Lokabe Working Dogs in Muttama, New South Wales | Pet service
Lokabe Working Dogs
Locality: Muttama, New South Wales
Phone: +61 419 230 881
Address: Burra Rd 2722 Muttama, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.lokabedogs.com
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25.01.2022 This is what happens when you have your phone on portrait mode but then the pup jumps as you take the photo #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabepixie #portraitmode #pixieisadoofus #couldntgetagoodphoto #luckyshesawesomeanyway
24.01.2022 Lazy Sunday afternoon play for our two oldest members of Team Lokabe and our sweet boy Griffin. He actually initiated the play with Poley, but then Dawn didn’t really want to share her old mate #lokabeworkingdogs #kippakooppoley #raimardawn #lokabegriffin #theymaybeoldbuttheystilllovetoplay #lazysundayarvo #kelpiesrock #antinolau
24.01.2022 Divine #lokabeworkingdogs #ninaasherpups #oneweekold #toocute #kelpiepuppy #snuggleswithsiblings
24.01.2022 Just a Kelpie or two. Or three? Four? How many Kelpies do you think are running here together? #lokabeworkingdogs #kelpiesgalore #howmanydoyousee #lovethesedogs #yesiknowalltheirnames #fueledbyantinol #antinolau #antinolrapid #antinolforlife
23.01.2022 Some Poley puppy love for your Sunday morning #lokabeworkingdogs #kippakooppoley #poleylovespuppies #kelpiepuppies #beautifulolddog #hesjustthebest #sweetboy #antinolau #antinolrapid #antinolforlife
22.01.2022 Lokabe Nina is still on-lead only, but I figured this little bit of play with her son Griffin wouldn’t do any harm #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabenina #lokabegriffin #ninaasherpups #motherandsonplaying #bondingmoment #kelpieplay #lovethesekids
20.01.2022 Handsome boy Solo growing up nicely. He had a look at sheep today and each exposure gets us more and more excited about what’s to come #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabesolo #solothewonderdog #emilywonderpup #handsomepup #lovethislittleguy #antinolau #antinolforlife #antinolrapid
16.01.2022 For those that have followed our videos etc. of Capree Hope - she’s had puppies! We no longer own her, but our good friend Tom Engel does, and he is currently taking Expressions of Interest. These pups will be full-on and not for the faint-hearted (definitely not suitable as pets). Hope is an intense, high-drive work dog, and the sire of these pups is Lokabe Roy (same breeding as our Emily and Minky) who is also pretty intense. Contact Tom (not us here at Lokabe) if you’re interested - please note that no decisions about exactly what pups are available (ie sex, colour) will be made until after the pups have been on stock at around 7 weeks of age.
16.01.2022 Storm feeding her brood #lokabeworkingdogs #stormroypups #fourweeksold #milkbarisopen #suchagoodmama #antinol #antinolforlife #antinolau #futurechampions
15.01.2022 Did you know that there are two very brave cats that live amongst the Lokabe dogs? Harold and Jasper don’t venture out all that often, but this morning Harry took the opportunity to approach the house yard dogs while they were eating. Can you see him? #lokabeworkingdogs #socialisedtocats #lokabecats #bravecat #triggerisagutsandhadalreadyfinishedeating
15.01.2022 Here is the pedigree of our Nina x Asher pups for anyone that is interested
14.01.2022 This little lady is working hard to convince me that she should be my dog She is just too cute!!! #lokabepink #stormroypups #wantstobemydog #justtoocute #workingheradorablefactor #lokabeworkingdogs
14.01.2022 The dogs clearly like to entertain me while I’m cleaning their runs. First I looked up from what I was doing to find Pink sitting like this (she’s not stuck, she’s just ridiculous). Then when I went to clean their run, Purple and Chilli are just lounging around in their roof #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabepink #lokabepurple #lokabechilli ##justhangingoutbeingridiculous #lokabeweirdos #entertainme #funnykids #antinolau
14.01.2022 It has been a little bit of a madhouse here at Lokabe with Fred and Addy’s birthdays (complete with joint party) and so I’ve not posted any photos of these cuties for a while. Three weeks old today #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabenina #lokabeasher #ninaasherpups #socute #threeweeksold #movedawayfromthehousealittleasliketopartyallnight #kelpiepuppies
13.01.2022 Although it’s not the greatest photo with lighting etc, I love this photo of the four cheeky pups living in the yard at the moment. From three different litters, a variety of ages but getting along just so beautifully #lokabeworkingdogs #workingkelpiepups #ninaasherpups #stormroypups #capreehopelokaberoypup #lokabegriffin #cascadetommy #ashamedlyasyetunamed #hannahwantstocallonepurple #pinkandpurple?
11.01.2022 VALE Lokabe Fuzzy 26/3/2014 - 24/7/2020... We breed tough and intense dogs here at Lokabe. And whilst we are proud to produce dogs that can get any job done, the toughness and intensity brings with it a degree of risk. Today, my beautiful boy Fuzzy had a steer barrel over the top of him and devastatingly, he did not survive. Fuzzy has always been a mumma’s boy, my boy, and my heart is broken. Once Hannah and then Adaline came along I occasionally thought that maybe I should sell him, as he wasn’t getting to go to work while I was busy growing and caring for babies. But he adored me (and I him) and I just couldn’t part with him. I finally convinced Fred to take him to work around the end of last year I think, and Fuzzy was just starting to come into being the work dog I knew he could be. I wish I had done more with him and for him, and I will miss his beautiful soul every day. Litter brother to Minky, full sibling to Emily. He was the Fuzzy Bucket, the Bucket-E-Fuzz. You’ll be forever in my heart my handsome, darling boy. Rest in Peace mate
11.01.2022 The NSW Yard Dog Association are running a charity auction to support Blazeaid. Lots of great items up for grabs, including a service by your choice of Lokabe stud dog. So have a look, get on Auctions Plus and see what you can score while helping farmers affected by drought, fire and flood.
11.01.2022 16 week old Lokabe Alpha (Lokabe Nina x Lokabe Asher) having a crack at backing some sheep yesterday. We’re really excited to see how he (and his litter mates) develop, although maybe we should have kept this one Thanks for the video and update Derek Prentice
10.01.2022 Lokabe Java (Raimar Emily x Rhettlenash Jock) took the day off to give Lokabe Maverick (Lokabe Nina x Lokabe Asher) some training tips. No excuses for not listening with those trademark Lokabe ears Thanks so much for the photo and update from their owner Sarah #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabejava #lokabemaverick #ninaasherpups #checkoutthoseears #lokabebigears #trainingbuddies #lovelokabeupdates
10.01.2022 One pup left from the very exciting Capree Hope II x Lokabe Roy joining. Contact Tom if you’re interested. We’ve got one from this litter and we are very excited to see how he develops. Hope is an absolutely cracking bitch, you won’t be disappointed.
09.01.2022 Finally getting around to introducing the latest Lokabes - Lokabe Pixie, Lokabe Alfie and Lokabe Griffin. As you can see from his photo, Griffin is a little special, and is much smaller than his siblings. Neither the vet nor I can work out what happened with him, but as a bubba he appears to have had some sort of ‘failure to thrive’ issues. The vet has deemed him healthy, and he is now growing, he’s just a little behind the others. But don’t judge him on his size or shabby-lo...oking coat, he is a fire cracker of a pup - great personality, tough as nails and just as keen to work as Pixie and Alfie. We have him on his Antinol Rapid to help him thrive, and look forward to sharing his progress with you as he grows and develops. Some working dog breeders will disagree, but we believe in giving every Lokabe a chance #lokabeworkingdogs #ninaasherpups #lokabepixie #lokabealfie #lokabegriffin #smallbutmighty #watchthisspace #antinolau #antinolforlife #antinolrapid #sogratefultoourwonderfulsponsor #ifhannahhashersaygriffinwillbeoursforever #kelpiepuppies See more
08.01.2022 Happy New Year from the Lokabe Crew, including the youngest member here Red. Red’s contemplative state in this photo is indicative of my mood today, thinking about all that we want to achieve this year and wondering how much Covid will get in the way. Here’s hoping the current situation in NSW and Victoria is just a minor hiccup and we can be an extremely fortunate covid-free country ASAP #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabered #happynewyear #puppiesareawesome #whenthefutureismorecertainwewillorganiseaschool
08.01.2022 Poley #lokabeworkingdogs #kippakooppoley #themostdelightfuldogintheworld #sweetoldboy #lovehim #antinolau #antinolrapid #antinolforlife
08.01.2022 Some of you might remember our post introducing our Nina x Asher pups, including our special little guy Griffin. Griffy got a little hurt by a sheep during one of his exposures a few weeks ago, and hasn’t been all that keen to engage with the sheep since. Yesterday I decided to change it up and change the location to try and help him overcome his fear and re-engage with the sheep. Success! I kept it short and didn’t push him, and found that I needed to stay quiet so as not to distract him. Very happy to see him show interest again #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabegriffin #ninaasherpups #speciallittleguy #sheepcanbescaryiftheysteponyou #changeituptogetresults #alwaysbereadytoadaptyourtraining #welovegriffin
08.01.2022 Merry Christmas from all us here at Lokabe Working Dogs. We hope you have a safe and happy day full of love, laughter, and a dog or two #lokabeworkingdogs #merrychristmas #trigandstormareparttimereindeers #oldphotonotime #hugakelpieforchristmas
06.01.2022 Looking back on this rainy weekend at our last trial at Lucindale in March. Here’s Lokabe Nina strutting her stuff in the Maiden Final
06.01.2022 Now that all of our Nina x Asher pups have confirmed homes, we are excited to announce that our darling girl Raimar Storm had nine beautiful pups to Eveready Roy II on 1st August. Amazingly, all nine pups are females! We have a few people on our ‘interested’ list already, but if you think that one of these little girls might be a perfect addition to your work crew, then please message our page to express your interest. Please be aware that no decisions about homes will be ma...de until we have selected the pups that we are retaining, which will not occur until after they’ve had a couple of exposures to sheep at 6-7 weeks of age. In addition, we have had many pet home enquiries lately and, given the intensity of kelpies, and specifically our Lokabe kelpies, we have decided that our pups are predominantly for working homes only. Whilst we appreciate the growing love and interest that our beautiful kelpies are generating, we feel that it is irresponsible to send work dogs to non-working homes. We apologise for any disappointment this may cause.
05.01.2022 Welcome to the crew Cascade Tom! Tom is out of the devine Capree Hope (a Josh daughter for those new to our page) by Lokabe Roy, who is a Barrkel Twisty II x Kippakoop Poley son (same breeding as Emily and Minky). We were very impressed by this litter’s first look at sheep on Monday, and as usual we’re excited to see how this little guy develops. (Please note that we did not breed this litter and so we have no pups available at this time). #lokabeworkingdogs #capreehopelokaberoypup #futurechampion #welcometothecrew #adoptedbystormskidsastheirneebrother #somanydogs #kelpiepups
04.01.2022 *SOLD* Kraken Pace Wandabar Poppy x Marabou Jed... D.O.B. 01/01/2019 Pace is a green-broken young dog who will make a very handy work dog with more experience. Pace is capable of working both sheep and cattle. Pace is very strong with a hard bite on cattle and has a big top knot in the sheepyards, although not a lot of bark. Pace is starting to show that he has good mustering ability, and is an easy dog to drove stock with. Pace is a nice big leggy dog, extremely friendly and fantastic with kids. He would be suited to someone who is willing to build a strong connection with him to help him reach his full potential. 4k
04.01.2022 The handsome Trigger got a rare opportunity to help load a truck today. It’s been a looooong time since he’s done any real work, but other than a completely expected lack of fitness, he did good! Got some flows, backed up into the truck - not bad for a nine year old who hangs out as a house dog and occasionally yard trials. I had fun too #lokabeworkingdogs #raimartrigger #stormcametoobutshesnotaphotoposerliketrigger #housedogplaysatbeingaworkdog #itwashot #hesurvived #willbeinterestingtoseehowhepullsuptomorrow #heLOVEDit #antinolforlife #antinolrapid #antinol
04.01.2022 Remember our special little guy Griffin? Thought it was worth an update to show how he’s growing up. After an extremely slow start, Griffy’s actually going (and growing) pretty well. He is the most sweet-natured, gentle dog you’re likely to ever meet, and we love him #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabegriffin #ninaasherpups #sweetboy #hefinallygrew #hannahspuppy #notgoinganywhere #lookslikehisdad #antinol #antinolforlife #antinolau
04.01.2022 Something a little different here at Lokabe today - working dogs amongst the bubbles #lokabeworkingdogs #trainingdogsinbubbles #notpartofourofficialttainingcourse #bubblesforthekidssowecantraindoga #dogsdidntnotice #raimarstorm #lokabemagic #motherandson #thanksladiesforagreatmorning
02.01.2022 Well, we’ve finally committed to some names for our Raimar Storm x Eveready Roy II girls. Introducing Lokabe Pink II and Lokabe Purple (because Hannah insists on calling the bigger one Purple and we’re lazy so Pink works fine ). They are sweet little girls and as always, we can’t wait to see how they develop. #lokabeworkingdogs #stormroypups #lokabepink #lokabepurple #namingpupsishard #kelpiepups #gladtheyfinallyhavenames
02.01.2022 Lokabe Nina is one happy dog! She had surgery two months ago to repair a tendon in her right hind leg. On Christmas Eve the decision was made to remove her splint, meaning her leg is finally bandage free! Hooray! And with the timely arrival of the Christmas present for the girls you can see in the background, I can actually see where I will be able to find time to give her plenty of massages to aid in her recovery. Still eight or so weeks of rehab before she can (hopefully) g...o back to work, but we’re confident she’ll get there (and she’s totally worth the effort). Nina’s become a complete smooch since her surgery, but would only need a second of opportunity and she’d be off working stock #lokabeworkingdogs #lokabenina #surgeryforaworkingdog #animalreferralhospitalcanberra #splintfree #massagemassagemassage #antinolrapid #antinolforlife #antinol #smileykelpie See more
01.01.2022 It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year between trials, but today we finally made it back in the game at Yass. Asher was the superstar of the day, winning the Improver and coming second in the Open. Dusty also did well, making both the Maiden and Novice final. Well done to Ben Coster on running a great trial, the judges, helpers and other competitors. And congrats to all the other winners and placegetters. It’s good to be back #lokabeasher #antinolau #antinolrapid #antinolforlife #lokabeworkingdogs
01.01.2022 These pups may be a lot of work, but they are freakin’ awesome! I had a crazy day with lots to do today, but these girls still managed to sucker me in for some cuddles #lokabeworkingdogs #stormroypups #6weeksold #thesegirlsareawesome #kelpiepuppies #timewasters #antinolau
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