Loft Haus in Vasse, Western Australia | Sport & recreation
Loft Haus
Locality: Vasse, Western Australia
Phone: +61 437 689 288
Address: 4/14 Burler Drive 6280 Vasse, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Never too old to learn - first time ever on a skateboard. Yep it took me 41 years to build up the courage. Felt like I was going about 100kph but in reality a snail could have passed me!! My eldest boy Fin was teaching me how to practice bottom turns and cut backs out of the water - thanks @mr.gazman for the surf training tips and inspiration as always. Need a lot more practice and definitely wouldnt attempt this without my wrist guards and helmet!!! #skateboard #nevertoooldtolearn #surftraining #elevateyourpotential
24.01.2022 Playing with shapes on my #yogaprowheel - what a great way to access both hip flexors and hamstrings whilst maintaining a neutral pelvis and strong rib connection. Not to mention the beautiful rotator cuff stretch for my left shoulder. Use code Lofthaus for $10 off @yogaprowheel #makingshapes #yogaprowheel #hipflexorstretch #rotatorcuff #hamstrings #yoga #pilates #elevateyourpotential
23.01.2022 More playtime with my kids skateboard. Great chaturanga training, challenging the entire body. Amazing how much fun you can have when you get imaginative. #Core #scapularstability #shoulderstrength #pilates #outsidegym #find5 #chaturanga #spineflexibility #yoga #schoolholidays #elevateyourpotential
21.01.2022 This is Winter down south - just when I was preparing to rug up and hybernate, the Universe sends cracking weather!!! Smiths beach has this uncanny knack of luring me in - I can never resist a stretch and a swim. Got the wheel vibe today. Opened the heart, blew away some cobwebs and enjoyed the view. What a perfect start to Winter and the week ahead. #urdhvadhanurasana #wheelpose #beachyoga #smithsbeach #opentheheart #backbends #heartopening #wintersun #downsouth #yoga #pilates #elevateyourpotential
20.01.2022 Using my yogaprowheels to strengthen the wrists and find balance. Having no stops at the front of the wheels helps to roll weight into and out of the hands, whilst experimenting with the amount of weight taken through the shoulders. A great way to graduate to full weight bearing through hands. The next step is to push up into a handstand from here and work more strongly to stack hips and ribs maintaining a pubic and breast bone connection - stay tuned..... Use code Lofthaus for $10 off @yogaprowheel #yogaprowheel #supportedscorpion #armbalances #wriststrengthening #inversion #yoga #pilates #elevateyourpotential
19.01.2022 And this is supposed to be the middle of Winter. What an incredible day down at Bunker Bay. Sunshine, surf, salutations and splits. Couldnt think of a better way to end the school holidays. #sunsalutation #wintersun #Bunkerbay #downsouth #yoga #beachyoga #elevateyourpotential
19.01.2022 Hanumanasana preparation - lunges, hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors. I have put together some simple stretches to start building the flexibility and awareness required for your journey towards Hanumanasana. Hanumanasana requires a balance of strength and flexibility not only in the front and back of the legs but a strong pelvic foundation, free from torsion and supported by a strong pelvic floor. The first 4 easy hamstring and lunge stretches quickly identify differences be...tween the left and right sides and direct our attention to the foundation of this posture. It is important to keep the hips squared throughout these preparations. The pigeon and zig zag (variation of Ardha Supta virasana) stretches help to release and realign the pelvis, correct torsion and loosen the lower spine. Make sure your pubic bone is directed towards the ceiling and the lower spine toward the floor in the zig zag stretch. Practice these postures daily and dont be in a rush. Remember to embrace the qualities of Hanuman - courage, devotion, perseverance and patience. I will continue to post more preparations over the next couple of days. #hanumanasana #Hanumanasanapreparationton #hamstringstretch #glutestretch #hipflexorstretch #lowerbackrelease #pelvictorsion #pelvicrealignment #lunge #pigeon #yoga #elevateyourpotential See more
18.01.2022 Just had to share this post from @thrivefoodfitness Thanks again Hayley for your input and I love this post. #Repost @thrivefoodfitness (@get_repost) 4 things I learnt today about managing STRESS: > Establish a sleep routine, decreasing screen time before bed! > Eat to heal the gut because the gut is connected to the brain... > Take the time to breathe deeply > Work towards your happiness by taking each day on its own Thanks for a fabulous workshop @lofthausyoga XO #setgoals #eachdayasitcomes #stressmanagement #elevateyourpotential
18.01.2022 Hanumanasana preparations continued - more ideas to gain access into Hanumanasana - its time to attack the hip flexors, quadriceps and hamstrings at the same time. Again try to maintain a level pelvis, as well as a a slight tuck of the pubic bone. The pelvic position in the first 4 photos helps to minimize lumbar extension and target higher portions of the hip flexor. Make sure you realign the pelvis and spine to neutral for the last two postures. Use these variations in conjunction with the stretches from the previous two posts - mix it up and remember to be patient. #hanumanasana #hipflexorstretch #hamstringstretch #runnersstretch #splits #splitprep #yoga #elevateyourpotential elevate
17.01.2022 Getting bogged in the wet sand at Smiths beach whilst practicing transitions between downward dog and wheel pose. Next time Ill make sure I stay up in the dry sand!!!! #smithsbeach #Urdva Dhanurasana #wheelpose #adhomukhasvanasana #downwarddog #yogatransitions #yoga #beachyoga #smithsbeach #wintersun #elevateyourpotential
16.01.2022 Heres my swan dive with my yogaprowheel again - sped up this time!!! Some of you wanted to see it again. I love the dynamic strength required for this variation on the classic Pilates swan dive. So much fun... great inspiration for the week to come. Use code Lofthaus for $10 off @yogaprowheel #yogaprowheel #coreworkout #pilatesswandive #swandive #pilates #dynamicstrength #shoulderstability #elevateyourpotential
16.01.2022 Paschimottonasana - because sometimes we need to surrender. Sometimes we need to be still and be quiet. Sometimes we need to recognise the barriers we put up, the people we shut off, the isolation we create. Do we still listen to our inner voice? Are we still guided by our intuition or have we lost our connection? How often do we get swept along in the perpetual flow of must dos, wants, and desires? It just takes a little time, time which we owe it to ourselves to find. It just takes a little sand between the toes, and someone whos got your back. Sometimes we need to bow down and listen. Be still. Reconnect. Make time. Breathe. #breathe #paschimottonasana #surrender #forwardbend #toobusy #reconnect #maketime #yoga #bestill #elevateyourpotential
16.01.2022 Experimented with some avocado and matcha powder tonight to create this incredible green tea mousse. Teamed with coconut yoghurt and raspberries this dessert is packed full of antioxidants and flavor. #matcha #greenteamousse #greentea #antioxidants #healthydessert #avocado #sugarfree #elevateyourpotential
15.01.2022 Using the yogaprowheel to open the side body, release the thoracic spine, and stretch the shoulders and neck. I love the spinal elongation and decompression from the yogaprowheel. Use code word Lofthaus for $10 off @yogaprowheel #sidebody #lateralrelease #shoulderstretch #neckstretch #yogaprowheel #yoga #elevateyourpotential
15.01.2022 Working to develop your core without access to a gym or classes? Or got no time to get to a class due to school holidays? A couple of simple kids toys and the imagination go a long way... Using the #crazycatch and a netball for some serious abdominal work. Watch the hip flexors - those guys want to take over. Its all about having fun and catching 5 minutes when you can... #core #abdominalburn #hipflexors #pilates #reallife #elevateyourpotential
14.01.2022 Fun with my Antigravity hammock- serious core, upper limb and scapular workout. #antigravity #christopherharrisonhammock #shouldergirdle #coreworkout #scapularstabilisation #yoga #pilates #elevateyourpotential
13.01.2022 Hip flexors - friend or foe? Try to integrate some hip flexor activity into your daily practice. See my YouTube video for a few more ideas #hipflexor #core #pilates #yoga #elevateyourpotential
11.01.2022 When its cold and wet outside and the kitchen is warm and full of incredible aromas from a big cook up - broth bubbling away on the stove, frittata in the oven, homemade chocolate in the fridge, theres no better time to play with my yogaprowheel. Enjoying some fun flows to open the hips, chest and shoulders. Use code Lofthaus for $10 off @yogaprowheel #yogaprowheel #hipopening #chestopener #shoulderstretch #heartexpansion #yogawheel #coreworkout #yoga #pilates #elevateyourpotential
11.01.2022 Went for a bike ride this arvo and got inspired by the sunset and a signpost!!! Practiced some dynamic hamstring and hip flexor stretches - great preparation for hanumanasana!! #inspiration #hanumanasana #hanumanasanaprep #hamstringstretch #hipflexorstretch #yogaoutside #yoga #sunsetyoga #boyandbear #elevateyourpotential
11.01.2022 Where life imitates art - inspired by my new @_theluckyones yoga mat. This mat is awesome - feels like velvet, performs incredibly with just the right amount of stick and give for free flow and holds. Plus the artwork is so awesome that you dont have to use it as a yoga mat - just hang it on the wall!!! Love it. Thanks @_theluckyones for this mat and @von_boards for introducing me to these guys. Sorry about the cheeky post!! #lifeimitatesart #bestyogamat #yogamat #_theluckyones #von_boards #yoga #elevateyourpotential
10.01.2022 Flowing with the theraband to open shoulders, midback and chest. Check out some of my favourite shoulder and midback stretches at #shoulderstretch #thoracic #midback #chestopeners #flow #theraband #yoga #pilates #elevateyourpotential
09.01.2022 If you wonder where my inspiration comes from - you don’t have to look far. My 7 year old daughter showing great core connection and creativity at her brothers footy training #core #inspiration #lift #elevateyourpotential
09.01.2022 Everyone has a dark side. A place that lives beyond our consciousness. A place that houses our insecurities, and our perceived shortcomings. A place from which we project these same insecurities and shortcomings onto those around us. We form judgements, we discriminate and we isolate. CG Jung called it the Shadow. ....Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individuals conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.... ... The shadow is instinctive and irrational. It feeds the ego which cultivates false and harmful projections. Sit with your shadow, get to know yourself, and accept your own dark side. To know and accept others unconditionally, you must first know and accept yourself. Face your demons, for they are wise. Be strong enough to ask the questions and brave enough to listen for the answers. Although our shadow can hold such darkness, it can also offer hope. It is a reservoir for human darkness but also a spring from which creativity flows. Embrace your shadow, explore its darkest corners and dance with it. Consummate the union, become whole and open yourself to endless possibility. #creativity #shadow #CGJung #beachyoga #darkside #ego #cloudshapes #possibility #psychology #acceptance #elevateyourpotential See more
09.01.2022 Finding my inner monkey and putting a whole lot of trust in this tiny branch!!
08.01.2022 Sometimes its easier to stay at home, to stay within our comfort zone. Sometimes its easier to sit and watch while others challenge and inspire. Sometimes we feel the need to stay on the sidelines and cheer from afar.... and thats OK. Because at other times we want to jump in. We want to play on the edge and break through barriers. We want to push the limits of both our physical and mental abilities and discover our true potential. But remember to check in regularly, your comfort zone, and never loose sight of home. Remember where youve come from and those who have inspired and held your hand. Be grateful for those days on the sidelines and practice humility at every turn. Hold on tightly when you feel the need to and let go when you can. #comfortzone #holdontight #humility #challenge #playtheedge #letgo #sidelines #inspiration #limitations #breakthroughbarriers #yoga #pilates #canalrocks #elevateyourpotential See more
08.01.2022 If you wonder where my inspiration comes from - you dont have to look far. My 7 year old daughter showing great core connection and creativity at her brothers footy training #core #inspiration #lift #elevateyourpotential
07.01.2022 Playing with my yogaprowheel - using it not as support but as a guide to almost place my head on. Moving away from the safety of the support and finding more strength in my vertical line. Just kissing the yogaprowheel with my hair!!!! Use code Lofthaus for $10 off @yogaprowheel #handstand #yogaprowheel #inversion #verticalline #handstandtraining #yoga #pilates #shoulderstability #core #spinaldecompression #elevateyourpotential
07.01.2022 I had the honour of placing my hands on a beautiful woman today. A woman who is terminally ill, a woman whose life is balancing on the brink. A woman who inspires me with her courage, her vulnerability and her sense of humour. This incredible woman watches each sunset and does not know whether it will be her last. She wakes each morning to the realisation that she is still breathing, to the realisation that she is living on borrowed time. Time that ticks slowly, measured by t...he agonising pain of her illness. But still she smiles, she jokes and laughs and she allows me to share these precious moments. To be in her presence is truly humbling, a gift for which I am forever grateful. Time is precious, share it with the people you love, spend it doing the things you love. Dont fear your own mortality, use it as inspiration to live your life and dont wait.... do it now. #grateful #terminalillness #inspiring #balanceonthebrink #mortality #liveeachday #yoga #beachyoga #elevateyourpotential See more
05.01.2022 Utthita Trikonasana - with arm variation to add a strong side body stretch. Trikonasana or triangle pose for me is about strength and grounding. Triangles are the strongest shapes on this planet - able to withstand pressure from both internal and external sources - no wonder I feel so powerful and calm in this posture. With storm clouds building, swell rising and the wind whipping up around me, I am still able to ground, find my center and survive the surrounding turbulence.
05.01.2022 Hanumanasana preparations continued - These 4 stretches are great to practice once youve become reacquainted with your hamstrings and glutes. Practiced in conjunction with the stretches from the previous post, these postures target the upper portions of the hamstrings assisting with increased mobility of the pelvis. Maintain a strong core throughout to ensure you dont compress the ball and socket of the hip joints and always check that the pelvis is level and squared. Remem...ber to practice with patience, dont force it - the hamstrings and glutes do so much work for us and are forever being shortened. Surrender to the stretch, enjoy the process. They will give...... and you may be surprised by what else you let go of when these muscles finally release. #hanumanasana #Hanumanasanapreparationton #hamstringstretch #glutestretch #lowerbackrelease #pelvicrealignment #yoga #surrender #release #elevateyourpotential See more
05.01.2022 Many people this week have asked me about the splits how to do them, the best preparations for them etc. So I have put together a little something.... The next few posts will include fantastic preparations for this posture but remember to practice with a light heart and a readiness to surrender. The true essence of Hanumanasana (monkey pose aka splits) like all asana lies not within the physical presentation or completion of the posture but within the wisdom and gained from the journey toward the final posture. Hanumanasana is a perfect example of an asana which many of us due to our physicality or otherwise may never find. Hanuman himself displayed the qualities of courage, devotion, perseverance and patience. He is said to have taken his own heart from his chest and offered it to Rama as an act of pure love. It is only through dedicated practice, non-violent acts of courage, tolerance and patience that we too can find an open and pure heart, that we can alter and shift our own limitations and those of others around us. Only when we embrace and practice the art of selflessness can we bridge the gap between our ideal existence and our reality. As you embark on your journey toward Hanumanasana, reflect often, let go and shed what is not useful, practice random acts of kindness along the way and be patient, it can take years to learn some lessons. #hanumanasana #splits #monkeypose #courage #devotion #patience #howtosplit #monkeyposepreparation #yoga #elevateyourpotential See more
05.01.2022 Hello again - Ive been away from Instagram for a while but the other day I saw a post from @breathebrooke which inspired me to have another crack!!! Hope you guys enjoy... #reallifevsinstagram #tuckjumps #handstands #keepingitreal #corework #elevateyourpotential
04.01.2022 The evolution of the Handstand. Me and my 7 year old mini-me playing around with shapes, and getting some sand between our fingers and toes. #handstands #beachyoga #busselton #sunsetyoga #wintersun #elevateyourpotential
03.01.2022 No words.... #contemplation #poise #yoga #Busseltonjetty #elevateyourpotential
03.01.2022 The first taste of Spring and I cant stay off my hands. Sun drenched handstands at Smiths beach after surfing with my boy @catchinwithfoles. Only 3 other crew out in the water. Gotta love unseasonal perfection at uncrowded Smiths Beach. #beachyoga #surfingsmiths #smithsbeach #bringonsummer #handstand #elevateyourpotential
02.01.2022 Using the reformer to open hips, strengthen shoulder girdle, and loosen the spine. I love the reformer for simultaneous stretch and strengthening. I used 1 light spring. #reformer #pilates #shoulderstability #openhips #coreworkout #dolphinprep #stretchandstrengthen #elevateyourpotential
01.01.2022 Reposted video guys - some of you said it wasnt playing - see if this works better.... Had fun today with a great group of humans doing the marble run a preparation drill for Chaturanga!!! Sorry about the tricep burn guys. Keep your focus on the pelvis, initiate with the pubic bone, activate central line, elbows in, belly up and shoulders down. Have fun. The second drill is beginners version. Thought you might like the homework!!!! Thanks for a great class - I enjoyed it!!! #chaturanga #tricep #pelvis #chaturangaprep #core #shouldergirdle #shoulderstability #yoga #pilates #core #hellpushup #upwarddog #elevateyourpotential
01.01.2022 When I was young, I judged my self worth by others opinions of me, always eager to please, seeking gratification from those around me and experiencing disappointment when I didnt receive praise from my peers. I graduated as a Physiotherapist and quickly fell into those same patterns. I placed massive expectations on myself to fix each and every person I laid my hands on. My occupation defined me. Needless to say, when I developed tendinitis in both wrists and was unable t...o use my hands the way I had become accustomed to, I had to reevaluate my career, and most significantly my self-worth. I quickly realised that my gift was not in hands on treatments but in education. I turned to Yoga and Pilates and reconnected with my self. I grew strong and flexible, and most importantly adaptable. I still hold very high expectations for myself and those around me, but I work very hard each day to be accepting, to turn off the ego and find that seed of wisdom that lies deep within each of us. That seed that, when cultivated, will set its roots deeply and spread its branches widely. That seed that grounds and connects us to our own centre, setting strong foundations for self-acceptance. That seed that destroys the sabotaging ego and frees us from self imposed boundaries. Its a long journey, but a rewarding one. #selfworth #ego #sabotage #highexpectations #reevaluate #tendinitis #settheseed #careerchange #yoga #pilates #growth #selfimposedboundaries #elevateyourpotential See more
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