hug from someone you love? I am. Reach out if you need some strategies on how to manage the isolation or any of your emotions. #lifecoach #weallneedhelpsometimes #missinghugs #lifestrategist #rebootyou #rebootyourlife
19.01.2022 Have you ever heard the saying if you don’t like the outcome you’re getting then change what you’re doing? Even the smallest change you make to your beliefs and subsequent behaviour can have a massive ripple effect Consider the story of the nagging mum who was sick of her own whining voice, sick of nagging her family to pick up their dirty clothes off the floor and bring them to the laundry. What would be the ONE thing she stopped doing and another that she STARTED doin...g that changed the outcome? Clue: it has to do with her behaviour and yes the nagging stopped as a side benefit and the dirty clothes started appearing in the laundry hamper.... Curious? #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife #rebootyourself #lifehacks #lifecoach
19.01.2022 When you learn to not BE your thoughts but OBSERVE your thoughts, this gives you the power to choose your state. We are not our thoughts, we are the one listening to the thought, when we embody this, it allows us to become the observer of our internal chatter rather than getting swept up in the emotion that is created by the chatter and thoughts. This vantage point gives us the opportunity to witness ourselves in a pattern and create a circuit breaker to be able to make a d...ifferent choice. Break the cycle, choose a different thought; experience a different emotion and create a new outcome. #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #breakthecycle #change #changeyourlife #changeisgood #lifehacks #lifecoach
17.01.2022 What state of consciousness are you in? Do you have awareness of how your thoughts are contributing to your current state of emotions? Do you know how to change your thoughts? Do you even want to?
16.01.2022 Your success or lack there of can be directly linked to the standards you hold yourself accountable to. The way you show up the majority of the time is what will influence your outcomes. Do you want a result that you’re struggling to achieve or maintain? find a role model and copy the standard they keep... There’s a formula... what is their mindset? What are their beliefs? What are the actions they take to move them toward the result? Who do they surround themselves with? Who do they follow? Answer these questions, adopt the responses and watch your results change. You can not expect to achieve better results without putting in some effort & work as well as hold the beliefs as to wether you deserve it or can achieve it. Take a wholistic look at your current standards you hold yourself accountable to and you will see what needs to be tweaked. Reach out if you’d like help working out what to focus on to get the results you want. #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #emotionalintelligence #expectations #boundaries #happiness #rules #standards #results
15.01.2022 Have you ever noticed that people don't surprise you? They behave pretty much the way you expect them to. Have you considered raising your standards, expectations and boundaries and considered what ripple effect that may have? #PygmalionEffect #ChangeYourBehaviourChangeYourOutcome #BeDoHave #RippleEffects
15.01.2022 We only know what we know until we realise we only know what we know... To pre-suppose that you have all the answers and what you currently know is right or the truth that won’t be challenged, puts you in a stagnant position. Are you green and growing, or are you ripe and rotting? Nothing ever stays the same, so why do so many of us have beliefs that we refuse to challenge? Don’t they need to evolve and adapt with the awareness of new data points so that we too can evolv...e? Choosing a fixed mindset is paramount to experiencing some level of pain when you can not remain who you were in a world that is rapidly changing around you. Curiosity is the key, say maybe yes, maybe no, and I won’t know until I know Being open to looking at things from a different perspective or many, while collecting new data points with an open and curious mind is how you become more agile. The more open and curious you are, the easier you will find the transition of who you are becoming in adaptation to our evolving world. Nothing is as it was and we can not go backward, we can only move forward. What version of you will you bring with you? #perspectiveiseverything #openyourmind #changeyourlife #experience #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment
15.01.2022 How aware are you of your state of mind? Have you wondered about the brainwave frequency you’re tuned into? You’ve heard the radio station analogy yeah? What station are you tuned into? The way to turn the dial and change the station is through DEEP DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHING it’s the fastest way to make a shift. Movement is another way to shake your aura, dancing, jumping up and down or any exercise can shift your state and meditation is another way. Find what works for you. Could be a combination of all 3... find your pathway to neutrality = peace Namaste #reachoutforhelp #lifecoach #tourguide #rebootyourlife #rebootyou #contactme
14.01.2022 How cognitive dissonant are you? There are not many people in this world who have done enough internal work to never have cognitive dissonance show up in their lives. Can you think of a recent situation where your recollection of a situation or where your beliefs caused cognitive dissonance in you? If not, there’s a chance you may be suffering cognitive amnesia I have many stories that I can share with you of where MY stubbornness and refusal to accept ownership of my part in a situation / confrontation caused me big problems. When I say big, I mean B I G ! Reach out if you’re curious to know more. With love - Lee x #cognitivedissonance #Lifecoach #selfhelp #DoBetterBeBetterHaveBetter
11.01.2022 This is Tao Porchon-Lynch a very inspirational soul who lived 101 years on this Earth before passing on 21/02/2020 Tao has used her life to show us what is possible with an intentional, fully expressed life. Much gratitude for your life Tao Namaste ...
11.01.2022 Every little step you take in the broad direction of where you want to go is MASSIVE because each little step is like a crumb, a clue you leave to yourself about things that matter to you in life, as well as while you are building your future version of you and life. Nothing stays the same. Ever. We only have this one moment in time, one milli-second, enough time to lay a crumb, make a difference... doesn’t have to make a difference in anyone else’s world but your own. Lay en...ough crumbs so that they can be gathered together to build your loaf of bread - your life - these crumbs are like your secret sauce, they’re the pieces of you that you share with yourself and for the world when you’re brave enough. Be brave, be bold and begin anywhere. There’s no set order. No set age. No set time. There’s only now. When will now be the right time for you? #lifehacks #lifecoach #rebootyou #rebootyourlife Find me on Instagram under @reboot_you_coach See more
11.01.2022 Do you just go with the flow or do you live your life with intention? STOP and think about where you are heading. Destination unknown or are you CREATING the outcome you want? If you keep doing what you’re doing day in, day out where will that lead? Is that who you want to be? If so, great - rock on. If not, then take a moment to decide on WHO you want to be. The more time and effort you use to bring that version of you to life in your mind’s eye, the stronger the connec...tion and pull will be. Don’t waste time pushing away things you don’t want in your life... manifest what you want with vivid palpable reality in your mind’s eye first and then allow that version of you call the shots. When you’re off track, allow your future You choose your next move. #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #emotionalintelligence #intentions #expectations #boundaries #happiness #rules #standards #results
10.01.2022 Intention is everything. Look behind the action and look for the intention. Is the intent pure or is it a form of sabotage? Do you fee you understand where others are coming from and what they stand to gain from an interaction or could their actions be misunderstood as control or shaming or some other form of sabotage? How it was intended? What could they want from you and for what purpose? Could it be that you sometimes mistake the intent and judge the action because it tri...ggered something inside of you? Something that you fear or don’t want to hear? Could it be that someone trying to keep you accountable? Being cruel to be kind? Always have firm boundaries as long as those boundaries are set up to honour your highest self. Your best version of you. If you have shitty boundaries that you hold up to stop other’s bad behaviour but it enables yours, then you may want to reconsider and raise your standards for your highest good. What is your intention for yourself? To play small and have all the excuses in the world as to why you can’t succeed or do you intend on growing consistently and evolving into an even better version of you? Evolution is infinite, we can never arrive as long as we are are alive we must continue to strive. #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #emotionalintelligence #intentions #expectations #boundaries #happiness #rules #standards #results
08.01.2022 How to move from FEAR based emotions that cause you to stop & retract in life and stop you from being your best self >>> to LOVE which is the overarching emotion that creates inspiration and fruition. Gratitude is the key Being Grateful is an expression of Love and while we embody gratitude there is no room for fear (retraction), only love (creation). ... Aim to be sorting out your stuff as you become who you’re meant to be while being grateful for who you are right now #gratitude #inspiration #rebootyou #rebootyourlife #lifehacks #lifecoach #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment
07.01.2022 The worst part of this SARS/ Cov2 or Covid-19 is how dehumanising it’s been. For one potential threat the whole world has come to a stand still as if NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! People have been physically torn apart, mentally split and divided in so many ways but this - this is the worst of the worst. No one should suffer any illness alone let alone die alone let alone a child. Also, our most vulnerable This is a crime against humanity. Please sign the petition and share if you are moved to do so.
05.01.2022 Do lyrics to songs ever hit you right between the eyes? So much wisdom from so many creatives This playlist has got me through the past few months. Have a listen and tell me what you think:
05.01.2022 Here something that lifted my spirits today. Laugher is such a powerful thing. Hope this ups your daily dose today: To all my fellow Victorians, this was posted by a friend, a funny one, hope it brings you a laugh!! 1. So let me get this straight, there’s no cure for a virus that can be killed by sanitizer and hand soap?... 2. Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree yet? I have run out of things to do. 3. When this virus thing is over, I still want some of you to stay away from me. 4. If these last months have taught us anything, it’s that stupidity travels faster than any virus on the planet. 5. Just wait a second so what you're telling me is that my chance of surviving all this is directly linked to the common sense of others? You’re kidding, right? 6. If you believe all this will end and we will get back to normal just because we reopen everything, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it. 7. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realized the trash goes out more than me. 8. Whoever decided a liquor store is more essential than a hair salon is obviously a bald-headed alcoholic. 9. Remember when you were little and all your underwear had the days of the week on them. Those would be helpful right now. 10. The spread of Covid-19 is based on two factors: 1. How dense the population is and 2. How dense the population is. 11. Remember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever? Well, wish granted. Happy now? 12. It may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to home school one. 13. Did a big load of pajamas so I would have enough clean work clothes for this week. Share this or Copy and paste.
02.01.2022 The is to FIRST investigate your mindset and see what current belief has been supporting the current habit. For example: eating unhealthy foods in excess. Underlying belief: it’s yummy, it feeds my soul, I deserve it, I need cheering up - or whatever your underlying thoughts would be! : flip that shit... New belief: everything I put into my body either helps me thrive or helps me die Or something you resonate with to help you make better choices #rebootyou #mindsetupgrade #rebootyourlife #changeyourbeliefschangeyourlife #beliefs #emotionalintellegence #improveyourlife
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