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23.01.2022 One of my favourites to start the day is with a smoothie! I start with a handful of nuts and seeds and chia seeds in the nutribullet, then I add 1/2 a banana, and a handful of fruit (mango or berries) some yogurt and voila - a breakfast that sustains me till lunch time!

21.01.2022 My favourite salad - I do add a beautiful organic creamy feta cheese and this week my friend Vicki served this salad with apple cider vinegar instead of lemon. Vicki reminded me that apple cider vinegar bought with the "mother" in it is excellent for the gut. More on that in the morning! Absolutely divine...

19.01.2022 Back in 1990 we had Safe Food meetings asking for labelling of all the ingredients in our foods. Then we attended meetings for safe pesticide use and pesticide operators changed their practice. Ive been aware and reading labels ever since but today you have to be incredibly selective in your food choices to maintain your health...

18.01.2022 This morning I started my day with a 100mls of the superfood Kefir, a fermented drink similar to yogurt and packed with probiotic live good bacteria. Tasted great similar to natural yogurt but with a slightly sour tang. I was surprised how smooth the drink was. Ill be adding it to my morning smoothie in future! What is Kefir? Originating from the Caucasus mountains in Russia, kefir was traditionally made with goat or cow milk. The kefir grains contain billions of bacte...rial microorganisms in approximately 30 strains of bacteria and yeast. When added to the milk these microorganisms break down the sugars during the process of fermentation resulting in a drink rich in vitamins and minerals with multiple healing properties, including anti-inflammatory effects, a stimulant to the immune system and healing via the gut digestive system the source of all healing! Tomorrow Ill share how to make water Kefir.

17.01.2022 Who else has a photo of the supermoon? #InnerHealth

16.01.2022 Are you meditating every day - even a few minutes makes a difference to how your day goes..

13.01.2022 Get ready - a revolution is on its way! Do you want a healthy body? Do you want all those trillion cells in your body to be smiling? This is going to change your life and your health forever. To be part of this you must: 1) Like this page 2) Share and tag ... and we will be updating you daily as the launch gets closer. See more

13.01.2022 "... InnerOrigin, a new and alternative marketplace for healthy and innovative products. With a mission of putting the truth back on labels, InnerOrigin helps Australians gain easy access to healthy products that have previously been difficult to purchase from boutique Australian companies such as Tripod Coffee, Taste Nirvana and Zeosoft. The company has captured the attention of some of Australias biggest and most respected sporting and entertainment figures. Aussie surfing... legend Layne Beachley, musician Kirk Pengilly, Olympic swimming champion Stephanie Rice and popular television presenter Sophie Falkner have all become part of the InnerOrigin community as ambassadors and advocates. They joined renowned cardiologist, Dr Ross Walker, to help launch the company in Australia last month as part of a vibrant, national roadshow which has attracted hundreds of Australians with a passion for health and wellbeing, sustainable shopping and transparency. InnerOrigin was developed by David Nomchong and Sally-Anne Ferguson who like many Australians became disillusioned and frustrated by the lack of truly healthy food options available in Australian supermarkets." For more read the article below...

11.01.2022 Hi everyone - here is the recipe for Kombucha that Kerin Faulkner promised us in the previous post: Hi Folks This is an incomplete recipe as we (my kids & I) have been making Kombucha from a scobie passed on in the traditional way so I cannot tell how to create the scobie or mushroom. This recipe is for 8 litres but you could make a smaller quantity. Boil 7-8 litres water... Add 3 cups white sugar stir till dissolved. Remove from heat, add 6 organic black tea bags, leave to steep until water has completely cooled. Remove tea bags, pour into a Pyrex bowl or mason jar. Add minimum of 3 cups of kombucha from a previous batch. Place scobie/mushroom on top of liquid. Cover with a clean cloth leave in a warm, dark place away from contaminants and insects. In about 7-10 days the kombucha will be ready, depending on the temperature. It should be rather sour and possibly fizzy, with no taste of tea remaining. Transfer to wine bottles or jars etc. and store in fridge. It will have grown a second mushroom/scobie which can be kept in fridge (keep it just covered in kombucha in a glass jar or pottery bowl) and used to make other batches or given away to friends I have been adding a couple of small slices of fresh ginger. Also been leaving it out for up to three or four days to allow it "improve", I guess its still fermenting & tastes great! White sugar produces highest amounts of glucuronic acid, a potent detoxifier. Non-organic tea is high in fluoride so always use organic tea bags. Ref: Adam James Semple Hugh Faulkner Gwilym Faulkner "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. Any questions please let me know, I hope you gain as much pleasure from this as my family and I do! Kerin Faulkner See more

09.01.2022 Wow... how awesome!

08.01.2022 Apple Cider Vinegar The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are diverse. Some praise its antioxidant abilities, others for its blood sugar regulating power, improved digestion or preventing colds. None of these benefits are scientifically proven but there is some research that points in that direction. One of the most common uses comes from the mother providing probiotics, which aid in digestion and in creating an environment of healthy bacteria in the stomach. When apple cider vinegar, you will want to purchase the organic, raw, unpasteurised brand with the mother still intact in the bottle (recognised as a murky cloud in the bottom of the bottle) as this is where many of the beneficial ingredients are retained. And remember to shake well to disperse the mother strands each time before you use it. How to use: 1. Dilute 1-2 teaspoon in a glass of water and drinking it with meals to see if you notice a difference. You can add honey to make it more palatable but dont drink it without diluting with water because the acidity is too intense for the body, the oesophagus and the teeth enamel [warning from WebMD]. 2. As I said previously try adding it to your salad dressing instead of balsamic vinegar - its a great way to include it in your health regime. See more

06.01.2022 Today we have a water kefir recipe. Put your comments and recipes below and share your experiences Water Kefir (pronounced keh-FEER) is simply sugar-water that is fermented at room temperature with kefir grains for about 24-48 hours resulting in a light and refreshing drink rich in beneficial bacteria and food enzymes giving excellent probiotic value. The water kefir grains are different to the grains used for milk kefir and can be sourced on eBay or health food shops. If we...ll cared for the grains will last well over a year. My friend Vickis recipe is very simple: 1. Equipment plastic measuring cups and spoons & plastic strainer. Wooden spoon to stir. 2. When you receive your grains, rinse gently in the sieve. 3. Ingredients 1 cups water; 6 teaspoons raw sugar; 1/20 tspn (tiny pinch BiCarb Soda; 1/5 tspn molasses OR 6 organic sultanas; piece of ginger root; 1/2 lemon. Step 1. Add water, sugar & molasses or sultanas to a glass jar & mix thoroughly to dissolve sugar [can initially dissolve sugar in warm water then add cold water]. Add the pinch BiCarb Soda to reduce pH & help with survival & growth of grains add grains to luke-warm water. Add ginger & lemon. Cover jar with cloth to breath & keep insects out [Dont seal jar as pressure may explode]. Leave out of direct sunlight for 48 hours then remove ginger & lemon and use sieve to drain liquid from grains. Squeeze lemon juice into liquid and can store in fridge. Drink this liquid containing probiotics & vitamins & minerals - cup daily or more! Rinse the grains with water and repeat the process with new ingredients. The grains will multiply each time you do a batch so share them with friends. Hundreds of recipes online so have fun! See more

05.01.2022 Tripod Coffee: Fair-trade beans, fairly sourced naturally. A capsule that can be popped into your recycling bin after use. You just have to peel off the foil top first. (By the way, the grounds make an excellent nitrogen-rich compost that your plants will love.)

04.01.2022 Last night I was served roasted whole baby garlics in olive oil and Himalayan Salt...divine and so healthy!

03.01.2022 What is more important to you when it comes to labelling. Country of origin or clear nutritional information?

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