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25.01.2022 Food is fuel. It keeps our bodies running well. It lets us exercise, to stay focused and perform well in our work and gives us energy to spend time with our loves ones. It repairs our muscles and regulates our hormones. Without it, in time we would die. As humans though we have so much more to us than just being ‘well oiled machines’ ... We have a need for emotional connection. A way to show love and affection towards others. A way to celebrate and to mourn. A way to care for our children and to share with our grandparents. Food is fuel, it’s true. It is also so much more. We can’t just live our lives by the numbers of calories and carbohydrates and essential amino acids. In the past I thought like this - it doesn’t end well. When we deny ourselves these enjoyments and experiences we genuinely miss out on life. Unhealthy relationships with food develop. Over restricting links to bingeing and the cycle continues. Feelings of failure, feeling like a loss of control. Don’t forget to be human - If you follow someone who says things like food is just fuel...... Hit unfollow then run. Food is fuel, it’s also so much more.
22.01.2022 @katleesneesby gave me this look this morning. Haha was too good not to make it a meme
20.01.2022 These words came to me recently. They are open to interpretation as are all thoughts and words, although I think it’s interesting the escapism it talks of. It’s nice to get away but if you have unresolved problems then there is no joy in returning. ... Anyway. I have a passion for 2 things in life. To help people with their lives, using health and fitness as a vehicle. And to make people think. Questions result in answers. So when you have problems, thoughts, feelings... question them. Do they get me to where I want? Is that how I want to be? Are these the actions of the person I am or need to be? When I escape through meditation, exercise, drinking, daydreaming... Am I running from something or having a break?
20.01.2022 It’s quite interesting to me that we always will justify our decisions for anything we decide - usually after we have made up our mind... If we start drinking oh I needed this, my week has been terrible If we buy a new phone my screen was cracked, its important for work... Sleeping in over going to the gym I’ve been exhausted lately Spending money on a quality food service I’m so busy and this will help me out Whether it’s a decision that impacts us positively (like choosing a healthy food option) or negatively (like choosing to drink excessively) - we will find a good reason (or usually a bunch of reasons) why that behaviour is beneficial. Learn to say yes to choosing the thing that serves you and then you’ll make up the reasons anyway. Get a Pt. Buy yourself a massage. Get a food prep service. Take good care of yourself. The amount of things you manage to do might just surprise you.
20.01.2022 You don’t have to miss out on pizza! https://youtu.be/Rhp6ESAVE2Y
20.01.2022 Fortunately once you become a dad you can just eat hot food straight from the pan, oven or bbq no problems
18.01.2022 I filmed a few exercise tutorials recently and will slowly throw them out. If you could comment if there is anything more needed. Trying to keep them short enough to be easily digested but long enough to inform you on how to do them. They can be found on YouTube also. https://youtu.be/jgTJX0hBG_4
17.01.2022 You can be ready to throw it all in, eat a couple of ice creams - call in sick and be gentle for a day then wake up and be prepared to: Have that chat with yourself like hey hey hey it’s time to pull up the big girl or boy pants and get to fucking work. You are allowed to like yourself - hell even love yourself before you’ve made the changes you want to. ... Kindness Compassion Safety Respect And duty of care all sound like soft words and terms that would be in complete contrast to working hard. In reality though they go hand in hand. Being respectful is doing the hard thing so that future you doesn’t have the guilt of bitching it. Compassion is telling yourself YOU CAN do it when you aren’t entirely sure. You can be all of those things and then flick the switch, put the game face on - (more cliques) and accomplish things because you deserve to.
17.01.2022 Empathy is something that’s critical in a good coaching relationship. Recently, I’ve been throwing myself into some powerlifting training and it’s brought about many experiences and feelings that many of my clients feel regularly. It’s been great to be humbled and be reminded of what if feels like to be unsure of the way to go about reaching a goal. ... That you might have to do something you aren’t sure of and risk feeling silly, looking silly or both. Doing something you really aren’t that good at is a good way to keep yourself in check and be able to relate through empathy to clients, friends, family and other important people in your life
15.01.2022 If you purchased 100kg of bricks or 100kg of feathers you would have 2 very different sized packages, with the feathers taking up a much larger volume despite them both being 100kg. In the picture. The 125g of rice on the left has 41g of carbohydrates and the 400g cauliflower has only 20. If you choose different food sources you can change the volume of food you consume which is a very successful strategy for your diet. ... High volume foods are less ‘costly’ in terms of the calories they contain per 100g of food. Often simple swaps can be used to allow us to eat more of a similar item that may: - Reduce the calories we consume. - Help us feel fuller by eating more. Both of these are very important and a great tools to help us be more successful in our goals. An example is to Swat out rice for cauliflower rice. Have potato instead of rice. Add spinach and greens to stir fry’s. Can you think of some other options?
14.01.2022 What supplements are worth it? Protein - for after workouts and any other time you need to increase your protein intake in the day. Creatine monohydrate - this supports our high output energy systems. Think sprints, lifting weights and explosive, short and sharp activities.... Caffeine - something that increases alertness, pain tolerance and lowers our perceived level of effort.. sign me up! Also shoutout to @bulknutrients for being the best supplements there are - I’m ready for a discount code
14.01.2022 Doing @drgarymendoza ‘s motivational interviewing and behaviour change course was very worthwhile. I’m able to listen better to my clients, connect effectively and then help them to dig a little deeper and ultimately find solutions together. I would recommend it for any coach or any kind.
14.01.2022 This has been the most successful holiday in respect to health and fitness since I started training around 16 years ago. Not because I was the healthiest I’ve been on a holiday - because I’ve cared the least on a holiday. ... We get into this health and fitness thing to enhance our lives and somewhere along the way it can start to take over. Having to say I can’t eat that at a special occasion. Bingeing when you finally can’t hold out any longer. Feeling guilt for having things you wouldn’t normally or having ‘too much’ Stressing over not getting enough of this macro or worrying about losing muscle. Having to book accommodation close to a gym chain you are a part of. I have felt all of the above and it’s taken me messing up over and over again to learn. I just want you to know that you can change if you’d like. After lots of work, and it does take work... I’ve finally got to a point where I can not care. A holiday isn’t normal, and while the way we have eaten hasn’t been the way to be all the time it has led to great memories, many firsts for our boys and a lot of laughter and fun. Do you ever feel any of those feelings above??
13.01.2022 Often we aren’t feeling 100% when we get to the gym - that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t train.. You firstly need to ask yourself if you’re being soft honestly. Then if you are genuinely low on energy or fatigued there are some things we can do to modify our training in a sensible way. ... Lifting heavy weights for lower reps is rather fatiguing so it makes it sense to steer away from that while being tired and or run down. Supersets or giant sets are a bad idea - they are just adding unnecessary stress and fatigue for no reason. Steps you can take. 1. Increase rest times. 2. Reduce the number of sets you were planning to do. 3. Increase the number of reps - this will lighten the load needed. Hope that helps!
12.01.2022 There is nuance to all of these for sure. Just wrote this out this afternoon and aiming to make this PowerPoint into a short video series about how to progress alongside what might not matter so much compared to other variables. Any discussion welcome!! Comment away
11.01.2022 It’s my opinion that Muscle soreness is put high up on a pedestal as it’s bio feedback that we can feel, often for a day or 2 and usually is associated with doing a large amount of work. It’s really important though to remember that muscle soreness is not the goal! Kind of like how earning more money often (not always) goes hand in hand with doing more work the aim is often not to do more work - it just happens to be that way. ... In my eyes soreness comes from doing something you aren’t used to and there is at least 4 big and obvious scenarios this would come up in: - You are new to training or have had time off for a decent length of time. - You tried new exercises and you have either not done them before or haven’t done them for a long time. - You did a considerable amount more in training than what is usual for you, which might be you went closer or to failure in each set. - You increased or changed the sets, reps and weight schemes you were training to. Basically - doing something that isn’t usual for us brings on some amount of soreness. To me I think we should train hard enough that muscle soreness is somewhere between a 2 and 6 out of 10 with 10 being extreme. It’s not the goal at all, again though it is a marker that usually shows up when hard work has occurred. Do you still get sore from training?
11.01.2022 Powerful message from our children’s’ book last night.. In our health and fitness journey there’s going to be many times we are nervous and unsure. Thinking back, what in the past have you done that you were nervous to do starting out?
10.01.2022 John is moving to Brisbane so today was our last session.. We had an awesome 18 months of training and to be honest John taught me as much as I taught him. John was actually already strong enough to leg press 200kg for 20 reps on our first session and to be honest I wasn’t comfortable loading 59 year old knees much more than that, so it became a fun journey of how do we make things harder with less weights to avoid having to put heavy weights through his joints and just trai...n muscles. The best thing John accomplished in my mind was after his 60th birthday. - I asked him how 60 feels and he replied honestly I’m feeling better at 60 than I did at 50 I can’t take any credit for johns progress, it was awesome to simply be his guide and to get to witness an inspiring man that will leave most half his age behind him. It’s not goodbye forever but goodbye for now John.
09.01.2022 This will easily turn into a blog post as it’s a big one.. There are many factors that determine how many exercises you do within a training session... How many workouts you do per week..... Whether you are male or female.. How strong you have become.. What your goals are.. How long you have to train.. For an instagram post though let’s assume the large majority of people are looking for some fat loss and muscle gain changes and to be done within 30-60 mins I would recommend something from 3-6 exercises with a total number of sets being 20 as a max. The reason being - the quality of effectiveness going down the more you do. Examples you may do: 5 exercises of 3 sets would be suitable. 4 exercises of 4 sets would be suitable. 3 exercises of 5-6 sets would be suitable. The argument for less exercises is that - Each exercise requires some warm up prior to heavier sets. Meaning there is energy spent not doing effective work and also time in the gym essentially ‘wasted’... The stronger you get, more warm ups are needed so it would make sense for beginners to start closer to the 5-6 exercises and those stronger or more experiences closer to 3-4... There are many factors as mentioned so look out for a blog post. When it comes to the number of exercises you do, less often is more.
07.01.2022 Had this thought this morning... If it was your last day it would be easy to just go all out. To lift in a way that leaves you feeling absolutely exhausted and sick on the floor. ... Training to failure is easy. Moderation is hard. Coming up with a plan that provides longevity, thats not as easy. You should have the answer when the question is always where to next week? Train like you’ll live forever. Leave room for tomorrow.
06.01.2022 Fixed last weeks math problems and got the correct weight of 172.5kg this week. Thought I might get 3 and 4’s felt ok. Onwards and upwards ... For me I like the way the bar actually comes back towards me slightly as well as moving up. Often when deadlifts get heavy the bar comes forwards of our body as our hips shoot up without our chest also rising and then we have to fight using our back to get it up. Fortunately I maintained technique. I’ll still need to get a little better leg drive as things get heavier. Good session.
04.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the dads (and mums playing both roles) out there. Papa bear
04.01.2022 You can do keto - but you never get carbs. You can do carnivore - but you never get veggies. You can do iifym - but you might end up living your life by numbers.... You can do Atkins - but it’s not that fun. You can do vegan - but you might be low in protein. You can do intermittent fasting - but then you starve occasionally. You can do 5 and 2 - but then 2 days a week life might suck. YOU CANT USE INTUITIVE EATING - because it’s a weight neutral eating framework that is not designed as a weight loss strategy. Essentially there are always pro’s and cons to any choice. The one that makes sense to you the most and subtracts the least from your quality of life is the one for you, facts are a calorie deficit is how you lose weight.
02.01.2022 Deadlifts felt nice this morning. Little tip for deadlifts. Usually if you do them correctly you scrape your shins with the bar and cut your legs. Or start to move the bar away from your shins so you don’t cut your legs but that wrecks your technique. ... Wear some knee sleeves (or real thick high socks) over your shins to save your technique and your leg skin... Last week was 172.5 x 4 this week 180 x 5. The longer gap between deadlifting sessions paid off
02.01.2022 When you get to the bottom of the container so the container becomes your cup. I think in many situations carbohydrates aren’t really needed during the workout. Not physiologically... Psychologically though - I think it makes you feel more energised. ... Sometimes towards the tail end of a longer workout OR if you start to feel sick cause it’s leg day or circuits.. it might make sense to have a Gatorade or similar sugary drink. I like Gatorade personally because it also has both potassium and sodium in the right amounts for our bodies electrolytes. Do you drink anything during training??
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