Lockridge Primary School in Lockridge | State school
Lockridge Primary School
Locality: Lockridge
Phone: +61 8 9377 1110
Address: 48 Rosher Road 6054 Lockridge, WA, Australia
Website: https://www.lockridgeps.wa.edu.au
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24.01.2022 Have you participated in the **extended** 2020 parent survey?? If you need another copy, please visit the office. #lockridgestrong
24.01.2022 P&C meeting is on this Thursday at 9am. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!P&C meeting is on this Thursday at 9am. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!
24.01.2022 Our Kindy B students watched the Yirra Yaakin Company performance of Bilya Kaatijin (Fresh water learning) on Thursday morning. The story was about how the kep (water) in the bilya (river) and binjar (lake) became dirty and polluted because of rubbish and other things going into it. The djil-djit (fish) were noitj (dying). Yaakan (turtle), Marlee (black swan) and Kooyar (frog) went on a journey to help Waagyl (the creation snake) fix the waters. ... The Kindy students remembered the message of the play - that we should not litter and must to take care of our waterways - and painted some amazing pictures of the story. #Lockridgestrong
23.01.2022 Coding with our Beebots in K4. #Lockridgestrong
23.01.2022 Kiara College is expanding their Orientation Program for students starting Year 7 in 2021. More information soon...
21.01.2022 Congratulations on a job very well done to our 7 Head Girl and 3 Head Boy nominees who did themselves, their families and our school proud today as they presented their speeches. The 10 students did a superb job illustrating why they were well suited to the leadership role and why the Year 3-6 students and staff should vote for them. #lockridgestrong
21.01.2022 How good is our new VALUES sign out the front of the school with Ruby, Dash and Ngala? #Lockridgestrong
20.01.2022 Some of our M1 students combining Art with Business and Economics. #Lockridgestrong
20.01.2022 Did you know it was Education Assistant Week? A huge thank you to all our wonderful EAs for the work they do everyday!! #lockridgestrong
20.01.2022 It’s Birak time!
20.01.2022 Our inaugural Values Captains Emily, Seth and Franchesca with (most of) our staff PBS Team. Congratulations to them all. #Lockridgestrong
20.01.2022 Swimming lessons begin today! K1 & M5 @ 10:45am M6, B1 & K4 @ 12:45pm... Due to flexible eating times, please ensure you send you child with their lunch and recess rather than dropping it off.
20.01.2022 This year, to ensure all our families can attend the Year 6 Graduation (Tue 15th Dec) and Christmas Concert (Wed 16th Dec), both will be held outdoors. More information to come.This year, to ensure all our families can attend the Year 6 Graduation (Tue 15th Dec) and Christmas Concert (Wed 16th Dec), both will be held outdoors. More information to come.
19.01.2022 A sneak peek at the Moodja 5 Assembly stage... #Lockridgestrong
19.01.2022 The 2021 Head Boy & Head Girl speeches are about to begin. It’s so wonderful to have 7 girls and 3 boys nominate. #lockridgestrongThe 2021 Head Boy & Head Girl speeches are about to begin. It’s so wonderful to have 7 girls and 3 boys nominate. #lockridgestrong
17.01.2022 P&C meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00am!!P&C meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00am!!
17.01.2022 For our On Country Kindilink event, Mrs Mason and Mrs Lawson accompanied families to Whiteman Park on Monday. They had a wonderful time exploring the Childrens Forest and saw lots of native plants, a Yooran (bobtail lizard), some Bidjul (geckos) and a Quenda (southern brown bandicoot). #lockridgestrong
17.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who supported our Crazy Hair Day on Friday! #Lockridgestrong
17.01.2022 Our Kwela 1 students enjoying an outdoor Science lesson. Investigating push and pull forces posing the question: Will the flat foil sink or float? What will happen when the fool is scrunched into a ball? #Lockridgestrong
17.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, uncles, pas, pops, granddads, grandpas, step dads and all the father figures and positive male role models in our childrens lives.
17.01.2022 Look whats coming up!!
15.01.2022 Today we had the wonderful Yirra Yaakin visit us. All students watched Bilya Kaatijin, a show that taught us the importance of water to First Nations people around the world. A big thank you to Mrs McGhee for organising this event for us! #Lockridgestrong
14.01.2022 Dear Parents/Carers, As part of our role in the community, it is essential that we communicate ways to keep everyone safe. At times, there are situations that confront our students before and after school, including coming into contact with unknown persons (or strangers). A small number of communicated issues in the past few school days give reason for me to once again remind everyone about the best ways to remain safe when moving to and from school. The incidents were:... 1. Students reported being spoken to by an elderly man before school. Whilst the communication appeared harmless and no incident occurred, the conversation caused some children to feel uncomfortable and report the matter to their teachers. 2. Students engaged in discussion through the fence with a local resident, who was parking his car in a driveway. Whilst the communication appeared harmless and no incident occurred, students are instructed to not converse with unknown people off the school site. 3. Students reported being watched and photographed by an unknown person in a nearby house. This matter was forwarded to the WA Police who have reported that there were no concerns when investigating the matter. In light of these issues, I urge all students to take care at all times, including when making their way to and from school, and to report anything suspicious to parents, school and the police. Options to report may include calling 131 444, contacting the local station to report an incident to police (and only use 000 in an emergency) or 1800 333 000 to reach Crime Stoppers. Here are some simple suggestions to help your child stay safe. Please ask your child to: *Always travel in company; *Walk on the right hand side of the road so you face oncoming traffic; *Wherever possible, leave space between yourself and the roadway; *Stay in areas that are well lit; *Stay in view avoid going into areas that are hidden from view (such as parkland bush or behind shopping centres) and plan trips to avoid such locations; *Be alert earphones and headphones can reduce your awareness considerably; *If a passing car stops nearby never get too close; *Do not hesitate to run from a situation in which you feel at risk; *Report suspicious behaviour to parents, school and the police, noting number plates of cars and/or clothing or distinguishing features of individuals. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me at school. Mike Mount-Bryson Principal
13.01.2022 Some of our students are representing our school today at Guildford PS. Go Lockridge! #Lockridgestrong
12.01.2022 The 2020 parent survey has been extended a few extra days until Thursday evening. If you’d like another copy, visit the office ASAP. Please remember, your responses are confidential and anonymous, and make a real impact to our efforts moving forward. ... #lockridgestrong
12.01.2022 Some artwork from Baroo 1 & Baroo 2... #Lockridgestrong
12.01.2022 We are very lucky to have the Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company visit one Thursday this week.
12.01.2022 **Another Deadline Extension** We have 3 positions on the School Council available for 2021 (up to a 3 year tenure) and I am pleased to call for nominations from interested parents/carers. If you are considering nominating, please chat with a current School Council Member (Karli Riordan, Letisha Woods-Rose and Ken Smith) to learn more. An eligible parent is each parent whose name and address has been provided to the school under section 16(1)(b)(ii)(I) of the School Educa...tion Act, or if neither parent’s name and address has been so provided, each person who is responsible for the student. Parents/Community members wishing to nominate should forward a brief nomination email to [email protected] by 3pm, Tuesday, 30th November, 2020. #lockridgestrong
11.01.2022 The Baroo 2 Magpie tree is up and their Talk for writing is in full swing. The students have been innovating the story by changing the character and the setting. They have come up with some awesome ideas. #Lockridgestrong
11.01.2022 Don’t forget that we have 3 positions on the School Council available for 2021 (up to a 3 year tenure) and we are pleased to call for nominations from interested parents/carers. An eligible parent is each parent whose name and address has been provided to the school under section 16(1)(b)(ii)(I) of the School Education Act, or if neither parent’s name and address has been so provided, each person who is responsible for the student. Parents/Community members wishing to nom...inate should forward a brief nomination email to [email protected] by 3pm, Tuesday, 30th November, 2020. #lockridgestrong
09.01.2022 Our fantastic Education Assistants working hard with Miss Scott after school, building their skills to support Talk 4 Writing in classrooms. These wonderful educators are so vital to the success of your children. #Lockridgestrong
08.01.2022 On Monday this week, some classes were lucky enough to have the Western Australian Cricket Association visit with students from SEDA Group WA to run cricket clinics. In more exciting news, Year 1/2 students will have further opportunities to be involved in the coming weeks, into Term 4. Students also have the chance to earn a participation pack consisting of a shirt, ball, bat, hat and a few other small items. In the coming days, a note will be sent home to Year 1/2 studen...ts, permitting us to share the following information. Childs name: Childs dob: Childs Gender: Childs School year: Parent name: Parent: contact details (number and e-mail): Whether or not the child is Indigenous: Whether or not the child has a disability: Childs shirt size: There is no requirement for parents/carers to do anything other than sign and return the slip, giving your child permission to participate by sharing the required information. Thanks to Mr Oli for arranging this opportunity for students. #Lockridgestrong
08.01.2022 More fun during Transition today for our K3 and B1 students visiting B2. #Lockridgestrong
08.01.2022 This week each student in Kindy will receive their very own Better Beginnings Book Pack from Beechboro Public Library. The pack includes a beautiful book and fun activities that you and your child can complete together
08.01.2022 An amazing opportunity for our LPS families!
08.01.2022 Today was the first day of transition to support our students in preparing for 2021. We look forward to more fun on Thursday! #lockridgestrong
07.01.2022 In preparation for our visit yesterday from Yirra Yaakin (which means Stand Tall), our students wrote about a moment when they stood tall. #Lockridgestrong
07.01.2022 Check out our K2 students completing a couple of R U Ok? Day activities this morning. First they watched a music video to encourage them to comfort their friends when theyre feeling blue, followed by a discussion about how to look out for their friends and finally completing a people we can talk to/trust hand. #Lockridgestrong
07.01.2022 Swimming lessons for 2020 began smoothly. Lets hope the weather stays nice!
06.01.2022 Crazy Hair Day fundraiser for our Year 6 Camp. Wear a wig, colour your locks, wear some funny items in your hair, shave your head, add some bows...whatever you want!! Friday 18th of September. Bring a Gold Coin Donation of $1 or $2
05.01.2022 Swimming lesson fun! #Lockridgestrong
05.01.2022 Our new signs have arrived! #Lockridgestrong
04.01.2022 Stay dry everyone!
04.01.2022 The P&C High Standards Scholarship for our Year 5’s is due on Monday 7 December. This is a great opportunity for 4 students to receive $100 for school related purchases in 2021 #lockridgestrongThe P&C High Standards Scholarship for our Year 5’s is due on Monday 7 December. This is a great opportunity for 4 students to receive $100 for school related purchases in 2021 #lockridgestrong
04.01.2022 Our little city in Baroo 1...
02.01.2022 Bring your gold coin donation for our Year 6 campers tomorrow!
02.01.2022 How good was the Moodja 5 assembly last week? #Lockridgestrong
02.01.2022 Friday this week...
01.01.2022 Today is a BIG day for our 2021 Kindy families with the Parent/Carer Orientation on from 2:00pm. Come to meet and hear from our teacher Mrs Moorman, our Deputy Miss Scott and other key staff who will play an important role in your child’s education at LPS. Also, join with the P&C afterwards for a short afternoon tea.... #lockridgestrong