Grief Care in Rookwood, New South Wales | Professional service
Grief Care
Locality: Rookwood, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9646 6908
Address: Barnet Avenue 2141 Rookwood, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 International Peace Day Today, we join with people throughout the world in praying for peace and for peace-makers. May all our thoughts, words and actions have... peace as their "quest and aim" (Rule of St Benedict). Prayer of St Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hope Where there is darkness, light And where there is sadness, joy O Divine Master, grant that I may Not so much seek to be consoled as to console To be understood, as to understand To be loved, as to love For it is in giving that we receive And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned And it's in dying that we are born to Eternal Life Amen
24.01.2022 Each year as we prepare to enter Advent, that most beautiful season of hope and promise, this little verse from Jan Richardson is etched on our FB page and in o...ur hearts... "The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before. It is not possible to keep it from coming, because it will. That's just how Advent works. What is possible is not to see it, to miss it, to turn just as it brushes past you. And you begin to grasp what it was you missed, like Moses in the cleft of the rock, watching God's hindquarters fade in the distance. So stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running. For rushing. For worrying. For pushing. For now, stay. Wait. Something is on the horizon." ~ from Night Visions by Jan Richardson Blessings on this vigil of Advent...let us pray for one another that we will be able to "stay", "sit", "wonder" with our Advent horizon.
22.01.2022 I'm often asked if there's an acceptable time limit on grief. Here's my answer: There is no time limit on grief. None. Grief lasts as long as love lasts.... I think when people insist you should be done with grief, what they're really saying is "My time limit on understanding and compassion is running out, could you please go back to who you used to be?" People don't understand that you aren't the person you used to be, and there is no going back. There is only integrating your grief into your new life. How about you? Do you have people in your life who think that you should be done with your grieving by now? Who wonder why you aren't "over it" yet? [id: There is no time limit on grief. Grief lasts as long as love lasts.]
21.01.2022 Click below to view our Father's Day Online Mass.
21.01.2022 "The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord." ~ Henri JM Nouwen <3 image -- Elisabeth Jensen Norway (@skogmesterboligen)
18.01.2022 Our next livestreamed Monthly Mass will be on the 6th October at 9.30am. Click on the link below.
16.01.2022 Domestic violence thrives in isolation so it's crucial for us to look out for the safety and well-being of our loved ones by checking in with them. While we to physically distance, we shouldn't be socially or emotionally distancing ourselves from friends, family members, and workmates. Listening, believing, and being a safe person to come to is one of the most valuable roles we can play in helping victims. If you want more information about how to be a safe person person, you can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) If somebody is in immediate risk, then always call the police
16.01.2022 We invite you to join our first Mens Grief Gathering on the 6th November via Zoom. Please contact Terry on 02 9646 6908 or [email protected] for more details.
15.01.2022 Blue Knot Foundations National Counselling and Referral Service (Disability)
15.01.2022 Sharing the grace and peace of our Compline with all this night...may the Lord bless and keep us.
15.01.2022 Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows ". . . and a sword shall pierce your own heart too - so that the secret thoughts of many will be laid bare." Luke 2:35 Today's is closely connected to yesterday's and draws our minds back to the image of Mary at the foot of the cross. The Vincent Van Gogh painting below captures the sorrow of that moment, a sorrow that so many of us have shared in our own lives through the loss of loved ones. At this particular time, when every day we hear the number of deaths from COVID-19 reported on our screens, we remember and pray for all whose hearts are broken and sorrowing. Behind every number is a name and each name belongs to a grieving family, many of whom were not able to say a proper goodbye. Loss in whatever way is one of life's most difficult journeys. Today, we ask Mary to hold fast all who are sorrowing and broken. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us. See more
14.01.2022 Today is Children's Grief Awareness Day. Children's Grief Awareness Day is observed every year on the third Thursday in November and aims to bring attention to... the need for good grief support for grieving children and adolescents. A few years ago, we collected 6-word stories about childhood grief in recognition of the day. The following is a selection of these stories. Read more:
13.01.2022 When sudden death erupts into your life, your whole way of understanding the world is rocked. Previous interests even things you loved can seem futile. For ...many people, year two is worse than the first: your systems begin to come back online, your gaze is just slightly lifted from your feet. Youre aware enough to know you arent where you want to be, and still broken-hearted enough to not be able to do anything about it. That you want something different for yourself, even as you have no energy to find it that is the beautiful place. Thats the place to lean on. If there is any glimmer of interest, any spark of light or fascination, lean into it. Want that for yourself. Take notice of what draws you, right now, and follow it. One tiny little glimmer at a time. And sometimes, there are no sparks. The world is empty and full of things that make you cry. You want it to be different. It isnt different. You cant fake interest. At the same time, you dont want to be this way. Being angry at your own broken-heart is such a tricky thing. It turns into this giant, escalating storm: tears. Then angry at tears. Then angry at yourself for being angry. And on and on it goes. What this is is a broken heart inside a deeply changed human, still alive in a world that doesnt make any sense. The path here is to honor that, somehow. To allow it, to let it be okay that everything sucks and there is no point. It isnt easy. None of this is easy. And you are here, still, now. You deserve a life that is honest and true, even or especially when what is true is pain. When what is true is the blank space: the places that havent filled in. The road here, the what do to here, is to want love for yourself, even when you have no idea what that looks like. I dont know if its possible or if it will help. But heave yourself in that direction. Turn yourself back toward love. Moment by brokenhearted, weepy, disinterested moment. As often as you can. Let love carry you. How about you - How has your interest in life changed? Are there any glimmers of interest anywhere? If so, how do you follow them?
13.01.2022 how i never have to blow dust off your name, never have to search for it, hands over eyes hiding.... ready or not, here i come. how it sits there quietly on my shoulder all day smiling kicking its feet, happy. and at night how it curls up in that soft space where neck meets clavicle. safe. how it lives in the light. how it still breathes. ready or not, found you. never far gone | your name Liezel Graham 2020. Image by Nick Karvounis Unsplash for my brother daniel, one whole year on.
13.01.2022 Grief is the loss of something we love and at its core, it is complex, complicated, and sneaky. It is something that stays with us forever. Its depth, its traj...ectory, and its timing are often unpredictable and surprising. We are limited in our ability to truly understand another’s grief because most of us have yet to fully understand our own. What we do have in common, is the experience of a broken heart and the wisdom to feel compassion for others facing similar pain. What we can do is remember that it isn’t something to be judged. Grief isn’t a problem to be solved; grief is a weight we forever carry. See more
12.01.2022 We are delighted to let our Oblates and Facebook friends know that we are beginning to offer online retreats. The first of these is a 40 day experience with the... title, "The Leading Strings of Love". During the retreat, participants will be led through three interconnecting 'movements' by which a soul is drawn into an ever deepening relationship with Christ. If you desire to: * gently give yourself to being exposed to ever deepening depths of relationship with the person of Christ; * know yourself in a new way, having come to see the necessity of stripping off the old and tattered clothes of ego domination; * allow the spirit to breathe within and through yourself to others and * "prefer nothing whatever to Christ." Rule of St Benedict (R.B. 72:11) this retreat is for you! The retreat has been prepared by Sr Antonia Curtis OSB who has been involved in spiritual direction for over 30 years. She will be your guide throughout the 40 days. For more information and to register, click on the link below.
10.01.2022 Liturgy of Lament Listening to the Past; Caring for the Future Venue: Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral Yardley Ave Waitara, NSW, Australia... All are invited to gather to pray together in acknowledging the suffering caused to our most vulnerable and to give public expression to our sorrow. The Liturgy will be live streamed for those unable to attend. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there is a limit to the amount of people allowed in the Cathedral. Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Australia Email: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 340 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: 02 8379 1600
09.01.2022 The concept of regrief is especially important when trying to understand childhood bereavement. That said, we think its applicable to people who experience loss at any age. #grief #griefandloss #griefsupport
08.01.2022 After youve experienced a loss, has anyone told you that youre too sad, too angry? Or youre not doing enough of it. Basically that youre doing it wrong! Thought on this?
08.01.2022 Holidays are about togetherness but what if the person we love, we can no longer be together with physically on earth? Who are you missing this season?
06.01.2022 24th Sunday of the Year On this day when we hear the call of Jesus to forgive "not seven times, but seventy times seven", this blessing and image from Jan Richa...rdson recognises both the struggle and the grace in our practice of forgiveness. May it bless us with hope for the journey. THE HARDEST BLESSING If we cannot lay aside the wound, then let us say it will not always bind us. Let us say the damage will not eternally determine our path. Let us say the line of our life will not always travel along the places we are torn. Let us say that forgiveness can take some practice, can take some patience, can take a long and struggling time. Let us say that to offer the hardest blessing, we will need the deepest grace; that to forgive the sharpest pain, we will need the fiercest love; that to release the ancient ache, we will need new strength for every day. Let us say the wound will not be our final home - that through it runs a road, a way we would not have chosen but on which we will finally see forgiveness, so long practiced, coming toward us, shining with the joy so well deserved. ~ Jan Richardson from The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons For thise using the Lectio notes on the Readings for this Sunday, the Lectio notes can be found here:
04.01.2022 View our Father's Day Mass this coming weekend - 5-6 September by clicking on this link.
04.01.2022 I dont believe in closure. I think when our friends and family want us to find it, it often means our grief and pain is making them uncomfortable. They just want us to feel at peace...thoughts?
04.01.2022 Feeling unable to talk about superficial things is #perfectlynormal in grief. Grief strips life down to its irreducible essentials. Things that non-grieving peo...ple do as a matter of course will not always make sense or feel meaningful to you. Things that people want to talk about, that might once have seemed like perfectly engaging conversation, may now feel nonsensical or completely irrelevant, actively grate on your nerves, or make you want to scream. It's frustrating and unpleasant, but it's normal. There's an uncomfortable truth here: you are not like other people. Not right now. How about you? Have you found it difficult to participate in everyday conversations with people? The more people realize they're not alone. Want to share something with project #perfectlynormal? Contribute here: Submissions are anonymous. Share as many things as you like. These posts were created using contributions from people just like you and our awesome #GriefRevolution patrons:
03.01.2022 PARENTING OUR DEAD CHILD In my interview with Sherokee she shared: "We have the right, the honour, the opportunity and the responsibility to be their parent. As... we learn to parent them for the rest of our lives, we can learn from others about how they've done that." - Sherokee Ilse The interview I conducted with Sherokee is part of the series on 'Grieving Parents dealing with the Loss of their Child' for the Grieving Parents Book: 'Grieving Parents: Surviving Loss as a Couple'. Find out more about the book: Find out how to tend to your grieving heart. Grieving Parents Support Network | #grievingparents #pregnancyandinfantloss #babyloss #childloss #supportoneanother #stillbirth #stillborn #miscarriage #newnormal #grievingmother #grievingfather #healingafterloss #survivingmyfirstyearofloss #mayweallheal Photo by Michael Goh, Perth See more
02.01.2022 Learning how to breathe through the anguish of grief is important. Our nervous system can sometimes overwhelm us and flood our body with cortisol causing the fl...ight/fight response. Teaching yourself how to tame your nervous system can be useful, especially during the pending holiday season.
02.01.2022 Deep peace to all this night...
01.01.2022 View our special events and Monthly Masses by clicking on the link below. If you would like for your loved one's names to be included in our Book of Life and said during the Prayers of the Faithful at our Rookwood Monthly Mass, please contact Grief Care via email at [email protected] or call 02 9646 6908.
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