Living With New Dimension Of God to Have Dominion In the Garden of Eden in Roseville, New South Wales, Australia | Tutor/teacher
Living With New Dimension Of God to Have Dominion In the Garden of Eden
Locality: Roseville, New South Wales, Australia
Address: 16 Melnotte Ave 2069 Roseville, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Not Here But There You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you. (Mark 16:67, NIV)... When Mary Magdalene and two other women went to Jesus’ tomb after His death, an angel said to them, He is not here. He has risen! He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him. Notice that the angel said, He is not here. He is there. The angel was saying, in effect, I know you’re hurting, but don’t stay here. Something better is waiting for you there. In other words, here is the disappointment, the bad medical report, the dream that didn’t work out. If you stay here, you’ll be discouraged. You have to go there. Sometimes the reason God doesn’t comfort us in the here, in the disappointment is because He doesn’t want us to stay where we are. There is where God is waiting for you. There is where the blessing is. The disappointment is simply a season. God has already gone ahead and lined up the next level. Move forward into there. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that You are always going ahead in my life, lining up the next level, and You’re not in the past. Thank You that I don’t have to be stuck in the here. I believe that You are waiting for me in the there with restoration and blessing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
25.01.2022 God Will Finish What He Started! "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6, NIV)... Are you believing for something that seems like it’s taking longer than you hoped? Maybe you’ve been praying for a loved one. Maybe you’ve believed for a situation to change for years. Don’t get discouraged. God is going to finish what He started! He is a faithful God, and He has something unmatched, unparalleled coming your wayfavor, breakthroughs, restoration like you haven’t seen before! God has been good to all of us in the past, but I believe we’re coming into a time where we will see greater anointing, greater power and greater victories! The key is that we have to stay in agreement with God. We should get up every morning and say, Father, thank You for Your unprecedented favor. Thank You for the immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness of Your power. If you keep standing in faith, I believe you’re going to come into more of those days where you stand in utter amazement and say, Wow, God! I’ve never seen anything like this before! Remember, scripture says, Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No, nothing is impossible when we put our faith and trust in Him. Today, keep standing, keep believing and keep hoping because God has something astounding in store for your future! Prayer: "Dear Heavenly Abba Father God, today I set my heart and mind on You. I choose to trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I stand strong on Your Word today knowing that victory is on the way in Jesus’ name. Amen!"
24.01.2022 " RENUNGAN EFESUS 4:32 " Tetapi hendaklah kamu ramah seorang thd yg lain, penuh kasih mesra & saling mengampuni, sebagaimana Allah di dlm Kristus telah mengampuni kamu. Dalam kehidupan didunia yg semakin jahat, dmn kita tdk bisa menghindar dr orang2 yg menyakiti atau merencanakan hal yg buruk thd kita, bahkan dr orang terdekat yg kita anggap baik sekalipun, kita tdk bisa menghindar.... Rasa sakitnya akan sangat terasa ketika yg menyakiti atau menipu kita adlh orang2 terdekat yg selama ini terlihat baik & mengasihi kita. Sbg orang benar yg telah diampuni pelanggaran kita olh Tuhan Yesus, maka suka tdk suka, enak tdk enak, kita hrs memilih taat pd kehendakNya, ketimbang kita taat pd kehendak daging unt membalas yg jahat dgn yg jahat. Kita harus mengampuni sebgmana Allah telah mengampuni kita, sadarilah Yesus disalibkan dgn kebencian, tetapi Dia menjawabnya dgn Kasih & pengorbanan. Jika kita disakiti, dirugikan & di fitnah oleh orang sekitar kita saat ini, tetap lepaskan pengampunan. 1.RAMAH Seringkali ketika kita berkata bisa mengampuni hanya sebatas dimulut saja, tetapi ketika kita bertatap wajah, justru kita malah membuang muka & malas menyapa (ciri orang belum mengampuni) sifat yg ramah akan membawa kita untuk bisa menyapa atau meminta maaf terlebih dahulu, sekalipun kita tdk bersalah. Lepaskan rasa sakit yg sangat menusuk kita saat ini, spy kita bisa bersikap ramah dgn orang yg jahat & menyakiti kita (kemenangan) 2.PENUH KASIH Tuhan meminta kita unt selalu penuh kasih thd siapapun menyakiti kita, seringkali kita menyediakan ruang hati setengah unt pengampunan & setengah unt masih menyimpan amarah & benci, shg kekuatan kita akan rapuh disaat org itu menyakiti kita lagi. Dititik terendah justru kita akan sulit unt mengampuni, yg terjadi justru kita makin hidup dlm kebencian & muncul penyakit yg berakibat fatal. 3.SALING MENGAMPUNI Pengampunan adalah tindakan yg memuliakan Tuhan (Roma 15: 7 Sebab itu terimalah satu akan yg lain, sama spt Kristus juga telah menerima kita, untuk kemuliaan Allah.) Ketika kita bisa menerima orang yg bersalah & menyakiti kita (mengampuni), maka kita sedang menjadi serupa Kristus & memuliakanNya. Jgn bertahan dgn sakit hati, sebab kita memuliakan iblis & menjd serupa iblis unt menuju maut. CIRI ORANG YANG MEMILIKI KASIH KRISTUS ADALAH BISA TETAP RAMAH, PENUH KASIH & SALING MENGAMPUNI SIAPAPUN YANG MENYAKITI KITA
23.01.2022 From Success to Fruitfull "...his favor lasts a lifetime" (Psalm 30:5, NIV) My Friends, success in this worldly life is all necessarily about how popular, influential or educated someone is. But being Fruitful is all about living a life of excellence in obedience to God’s Word. ... When we step out to do what God has called us to do, scripture says that His favor surrounds us like a shield. When we have His favor, we have everything; we have an advantage for fruitfull! God’s favor opens the right doors. His favor will bring good breaks. The favor of God will cause you to accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. It gives you an edge. Now, if you’re going to see the gracious hand of God at work in your life, you can’t go through the day feeling intimidated, thinking that you’re average, looking around and comparing yourself to everyone else. No, you have to live like you have His favor, think like you have favor, talk like you have favor, walk like you have favor, dress like you have favor! But it's Not arrogantly. Not in a way that portrays that you’re better than somebody else, but with a quiet confidence knowing that you have the gracious hand of God on your life! Knowing that the Life you Living now is 100% given by God who Lives inside of you, and you are doing your life 100% only through Him as well as for Him! A Prayer : " Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You for Your grace, favor and mercy upon my life. I praise You today because You are good. I receive Your truth by faith and rise up to walk in my calling. I know that You are going before me to prepare the way as I walk in Your favor all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen."
22.01.2022 God Is Enough For Me! When one thing after another went down on spiral, things can be very intimidating. First thing come to mind is ‘WHAT IF?’. I don’t have to think twice about it, it is the auto mode of my mind. ... When you thought it was bad enough, yet you found out something even worse came after that. What if it never gets better? What if it gets worse? What if it never..? Sounds familiar? I find myself worried, fearful and hopeless in the midst of it. I know I was not the only one and I hope you can relate with me. It took me a good long time to be able to digest and look at it differently. The truth is, any of those worst things could happen. We live in the broken world. No one is free from pain and struggle. When I brought all my questions and frustrations to God, He replied me with a question, Am I enough? That’s one heavy question! If I am really honest to admit, I don’t want to give up my dreams and my heart desires. In fact they are good things that (I thought) will glorify God. But deep down, much of my longings were centered on the things I wanted. I knew it frustrated me because I felt entitled to it as if I had some kind of hidden contract with God, in which part of my obedience was rooted in my expectation of a payback*. I sobbed as I saw this honest brutal truth. I do not want to love Jesus for what He can do; I want to love Him for who He is. God is so good to reveal my filthy heart. If it was not because of His mercy and grace, I would not be able to see it. In fact, I cannot fix my heart with my own strength and will. I need God’s constant help and grace to keep surrendering, letting go of my longings, and instead making Him my desire, day by day, moment by moment. Is Christ enough? Perhaps, it will take me a lifetime to experience and be amazed by it; yet, it is one of the most liberating journeys I could ever walk in. HE truly IS enough. Even if the very worst happens, God is with us. He will carry us and He is still GOOD! We can rest assured. And because of this assurance, we can accept whatever comes with joy*. Even if.. He is always enough. Amen.
21.01.2022 *MASALAH No1: KELELAHAN* _Bagaimana Mendapat kan Kuasa Tuhan Dalam Hidup Anda_ Bacaan Hari ini:... _Yesaya 40:29 "Dia memberi kekuatan kepada yang lelah dan menambah semangat kepada yang tiada berdaya."_ *Ketika Anda percaya pada Yesus, Anda mendapatkan kuasa Tuhan untuk kehidupan Anda se-hari"* Dulu saya berpikir bahwa ini bukan masalah besar. *Tapi saya sudah menyadari bahwa bagi kebanyakan orang, masalah no 1 dlm hidup bukanlah kekhawatiran / rasa takut, rasa bersalah / kepahitan*. _Masalah nomor satu ialah kelelahan._ Selama ini saya berbicara dgn orang" yg berkata, *Selama ini sy amat lelah* Saya tak bs menyelesai kan semua masalah. Saya selalu lelah." Alasan mengapa Anda selalu letih ialah Anda *keKurangan pasokan kekuatan.* Alasan Anda lelah ialah krn *Anda tdk tersambung dgn kuasa Tuhan.* Anda berusaha menjalani *hidup Anda dgn kekuatan Anda sendiri.* Tak mungkin Anda bisa memenuhi tujuan hidup Anda *tanpa terhubung kpd kuasa Tuhan.* Pemanggang roti yang tidak dicolok ke listrik itu sia-sia. Blender yang tidak dicolok itu sia-sia. Penghisap debu yang tidak dicolok listrik tidak ada gunanya jika tidak terhubung ke sumber listrik. Yesaya 40:29 _"Dia memberi kekuatan kepada yang lelah dan menambah semangat kepada yang tiada berdaya."_ Anda butuh kuasa Tuhan dgn cara" yg lebih baik dibanding yg Anda kira. Paulus berkata, *"Segala perkara dapat kutanggung di dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku"* (Filipi 4:13). *Ini bukan sikap mental positif.* Ini bukan psikologi pertolongan diri sendiri. Ini bukan pemikiran berhasil dengan kekuatan diri sendiri. *Bukan.* *Ini kekuatan supernatural yang dari Tuhan.* *Apa "syarat"-nya"?* Kekuatan utk menghadapi kesunyian ketika Anda sendiri. Kekuatan utk mengatasi ketegangan ketika Anda dibawah tekanan. *Kekuatan utk mengatasi rasa bersalah & rasa takut, kebosanan & kepahitan jg penolakan.* Kekuatan utk mengatasi bencana finansial. *Kekuatan utk mengatasi krisis kesehatan.* Kekuatan utk mengatasi konflik dlm hubungan. Dari mana Anda mendapatkan kekuatan itu? *Itu datangnya dari Tuhan - ketika Anda percaya pd Yesus Kristus.* *SEGALA PERKARA AKAN KU-TANGGUNG DI-DLM "DIA" YG MEMBERIKAN KEKUATAN KPD-KU...* Amin
21.01.2022 Controllers The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in GOD protects you from that. (Proverbs 29:25, MSG)... Some people always have problems, always want your help, and are always in crisis mode. They expect you to come running, to cheer them up, and keep them encouraged. And if you don’t, they try to make you feel guilty. You love them, but you should put up a boundary to keep them from continually dumping their problems on you. You are not responsible for their happiness or to keep them fixed. You have to protect your peace. You have a limited supply of emotional energy each day. If you’re taking on their problems, you’re not going to have the emotional energy for what you need. You’re not their savior; they already have a Savior. A lot of times instead of helping them, we’re simply enabling their dysfunction. If they get upset when you put up a boundary, they are controllers and manipulators. They like you for what you can do for them, not for who you are. You don’t need friends like that. Make a change, and God will give you true friends. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that You have called me to love and help others, but not to try to fix them or make them happy. Help me to protect my own emotional energy. I declare that I am not responsible for other people’s happiness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
20.01.2022 Enter with Thanksgiving Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. (Psalm 100:4, NIV)... What an amazing privilege we have to serve a personal God who desires a relationship with us. But notice that today’s Scripture tells us that we shouldn’t come empty-handed to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. What do we have to give that’s worthy of Almighty God? Our praise. Our thanksgiving. Our worship. We should always enter His gates with an offering of thanksgiving from our hearts. Praise isn’t just about singing songs in church. Praise is the expression of gratefulness to God for Who He is and all that He has done. Praise gets God’s attention. Praise is a powerful tool in our life because God inhabits the praises of His people! When we enter His presence the right way, He enters our circumstances; and when God shows up, the enemy must flee! Today, enter into His gates with thanksgiving and open the door for Him to move on your behalf! Let us Cultivate a lifestyle of being thankful, of remembering what God has done and how blessed you are. Let God & all your beloved ones know what you are thankful for this year. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving! Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that I can come to You with a heart full of thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for because of Your goodness. You are good, and Your mercy endures forever! Thank You for doing exceedingly abundantly above all I could ever ask or imagine. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
16.01.2022 Not Here But There. Passover You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you. (Mark 16:67, NIV)... When Mary Magdalene and two other women went to Jesus’ tomb after His death, an angel said to them, He is not here. He has risen! He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him. Notice that the angel said, He is not here. He is there. The angel was saying, in effect, I know you’re hurting, but don’t stay here. Something better is waiting for you there. In other words, here is the disappointment, the bad medical report, the dream that didn’t work out. If you stay here, you’ll be discouraged. You have to go there. Sometimes the reason God doesn’t comfort us in the here, in the disappointment is because He doesn’t want us to stay where we are. There is where God is waiting for you. There is where the blessing is. The disappointment is simply a season. God has already gone ahead and lined up the next level. Move forward into there. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that You are always going ahead in my life, lining up the next level, and You’re not in the past. Thank You that I don’t have to be stuck in the here. I believe that You are waiting for me in the there with restoration and blessing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
16.01.2022 It’s the Hand of God Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, Go south to the roadthe desert roadthat goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. (Acts 8:26, NIV)... Philip was having great success preaching the gospel in Samaria. It must not have made sense when an angel told him to go out to that desert road, but there was a man, the treasurer of Ethiopia, traveling by there in a chariot who was reading the book of Isaiah. When Philip explained to him that Isaiah was talking about how Jesus came as the Savior, the man believed, was baptized, and had his life changed forever. Like this man, because you honor God, right now there’s a Philip chasing your chariot. There are blessings that God has ordained to track you down, people who will use their influence, their knowledge, and their experience to push you forward. When you take time to put God first, to go to the house of the Lord, don’t be surprised if on your way home, if sometime this week, sometime this month, Philip shows upsomething unusual happens, an unexpected blessing. It’s the hand of God. Prayer : Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that You know where the good breaks are, the right connections, the opportunities that will thrust me into my purpose. Thank You that when I keep You first, Your goodness will rain down with blessings. I believe that Philip is already on the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
16.01.2022 God Is Enough For Me! Genesis 22:8: Abraham said, God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son. So they went both of them together.... When one thing after another went down on spiral, things can be very intimidating. First thing come to mind is ‘WHAT IF?’. I don’t have to think twice about it, it is the auto mode of my mind. When you thought it was bad enough, yet you found out something even worse came after that. What if it never gets better? What if it gets worse? What if it never..? Sounds familiar? I find myself worried, fearful and hopeless in the midst of it. I know I was not the only one and I hope you can relate with me. It took me a good long time to be able to digest and look at it differently. The truth is, any of those worst things could happen. We live in the broken world. No one is free from pain and struggle. When I brought all my questions and frustrations to God, He replied me with a question, Am I enough? That’s one heavy question! If I am really honest to admit, I don’t want to give up my dreams and my heart desires. In fact they are good things that (I thought) will glorify God. But deep down, much of my longings were centered on the things I wanted. I knew it frustrated me because I felt entitled to it as if I had some kind of hidden contract with God, in which part of my obedience was rooted in my expectation of a payback*. I sobbed as I saw this honest brutal truth. I do not want to love Jesus for what He can do; I want to love Him for who He is. God is so good to reveal my filthy heart. If it was not because of His mercy and grace, I would not be able to see it. In fact, I cannot fix my heart with my own strength and will. I need God’s constant help and grace to keep surrendering, letting go of my longings, and instead making Him my desire, day by day, moment by moment. Is Christ enough? Perhaps, it will take me a lifetime to experience and be amazed by it; yet, it is one of the most liberating journeys I could ever walk in. HE truly IS enough. Even if the very worst happens, God is with us. He will carry us and He is still GOOD! Happy Good Friday, and God will provide....amen.
16.01.2022 Break Out of the Mold Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him. He held fast to the LORD and did not stop following himAnd the LORD was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook. (2 Kings 18:57, NIV)... Hezekiah’s father was King Ahaz of Judah, who set up idols for the people to worship and closed the doors of the temple. He didn’t honor God, and the nation went downhill and became very poor. Hezekiah was raised in an environment of compromise, defeat, and mediocrity. He could have turned out like his dad and adapted to that environment, but when he became king, the first thing Hezekiah did was to reopen the temple. He turned the nation back toward God. You may be in some kind of limited environment. If Hezekiah were here today, he would tell you, You can break out of the mold. You can be the difference maker. You can be the one who sets your family on a course to honoring God, a course of blessing, favor, and victory. Recondition your mind, start thinking better, believing that you’re a can-do person, knowing that you have seeds of greatness, and you too will break barriers that you thought were impossible. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that I can break out of the mold and be a difference maker. Thank You that I can live a life that honors You and is a blessing to my family. I declare that I will not live a life of compromise, but rather one of favor and victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
16.01.2022 Young at Heart A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life; jealousy rots it away. (Proverbs 14:30, TLB)... No matter what age you are, you can be young at heart, full of faith, energy, and creativity. Your spirit never ages. It doesn’t have to get old and grouchy. You can stay young in spirit. The way that happens is to give no place to the negative. Get in a habit of emptying out any offenses, knowing that God is in control and will do what He promised despite what comes against you. Empty out the worry and anxiety. If you made a mistake, empty out the guilt. If you didn’t do your best, empty out the regret. If you were upset because you didn’t get the credit you deserved, empty out the self-pity. If you had a bad break, and you don’t understand why, empty out the questions. Don’t try to figure it out. If you get good at emptying out the negative every day, you’ll be strong, vibrant, full of faith, and full of joy. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that I never need to get old in my heart, and that I can stay young and vibrant in my spirit. I choose to empty out the worry, mistakes, and offenses and let negative things go. Fill me with joy to overflowing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
15.01.2022 *BERDAMAI DENGAN MASA LALU* *_Markus 9:50 Garam memang baik, tetapi jika garam menjadi hambar, dengan apakah kamu mengasinkannya? Hendaklah kamu selalu mempunyai garam dalam dirimu dan selalu hidup berdamai yang seorang dengan yang lain._* Pengalaman Yusuf dengan saudara-saudaranya tentu membuat hatinya hancur dan menggoncang imannya.... Saudara-saudara Yusuf iri hati dan benci padanya sehingga memasukkannya ke dalam sumur dan menjualnya ke Mesir. Tapi Tuhan menyertai Yusuf dan tetap melimpahkan kasih setiaNya padanya, sehingga ia akhirnya mempunyai kuasa di Mesir. Namun Yusuf akhirnya memaafkan saudara-saudaranya, memberi mereka tempat di Mesir, dan menghindarkan mereka dari bencana kelaparan. Ia bahkan tidak mengingat-ingat lagi segala yang buruk yang pernah mereka perbuat padanya. *_Tetapi sekarang, janganlah bersusah hati dan janganlah menyesali diri, karena kamu menjual aku ke sini, sebab untuk memelihara kehidupanlah Allah menyuruh aku mendahului kamu (Kejadian 45:5)._* Kita pasti pernah mengalami pengalaman kurang menyenangkan seperti tidak dihargai, disakiti atau dibohongi oleh orang lain bahkan orang yang kita sayangi. Dan mungkin saja rasa sakit dari kejadian itu masih melekat sampai saat ini walaupun sudah lama berlalu. Tapi kita harus yakin bahwa semua yang terjadi ada dalam kewenangan Tuhan dan semua yang terjadi tidak akan melebihi kekuatan kita. Tuhan mampu mengubah kepahitan di masa lalu menjadi masa depan yang cerah asal kita mau mempercayakan semuanya padaNya. Tuhan akan menjadi kekuatan kita saat orang lain membuat kita lemah, Ia mampu melakukan segala sesuatu yang mungkin tidak terpikirkan sama sekali. Seperti Yusuf, hendaknya kita lebih memilih mencari kehendak Tuhan atas semua yang terjadi dalam hidup daripada menyesalinya. Percaya bahwa Tuhan akan mendatangkan hal baik dalam hidup kita meskipun harus didahului kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan. Semua orang penah melakukan kesalahan dan semua orang pernah menyakiti hati orang lain dengan sengaja ataupun tidak. Namun kesempatan untuk berubah selalu ada dan bahkan Tuhan berkali-kali memberi kita kesempatan untuk memohon ampun atas dosa-dosa kita dan memperbaiki diri. *Kita pun selayaknya memberi maaf pada siapapun yang pernah menyakiti hati kita. Karena Tuhan memberi kita hari baru setiap hari, seperti lembaran kosong yang akan kita isi dengan cerita yang baru. Berdamailah dengan masa lalu dengan melupakan hal menyakitkan yang pernah terjadi dan lanjutkan hidup kita dengan penuh sukacita.* Tetap semangat dlm Tuhan Yesus Kristus, terus berjuang dan Tuhan mengasihi selalu.
10.01.2022 Unprecedented Favor "And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe" (Ephesians 1:19, AMPC)... Every one of us can say that, in our lives, God has been good to us. We’ve all seen God’s favor at work. He has protected us, promoted us and opened doors for us. That’s God’s favor. But I believe that in the coming days, God wants to show us unprecedented favorthat’s favor like we haven’t seen before. In today’s verse, Paul said that in the ages to come, we would see the immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness of God’s favor. What’s interesting is that Paul wrote this passage ages ago. I believe that we are now living in the ages to come that Paul was talking about. I believe you and I are going to see this unprecedented favor! The word unprecedented means unmatched, unparalleled, for the first time. In other words, you may have seen God’s favor in the past, but you need to get ready. You haven’t seen anything yet. What God has in your future is going to be bigger, better, greaterunprecedented! He is going to show you His goodness in ways you’ve never seen before. Keep standing, keep praying, keep putting Him first and watch His unprecedented favor come on every area of your life! Prayer: "Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You for this day and age I’m living in. I believe that You created me for such a time as this. By faith, I receive Your unprecedented favor as I serve You with my whole heart in Jesus’ name. Amen."
09.01.2022 *TUHAN MEMELIHARA* *_Mazmur 55:23 "Serahkanlah kuatirmu kepada TUHAN, maka Ia akan memelihara engkau! Tidak untuk selama-lamanya dibiarkan-Nya orang benar itu goyah."_* Tak bisa dipungkiri, dunia saat ini dipenuhi berbagai gejolak di segala aspek kehidupan. Semua orang tanpa terkecuali merasakan dampak dari situasi yang ada. Namun tidak seharusnya hal ini mengejutkan kita orang percaya, sebab Alkitab sudah menyatakan bahwa menjelang kedatangan Tuhan kali yang kedua akan masa-masa yang sukar yang merupakan masa yang sangat menentukan bagi perjalanan kekristenan kita. Masa-masa sukar adalah masa ujian bagi kita, masa pemurnian iman, masa penentuan apakah kita terus melangkah maju atau mengalami kemunduran rohani. *_"sekali kelak pekerjaan masing-masing orang akan nampak. Karena hari Tuhan akan menyatakannya, sebab ia akan nampak dengan api dan bagaimana pekerjaan masing-masing orang akan diuji oleh api itu. Jika pekerjaan yang dibangun seseorang tahan uji, ia akan mendapat upah." (1 Korintus 3:13-14)._* Menghadapi situasi berat ini banyak orang berkata, "Kuatir itu wajar, sebab sebagai manusia kita pasti punya banyak kelemahan." Hal ini pun seringkali kita jadikan dalih ketika kita sedang merasa kuatir. "Siapakah di antara kamu yang karena kekuatirannya dapat menambahkan sehasta saja pada jalan hidupnya?" (Matius 6:27). Kekuatiran tidak dapat menyelesaikan persoalan, malahan menambah beban hidup kita, menguras energi dan pikiran, serta membuang waktu kita secara percuma. *_"Bukankah hidup itu lebih penting dari pada makanan dan tubuh itu lebih penting dari pada pakaian?" (Matius 6:25),_* sebab *_"...Kerajaan Allah bukanlah soal makanan dan minuman, tetapi soal kebenaran, damai sejahtera dan sukacita oleh Roh Kudus." (Roma 14:17)._* *Ketika Tuhan masih memberikan kehidupan ini, Dia jugalah yang akan memelihara kehidupan kita.* Tetap semangat dlm Tuhan Yesus Kristus, terus berjuang dan Tuhan mengasihi selalu. Amin
08.01.2022 Speak to Your Mountain The tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21, NIV)... Words have creative power. They can be very helpful like electricity. Used the right way, electricity powers all kinds of good things. But electricity used the wrong way can harm or even kill you. It’s the same way with our words. Whether we speak positive or negative words, we will reap what we sow. If you’re always speaking words of defeat and failure, you’re going to live in a pretty miserable world. Use your words to change your negative situations and fill them with life. The Scripture clearly tells us to speak to our mountains. Maybe your mountain is a sickness, a college debt, or a floundering business. Whatever your mountain is, speak to that obstacle. The Scripture says, Let the weak say, ‘I am strong!’ Start calling yourself healed, happy, whole, blessed, and prosperous. God is a miracle-working God. Stop talking to God about how big your mountains are and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is! Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You for the creative power that You give my words to change my life. Help me to give my faith a voice by speaking words of life and blessing over myself and my future daily. I declare that You are greater than any mountain I face. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
07.01.2022 Walk Away Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21, NIV)... When David was a teenager, his oldest brother, Eliab, spoke to him in the most condescending, disrespectful, and accusatory way in front of others (see 1 Samuel 17:28). Rest assured that David felt like telling his brother off, but he kept his mouth closed, turned and walked away. Seeing such self-discipline, it’s no wonder God entrusted David to do great things. You know that if you argue long enough with someone, you’re going to say things you regret later. A ten-minute argument can set the relationship back ten years. You have to learn to walk away. You’re not going to accomplish anything positive in a heated, disrespectful, contentious situation. Let them have the last word, and you keep your peace. The Scripture says that you overcome evil with good. You don’t overcome disrespect with more disrespect, or overcome insult with insult, or overcome shouting with more shouting. You do it by staying respectful. You be the first to walk away. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that in every way possible Jesus overcame evil by doing good. Thank You for giving me the grace to overcome evil by doing good as well. Help me to stay respectful in all of my conversations and every situation and walk away when necessary. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
07.01.2022 Clean House Asa conducted himself well before GOD, reviving the ways of his ancestor David. He cleaned houseand threw out all the idols his predecessors had made. (1 Kings 15:1112, MSG)... King Asa took the throne of Judah and boldly removed the idols and pagan altars that his predecessors had allowed. He put a stop to what had been stopping Judah from prospering. When an army of a million men attacked Judah, Asa called out to God for help, and the Lord defeated that army with Judah taking an abundance of plunder. Do you need to do some house cleaning? Are you letting things hang around that you know are not good? You need to put a stop to it before it stops you. You may need to remove the anger, the jealousy, the bitterness, a critical spirit. Remove it, and God will take you to a new level. He’ll make things happen that you could never make happen. Sometimes we think things on the outside are stopping us, but if we would look inside and remove what we know is not the best, we would see God’s favor in new ways. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that I can take the bold steps to remove those things I need to get out of my life. I can’t do it on my own, so I ask You for help to break and get rid of whatever needs to be removed. Help me clean my house. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
05.01.2022 *MEMAHAMI CARA TUHAN BERKERJA* Yesaya 55:8 "Sebab rancangan-Ku bukanlah rancanganmu, dan jalanmu bukanlah jalan-Ku, demikianlah firman TUHAN. Situasi dan kondisi sekitar kita seringkali membentuk sikap hati dan pikiran kita, bahkan turut menentukan besar kecilnya iman kita kepada Tuhan. ... Mengapa? Karena dengan melihat, ukuran yang kita pakai adalah sudut pandang manusia, sehingga pancaindera kita yang berbicara: ia mengendalikan sukacita kita, mengendalikan ketenangan kita, mengendalikan damai sejahtera kita, mengendalikan semangat dan motivasi kita. Akhirnya banyak diantara kita yg menjalani hidupnya dengan letih lesu, keluh-kesah, persungutan, muram dan penuh omelan. Ketika menderita sakit parah kita menyerah dan putus asa; ketika rumah tangga goncang, hubungan suami-isteri tidak harmonis, secepat kilat kita memutuskan bercerai; ketika ekonomi sulit dan mengalami krisis kita pun berusaha mencari pertolongan kepada dunia, tidak peduli jalan itu sesat. "...hidup karena percaya, bukan karena melihat..." (2 Korintus 5:7). Selama fokus kita kepada apa yang terlihat oleh mata, maka kita akan menjalani hari-hari dengan penuh ketakutan, kekuatiran dan kecemasan. "...yang kutakutkan, itulah yang menimpa aku, dan yang kucemaskan, itulah yang mendatangi aku. Aku tidak mendapat ketenangan dan ketenteraman; aku tidak mendapat istirahat, tetapi kegelisahanlah yang timbul." (Ayub 3:25-26). Namun jika kita hidup karena percaya, maka kita akan memahami cara Tuhan bekerja. Dan cara Tuhan itu selalu heran dan ajaib. "Adakah sesuatu apapun yang mustahil untuk TUHAN?" (Kejadian 18:14a). Semakin kita memahami cara Tuhan bekerja, semakin kita berjalan dalam iman dan memiliki penyerahan diri penuh kepada-Nya. Dengan iman kita beroleh kemampuan Ilahi untuk melihat apa yang tidak sanggup dilihat oleh mata jasmani. Hal itu menjadikan kita tetap sabar dan terus bertekun menantikan-nantikan Tuhan. Tuhan selalu punya cara untuk menolong kita, karena itu jangan batasi dengan logika kita!Amin.
04.01.2022 Promotion For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7, NKJV)... God doesn’t choose the way people choose. People look on the outside. God looks on the heart. God knew that if He could trust David to take care of sheep and to be faithful when things weren’t going his way, He could trust him to take care of His people. David went from being a shepherd to being the next king. Nobody voted for him. This wasn’t a democracy. If it had been, he wouldn’t have received one vote. Nobody in Israel knew who he was at that time. His father didn’t even believe in him. When God is ready to promote you, He doesn’t take a vote. He doesn’t check to see who likes you, who’s for you, or how popular you are. It’s not a vote. It’s an appointment. Promotion doesn’t come from people. It comes from the Lord. When it’s your time to be promoted, no person, no bad break, no disappointment, and no enemy can stop you. God has the one and only vote. He has the final say. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You that You are not limited to seeing me as other people see me. Thank You that You see my heart, and You know my faithfulness to You. I believe that promotion comes from You, and You have the final say. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
04.01.2022 How Will You Accomplish Your Dreams? "...'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6, NASB)... Are you facing a situation that seems impossible? Have you been fighting a battle for a long time? The key is: don’t go around talking about how big the problem is. Don’t go around confessing that you’re never going to make it. No, start declaring, The gracious hand of God is upon my life! When you realize God’s hand of favor is upon you, you will accomplish your dreams faster than you thought! When those thoughts of doubt come, declare the truth of God’s Word! "How are you going to get out of debt?" The gracious hand of God is upon my life. "How are you going to get well? The gracious hand of God is upon my life. "How are you going to break that addiction? The gracious hand of God. "How are you going to accomplish your dreams? The gracious hand of God! The more you brag on God’s favor, the more you declare and believe His promises, the more you’ll see His favor. As you keep standing in faith, as You keep hoping in Him as well as in His love and grace, you’ll see His promises manifest in your life. You’ll experience His favor and victory and see every dream and desire come to pass! Prayer : "Dear Heavenly Abba Father God, thank You for placing Your dreams and desires within me and for creating a plan to bring them to pass. Even when I can’t see a way, I trust that You are making a way. You are the author and the finisher of my dreams. You are so good, and today I declare that Your gracious hand is upon every area of my life in Jesus’ name! Amen."
03.01.2022 Life Is Short, Lets Make It Sweet! Seorang wanita muda tengah duduk santai di dalam bis yang melaju ke tengah kota. DI satu pemberhentian bis, seorang wanita tua yang cerewet dan berisik naik ke dalam bis dan duduk di samping wanita muda tadi. Tas-tas bawaannya yang berat dia tumpuk begitu saja di atas kursi, membuat wanita muda itu harus menggeser duduknya sambil setengah terjepit di antara tas-tas berat dan jendela bis. Seorang pemuda yang duduk di bangku sebelah melihat ...kejadian itu dengan kesal, dan bertanya kepada wanita muda itu, "Kenapa kamu tidak bicara saja, katakan pada wanita tua itu bahwa kamu jadi terganggu..." Wanita muda itu menjawab sambil tersenyum: "Aku rasa tidak perlu bersikap kasar dan beradu argumentasi untuk sesuatu yang sepele seperti ini, perjalan bersama kita ini terlalu singkat. Saya juga akan turun di perhentian bis berikutnya di depan nanti" Jawaban wanita muda tadi sangat pantas untuk ditulis dengan huruf emas: *_"Kita tidak perlu berdebat untuk sesuatu yang sepele. Perjalanan kita bersama amat singkat."_* Alangkah indahnya kalau masing-masing kita bisa menyadari bahwa perjalanan hidup kita di dunia ini sangat singkat; sehingga kita tidak akan membuang waktu untuk membuat perjalanan hidup kita jadi suram dengan macam-macam perdebatan, atau dengan adu argumentasi yang sengit dan tajam. Kalau kita tahu bahwa perjalan hidup ini begitu singkat, maka kita tidak akan mau membuang tenaga dengan terus mengeluh, merasa tidak puas, bersikap mencari-cari kesalahan...karena semua hanya membuang waktu kita di perjalanan yang singkat ini. Apakah seseorang sudah melukai bahkan menghancurkan hatimu? Tetaplah tenang, perjalanan hidupmu terlalu singkat. Apakah seseorang sudah menghianati kamu, mengejek-ejek kamu, menipu atau bahkan menghina kamu? Tetaplah tenang, maafkan mereka, karena perjalanan hidup kita sangat singkat. Apapun masalah yang dibuat oleh orang lain kepada kita, mari kita selalu ingat bahwa perjalanan hidup kita sangat singkat. Tidak seorang pun yang tahu kapan perjalanan hidupnya akan berakhir. Tidak ada orang yang tahu kapan dia akan tiba di perhentian bis yang berikutnya. Perjalanan hidup kita bersama sangat singkat. Sobat2 ku, mari kita saling memberikan kebahagiaan kepada keluarga dan teman-teman kita. Mari kita saling menaruh hormat, saling berbuat baik dan saling memaafkan satu dengan yang lain. Mari kita isi hidup ini dengan rasa syukur dan bersukacita selalu. Kalau saya pernah menyakiti hati kamu, saya mohon dimaafkan. Bila kamu pernah menyakiti hatiku, saya sudah memaafkan kamu. Karena... perjalanan hidup kita sangat singkat. *_"Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet."_ - Sarah Louise Delany* May your journey be sweet !
03.01.2022 Without the Betrayal Jesus said to Judas, Friend, do what you came for. (Matthew 26:50, AMP)... When Judas betrayed and tried to stop Jesus, it seemed like a bad break. But Jesus had known that Judas was going to betray Him, and He hadn’t tried to stop him. Jesus understood that betrayal was a part of His destiny. Had Judas not betrayed Him, there wouldn’t have been a crucifixion, and without the cross there wouldn’t have been a resurrection, and without a resurrection we wouldn’t have redemption. The man who sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver was critical to His destiny. What am I saying? Don’t complain about that person who betrayed you. If they walked away, they didn’t set you back; they set you up. If that had not happened, you wouldn’t get to where you’re supposed to be. If they tried to push you down and lied about you, it may not have been fair, but nothing happens by accident. If God allowed it, He knows how to use it for your good. Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You for Your promise that You can take the things that are meant to harm me and use them for my good. I receive this word and choose to remain at rest and not complain. It may not feel good, but I declare that it is all good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
01.01.2022 How Badly Do You Want It? Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. (Daniel 6:3, NIV)... How badly do you want that promotion at work? Badly enough to get to work early, to do more than what’s required, to take that extra course online to sharpen your skills? If not, you don’t want it badly enough. You have to stand out in the crowd. Today’s Scripture says that Daniel distinguished himself. He was so excellent in his work, so skilled, so sharp, and had such a great attitude that he stood out among all the other young men. The king gave him a position of great leadership. It doesn’t say, God distinguished Daniel, made him stand out, made him excel. It says that Daniel distinguished himself. He was willing to do what the other young men wouldn’t do. It wasn’t so much that he was more talented or more gifted; it was the fact that he wanted it more than they did. The question is, how big is your want-to? Prayer: Dear Abba Father God in heaven, thank You for the gifts and talents and seeds of greatness that You’ve given me. Thank You that I have the opportunity to distinguish myself and become all You created me to be. I’m going to take steps to grow. I’m going to come up higher and excel. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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