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to load big map

25.01.2022 What motivates you Anyone with an #applewatch knows the motivation of closing your rings. Sometimes a little extrinsic motivation is all it takes. #getmotivated #applewatch #closeyourrings #motivation #exercise #fitness #sweat #corporatewellness #livewellwithus #livewell

25.01.2022 New Ideas In the great words of @brenebrown new ideas wont find me inside. I couldnt agree more. Creativity thrives in space, when we surround ourselves in big open spaces our mind also expands and finds new inspiration. #getoutside #bigopenspaces #creative #mindshift #becreative #outdoors #thinkdifferently #mentalwellbeing #livewell #livewellwithus

24.01.2022 Almost dreamlike @ridleyco we celebrated womens health week with a walk and meditation session. These two enjoyed the opportunity to unplug and be mindfully present #womenshealth #meditation #restore #walk #outdoors #lunchdoneright #worklove #mindfulness #livewell #livewellwithus

20.01.2022 Mental Health Day Your mind, your emotional body, your psychology all matter. The way we nourish and train our minds is as important, if not more than how we treat our physical body. Know your well self and take time to care and be cared for. #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealth #mind #body #health #pschology #livewell #livewellwithus

20.01.2022 Some of the best Grown men finding their inner child before they hit the office and need to be grown ups again. #stressmanagement #howdoyourelax #fun #games #cartwheel #play #noadultingtoday #livewell #playwell #corporatewellness

19.01.2022 Some of the best Grown men finding their inner child before they hit the office and need to be grown ups again. #stressmanagement #howdoyourelax #fun #games #cartwheel #play #noadultingtoday #livewell #playwell #corporatewellness

18.01.2022 Melbourne Cup Glam Who said corporate life was all conservative suits. #workplacewellbeing #fun #dressup #melbournecup #training #glam #fitness

18.01.2022 Ya hearing me ? So today I was getting my eyes tested at @oscarwylee (so fabulous by the way) and after Id chosen my new frames they said, so that will be 7 - 10 days. My first reaction was WHAT, I want then right now. Ok granted this was a fairly bratty response, it did made me think. We live in a time where everything happens quickly, we get instant news, instant social gratification, heck we can even eat a full meal after instantly cooking it. We are conditioned to t...hink instant is better. But on reflection I know this not to be entirely true. Especially when it comes to things intended to last. There is much power in the process. In the intentional moves made towards what we really want. So if you find yourself in the middle of the what was and the what will be, keep going. Yep its not a fast fix but rather a journey, so buckle up and enjoy every part of it. #thebestthingstaketime #process #instant #stickitout #time #results #lastingchange #gamechanger #thinkdifferently #livewellwithus #livewell See more

18.01.2022 R U OK Day Warning this will, require some vulnerability on your part. Vulnerability to ask the sometimes difficult question and vulnerability to answer honestly. Below the surface, where our true selves are found is the place that needs some exploring. So deep a little deeper in your conversations, give a little more generously of your time and attention. Peoples lives count, your life counts. Today is coming to a close, but each and every day dont be afraid to ask RUOk #ruok #ruokday #2018 #vulnerability #conversations #ask #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #livewell #livewellwithus # @ EY Building, Sydney, Australia

17.01.2022 Know it Life picks you up and drops you in all matters of uncertainty. Thats life, its fabulous and messy and thats just on a good day. So its good to remind yourself you, are armed for the task of navigating this life. Be brave, be bold and believe you are indeed up for the task. #backyourself #believe #bold #brave #task #thinkdifferent #livewell #livewellwithus

17.01.2022 Think Think about this for a moment, does this statement above resonate with you, do you too feel encouraged, enlarged? I most certainly do, and this is why. Life is busy, opportunities are aplenty and our schedules are often hectic and unrelenting. This can leave us feeling pushed and pulled with an ever decreasing capacity and level of resilience. Yet amongst it all we muster up the power to cope, we press on, we survive. But if were honest something within our spirit... yearns for more than mere survival. And thats where the power and the conflict arise, thats where the battle begins, in the fight, in the reconciling of it all. So when I reflect on the above quote, I hear the words be present, youre ok where you are, just be responsible with what you have in this moment, in this season, in this snapshot of time. The words "all that we can be", motivate me to rise up, and be the very person I am called to be within my purpose. I am cut loose from trying to be more, or better or something other than who I am. All the places that youre not can wait. If youre being all that you can be in the now, then thats enough. #bewhereyouare #youareenough #bepresent #consider #thinkdifferent #livewell #livewellwithus

16.01.2022 Habits Take time to consider your habits, your daily practice, the familiar and the automatic. These can be setting you up for the life you deserve or robbing you of holistic wellbeing. Take time out from time to time and simply consider. #stopstartcontinue #consider #taketime #outcomes #life #thinkdifferently #livewellwithus #livewell

15.01.2022 F45 Workshop Loved presenting to the @f45trainingfrenchsforest challenge group tonight. We wrote personal mission statements, created bounty lines and speed dated ourselves. #livewell #workshop #wellbeing #f45 #knowyourwellself #livewellwithus

14.01.2022 Sunshine Whether this Monday finds you at work or play, be sure to get some sunshine for your soul. Never underestimate the power of sunshine, fresh air and hydration to elevate your mood and mental capacity. #mentalwellbeing #mondaymantra #sunshine #freshair #feelgood #livewell #livewellwithus

14.01.2022 I said it in jest when asked why I hadnt written so much over the last year, been just too corporate to be creative rolled off my tongue. But as I thought more about this seemingly innocent remark there was a hidden truth to be told. My thinking lead me right back to my childhood, to all of our childhoods. We dreamed of growing up, becoming doctors, astronauts, pirates, artists - we simply dreamed. And in our dreams anything was possible. We werent limited by finances, qu...alifications, social constraints or standing, we were free to be whatever we creatively dreamt up. So fast forward to today where we find ourselves (God forbid) all grown up living sensible adult lives. Have we lost that ability to dream, to live in the possibility to be creatively expectant. As I write this, I think God, please no. I never want to adult that hard that I lose that spark. So where does that leave us, in this new world of responsibilities and politics, where our time and tasks are measured and assessed. Where we constantly feel pressured to have more, to do more, while slowly but surely becoming less. I clearly dont have all the answers but I do have this idea given to me by a wise friend. She shared recently about always keeping space set aside, She referred to this space as margins. Life gets so full, and scheduled and occupied that we need to proactively create wider margins to do the things that keep us alive, fresh, creative and dare I say young. In these margins we are free to dream again, to think outside of the four walls, to take off our corporate suits and kick about in our freedom. These times are not only great for the soul but allow us to be so much more once we lace up our shiny shoes and return to life in the fast lane. So this year join me in widening your margins, enjoy your creative self, feed it, nourish it, be fully present. I bet theres still a little astronaut left in you yet. #creative #corporate #margins #corpoatewellness #word #bestself #dream #createspace #livewell See more

14.01.2022 Return On Investment The people are what makes any company or organisations great. You can have all the innovation in the world but its your people who will provide the heartbeat that allows ideas to flourish. And people love to be recognised, considered, appreciated and known. The best companies are the ones that understand and act on this truth. In business we speak a lot in terms on return on investment. And investing into relationships, into good communication and healthy workplace dynamics will always be the best ROI you will ever make. #workplacewellness #returnoninvestment #peopleoverprocess #culture #wellbeing #care #people #thrive #livewell #workwell

14.01.2022 Ask yourself We all have roles to play, jobs to do, tasks to perform and relationships to nurture. So what fuels this, what powers your capacity tank? Understanding how you best work and what you required to live optimally goes a long way to living kind with fullness and wellbeing. #fillyourcup #capacity #outpouring #filling #wellbeing #livewell

13.01.2022 Diversity A once conservative lobby now shines under her rainbow decal, the sense of carnival and festivity spreads throughout our city streets. On the eve of Mardi Gras we are reminded just how far we have come, and this is certainly a reason to celebrate. We celebrate inclusion, relationships, empathy and increased understanding. We celebrate the chance to see the world through others eyes, and have our own world view challenged and changed. We are beginning to see that ...our differences; whether in gender, race, social standing or sexual preference to name a few, are indeed our greatest strengths. This is diversity at its best, where inclusion not only rules, but is being championed by all levels of business and government. No longer is narrow, closed-minded thinking the loudest voice and no longer is the conservative point of view valued as the final stand. Just like plastic, we are being moulded and shaped by this new wave of diversity. We at Willow are excited to be part of this ground swell, to help elevate and promote a more inclusive workplace. Where our very fabric would be rich in a variety of colours and textures all woven beautifully together. Penetrating the way we think, recruit staff, develop and grow our teams as well as defining our identity and culture. #diversity #culture #differentisbetter #willow #willoweffect See more

13.01.2022 Spring Festival It was so great to present to this amazing group from Achmea tonight. Investing into the whole person and reaching new heights in our wellbeing. #springfestival #achmea #seminar #wellbeing #speaker #dowhatyoulove #wholeperson #livewell #livewellwithus @ Miramare Gardens

12.01.2022 Return On Investment The people are what makes any company or organisations great. You can have all the innovation in the world but it’s your people who will provide the heartbeat that allows ideas to flourish. And people love to be recognised, considered, appreciated and known. The best companies are the ones that understand and act on this truth. In business we speak a lot in terms on return on investment. And investing into relationships, into good communication and healthy workplace dynamics will always be the best ROI you will ever make. #workplacewellness #returnoninvestment #peopleoverprocess #culture #wellbeing #care #people #thrive #livewell #workwell

12.01.2022 Melbourne Cup Glam Who said corporate life was all conservative suits. #workplacewellbeing #fun #dressup #melbournecup #training #glam #fitness

11.01.2022 Meet Paresh Over the last 4 weeks Ive been lucky enough to work with the @vanitygroupau around wellbeing and mindfulness. But today I was the student allowing this wise man pictured above to share his wisdom. He spoke of the art of cooling himself off. First he must acknowledge that he can get heated. Then he must discern his triggers, take a pause then actively cool off. He doesnt come as an expert, unwilling to change and grow. Yet as an external student of life, pausing when life heats up so that considered behaviours can follow. #thankyouparesh #wise #student #bepresent #teachable #triggers #stopstartcontinue #meditation #livewell #corporatewellness #livewellwithus

10.01.2022 Stay focussed We had a wonderful time today at @ridleyco spending time considering our wellbeing. One of the themes was being intentional and listening to our bodies feedback. In a busy world its easy to get distracted (picture illustrating this perfectly) but our personal wellbeing is always something we need to stay focused on. #stayfocused #wellbeing #taketime #livewell #healthyhabits #liveintentionally #habits #relax #wellness #thinkdifferently #corporatewellness #livewellwithus

10.01.2022 Just saying We believe what we say, our reality gets shaped and shifted by the words and concepts we speak over ourselves. News flash, your life isnt more significant if youre busy and exhausted all the time. Take time to find flow and sustainability in your cadence. Then consider wearing joy as your badge of honour. #exshausted #findyourfreedom #flow #cadence #thinkdifferently #mentalwellbeing #taketimeout #livewellwithus #livewell

10.01.2022 Happiness in a bowl My lunch today under the spring sunshine lm asking you, does it get any better. #buddabowl #nourish #eathealthy #makegoodchoices #health #bewell #livewell #livewellwithus

07.01.2022 Spring Festival It was so great to present to this amazing group from Achmea tonight. Investing into the whole person and reaching new heights in our wellbeing. #springfestival #achmea #seminar #wellbeing #speaker #dowhatyoulove #wholeperson #livewell #livewellwithus @ Miramare Gardens

07.01.2022 Seasons /// I often refer to the concept of seasons when navigating through lifes hurdles. The key is listen and connect in to where youre actually at, then be prepared to either dig into that season or he prepared to move on to the next. #seasons #checkin #listen #knowyourself #selfcare #digin #walkaway #thinkdifferently #livewell #livewellwithus

07.01.2022 Its the season #selflove #selfesteem #fall #love #youareprettydarngreat #spring #fallin #livewell #thinkdifferently #livewellwithus

06.01.2022 Good night winter // Tomorrow we wake up in spring, embrace the change, breathe in the opportunities and give yourself a fresh start. #seasons #newseason #spring #goodnightwinter #opportunities #livewell #livewellwithus

06.01.2022 Manila What a great blessing it was to spend 2 action packed days in Manila working with the @ridleyco office. Great culture, amazing people and so much opportunity. #manila #willow #peopleandculture #values #people @ Greenfield District

06.01.2022 Well #askyourself #knowyourwellself #amiok #wellbeing #yourwellself #livewell #livewellwithless

05.01.2022 Meeting of the Minds Discussing and strategising all things culture today at @ridleyco #ateam #empower #women #greatminds #culture #peoplesndculture #worklife #livewellwithus

04.01.2022 Truth Stop doing more and start being more. Its in the being that we live fully. #truth #bemore #youvegotthis #livefully #livewell #livewellwithus

04.01.2022 Mornings done right I know its cold and your bed seems so cozy and desirable at the break of dawn. But no one ever regrets the workout once its done & dusted. That post workout feeling makes it all worthwhile. #getoutofbed #burpeesfordays #moveyourbody #sweat #startyourdayright #livewellwithus #livewell @ridleyco

04.01.2022 Commute Our commute is that unique period of time when youre not actually working but you havent arrived home either. For many of us its a fair chunk of time that we spend on the daily. So how do we use this free time. I strongly encourage my corporate clients to use it with intention. By this I mean use it to prepare to be fully present at your next destination. On your way into work use it to bring focus and clarity to your days calendar and on the commute home use i...t to unwind and relax. Freeing your mind to become more fully present once you walk through your front door. Just because you can work 24/7 do you really need to? Be focused and productive at work and engaged and present at home. Thats work life balance #bepresent #commute #howdoyouprepare #worklife #balance #sustainability #corporatewellness #corporate #livewell #livewellwithus See more

04.01.2022 R U OK Day Warning this will, require some vulnerability on your part. Vulnerability to ask the sometimes difficult question and vulnerability to answer honestly. Below the surface, where our true selves are found, is the place that needs some exploring. So deep a little deeper in your conversations, give a little more generously of your time and attention. Peoples lives count, your life counts. Today is coming to a close, but each and every day dont be afraid to ask RUOK #ruok #ruokday #2018 #vulnerability #conversations #ask #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #livewell #livewellwithus # @ EY Building, Sydney, Australia

02.01.2022 Lessons learnt Grief has no rules or predictable rhythm. Engulfing your senses where everything feels different, yourself included. The stages are messy, foggy and disorienting. When clarity does come it brings both freedom and sorrow. The numbness subsides and the reality kicks in. But as I sit here on the bus, on route to deliver a growth mindset workshop I am struck with the irony of life. ... 10 years ago today we celebrated my incredible mums 64th birthday. That night we discovered that things werent as they should be, and within 5 months she would be gone. The most resilient, genuine, generous person I have ever known. It was an honour to be her daughter to see the world through her eyes. She cared more for others than herself to the very end. Mum was the most half glass full person I have ever known. Even writing this in the past tense feels wrong to me, as her impact is still tangible. But if Im completely honest today holds more gratitude than grief, more thanksgiving than self pity than its done in years gone by. So today I go and meet a group of people who like me, have full and complex lives. Theyve known the beauty and the tragedy of life, the light and shade and all the messiness in between. And truth be told a growth mindset is not tested in the order, in the predictable picture perfect snap shots of life but rather in the mess. So today I take all this life with me, my workshop content comes from both lessons learnt and research understood. Growth mindset and resilience are just buzz words till you find yourself in a situation so challenging youre tested on every level. Yet we do survive, mostly stronger with a deeper self awareness, sharper tools and greater empathy. These are great qualities, these are the gifts given through grief. These are the seeds sown creating a mindset that is both robust and compassionate. This was my mums mindset and I am thankful for the seeds she planted in mine. #mindset #growthmindset #resilience #grief #growth #workshop #corporatewellness #lessonslearnt #livewell #livewellwithus See more

02.01.2022 Rockstars These rockstars are why I get up the crack of dawn. Maybe its their love for burpees or maybe just their love for life that motivates them to train. #fitness #teamtraining #corporatewellness #wellbeing #livewellwithus #burpees #move #bewell #livewell @ridleyco

01.01.2022 Work Lunch Taking time out from our screens to eat quality food and have quality conversations around wellbeing. @ridleyco foster a culture of wellbeing through intentional programs to support and invest into our people. #wellbeing #lunch #goodfoodgoodcompany #ridleyiswillow #support #investintopeople #livewell #livewellwithus

01.01.2022 The art of noticing Yesterday while rushing through the city to get to my next appointment I was suddenly bought to a standstill over this magnificent sight. The sun was reflecting perfectly off the glass to cast these vibrant rainbows. Standing there I realised how important it is to notice the simple beauty thats around us. Yes life is busy, but the ability to drop down from the chaos and be present with our surroundings is key to living well. #notice #theartofnoticing #hepresent #rainbows #beauty #sunlight #taketime @ Gateway Sydney

01.01.2022 Pony & Trap Is there really any better way to start the day. #ponyandtrap #fitness #corporatefitness #wellbeing #health #sydney #startyourdayright #run #wellness #livewell #livewellwithus

01.01.2022 Ask yourself We all have roles to play, jobs to do, tasks to perform and relationships to nurture. So what fuels this, what powers your capacity tank? Understanding how you best work and what you required to live optimally goes a long way to living kind with fullness and wellbeing. #fillyourcup #capacity #outpouring #filling #wellbeing #livewell

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