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25.01.2022 Happy Birthday Leo Strong, Charismatic & Brilliant! From the 22nd July to the 23rd August, the Sun travels through fire sign Leo, symbolised by the majestic lion, king of the beasts. Lions in art and mythology are symbols of strength, supremacy, glory and brilliance and most Leos are extremely creative and love to show off their talents. Often attracted to the performing arts or any role where they can shine and lead others, Leos at their best are loving, loyal, affectiona...te and sincere, displaying willpower, courage, dignity and leadership and radiating confidence. Leo rules the heart, circulatory system and spine. When Leos are out of balance they can suffer from back pain, nervous palpitations, high blood pressure, fever, stroke and heart disease. The Leo colours are gold and orange. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so those with a prominent Sun in their chart often display Leo qualities. Leo’s greatest lesson is to learn that the true leader is the servant of all. Happy birthday to all Leos here’s wishing you a fantastic year ahead! (Image: Will Clayton from Flikr)

24.01.2022 New moon in Scorpio a ray of hope The November new moon falls on the 15th in water sign Scorpio. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, so this new moon marks the beginning of a brand-new cycle coloured by Martian energy. In practical terms this means effective, dynamic action and breaking through blockages. The Scorpio sun and moon form a trine (flowing energy) to Neptune in Pisces and a sextile (also flowing energy) to Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, the tril...ogy widely believed by astrologers to symbolise this year’s coronavirus restrictions. With the new moon in a friendly alliance with these four powerful and slow-moving planets, we can only hope for a more cooperative and compassionate energy to prevail as the year plays out. Image: Uluru by Stella Woods

24.01.2022 For all the LivingNow readers in Melbourne, Australia (& a great reminder for everyone, anywhere, really! )

23.01.2022 New moon in Pisces open your heart The March new moon falls on the 13th in water sign Pisces, with Neptune and Venus conjunct the sun and moon. This gentle lunation promises hope, kindness, love and positive new beginnings. Take time out to dream, reflect and meditate. Play your favourite music, enjoy a stroll in nature, a swim in the ocean or a glass of wine. Elevate your spirit and open your heart Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning it helps us see the best in others.... And Neptune is the planetary ruler of Pisces, opening us up to higher spiritual and creative dimensions. Photo by Maria Eklind ‘Open the key to your heart’

23.01.2022 Yay for more fantastic ideas!!! Keep 'em coming!!

22.01.2022 So much more can be achieved when we join TOGETHER, rather than divide ourselves...

22.01.2022 Spring equinox feeling lighter, brighter & fresher Welcome to spring! As we look around we can see signs of new life stirring everywhere as the days lengthen, the weather warms up and spring fever takes hold. Birds build nests, animals mate, there’s a ‘spring’ in our step, lightness of heart and a desire for new, positive beginnings. On 22nd September we celebrate the spring equinox when day and night are of equal length and the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. Libra, whos...e symbol is the scales, is all about balance - twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness - a moment of perfect equilibrium all over the world. The spring equinox is a time when many of us seek more balance into our personal lives, to release stagnant energy and make a fresh start. No wonder so many of us change our diet, get fit and spring clean the house at this time of year. We’re simply living in tune with the seasons and that’s really what astrology is all about. Image: Pikist - Royalty Free

21.01.2022 Mars retrograde - choose your battles wisely September’s most important astrological event is the Mars retrograde transit through fire sign Aries, which began on 10th September and will end on 14th November. . In mythology Mars is the god of war and in astrology the planet of action, assertion and aggression. But when Mars turns retrograde, we are forced to go over old ground instead of forging forward. ... When used constructively, Mars retrograde can be a useful time for reassessing what you’re prepared to fight for and what you’re not. What’s working and what’s not. When you need to stand your ground and when it’s better to walk away. But impatience, brute force and aggression will achieve nothing. If you find yourself feeling angry, frustrated or thwarted, breathe deeply, assess the situation and plan your strategy like a seasoned warrior. Grievances may be real, but you’re not the only person on the planet.

20.01.2022 A 30-min dive into various elements of phenomena impacting the spiritual community, ongoingly, but particularly this year, with the "non-specific amplifier" that has rocked pretty much the whole world! Very interesting, and good to sink your thoughts into!

19.01.2022 Interesting and sad how the Australian PM has turned the fight against the pandemic into a political stoush

17.01.2022 New moon in Leo - small steps forward On 19th August, with Melbourne lockdown due to end today, a brand new moon in fire sign Leo marks the beginning of a new monthly cycle. 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us, with its theme of ‘destroying to rebuild’. Even though many are feeling restricted and frustrated or even angry, hopeless and desperate, there are always moments of beauty, joy and love to celebrate and this new moon is a chance to make a fresh start in the... lead up to spring. The sun and moon in Leo form a golden triangle with Mars in Aries and the South Node in Sagittarius. Mars helps us take effective action and the South Node is a point of karmic release. With this in mind you should be able to take small steps forward to leave the past behind. (Image credit: Pikist Free Photo)

15.01.2022 Are you keeping an eye on the environmental issues that are ever-present, pandemic or not?! Here's a great article from The Australian to keep you informed

15.01.2022 Here's some fun + talent to help lift your weekend!

15.01.2022 Venus in Cancer sugar & spice and all things nice Astrologers say Venus is ‘exalted’ in Cancer meaning she gets to show off her best qualities, namely the kind, nurturing, loving and homely qualities and activities that many of us don’t or won’t make time for. Venus in Cancer bakes cakes and scones. Venus in Cancer visits her grandmother and takes her nephew to the park. Venus in Cancer has time for a natter and cup of tea. Venus in Cancer enjoys a long, relaxing bath and maybe a glass of wine in the back yard. She doesn’t understand key performance indicators, to-do lists, networking and outer world achievement. Venus will be in Cancer from the 8th August - 6th September, so get that kettle on! (Image credit - Information, Wikimedia Commons)

14.01.2022 Venus opposite Mars - resolving tension in relationship Cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, go head to head on 10th November with Venus in diplomatic Libra opposing Mars in fiery Aries. Venus in Libra charms and smooths ruffled feathers, working to create connection and find common ground, while impatient Mars in Aries is more interested in sparring and beating the competition. With both planets in their sign of rulership, this is a battle of equals, meaning there’s a need for to compromise in order to resolve tensions, differing desires, different points of view and conflicting perspectives. This dynamic can play out in a battle with others, particularly those you are close to, or it can manifest as a personal or internal struggle. Different, but mutually exclusive paths. Conflicting choices, none of which offer you exactly what you want. Whatever your situation, take time to honestly reflect on these opposing choices, viewpoints and perspectives. This may feel frustrating, but it’s the only way to get clarity, and you could learn some important things about yourself as well as improving your relationship with others. Image: Wikimedia Commons

13.01.2022 Self-care lunar style As the lunar energy starts to wane or decrease in the days following the full moon, the period between now and the next new moon on 19th August is perfect for these self-care activities: Weight loss & detoxification... Fasting Body scrub, exfoliation & removal of unwanted hair Deep cleansing treatments/facials Lymphatic drainage Emotional release & kicking bad habits Dental hygiene (Image credit: tinytribes, Pixabay)

13.01.2022 New moon in Virgo - look after yourself On 17th September, a new moon in earth sign Virgo marks the beginning of the monthly cycle. Virgo, the most health-conscious of all zodiac signs, invites you to take care of yourself by eating nutritious food, resting your bones, stretching your muscles, lowering your stress levels and pampering your body. No extremes balance and moderation are the magic words. Here are some beauty tips to enjoy between now and the next full moon on... 2nd October as the lunar energy grows gradually stronger. Massage with essential oils Enjoy nourishing treatments/facials Cut hair for lusher, thicker growth Cut nails for stronger, faster growth Colour hair / add highlights Develop / plant new positive habits Image: Pikist - Royalty Free

11.01.2022 Autumn equinox seeking emotional balance March 20th, the autumn equinox, is a key date in the astrological calendar as the sun moves from Pisces to Aries and day and night are of equal length all over the world. Many ancient civilisations considered the spring and autumn equinox points the most important days of the calendar, with all life in balance. The days grow gradually shorter in the weeks following the autumn equinox, meaning it’s time to begin withdrawing energy the outer world to prepare for the cooler months ahead. External changes of season are also reflected in our bodies and minds. Adjusting your daily habits (sleep, food, clothing) to mirror the seasonal changes will help you stay healthy and emotionally balanced. Royalty free photo from Gwendolen ‘Happy Autumn Equinox’

09.01.2022 Something uplifting; some of us could do with this reminder!

08.01.2022 Full moon in Libra healing and reconciliation The March full moon is on the 29th in air sign Libra opposite the sun in fire sign Aries conjunct Chiron and Venus. The moon forms a flowing grand trine with Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. The theme of this full moon in the lead up to Easter is healing and reconciliation, particularly in close personal relationships. We are emerging from a particularly stressful time dominated by Capricorn rules and regulations, and a ...climate of judgement and harshness, where one size fits all. The March lunar cycles offer time to pause and reflect upon how we'd like things to unfold in the future. Only by working together, dropping judgement and criticism and being kind to each other, can we move forward in a positive and supportive manner. Royalty free image from Hans Benn ‘Full Moon’

07.01.2022 We hope you had a happy weekend; for yourself, and that you found a way to make someone else happy, too! Here's to us all finding beautiful ways to blossom!

07.01.2022 Venus in Leo embracing love & warmth Venus, planet of love, pleasure and heart-connection will be in passionate and dramatic fire sign Leo from 6th September to 3rd October promoting loyalty, generosity, love and creativity - no hard-heartedness, bitterness, coldness or cynicism here! Venus in Leo loves to enjoy herself and let her hair down and invites you to do the same!... Venus in Leo opens the heart turning it into a warm, glowing fire that radiates love and helps us break free of inhibitions or beliefs that have kept our hearts closed or protected in the past. How will you open your heart and let your joy, radiance and inner truth shine forth? Image: Pikist - Royalty Free

07.01.2022 Lunar self care As the lunar energy starts to wane, the period between now and the Virgo new moon on 17th September is great for the following self-care activities: Weight loss & detoxification... Fasting Body scrub & exfoliation Deep cleansing treatments/facials Lymphatic drainage Removal of unwanted hair Emotional release Dental hygiene Kicking bad habits Image: Pikist - Royalty Free

05.01.2022 Full moon in Pisces Two men looked through prison bars One saw mud and one saw stars... On the 2nd September, we have a full moon in water sign Pisces bringing deep emotions to the surface. If you feel like a good cry, go right ahead times are tough and most of us can only take so much stress and strain before cracking up. The advice at this full moon is to find a quiet, peaceful place and be gentle and kind with yourself and others. Piscean energy reminds us that beauty, compassion, poetry, love and escapism are important aspects of human existence, perhaps now more so than ever. Take a break and spend a day or two dreaming, meditating, resting and escaping from the hurly burly. Image: European Space Agency - Hubble Space Telescope

02.01.2022 Happy birthday Virgo! On the 23rd August, the Sun left courageous and charismatic fire sign of Leo and entered humble and service-oriented earth sign Virgo. Each sign of the zodiac develops and builds on the energy of the previous sign - Virgo directs the heart-centred creativity of Leo towards practical service in the world. A mutable and flexible energy, she applies her powers of discrimination and analysis to bring healing and perfection. Those born under the sign of Virg...o are noted for their calm demeanour, attention to detail, healing abilities, love of nature and mastery of art and craft. When in balance, they are one of the most practical, kind-hearted and caring zodiac signs with an intuitive understanding of the mind-body connection. Usually blessed with fine minds, they are masters of research, data and language and instinctively understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Happy birthday to all Virgos here’s wishing you a fantastic year ahead! (Image credit: Free SVG Public Domain)

02.01.2022 A beautiful piece to help refocus on good things in perhaps trying times...

02.01.2022 Happy birthday Libra! On the 22nd September, the Sun leaves the humble and service-oriented earth sign Virgo and begins his month-long journey through air sign Libra. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac with keywords I balance and I seek my other half. Those born under the sign of the Scales promote love and harmony and teach us about the importance of give and take. They adore relationships, are often cultured or artistic and are experts in charm, diplomacy and ...negotiation. Negatively, Librans can be superficial, indecisive, manipulative or dependent and because they hate unpleasantness or disagreement, they often avoid conflict and bury their heads in the sand. In medical astrology, Libra rules the kidneys, lumbar region and skin, so when Librans are out of balance they tend to suffer from lower back pain, kidney problems, urinary tract problems and skin diseases such as eczema. The Libra colours are ivory, pink, turquoise and blue. Libra’s greatest lesson is to learn to develop their ‘inner partner’ and become whole rather than seek an outer partner to feel complete. Happy birthday to all Librans here’s wishing you a fantastic year ahead! Image: Pikist - Royalty Free

01.01.2022 Happy birthday Aries! From the 20th March to the 20th April, the Sun travels through fire sign Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the seed, the new beginning, the hero. Its keywords are I am and I initiate. The symbol for Aries is the horned ram who rushes fearlessly into new situations, heedless of danger with no consideration for others or themselves! Arians are true individuals, keen to build their own personality and ego. The typical Arian is youthful..., independent and adventurous, displaying strength, boldness, initiative and courage. Each zodiac sign rules a part of the body. For Aries this is the head. When Arians are out of balance they often suffer from headaches, dizziness, migraines and injuries to the head or in more severe cases strokes and seizures. And the Aries colour is red. When we get angry we talk about ‘seeing red’. Arians need to learn how to cooperate with others, complete projects they have started and conserve their energy to avoid burnout. Royalty free image from Dorothe ‘Aries’

01.01.2022 Happy weekend to everyone!!! And here's to remembering what we want to give to the world!

01.01.2022 Aquarius full moon expect the unexpected 4th August brings a full moon in air sign Aquarius, with tensions running high. Expect surprises, sudden changes and stirrings of rebellion as unpredictable Uranus hovers halfway between the sun and full moon. The Aquarian moon brings an emotional desire to connect with like-minded people and advance humanitarian, scientific and progressive causes. The sun in Leo champions personal flair, individual choice and wild, reckless fun. Uranus in Taurus holds the balance of power, so anything could happen. Stay flexible, avoid arguments and don't make a fool of yourself! (Image credit - Bessi, Pixabay)

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