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Living Waters Christian Community in Mildura, Victoria | Community organisation

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Living Waters Christian Community

Locality: Mildura, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 5023 8258

Address: 118-120 Orange Ave 3500 Mildura, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 William Cuccia What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night, thinking up evil plans. You rise at dawn and hurry to carry them out, simply because you have the power to do so But this is what the Lord says: ‘I will reward your evil with evilYou will no longer walk around proudly, for it will be a terrible time [for you.]’ (Micah 2:1 and 3; NLT) We Degree: No one will get away with election fraud in 2020. We are watching closely and making our petitions to the Lord. He will save America!

23.01.2022 Daily Prophetic Word REVEALING YOUR FOUNDATION - A Word by Pastor Thomas Faes My child, you have so many ideas about what your life should and should not look like. So many pictures have been painted and plans have been made about you and your perception of life. You are focused to accomplish and achieve each one of them by pushing through in your own flesh and what you think you know. I’m not taking away your desires but I’m putting my finger on your true foundation that y...our life has been based on so far. Is it really my foundation or is it just based on your own and on this world? What happens when the course of life suddenly changes? Are you crushed and does your world crumble because it did not happen the way you thought it would or that you expected it to? My child, before you saw the light of this earth and while you were still in your mother's womb, I painted and mapped out a journey just for you. I have prepared you and I have given you everything that you will need to walk through the circumstances, the problems, and the difficulties this life brings. Do not try to live your life in the way you thought it should be but let me be the captain of your ship and lead you to the destiny that I have for you. As you give me control of your life and its direction, I will be able to fulfill the plans that I have for you and perform the miracles I would love to. I’m not here to harm or to restrict you but to give you life in abundance. #DPW #DailyPropheticWord

21.01.2022 Pray! Praying people, Pray! House of Israel, PRAY!! God's people, PRAY!

19.01.2022 This is a great teaching on the need for prayer and not to assume God will do what He is going to do regardless of if we pray or not ... so don't give up, don't sit back and leave it up to God. Dutch brings it out clearly with scriptures as to why we must continue to pray. God needs us to intercede and pray for what is needed right now.

19.01.2022 This a "don't miss" Firewall where they discuss and compare where we are with many scriptures that show people in the Bible going though very similar challenges and how God intervened for them ... and about different times and kinds of SPIRITUAL WARFARE --- ENCOURAGING!

17.01.2022 Don't Stop Praying! We're About to Deal a DEATH BLOW to Darkness Jonathan Ngai, Los Angeles, CA For the last 2 months, we have been single-minded in our prayers for America. At Radiance (Hollywood House of Prayer), we did 40 days of prayer and fasting leading up to the elections and have continued to be on the wall ever since. There is simply too much at stake right now for us to stop. To be honest, it hasn't been easy. It's been an up and down roller coaster, but the Lord i...Continue reading

16.01.2022 Lana Vawser I HEARD THE LORD SAY PROPHETS, HERE COMES YOUR SECOND WIND For the last month the Lord has been speaking to me about the intense battle that many prophets are facing right now. There are many who have been in a place of intense battle and relentless opposition. The Lord has been showing me many battle weary, discouraged prophets. Many prophets in the secret place crying out to the Lord for strength because they are tired from the fight. The Lord’s heart for t...Continue reading

16.01.2022 Presence Within the Veil! One of the most important contacts for me in my own personal life was to learn how to approach the Throne of God at times when I despe...rately needed to. While this level of personal Encounter is often avoided by many believers, it is an essential part of our inheritance that I always try to take complete advantage of. The idea of free access to the Presence of God seems crazy and extreme to many, but it is (in fact) what Jesus Christ gave us access to: "This is in accordance with the TERMS OF THE ETERNAL AND TIMELESS PURPOSE which He has realized and carried into effect in [the person of] Christ Jesus our Lord, In Whom, BECAUSE OF OUR FAITH IN HIM, WE DARE TO HAVE THE BOLDNESS (courage and confidence) OF FREE ACCESS (AN UNRESERVED APPROACH TO GOD WITH FREEDOM AND WITHOUT FEAR)." Ephesians 3:11-12 That Veil used to represent a separation that existed between us and our Father in Heaven, but now (thanks to Jesus Christ) it has become my ENTRANCE WAY into the very Presence of God the Father Himself! From this place of Personal Encounter, where we spend time in the Presence of God, is where my personal life becomes transformed more and more into the Image of Jesus Christ: "But WHENEVER A PERSON TURNS [in repentance] TO THE LORD, THE VEIL IS STRIPPED OFF AND TAKEN AWAY. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). And all of us, AS WITH UNVEILED FACE, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly BEING TRANSFIGURED INTO HIS VERY OWN IMAGE in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 It is inside of these personal times of Encounter that my life undergoes an incredible Metamorphosis in the Presence of God, and the more I spend time in the Presence of My Heavenly Father, the more I become like Him and the Metamorphosis continues! When Moses (in the Old Testament) would spend time looking upon the Face of the Lord (because he spoke to God face to face Exodus 33:11), it had a Supernatural Affect upon his physical appearance, but what this dynamic does to us, is to transform who we are from the INSIDE OUT!!! "[The Father] has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the DOMINION OF DARKNESS AND HAS TRANSFERRED US INTO THE KINGDOM OF THE SON OF HIS LOVE," Collosians 1:13 This place of Presence, and Personal Relationship, keeps me in Alignment, keeps me connected to Gods Plans and Purposes for my life and Protects me (Even hides me) from the Presence of my enemies (the demonic realm)! If you've never been bold enough to go before the Throne of Grace, TODAY IS YOUR DAY!!! Close your eyes, ask the Holy Spirit to take you into the Holy of Holies and just sit in the Presence of your Heavenly Father! As you do, His Presence and Fellowship are going to transform your life in ways you've never thought or dreamed possible!!! Do You Know Who You Are???

10.01.2022 Join me each day as we pray for our nation until the election crisis has resolved. I’ll be reading the daily Give Him 15, making comments, and then we will pray... together. Let's Appeal to Heaven for America. You can download the free Give Him 15 app in the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android. You can read it on the Give Him 15 Facebook page or sign up for the daily devotional to be delivered into your inbox at Watch me read today's prayer here:

10.01.2022 Daily Prophetic Word RECEIVE MY RAIN - A Word by Pastor Thomas Faes Indeed, my child, I sent my rain to bring the freshness that you have been asking for. So far, you have been trying so hard to stay away from the rain, to put up umbrellas in your life and to make sure that the water is not touching you. You have put on your raincoat and shoes thinking that you have to protect yourself from my rain.... The truth is, I have sent the rain as my blessing to you. It is time to get uncomfortable and to let go of the false protection that doesn’t give you what you actually desire. Let the wrong securities go and step out without any protection so that my anointing can sink deep into your heart. I did not come to hurt you or to tell you what you have done wrong but I came to fill you with my love and to give you everything that you have been looking for so desperately. It is time to become like a child again and to dive into the freedom that I have for you. I did not ask you to carry the burdens and cares of life by yourself but I’m asking you to lay them down at my feet and to surrender under my hand. My child, I desire to give you the answers and solutions that you have been asking for and to give you what you need. #DPW #DailyPropheticWord

08.01.2022 Where Do We Go from Here? // HEROES ARISE with Robert Hotchkin and Larry Sparks The battle is far from over, yet many in the Body are wrestling with weariness a...nd discouragement. Believers are doubting the prophets. Some are even questioning God Himself. Where do we go from here? How do we move past things that we’re allowing to trip us up? On this episode of Heroes Arise, Robert is joined by prophet Larry Sparks. Together they provide context for the hour we're in, as well as give some battle strategies that will strengthen and encourage you to run this race to its glorious end! See more

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