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Livin Boys | Entrepreneur

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Livin Boys

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to load big map


19.01.2022 ITS NOT ABOUT WIN OR LOSE, IT’S ABOUT DID YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE? This is a very powerful comment made by Matthew McConnaghy and really struck me. One thing I am damn proud about, is that my family and I are always in the bloody arena. ... We are ALWAYS accepting the challenges and I can say it’s worth it every damn time. Every challenge we have accepted has grown us in ways we could never have imagined and we could never have achieved if we didn’t step up. Have a think of a moment when you were faced with a challenge, did you step up to accept it with disregard of winning or losing? Or did you back down from fear? Remember, fear is simply an illusion. Understand this and you will be free! Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys

19.01.2022 ‘DAD IS DEAD’ ‘No darling dad isn't dead, he is just still working!’ ‘No dad is dead’... As I sat on the floor with our 3 year old trying to explain to him that dad was coming home but he was just out later today I thought to myself, ‘Never again’. This is NOT the reality we choose. These are NOT the hours we choose. Our boys love their dad so much and since we have started working again have all struggled with missing him a lot. We love being on the land, around the animals working hard but we don’t want the sacrifices that go hand in hand. We want to be able to setup our own place without the financial limits that cause so much strain on our family and our mental health. We want to be able to head off on unlimited adventures seeing more and more of this incredible country when we are needing a break. Not being around the children and having the time to give to them individually is heart breaking. We want MORE for our life. We want to have the lifestyle we chose and that's exactly why we are building our online business. No sacrifice is worth these moments. Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys Outback Adventure Mindset

19.01.2022 ‘YOU CAN FAIL AT WHAT YOU DON’T WANT SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL TAKE A CHANCE’ - Jim Carey 18 months ago, the life we had and knew fell apart from underneath us. Why?... Because we had not had the courage to make the decision earlier in our life to really live our dreams. We thought about the outback just about every day. Stations stays in your blood and we missed it so much. It tried calling us many times but the fear of it all just consumed us. We had four boys by now and kept making excuses that we had to think of them, when in actual fact, we were thinking of our fear, our limitations. We didn’t believe we could do it! So the universe gave us one of the big kicks, you know one of those traumatic ones where everything as you know it changes in a blink of an eye?! And so we leaped and we absolutely packed ourselves. I will never forget the drive out to the station, the closer we got we kept reducing the time we would be there ‘Maybe we will just do 12months’ ‘Even if we did 6 months’ The outback country daunted us as it has done each time we have been there. But guess what happened? We GREW!! In ways we could NEVER have imagined!!! Taking that leap was the SCARIEST thing we have done but the BEST thing ever because now we keep pushing ourselves past that comfort so the universe doesn’t have to do it for us!!! What is holding you back? What is your deepest desire? Do you know you CAN have it? Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys Outback Adventure Mindset

18.01.2022 WHY THIS BUSINESS? This morning I was writing down why I loved this business so much. As I was doing that I realised something. ... We often get told in our business to not get emotionally involved. We talk to a number of people everyday and many don’t move through the business opportunity so it can feel exhausting when you feel that excitement that someone is going to join your team, only to hear them say ‘not right now’. So I get it, we need to protect our energy and understand that there is going to be a lot of that. But you know what I also realised today? I CARE way too much to not get emotionally involved. You see, every person I talk to, every person that tells me their WHY for wanting a different those early stages of conversation I can already see the new life that person could be living. I can visualise it, I can see what support they will need, I see what it will do for their family, I can see what it will do for THEM and I can see myself coaching them every step of the way. I LOVE that I get emotionally involved because the reason I am doing this is to change OTHER peoples lives and so it’s impossible to do that without emotion. I love that I get emotionally involved because it is my passion, it shows my love for the business and my care for others. I love that I get emotionally involved because it shows you that this is so much more than just an online’s my purpose, it’s my career! I love that I get emotionally involved because that is who I am!! And we as humans are designed to FEEL!!! I am not here to find experiences that do not allow me to feel!!! I just have to learn how to feel all the feels and move through them and not allow them to consume me but I am no longer blocking my emotions because I care about every single person that I talk to from the bottom of my heart. If I can change YOUR life, I am going to do it with all the EMOTION I have. If you want a coach that is emotionally involved, drop below and I will be in touch so you can see the visions for your life that I can see! Caroline Livin Boys

16.01.2022 WE WANTED MORE We knew there had to be a way to make money online that would support our dreams of being together as a family, adventuring this incredible country and finding our piece of land. Even though we knew there was something out there, we never anticipated it would be this incredible!! ... Working on our Enagic business using the Build Your Empire University platform has and continues to change our life in significant ways. We are truly grateful and would love to share it with anyone looking for a different direction. #byeurocks

15.01.2022 HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY We are so proud of the person that you are, what you teach us everyday, the kindness you have for everyone and your deep passion for trucks and the land!!! We hope today is the most wonderful day being just with your family. ... Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys

15.01.2022 BUT AT WHAT COST?? As I stood at the opposite end of the table as our boss told me of the upcoming plans, the tears uncontrollably ran down my face. I was being told in that moment that I was losing my job and the staff that helped us at our Depot where being removed so that Cameron was going to look after 1.2million acres on his own!!!... We had already been pushed so far. We had already sacrificed so much. This moment broke me. I spent the next two weeks in deep depression only just managing to get done the bare minimum. We loved our home on the station so much. It felt like we had finally found our place in the world but at what cost? It tore me apart making the decision to leave and still not a day goes by that I don't miss our home on the Nullarbor. That was when we decided that there had to be another way. There had to be a way we could have our home on the land but without all the sacrifices. The!!! And we FOUND IT! We found the vehicle that will get us the money to enable us to have the dream of our own land without all the sacrifices. Life is made for living, the land is made for adventure...are you experiencing it or a slave to it? Caroline Livin Boys Outback Adventure Mindset

12.01.2022 LOVING EACH MOMENT As I lie on the bed feeling slightly exhausted, aching legs and tender feet, I am feeling grateful. Grateful for this incredible industry that builds resilience and strength. ... Grateful for this industry that allows our children to be with us. Grateful for our beautiful home on wheels that takes us to the most unique places in this country. Grateful for the family that grows of honest, caring and down to earth people. You see, I could of taken this moment as tired, physically exhausted and lack of quality time with my children. But at the end of the day, your mind has the ability to look at things in many ways, you just have to make the conscious choice on how your going to see it. Gratitude is one of the best ways to move forward in your life, change your energy in a shitty moment and open your eyes to the beauty already in your life. It is from THIS place that we can then enhance our lives even more and strive for our goals, not from a place of frustration or a feeling of stuck! Change your energy, dream of the possibilities and then take action to make it all happen! Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys Outback Adventure Mindset

11.01.2022 TWIN TODDLERS Having toddlers is one hell of a nightmare to be totally honest with you!! But I have noticed something today. You see the twins are such a nightmare because they want ME! ... They want ME to sit on the floor with them and have long conversations about cars. They want ME to play play dough with them. They want ME to play hide n seek. They want ME to be there with them. THAT is the reason they throw their tantrum!! So it’s a simple fix really? Just be with my children!! Oh that’s just got in the way!! To be frank...I am over it. I am over life and societies expectations getting in my way of living my life how I know is natural. So we have taken life into our own hands. Want to know how? That’s easy...just ask!!! Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys Outback Adventure Mindset

09.01.2022 COUNTRY BOYS We sure do love our travels and especially when it takes us to places like this! This is our home for the next few months and we are all pretty happy to be back on the land

01.01.2022 TAKE IT FOR GRANTED What in your life are you taking for granted? I tell you now there is most likely something. ... It might be small or it might be significant. For me, even though everyday I was grateful for our travel life and our endless time together, today I feel grief for what we are losing. You might think that’s a bit crazy or a bit over the top but it’s reality. How many of you get holiday depression upon return? I sure used to. I will tell you why this is!! Being away from our children and from our soul mates that we choose to spend our life with is unnatural. That is why we feel so sick about it, that is why we feel so uneasy doing it day in and day out. That is why holidays feel SO good.....because that is how we are MEANT to live. You might be reading this thinking ‘yeah well that’s all good and well but we all have bills to pay! I hear you!! That’s why we have pulled up to work. But it’s also why we are building our online business so that our future is TIME TOGETHER! Cameron & Caroline Livin Boys

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