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Lock The Gate Alliance


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25.01.2022 It's a fracking hell right across Australia. Almost every Australian state and territory has seen fossil fuel projects quietly given the green light, while State governments tout their green credentials, with a flurry of announcements being made just this week.

25.01.2022 Much respect to the incredible young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are taking on some of the biggest mining and gas projects in Australia to protect water, country and culture. Launching their own independent organisation: Seed Mob.

24.01.2022 GOAT OR KOOKABURRA? What do you see? Photo credit: David Hill

24.01.2022 IT PAYS TO GO GREEN: Financial experts are tipping that $21 trillion in capital will shift from old carbon intensive industries to green technologies over the next 30 years, offering an enormous opportunity for investors. Full story:

24.01.2022 More than $3 million of Australian taxpayers’ money has been invested in Adani. How does that make you feel?

24.01.2022 BRING BACK AUSTRALIAN MADE! Steve Murphy is the AMWU National Secretary and yesterday he made an important speech at the School Strike action. Some highlights: "We are disappointed because $18 billion of public money is about to be spent on an industry that; Won’t fix the unemployment crisis. Won’t lower power prices.... Won’t solve the climate crisis. We should be putting this money where it could really matter- rebuilding Australian manufacturing. Workers’ in coal communities and in the fossil fuel industries deserve more than having their livelihoods kicked around like a political football- they deserve honesty about the future of these industries, and they deserve to have a say in what the jobs of the future will look like. Right now, we’ve got a choice. We can wait until the CEOs of fossil fuel companies decide to pull up stumps because they’re no longer making enough money and leave workers and their communities high and dry. Or can take action and put public money behind industries that will get hundreds of thousands of Australians back to work, and build a better society along the way, We are calling on the Government to do three things. Commit to spending taxpayer money on supporting a massive reinvestment in Australian manufacturing, not gas. Ban political donations from energy companies - who are influencing this debate in their interests of their profits, and not for social good. Create a Transition Authority that will include workers, business, and community groups. Bringing Back Australian Made

23.01.2022 BATTERIES NOT GAS! EnergyAustralia, says subsidising battery installations would be the best way for the federal government to invest in the future of the power market while lifting the economy out of COVID-19.

23.01.2022 Gathering for Gomeroi 2020

23.01.2022 Please help support Gamilaraay Traditional Custodians in their important work to stop coal seam gas across NW NSW and protect the Pilliga from Santos CSG.

22.01.2022 POWERFUL! Traditional Owners are taking a stand together to try and stop Origin Energy’s fracking in the NT. Native titleholder Samuel Sandy said, If fracking does come in, including the 500 wells that they're talking about, it's going to destroy the very life of this land, the land that my ancestors used to walk for 40,000 years.

22.01.2022 This Friday September 25th, First Nations people on the front lines of the climate crisis and School Strikers stand together in solidarity, calling for climate justice! #FundOurFutureNotGas

22.01.2022 MADNESS IN CANBERRA: It's farmers and our food security that will cop it the most from a "gas led recovery".

22.01.2022 CHINA is turning to renewables is a massive way. The world needs the US, and Australia to follow suit!

21.01.2022 SYDNEY WATER AT RISK Wollongong Coal is a train-wreck of a company that should have been stripped of its right to mine coal in NSW years ago. It is grossly irresponsible for the government to recommend in favour of this expansion beneath Sydney and the Illawarra’s dams.

21.01.2022 FRACK NO! Oppose 3 NT Fracking Operations in just 5 Minutes! Take action now, we've made it quick and easy:

21.01.2022 SOMETHING FISHY! Giant mining companies can afford to hire expensive lobbyists but the farmers fighting for their land, can't. And when these same lobbyists are hired for political campaigns and are given more access to the government than anyone else, we have a very serious conflict of interest. What do you think about this, should it be stopped?

21.01.2022 ZOMBIE ATTACK: They sat on the expired licenses for years and did nothing with them, now gas companies are coming out of the woodwork to raise the dead and resurrect expired zombie-PELs in the wake of Narrabri gas approval. Farmers in the North West NSW say their their worst fears are being realised and that the expired licences should have been cancelled long ago. Full story:

20.01.2022 NARRABRI GAS PROJECT DECISION is imminent. The IPC is under a lot of political pressure to approve this dangerous project despite widespread community opposition. Comment with #renewablesnotgas if you oppose it!

20.01.2022 Thoroughbred breeders are saying no to more coal mining near their properties.

20.01.2022 VANDALISM: This should never happen again! - Rio Tinto decided to dynamite a 46,000-year-old Indigenous heritage site at Juukan Gorge in Western Australia in search of more mining profits.

20.01.2022 Barilaro shows he is way out of step with farmers and other members of the Nationals - he wants to turn Northwest NSW into a series of coal seam gasfields. Take action:

20.01.2022 It's little wonder the gas companies get so many sweetheart deals, they splash the most cash at political parties!

19.01.2022 In just a few words, what does this photo say to you? We'll start: "Our water is precious!" Photo credit: David Fearn

19.01.2022 Sign the Plan to Grow Queensland petition to show your support for Queensland farmers!

18.01.2022 An investigation has shed a little light on the murky world of the Covid-19 taskforce and a lobbying firm with links to the Saudi government and gas companies.

18.01.2022 FRACKMAN: Some interesting information about what it's like to live in a gasfield and a warning to the Narrabri community.

18.01.2022 t's a no-brainer! Our best food growing regions should be off limits to mining. Add your voice here

18.01.2022 The Narrabri gas project does not stack up financially. Here's why...

18.01.2022 MESSENGER SHOT: Wind and solar is already cheaper than new coal plants in many parts of the world, and much cheaper in Australia. So why is the Government so Matt Kean to terminate those who would lead the way to cheaper, cleaner energy? Political games? Full story:

18.01.2022 TAKE ACTION! Give Barilaro a call right now and tell him to kill off the Zombie PELs that threaten crucial water resources in NW NSW. We've made it easy:

18.01.2022 THIS IS AN AUSTRALIAN FARM! We feel thankful to our hard working farmers. In just a couple of words, how does this photo make you feel?

17.01.2022 Something rotten going on here....

17.01.2022 A big thank you to No CSG Gilgandra District for their hard work in raising awareness in the Gilgandra district of the dangers of coal seam gas extraction. Please LIKE and comment on their page to show your support.

17.01.2022 The truth is, there is bugger all advantage of any gas led recovery. Take action:

16.01.2022 Once the aquifer is contaminated there's no going back.

16.01.2022 If the Narrabri gasfield go ahead, we'll be paying MORE for gas. The gas cartel will continue to export it for less and continue to charge Australian consumers like a wounded bull, plus more.

16.01.2022 Whaaaat? Investments worth billions of dollars and it would create millions of jobs... but the Morrison government has rejected the idea.

16.01.2022 Dr Bob Vickers spoke at the NSW IPC hearing this morning about the Maxwell Underground coal proposal in the Upper Hunter. This mine is facing stiff opposition from locals and the Hunter Thoroughbred Breeders Assoc. Huge concerns about cumulative impacts on water, health and horse breeding. It will also impact negatively on a chunk of the 3% of BSAL in NSW (our best and most productive soil). Written submissions due on this project by 5pm, Friday 20 November 2020 via IPC website.

15.01.2022 Check out this map of light pollution in the Qld gasfields. Compare the towns of Chinchilla and Dalby (small dots top middle and right) to the gasfields in the surrounding (normally dark) state forests. The light pollution is from gas flares and infrastructure. Click the image for a better view. To view the full map, click here: Thanks to NSWGasBan for finding this resource.

15.01.2022 Today, from Alice Springs to Narribri, and Esperance to Arkaroola, more than 500 communities across the continent have come together to say a resounding ‘NO!’ to the Morrison Government’s dangerous gas plans. We stand with them. Together, we are standing strong to demand the Government fund a clean and just economic recovery by creating thousands of jobs that will fast-track solutions to climate change and transition Australia to renewable energy #FundOurFutureNotGas

15.01.2022 AUSSIE HARD YAKKA: What are a few words that come to mind when you look at this photo? Photo credit: Darryl Kirby, shearing at Coolalinga Vic

15.01.2022 Sydney Knitting Nannas are telling the government to slay the undead zombie PELS in NW NSW.

15.01.2022 We're ready for renewables! What about you? How do you think renewables can help Australia recover post COVID-19?


14.01.2022 Brown paper bags full of cash: Millions of dollars of cash, while not exactly in brown paper bags, it's still designed to curry favour with our elected officials. And it works.

13.01.2022 If approved, the Liberty Mutual owned Baralaba South coal mine would destroy strategic cropping land, increase flooding, and pollute the Dawson River which so many people rely on.

13.01.2022 Barnaby promised to sell his land that has gas titles on it seven years ago to avoid a conflict of interest. But's it now off the market and guess what? The gas miners are back and gearing up to start the gas exploration process.

13.01.2022 Gathering for Gomeroi, Narrabri 2020

13.01.2022 The gas stimulus plan just isn't going to fly.

12.01.2022 THE VULTURES HAVE ARRIVED: Two gas mining companies with expired exploration licences are trying to reactivate them on the back of the Narrabri Gas Project being approved.

12.01.2022 Yep, these blokes definitely have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock.

10.01.2022 Today is the Protect Our Future, Not Gas, National Day Of Action. Here are Michael and Julie McNamara, two long time and effective campaigners taking action outside their home in Glenn Innes, NSW.

10.01.2022 THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING: Old King Coal was never a merry old soul, in fact he was an expensive, climate changing monster, so it's good news that solar power has been declared "the new king of electricity" by the International Energy Agency which finds it is cheaper than power generated by new coal and gas developments.

10.01.2022 Scomo says a gas expansion would be important for the manufacturing sector, which he said employed more than 850,000 Australians, but an upcoming report shows us that less than 1% of those are actually employed in a gas reliant industry... Take action and lift the murk: Full story:

10.01.2022 WHITEHAVEN COAL SHAME: The results are in. Whitehaven's own commissioned survey shows that the large majority of local people either Strongly Disagree or Disagree that Whitehaven and it's Narrabri coal mine is a good neighbour, listens or contributes or even cares about the local community! Ain't it the truth! Read the full report:

09.01.2022 It's a road to nowhere!

09.01.2022 Do you ever open your newsfeed and just go "WTF"? This is how we felt when we saw that just one mining company spent $660,000 on lobbyists during the QLD election. Of course our farmers fighting for their land can't afford that kind of dough. Full story:

09.01.2022 First thing Monday morning, give your federal MP a call, this has got to stop!

09.01.2022 DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR and check out this fantastic new song and video by William Crighton: "Your Country" which shows his deep love for this land.

08.01.2022 John Kerry has told a conference that coal use must be immediately abandoned or we'll face catastrophe. What do you think, do we have a chance? We can move to renewables now!

08.01.2022 LAST CHANCE: Dr John Quiggin makes clear his opposition to the Dendrobium longwall coal mine expansion under Sydney's water catchment. He dispels the myth that coal is needed to make steel. Submissions close tomorrow! Make yours now:

08.01.2022 NO CONSULTATION: Native Title Holder Ray Dimakarri Dixon (pictured), from Marlinja Community near Newcastle Waters, said Mudburra People had received no information from the government about the planned pipeline.

08.01.2022 The Federal Government is turning the heat up on Australia with gas at level 10! Tell them it's not going to happen on your watch! Call your MP today, here's how: Cartoon by:

08.01.2022 Gas companies: No insurance? No access!

07.01.2022 FRACK OFF! WA Premier Mark McGowan has been confronted by people protesting the plans to frack the Kimberley.

07.01.2022 Young people on a mission! Did you join the School Climate strikes yesterday?

07.01.2022 The really fishy practice of lobbyists being embedded inside campaign teams was highlighted by the recent QLD election. Now the Integrity commission is backing a review of lobbying laws. Check out the full story of this dodgy practice in a recent video we posted here:

07.01.2022 New and expanding coal mines are destroying more farmland than ever before. Make a stand, take action with us and demand a change to renewables for cheaper energy and to save our farms! TAKE ACTION:

07.01.2022 New doubts have been cast over plans to reopen Dartbrook coal mine in the Upper Hunter.

07.01.2022 Coal mines are dumping coal waste containing heavy metals into the creeks. And getting away with it! Bloody well un-Australian if you ask us.

07.01.2022 The National Farmers Federation have reminded Scott Morrison that farmers need to be in control of their land, and that careful protection of our precious water resources take first priority! We agree!

06.01.2022 FRACKING RADIATION STUDY : Petros Koutrakis at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston, who led the study, said: If you asked me to go and live downwind of fracking sites, I would not go." Full story:

06.01.2022 No fracking! We're calling on Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority to take its assessment of the destructive and polluting Waitsia gasfield expansion back to the drawing board!

05.01.2022 QUEENSLANDERS! Call you MP today, help protect Queensland from inappropriate mining!

05.01.2022 Gomeroi Traditional owners are saying NO to the gas invasion and will be commencing actions in Canberra next week. More news on that as it comes to hand.

05.01.2022 Put your money where your mouth is! - Agriculture Minister David Littleproud was recently reported saying farmers should be able to lock their gates to gas companies. We think these words are hollow without legislative change and political action. What do you reckon?

05.01.2022 Mining companies, coal and gas in particular, have got away with a lot. Is it time to rein them in? What do you think?

04.01.2022 GO YOU GOOD THING! Geni.Energy installed its first five solar + battery systems across Narrabri - bringing a renewable future to the northwest. To support this community initiative become a Geni.Mate

04.01.2022 What makes more sense, renewable power or more gas? Geni.Energy is a local, community-owned and run, non-profit company with a vision is to generate cheaper, greener and more abundant power to stimulate new jobs and investment in the Northwest region. Show your support by becoming a Geni.Mate!

04.01.2022 BANNED: Chinese media has confirmed that Australian coal has been banned. Now is the time more then ever to make the transition to renewables. Let's make sure Aussie workers can be employed in a more sustainable, long term industry as coal goes the way of the dinosaurs.

04.01.2022 Pumped Hydro is one way of storing renewable energy, it's basically a giant, clean battery.

03.01.2022 Join us for the official launch of Geni.Energy along with the new shopfront opening in Narrabri! The day will include an official opening from NSW MP Roy Butler and a huge shout out from our network of National Partners.

02.01.2022 HOLDEN CAR AND PRECIOUS WATER! Can ya get any more Aussie than this? In just a few words, how does this image make you feel? Photo credit: Flora Haggis - FJ beside Lake Hume, Bethanga Bridge.

01.01.2022 Seven News investigates the fallout from the Santos Narrabri gasfield decision.

01.01.2022 AS TOXIC SPILLS AND HEAVY METALS contaminate groundwater beneath the Pilliga forest from coal seam gas mining, Anne Kennedy is determined to save the precious finite water for communities throughout New South Wales’ unique agriculture belt. Check it out this video and share if you stand with Anne. The fantastic video is made by Australian filmmaker Mark Pearce.

01.01.2022 The government keeps handing out our cash to the gas companies, there goes any profits we could have expected.

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