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23.01.2022 So #proud of my client Andrea who competed at her first ever #powerliftingaustralia meet today - she went 8/9 lifts only missing her last squat on depth. Her improvements have been amazing since she started with me in October last year. From 55kg squat to 90kg, from 30kg bench to 50kg and from 65kg deadlift to 115kg. All that in under 6 months. It's pleasure to coach people who listen and put everything you tell them into practice. Thank you Andrea! You have so much more to give! #proudcoach #squatbenchdeadlift #gloriousbitches #powerlifting #firstmeet

21.01.2022 You should never think of a failure as defeat! It's easy to give up, but the pleasure is so much greater if you're able to pick yourself up, learn from it and move forward to bigger and better accomplishments. Sometimes failure teaches us more than success ever could!

20.01.2022 There has to be passion in what you do! That's why I never tell people that they have to lift weights to get into shape. Of course I find it the most effective way, but if you're not enjoying it what's the point?! If you love running, run!... If you love yoga, do yoga! If you love lifting, lift! As long as you do something and keep on moving, you're fine. Do whatever makes you happy! That's the most important thing about YOUR fitness journey.

19.01.2022 Tomorrow's the day! European Championships - biggest comp of my life (so far). I'll be stepping on the platform in U52 weight division and will be lifting along...side some crazy strong women. Can' wait! If you're in Tartu then make sure to pop in to Dorpat Konverentsikeskus. For those who are too far to attend, make sure to check out the live stream (link below). Lifting starts 12pm local time (6pm for Perth people).

19.01.2022 Great words from Alex Viada! I don't think that mind always quits before the body, but it can definitely be the case. Sometimes our mental strength is what fails us. I can say that I struggle with that side of the things at the moment. There are days when I feel like I'm ready to hit the training hard and it really feels great. And then there are days like today when it's almost impossible to find that motivation and get off the couch. I think my mind needs that offseason and deload! Oh well, have to go and deadlift a bit.. #mindtraining #deload #offseason #ijustwanttopotatotoday

19.01.2022 Let’s talk about FEET, more specifically your FOOT MUSCLES. It seems that often people don’t spare a second thought about their feet while training. However, this is actually where it all starts. Majority of weight training exercises are performed in a position where the whole weight is supported by your feet; which, in my opinion, makes feet and foot muscles extremely important. To get the most advantage of your foot muscles you need to master what we call a ‘tripod foot’. ...Continue reading

18.01.2022 Something motivating into this Thursday morning - Estonian Mart Seim squatting 400kg (no belt or wraps) with an ease; and this is not even a lift he competes in. When I grow up I'll be strong as well!

16.01.2022 The face of determination... I've been trying to write this post about the comp on Saturday for about an hour now and couldn't find the right words. So I decided to make it short and simple: ... It wasn't the best day as I lost the most important battle - the one with myself; however I'm pretty sure I know what went wrong and how to become better. Upwards and onward toward 2016!

16.01.2022 No, I'm not here to tell you to get on a New Year resolution wagon and start with training and diet to better yourself. Instead I'm going to tell you to do whatever makes you happy! *** There are way too many miserable people out there who start this year with resolutions to start exercising and eating healthy; thinking that once they lose certain amount of kilos they will be happy with themselves. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't work that way...... If you're not comfortable with yourself now, you won't be once you reached your goal either. You have to do it for who you are and what you believe in. You have to enjoy the process or you won't stick with it anyway. So don't promise that in 2016 you'll do something to change your life unless you're really in it with your whole heart. Just do what makes you happy, do what you've always wanted to do, learn to love yourself.. and then magic happens!

13.01.2022 I wholeheartedly agree with this statement! I've said it before and I say it again: coaching someone has to be a two way street - you both should be in it because you trust each other and want to become better, either as an athlete or as a coach. I've made a mistake of trusting my coach in anything he said and I've paid the price for it. Do not be blinded by how great they seem on the paper or how many people sing their praises. You know yourself better than anyone and if som...ething they tell you to do isn't really feeling right then I bet it's not. Trust your hunches! Question them! Challenge them! Make them explain! And if it still bugs you deep inside then maybe, just maybe they don't know what they're doing?! Maybe you're better off without them? You have to take ownership! #takeownership #trustyourhunches #questionyourcoach #challengeyourcoach #twowaystreet #becomebetter

12.01.2022 #makingweight One days worth of food.. I can honestly say that I've never eaten as much a day before my comp; which is especially crazy to think as I've also never competed in U52 weight class. You could probably say that all the hard work has paid off if I'm able to eat more while competing at a lighter bodyweight. Total calories 2500 (350c/20F/230P) #eatallthefood #tomorrow #europeanchampionships #estonia #tartu #u52 #bringiton

11.01.2022 Today is the day when I start my journey to home for European Championships. I've just finished with my last client for now and have organised training programmes for each and every one of them, so they can still reach their goals while I'm away. Exciting weeks are ahead!

07.01.2022 Hypermobility - you might be surprised that it's your extremely mobile joints that hold you back in making strength gains. This is something that needs to be talked about! I see way too many people (especially females) doing a lot of stretching and 'mobility' work than is needed for them as they are already mobile and can get into positions really well. Feeling tight in those instances doesn't necessarily mean that stretching has to prescribed - it can even make it worse. ... As Eric Cressey has said: 'I’m hypermobile, and have worked with hypermobile athletes and general population clients for the majority of my career. Let me be the first to tell you: if you tell me to get into a certain position for a lift, I WILL get there. Sure, it won’t be right 9 times out of 10 and I’ll feel it in the wrong places, but I’ll get there, and unless you are REALLY good at what you do, it’s going to look passable, and I’m going to feed into my dysfunctional movement patterns. And every hypermobile client I’ve worked with has done this exact same thing.' A lot of people who are not hypermobile themselves might not understand what it feels like to be this way. They see you doing the right movement but you are actually doing entirely wrong thing and don't work any of the right muscles. I know this as I've been there and I've done that! It takes time to (re)learn the movements the right way; it might make you feel frustrated, but I can tell you one thing - it will all be worth it! If you're interested in finding out if you're hypermobile or if you might need help with your lifts and think that what you just read about hypermobility applies to you then I would love to work with you to get you on the right track. Contact me via PM and let's see what we can do for you!

07.01.2022 Third deadlift by my partner at yesterday's comp. We both were more than happy with this as he hasn't been able to sumo deadlift in this last cycle due to getting some bad pain in his leg as soon as the weight reaches 170+. Two weeks ago his best at this lift was 200kg and 220 didn't budge off the ground. He was in agony after that. So we have been working with his technique and setup to make sure that pain wouldn't be an issue anymore. This was 230kg which is his personal b...est!! All whites No pain in his leg during the lift and he feels great today. We take it as a win! He also squatted 212.5 and benched 142.5; total 585kg leaving a bit on that platform. #powerliftingaustralia #ptcperth #titanaustralia #coupleswholift #sumodeadlift #rehabprehab #techniqueonpoint #thatsetup See more

07.01.2022 Looking forward to this busy day - refereeing and coaching at the #powerliftingaustralia comp today. If you're interested to se some strong people move heavy weights then come down and show your support to the only drug tested federation in Australia. Day starts with ladies hitting the platform at 10am #powerlifting #compday #refereeing #coaching #cleansport

06.01.2022 It's actually quite enjoyable if you don't have a pressure of an upcoming comp on you while training. I haven't really had a motivation in last couple of weeks, so my training has felt on and off. Today however was a good day - personal best on bench 5x5@60kg. Video is of last 4 reps on third set. 60kg is a weight I was barely able to move for a single a year ago. Now I weigh about 5kg less than I did back then and I rep it out with ease. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and lift purely for the enjoyment of it. Remember - you have to love what you do! Otherwise you won't stick with it anyway. I for one am now looking forward to my next session #benchpress #girlswhopowerlift #thatarchthough #personalbest #ptcperth #enjoyyourtraining

06.01.2022 So, here's a video showing how to create a tripod foot. More info about this is available in the previous post.

04.01.2022 2016 will be big for me! To kick it off I will be heading to Estonia for couple of weeks in the beginning of March to represent my home country at European Championships. This comp will see me competing first time in under 52kg weight class and hopefully I'm able to hit personal bests with each of my lifts.

03.01.2022 You live and you learn... On Sunday I experienced something I've never even heard of. I was midset of my paused squats when it happened. It can be best described as a grenade exploding in my head. I've never had a headache that could come close to that. But apparently it's a thing - exertion headache or otherwise known and weightlifters headache. Reading up about it I was really weary of getting back into training. I stopped on Sunday there and then; plus I took a day off yes...terday. Today the dull ache was gone so I felt confident enough to train again which went well. Have any other powerlifters had this happen to them? Anyone else? It can be quite scary when it happens. Especially if you've never had bad headaches before. My guess is that a combination of factors contributed to it on Sunday and I just have to be more diligent in future with my hydration, neck position, my nerve rehab been done etc. You can read more about this from the following link:

02.01.2022 I am a big believer that every single one of us should strength train as it has a lot of benefits both mentally and physically. It doesn't matter what is your age or your gender; strength training has benefits for all of us. This here is a great article from Girls Gone Strong and lists just few things that strength training does for a female: - Strength training is empowering. (It shows you what your body is capable of and then help you to do more; it shifts your focus towar...ds the ability) - Strength training makes you feel great. (Helps you to increase your abilities gradually; helps you to stay motivated to continue your training) - Strength training positively affects your entire life. (It increases your energy and allows you to sleep better; it makes everyday tasks easier) - Strength training builds you up, mentally and physically. (It makes you a better version of yourself: fitness is no longer a punishment) Who wouldn't want this? And what's even better?! I believe that you don't have to train 5-6 times per week to achieve all these benefits. Not all of us have that kind of time and not all of us are that invested in training. I have a lot of clients who only train with me 1-2 times per week and and as they have been doing it for a long time they are still seeing constant improvements in their training and in their everyday life. This is exactly what it's all about! Training is there to add value to your life, not take over your life.

01.01.2022 This year has been a huge struggle in terms of training and learning to know my body again. I hit a bit of a bottom in March/April and had to find myself and learn to love powerlifting again. I took a step back to recover from being pushed in a wrong way and get back to where I actually wanted to be and compete. I'm not 100% there yet, but I'm on my way. I was knocked down but I wasn't going to stay there.. This 122.5kg squat from #powerliftingaustralia Perth Open at #fitnessexpo gave me so much hope and strength to move forward from here. My bench and deadlift were not as good and I was a little unlucky, but still managed to come in at first place. So it must have been a good day. #personalbest #imbackbitches #healthyfirst #enjoylife #powerlifting #girlswhopowerlift #ptcperth

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