Living Chi Healing Centre in Vermont South, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Living Chi Healing Centre
Locality: Vermont South, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 419 321 838
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25.01.2022 the success to a fulfilling relationship isnt something that just happens, it is constantly being in all things that is created by sharing love and respect for each other. I give you my personal guarantee on that. Much LovIn Joy Now ~LCH~... ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
25.01.2022 if you live with LOVE...through LOVE... you will live a great life.... because LOVE makes everything great. Much LovIn Joy Now... ~LCH~ ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
22.01.2022 My grandson Mr K is making me laugh every time we meet. Grandpa he says, there are blue winged beings near me at night, are they like orbs. Kinda, i say to Mr K. They have magical powers, a little more different to the orbs. The blue winged beings are my friends and in thru out the years ive have call them Lavender Fairy. They come at night and sing celestial songs to teleport us in there adventure lands, its called dreaming. They shares dreaming stories. Oh grandpa are you w...illing to come with me to the dreaming lands, will Lavender Fairy teleport us to other places we go to, like we do. Sure thing Mr K. I share you a story about the Lavender Fairy, how one evening they morphed ten fold high and wide in my bedroom, and flew to the other side of my room with a white tiger and white lion and sat next to me, protecting me thru out the night. Wow grandpa they have magic, will the Lavender Fairy show me that too. It depends Mr K on the situation we are teleported too. Do they have morph speed too grandpa. Sure Mr K, they move faster than us. Well grandpa shall we morph speed with them. Morph speed Mr K, morph speed Grandpa, to far distant places far and beyond. Much LovIn Joy Now ~LCH~ ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
17.01.2022 The greatest awakening comes when your aware of your own infinite nature Vitality Healing Practitioner Course beginning February 2017.... ~So here is a WARNING before booking into your ~Vitality Healing Course~ and ~Vitality Treatment session~ and ~Healing Retreat Events~ Come prepared with willingness to ~Raise your Spirit,~ Nurture your Mind,~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain.~ There is a potential HIGH RISK with Developing INNER POWER and PERCEPTION. This Experience may become LIBERATING. ~WHATEVER YOU DO~ DON'T DEVELOP PERCEPTION.~ You Might Accidentally Develop Inner Power. You Might Accidentally Heal Your Physical, Emotional & Mental Pain. You Might Accidentally Expand Your Consciousness, You Just Might Accidentally Infect Others with the Quality of Your Light, Love, and Understanding. The 3D Matrix Program doesn’t like Liberation, Freedom, Heart Expansion . The VITALITY HEALING COURSE or SACRAMENT MOTHER HEALING EVENTS may cause severe shifts in Consciousness If an Open Naked Anahata Consciousness offends you please do not attend this course... as Love Consciousness may change your behaviour to Love others unconditionally~ it may become contagious, infectious and incurable.... Vitality Healing is fully accredited Nationally and Internationally by Australian Holistic Healers Association The course is designed for Mystics, Intuitive Healers, Psychic Clairvoyant Mediums, Plant Medicine Travellers, Healing Practitioners, Facilitators and Self interested parties. The Vitality Healing Certificate course is trans-personal and transformative with information needed to become a healing practitioner. The course is designed to assist healers with self improvement, self confidence with being empowered to expand upon their intuitive and healing abilities with healings techniques, manoeuvres, healing codes, healing compositions with covering health assessments with clients. The Vitality healing course covers many topics and modules and works upon sensitive health issues with understanding the human's aura energetic fields, emotions and mental programs. The course is based on clinical case assessments, healing energetics with restoring Vitality to the physical and etheric bodies with health improvements and well being. ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
16.01.2022 When i facilitate Vitality Healing courses, i train others to become better healers than myself, regardless whether they have abilities or not, thats my aim, to train and skill up others to get healing results that have been tried, trued and tested to assist their clients to better health and well being. All my healing modalities came from sensitive health issues from clients i assisted thru the years to witness health improvement within them. Most of my clients where either ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 I AM not a Teacher, I AM an Awakener The path of least resistance, is the path to love opening, it involves no struggle or confrontation.... Sacrament Mother, Medicine Teacher, Healer, Wisdom Guide and Oracle. She is a maternal nurturer, mother rebirther, healer awakener, expressing unconditional goodness and love, like a mothers love for her child. There is no other grander oracle expressing words of unconsciousness wisdom, no grander healer comforting embodiment and embracement. There is no other grander psychotherapist providing healing aliments to cures, grander than Jung, Groff and Fritz Pearl in my personal opinion. She is the door opening expressing Pure Love and the gateway into the multi verse and hyperspace dimensions. Many who have experienced Sacrament Mother medicine claim spiritual revelations, about nature, the Cosmic Universe, about their true purpose on earth. There is not one person I have had to pleasure to journey with claiming their gratitude, respect and appreciation to her wisdom. She is spiritual awakening opening rebirth consciousness. Much LovIn Joy Now ~LCH~ ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
12.01.2022 Very honored to be sharing the wonderful work of the my beautiful friend Frank. The 3 words that describe him best to me...humble...expanded...compassion. His healing work will take you to the next level....:) Thanku Mother Jewel Cross Living Chi healing is Melbourne based Healing centre providing Vitality Energetic Healing Treatments, Body Remedial Massage Therapy, Spiritual Psychotherapy Couselling, Neuro Linguists Programming (NLP) Personal Trans Meditations and Life Coac...hing. Living Chi Healing Centre conducts Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma courses and holds Sacrament Mother Healing Retreats Living Chi Healing Centre Certificate Course facilitated in Melbourne 21 Barossa Ave Vermont South Accredited Certificate Course 16 day training 2017 dates January: 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th February: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Feb 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Feb 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Contact: Frank Pizzoferrato Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0419 321 838
09.01.2022 The path of least resistance is the path of love opening, it involves no struggle or confrontation. ~So here is a WARNING before booking into your ~Vitality Healing Course~ and ... ~Vitality Treatment session~ and ~Healing Retreat Events~ Come prepared with willingness to ~Raise your Spirit,~ Nurture your Mind,~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain.~ There is a potential HIGH RISK with Developing INNER POWER and PERCEPTION. This Experience may become LIBERATING. ~WHATEVER YOU DO~ DON'T DEVELOP PERCEPTION.~ You Might Accidentally Develop Inner Power. You Might Accidentally Heal Your Physical, Emotional & Mental Pain. You Might Accidentally Expand Your Consciousness, You Just Might Accidentally Infect Others with the Quality of Your Light, Love, and Understanding. The 3D Matrix Program doesn’t like Liberation, Freedom, Heart Expansion . The VITALITY HEALING COURSE or SACRAMENT MOTHER HEALING EVENTS may cause severe shifts in Consciousness If an Open Naked Anahata Consciousness offends you please do not attend this course... as Love Consciousness may change your behaviour to Love others unconditionally~ it may become contagious, infectious and incurable.... ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
09.01.2022 ~All about the Jordans~ My grandson is growing too quickly for his own boots. He's really making me laugh. After our teleporting in Africa last weekend, we ended up with the Soweto tribe singing all sorts of African grass roots songs. Telepathically my grandson says to me on our teleporting journey back home, he says, Grandpa can we teleport to the moon.... I say, why's that son. Well grandpa he says in his telepathic mind, I have the JORDANs on grandpa, and the winged beings told me that Michael Jackson was on the moon doing his moon dance with Jordan Oh I say, well that is neat son, moon dancing with the two Michael's. He says, your funny grandpa, its only Michael Jackson moon dancing with his Jordans. So you gotta bring your dancing Jordan shoes too grandpa. Okay son, I say, we can teleport there tonight with a quick stop over to the Lavazza coffee moon lounge and order two Sammy Davis's. Way too cool, Grandpa he says, we can bring two short blacks to moon dance as well. Tell Sammy to bring his Jordans too grandpa. Done deal son, i say, you, me, Michael and Sammy with the Jordans. We will be power mooning with Jackson and Jordans. I wove you grandpa, I wove you son. You have big shoes to fill into son. To easy grandpa, the two Michaels are easy to fit into. Morph speed now grandpa, morph speed Mr. K. So I guess, Mr K and I will see you from moon tonight while we are moving and grooving. So if the moon appears to be shinning brightly tonight, please know it's the two stars gleaming brightly with the all stars. Much LovIn Joy Now ~LCH~ ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
09.01.2022 <3 Come Into the Light <3 Come to the sacred vine, the plants are whispering, they simply wish to share their singing songs to timeless wisdom, their avatar places, open heart spaces. Come to vine the plants are calling their ageless, timeless, tireless and boundless stories, infinite belongings, heart spaces longings, sharing secret harmonies to living, a finite time, newer beginnings.... Ancient songs memories, reminding us of lovelight frequencies of where we came from, to be reborn again into synchronized frequency, attuned to resonating lovelight vibrations, hear the plants are calling us to return home. Come to the sacred vine the plants are singing, silent distant echoes, chanting songs to heart existence, deepening connections, whispering tunes embracement, pure finite light frequency, refined in clear consciousness fulfillment. Come closer, hear the plants calling, opening love embodiment, livinglovelight frequencies whispering ancient secrets messages to expansiveness attunement. Come to the sacred vine, the plants are singing, whispering songs, echoing, sounds of vibrate light ascending in space dimensions, pathways emerging, songlines returning us home to benevolent places with ease and sacrament graces, the plants singing pulsating tunes to heart warming faces. Step into the light, the master plants are innermost teachers, singing organic wisdom healing, there is no other illuminating frequency resonating in heightening quintessential feeling. The plants are teaching purpose to living, its expansions they are reaching, pulsating expansion living in exquisiteness joy. Hear them calling, singing, echoing silent whispers in shimmering heart spaces. Blessed Be Much LovIn Joy Now ~LCH~ ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
07.01.2022 Living Chi Healing is Melbourne based Healing centre providing Vitality Energetic Healing Treatments, Body Remedial Massage Therapy, Spiritual Psychotherapy Couselling, Neuro Linguists Programming (NLP) Personal Trans Meditations and Life Coaching. Living Chi Healing Centre conducts Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma courses and holds Sacrament Mother Healing Retreats Living Chi Healing Centre Certificate Course facilitated in Melbourne... 21 Barossa Ave Vermont South Accredited Certificate Course 16 day training 2017 dates January: 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th February: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Feb 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Feb 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Contact: Frank Pizzoferrato Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0419 321 838
06.01.2022 I am truly finding my grandson very embracing and inquisitive, he says to me touching his first ever plant in his hands the other day, Grandpa grandpa, i can hear the plants singing to me. Thats right Mr K, plants do sing to us and share their song stories if you listen. So grandpa plants talk to us by singing. Sure thing Mr K, plants express themselves thru sound, singing tunes of music, sharing stories, everyday all over the planet, yet not to many people truly listen. Wow ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 The Real You, the Inner You is Pure, very Pure. It is loving, magnanimous and benevolent. It is impartial, non judgemental and neutral. It understands you, is tolerate with you and is very patient. It will wait forever for you to return to its pure lovelight consciousness, while your phony, fake you, ego you, trots of everywhere trying to figure life out and itself out. Yet it is pleasing to remember your pure inner consciousness awaits your return home, like a friend who’s w...aiting to welcome you with open arms when you show up. You have a divine right to choose whom you will play with and under what circumstances. By eliminating energy drags, positive vibrations good things in your life to resonate faster and faster. One thing is certain and fact. The events of your life are created by you, and those events come to you through your "FEELINGS" thoughts and actions. Yet mostly its your Inner Feelings that guide you like a gentle whisper, a pulsation in the heart. Your Feelings never lie <3 Its the voice from your heart calling to come out of the masses, to shed your skin, to be reborn again into synchronized frequency, attuned to resonating lovelight vibrations, calling you home, to be rebirthed to live your life accordingly to your Light. Returning to your light, to the Pure You, is magnanimous beyond words Much LovIn Joy Now ~LCH~ ~Raise your Spirit~Nurture your Mind~ ~Energize your Body and Eliminate Pain ~Vitality Healing Certificate and Diploma Accredited Courses~ ~Vitality Healing Treatments~ ~Sacred Mother Healing Events~ ~Sacrament Mother and Father Ceremonies~ ~Spiritual Psychotherapy, NLP, Couselling ~Personal Trans~Meditations~ Life Coaching
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