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LLCR Parenting Specialist

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 431 315 310


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25.01.2022 Be mindful of your strong hands, your impatience, your sighs, your loud voice, your over-towering stature, your inconsistent manner, your demands without explanation, your use of authority, of shaming, of mocking or embarrassing. Decpite what we might call it (often in the name of discipline), the lack of awareness and control we have over ourselves, often means our children's first encounter of violation and disrespect comes directly from us. There is always a peaceful solu...tion. Be the peace you want to see. For support, tips and effective ways of parenting with compassion, with loving boundaries and respect, please contact me.

25.01.2022 For the past four years Decial has woken me up with a cup of coffee in bed. It's his way of loving me and has always been a huge part of my morning ritual. These days, waking up to a very energetic toddler who requires my undivided attention 95% of the day, has made the coffee wake ups that much more meaningful. In fact, I have created a full ritual around it. I take a deep breath in and sit up straight to take the first sip. In that moment I become aware of my gratitude, my... breath, the feeling of calm and absolute clarity. I smile really hard. I feel so crystal clear, that now days I often receive many moments of clarity and inspiration around work flowing, that I keep a note pad close by ready to record whatever comes through. Only this morning it dawned on me that all of this happens within 30 or so seconds because that's often all I get. How has meditation changed for you since parenthood?

23.01.2022 I am delighted to finally share with you, something that I feel is so powerful and that has drastically helped me on my own parenting journey. You know that feeling, when you've tried every logical thing, you've prepared as best as you can, you've reseached and applied all you can think of and yet you know there's something deeper within yourself that is creating the response or reaction from your child that you may be trying to shift.... This is how I have felt in times of h...igh stress and anxiety. Working with @claudio has offered me a sense of autonomy on the deepest possible level - because she has allowed me to rewrite the subconscious programming which no longer served me especially when triggered by the stresses of daily life with a toddler. Rachel and I have designed a 4 week mastermind to offer parents support, guidance and practical ways to shift and change subconscious barriers that may be interfering with the way you are interacting or reacting to your children. For more details on this please comment or DM me for the information pack.

22.01.2022 Risk taking is one of the most fundamental elements a child needs to experience in order to be safe, to be confident, and to develop concentration. Decpite our best intentions, overprotecting children from everyday dangers in the house, highly increases their chance of misusing these daily life material and having accidents within the home. A simple activity, set with intention, instruction and patience will pull the child's attention into the task, develop deep concentration and teach a safe and valuable lesson. Zev (3 yrs as of last week) has recently had a leap in his concentration and high interest in cutting every single plant he could find in the house. This was my cue to introduce his first cutting job - with real scissors of course. He has been fixated on this beautiful task for 2 days now. #followthechild

22.01.2022 Refrain from using statements such as "You've had a warning" or "This is your last chance". It implies that the child's behaviour is and should be dependent on you - this is not structure nor is it discipline. This is obedience. It does not teach the child how to behave independent of the parent or teacher. Instead, try saying for example, "Is this the way you've been shown to do this?" or "If you are unable to.....then you'll need to stand with me."

22.01.2022 Here is a powerful example of how Rachel will be working with us throughout our 4 week mastermind. Her ability to question and remove layers of subconscious beliefs will allow you to restructure and reestablish the beliefs and programming you prefer - bringing back ease and joy to your parenting daily life. To join us on this journey please DM me with your email address and I'll send you the booking details. Y x

22.01.2022 Sharing my personal experience of working through some anxiety and angst I found myself dealing with on a daily basis and how Rachel guided me through this. Each of those attending our mastermind will have the opportunity to do the same work in the areas of your choice. DM here for details and bookings.

21.01.2022 I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to share this space with @danni.willow who is a master at creating communities of empowered mothers through her own aware parenting and passion for feminine wisdom. During the month of April, we will share conversation on a range of topics including: Motherhood, Connection to Earth, Montessori in the home and talk about how we support ourselves through our lived motherhood experiences. You are invited to join us live each week for a month! every Wednesday 8:45pm- 9:15pm AEST

20.01.2022 I'll be presenting on day 4 - 8th October

19.01.2022 Parenting peacefully is a revolution Almost everyday I'm asked several questions regarding peaceful responses to children. The most common misconception I find, is that the word 'peaceful' is seen as something too gentle or too free, that parent's eventually snap and do the extreme opposite of that which they intend. I want to clarify this for parents, so that there is a deeper understanding of what being peaceful actually means. This state of 'peace' is actually your natu...ral state. It is simply the way you yourself would like to be treated. It is calm, confident, consistent and real. In response, the child learns, that in the midst of growing and changing, she will always be met with calm, confident, consistent and real responses. This is peaceful. This can be done through very simple consideration, such as: having realistic expectations of the child, sticking to your word, offering a solution to a problem rather than punishing for having a problem, being respectful of the child's sensitivities.... any many more. Next month I will be running a seminar on practical application of peace. Stay tuned for details!

19.01.2022 Yesterday afternoon became all a bit too much for Zev. He misses being able to play at the park, to hug his friends, to high-five strangers and swimming at his favourite pool... As my guilt (although out of my control) slowly made it's way to the surface, his emotions and frustration began to erupt. This time I chose to act the opposite, and instead of shying away from our huge feelings, I shed a tear. Zev began to cry. It got louder and louder. He then walked away and came b...ack with his earmuffs and cried as loud as he could. I sat still. After a short time, he took them off, crawled into my arms with a sigh of relief and said, "Aah I feel much better." Everything from that moment became calm. I'm reminded that even in highly emotional states our children have an innate ability to follow their highest needs. Be there and be as still as the pillar but not as an obstacle.

17.01.2022 This is exactly how I like to work with ADAH in children. My role is to support parents in setting up for successful moments in daily life - whether in a leaning situation, emotional storm and just getting ready for bed. Following the child's interest and using engaging, concrete language that links the action to the child's interests creates behavioural changes through a moment of clarity and alignment.

16.01.2022 "It's all well and good to point our fingers at those who's role it is to play the evil role in the game of life and blame them for the disaster we all now face. Although, it should be remembered that we have all played our part in throwing the planet so far out of balance through distancing ourselves from Natural Law - either through our thoughts, words or deeds. It is a collective dilemma and requires now a collective renewal to shift. Let us now focus on ourselves and the commitment we have to make in order to realign ourselves to Natural Law. This looks different for every person on the planet. What does it look like for you?" Zev's grandmother

14.01.2022 Parenting for Peace We may not be able to end a global pandemic or stop climate change from one day to the next, but we do have the freedom to choose peace within our homes. How we raise our children is one of the most powerful tools we have to change our world for the better. During this 2 hour seminar will explore practical ways of applying peace in our parenting despite our exhaustion, fast pass lifestyle, angst and anxiety, and our ever limited time. We will look at pl...anning effectively, preparing with confidence and observing sensitivities so that we may best meet the needs of our children, ourselves and the world. If you'd like to join us for this unique discussion, please send me a DM or email for bookings. I can't wait to meet some more of you!

14.01.2022 The most relevant + powerful stories of all, are the one's that tell the story of our lives. Storytelling has changed so much for us in the past few months. Every lockdown, every new rule about social interaction and our daily life events have been made easier for our son through storytelling. These finger puppets have been our favourite so far. 100% wool, handmade in Nepal. I only have 10 left (a range of different animals even a dragon ) DM for more info and orders.

14.01.2022 Be aware, be astonished, tell other people. Learning how to share a story, express how you feel or feeling understood, has always meant the world to me. Nowadays, Zev is showing great interest and joy in being able to tell us a story or what happened in his day. Lockdown has given us great oppertunity for story telling using photographs, recalling the day and using these sequence cards. There is nothing more profound, more revealing and real than to hear a story being made up by a young child.

12.01.2022 You may notice that your child behaves completely differently in different scenarios- almost like a different child. Whether it's becoming very loud, hitting or keeping to herself. Being destructive, messy or pulling away from other children. Or alternatively, becoming very calm, packing away, and speaking softly. This is a clear example of how the child's environment dictates her behaviour and how the child is communicating to you about what that environment is making her feel. Observation is key. The slightest change in her surroundings will reflect directly in her behaviour.

12.01.2022 So looking forward to going on a journey with those joining our upcoming mastermind DM for more info

10.01.2022 Nothing like deep concentration to start the morning off calmly

08.01.2022 Create opportunities for the child to work continuously - not as a matter of cold obedience to duty, but enthusiastic obedience to joyful, developmental impulse. This is the child's natural state.

07.01.2022 It's that time of year again and I want to celebrate 35 trips around the sun with you! As I do every year for my birthday I would love to offer 5 free sessions starting Monday 29th March - groups welcome. For your booking please DM or email me asap. I can't wait to work with you! Y x

06.01.2022 With the help of "Moana & Maui" of course.

05.01.2022 Maria Montessori has said, "I am but the finger pointing. Look at what I am pointing to, not at me." This rings true is many ways. There is no such thing as a piece of 'Montessori material' if you are not intentional in the way you use it. Therefore, when you are aware, when you are intentional and when you are deliberate in your lessons with the child, you are free and able to use every single thing that is around you to create an aware and conscious individual through your parenting and education.

05.01.2022 Understanging the young child When children are not given real or rational choices to make in their lives (that are appropriate), they will often become oppositional and resist the simplest of requests such as, saying hello, saying sorry, or following simple family rules. Avoid this by offering the child daily choices which directly impacts his life. For example, choice of clothes and snacks. This can also be done through wording, "Will you do it now or after lunch? Are you going to walk or should I carry you to the bath?".

04.01.2022 Happy little vegemite I am 7:00am start in the office and I'll be here all weekend long delivering professional development in NZ, week 4 of our Matermind and excited to start the journey with a few new families ready to take on parenting in a whole new way. I always feel blessed to deliver the work that I believe in.

04.01.2022 When I was a child, one of my mum's favourite grocers was a few suburbs over, in quite a low socioeconomic area. Every time we went there she would say how lucky she felt to live near there and have access to shopping within such diverse people. In giving thanks to this, she would pay the bill of the person in front of her at the checkout - every single time we shopped there. Now as an adult, I can see how powerful that act of gratitude and peace was in the way it now impacts the way I behave and choose to teach my own son. Parenting truly is radical. What acts of peace do you remember from your own childhood?

04.01.2022 On Teaching, Loving and Wisdom The bonded-attachment relationship is characterised by love* and nurture; it is the child’s ‘Known’, their Safe Haven, their Harbour in the Ocean that is the big wide world. This bonded relationship is the emotional anchor that allows the child to venture out and make relationships with others, including the other teachers in the care team, and with all the magic that is the Big Wide World. The NEED for this bonded partnership is genetically en...coded within every human baby, yet few teacher trainees learn how to meet this most basic of needs. As qualified teachers, we can be let loose with babies and toddlers without ever having learned the behaviours-practice of Nurture. The CORE learnings for humans are centred in the bonded relationship. The quality of that relationship is based on OUR level of awareness and OUR behaviour. It is dependent on the levels of awareness-attention we bring to our interactions meeting a child’s CORE NEEDS: i.e. when we feed our children, change them, pick them up, hold them, comfort them and speak to them. It extends to the kind of environment we provide for their emotional safety, and for their curiosity and play needs in The Big Wide World. There is a move in education to go Back to Basics, the basic teaching that allows our children to experience the world within the emotional safety of a bonded relationship. May the movement grow! *Love is a ‘‘whole-system' state of awareness' in which the Intelligence of the Heart is primary. Eckhart Tolle describing: Wisdom is not the product of thought. The deep knowing that is wisdom arises through the simple act of giving something or someone your full attention. Attention is primordial intelligence, consciousness itself. It dissolves the barriers created by conceptual thought and with this comes the recognition that nothing exists in and by itself. It joins the perceiver and the perceived in a unifying field of awareness. It is the healer of separation." #penniebrownlee

04.01.2022 Helping parents help themselves I will be there with you every step of the way. Sending voice notes, pictures and sharing inspiration as we journey through the powerful road to reclaiming mother and father as the first teacher. I am currently offering 1:1 consults, ongoing mentoring/support, professional development, mothers circles and online seminars (6th September is our next one).

04.01.2022 Setting up for success Practical Life Today I found myself missing a few basic elements that would allow me to create a perfectly complete task. Many of you have expressed the same scenario - The jugs are too big and heavy, the rolling pin doesn't roll easily, the tongs lock mid transfer, your little one always curious about the adult mugs, leading to accidents... and so on. Here are some of our most used objects. 1. Rolling pin (playdough or baking)... 2. Ceramic mug + saucer (special drink - hot choc) 3. Ceramic pouring jugs (pouring water or rice) 4. Glass drippers (water colours or tasting job) 5. Tongs (transferring) 6. Scrubbing brush (nails or vegetables) 7.Spoons (Mixing) DM if you want one of these boxes.

02.01.2022 Birth of the Absorbent Mind: The Construction of Humanity A two hour seminar describing the development of mind, character and intellect through the lens of Montessori Psychology and Peace Education. This seminar is aimed at parents who are expecting the arrival of baby to roughly three years of age. We will journey through three major developmental leaps the child will experience, understand how to best support these transitions in both parent and child and will finish by exploring some games and toys for suitable stimulation.

02.01.2022 Humbled deeply to be a part of the parenting journey even before the bubs arrive. Can't wait for next months seminar "By the age of three, the modelof the human being that is developing within tue child is complete. Crisis periods are favourable for change,not only in children, but in all who participate in them" Montanaro

01.01.2022 Indirectly addressing worry + anxiety in young children

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