Live Love Grow | Sport & fitness instruction
Live Love Grow
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25.01.2022 Made by hand, and with love! The design and needlework is amazing! And each tapestry is original and unique...just as each and every one of us are! In to the Amazon tomorrow for 3 weeks, and so grateful to share on the other side. Much love ... #handmade #madewithlove #original #unique #creativity #tapestryoflife #energyshare #Iquitos #Peru
24.01.2022 Celebrating fathers day with the fathers! Everday is an opportunity to celebrate being a father, and it was lovely that we all came together to embrace this opportunity! I love and admire my beautiful father Ray, our special connection continues to grow and flourish with every new day Happy fathers day to all the fathers, grand fathers, great grand fathers, and to all who embrace this role in the family dynamics regardless of gender! Much love ... #celebrate #fathersday #family #love #connection #everday #livelovegrow
23.01.2022 The nature of reality is where we focus our energy and attention. Many thoughts are not our own, and projected perceptions to simply observe, and choose to engage, or reject clear and redirect! This power we all have and with practice we can strengthen and flex this muscle! Have the courage to call it out then disengage Big love y’All, have a beautiful day! #freedomwithin #discernment #nature #energy #lifestylealignment #livelovegrow
22.01.2022 The realisation of the parents within - to evolve family dynamics. So much wisdom contained in this video - A worthy share! Much love All
21.01.2022 Nature’s pure essence is true magickal beauty and nurturing nourishment - essential for self love and care, and to share with another, in harmony with Earth Mother! Here are some of the practical foundational elements I practice for self love and self care for natural share Foods- Local fresh chemical free and non-GMO herbs, fruits, vegetable, nuts, spices and seeds where possible. Local raw organic honey is my sweetener of choice, and the only salt pass my lips is true Himalayan Crystal salt. Healthy fats and oils such as extra virgin organic coconut and olive oils, grapseed oil, MCT oil. I purchase the bulk of my food from local growers and farmers markets to support local community, and the food is fresher and maintains its integrity and nutrients for longer. Skin care - If unable to eat it, avoid applying it to your skin. You’d be surprised how much is absorbed through the skin’s dermal layers and enters your blood stream! Oral care - Herbal fluoride free toothpaste, and oil pulling with extra virgin organic coconut is a great way to remove toxins and balance the mouths ph level. Water - chlorine and fluoride free spring water is a must. No tap water ever! And if one has a tank water supply, a filtration system to remove the growing list of contaminants sprayed in our sky is highly recommended....what goes up must come down Sunshine during sunrise and 9am, and/or later in the afternoon 4pm to sunset. A wonderful source of vitamin D which is essential for a healthy immune system, strong teeth and bones, also assists in harmonising the body’s circadian rhythm and melatonin production to assist with transitioning to sleep, and ability to enter deep delta wave sleep, harmonising the nervous systems of the body to rejuvenate, restore, regenerate and restore, switching on our body’s innate healing ability. More tips to share in coming posts....sharing the natural love #AbundantEarthMother #naturalbeauty #organicpureessence #selflove #selfcare #eternalspring #lifestylealignment #livelovegrow #healthwealth #weareabundant #weareworthy #sharingiscaring #puretruelove #alchemy #innatehealingintelligence
17.01.2022 There is only one way and that is your way. There is only one salvation and that is your salvation. Why are you looking for help? Do you believe it will come from outside? What is to come will be created in you and from you. Hence look into yourself. Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfill the way that is in you. ~ The Red Book
17.01.2022 I love my home: I love to be - home: I am home wherever I may be! #home #homewithin #homesurrounds #stateofbeing #inlove #everenduringlove #involution #revolution #newdawn #lifestyle #lifestylealignment #consciouscreators #pracitceyou #thankyouelenabrower #livelovegrow
17.01.2022 Illuminating blind spots and redefining beliefs to align with and embody unfolding truths... Attuning to a lifestyle that brings out the pure essence within, is injoyment! And by just being truthfully you aligned in all interactions creates authentic shares. Be humbly bold to approach each new day like never before! We are All worthy and deserving to live our best life yet! Much love y'all, have a beautiful day!... #sunrise #newday #reflect #revise #reset #redirect #renew #integrateshadow #pureessence #injoy #share #shine #worthy #deserving #liveourbestlifeyet
17.01.2022 Nature nutures uncomplicated connection. Nature supports and shares space to purge non-serving outdated programs, beliefs, behaviours, attitudes, conditioning, systems and structures the shadows in need of cleansing, purification and balance, to see clearly the blind spots, to learn from what has been, to feel, face and heal, to where focussed energy can redirect in to new fresh innovated approaches with inner-vision. Disbanding, dissolving bandaid approaches - bye bye. ancestral traits - labeled Mother/Father; All is energy, etched deeply into our conscious and unconscoius energetics, to be grateful for to bring us to present moment awareness, awareness of the importance of change, as we are a generation of change makers and every one past/present/future we simultaneously play our part. This is a wonderful huge responsibility, and we backed ourselves as more then capable it is why we are here! The representatives of an acculmination of all that is in this moment. We transact, exchange, rearrange to move forward toward all that can be. A collective of individuals, fractals connected to the creator source of All. Physical form beacons of energy measured in frequency and vibration, the human measure of which is emotions (energy in motion) charge, intensity, balance, intention, purpose, passion, is a truth unto it's receiver and giver. Imagine = image-in, knowledge = know-ledge = now-edge! Present = presence = pure-essence; to become, embody, be. Justice is karma and karma is justice. Truth is honesty and honesty is truth. Deception is darkness and darkness is deception. Purity is transparency and transparency is purity - let us be clear, be pure, shine light into the shadows, integrate.... Flow and stagnancy. Flow is in constant renewal, life giving creative source embracing energy flowing to in and through - sustain, dance, share. Inter flow - balance the elements, oscilate, infuse, alchemise, integrate, master. Our internal state is a true reflection of how we interpret and perceive, what we give and receive, we receive what we give, what we create and how it strains or sustains. All allows opportunity to create change. So as many start to feel into places that have been supressed for so long, have compassion, be a calm presence as this may be all that is needed, energy works magic in unspoken ways too! Unlimited pure love to All!
17.01.2022 A deeply powerful and life changing share, in how to BE the change in this world! Be sure to watch to the end, as secrets you may have been unware of are revealed! The power is within us all, and the purer our intentions, the greater the effect we can experience! Much love y'All from my heart and mind to yours
15.01.2022 Vitamin N is for nature! Trees are real, living beauty.....nature’s abundant playground is a gift to explore and discover. There is no such thing as lack in nature. Trees don’t trick or deceive, manipulate or control each other, what you see is 100% genuine without hidden agenda. Yes they are vulnerable to our species, as are many human beings to the narratives at play! ... Trees do not require vaccinations, microchips nor artificial intelligence to thrive and communicate. They are tapped and tuned in to the subtle energetics of frequency and vibration, thriving in the elements of earth, water and regenerative fire to sustain and rejuvenate. When roots are deep and solid they weather the storms. Some are extremely adaptive growing out of rocks! Our human technology thrives within the balance of nature, and has its own innate healing ability, with the plant kingdom providing food as medicine, and in its organic form, pure encoded crystalline frequency that interfaces and communicates with our body to balance, sustain and thrive! I came to our Earth to remember I am nature, not separate from it, and my body is a technology to embrace not artificially alter, no matter the narrative they wish us to believe. Do your own research, dive beneath the layers, and a very different story starts to unfold....follow the money trail and agendas reveal. Surface level living is not in alignment with the multidimensionality of the truth of who we are. Much heart centred love in truth y’all! #nature #vitaminnature #humantechnology #investigatetruth #knowthyself #truth #honesty #intergrity #sovereignbeing #inpowerment #stopexternalisingyourpower
15.01.2022 Shine light into the darkness, be aware of the non-serving patterns presenting within to show what needs to resolve and dissolve. It's a continual process to get real, deal with, to face, to feel and heal from, by making new choices aligning with the trajectory of more pure and fulfilling forward momentum, instead of creating the same crappy experiences with new faces in new places! Same shit, just a different smell! Change takes me out of my comfort zone, and at times sees taking deep, deep breaths to truly feel within, and listen to the wisdom of self nurturing whispers, to see clearly the recycled wounds of my ancestors calling to be forgiven for they were doing their best and would do better if they could. As new ways and information present, it is an opportunity to embrace the learnings, and integrate them into my way of being. This may differ within us all, as we are all on a journey of self discovery, and in each new experience, an opportunity to learn and grow, aligning and refining a lifestyle from the inside outwards. Much love y'all, and give it our best! #patterns #cycles #change #experiences #opportunitytogrow #growth #redirection #spiraldynamics #powerofbreath #acceptance #loveredefined #clarity #unfoldingtruth #evolutionrevolution #abundancebirthright
15.01.2022 Daily Vitamin Nature flows the eternal spring within. Full immersion dissolves the con-version! Big love within us All #naturalliving #beauty-full #lifestylealignment #poweroflove #freedomwithin #naturalbeauty #lifestylechoices #winburra #springbrook #onelove
14.01.2022 Every moment is an opportunity to deepen the inter-connectedness that has the ability to dissolve and move beyond conditioned beliefs and prejudices ingrained in the human psyche. No one is born racist, jealous, hateful, resentful etc, it is the environment of programmed beliefs that entrained this. In every moment we have the ability to realise that we have never fully walked another’s paths, and in sharing our unique learnings we can let go of the old story and make new h...ealthier choices to move forward with. Realise, actualise, individualise and live, love, grow together in acceptance of diversity. We are all unique yet emanate from the same source, and only hurt people, hurt people! Big love y’All in dissolving the projections, the armouring of our hearts we have held onto for protection and limitation. Touch the sky with our heart’s eye #humanfamily #interconnectedness #acceptance #diversity #heartcentred #dissolvingprejudice #deprogram #livelovegrow
12.01.2022 A storm brewing over tranquil waters, and midline colourful fractals of light bridging the shadow and light to reveal the many variances of possibilities present in each moment. Sky is always blue and perception of reality may create distortions or, beyond filters in pure source - clarity, real eyes to realise! As the world wakes up to the illusions and false idols, systems and structures...revelation of the base and shadowy agendas rise to the surface for all to witness an...d discern a new way forward. Secrets, lies, deceptions, depravity, slavery, torture and misuse of power goes deeper than what we are seeing play out. Be prepared, as the power and authority has always been within us all, and handing it over to an intermediary is making an agreement, consenting to further possibility of continuing this cycle. For the past 5 years I have been diving deep within to see my own patterns of distortion and behaviours of subtle self deception to resolve these previous issues and course correct my life, centred in the life sustaining and revitalising Source of all creation and in alignment with Natural Lore, to be a part of the solution. Self reflection, meditation and breathing are key and free resources to assist in creating a deeper relationship with the purer essence of one’s being beyond the conditioned personality, and to rework the initial programming of the first 7 years of life, giving rise to the many internal conflicts we may face. Where there is inner peace, and heart centred consciousness, the need for manipulation, control, war, comparison, competition, jealousy, lies, deceit and harm...dissipates and while acknowledging the traits of these shadowy aspects...embracing in unconditional love the wounds and alter egos that has kept us safe during those years, in the environments we found ourselves in, and to now become the mother and father, resourcing and integrating the conflicting parts into the wholeness of our potential beyond, to travel a new path, a new direction. And focussing our energy in creativity that promotes sustenance, vitality and harms no one nor thing. And share this medicine with the world! #healing #insidejob #bethechange
11.01.2022 Echidna magic at Lennox Head Beach #beach #naturelover #echidna #lennoxhead
11.01.2022 Peaceful joy within! Soothing flowing waterfall reflection! Dancing in my pure core essence, aligning with my deep core essence! Pure love! #peacewithin #joywithin #flow #waterfall #reflections #mountainliving #mothernaturesbeauty #lifestylealignment #livelovegrow #springbrook
11.01.2022 Interesting perspectives - what are your thoughts?
10.01.2022 Natural beauty without filters, shines in its unique essence bare and naked, transparent and with its sheer presence! No words needed, it’s an energetic radiance! Energy is truth! Tune in to refine the bandwidth of resonance! Big pure love y’All #natureunfiltered #truebeauty #naturelovers #presence #radiance #mountainliving #abundance #freedomlifestyle #purelove #lovehonourrespect #canyonlookout
10.01.2022 I see living abundance, freedom and magickal adventures within our Earth, who as we all are in our truest, pure inner essence - is nature thriving in beauty and balance when we align with our true core essence....into a space of timeless presence. Sure there are narratives playing out, and it is in facing our fears of where we place our trust and the virtues of our moral compass that governs the script one moves forward with! The script of the dissolving powers that have ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 My father would say to me as a child, in humour .... May the bird of paradise fly up your nose! I would laugh and gaze at him with a puzzled look on my face , never really knowing what he meant.... Walking outside recently I was greeted by this beauty, and the bird of paradise flew up more than my nose! My heart opened so wide with a unification of senses once experienced in moments of sacred union with one who touched my soul so deeply, the essence of my being aligned, an...d numerous moments in communion with Ayahuasca beyond the beyond, playing in the realm of infinite possibilities. Freedom and liberation is our innate natural state of being, and the power within us all to realise and embrace, in purity and innocence. I came here to govern self as a sovereign being, and collaborate in creating new ways, to dive beneath the layers of conditioning and half truths and be in communion with the Source of All, in an unfolding creation of a new world! Love to All in this journey, and may we realise the gifts in each moment....How we unwrap the gift gives rise to the experiences! #onelove #beyondlabels #beyondborders #buildingbridges
07.01.2022 Learning, living and growing in my view is a natural process of exploring, experiencing and experimenting which is discovered uniquely by us all, no two are the same yet in essence we all emanate from the same source, this is the mystery and magnificence of creation! When we are told what and how to do our lives within a mould of this is the way it is, always has been and always will be, we are coerced into giving our power away to follow a conditioned narrative, a screen pl...ay, a story....who’s story? Have you ever asked yourself this question? We have all the gift of being Co-creators, collaborators in this magnificent play of life. So I ask you as the author of your own experience, with all the people, places, situations and opportunities that present in every given moment, to feel deeply within, stop, still and listen to the quite whisper in your your heart, while observing the narrative in your mind. And with practice and discipline, allow the song and symphony in the intelligent heart mind to connect you to All and more than the human mind can comprehend. It may take you on an intense roller coaster ride with glorious highs, challenging dips and many inbetweeners, yet don’t hold on too tight as there shall be much to let go of! In all of these experiences feel most into those that sing to the rhythm and flow of sustenance, vitality, harmony, purity, unity, bliss, and restore the natural organic balance of life as nature intended! Our bodies are an amazing instrument, and the more we lean in, tune in and restore the communication and relationship of the many systems within, we tap into the source, the eternal spring that breaths life into the inner visions received, to injoy and share with All. Big love y’All - have a beautiful evening!
07.01.2022 Hello all you beautiful beings, and sincere apologies for my sporadic posts to this page over the past 12 months. I have been integrating all my learnings into my everyday life, as it is my heart's deepest calling, and the philosophy of Live Love Grow - Lifestyle Alignment, to embrace an organic sovereign natural way of being and living moving forward. This adventure has led me to collaborate with the amazing Nikki Freeburn of Natural Lore Wellness, and taken me to Peru to... experience plant medicine journeys first hand with Shipibo maestros and dear friends of like heart and mind, love you David Palma and Meru Matu! Am also truly grateful to walk heart, mind and hand alongside Tammy de ron Cox of Sacred Soul Alchemy, as we raise awareness of the many possibiities moving forward in the evolution of life on our amazingly abundant planet. This picture was from a bushcraft weekend I attended with my fabulous father Ray, and facilitated by a humble local legend Jake Cassar, who assists with identification of local plant medicine, and their beneficial uses, including healing and nutritional attributes...many of which we have been led to believe are pests and weeds! Go figure! Knowledge certainly is a powerful key to enact change, and the realisation that this responsibly starts with self has seen my life alter significantly, to walk my talk, truth be expressed...I am a work in progress! There are many things happening behind the scenes that I am ready to raise awareness of, and I also welcome you to join in discussions and share ideas and perspectives from your own experience, on the many ways to make simple lifestyle changes that align with the essence of our truest present expression. Change starts with self responsibility, and our ability to adapt and respond in an ever changing world of supply and demand. So I look forward to sharing resources that have assisted me so far. Much love y'all Kim
06.01.2022 Wishing you all a wonderful celebration, however this may be experienced uniquely for you from the Red Sea, Egypt! This year has been a very non-traditional one for me in many ways! Filled with many blessings as I continue to grow, and align with a lifestyle that allows me more freedom, while embracing self responsibility, which in essence differs greatly from the traditional roles that I once perceived to be socially acceptable, as societal norms... For 4 years, I have been ...commited to questioning, revising and redefining my life - belief systems, behavioural attitudes and deep seeded mental, emotional and physical imprints, feeling into uncomfortable places and surfacing programs of rejection, abandonment, addictions, self doubt and sexual itimacy issues stemming from the earliest beginnings in life - the womb! So many aspects of my life didn't make sense, as my Mother and Father who adopted me, provided me with a wonderful foundation to move forward with, and in restrospect were pioneers in their roles, though it only took me close to 46 years to realise this!!! I love, respect and honour them deeply! I also, love, honour and respect my biological Mother too, a courageous lady who endured a lot while I was forming and growing within her, and with bringing me through, and gifting me life! This is the first year that I am away from my beautiful family and the usual Christmas celebrations, a pattern interrupt of sorts, to enjoy an adventure of presenting challenges, assisting me to grow, without a need to feed into traditional and cultural patterns that I am happy to let go of as every day is one to celebrate! I love and embrace my family everyday, and I trust in my children's ability, they are amazing young people, with minds of their own...this is the greatest gift of all to me! Presence is the greatest present, trust, autonomy and initiative too. Happy celebration of life everyday, and much love y'all...especially to those affected by the fires, you are in my heart centred thoughts and intentional prayers Photo credit - Simon Cox
05.01.2022 On a sacred mission to unveil the secrets of the Sphinx, one shady cool rock solid custom-er. Once with the head of a lion, then artistically replaced with the head of a pharoah...Khufu perhaps? Who in history books and tales was recorded as a tyrant king, though in unfolding truths, as stone carved family portrait artifacts reveal ..was a Queen, and inherited her father's master builder skills for sure!! Just look at the real pyramids, and go beyond the his-story books to ...balance it out with her-story which has been untold, and rises to the surface. With full moon in Gemini, the power of the pyramids are amplifying and highlighting mind control programs at every turn....the layers run deep! Old programs disolving - tell a story often enough with mis-information, by control and manipulation of the media, education system, medical system, legal system, political system, financial system, and have people believe it to be true. New program - Self your own research, the buck stops here, tune in to feel, face, and heal the non-serving behaviours, hurts, recycled conditioned patterns of outdated traditional ways, moving through the dissolving of manipulation and control, moving towards liberation and freedom. Its an inside job, and the change starts within! Much love All! #Egypt #Giza #Sphinx #change #newways #transformation #insidejob #bethechange #love #discernment #courage
04.01.2022 So humbly grateful to be blessed with this living landscape, while enjoying lunch with my beautiful mum and dad today, sharing love, laughter and innocent recounts of moments and adventures experienced! So good to be able to laugh together at what were once perceived as family drama, challenges, awkward situations, and not so easy moments, to now see them for what they truly were and are - experiences, opportunities for us all to learn from and be wiser, allowing, embracing, stronger, and better for it. So freeing and liberating! #love #acceptance #embracing #experiences #learnings #deepening #love #perceptionshifts #wisdom #knowthyself
04.01.2022 Where we cast our focus and attention, and our emotional responses and reactions to stimuli effects the reality we co-create, and centred within the pure divine spark of organic creation, the unfoldment of magick and wonder opens awareness and shifts perceptions to embrace doorways, windows, pathways and portals which are open to walk through and integrate into being. There are infinite realities playing out, and each and every one of us has the power within to align with a...Continue reading
02.01.2022 The quietest part of town (Riverside Iquitos) experienced, so felt to share! In gratitude to new friends, local and afar, opening their hearts to embrace connection, share their creative gifts with grace and presence, and the story weaved into their extension of expression in material form, with hugs and smiles, so heart warming! All is energy...the hustlers hustle from the mind, and the masters of their craft create with hearts and mind aligned, weaving their magic for all to see with total transparency and pure's interesting to observe! #Iquitos #connection #dissolveborders #create fromtheheart #community #pureintent #transparency #energyexchange #allisenergy #alignment #livelovegrow #globalfamilyandbeyond #youmewe
02.01.2022 I love, honour and appreciate my family and friends. As I grow and evolve, integrating my learnings through experiences, my belief system evolves too...How often do you evaluate the health of your beliefs? What are your core beliefs? And, where did they come from? These are some questions I ask myself. We are all perfectly where we need to be in any given moment, and the experiences we attract, may cause/trigger tension to arise. So any difficulties in our life is there... to show us something, an invitation for positive growth through what may seem hardship. If you can put faith in this general principle things happen for you, for a good reason to serve our growth. I am learning to monitor my response and any resistance as it arises, and not attach to that, so I can observe it's origin, to make peace within, redirect and move forward with greater ease. Have a beautiful day All !! #love #honour #respect #family #friends #connection #evolve #grow #originofbeliefs #innerinquiry #evolvingtruths #faith #trusttheprocess
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