Locate Buyers Agency in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Product/service
Locate Buyers Agency
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3102 1998
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25.01.2022 With such hectic lives and after having been through the frustration of missing out on buying a few times, our clients decided to engage us as their buyer's agents. We are so stoked to have secured the perfect home for this Brisbane family. THE WIN: It was all done and dusted in a few weeks and now Christmas can be enjoyed in a new home, AND they can fit in a short holiday beforehand knowing we have everything managed and covered. Congrats guys.... Thank you to Emil Juresic and Nhan Tran for working with us.
25.01.2022 I caught up recently with specialist renovation architect Jan Hogarth owner of PlaceMate Architects to discuss the dilemma many people face about renovating their home. Should you spend the money on the renovation so that you can stay in the neighbourhood that you know and love? OR... Should you buy a house that already has everything you want? How much will the renovation cost? How do you approach it? Can you actually buy a house with everything you need for less than the cost of renovating? These are all key questions to run through to help you with the decision making process. Not sure if you should renovate or not? Jan and I can help, book a call, link BELOW. https://calendly.com/shane-locate/15min
24.01.2022 PURCHASED: Another Brisbane family successfully housed. Our busy Brisbane family of 5 are upsizing and with tight deadlines to work with and an understanding that we are in a rising market, they engaged our services to assist, and we thank them so much for entrusting us with the job. THE WIN: The rest of the Summer will now be spent around this fantastic pool. Thank you Chris Rice and Taj Suffolk for working with us on the sales side.
24.01.2022 Our clients already have the plans in mind to build their dream house with Happy Haus This 812sqm flat block is the perfect site for them and we are so grateful they chose us as their buyers agents. #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #OffmarketProperty #OffmarketPropertyInYeronga #BuildyourDreamHome #PropertySearchinBrisbane #YerongaQLD #PropertyInvesting
24.01.2022 We love helping families find their ideal home. Congratulations to our local clients who are now moving to Ashgrove. Thank you Simon Parer and D'Arcy Estate Agents for working with us.
24.01.2022 BEFORE AND AFTER A renovation project in Paddington I helped secure for our client. #qldrenovator #paddingtonpropertymarket #hometransformationideas #lmmchallenge @lewismocker
23.01.2022 My lunch date today, this little superstar. April has so much energy and she knows how to follow the fun in life, shes teaching me a thing or two.
23.01.2022 New home coming soon to this huge 888m2 knock-down-rebuild property purchased for our local clients who are now in the planning and design phase for their family home. Thanks you Alexandra Porter-Coronis and Marija Ivanovska for working with us.
23.01.2022 Check out this crisply renovated QLDer cottage in Chelmer.
23.01.2022 PURCHASED: It was a pleasure to assist our local Brisbane based clients to secure this amazing 528m2 home in the ever-popular suburb of Coorparoo. Check out the photos and you'll notice the premium level finishes and features through this stunning property. THE WIN: We reviewed and inspected dozens and dozens of homes, both on and off-market, and narrowed down just the best options for our clients which allowed them to spend their weekends doing what they love instead... of looking for property for 6 months. Our expertise in understanding luxury property meant they could benefit from the confidence of knowing they have purchased well. Thank you Denis Najzar for your integrity and professionalism throughout the transaction. See more
22.01.2022 ITS NOT ALWAYS ALL ABOUT WORK I made a decision when my daughters were young that I would take 1 day a week off work to spend with them, up until they went to school. First it was just our older daughter and myself, then it was both girls and myself, then when our oldest went to school it was my youngest daughter and I.... We would head out for the day and find a place to enjoy a baby chino, then hit up just about every park in Brisbane. I was also running a business at the time. I remember how hard it was to stay present at the start because I always felt guilty for not working, I felt like I had to be working and it was wrong to be taking a day off. I kept reminding myself though that this was my only chance to spend this time with them, that opportunity wouldnt come along again but the chance to work more, well that wasnt going away. I love these times that I spent with the girls. Id like to think its what has kept us close to this day, hope they remember it when they are older. #takeabreak #timewithkids #babychino #lmmchallenge @luciahiscock @livvvyy_2019 @lewismocker
21.01.2022 KNOCKDOWN REBUILD PURCHASE: Our client had been searching for over 6 months before engaging our services via their preferred builder, @happyhaus. After just one week we were able to secure a post-war home on a 696sqm parcel of land in the popular Inner Western suburb of Taringa. What is even more impressive is that within a very short period of time @happyhause were able to provide guideline pricing on an amazing design that suits the block. This was invaluable for ou...r clients as they were then in a position to make an informed decision around the total cost of their new home. We cant wait to see the house once its built. #LocateBuyersAgency #knockdownrebuild #postwarhomes #newbuildbrisbane #brisbaneBuyersAgent #HouseRebuildBrisbane
21.01.2022 A private inspection of this new freshly renovated property property coming to market soon in Brisbane’s Inner West.
21.01.2022 If you are an architecture fan you have to go and check out this Richard Kirk designed home at 9 St James St, Highgate Hill. Marketed by Adam Nobel at Hugo Alexander Property.
21.01.2022 Searching for Our Local Brisbane family are ready to find a new home, ideally located in the Inner South. 4/5 bedrooms preferred with one bedroom downstairs... Hampton/QLDer style preferred( no work to do) Kitchen and Living downstairs flowing out to the yard. If you have something that were looking for, please message us
21.01.2022 Hearing that you can negotiate property prices seems easier said than done. What is the proper way to go about negotiating and getting the advantage? It all starts with hitting the four solid points to write an offer. #Brisbane #propertynegotiations #realestate #Australiarealestate
20.01.2022 Do you have what it takes to #negotiate your next property purchase? Prepare with these essential tips to get the best deal on your dream home and save money in the process. #brisbanebuyersagent
20.01.2022 In Brisbane, there are so many factors that go into finding the perfect location and home. The experts at Locate Buyers Agency have the resources necessary to help you make the best decision on your future home. #brisbanebuyersagent
20.01.2022 Another site purchase for one of our developer clients. We were able to offer very strong terms on this property to help secure the deal. If you are looking to sell a development site please let us know. ... #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #PropertyDevelopment #PropertyDevelopmentinBrisbane #DevelopmentSite #NundahQLD #LookingforDevelopmentSite #BrisbaneDevelopmentSites #LocateDevelopmentSites
19.01.2022 Paddington is a beautiful, quiet and relaxed suburb so close to the city. Its the best mix of all the best parts of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne- the culture, the local cafes and restaurants, the stunning homes and chilled out vibe, it is excellent for young professionals and families alike. Whats your favourite suburb in Brisbane, post below ... #BrisbaneBuyersagent #PropertyInvesting #PropertyDevelopment #OffmarketProperties #BuyaHouseBrisbane #PropertyInvestorsBrisbane #HomeBuyerinBrisbane #StrategyinBuyingaHome
19.01.2022 Just some of the ways we help our clients!!!....Did we mention we have access to a whole lot more options than what you can find on the internet? www.locatebuyersagency.com.au #buyersagentbrisbane #homepurchase #PropertyDevelopementBrisbane #makeyourmove #BenefitsofaBuyersAgent #locatebuyersagency
19.01.2022 There is a saying "Rare As Rocking Horse S*&^"....and that's what this type of property is. A character commercial property, with a shop front PLUS a 1 bedroom unit (providing holding income, which pays for the loan on the property) PLUS its on a corner 577m2 block with zoning allowing for further FUTURE DEVELOPMENT.... I mean does it get any better than this? ... THE WIN: We secured this property within 2 weeks of being engaged after our client had been looking for a year.
19.01.2022 A quick feasibility for you on a 1 into 2 lot subdivison, for side by side lots only, battleaxe lots will cost more as I mention in the video. #lmmchallenge
17.01.2022 QUIT MY JOB I was away in Sydney for another IT Conference. I sat through the first day, all the while thinking, what am I doing here, this isnt what I love doing. I called an early morning meeting with my boss for the next day. He was also at the conference. ... I was nervous but I knew I couldnt stay in this career. I gave him my resignation that day, but I said that I would be leaving in 12 months time to pursue my passion for property. I completed this house build just after the meeting and the initial goal was to sell it to make enough money to quit my job when the 12 months came around. That didnt quite happen because the GFC came along. It all turned out perfectly though because that gave us the time to finish off the rest of the property and I did quit my job, when I said I would. Sometimes you cant see it in the moment but things turn out in the end. Whats the saying, "things dont happen to you, they happen for you". #buildyourownhome #brisbaneproperty #quityourjob #propertyinvesting #wealthcreator
17.01.2022 The Most Important 5 Seconds Of The Day. It was a cold start this morning and the snooze button felt like a good idea, for about 5 seconds until I pushed through and got up. I find thats all I need, just 5 seconds of denying that little voice in my head that says go on stay in bed, its warm here, you can skip a day ....I tell that little voice to take a back seat and say stuff you Im getting up, then Ive started wining the day ... #winthemorningwintheday #getupearly #5secondsofpower #MakeYourMove #lmmchallenge @lewismocker
17.01.2022 Taringa is a suburb located in Brisbanes inner west and right now its a hot market. If you are looking to purchase property in Brisbane and want the inside line and competitive advantage, reach out to arrange a 15-minute discovery call. Link below. https://calendly.com/shane-locate/15min
16.01.2022 What is your goal this year? If you had to 10x that goal, how would you do it, comment below What is your goal this year? If you had to 10x that goal, how would you do it, comment below
16.01.2022 We are excited to announce another off-market purchase of this stunning, fully renovated QLD'er home complete with Pool house on 800m2 in Norman Park. Our amazing clients are moving up from interstate to enjoy all that our city of Brisbane has to offer. Thank you @real_estate_rach from @placeestateagents for working with us.... If you are looking for your family home and would love to have access to more options, reach out - [email protected] #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #BuyyourDreamHome #PropertyInvesting #PropertyDevelopment #PropertyPurchaseinBrisbane #PropertyPurchaseinNormanPark #MakeYourMove #EmpoweringBuyerinthePurchaseProcess
16.01.2022 We loved helping Andrew and Elaine with their purchase, this is what they had to say... Maybe we can help you with your search, BOOK a call here ... https://calendly.com/shane-locate/15min #BuyersagentBrisbane #PropertyDevelopement #PropertyInvesting #BuildaHome #BuyaHomeBrisbane #PropertyPurchaseBrisbane #LocateBuyersAgency #MakeyourMove #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #BookaCallNow #BrisbaneProperty #OffMarketPropertyinBrisbane
14.01.2022 We have found Wavell Heights to be a solid performer in terms of value growth over recent years. Post-war homes on larger blocks of land in the area are slowly being purchased and removed to make way for new larger family homes, and it is because of this that these types of properties have grown steadily in value. Reach out for a 15 min strategy call if you would like to learn more about where to invest in Brisbane. Link below.... https://calendly.com/shane-locate/15min
13.01.2022 This one took a little while longer than we had hoped, but if you have been trying to find a knockdown house in the middle ring suburbs of Brisbane this year then you will likely know how hard it is to find that ideal property. We are so happy to have secured this 711m2 site for our clients who have kicked off the process already to build an amazing home with Happy Haus. THE WIN: Another off-market purchase...Thank you Haydn Denovan for working with us.
13.01.2022 Thanks for the great review Nick, we loved helping you and your family to find a new home. Book a call here https://calendly.com/shane-locate/30min to discuss buying your next home.
12.01.2022 Wow, I love this house, what do you think? Marketed by @angelam.property
12.01.2022 Queensland in #Brisbane is expected to become an emerging market for real estate. The predictions mentioned in this article may give you the information you need to make the best choice for your next home purchase. #brisbanebuyersagent
11.01.2022 Do you own or know someone who owns a unit block like this? One of our clients is ready to purchase a unit block like this in New Farm/Teneriffe. Reach out to Shane on 0402 024 625 to see if your property meets the criteria.... #WantedtoPurchase #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #LookingforaUnitBlock #PropertyInvesting #PropertyDevelopment #NewfarmTeneriffeQLD
11.01.2022 We are super excited to have secured this Industrial Property off market for our clients. They had been searching for many months and became frustrated at the lack of options in their preferred area, which was QLDs Southern Trade Coast. The search was also taking up valuable time which they preferred to spend on their core business activities. Ideally they were looking for 3,000 - 6,000sqm with the ability to build a 500m2 warehouse, plus 300m2 office space. ... We secured this property on 8,567sqm, with a 500m2 warehouse already built on site. We are looking forward to seeing them further develop the property. Thank you Owen Byles and David Gibson from Cushman and Wakefield for working with us. www.locatebuyersagency.com.au
10.01.2022 Another purchase for one of our favourite repeat clients (p.s we love all of our clients). This one is on 810m2 and two lots so it provides multiple options and we can say without a doubt this is a high performance investment choice. If you are looking to purchase in Brisbane right now, we can get you access to more options. ... #InvestmentPurchase #OffMarketPurchase #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #PropertyInvesting #MitcheltonPropertyInvestment #BrisbanePropertyInvestment #BrisbaneOffMarketProperty #MitcheltonOffMarketProperty
10.01.2022 Buying a home can seem overwhelming as you try to navigate selecting a price point, neighborhood, and property style. So where does one turn? At Locate Buyers Agency, we’ve created a helpful guide to take buying in Brisbane from nightmare to a life-changing experience. https://www.locatebuyersagency.com.au/home-buyers-guide-to/ #brisbanebuyersagent
10.01.2022 A huge thank you to our interstate investor clients for this great review
10.01.2022 Date night....well sort of, a 7km run/hike is a pretty good kind of date I think with the one and only @luciahiscock
09.01.2022 Located in the Inner West, Bardon is mostly a family orientated suburb characterised by its green streets, great schools and classic QLDer homes. Bardon is a high demand area. If you are looking to purchase in the area but you are strapped for time, why not jump on 15min call with us to see if we can help? Link below.... https://calendly.com/shane-locate/15min #Bardon #buyersagentbrisbane #propertydevelopment #propertyinvesting #BuyaHome #propertyinvestors #homebuyertips #HomeBuyinginBrisbane #BardonBrisbane #LookingforaHomeInBrisbane
09.01.2022 Not all investments are equal though and far too often we see investment into poor performing property. This can really hurt your wealth creation results over the long term. If you are not sure where to start when it comes to investing in property, book a complimentary 15-minute discovery call with me, link below. calendly.com/shane-locate/15min... #locatebuyersagency #Brisbanebuyersagent #propertyinvesting #propertydevelopemtBrisbane #FindaHomeBrisbane #PropertyInvestingBrisbane #BuyaHomeBrisbane See more
08.01.2022 This was of my earlier projects where we we secured the site (it was a double block), and designed and built the house. A lot of learnings throughout the process.
08.01.2022 Our Clients are ready to build their dream home and are looking for: Post War Home Indooroopilly, Taringa, St Lucia Toowong 950k... 600sqm+ land with atleast 15m frontage is preferred Quiet Street, North/ South Facing preferred If you know of a property that sounds similar to this. Give us a call! #LookingforaHome #BuyersAgentBrisbane #BuildaHome #LookingforaHomeinIndooroopilly #Taringa #StLucia #Toowong #postwarhome
08.01.2022 This looks like the place to be right now... #brisbanehome #fireplacebrisbane #buildahomeyoulove #buyersagentbrisbane #brisbanecold #brisbaneweather #buyyourownhome
08.01.2022 Void Spaces - Do you love them or think they are a waste? Some incorporate voids into their designs, not to waste space but to generate it. A void adds warmth and a sense of openness to an otherwise under used area. What do you think of this void?... #LocateBuyersAgency #brisbanebuyersagent #PropertyDevelopment #propertyinvestment #propertyinspiration #BuyaHome #buildyourdreamhome
08.01.2022 As the entire world has shifted to an indoor lifestyle, the housing demand has skyrocketed taking Brisbane housing prices to numbers we’ve never seen. #housingmarket #Brisbanehousing #Brisbanebuyers #brisbanerealestate
07.01.2022 We are super excited about this purchase. This is the 5th property purchase for our clients and collaboration partners @happyhaus. This property was secured off-market, uncontested in the high demand suburb of Taringa in Brisbanes Inner West. This type of property is called a splitter block, which means it is already on two lots of land, saving you tens of thousands in subdivision costs. Whats so good about this one is the fact that the blocks are each 12.5m wide (normally... they are only 10m wide) and they are slightly larger than normal at 434sqm. Congratulations to all involved. If you want to learn more about opportunities in the Brisbane market, email: [email protected] #SplitterBlock #DevelopmentPurchase #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #LocateBuyersAgency #OffmarketPurchase
06.01.2022 Imagine over $160,000 per annum gross income from just two properties, not bad. If half your tenants left, you would still be fine as youll have many prospective tenants lining up because these arent in the middle of nowhere; they are only 20 mins from the Brisbane CBD. #positivecashflowproperty #brisbaneproperty #MakeYourMove #locatebuyersagency #buyersagent
06.01.2022 Who loves a great void? Me too, I love the feeling of space, the light a void can bring in and the wow factor. #greatvoid #wowfactor #MakeYourMove #lmmchallenge @lewismocker #locatebuyersagency
06.01.2022 How to create a 10% yield and beat COVID or any crisis. Each house provides for 5 tennants, so in this example there are 10 tenants in total. The income on this project is over $160,000 per annum, with a yield at 10+%, so even if a number of tenants move out the property still provides a positive cash flow.... Reach out if creating this kind of positive cashflow interests you: [email protected] #LMMchallenge
05.01.2022 STOCK IS TIGHT You are on realestate.com.au and domain.com.au every morning.... and then again during a morning break....... then at lunch time... and again in the evening when you get a spare minute after you've had dinner and put the little ones to bed. BUT STILL, there are no options. OR, one great option has come up, so you jump on the phone first thing in the morning only to find that the property has multiple offers on it or is already sold.... HOW ARE THESE PROPERTIES MOVING SO QUICKLY..... Weren't property prices supposed to drop by 30% by October? You've been doing this for what feels like forever now. How does anyone buy a home these days? Surely it can't be that hard, can it? What am I missing? If this sounds like you - HERE ARE SOME QUICK TIPS on finding off market properties. We have plenty more tricks up our sleeves to help our clients purchase their dream home. WANT SOME HELP => https://calendly.com/shane-locate/15min
05.01.2022 PURCHASED: Not just a clothes line, but a blank canvass for my clients to build their dream home. The home on the property can be removed, making way for a brand new residence. This property is in Hawthorne, it has a North Facing rear yard and is elevated so it catches the breezes. ... My clients had been searching for many months but there were no properties that matched their requirements, until we secured this one. I seem to be working with a lot clients at the moment who want to build their dream home, shout out if you are having trouble finding the ideal property. [email protected] #knockdownrebuild #dreamhomes #buildmyhouse #brisbanebuyersagent #MakeYourMove #lmmchallenge @lewismocker #locatebuyersagency
04.01.2022 Our local Brisbane based clients are all set for years to come with this great investment purchase which has a strong holding income and an option in the future to subdivide and further enhance their investment. Thank you Kelly Hardie for working with us
04.01.2022 WANTED to buy, post war home on 600m2 + Taringa, St Lucia, Indooroopilly or Toowong. Message me with info please ... #Lookingforahouse #Taringa #Indooroopilly #Toowong #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #PropertySearch #SellingHouse
04.01.2022 It was a competitive auction but we are so excited to have secured this beauty for our clients. THE WIN: Having a deep level of understanding of the local market, knowing how rare it is to secure a park side block, and combine that with our knowledge of build costs, provides confidence that this property was secured under replacement value.
04.01.2022 QUIZ TIME: Where in Brisbane is this?
03.01.2022 Congrats to our repeat client on another purchase of a site for a high cash flow development. When complete, the project will yield a 10% gross income cash flow, creating an amazing income generating asset. Thank you Mane Property and jeremiahchung for working with us.... #Highcashflow #Highcashflowproperty #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #WavellHeightsProperty #PropertyDevelopmentBrisbane #propertyinvestingbrisbane
03.01.2022 This could be you....
02.01.2022 Homes Of Hamilton. this pool area at 46 Windermere Road, Hamilton. Sold in 2018 by @d_man_realty for $2,150,000. ... #homesof #brisbaneprestigeproperty #amazingpoolside #locatebuyersagency See more
02.01.2022 Stunning acreage property
02.01.2022 Another successful purchase of an investment property in a great suburb in Brisbane. This market is heating up, we would suggest not waiting around. You don't want to look back in two years from now and say "I should have bought in 2020". ... Reach out if you want the inside line. #BrisbaneBuyersAgent #PropertyInvestment #BrisbaneQLD #BuyaHome #BuyersAgentBrisbane #WavellHeightsQLD #propertyinvestingbrisbane #InvestmentPropertyBrisbane
01.01.2022 We loved helping this amazing family find their dream home. Thanks for the glowing review.
01.01.2022 If you’ve found yourself tired of the landlord drama and increasing apartment rental prices, then you’re probably like the over 10,000 Australians applying to be first-time home buyers. So what does it mean to buy a home in today’s market? Read below to learn more. #Australiarealestate #Brisbanerealestate #homebuyer #buyersagent https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au//what-you-need-to-know-if
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