Longbreak | Magazine
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25.01.2022 MEDEWI BOMBORA WAVE LODGE - No3 Twilight cocktails served in the plunge pool - a worthy way to celebrate the end of another magic Medewi day, with wave quota well and truly satisfied. Longbreak will be releasing the full story of their special ... Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge experience in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] SPECIAL THANKS TO: Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge Ian McKay Nyoman Astawa Supri Medewi Aimee Lienert-McKay Trevor Paddenburg Afreen Paddenburg Nicki Duncan
25.01.2022 Bank Robbery No1 (Memory Bank that is) Our silver wings have been clipped. They are no longer able to create the lift needed to carry us to far flung destinations. Waves peeling over pristine reefs in exotic locations are left empty and un-ridden. To maintain our mental wealth we are forced to do a Bank Job. Memory Bank that is. Longbreak breaks into its vault of images gathered during our travels in search of that perfect mix of Surf, Culture and Lifestyle.... Hope these images from our Memory Bank helps you maintain a healthy balance in yours. Top and right below: A tiny picture postcard island somewhere off the coast of southern Papua New Guinea. Experience supplied by the surf exploration legend Martin Daly and his Indies Trader vessels. Bottom centre and bottom left: Nihi Sumba THANKS: Martin Daly Indies Trader Marine Adventures Nihi Sumba Rod Washer Trevor Paddenburg
24.01.2022 Bank Robbery No2 (Memory Bank that is) THE GOOD-OLD DAYS Our silver wings remain clipped. We are forced yet again to do a Bank Job. Memory Bank that is. Found on dusty digital shelves at the back of the vault some favourite Longbreak images, ones that bring a smile to our face as we remember the waves we rode, the journeys we have taken, the people we met and friends we have made along the way. ... Great days indeed. Top: Walking on Water, Steve Wilson in the Maldives on-board the Four Seasons Explorer with Tropicsurf. Below Right: Sharing a moment on a Pottuvil Point Peeler. Below Centre: A private recital in a crowded Madagascan market. Below Left: Longbreak scribe Trevor Paddenburg road tests yet another Medewi wall. Hope this raiding of the Longbreak Image Bank bank can keep our mental wealth topped up until we can all cross that air-bridge and return to some exotic waters soon. THANKS: Tropicsurf Four Seasons Explorer Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Jetwing Surf, Pottuvil Point Olobe Lodge Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge AirAsia air mauritius Steve Wilson Trevor Paddenburg Guy Leclezio Jules Leclezio Rod Washer
23.01.2022 The Long. The Short. The Luxury. Nihiwatu. Sumba. Longbreak has travelled extensively and experienced many of the world's finest surf resorts. It is with no exaggeration that Nihiwatu Sumba is among a select few who tick so many of the boxes we require. ... Thanks: AirAsia Nihi Sumba Island
23.01.2022 The Season of Sunset and Sculptures is with us once again. Cottesloe Perth Western Australia... Cottesloe Beach Sculptures By The Sea Cottesloe
23.01.2022 MEDEWI BOMBORA WAVE LODGE Bombora Wave Lodge ticks all the boxes for a luxury surf retreat: quality accommodation, friendly staff, lush gardens and all-day views of the sets meandering down Medewi’s rocky point.... Longbreak will be releasing the full story of their special Medewi Bombora Wave Lodge experience in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] SPECIAL THANKS TO: Bombora Medewi WaveLodge Ian McKay Nyoman Astawa Supri Medewi Aimee Lienert-McKay Trevor Paddenburg Afreen Paddenburg Nicki Duncan
23.01.2022 It’s All About Size No3 This time small and off the radar please. From the top, clockwise round...... The Andaman Islands offering up fun times for Pete Dunn Between two islands in the Solomons an un-surfed reef pass gives Longbreak scribe Trevor Paddenburg a fun late arvo session.(Thanks to Martin Daly and his Indies Trader for dropping anchor at yet another isolated island gem) Longbreaks main-man for testing remote locations, Rod Washer trials a reef break off the Madagascan coast. Thanks Rod for the dedication to the task. Size certainly does not determine the fun factor... of course remoteness always helps the good-times to roll on. THANKS : Tropicsurf Fun's Back Surf Martin Daly Indies Trader Marine Adventures Trevor Paddenburg Rod Washer Olobe Lodge air mauritius
23.01.2022 It's all about size - Small is just fine An un-surfed reef somewhere off the coast of New Guinea, (thanks to Martin Daly and his Indies Trader) a peeling point high up on Bali’s East Coast, (thanks to the infamous Jack Chisholm ) or maybe just a NSW central coast beechie, the size certainly not determining the fun factor... Let the good-times roll. THANKS:... Martin Daly Indies Trader Marine Adventures Jack Chisholm Rod Washer Kims Beachside Retreat #waves #longboardsurfing #longboards #surf #surfrtravel #luxuarysurf #Luxuarysurftravel #mywave #watersport #funsurf
22.01.2022 LONGBREAK UPRISING There has been dissension among the ranks of senior Longbreak staff. Senior writer ‘A’ (who will remain nameless) ... has lodged a formal complaint to the Editor in Chief ( Me) about the lack of ‘National Geo’ type shots in a recent Longbreak story. Senior writer ‘B’ (also to remain nameless) has been heard mumbling about the lack of ‘line-up’ shots. So to appease these two delicate and sensitive souls, I am going to troll back though the Longbreak library and share with them and you a combo series of line-up and ‘National Geo’ type images. A Java line-up Batu Karas, a loggers playground. Seen from both sides. SPECIAL THANKS TO: Trevor Paddenburg Adrian Gerson Java Cove Beach Hotel
22.01.2022 What Does Heaven Mean to You ? For most surfers its uncrowded waves, light offshore breezes, a swell that continues to pulse and of-course sharing those with family and friends within an authentic travel experience. Heaven on the Planet South Coast Lombok ticked those boxes for Longbreak.... Thanks: Heaven on the Planet AirAsia
22.01.2022 Longbreak returns to Pottuvil Point Sri Lanka. We had visited Sri Lanka several years ago and the Longbreak crew was captivated by the gentle pace, the people, the waves. Sri Lanka had delighted and enthralled... and we wanted more of the same. This time we took the longway round. Down load the full story Free. Click / Tap on the image. THANKS: Jetwing Sea Jetwing Lighthouse Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Jetwing Surf Atoll Travel for location background briefing.
21.01.2022 Get Longbreak On Your Phone FREE. And get out there! You can now have Longbreak delivered in a Phone-friendly format, absolutely free.... Every issue is a complete story, 10 to 17 screen pages of one our trips to a great surf destination. We show and tell you where we went, how we got there, where we stayed, who we met, what waves we surfed It’s as close as you can get without actually going. Now Available: ISSUE No1 NEW ZEALAND - North Island Road Trip ISSUE No2 SUMBA / Nihiwatu ISSUE No 3 SRI LANKA / Pottuvile Point ISSUE NO4 MALDIVES / Anantara Dhigu / Tropicsurf Simply send an email to: [email protected] and we’ll send you the stories. No payment or personal data required. Longbreak. Enjoy the rides.
21.01.2022 A Sri Lanka South Coast Sojourn No2 Check-in ... then check-out. The surf that is. ... A leisurely morning cruise down the motorway from Coco Villa Peach Tree (our overnight resting point adjacent to the airport) to Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle. On arrival a lavish and friendly welcome, followed by poolside snacks, board selection from the Tropicsurf quiver, loading up the tuk tuks and heading for the surf. With the expert guidance and assistance from the Tropicsurf crew, everyone’s in the water on the first afternoon. All happy Job done Roll on tomorrow... THANKS: AirAsia Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort friends Tropicsurf Firewire Surfboards Trevor Paddenburg
21.01.2022 Sri Lanka South Coast Sojourn No 5 ‘‘GO WEST YOUNG MAN’’ was the cry. So we did. West along the south coast of Sri Lanka from Tangalle towards Matara and the Amaloh Beach Boutique Resort. (Only 90 minutes by the way)... Longbreak, experiences some solid swell, reconnects with old friends, enjoys a youthful happening ‘surf vibe and finds a few uncrowned breaks. Stay tuned ! THANKS: AirAsia Amaloh Boutique Resort Ceylon Surf Community Hiran Ukwatte Trevor Paddenburg
21.01.2022 MALDIVES Part 4 the REMAINS OF THE DAY - A Time to Play Boards packed away - guests can continue to play. Sunset cocktails encounters Exotic dance displays... Private dinning experiences. Then there is tomorrow... Thanks: Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort Tropicsurf AirAsia Josh Button Fiona Hallam Firewire Surfboards Boriana Dimitrova - oriental dance
21.01.2022 NUSA LEMBONGAN, REFRESHED The call of the waves is one of the few reasons to step foot outside the Lembongan Island Beach Villa resort. The high quality of accommodation remains and the clifftop views are as dramatic as ever, but now gardens have grown verdant and the restaurant is one of the best on the island, boasting a revamped menu and new executive chef.... Longbreak will be releasing the full story in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] Thanks: Lembongan Island Beach Villas Jon Dadd Trevor Paddenburg AirAsia Clearwater Surfboards
21.01.2022 Longbreak re-visits Medewi and discovers retained charm and new luxury... Click on the Image and enjoy this issue of Longbreak Magazine...
20.01.2022 Maldives Part 5 To Each His Own ‘‘Another wave’’ was the cry of the Corp de Surf. A decision to dive the call for others.... The quest to learn for some and then there were those who required their own special headspace. Thanks: Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort Tropicsurf Aquafanatics Maldives AirAsia Firewire Surfboards Taiwan Josh Button Fiona Hallam Simon Mcgrath
20.01.2022 PLAYING THE WAITING GAME. As we all wait for the lifting of travel restrictions the best thing to do is just head for your local hang out with a few socially distanced mates and wait . There will be rewards. Enjoy your local ride, in Longbreak's case a mellow point break along the Victorian Surf Coast.
20.01.2022 The Endless Search: Fifteen years and twelve thousand kilometers apart longbreak journeyman Rod Washer finds breaks to his liking Left : On a mid-ocean reef somewhere between Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands during a passage on-board the Indies Trader with Martin Daly .... Right : On a reef within sight of the breakfast table at Olobe Lodge Andavadoaka Madagascar Rod once again reaps the rewards of an endless search. THANKS: Rod Washer Indies Trader Marine Adventures Martin Daly Olobe Lodge Solomon Airlines air mauritius
20.01.2022 LAST WAVES BEFORE LOCK-DOWN As the Simon & Garfunkel song so rightly said: ‘‘You know the nearer your destination the more you’re slip slidin’ away’’.... Here in OZ we thought we had the Virus in the bottle but it escaped. Luckily the weather and swell Gods were kind the weekend before Operation Victorian Lock-Down snapped into action. The sun was out, a small clean swell was running and a gentle offshore zephyr was the only wind felt on ones face. The Victorian Surf Coast locals found their favourite breaks and did some of their own slip sliding before the weather turned and keys to free movement hidden away. Let's hope all can return to the water soon.
20.01.2022 IN THE MALDIVES- Part 3 A SIGN OF THE TIMES.... Gone Surfing: Diffrent breaks - Different boards - Different levels.... Everyone happy. Tropicsurf had it covered Thanks: Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort Tropicsurf AirAsia Josh Button Fiona Hallam Firewire Surfboards Maldives Maldives Surfing
19.01.2022 RETURN TO POTTUVIL POINT SRI LANKA - The Long Way Round Negombo Settle in - Hit the pool - Take a stroll - Feel the vibe Absorb some Jetwings hospitably - a good beginning ... Thanks: Jetwing Sea Jetwing Lighthouse Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Jetwing Surf Atoll Travel for background briefing.
18.01.2022 GET LONGBREAK ON YOUR PHONE FREE NEW ISSUE AVAILABLE. BOMBORA WAVE LODGE MEDEWI You can now have Longbreak delivered in a ... Phone-friendly format, absolutely free. Every issue is a complete story, 10 to 12 screen pages of one our trips to a great surf destination. We show and tell you where we went, how we got there, where we stayed, who we met, what waves we surfed It’s as close as you can get without actually going. Other Issues Also Available: NEW ZEALAND - Road Trip SUMBA / Nihiwatu SRI LANKA / Pottuvile Point MALDIVES / Anantara Dhigu / Tropicsurf Simply use Facebook 'Send email' button and send us your email address or email to: [email protected] and we’ll send you the stories. No payment or personal data required. Longbreak. Enjoy the rides. Thanks: Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge
18.01.2022 MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE On a recent stroll along an Indonesian beach, each step along the tide line was punctuated with plastic discard, the bulk being single-use bottles and containers. We won’t name the beach or point the finger because it’s a world wide phenomena - we are all involved.... That’s why Longbreak has joined a growing movement and signed up for Plastic Free July (www.plasticfreejuly.org), giving single-use plastic the flick.
18.01.2022 A New Sojourn to Sri Lanka! Boards, boardshorts and passports are packed. Next stop is Sri Lanka via an AirAsia flight from Perth, Western Australia. (AA a no-brainer thanks to boards flying for free*). We’re looking forward to seeing old friends, exploring new breaks, and relaxing in resort luxury.... Stay tuned! THANKS: AirAsia Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort Tropicsurf Trevor Paddenburg * As at publication: As part of AirAsia’s ongoing commitment to surfing, surfboards fly free with the airline on flights departing to and from Australia. Limited to one recognised surfboard bag weighing maximum 15kgs, terms and conditions apply.
17.01.2022 Longbreak 0n The Road Again. Madagascar. Day one. A spectacular beginning. Stay tuned...... #longbreakmag #surf #surftravel #luxurysurftravel #longboards #longboardsurf #madagascar #madagascar #madagascartravel See more
17.01.2022 SHARING THE LOVE.... NOT THE VIRUS In these strange days of restriction and isolation, thought it might be a good time to relinquish our involuntary and predominately un-necessary disdain for other surf-craft appearing in our line up... like SUPs. From our Memory Bank once again, three fellow Longbreak journeymen just out there having fun.... TOP: Pete Dunn trades in his longboard for a late arvo session on a play-full Andaman Island reef-pass. BELOW RIGHT: Guy Leclezio, with full social distancing requirements in play from his two longboard companions, picks off a tasty left-over within viewing distance of the breakfast table at Olobe Lodge Madagascar. CENTRE: Long and shortboard children of the Flower Power generation remember the call of our youth and spread the love. BELOW LEFT: Dave, retired short board charger, still finds an adrenaline fix with paddle in hand on-board a Sri Lankan South Coast gem. THANKS: Tropicsurf Hyatt Regency Kolkata AirAsia Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort Olobe Lodge
17.01.2022 NUSA LEMBONGAN, STILL LOVED On land or in the water, there are plenty of reasons to smile on Lembongan. Friendly locals, spectacular sunsets and clean swells combine to ensure good times.... Longbreak will be releasing the full story in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] Thanks: Lembongan Island Beach Villas Jon Dadd Libby Dadd Trevor Paddenburg Kimberley Paddenburg AirAsia Clearwater Surfboards
17.01.2022 Endless Search No 2 - Exmouth, Western Australia. While we fly the world searching for places to feed our passion of Walking on Water, those who really can fly endlessly search for morsels to feed themselves and their families. Thought we would share with you a few images from our trip to the Exmouth Cape of Western Australia. ... Thanks: Hazel Dickson Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort See more
17.01.2022 DREAM, EXPLORE, SURF ... DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS. Load up a serious 4x4 Head north from Tulear towards Olôbé Lodge Andavadoaka along the west coast of Madagascar ...... Spend the next 10 days exploring, surfing and immersing ourselves in Madagascan life. Oh how I’m missing these experiences. Bring on the vaccine is the call from us all... Thanks: Olobe Lodge air mauritius Jules LeClezio Guy LeClezio Rod Washer Adrian Gerson
16.01.2022 https://drive.google.com//17NvnIXamlvRtnA80tHMy14AiT/view Follow the link to download FREE Longbreak's Issue on the Andaman Islands.
14.01.2022 BALI : SO MUCH HAS CHANGED SO MUCH HAS STAYED THE SAME Much of Bali is now altered in the name of progress, but the fundamentals remain intact:... Sensational waves A simple way of life Culture steeped in tradition. Garuda Indonesia Tropicsurf Karma Royal Jimbaran
14.01.2022 The Calls Gone Out. It’s that time of year again, when the Maldives starts showing just how pretty her waves can be, how glassy and consistent, and how much fun. And how - just occasionally she’ll give a you little slap to make sure you’re giving her your full attention. Longbreak is checking the long range forecasts and planning a rendezvous with a beloved mistress. Get ready, Maldives, the Longbreak crew and friends will soon be knocking on your door again.... . Thanks: Tropicsurf Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas Four Seasons Explorer Maldives Maldives Surf Maldives
13.01.2022 EXCITEMENT BUILDS. Longbreak is getting excited as it prepares for a return visit to Sri Lanka’s peeling points and mellow vibe fused within a truly authentic travel experience. This time the South Coast will be our playground. Stay tuned... Thanks: AirAsia... Tropicsurf Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort Amaloh Boutique Resort See more
13.01.2022 Enjoying The Ride. Whether it’s at your own private Indian island break a stone’s throw from the mother ship, or on a sleepy back street of the local village - the ride is there to be enjoyed. If you would like to read more on this and other exotic destinations send us an email. You can have Longbreak delivered in a Phone-friendly format, absolutely free.... Every issue is a complete story, 14-18 screen pages of one our trips to a great surf destination. We show and tell you where we went, how we got there, where we stayed, who we met, what waves we surfed It’s as close as you can get without actually going. Send an email to: [email protected] and we’ll send you the stories. Hint: click the ‘Send Email’ just below Longbreak Facebook Banner. THANKS: Tropicsurf Fun's Back Surf Hyatt Regency Kolkata Trevor Paddenburg
13.01.2022 MEDEWI BOMBORA WAVE LODGE With minute-long rides, there is plenty of time to stand tall and take in the view mid-wave at Medewi, where the beach meets the rice paddies in Bali’s north.... Longbreak will be releasing the full story of their special Medewi Bombora Wave Lodge experience in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] Special Thanks To: Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge Ian Mckay Supriadi Nyoman Astawa Trevor Paddenburg Afreen Paddenburg
13.01.2022 MALDIVES Day One. Up and Running. Thanks:... Tropicsurf Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort AirAsia See more
12.01.2022 MADAGASCAR OLOBE LODGE ANDAVADOAKA THE Experience. From teeming Anatananarivo to remote Andavadoaka, almost everything about Madagascar defied our preconceptions and none more so than the chilled vibe of the locals. Smiles and laughter greeted us everywhere.... We expected adventurous travel and unique scenery, remote reefs and virgin waves and found them all. But the strongest and fondest memory is of the Malagasy people. We’ll meet again..... Thanks: Olobe Lodge air mauritius Adrian Gerson Rod Washer Jusles LeClezio Guy LeClezio
11.01.2022 Longbreak journeys back to Nusa Lembongan. We discover much has changed but it still retains its appeal and charm. Click on the Image and enjoy this issue of Longbreak Magazine...
11.01.2022 SETTING SAIL FOR THE MALDIVES - LANDFALL IN SIGHT. With master navigators Tropicsurf in command, Longbreak’s return to the Maldives is only days away. This time we are staying ashore at the Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort ... Creature comforts, bespoke breaks, friends and family - these will be the rewards of the journey. Will keep you posted. THANKS TO: Tropicsurf Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort
11.01.2022 Are We There Yet ? Getting Closer but seems not, so here we are still frequenting our local break or reliving our glory days with memory refreshing trips into our digital bank vaults. Slide 1 Surf Coast Victoria - a sunny spring outing.... Slide 2 Lombok - Heaven on the Planet Very sad news received this week. This very special resort suffered a devastating and destructive fire. We wish them well in this very difficult period with their rebuild. Hope we can all return soon to slide across those silky smooth walls of water. Slide 3 Sri Lanka The perfect mixture of mellow breaks, amazing travel experiences all blended with a cool surf friendly vibe. Thanks: airasia Heaven on the Planet Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Jetwing Surf Tropicsurf
10.01.2022 Longbreak in the Maldives On Fire and Wired with Tropicsurf A new shipment of Firewire board arrive for the Tropicsurf quiver.... Everyone happy. Thanks: Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort Tropicsurf Josh Button Fiona Hallam AirAsia Firewire Surboards
09.01.2022 Sri Lanka South Coast Sojourn No 4 MOVING ON - but not before: One last beach-side treat - Thanks Tropicsurf Fond farewells to new found friends - Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle... And of course time for one last wave - Hiriketiya More to come...Stay tuned... THANKS: AirAsia Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort Tropicsurf Firewire Surfboards Trevor Paddenburg
08.01.2022 LONGBREAK LINEUPS No4 Escaping The Set Noosa First Point - awash with longboarders of all ages and styles. The wonderful Festival of Surf makes sure of that. A wave to ones self can be hard to secure. ... The solution, a quick rip up the beach to DIP ( Double Island Point). Longbreak scored a session there a few seasons ago while on a Noosa Experience with Tropicsurf. It still makes my mouth water. - pd/longbreak. THANKS: Tropicsurf
08.01.2022 HUNTING WAVES AT OLOBE LODGE, ANDAVADOAKA, MADAGASCAR. Andavadoaka is at the Westernmost point of the island, in a completely different region from the ‘established’ surf zone in the South. It’s barely been explored, so when we arrived in late October at the very end of the surf season, our expectations weren’t that high. But look what we got !!. No complaints from the Longbreak crew.... All the details in longbreak’s storey to be released soon. Email us to receive your free copy of the full story.. [email protected] THANKS: air mauritius Olobe Lodge Adrian Gerson Trevor Paddenburg Rod Washer
08.01.2022 The ‘Locals’ enjoying a Saturday morning release from Covid 19 restrictions on the Victorian Surf Coast, Longbreaks new ‘local’. Looking forward to joining them in the water once relevant ‘Dues and Respects’ are paid and shown.
07.01.2022 Sri Lanka South Coast Sojourn - Click on the image below to View or Download the full Longbreak story. Enjoy Longbreak.
07.01.2022 BASQUING IN OUR ARCHIVES Hundreds of images from a life-changing extended stay in the Basque Region of Spain lay idle and un-viewed in our archives. Now is the time to expose these to the light of the electronic page. The best have been assembled into a Longbreak eIssue ready for release in the coming days.... Registrar now to obtain your FREE copy by emailing us at: [email protected] Message us or use the email link within the Facebook portal. Thanks: Izaskun Gaminde Natural Surf Lodge
06.01.2022 Eight mates, a luxury eighty five foot catamaran, mythical locations with deserted breaks now that's the type of ‘social distancing’ we can all tolerate. From our archives, images from a trip down the east coast of the Andaman Islands. The full story to be released end of April.... To receive your phone + tablet friendly copy of Longbreaks Andaman Island story FREE email us at : [email protected] or [email protected] or via the ‘send email’ button at the top of this page. It will be worth it. THANKS: Tropicsurf Hyatt Regency Kolkata Peter Dunn
05.01.2022 LONGBREAK LINE-UPS No.2 A Classic Combination: The Indies Trader surf exploration vessel You and just a few mates... A remote island off the south coast of Papua New Guinea A lineup deserted before our arrival A lineup just as empty after our departure Skipper Martin Daly at the helm, sharing his vast surf knowledge It really doesn’t get much better... SPECIAL THANKS TO: Martin Daly Indies Trader Marine Adventures Trevor Paddenburg Rod Washer Terry Cornelius Kevin Bryant Attention: Surfing Association of Papua New Guinea Longboard Commissioner Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority Papua New Guinea Tourism - North America
05.01.2022 Sri Lanka South Coast Sojourn - No2: Click on the image below to View or Download the full Longbreak story. Enjoy Longbreak.
05.01.2022 Return to Pottuvil Point Sri Lanka - The long way round... Galle Wander streets that are centuries old. Tread in the very footsteps that spice and tea traders have plied since the Sixteenth Century.... Spectate a lane-way cricket contest. Then set a course to Jetwings Lighthouse comfort - a good beginning continues... Thanks: Jetwing Hotels Jetwing Sea Jetwing Lighthouse Jetwing Surf Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Atoll Travel for location background briefing.
05.01.2022 Sri Lanka South Coast Sojourn No 3 EVERYTHING LOCAL In the line-up On the road ... At reception After a surf All good !!! THANKS: AirAsia Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort Tropicsurf Firewire Surfboards Trevor Paddenburg
05.01.2022 LONGBREAK LINE-UPS LAST iN LINE ( No5) Destination - Read Between the Lines ... This dreamy line-up can be found among a string of islands scattered down the east coast of India, rarely visited but often romanticized about by surfers. Longbreak joined a private exploration voyage aboard an 85-foot luxury catamaran, sailing causally between empty bays and atolls in search of the perfect wave. Aboard were eight surfers, an extensive quiver of surf craft, two guides and an expert crew (including chef and massage therapist). Would you call that special? We’d call it as good as it gets. THANKS : Tropicsurf Trevor Paddenburg Fun's Back Surf Hyatt regency kolkata
04.01.2022 KICKING BACK AT OLOBE LODGE, ANDAVADOAKA, MADAGASCAR. We might have given you the idea that Olobe Lodge is a surf resort. Yes, they do have fast boats to get you out to the breaks. And they do have a local crew who have been fishing these waters since they were nippers, and know every reef and which ones work on which tide and swell direction. They even have a growing selection of great boards you can use if you can’t be bothered to take your own: longboards, shortboards and... even SUPs. But unlike most surf resorts, Olobe Lodge is also an architectural delight, with luxurious seclusion, superb food and 360 degree views of two bays and their hinterland. So it could well be the holy grail: a surf trip with your partner that both of you will love. THANKS: Air Mauritius Olobe Lodge Rod Washer Adrian Gerson
04.01.2022 The Crime Wave continues - Memory Bank robberies of course. Thought I would share this with you. It was the closing statement from the Longbreak Andaman Island issue released in the early days of the Covid cirsis. ‘‘THE ROADS WE WALK ... As this story is being released the world is rapidly changing thanks to the global Covid-19 pandemic. The right we assumed we had for unrestricted travel is being removed from us for the health and safety of all. We have freely roamed the globe to find exotic and magical destinations that allow us to indulge in our passion to ‘walk on water’. We have shared our journey with others who’s roads are hard and predetermined, not ones of infinite choice such as ours. We do consider travelling and sharing moments together on these roads a great privilege. For now, our roads are closed. When we do get to the other side of this crisis and can resume our Wanderings, we should not forget the privilege we have.’’ Longbreak Magazine. Andaman Island Issue 04/2020 If you would like to read this issue or any other issue of Longbreak please end us an email for your free copy. [email protected] TOP: The road to Nihiwatu BELOW RIGHT: Nihiwatu /Sumba/Indonesia BELOW CENTRE: New South Wales Australia BELOW LEFT: Olobe Lodge west coast Madagascar Thanks: Nihi Sumba olobelodge air mauritius AirAsia
04.01.2022 A Signing Of His Times. Ian Kanga Cairns brought the buzz of charging huge waves at the bottom of Western Australia, of dominating the beasts of Hawaii’s North Shore and claiming championships at big wave breaks around the world, into the cool and quietly stoked environment of Vidlers in Cottesloe. He and author Wayne Patrick Murphy chatted and posed for pics with the steady queue of local fans keen to see one of their home-grown heroes again, to swap stories from way back... then, while getting their old boards and their new books signed by Kanga, the bloody legend. THANKS Vidlers Cottesloe Ian Cairns
04.01.2022 Sri Lanka Return - The Long Way Round Longbreak is once again heading off to play in the Sri Lankan waves at Pottuvil Point and Arugam Bay. This time no dash across country to hit the breaks but an amble around the southern coast to take in some different Sri Lankan sights, sounds and to experience Jetwings hospitably at Negombo, Galle and Kottukal. - Can't wait. ... Thanks Jetwings Hotel : Jetwing Lighthouse Jetwing Sea Jetwing Surf Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Atoll Travel for location background briefing
03.01.2022 DISCOVERING OLOBE LODGE, ANDAVADOAKA, MADAGASCAR. If it was easy to get to, Andavadoaka wouldn’t be the rare gem it is. After landing at Antananarivo International Airport, we boarded a domestic flight to Tulear in the South. There we loaded up the Landcruiser and headed into the Mekea Desert, home of the nomadic people who forage in the spiny thicket forest, among the ancient baobab trees. At Salary Bay, we were met by Olobe Lodge’s visionary owner and builder, Jules LeClez...io, in one of his high-speed boats. A few more hours skimming along the lagoon inside the reef and we entered Andavodoaka Bay, home of the Hole in The Rock, the imposing Olobe Lodge, and a super-fun, reeling right. THANKS: air mauritius OLO Be Lodge - Rod Washer Jules LeClezio Guy LeClezio Adrian Gerson
03.01.2022 It’s All About Size - small is just fine. No 2 More of the same please! From the top, clockwise round...... More isolated peeling points high up on Bali’s East Coast (once again thanks to the infamous Jack Chishom for the location and Kym Everett for the styling). Yet another un-surfed reef somewhere off the coast of New Guinea (thanks to Martin Daly and his Indies Trader for dropping anchor at this isolated island gem and Trevor Paddenburg for his immersion into longboard gliding). Home-ground advantage claimed by Tropicsurf’s Ross Phillips at DIP. The size certainly does not determine the fun factor... Let the good-times continue to roll. Thanks: Kym Everett Trevor Paddenburg Jack Chisholm Adrian Gerson Ross Phillips Tropicsurf Martin Daly Indies Trader Marine Adventures
03.01.2022 A Maldives Moment: Revisited Wandering through the Facebook offering of others, Longbreak noticed a comment oozing excitement from a fellow wanderer regarding a swell pulse forecast for the Maldives. He was right to be excited. The season for a Maldives sortie is upon us again.... Longbreak has experienced the amazing Maldives on several occasions. One on-board the Four Seasons Explorer with Tropicsurf, it was a case of ‘Access All Areas’ in absolute luxury. Thought we would share again a few of our images with you. THANKS: Tropicsurf #tropicsurf #surfing #luxury #surftrip #boattrip #superyacht #fsexplorer #waves #paradise #escape #explore #travel #islandlife #fsmaldives #maldives #surfmaldives #views #dreamdestination
02.01.2022 NUSA LEMBONGAN, REVISITED The mellow waves and pacified pace means Lembongan has been a favourite Longbreak destination for more than two decades. Changes have taken place but the key elements remain: easy, accessible, mellow waves; a gentle pace of island life; affordable, quality accommodation.... Longbreak will be releasing the full story in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] Thanks: Lembongan Island Beach Villas Jon Dadd Trevor Paddenburg AirAsia Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia The Lembongan Traveller
02.01.2022 Return to Pottuvil Point Sri Lanka. The Long Way Around... Are We There Yet!!!! Yes we are and there is SURF ... and there are turtles and there are elephants and of course some serious creature comforts Thanks: Jetwing Hotels Jetwing Surf Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Atoll Travel for location background briefing
01.01.2022 Longbreak ventures to Olobe Lodge at Andavadoaka, the ‘Hole in the Rock’ on the barren West Coast of Madagascar. And discovers hidden treasure. Click on the image and enjoy this issue of Longbreak Magazine... Thanks: air mauritius... Rod Washer Adrian Gerson Firewire Surfboards Jules LeClezio Guy LeClezio
01.01.2022 MEDEWI BOMBORA WAVE LODGE No4 Bali’s most underrated wave? The pointbreak peelers at Medewi - a traditional Bali fishing village-turned-surf Mecca - have plenty to offer wave riders of all crafts and caliber both in and out of the water.... Longbreak will be releasing the full story of their special Medewi Bombora Wave Lodge experience in coming months. To receive Longbreak stories free email: [email protected] SPECIAL THANKS TO: Nyoman Astawa Aimee Lienert-McKay Trevor Paddenburg Afreen Paddenburg Supri Medewi Bombora Medewi Wave Lodge
01.01.2022 LONGBREAK LINE-UPS No3 Lineup in Luxury: Frangipani blossoms scent the air and the vivid greens of mass-planted bananas frame the view from the balcony as another set marches down the point at Nihiwatu in Sumba, Indonesia.... Longbreak has sampled some of the top surf resorts on the globe, and it is no exaggeration to say Nihiwatu is among a very select few to combine truly five-star accommodation with a lineup that’s also world class SPECIAL THANKS TO: Nihiwatu - Sumba Island Indonesia Garuda Indonesia Trevor Paddenburg Tropicsurf
01.01.2022 Sri Lanka Return - The Long Way Round Are We There Yet - Yes we are and there is surf!!!- continued Ground-Hog Day Pottuvil Style.... Rise with the light of a new dawn Partake in some fine ‘Ceylon Tea’ Discuss, decide, pack-up the TukTuks and head to the peeling point of your choice. Surf until energy levels are drained. Return to the Jetwing Bubble for a seemingly endless mid-morning breakfast to replenish, restore and refresh. Hibernate from the heat of the day then return to the waves for late-arvo* class-off session. Sunset drinks with friends on the terrace of your cabana. Followed this with a Sri Lankan feast under the large thatched roof of Jetwings Surf restaurant overlooking the Indian Ocean. Retreat - Then repeat with the light of a new dawn. Thanks: Jetwing Hotels Jetwing Surf Kottukal Beach House by Jetwing Atoll Travel for location background briefing. *arvo - OZ vernacular for afternoon
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