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25.01.2022 If it’s not something you can stick to long term, it’s not going to yield long term results. #limitlessathlete : @growing_up_creepy #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
25.01.2022 3 EXCUSES FOR NOT EXERCISING AND SOLUTIONS In spite of the well documented benefits of exercising, only 5% of adults in the U.S. exercise the prescribed 30 minutes a day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is easy to come up with many reasons/excuses for not exercising I’m too tired. I’m too overweight. I don’t have time. In this video I provide solutions to 3 of the most common.
25.01.2022 STRESS AND WEIGHT GAIN Stress can significantly impact your ability to maintain a healthy weight. It can also prevent you from losing weight. Whether it's the result of high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, unhealthy stress-induced behaviors, or a combination of the two, the link between stress and weight gain is glaring.
23.01.2022 A diet you cannot stick to is a diet that is not going to work. #limitlessathlete : @anthony_wbff_fitnessmodel #team limitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss
23.01.2022 If it’s not something you can see yourself sticking to forever, it’s not an approach that is going to result in improvements that last. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
23.01.2022 3 SIGNS YOU ARE PROTEIN DEFICIENT There are several signs and symptoms that may provide an indication that you’re not consuming an adequate amount of protein, in this video I make apparent 3.
22.01.2022 No one that continually chose to persist is going to tell you it wasn’t worth it. #limitlessathlete : @laurenmareellen #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
22.01.2022 If nothing changes, nothing will change. Stop wishing, start working. #limitlessathlete : @j_wimble_92 #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
22.01.2022 If it’s not practical, it’s not a long term solution. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to diet to some degree forever. If your approach isn’t enjoyable, you have no hope of doing so. #limitlessathlete : @dave_potter_85 #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
21.01.2022 Wishing things were different changes nothing. #limitlessathlete : @joshuavereb #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #transformation
21.01.2022 3 WAYS TO IMPROVE SEX DRIVE Looking to spice up your sex life? There are a variety of things you can do in your everyday life that can help boost your libido and enhance your sex life.
21.01.2022 What you settle for is what you deserve. #limitlessathlete : @craig_fishernf #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
21.01.2022 The more practical the approach, the more sustainable the results. #limitlessathlete : @coopsgrind #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #transformation
20.01.2022 Wishing things were different does nothing for your waistline. #teanlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
20.01.2022 It is no one else’s fault you decided it wasn’t worth your time. Actions express priorities. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
20.01.2022 Wishing things were different burns no calories. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #transformation
20.01.2022 STOP COMBINING THESE SUPPLEMENTS Millions of us take vitamins, minerals, and other supplements daily to improve our health and well-beingbut taking certain pills together can create a dangerous mix. Here are some of the combos you should avoid.
19.01.2022 7 COMMON DEFICIENCIES Many nutrients are essential for good health. While it’s possible to get most of them from a balanced diet, the typical Western diet is low in several very important nutrients. In this video I make apparent 7 nutrient deficiencies that are relatively common.
19.01.2022 ARM WORKOUT A1 / TRICEP ROPE PULLDOWN / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / B1 / TRICEP ROPE PULLDOWN (30% lighter) / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / B2 / STRAIGHT BAR PUSHDOWN / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 /... C1 / OVERHEAD TRICEP EXTENSION / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / D1 / PREACHER CURL / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / D2 / BARBELL BICEP CURL / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / SETS 4 / REST 45 SECONDS / See more
19.01.2022 3 MUSCLE BUILDING FUNDAMENTALS It's not easy to build muscle. Every guy knows that. Yes, you go into the gym, and you lift weights, and you may seem some gains. But if you really want to pack on serious size and muscle, you need a plan, and it's more than randomly picking up a few dumbbells, and slamming through some reps and sets.
18.01.2022 BROWN RICE VS WHITE RICE Which is better and why?
17.01.2022 It’s no one’s else’s fault you didn’t look for an alternative. #limitlessathlete : @laurenmareellen #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
17.01.2022 3 REASONS YOU ARE NOT GAINING MUSCLE You’ve been going to the gym, putting in the time, doing your body good, but week after week that feeling of frustration and lack of motivation creep in. Not seeing results can feel very frustrating, and without even knowing it, you might be sabotaging your own progress. In this video I give 3 reasons as to why you might not be gaining muscle.
17.01.2022 Wishing for it does nothing for your waistline. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
17.01.2022 If it’s not something you enjoy, it’s not something you are doing to be able to sustain. #limitlessathlete : @tee_mckeown #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
16.01.2022 ARM WORKOUT A1 / TRICEP PUSHDOWN / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / A2 / TRICEP ROPE PULLDOWN / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / A3 / TRICEP ROPE PULLDOWN / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 /... B1 / PREACHER CURL / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / B2 / PREACHER CURL / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / C1 / HIGH CABLE CURL / TEMPO 1,0,1,2 / REPS 10 / C2 / STRAIGHT BAR PUSHDOWN : TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / SETS 4 / REST 45 SECONDS / See more
15.01.2022 To lose weight and keep it off, you need to diet to some degree forever. To have a hope of doing so, your diet needs to be enjoyable as nothing you don’t enjoy is sustainable. #limitlessathlete : @mr_matejaa #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
15.01.2022 Short term solutions will not yield long term results. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to diet to some degree forever. To have a hope of doing so, your diet needs to be well suited to you. #limitlessathlete : @jack_ransom22 #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
15.01.2022 3 INDICATIONS YOU NEED MORE SLEEP Everyone's heard the general advice to get eight hours of sleep per night. Reality is however, the amount you need can vary from person to person. In this video I make apparent 3 indications you are not getting enough sleep.
14.01.2022 Nothing you don’t enjoy is sustainable. To lose weight and keep it off you need to diet to some degree forever, to have a hope of being able to do so, your diet needs to be enjoyable. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #transformation
14.01.2022 12 SIGNS YOU ARE UNDER-EATING There are a number of signs which appear when someone is not eating enough. Some present more immediately than others, while others take weeks or months. Not eating enough can wreak havoc on your hormones, slow down your metabolism and can lead to unnecessary anxiety.
14.01.2022 Wishing for it does nothing for your waistline. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
14.01.2022 What you aren’t changing you have chosen. #limitlessasthlete : @joshua_hedley #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #transformation
14.01.2022 Until you change something, nothing will change. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
13.01.2022 All diets work, not all diets will work for you. Don’t beat yourself up provided what worked for your friends didn’t work for you. That particular approach was simply more well suited to them. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
13.01.2022 If it’s something you struggle following, it’s not something that is going to help keep the weight off long term. #limitlessveteran : @nessyturner #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
12.01.2022 3 TIPS FOR A BETTER NIGHTS SLEEP It’s well-established that sleep is essential to our physical and mental health. But despite its importance, a troubling percentage of people find themselves regularly deprived of quality sleep and are notably sleepy during the day.
12.01.2022 #limitlessathlete @jason_gillig is already looking considerably leaner after remaining adherent to his personalised nutrition, training and supplementation protocols the last 4 weeks. Well done Jason, onwards and upwards! #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
12.01.2022 CHEST WORKOUT A1 / FLAT BENCH PRESS / TEMPO 3,2,1,0 / REPS 10 / B1 / CHEST FLY / TEMPO 3,0,1,2 / REPS 10 / C1 / INCLINE PRESS / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 /... D1 / DECLINE PUSH-UP / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / D2 / PULSE PUSH-UP / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / SETS 4 / REST 45 SECONDS / See more
12.01.2022 It doesn’t have to be a priority to make progress. If it’s not a priority however, don’t expect to progress at the rate those do that consider it a priority. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
12.01.2022 For as long as you consider exercise and diet a chore, your results are going to be short lived. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to diet to some degree forever. To have a hope of doing so, your approach needs to be sustainable. #limitlessathlete : @nessyturner #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
11.01.2022 Nothing you don’t enjoy is sustainable. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss
10.01.2022 What you choose not to do you are also accountable for. #limitlessathlete : @kyle.simmonds_ #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #transformation
10.01.2022 You deserve what you settle for. #limitlessathlete : @bec_tatts #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
09.01.2022 All diets work, not all diets are going to work for you. The issue isn’t necessarily your will power, the issue isn’t necessarily your work ethic. The issue could very well be how well suited to you your regime was to begin with. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
07.01.2022 I AM DOING CARDIO AND DIETING, WHY AREN’T I LOSING WEIGHT? If your body is not resulting in the effort you are investing, this is the video for you.
07.01.2022 The size of your deficit and the theoretical weight loss it could result in makes no difference if you can’t stick to it. The best approach is and will always be the approach that best suits you. #limitlessathlete : @_jennnnnnnnnnnnn_ #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
07.01.2022 3 REASONS YOU ARE NOT LOSING FAT When you lose weight, your body fights back. You may be able to lose quite a lot of fat at first, without much effort. However, fat loss may slow down or stop altogether after a while. In this video I discuss 3 potential reasons you are not losing fat.
05.01.2022 SHOULD I DROP CARBS OR FAT? If my ambition is to lose weight, am I best dropping carbs or fat?
05.01.2022 LEG WORKOUT A1 / LEG PRESS / TEMPO 3,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / A2 / LEG PRESS / TEMPO 1,3,1,0 / REPS 10 / B1 / LYING LEG CURL / TEMPO 3,0,1,2 / REPS 10 /... B2 / LYING LEG CURL / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / C1 / LEG EXTENSION / TEMPO 1,0,1,0 / REPS 10 / See more
05.01.2022 All diets work, not all diets are going to work for you long term. The only diet that is going to work for you long term is a diet well suited to you, a diet you can stick to long term. #limitlessathlete : @_jennnnnnnnnnnnn_ #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
05.01.2022 What you settle for is for you to decide. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
05.01.2022 No one you consider an inspiration spent their time wishing things were different. Time to finish what we started @s_geddes , proud of you mate. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
05.01.2022 3 VITAMINS YOU ARE LIKELY DEFICIENT IN A well-balanced and nutritious diet has many benefits. On the other hand, a diet lacking in nutrients may cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. These symptoms are your body’s way of communicating potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Recognizing them can help you adjust your diet accordingly. In this video I talk of 3 nutrients most are deficient in and their importance.
04.01.2022 What you settle for is for you to decide. #limitlessathlete : @joshuavereb #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
04.01.2022 A diet you cannot stock to is a diet that is not going to work for you. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
03.01.2022 You cannot he disappointed with the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do. #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
03.01.2022 If it’s not something you consider easy to stick to, it’s not going to yield long term results. #limitlessathlete : @thetonebar #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
02.01.2022 5 REASONS TO EAT MORE SALT Conventional wisdom has always told us that it’s best to moderate salt consumption. If you have high blood pressure, doctors would most most certainly urge you to drastically decrease your salt. Research linking salt consumption to heart disease and stroke is tenuous at best. Likewise, many individuals with high blood pressure see no significant decrease in blood pressure following a decrease in salt intake. In fact, salt is good for you (provided you’re consuming the right kind). Salt is a required component for many of our bodies functions.
02.01.2022 Nothing you don’t enjoy is sustainable. #limitlessathlete : @joseph.petroo #teamlimitless #letswork #cosch #onlinecoach
02.01.2022 There is no correlation between difficulty and effectiveness, any coach that assures you otherwise is lazy and is likely of the understanding their time is better spent looking for new clients as opposed to accomodating regarding your preferences to render you more adherent. #limitlessathlete : @jesse_wilmen #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
02.01.2022 If it’s not something you enjoy, it’s not something you are going to stick to long enough to encourage significant improvements. The best approach is and will always be the approach you consider easy to stick to. #limitlessathlete : @j_wimble_110 #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
02.01.2022 HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD I EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT? Protein is an important source of fuel and building blocks for your body but how much protein should you eat when you’re trying to lose weight? Short answer: it depends on your body size.
02.01.2022 Only those that quit too soon are going to tell you it can’t be done, to justify inaction. Prove them wrong. #limitlessathlete : @growing_up_creepy #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
01.01.2022 You deserve what you settle for. #limitlessathlete : @jesse.scott18 #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
01.01.2022 3 FOODS THAT CAN CURB YOUR APPETITE To lose weight, you generally need to reduce your daily calorie intake. Unfortunately, weight loss diets often lead to increased appetite and severe hunger. This can make it extremely difficult to lose weight and keep it off.... In this video I talk of 3 foods you probably didn’t know can help curb your appetite. See more
01.01.2022 If it’s not something you can fathom doing forever, it’s a short term solution. To make improvements and sustain them you need to diet to some degree forever, to have a hope of doing so, your diet needs to be practical. #limitlessathlete : @joseph.petroo #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach
01.01.2022 The only diet that is going to yield term results is the diet you can stick to long term. If it’s not practical, it’s not a long term solution. #limitlessathlete : @elyse_brooks_ #teamlimitless #letswork #coach #onlinecoach #weightloss #transformation
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