Local Tree Care in Baranduda, Victoria, Australia | Shopping & retail
Local Tree Care
Locality: Baranduda, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 417 684 571
Address: 22 Kothes Lane 3691 Baranduda, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.localtreecare.com.au
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25.01.2022 Are you home at the moment, working in your garden or the kids playing in the yard? NOW is a good time to LOOK UP into your trees. But what should you look for? We've provided a brief overview of what you can check for when inspecting your trees. If you have any concerns call Colin or Merv today for an assessment of your trees. Both Colin and Merv have each over 20 years local experience in the professional maintenance of trees and assessment with Colin holding a Diploma in Arboriculture. Call us today on 0417684571 or message us below or visit www.localtreecare.com.au/contact to send us an email.
24.01.2022 Dangerous Tree Removal ! This red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) had extensive rot and decay in one of it's co-dominant leaders which was situated over the shed .
24.01.2022 ARE YOUR TREES A RISK? Not sure? For a free assessment fill in the attached form today.
23.01.2022 This is a repost from the storms we had in December last year but with the high winds overnight and expected today its a timely reminder for people to check their trees. After any storm activity, and particularly high winds, its always best to look up into the canopy to check for any damage or potential issues but its also important to check around the trunk and root plate for other structural issues that could result in whole tree failure. If you're not sure of what to look for contact Colin or Merv today on 0417 684 571 to inspect your trees and show you first hand what to look for.
23.01.2022 TREE PROBLEMS? Call Local Tree Care for all your tree requirements including tree and stump removal, Professional pruning and more. Visit localtreecare.com.au or ph colin for a free quote on 0417684571
22.01.2022 This week we had the pleasure of helping a local Caravan park with the upgrade of their sites . We removed several Eucalyptus trees, as well as alleviate weight off some extended branches on this very large Red gum .
22.01.2022 Removal of a large English oak (Quercus robur) . Unfortunately this tree has had several branch failures in the past. As we pruned the broken branch's we also performed an ariel inspection which identified a number of structural faults . Due to the high people traffic and close proximity to the workshop the decision to remove was made . CLIMBERS: Joel France and Jimmy Schipper
22.01.2022 Have you noticed Cocky's or Galah's perched in your trees? Do you know about the damage that they can cause? The photos below demonstrate the damage these birds can do to the structural integrity of a tree. The first image of a Cocky eating into the bark of a tree was taken by @Stevenrichards last year and posted on Facebook. It is a stunning image that clearly depicts how these birds damage trees. The other photos are of limb failures that were taken following a storm event... last year. In most instances Cocky damage is not visible from the ground, they typically perch on top of branches and will eat into the bark searching for bugs. This results in damage to the cambium layer of the tree. (The cambium provides nutrients to the tree to assist with their growth and survival and when this is damaged the supply is effectively cut off resulting in that region deteriorating and developing internal decay). With the structural integrity of a branch (or branches) compromised, there is an increased risk of limb failure. Aerial inspections provide us with the ability to inspect and maintain trees to minimise the risk of limb failure. By identifying structural damage early we can provide the necessary pruning services required which reduces the risk of the structure of the tree becoming further compromised. Without the pruning maintenance the limb failure could be significant, it could be within a union at the trunk resulting in a significant damage to the trees structure, this could result in the tree becoming at risk of further failure, resulting in the tree needing to be completely removed. Our tree assets take decades to grow and provide substantial benefit, both aesthetically and functionally for the environment and associated wildlife, don't risk your trees, call Colin or Merv today on 0417 684 571 to arrange an inspection of your tree assets or message us below.
22.01.2022 meanwhile in Benoni....
22.01.2022 In preparation for storm season we undertake assessments of our clients trees to identify any issues that may result in serious damage or injury in the event of a storm. To organise an assessment contact Colin or Merv today on 0417 684 571.
21.01.2022 Following yesterdays storm we recommend to all our clients that they look up at their trees but we would further suggest that you also look down and around the trunk . Look for cracking in the soil or any changes that could be the result of movement in the structural root plate. The large amount of water received yesterday can loosen the soil that a tree is growing in and if we are subjected to further high winds or storm activity there is a risk of whole tree failure like ...that shown in the photo below. The tree in the photos below had previously been in a wet area but with the excessive water and high winds late yesterday, the force was such that the buttress root on the eastern side of the trunk was ripped off approximately 150mm from the trunk. This structural root failure, together with the weight of the canopy, combined with the high winds resulted in the failure of the tree. If you're not sure if you've got a problem with your trees or if you suspect that you do have a problem after yesterdays storm, contact Colin or Merv on 0417684571 to arrange a free assessment.
21.01.2022 Are your trees too close to the house or overhanging the roof? Are they dropping leaves and blocking the gutters? For any tree problems contact Colin or Merv at Local Tree Care for your free quote today - 0417 684 571. localtreecare.com.au
21.01.2022 Not all our work involves removing or pruning trees ! Here we are removing Bunya pine cones (Araucaria bidwillii) for a local council. These cones can weigh up to 5kg and have caused deaths throughout Australia in the past.
20.01.2022 Habitat hollows particularly on remnant Eucalypt trees are home to many different species of birds, mammals and insects. But this was the first time I've seen a Goanna taking up residence in a hollow. This hollow was at least ten metres off the ground and this Goanna was happily resting in the tree while we conducted our assessment. The NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service tree hollows fact sheet suggests that 17% of bird species, 42% of mammals and 28% of reptiles (Gibbons... and Lindenmayer 1997) use these hollows, and over the years we've witnessed many of these different species whilst working on trees. Over the years we've been fortunate to re-purpose many dead or dying trees into habitat trees, installing habitat hollows into the trees to ensure that they can continue to be a valuable resource. So the next time you're driving past a paddock with a large tree with failed limbs, or dead or dying limbs just think of how many different species use that as their home. Interestingly, a habitat hollow large enough for an Eastern Pygmy Possum to use is estimated to take in the region of 100 years to form. The tree that was assessed was estimated to be centuries old and deemed to be a valuable asset for our client that we're glad to be assisting with retaining for generations to come.- If you have a tree that you're concerned about on your property contact Colin or Merv on 0417 684 571 to arrange an inspection.
19.01.2022 LARGE TREE + CONFINED LOCATION = DAMAGE RISK! This London Plane tree was planted to provide shade for the horse stables but over time it out grew its location and became a risk for the new property owner. Luckily we were able to remove the rear fence and fell the tree. If you've got a similar situation where you're not sure if your tree is suited to its location call Colin or Merv today on 0417 684 571 to arrange an inspection.
19.01.2022 On Friday we were given the opportunity to deadwood this large Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia) located on one of the oldest property's in West Albury. Once we start it was noticed 2 large defects with in the tree 1 is the result of storm damage and the other from a hollow both not visible from the ground. This emphasise in importance of professional ariel inspection on prominent trees with in your property .
18.01.2022 Last week we Removed these two large Apple box trees (Eucalyptus bridgesiana) due to poor structure and form which had a high potential of failure.
18.01.2022 Shout out to our awesome crew of Arborists - Colin, Merv, Joel & Jimmy. Countless clients comment on your exceptional service, your professionalism and conduct on site and we'd like to take the opportunity on #Arboristappreciationday to simply say thank you, you are all appreciated more than a thank you can say. You represent all that Local Tree Care strives for and more and we look forward to celebrating more days like this into the future. History of Arborist Appreciation ...Day If you don’t know already, arborists are the people who care for trees and cutting them down when they pose some sort of risk. They look after trees in forests and public parks, as well as those on private property. It’s impossible to achieve a successful approach to health and safety without their work because, in certain situations, trees can be a genuine danger. Their work often goes unseen and underappreciated because, after all, they’re just trees, right? Well, not really. Arborists are there when there’s a heavy storm or some sort of natural disaster. Trees can be big, heavy and life-threatening, especially when there’s a disaster or storm. They work tirelessly to make sure that these trees don’t cause anyone any unnecessary harm. Another thing that lots of people don’t realize is that many arborists put themselves in harm’s way to keep other people safe. They are often seriously injured and in some cases killed when doing their work. It’s risky work but someone has to do it in order to keep the public safe. They’re true public servants, but without the recognition often given to the emergency services.
18.01.2022 Is there a difference between having a tree lopped or professionally pruned? A lot of people often perceive that its cheaper to have their trees lopped than to get them pruned by an Arborist. What they don't realise is that lopping can result in the tree being significantly disfigured and damaged, can increase the future maintenance costs or result in the premature death of a tree requiring it to be removed. Dr. Edward Gilman from the University of Florida published a list of... 'eight good reasons not to top (lop) your trees', a summary of those includes: Starvation: topping limits the food-making ability of the tree. Shock: topping removes the shade and exposes the internal bark to sun scald. Pests and Disease: topped branches cannot seal nor defend the wound from insects and decay. Weak Limbs: epocormic regrowth develop at the edges of the cut branches, and are weakly attached. Rapid New Growth: new branches grow faster and are much more crowded. Tree Death: some species do not tolerate topping and the reduced foliage may cause the tree to die. Ugliness: topped trees are disfigured and are unable to recover their original grace. Cost: topping can be done quickly because good decisions about pruning are not needed. But trees that die will need replacement, the ugly trees reduce property values, the dead stubs become liabilities, and more maintenance will be needed. So what are your trees worth? Do they provide important shade during Summer? Do they provide value to your property with their aesthetic appearance? How much did they cost to purchase and plant? Can you afford for them to die or be disfigured? What would the cost be from a failed limb damaging your property? If you have any trees that require pruning contact Colin or Merv to arrange an inspection on 0417 684 571 or message us direct below.
18.01.2022 Here at Local Tree Care we have the equipment and expertise to handle any size job. Are your trees a problem? Need a tree pruned or removed? Call Colin or Merv for a free quote today on 0417684571 or message us now.
18.01.2022 The video below is of a Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) that was removed due to both storm and cocky damage within the canopy. An aerial inspection performed identified that there was a heightened risk of significant limb failures directing over the laneway where people park their cars and drive through. If you have a tree that you need pruned or removed or would like an aerial inspection on any of your trees contact Colin or Merv at Local Tree Care today on 0417 684 571. localtreecare.com.au
17.01.2022 Local Tree Care
17.01.2022 Local Tree Care for all you tree requirements, phone 0417684571 or visit localtreecare.com.au
15.01.2022 Need a tree prune or removed? Contact Colin or Merv at Local Tree Care today on 0417 684 571 to arrange an inspection of your trees.
15.01.2022 A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of being asked to maintain these very large and very old (Corymbia citriodora) Lemon scented gyms . They had extensive storm damage and dead wood problems which we painstakingly removed over 3 days which left the trees in a cleaner and healthier state. FOR All INQUIRIES ON ANY TREE PROBLEMS PLEASE CALL COLIN OR MERVYN ON 0417684571.
12.01.2022 DO YOU HAVE A TREE PROBLEM? Need a tree removed or pruned? Contact Local Tree care for all your tree requirements, Diploma qualified Arborist with over 15 years local experience. Servicing all areas. ... For a free Quote phone 0417684571 or visit localtreecare.com.au
12.01.2022 We'd like to wish all our clients a very Merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful beginning to the New Year. May you be surrounded by the love of family and friends over the Christmas/ New Year break and we look forward to taking care of all your tree removal/ pruning or general tree health and maintenance needs in 2019.
11.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that entered our firewood competition last month. The winner has been drawn this morning and congratulations go to our lucky winner Marg Tanner from Albury. We'll be in contact today to arrange a suitable day and time for the delivery of your firewood.
11.01.2022 Tree removal - June 2019
09.01.2022 Only 5 days left to enter our firewood competition. For your chance to win two cubic metres of wood, delivered and stacked simply LIKE our facebook page, SHARE our post and CLICK the link to enter your details. Winner will be drawn Monday June 3, 2019 at 9am.
08.01.2022 With Spring now here ..... have you looked up at your trees lately? Do they have deadwood or dieback? Are the branches damaged or have any branches fallen? D...o they need pruning or removing? For a free quote and prompt, professional service every time call Colin now on 0417 684 571 or visit www.localtreecare.com.au. See more
08.01.2022 Looks like this bloke doesn't do much housework pmsl
08.01.2022 Here we removed a large Lemon scented gum and 2 smaller trees which had out grown there environment and were causing damage to the building.
08.01.2022 Now that the storm has passed it's important to inspect your trees. Following on from my post of last week here are some more easy visual aids with a brief explanation to help you know what to look for when inspecting your trees, lets move into the canopy of the tree: Roots: - last week we looked at soil cracking and movement in the root plate to identify trees at risk of whole tree failure. The first two photos attached here are of girdled/ circling roots on an established t...Continue reading
08.01.2022 With the wild weather predicted over the next few days its a good idea to check your trees both before and after any storm event. To start lets look at the base... of the tree, here a few visual aids of what you need to look for: 1. Is there any cracking in the soil and around the base of the trunk? As you will note in the first couple of photos there are visible cracks appearing in the surrounding soil and at the base of the tree as a result of movement in the root plate. 2. Is there any heaving in the soil, particularly beneath the canopy of the tree? In photo three you can identify heaving around the buttress root and the base of the tree. 3. Has the tree started to lean or appear to have moved? In photos four and five you can clearly see that the Lemon Scented Gum has a significant lean. Whilst root excavation was not undertaken on this particular instance what we have noted over the years are issues with girdling and circling roots, particularly on larger trees. Girdling and circling roots can result in the structural root plate not forming and therefore not anchoring the tree into the landscape. As the tree grows this can result in either whole tree failure or with girdling roots the supply of nutrients to the tree is restricted which can result in a decline in the health and growth of your tree or premature death. If you're not sure what you need to look for or are concerned about any of your trees contact Colin or Merv today on 0417684571, or send a message, to arrange a free inspection.
07.01.2022 Palm and Yuccas removal . These palms were removed because the fruit/seeds had became a slip hazard which resulted in the customers wife suffering a bad fall. The Yuccas were removed as they had been planted in the wrong locations. It's a common practice to cut Yuccas very low and let them regenerate. The problem is that this puts energy into the root ball and it bells out (grows wider under ground) if the Yucca is next to a house, shed or fence it will start to put pressure on the structure and can cause damage.
06.01.2022 Hi I would like to introduce myself ! My name is Mervyn Laycock I have been appointed the new Manager of Local Tree Care . I have a Cert IV in Arboriculture and over 25yrs experience with in the tree industry. I look forward to helping with all your tree requirements.
05.01.2022 Do your fruit trees need pruning? Did you know that incorrect pruning practices on fruit trees can affect the fruiting as well as the shape and ability for air and light to flow through the canopy? From one tree to an orchard, Local Tree Care have the skills and equipment necessary for all your pruning requirements. ... Don't wait, Winter is the best time to prune your fruit trees, contact Colin or Merv today to arrange an inspection. Either message us below or call us on 0417 684 571.
05.01.2022 Having a family gathering for Christmas but you need your trees tidied up? Or have your trees been damaged in the stormy weather we've had? Or maybe you're thinking of an alternative Christmas present for someone special - having a tree pruned. There's still time, contact Colin or Merv today on 0417 684 571 to arrange a free quote.
04.01.2022 Storm Damage Removal This Yellow Bloodwood (Corymbia eximia) suffered a major trunk failure due to poor structure that is known as bark inclusion. This is a common defect in a large number of trees which is preventable with proper formative pruning when the tree is very young. Climber: Mervyn Laycock
04.01.2022 Do you know how your trees should be pruned? Do you know if your trees have been pruned correctly? Trees in the urban environmental often require pruning to improve their structure, safety, health or aesthetic appearance.... But how you prune a tree is vital to achieving your goal without compromising the health and structure of the tree. Following the AS4373 Standard guidelines, below are some details on one of the practices that should NOT be used when pruning your trees: Lopping or Topping is an outdated and unacceptable practice that can create significant issues including: The resulting regrowth (termed epocormic regrowth or epo's) is weakly attached to the tree and is prone to limb failure or collapse. (see attached photos for examples) Epo's usually grow at 3-5 times the rate of normal branch development creating an ongoing and unnecessary cost for the owner of the tree, and sadly as a result of the damage sustained and the structural integrity of the tree being compromised, most trees that are lopped are removed. Because of the poor pruning methods used when lopping or topping a tree, the area where the lopping or topping cuts are inflicted is unable to compartmentalise (seal) the wound effectively resulting in the stub decaying. The tree is also susceptible to insect attack, fungal infections or other disease related health issues. Trees store vital nutrients within their roots and branches for their growth and survival. When a tree is subjected to lopping or topping, the loss of these nutrients can result in a decline in the health of the tree or premature death. Are you aware that the financial, aesthetic and environmental benefits of having your trees pruned correctly as compared to the ongoing and unnecessary costs if your trees are lopped or topped are significant? If you'd like to discuss these benefits further contact us today. If you have any trees that may need to be pruned, whether crown reduction or lifting, selective pruning, deadwooding, remedial pruning, reduction, thinning or general pruning call Colin or Merv today at Local Tree Care on 0417 684 571 or message us direct for a free inspection. www.localtreecare.com.au
02.01.2022 Aerial inspections can be vitally important in identifying structural issues not visible from a ground inspection that could result in limb failure. The photo examples are of two branches that were removed today from a Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) that has a history of significant limb failures. The first two photos are of one of the smaller branches and demonstrate how from the ground you would not even be aware of the damage sustained on the top side of the branch. T...he damage sustained by the Cocky's was approximately 200mm in length. The last two photos are of a larger limb. Again as you can see from the underside of the branch there is nothing for you to suggest that there is the potential for limb failure. But on the last photo you can see the extent of the damage sustained. This was approximately one metre in length and this particular branch was directing over the roadway where cars travel and park creating a significant risk for people and property. If you are concerned about any of your trees contact Colin or Merv today on 0417 684 571 or message us direct today. www.localtreecare.com.au
02.01.2022 Enter to win TWO cubic metres of FIREWOOD, split, delivered and stacked! 1 -- LIKE the Local Tree Care FB page, 2 -- SHARE this contest post and 3 -- CL...ICK the link to enter your contact details Complete all 3 steps for your chance to win. DON'T FORGET TO ENTER HERE https://woobox.com/p57boi
01.01.2022 Hi check out our website www.localtreecare.com.au
01.01.2022 Today we Cleaned out a garden of Broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum) Which is classed as a noxious weed. Being a common tree found in a large number of gardens they are prolific self seeders and are also spread by birds, for this reason privets often germinate directly under existing plants. We highly recommend their removal ! Without attention they will gradually take over your yard .
01.01.2022 Privet - broad-leaf (Ligustrum lucidum) We Removed this tree as part of renovations for the customer. These trees are very common in gardens and back yards but are classed as a noxious weed ! Please read the link below. https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/Details/110
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