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Livestock Guardian Dogs Australia

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25.01.2022 These two have a wonderful and unique relationship.

24.01.2022 When you have little warning and you are forced to make split-second survival decisions, in the face of a firestorm. Read Emily and Simon and their two working Maremmas - Bear and Marloo's incredible story, of devastation, survival and hope.

23.01.2022 Not all LGDs are this easy to groom but this one is probably grateful to be rid of the excess coat in summer.

21.01.2022 Chicken houses come in all shapes and styles! Recycling is a thing you know?!

21.01.2022 GREAT NEWS!! I have been working with the fabulous "NEW SIGNS" to ensure that a range of signs advising that working livestock guardian dogs are present, are available to practitioners in Australia. No need to import anymore! They will also customise to your requirements. Check out the LGD options.

21.01.2022 Read the fascinating story of how this unique family left the big city behind to take the gamble of moving to the country to successfully fulfill their dreams for a better life, and with the help of "Kawa" the Anatolian Shepherd!! Congratulations

19.01.2022 For your absolute enjoyment - a happy video of some happy Pyrenean Mountain Dogs with their equally happy person!! I want to live there too!

19.01.2022 Flashback to this time last year when Royalty met one of our own (an Australian bred Maremma) during their tour in Western NSW.

19.01.2022 Wait for it!! (Video with thanks from Life on Millie Acres,)

18.01.2022 First step in being an ultra savvy livestock guardian dog (LGD). Lift and turn head to survey the charges. If no threat present, go back to sleep . . #anatoli...anshepherd #lgd #livestockguardiandog #nomorecityliving #onpasture247 #pastureraisedeggs #betterthanfreerange #chemicalfree #hormonefree #holisticplannedgrazing #regenerativeagriculture #pastured #pasturedeggs #huntervalley #mymaitland #singleton #cessnock #localfood #pastureraised #knowyourfarmer #pokolbineats #pokolbin #newcastlefoodies #eatlocallygrown #localproducers #thewaynatureintended #familyfarm See more

17.01.2022 PLEASE SHARE: If you are the owner or operator of a free range and pasture raised chicken operation using LGDs, please help this Murdoch University student out, by completing his survey -

16.01.2022 An exciting new program to prevent livestock predation in Portugal will use the Serra de Estrela Livestock Guardian Dog in response to the re-introduction of the Iberian Wolf there.

14.01.2022 This is GOLD!! Wait for it - "This is actually pretty relaxed behaviour for them." We had a training session this week with 6 month old Maremma, 'Diva' and her farmer. These are Damara sheep which originated in some parts of the African continent. They can be very alert and flighty.... I knew what we would be working on in today's session, because the farmer told me on the phone "Well Diva and the sheep are afraid of each other." So we worked on reinforcing Diva for calmness around her sheep, and also determining the threshold, or proximity, to the sheep that would not result in the sheep feeling the need for flight away from us. (It's a bit like how much pressure can you put on the sheep before they feel the need to move away) These are really important elements to get right when introducing a livestock guardian dog to sheep, in their paddock. Both need to acclimate to each other and eventually feel comfortable in each other's company. This is further achieved by helping the dog to understand the need to exhibit calm, non-threatening behaviour in the presence of the sheep. Over time Diva will also perfect diverting direct eye contact with the sheep (which she was displaying apart from this video) which will also help to put them at ease and which usually comes naturally to livestock guardian dogs. This was a breakthrough realisation for this farmer on this day!! This is what gives me joy in what I do. Setting my clients and their dog's up for success.

13.01.2022 A Guest Blog from Paul White as he travels throughout Transylvania recording his observations and his rich images of working Livestock Guardian Dogs in Romania. A culturally rich snapshot of a hard life on the other side of the world for graziers and their dogs with a heavy predator load and a very different agricultural model to western cultures. Thank you Paul White for sharing this with us!... Here is the link to Paul's website - See more

13.01.2022 "Bear" was caught in the devastating bushfires early in the season, late last year. He survived, along with his sheep as did Marloo, the other younger Maremma. But Bear was traumatised by his experiences as well as having to live with his family in a foreign environment away from his property for a period afterward because they had lost everything. Once Emily got in touch, we implemented a plan (within their world of possibilities post-bushfire) to treat the trauma and reass...ure Bear that he could "take a break" of sorts, to allow his body and brain time to get back to his usual friendly and confident self. One of the things we did was to introduce enrichment strategies based on Bear's innate behaviours and which are incredibly self-rewarding such as noseworks (scenting) and stuffed Kongs to engage his brain in problem-solving in a gentle, non-threatening way. I absolutely love it when people are invested in their dogs and are prepared to follow through on advice, especially when they reap the rewards of those efforts! Well done team!!! This is why I love doing what I do.

12.01.2022 Further explanation of SPLITTING behaviour in canines -

11.01.2022 SPLITTING behaviour often seen used by Livestock Guardian Dogs to break up fighting or raucous behaviour being exhibited by livestock, juvenile LGDs, family pets, or children. Important to note that splitting behaviour can vary depending on the situation including - maturation of the canine, play style and level of arousal at the time, environmental influences and breed type.

11.01.2022 This is how you make yourself a valued resource amongst LGDs!

11.01.2022 A feel good film that looks at whether livestock guardians are "Happy" in their roles as guardians. (Please note: where there are no older LGDs to teach puppies and adolescents their role as livestock guardians, it is incumbent upon the human to provide that guidance and support instead, otherwise problems can develop. Also note that young puppies should not be left unsupervised with hostile stock who can quickly dent their confidence.)

11.01.2022 Despite the fact that fowl can be the most difficult for LGDs to bond with, there are of course, many many exceptions. Look at the very special bond between these two.

09.01.2022 LGDs have the ability to assess situations and make important life sustaining decisions in the absence of humans. That's why we refer to them as "independent thinking" breeds.

09.01.2022 For all you goat owners out there - consider yourselves warned!!

08.01.2022 One man's quest, with some exciting evidence, to prove that the Japanese wolf still exists.

08.01.2022 Although some LGDs find it difficult to bond with foul, there is no sign of that here with this family's macaws. Just beautiful what these dogs are capable of!

08.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE: This is just in from the fire front at Ellerslie where the Dunns Rd fire front is now on this property being fanned by horrendous winds. As you can imagine, there have been many farms with working Livestock Guardian Dogs who have been impacted by the fires since September last year. This fire has been slowly creeping up upon Louise and David's beautiful property which they farm sustainably. They are also in the process of building an Eco Lodge from their own... timber which they milled on their property as well. That structure is now under real threat. Prayers for this wonderful couple to come out of this as well as can possibly be achieved. They have a lot of support on the ground with RFS volunteers and NPWS assisting for days in preparation for this moment.

07.01.2022 An example of the TRANSHUMANCE model of shepherding which is an age old tradition in many countries across Europe, Central Asia, Turkey, etc. The shepherd traditionally stays in the higher pastures with his flock or herd for the whole season to back-up his livestock guardian dogs against predation by wolves and bears. It is generally a hard life for these farmers who rely on their flocks for their sole income. Many livestock guardian dogs are of "landrace" origin in these areas where interbreeding occurs between dogs who are the most effective guardians.

05.01.2022 IMPORTANT: - With so many BUSHFIRES throughout NSW, Qld and other states at the moment and hearing of so many working livestock guardian dogs needing to be evacuated, I have collaborated with a world-renowned Veterinarian and Animal Behaviourist to provide you with an evacuation plan specific for working LGDs, as well as the clinical aspects you need to know about, to care for your animals' health in these events. There is also a first-hand account from a farmer who was caugh...t out by one of the earlier fires in November. (Please see the Comments section for the other articles). It's really important that we don't become "armchair critics" when we read about people being forced to make split-second life-sustaining decisions such as this couple were forced to make and which meant they didn't have time to take their animals with them. I've been caught in a bushfire myself (on an unknown horse bareback, with only a rope fashioned as a bridle and rein to hang on to) and I know what it is like to be unprepared and caught off guard in an unexpected catastrophic fire event. PLEASE SHARE these links so that others who need to prepare or are going through fire events, will know what to do.

05.01.2022 Must be the highest point in that paddock!

05.01.2022 An important film with Jean-Marc Landry who is a Biologist & Ethologist; wolf specialist; Director of JFML Foundation and is an educator about the human/wildlife conflict in Central Europe with the re-introduction of the wolf there. This film was created to help educate hikers in the French Alps (Parc national des Ecrins) about how to behave when they come across Livestock Guardian Dogs protecting sheep grazing in the alps. Notice how:- the dogs use barking and intimidating b...ody language as their initial deterrent; reinforcements come when the intruder does not immediately move away; the dogs work together to keep themselves between their sheep and the intruder. At 2.02 Jean-Marc demonstrates what NOT to do - i.e. do not directly approach a Livestock Guardian Dogs who is warning you to move away. Unlike domestic companion dogs, these dogs are not interested in befriending you!

04.01.2022 A GUEST BLOG from "Kapsali Farm" about how they (as LGD novices) successfully repurposed "Kawa," an Anatolian Shepherd Dog, to their pasture-raised chicken operation. Congratulations Team!!! ** What is not obvious in this article which was written by Kapsali Farm, is what it was like from my viewpoint as the mentor during the process. When you have clients such as these who are motivated for success, you see the absolute meticulousness with which they approached this steep learning curve and their enduring faith and patience in the process. That's a winning formula with not only this specialty but with anything in life and this team has bucketloads of it. Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to accompany you on your wonderful journey!

04.01.2022 "Diva" the 6 month old Maremma has some fears about travelling in the car. So we did some Desensitisation & Counter Conditioning during my visit. It sometimes helps to have another dog who is comfortable in that situation there to help the fearful dog to feel more confident, so "Spring" a Manchester Terrier was keen to assist! You can see here the two of them using their noses to find the tossed treats and you can see Diva becomes more confident and adventurous in the vehicle as a result. When they're using their "seeking system" (their nose) they are in the thinking part of their brain instead of in the reactive (fearful) part of their brain. This helps to develop their confidence.

04.01.2022 Highfield Farm, who use Maremma Sheepdogs will be featured on Better Homes & Gardens this Friday, for their superb produce.

03.01.2022 Bear came from a puppy mill and was in bad condition when his family took him home. However, he has proven to be resilient and has thrived ever since, thanks to his loving and supportive family. I was pleased to see that Bear's family is already providing him with opportunities for Socialisation, Enrichment and appropriate exercise.

03.01.2022 A nice article about Maremmas written by Rae Hennesy in this month's DOGS NSW magazine. (One of Fifi's images is on Page 20.)

02.01.2022 It's normally the other way around isn't it??!!!!

02.01.2022 Livestock Guardian Dogs are also compatible with cattle and horses. With the increase in depredation in some areas on calves, LGDs are a viable option for these operations too.

01.01.2022 It is VERY important for practitioners to not only check their stock every day, but also their livestock guardian dogs. This dog was fine in the morning but was showing signs of lameness in the afternoon when we were checking on them, so it was off to the Vet for a check. One of the reasons that the old approach of "hands-off" training with LGDs is risky, is because it doesn't allow you to monitor your dogs adequately and to respond in an appropriate timeframe. This dog has had good socialisation and as a result was easy to handle, travelled well in a vehicle and responded well to being examined both in the paddock as well as in the Vet clinic (without a muzzle on) by a stranger.Great work team!!

01.01.2022 Did you know that LGDs have been tasked in many different roles throughout history? Pulling sleds and carts is one such role and don't they look happy?! You can follow Mariann Foster and her beautiful happy LGDs via this link.... (Doesn't the snow look particularly attractive right now?)

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