Living Ayurveda in Aldgate, South Australia | Medical and health
Living Ayurveda
Locality: Aldgate, South Australia
Phone: +61 421 601 715
Address: Aldgate Healing Center, 3 Theodore Lane 5154 Aldgate, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Today I feel vulnerable and tired. I've been doing too much again! Being still and resting too little. I am sharing this to practice what does not come naturally to me...being vulnerable. ... I recognise that my pattern of caring for others more than myself still runs deep. It started in childhood, as many of our patterns do. So, instead of striving to overcome it... I am learning to befriend this trait and keep turning this pattern back onto myself. I am practising speaking my needs and setting boundaries. I continue to practice self love and self care and honouring rest. This is my life long medicine and learning. Continuing to work with my own patterns enriches my work and how I can help many women with the same or similar stories. I am a work in progress... always striving to understand myself more deeply and share my learning. May it be useful.
25.01.2022 Life gets on top us of sometimes. It can be easy to reach for the quick fix of sugar, wine or coffee to either keep you going or give that well deserved reward at the end of a day. Or may you have found that certain habits that you know keep you feeling good, have slowly fallen away? ... It happens! It can feel hard to get back on track by yourself.... That's why I've created a Free Five Day Sacred Self Care Challenge to support you in re-establishing some special self care connection and habits! If you feel like you have gone a little off track with your health why not join me and hit the reset button! We'll have a fun week of setting intentions, learning new or, maybe revisting well known but rusty sacred self care habits and feeling the supportive energy and motivation of our group. Woo hoo!! you can join us here - I would Love to see you there taking some time for you!
25.01.2022 Your body is like a beautiful instrument. It can sing in harmony with the rhythms of nature... or it can become discordant and feel clunky and heavy...out of tune. ... Your divine instrument will not easily stay in tune without your love and care. It needs your attention for where your focus goes, your energy flows. You can nourish and tune your body up with your intention and attention. This can come in many ways and forms. Breath work. Meditation. Yoga. Massage. Good food and nourishing company. How do you keep your divine instrument in tune? If you feel like it is time for a tune up I invite you to join my Free Sacred Self Care Five Day Challenge. Join us here - Over Five days I'll support you in Coming back to your centre and cultivating inner calm. Nourishing your body and nervous system Re-establishing your rhythms Strengthening your digestion, and Growing your positive outlook With your intention and love your body can be radiant and sing with the harmony of the heavens! Are you in? See more
24.01.2022 Do you want to know what my guilty pleasure is? Ok....but first... I hope that you have been enjoying my posts on the 6 tastes and their effect our body. ... I find it so fascinating! I love how Ayurveda reminds us that we are a part of nature. These beautiful 5 elements earth, water, fire, air and space....where, indeed what would we be without them? There are a few things I couldn't live without in my diet... broccoli, sweet potato, mung beans (true!) and rocket. But my guilty pleasure is chocolate. Dark and ideally raw I love love love it! I know dark chocolate has plenty of good health benefits but I also know that sometimes...I have too much! More than is good for me! Ok....that's my confession... Want to share yours?? by Sarah Graue @littlecarphotography
22.01.2022 Looks like we are back to soup weather! And just as I was enjoying my favourite Spring salad a few days ago! Ah Spring you fickle season you! Our digestion and get knocked around as the season changes. It is good to keep your food easy to digest until the warmer days are really here. ... I'm excited to be on retreat these next few days sharing the wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with a group of wonderful women! And...oh the joy...being completely catered for with delicious seasonal, Ayurveda food by the wonderful @momo_vego catering! Enjoy your soups and stay warm and well!
22.01.2022 HOT HOT HOT!! Yep you guessed it! The next taste profile we are looking at is Pungent aka Spicy! The pungent taste is found in most hot spices like chili, cayenne, black pepper, cloves and ginger and also includes onion and garlic, mustard and radishes. ... The spicy taste is hot and dry as it is made of the fire and air elements. Remembering the principle of LIke Increases Like means the spicy taste increases heat in the body. Makes sense right!? Too much can create irritability, dryness, burning, diarrhoea or constipation due to the dryness of it heat. It aggravates skin conditions, peptic ulcer and create nausea. As it increases the air elements excess spicy foods can create insomnia, dizziness and tremors. As Opposites Create Balance when there is too much damp or cold the spicy taste is great! Think ginger and lemon tea when we have a cold; or using spices to fire up sluggish digestion. There are certainly varying degrees of heat in spicy foods. For example cumin is pungent but is mild compared to a jalepeno! Listening to your body's reaction to food is key to learning how to use food as medicine! What is your favourite taste? Spicy or sweet? Sour or salty? Mine would have to be sweet!
22.01.2022 Sour pickles...sourdough...sauerkraut. Hello sour taste! The sour taste is common in our western diet. Often it is added to food as a condiment and is very useful this way as it aids digestion. The sour taste gets your juices flowing and stimulates your metabolism. ... Have you even sucked on a lemon!? Hello saliva! It helps clear liver stagnation and keeps bile flowing well. The sour taste is made of the fire and earth elements and has a heating effect in the body. Sour foods include all fermented foods and drink like alcohol, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, soy sauce and yogurt. It also includes sour fruits like granny smith apples, oranges, tomatoes and some berries. Too much sour taste can create excess heat, burning sensation in the body, dizziness, diarrhoea, thirst, hyper-acidity and ulcers. The sour taste commonly aggravates skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and prickly heat rashes. If you experience these heat related symptoms reducing the sour taste in your diet can help create balance. Cooling foods with the bitter taste is a good antidote to too much sour taste. Interestingly lemons taste sour but their action is not sour in the body! They are the rebel of sour foods and don't follow the rules. Bananas however taste sweet but have a sour post digestive effect making them heating...sneaky bananas! Do you like or crave sour foods? Check in in again tomorrow to learn abut the salty taste!
22.01.2022 Do you ever experience sensory overload? By the end of the day are your eyes are tired and maybe even light sensitive? Your ears have taken in all they can. Food is... meh... and smells may give you a headache. Even your skin may feel irritated or sensitive.... You just want to stop the world, get off for a moment and quieten under a quilt or in child's pose! Our world is built on sensory information....but too much creates overwhelm and fries our nervous system. Our senses help us to recognise when we have had enough and when it is time to rest. They are like finely tuned barometers that give us a reading, or clues, like my examples above, that is it time to switch off the devices, slow down and draw our loving and nourishing attention back inward to ourselves. Where your attention goes your life forceenergy, your Prana, flows. How your prana flows determines how you body and your mind function.This is why meditation and visualisations are so incredibly effective and help tocreate wellbeing. In yoga, the 5th out of the 8 limbs is called Pratyahara. Loosely this translates as 'withdrawal of your sense organs from external stimuli". Pratyahara is considered the gateway between the outward limbs of yoga of how to be in the world, and care for our bodywith Asana and Pranayama; and the inner limbs of creating single pointed concentration,meditation and ultimately enlightenment, thecomplete integration of your own divinity with the great divine. Practicing pratyahara brings deep nourishment to your whole being. It dispels sensory overload, strengthens your nervous system and brings you more into you own inner peace andwisdom. And, it can be as simple as closing your eyes and consciously slowing your breath. Or taking a nap. Or going on retreat to really allow the stimulation of everyday life fall away. Do your senses need a rest? Imagine 4 says just for you! Only 3 rooms now available for my Autumn Feminine Vitality Yoga and Ayurveda Retreat! Dm me for an info brochure! Xx jacq
22.01.2022 Like Increases Like and Opposites Creates Balance Yesterday I shared the concept of Rasa, or taste, and the connection to the 5 elements and their qualities. ... Understanding how a food can increase or decrease these elements in your body brings us to our second principle of Like Increases Like and Opposites Creates Balance! When you are experiencing an excess of one or more elements/qualities AND you eat foods that share these qualities they will naturally increase in your system. Like increase like! Quite simply eating food with the opposite qualities will bring the balance back! For example: The sweet taste is made of the cool and heavy elements earth and water. Its qualities in right amount creates stability, body mass, feeling grounded and content. Beneficial sweet foods are dates, most grains, most non fermented dairy foods, root vegetables like sweet potato and sweet fruits. Too many sweet foods, especially the poor quality processed sweets, creates too much earth and water elements. This creates the heavy and damp qualities of excess weight gain, lethargy, heaviness, mucous, low appetite and dullness. If you are experiencing these symptoms you can choose foods that have the opposite qualities to create balance. This could be foods that are lighter in nature like most vegetables and greens, or dry like crackers; or lighter to digest like warm soup. As always in Ayurveda your ability to digest a food is very important. And if you are not hungry...don't eat! Simple right! Join me tomorrow to explore the next taste and its action in the body.
21.01.2022 It's Retreat time again! I'm so looking forward to leading another group of beautiful women for 4 days of Retreat. We all need some time for rest and replenishment. To fill our heart cups! ... It fills my cup too , to be sharing what I love for these women! Yoga and Meditation, Ayurvedic Wisdom sessions, exploring what it means to embody our Feminine energy and tap into our vitality! Oh and not to forget the delicious and nourishing Ayurvedic food created just for us! Mmm...mmm I can't wait! I'm planning one last retreat before Xmas (yes it is coming!)... for only 7 women on the 20 - 22nd November at beautiful @lapitohouse. DM me if you are ready for a weekend away to nourish your soul! I'll get back to you when I'm back!
21.01.2022 My family! Sometimes I stop and wonder how the years have passed so quickly? How did I come to have a 12 and 14 year old? I swear kids eat time! But I love them so much... as that classic book the moon and back! ... I am truly blessed to have these two healthy and happy kids in my life. Blessed that there have been no broken bones thus far despite all their activities....touch wood! I feel great gratitude to my life partner Brett and how good we are as a team in parenting and life...especially when camping! Seventeen years (unless I have lost count... which is possible! ) and going strong! We have both followed our passions and run our own businesses so you can imagine that life is very full sometimes! But we wouldn't have it any other way! Wishing you all a beautiful weekend with your loved ones whether they be friends, family, your cat or dog, or with nature and our blossoming Spring here in Adelaide. May you chillax, sit in the sun and be content.
21.01.2022 Hello last days of Winter! We are now in Kapha time when the earth and water elements are often elevated. Earth- Prithvi and Water- Jala ... in right quantity they give us stability and lubrication. Stamina and strength. ... Their qualities are heavy, cool, dense, stable and water is fluid. In excess they make mud! Well not exactly but mix earth and water together and it is mucky. This shows up in the body as excess mucous, feelings of heaviness, lethargy and dullness in body and mind. Appetite can be low. At this time of year as the sap in the trees starts to rise again, and the warmth of the sun starts to return we can feel a release of winters accumulations and experience excess Kapha. To balance Kapha and create a smooth transition into Spring, you want to invite the opposite qualities that water and earth naturally have. The name of the game is lightness, warmth, and movement. Now is the time to lighten your diet. Use more warming spices like ginger, turmeric, black pepper and if you have excess mucous add a pinch of cayenne. Eat more vegetables and greens than wheat and meat. Eat more easy to digest foods like soups. And move! Your body is designed to move! It is time to get back into a routine of walking, running, skipping dancing...what ever your body enjoys and can handle! Balance Kapha and get your lymph moving to clear winter sludge and hit Spring feeling good! See more
19.01.2022 Ayurveda and food..what a big topic! Do you get confused with the amount of diet info out there? How do you now what foods are right for you? ... Stay tuned for some posts on how to use your food as medicine.
17.01.2022 Food as Medicine...Navigating the world of food for health can be overwhelming and confusing. There is so much information out there how do you know what is right for you? It seems that as a society, we are more obsessed with cooking programs on TV but we less connected than ever with our bodily processes! ... Over three posts I'll share three key principles to help you reconnect with your innate body wisdom, trust what your body is asking for and know how to use food as medicine once again! Today's topic is... The 5 elements and how they relate to the 6 tastes Ayurveda reminds us that we are a part of nature. We are made of the same building blocks as nature. Earth, water, fire, air and space. Each of these elements has their own qualities. Space is empty, light, subtle and all pervading Air is light, dry, mobile and cold. Fire is hot, sharp, penetrating and luminous. Water is moist, fluid, heavy, soft, viscous, and cold; and Earth is heavy, hard, dense and slow. These five elements, and their qualities, (Gunas) are ubiquitous: they are everywhere and in everything! Can you see how sometimes you are warm or cold; mobile or slow; dry or moist; feeling sharp or dense; light or heavy? We each have our own unique blend of these elements that make up our psycho/biological/emotional blueprint. This means that what creates health and balance in me is probably not the same as what makes you feel good. So, how does this relate to using food as medicine? Ayurveda classifies food according to its taste (rasa), post digestive effect (vipaka), subtle temperature (virya), subtle quality (Guna), seasonal compatibility and special quality (Prabhav). Today we are going to explore the taste, Rasa. According to Ayurveda there are 6 tastes: Sweet, sour, salty, pungent (spicy), bitter and astringent. Each taste is made up of predominantly two of the five elements. Check out the picture! A foods Rasa, taste,, affects every layer of our being; physically, emotionally, mentally and our subtle bodies too. Through these five elements we are all connected with nature and each other! Tune in again tomorrow to discover how a food can increase or decrease these elements in your body and mind.
16.01.2022 The change of seasons often impacts us more than we give it credit for. As we shift out of the longer days and outward (Pavritti) energy of Summer and start to turn inward (Nivritti) towards Winter it is common to feel more tired. During this subtle transition into the cooler months of Autumn, the Air/Wind elements rises as do it's qualities that are dry, light, mobile and spacious. ... Perhaps your skin is suddenly dry after the warmth of summer. Or you feel more bloated and experience wind or an erratic appetite. Or the lightness of the Air element can make you feel more scattered and even anxious. If so you are experiencing an excess of Vata, the air element. It is so important to stop this rise of the Air element in it's tracks. This element governs our nervous system which is the governing principle of all functions in our body. Manage your Vata and many other ailments from digestive issues to hormone imbalance, from hot flushes too irregular cycles, settle right down! If you would like my support in creating more balance and health in your life I now have space for 3 more mentoring clients over the months of Autumn. DM me or book a free discovery call in the link in my bio to have a chat! xx Jacq
16.01.2022 Is it time to hit the reset button? Are you ready to amp up your self love and self care? If your heart cries a resounding yes!! Then I hope you will join my Free Five Day Sacred Self Care Challenge! Winter is the perfect time to slow down and take a little more care of yourself. ... And at times we all need a little more grounding, nourishment and self care practices to fill our cups. Join me live Monday to Friday this week at 1pm in our private Sacred Self Care Challenge Facebook Group as I reveal the practice for each day. You can join here - If you can't be there live you can catch the recording whenever you can in our private page! I look forward to connecting in the group and supporting your deeper wellness and self care! xx jacq See more
15.01.2022 Sex hormones are nice but stress hormones are essential! Hi there! I hope that you are enjoying my information on hormone balancing. Yesterday I shared how your stress hormone cortisol is a key player in disrupting hormone balance and health. ... Now let's see who takes up the slack when your adrenals get tired of pumping out high levels of cortisol.... Drum roll please! ....Enter progesterone! Progesterone is an important little player! It supports bone density, regulates your cycles & thyroid function, helps to balance estrogen (boosting it if low, or regulating it and thus protecting against estrogen dominant growths like fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis and fibroids), it supports libido, helps normalise blood sugars, is good for skin and hair and is a natural antidepressant! And it can, when demand arises, be a precursor to cortisol. Now, progesterone naturally starts to decrease at about age 35. This is not a problem unlessunless you have TOO MUCH STRESS. When your adrenals become tired progesterone will morph into cortisol to meet the ongoing demands of stress on the body. This lowers progesterone which can create estrogen dominance with its many complications - fibroids, heavy bleeding, cysts, breast cell growth. Or if estrogen is also low, a depletion of both of your sex hormones creating insomnia, anxiety irregular cycles. The crux of this story? Your body will always prioritise balancing your stress hormones over your sex hormones. Your body will always favour survival over reproduction. I'll say it again... Sex hormones are nice but stress hormones are essential! This science tells us that perimenopause is the time to not be going full steam ahead like you could in your 20s! It is the time to slow down, reduce stress, do what brings you joy, find time for you and be kind to yourself. What are your hormones and your body asking for right now? I would love to know! Join me tomorrow for tips on how to boost progesterone! x Jacq
15.01.2022 Suppression of natural urges is a big No No in Ayurveda! Ayurveda recognises 14 natural urges... Burping, sneezing, farting, yawning, blinking, coughing, vomiting, weeing and pooing, sleeping, hunger, thirst, crying, and for women menstruating and men ejaculating and rapid breathing after exercise. ... All natural urges! All need to happen! Ayurveda says that these urges should be neither forced nor suppressed as doing so creates pressure in the body and disturbs the autonomic nervous system. Your body is wise. Everything it does is a message for you! Listen up! If you are yawning then it is time for a rest! If you are hungry then it is time to eat! When it is time to go to the toilet as much as possible don't hold really is time to go! Allowing your body to do what it needs to do will help to create more ease in everyday! Do you find yourself suppressing natural urges?
15.01.2022 My dear friend and colleague Denise is running an Art Therapy workshop that I highly recommend! Denise will bring her wisdom, creativity and playfulness to this session. And... I am super excited that Denise is also coming back to my Feminine Vitality Retreat this September to offer one of her beautiful art exploration sessions!... Check out the info for the workshop below!
14.01.2022 Did you know that peri-menopause makes you more intuitive!! The changing levels of both progesterone and estrogen affect the temporal lobe, the site of intuition in your brain. So peri-menopausal hormonal changes actually make your brain more open to intuition! How cool is that!! ... This is why perimenopause is THE time to address long suppressed or ignored emotional needs. It is THE perfect time to make the changes in your life to be living the life that you want to be living with great health and joy! Your intuition wants to support you. She is waiting for your attention! You just have to slow down and quieten your mind so that she can be heard. I know it takes courage to make these changes; to put yourself first without feeling guilty; to integrate your shadows and embrace all of who you are. I know it takes loving mindfulness to slow down and connect with your inner wisdom as you navigate modern living. But it is there that youll receive the guidance and support that will create more ease in your life. How do you slow down and go within? Is it walking in nature? Or meditation? Listening to music, or sitting in stillness and silence? There are many ways! Let me know what your favourites are! Jacq See more
14.01.2022 Only a few single rooms left on our Feminine Vitality Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat! Would you like to experience a few days of deep rejuvenative, nourishment and... connection? Enjoy guided meditations to nourish your soul, yoga for your body and mind and experience the benefits of living in tune with the rhythms of nature to balance your hormones, support good sleep and digestion. Oh and be nourished with delicious catered Ayurbedic vegetarian meals! Sooo yum! I hope that you can join this beautiful group of women on retreat.
14.01.2022 Merry Christmas to You! I want to wish you a very merry and restful festive and holiday season. Whether you celebrate the Christian Christmas, the Jewish Festival of Lights, or Kwanzaa the celebration of African-American culture that begins on Dec 26th and was created in 1966 as a response to the commercialism of Christmas; or any other cultural celebrations, this time of year is often about getting together and spending time with loves ones.... If it’s a day of celebration for you, I hope that it is nourishing you in all the good ways. I hope that you are able to be with those you love and that whatever this crazy year has been for you, you have a joyful day and a restful and rejuvenative holiday time. I am very lucky to have all of my family in Adelaide. This year we are hosting a big family gathering so it will be a bit raucous and fun in the day, with games, gifts, music and food... with perhaps a good movie at the end! Wishing you a very happy and fun Christmas. May you have nourishment and love in abundance! May we all look to 2021 with Hope and Love for all beings. My Last Festive Tip for this Day is to be in love and share that love. Be at peace with yourself and your situation and share your kindness and love with all you encounter. Here is a beautiful Vedic Mantra that can help focus our attention on compassion for all beings. Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all. Namaste
14.01.2022 Feminine Vitality Yoga and Ayurveda Retreat! Last ensuite room left ladies! Who wants it?
14.01.2022 Probably the most therapeutic of all six taste is bitter! My son can't stand anything bitter...and it is the one taste that will most effectively balance out his earthy and watery constitution. I like to think that he has not yet acquired a taste for it...there is time! ... Bitter is the lightest, coldest and driest taste, being composed of the air and space elements, and has the most cleansing effect in the body. It clears heat and damp, cleanses the blood, promotes good flow of bile and supports liver, spleen and pancreas function... all important for digestion. Bitter taste is antibacterial, antiviral and helps to clear intestinal worms from the gut. But in excess its light qualities become too much...too cleansing and can create emaciation, dizziness, dryness, it can dry and weaken the lungs and kidneys, and create a more nervous disposition. Aloe vera is bitter, as is radicchio and other dark leafy greens and the Dandelion weed in your garden is full of nutrients and cleansing properties! Dark chocolate has bitter elements to it...(must be why I love it!! ) Often foods have a combination of tastes. For example Turmeric is bitter and pungent; fennel is sweet pungent. Did you know that you can make your own aloe vera juice? Cut your aloe spears, wash and cut again the last bottom inch of the spear. Slice into 1 inch segments and place in a jar up to 1/3 full then top up with water and leave for 2-3 days in the fridge. Drink 20mlsof the juice each day ideally after lunch to support good digestion and reduce excess heat.
12.01.2022 Why do legumes give some people wind? Sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn't it!? But it is no joke! And the bigger the bean the harder it is to digest! ... Why? Because legumes are astringent in taste. This means their elemental make up is primarily Air and Earth. Air is light, dry, cold and the wind! Earth is cold and heavy. Together these qualities make light and dry foods that have an abundance of the air element. If your digestive capacity, called Agni in Ayurveda, is strong it's warmth and moisture will be able to digest astringent foods well. When Agni is weakened, then astringent food are hard to digestive and tend to cause gas, bloating, constipation, dry mouth, a scattered mind and insomnia. The astringent taste is useful when you need a little drying out. It helps to arrest bleeding by encouraging clotting, slows diarrhoea by binding stool, dries out excess mucous and helps to tone the bodies tissues. Other foods that are astringent are the brassicas ie cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage as well as pomegranates, nutmeg, parsley and the tannins in tea. How do you go with legumes or brassicas? Well cooked with some spices and oil can help you to digest these astringent foods. p.s. if you are still not sure what the astringent taste is like try biting an unripe banana! THAT is astringent!!
11.01.2022 Just between you and me.... I miss working! Don't get me wrong, I also love downtime and know, from experience, how essential it is....But too much downtime and I get restless. ... Like the rhythm of breathing I love the inflow and the outflow. Too much of either is not good! My body wants to move and I love to connect and be of service. So today, I've been in my work sanctuary, where it is peaceful and kid noise! I've been enthusiastically getting ready for seeing clients again next week! I'm also excited to share that I have a few new offerings in the pipeline for this year! Stay tuned! If you are ready for a health upgrade this year why not book for a free chat to see if we are a good fit! You can book here... May 2021 be a year of Good Connections. Good Health, Joy and Ease! xx Jacq
11.01.2022 Is Embodied Wisdom is all about Menopause? Quite simply no, is isn't! My Embodied Wisdom Program is for women who are tired of being tired and are ready to say Yes to their self care and vitality. ... It is for women who want to thrive and have more ease and joy in their life! It is for women who are ready to enjoy feeling centered and present in their life with a nourished nervous system understanding her body better so that everyday choices are easy and intuitive pain free digestion and say good bye to anxiety about what to eat! deep and nourishing sleep for more vitality and energy letting go of old patterns of overdoing and over giving ....AND as a consequence enjoy balanced hormones to move through life, peri-menopause and menopause with grace and vitality! Does this sound good to you? If your heart cries a responding Yes!...then follow your heart and join the beautiful group of women who have already committed to their future self! And remember that my fantastic opening day bonuses expire tonight. They add great value, (I don't say this lightly!) that I really don't want you to miss out. Join before midnight TONIGHT and you will get: Bonus 1 free pass to my Ayurvedic Essentials and Cooking Class Workshop (date tbc) Value - $80 Bonus 2 two private laser coaching calls with me during our course! Value - $120 And, that's ALL in addition to everything already included in the program! Check it out here I would love to support you in creating the life you want to be living! See more
10.01.2022 Your hormone balance is in your hands! Epigenetics supports the Ayurvedic truth that it is how you live that determine your health. It is your daily habits, what you eat, how well you digest and manage your stress levels that determine which genes will express themselves. ... In general a plant based diet that is low in processed foods and meat is best for creating and maintaining hormonal health! Too much sugar in the form of excess carbs, fruits and treats effects estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels because balancing blood sugar is more important to your survival. Eating a diet that is low in sugar helps most PMS and perimenopausal symptoms and reduces inflammation. Hormone production relies on having some good quality protein, Omega 3s and cholesterol in your diet. Avocado, lean meat, salmon, eggs, tahini chia seeds, miso, some nuts and leafy greens are good foods to include in your diet. If you eat meat and animal products, choose organic and preferably grass-fed products as the hormones given to conventional products act as estrogens in the body. Avoiding synthetic environmental estrogens in your body products, plastic food storage and other sources will enable your body to re-balance faster. Doing what brings you joy and reduces stress is another important part of creating hormone balance. I know that it can feel easier to either ignore what your body is telling you and keep pushing on. I totally get that. I too did that for some time. But listen upthat either path leads to depletion and burn out or heaviness and excess estrogen. It may take a little time and a gentle gradual changing of some of your habits but believe me that it is worth it! Like Di who shared with me her gratitude I havent had any hot flushes for over 3 weeks! Ive been doing the special breathing every day for 10 minutes. I love how it carves out this little bubble of time just for me. The oil massage is beautiful and I feel so much better! Thank you for all your advice it is so easy and pleasurable to do. Creating balance and bringing back the joy in life is possible for you too. X Jacq
10.01.2022 Does menopause have to be like this? The hot flushes, irritability, insomnia, brain fog, weight gain? Is it all downhill from here? My answer is absolutelyNo! ... You can have more energy, more clarity, more ease in life! Menopause can be the gateway to creating the life you want to be living! Lets look at our hormones why modern Menopause can be such a nightmare! To keep it simple Ill categorise your hormones into 2 camps - those that are nourishing and juicy ie. your sex hormones estrogen and progesterone: And those that are energising, motivating and, in excess, depleting ie. your stress hormones cortisol and adrenalin. All play a role and all are important in your day to day wellbeing. But too many stress hormones create problems. Just like in my story where there was too much doing and not enough resting and receiving. Each time you experience stress, whether mild or major, real or perceived, your blood cortisol spikes. It takes 72 HOURS for it to come back to baseline normal levels. Thats three days of being in the flight, flight & freeze response with decreased digestive, immune and cognitive functioning. If cortisol is in your bloodstream 24/7 youll become more sensitive to stress and even to the little things such as loud noises, the phone ringing, or your babys cries. Unfortunately your body becomes accustomed to living at this heightened level until it feels normal. But it isnt. Common yesnormal no! This path leads to depletion, poor digestion, poor sleep. I know! Taking herbs or HRT without addressing the stress in your life is like trying to fill a holey bucket. It doesnt really workcertainly not in the long term. There are many ways to reduce the stress in your life. Doing anything that you love and that brings you joy will increase oxytocin, your happy hormone, and directly reduce cortisol! Is there enough joy in your life? What do you do to feel joy? How often? Do you make enough time for yourself? Tune in tomorrow to find out which of your sex hormones rushes to the rescue when your cortisol producing adrenal glands become tired. Until then!
10.01.2022 Would you like to invite more ease into your life? Would you like to nourish your nervous system, support your digestion, balance your hormones and change old patterns of overdoing and over giving. Would you like to go deeper into the art of understanding your bodys needs and living in a beautiful, sacred and connected relationship with yourself?... If your heart cries a responding Yes!... I invite you to join my new online course for women Embodied Wisdom - Create more ease,joy, hormone balance and heath in your life! . I would love to support you in living the life of ease and vitality that you long for. I am super excited that this new offer is now ready for you! You'll get my 20 years of experience in supporting women create better health and balanced hormones for the incredibly low first time only offer of $297!! Over 7 weeks you will have my support in creating more ease, joy, balanced hormones and better health in you life! I have really enjoyed the creative process of drawing on my years of experience of working with women, like yourself, to create this 7 week course. It lights me up to give women the deeper understanding of their body's needs and the tools to create the balance and health that they long for. Now I'm so excited to offer this to you! Click on the link below to learn more and say Yes to your hearts desire for more balance ease and vitality!
09.01.2022 The majesty of the Flinders Ranges. So lovely to be there having some down time for a few days. Sad to see the land so incredibly dry. I hope some of this rain today reaches them. . . .... . . #flindersranges #flindersrangesnationalpark #downtime #australianbush See more
09.01.2022 Going, going, gone! Our last ensuite room has been claimed dear ones! There are still a few beautiful single rooms with shared bathrooms available. ... There are 3 bathrooms for 10 people. We've always had plenty of space and no wait times. Is it time to say yes to your own needs? Let me know if you want to join us and snap up some time for you!
08.01.2022 Do you have an over abundance of summer zucchini? Head over to my recipes highlight to find my new delicious and super easy Zuchinni Herb and Cashew Soup recipe. Yummy eater hot or room temp on those hot summer days. ... My dinner tested even more delicious in my new favourite hand crafted bowl made by Anna @gooseberryhillflowers. Thanks Anna! #summerrecipes #ayurvedakitchen #livingayurveda
05.01.2022 Day 11 of our 12 Days of Festive Balance and Joy! Today's Tip is to remember to practice Gratitude. Gratitude puts us in the state of feeling safe, provided for and at ease. It helps to keep things in perspective. ... It is one of the many practices that drops us into the Rest and Digest mode of the Parasympathetic nervous system. Practicing gratitude is powerful. It takes you into a state of deep appreciation and joy! Think of one thing your are grateful for before you get out of bed in the morning and before you fall asleep at night. Or bring this practice to your dinner table to share with your family! Take turns to share on little...or BIG! thing you are grateful for each day. It can change your world! xx Jacq
04.01.2022 If there is one thing this year has reminded is that change is a constant companion to life. This is the year that reminded us all that everything can change in a moment. For me some of these changes were planned with moving house, moving school for the kids, moving my business to the Adelaide Hills.... Other changes were unexpected and sudden! Cancelled retreats; home schooling with all its gifts and challenges, and the uncertainty we probably all felt. As I reflect on the year that was 2020 I choose to see the gifts that it brought me. As in all shadows there is a gift buried and waiting to be uncovered. Among the gifts of beautiful connections with family and friends even via zoom, more down time and the space to rebrand, create my Embodied Wisdom Course and write an ebook (watch this space!!!)... the greatest gift 2020 has given me is a deeper ability to trust. Trust has been a divine gift that has brought even more ease through the rough times! I do not presume to guess how this year has been for you. 2020 has affected us all in so many different ways. But as we close the book on 2020, I invite you to reflect on what gift or even gifts you may have received this year. It may be big, huge or tiny but I am sure it is there.waiting to be acknowledged and received. I wonder what it is for you! May 2021 be a year of good health, ease and abundance for all and our planet.
04.01.2022 ello Salt! You salty old dog you! Do you crave salt? Salty chips...salty crackers? The salty taste is made of the fire and water elements. In excess it will increase there two seemingly opposite elements.... It is one of the three heating tastes the (other two being spicy and sour) but is only mildly heating due to its water content. In our food we find salt naturally in celery, soy sauce, a little in ocean fish, and, the obvious, in salt! Salty increases water secretions in the body including saliva, and digestive juices. It helps to build watery tissues like our lymph and plasma and gives nourishment by supporting good absorption and elimination. A little good quality mineral salt will bring important minerals into your body. Himalayan Pink Salt is rich in trace minerals and elements including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron. Muscles cramps, a sign of too much Vata (and the air element), can be relieved by drinking a cup of salty water. The heavy and warm elements of salt provide the opposite of the vata experience of which is light and cold. Salt craving can be a sign of adrenal fatigue. In Ayurvedic terms another high Vata scenario. The salty taste helps to balance Vata! It helps us to feel grounded. Too much salty foods create water retention and provoke hypertension/high blood pressure. Like the sour taste it can aggravate the blood and skin conditions. Salt can be addictive and we should always err on using a little rather than a lot. Do you have any food cravings?
03.01.2022 The Medicine Of Subtraction Whats that??? Well Im am glad you asked! ... When you have a health issue, do you tend to think you have to do something or take a herb or medicine to fix the problem? What if, instead, you asked yourself... 'What am I doing or consuming that is a factor, or even the cause of what I am experiencing'? This is the Medicine of Subtraction! It is the recognising and letting go of certain habits or substances that are contributing to creating imbalance and dis-ease. What can you let go of in your life that is making you feel unwell or exhausted, or creating hot flushes, poor sleep or awful and uncomfortable digestion? It could be a substance like alcohol, sugar or coffee that is contributing to your poor sleep, hot flushes and indigestion. It could be skipping meals and grabbing snacks on the go that is causing your bloating, blood sugar crashes and feeling frazzled or irritable. It might be a habit of saying yes to others when you really want to say no; or pushing on when you are already tired that is creating your exhaustion. Instead of reaching for more medication or thinking of yet another thing to do for your health, I invite you to consider The Medicine of Subtraction! What can you let go of to create more balance and better health in your life? I would love to know what you come up with!! Big thanks to my mentor @drclaudiawelch for coining this phrase and awesome concept!
03.01.2022 Soaking up the winter sunshine and experiencing Dadirri.....deep inner listening and quiet still awareness in the land of the Adnyamathanha people. The spaciousness and majesty of the Ikara - Flinders Ranges leads one into stillness contemplation with more ease than city living!
03.01.2022 Ever noticed how your digestion works much better when you are relaxed? Maybe you've been on a holiday and are eating less than 'healthy' foods but suddenly you are feeling good, eliminating well and have great energy!! There is so much more to our digestion than simply what we put in our mouths. ... Eating in a relaxed, slow, mindful way where we really enjoy the meal brings so many health benefits. How often do you really do this?? To often our meals are rushed, eaten on the go (Grrr to the 'on the run' petrol stations and all they stand for!!) Would you like to drop into relaxation mode, have some down time just for you, enjoy divine food cooked for you and reconnect with your inner wisdom and feminine vitality? If your heart sings YES! DM me for more information about my Feminine Vitality Yoga and Ayurveda Retreat this Autumn. From Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th May we'll be dropping into deep relaxation for our adrenals and nervous system and exploring Ayurvedic wisdom for your deeper health and hormone balance. There are only 3 rooms left! DM me for more info! x jacq
02.01.2022 When we relax about imperfection, we no longer lose our life moments in the pursuit of being different and in the fear of what is wrong. Tara Brach Nature can teach us much about our thoughts on perfection/imperfection. ... When I look at a crooked tree I see how nature has shaped it. How it has evolved in response to its environment... the wind, the sun and earth. I see how resilient and strong it is. When I look at all the beautiful Autumn leaves I don't judge their different shapes and colours. I see the beauty in each one. And the turn of the seasons reminds me of the seasons of our lives. When I look at myself...I still hear that old voice of my inner critic. But it is quieter now. I love my body and all it has allowed me to do in my life! I love my scars and my lumpy bits, my wrinkles and grey hairs! Allowing what is as we age brings more ease and contentment. And with that more inner glow of our inner light. May you shine as you age and allow your inner light and wisdom to be shared without fear of judgement from within or without. Remember that you are beautiful and whole just as you are!
02.01.2022 We are off to the beach for the weekend! I've packed a good book, good food, some games for the family and the good company we'll have too. And I'll be making sure I get some resting in!... Rest is what replenishes our vital essence so we have the reserve to draw on to keep having fun! Ayurveda calls our vital essence Ojas. In TCM it is called Jing. Ojas is our deep reserves of vitality. When we have enough it gives a sense of contentment, helps us to sleep deeply (which also builds more Ojas), boosts immunity, gives us that glow and helps to balance hormones by making us more resilient and less susceptible to cortisol! It is said that we are born with a certain amount of Ojas that becomes depleted over time... but...we can also increase our Ojas with fresh whole foods and proper digestion, habits that calm our mind and nervous system like yoga and meditation, and good rest and deep sleep. Are you getting enough rest? What are your favourite ways to have down time? Maybe I'll see you at the beach!
01.01.2022 Only four rooms left for my September Retreat!
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