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25.01.2022 Ergon Energy and Energex are ramping up planned work on high priority maintenance jobs Crews worked to restore power to tens of thousands of customers across greater Brisbane and thousands more across regional Queensland as the first storms of the season smashed parts of regional and south east Queensland over the weekend and into the week. Executive General Manager Operations Paul Jordon says frontline crews and support staff had done an amazing job in the lead up to storm ...season despite major changes to how they had to do their jobs due to COVID-19 workplace restrictions. Our Ergon Energy Network and Energex crews have replaced 7,191 aging poles and 5,273 cross arms nearing their end of service as part of our program of works since restrictions were introduced in late March. They were also able to complete 439,856 customer service orders. They’re really starting to ramp up that effort even more as the storm season closes in and unfortunately that means we will need to schedule more planned outages. Paul says the range of work being done right across Queensland to maintain the network means outages will also vary in length of time. Ergon Energy and Energex will always advise customers of planned outages with letter box drops and there’s now the option of signing up to SMS notifications on the websites. Both websites also have an outage finder tool that shows planned outages up to five days in advance. Paul says it was a good time for all Queenslanders to ensure they are prepared for storm season. While we have control over planned outages, no amount of maintenance can prevent damage from major storms or cyclones causing power outages. Our crews want to get the work completed as quickly as possible, but crews also have to ensure their own safety and the safety of the community.
25.01.2022 The Heat Is On. Queensland will continue to see building temps for the next few days possibly reaching records next week and that will, potentially, trigger a series of severe storms the Bureau of Meteorology is warning. They say temperatures will continue to brew to heatwave conditions until mid-next week in some cases as much as 12 degrees above average.... The most extreme temperatures are expected to be confined to the southwest of the state with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday to be the peak of the heat bringing temps to the mid to high 40’s across the regions while Brisbane will reach a high of 34C . The Bureau says we can expect a cool change by next Thursday, but it could bring storms. https://www.facebook.com/bureauofmeteorology/videos/487260455568040
24.01.2022 Safe Work Month. It’s a month to think about work practicesBig and small, and about staying safe at work. ... Workplace Health and Safety Queensland says we all need to take the time to focus on our work health and safety whether that's taking the time to walk away from our desks and stretch to avoid back pain, prep healthy lunches for the week or taking a mental health day. For those on the land and related industries AgForce is asking us to remember that agriculture is without doubt one of the country’s riskiest industries-Big workloads, big machinery, and big landscapes result in one of the nation’s highest fatality and injury rates. For a full list of events during the month from @WorkSafeQueensland, visit bit.ly/35Sy0YP #SafeWorkMonth2020 provides an opportunity to consider and hopefully solve these challenges to make sure we go home safe to our families each night. There’s a series of workshops-completely free workplace e-health and safety events featuring expert speakers and panels across the month. Register at https://okt.to/I8REgt
24.01.2022 Date Claimers Workshops taking place throughout our region next week. Longreach Regional Council invites you to bring your funding applications along and get tailored advice from visiting experts. ... Call our communities team on (07) 4568 4111 for more information.
24.01.2022 A HEADS UP: Longreach Regional Council advises that contractors are cleaning water mains in each of our communities, and as a result residents may experience temporary disruptions to their water supply. For more information contact our water team on (07) 4658 4111.
23.01.2022 Tennis-Anyone? Longreach Regional Council wants as many people as possible to join them next week to have your say on the future of the Ilfracombe tennis courts.
23.01.2022 Services Wanted. Longreach REgional Council is looking for groups and individuals interested in providing food and beverages for the upcoming Community Christmas Concert. Expressions of interest should be in via email:... [email protected] Before Friday.
22.01.2022 New online lost property reporting platform Queensland Police today launched a new online lost property reporting platform that is expected to save police officers 8,100 hours per year, streamlining more than 38,500 reports received via phone and to stations each year. The new reporting portal, is now accessible any time from a computer, tablet or mobile device, migrating almost all lost property reporting away from the frontline and generating an instant reference number fo...r community members. Acting Superintendent Kevin Fitzgibbon says the new online reporting system would provide a more instantaneous service for community members who currently contact Policelink via phone or attend a police station to report lost property. This new system saves valuable policing time and resources that were previously allocated to lost property reporting and provides better service to the public with a report number to their nominated email address within minutes. In 2019, police took more than 38,500 lost property reports which resulted in 8,123 hours of time spent lodging those reports. The new system will allow police to redirect these resources to the frontline. With our transition from previous reporting to our exclusively online system, police officers and Policelink Client Services Officers are still available to assist vulnerable community members. I am incredibly proud of the work that has gone into launching this new system that will allow vital police resources to be re-allocated to frontline policing.
21.01.2022 Border restrictions eased This Week What you need to know Queensland border restrictions have now eased, allowing all Queensland residents to travel to the defined New South Wales border zone and return into Queensland. Police want to remind everyone of what the new restrictions now mean.... From 1am, yesterday,(Thursday, October 1), the defined New South Wales border zone has been extended to include further New South Wales Local Government Areas (LGAs): The New South Wales border zone (PDF) has been extended The Queensland border zone no longer exists Queensland residents can travel anywhere in the New South Wales border zone for any purpose New South Wales border zone residents can travel anywhere in Queensland for any purpose. Click here: https://www.health.qld.gov.au//map-border-zones-qld-border The remainder of New South Wales and the state of Victoria remain declared COVID-19 hotspots and are closed to people travelling via road, unless an exception applies, or the individual has been granted an exemption by the Chief Health Officer (CHO). Queensland residents intending on travelling within the New South Wales border zone and re-entering Queensland, will need to apply for the updated ‘X’ pass, also known as ‘Border Zone Resident Declaration Pass’. The eased border restrictions also include, New South Wales border zone residents who have not travelled to a declared COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days, to travel anywhere in Queensland for any purpose. Providing false information on the declaration or entering Queensland unlawfully could result in a $4,003 fine or a notice to appear in court. Anyone with information about potential breaches of the Queensland COVID-19 Border Direction should report the matter online or call Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. For more information including questions and answers about the new restrictions click here. https://www.qld.gov.au//public-health-/border-restrictions
21.01.2022 The 12 scams of Christmas: Fake websites With the festive season nearly upon us, ‘tis the season for online scams according to the wollopers. Detective Inspector Vince Byrnes from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group is reminding Queenslanders to be aware of Grinch-like scammers and be sure to stay alert to scams such as fake websites.... Scammers often set up fake online stores and social media pages, claiming to sell popular items at incredibly low prices. If a product’s advertised price seems too good to be true, there’s a very good chance it is. Other tell-tale signs of an online scam, he says, include a website with minimal information about delivery, returns or contact details, and requests to pay via unsecure and unusual methods. Scammers often set up a fake online store with products at ‘too-good-to-be-true’ prices to attempt to trick shoppers into buying stock they don’t have. It is best to use online retailers or brands that you are aware of, trust and that offer buyer protections. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again and again: be very wary of shopping websites that don’t use secure payment methods and offer big discounts for direct payment into accounts and please, never pay anything via cryptocurrency. To learn more about scams, visit www.scamwatch.gov.au or the Queensland Police Service’s R U in Control campaign at www.police.qld.gov.au/safety-and-preventing-/r-u-in-control. For more information from Detective Inspector Byrnes about online scams, click on the link below. https://mypolice.qld.gov.au//with-the-festive-season-near/ If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting.
21.01.2022 Health indicator improvements for Central West A new state-wide health report shows Central West Queensland has recorded reductions in the rates of adult smoking, obesity and risky alcohol consumption but it’s a mixed bag for the regions. The rates remain higher than the state average but lower than when the last report was released in 2018.... The Chief Health Officer’s report the Health of Queenslanders is released once every two years and uses many data sources to create a snapshot of public health in Queensland and the individual health services. Central West Hospital and Health Service Chief Executive Jane Hancock says 12% of adults smoked daily and 31% self-reported as having an unhealthy weight according to the latest report. A total of 28% also reported consuming alcohol at lifetime risky levels.,’’ Although these percentages are all higher than the state average, they are reductions on the levels reported in 2018. In other good news, the 2020 Chief Health Officer’s report found more than 96% of one, two and five-year-old children in the Central West were fully immunised in 2019, compared to between 92 and 94% for Queensland as a whole. The number of babies born prematurely in the Central West also was 2% lower than for Queensland as a whole and a new indicator in the 2020 CHO Report showed that the proportion of Central West residents who had reported five or more mentally unhealthy days in the previous month was 30% lower than the state average. So, it’s a mix of good news and bad news. The good news is that our unhealthy lifestyle behaviours generally are improving but our rates are still higher than the state average.’’ Ms Hancock urges residents to consider how risk factors such as unhealthy eating, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol consumption were impacting on their health and lifestyle. Here in the Central West, 37% of all deaths are identified as being lifestyle related, which is a significant proportion-But you don’t have to accept these unhealthy lifestyle behaviours. You have the power to make changes and we can help you if you genuinely want to do so. It’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of their health and working with your GP or local health service is an excellent place to start. We’re here to help you. You can also use the State Government’s Healthier. Happier. campaign to help you perform an honest assessment of your diet and lifestyle and find ways to improve your health.’ Some useful links: Visit www.healthier.qld.gov.au to find out more about nutrition and exercise tips, videos and a range of recipes. Visit Health and Wellbeing Queensland: https://hw.qld.gov.au/ For help to stop smoking, visit: https://www.qld.gov.au//staying-h/atods/smoking/index.html The Health of Queenslanders 2020 full report is available for download from https://www.health.qld.gov.au//re/public-health/cho-report
21.01.2022 Time to clean up the Yard-But. With the pre-storm season yard clean up now upon us here’s a timely warning from Ergon Energy. They’re reminding tree trimmers to be aware of overhead powerlines.... Community Safety Manager Aaron Smith says 77 electrical safety incidents involving vegetation management last financial year should serve as a powerful warning. We’ve seen potentially deadly incidents where tree branches and bamboo have contacted powerlines while being pruned, creating an electrical hazard and cutting power to the neighbourhood. "Don’t put your life or someone else’s at risk if there is overgrown vegetation near the service wire that runs to your home or on the footpath near overhead powerlines, consult a professional tree trimmer. Similarly, we’re urging home gardeners not to take shortcuts where powerlines are involved call a professional for your own safety.
21.01.2022 First stage quad bike safety measures now mandatory All new and imported second hand quad bikes sold in Australia must now meet the first stage of the government’s mandatory safety standard after it came into effect on from yesterday. Now, all new and imported second hand quad bikes sold in Australia must be tested for lateral static stability, display the angle at which the quad bike tips onto two wheels on a hang tag at the point of sale, and carry a roll over warning labe...l on the quad bike. The owner’s manual must also include roll over safety information. Additionally, the quad bikes must be fitted with a spark arrester that conforms to the Australian or United States standard and meet certain requirements of the United States or European quad bike safety standards. These relate to equipment such as brakes, clutch, throttle, tyres, drive train, handlebars and foot wells, maximum speed capabilities and the provision of safety information through warning labels and hang tags. ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh says this first stage of the standard is a significant step in improving the safety of quad bikes in Australia. Consumers will now be able to have confidence that quad bikes they buy will meet a certain level of quality and safety. Safework Australia data shows 152 people have died from incidents involving quad bikes since 2011, including 23 children. It is estimated that hundreds of people also present to hospital emergency departments each year as a result of quad bike related injuries. There have already been 16 fatalities this year, double last year’s toll. Additional requirements for new and second hand imported general use quad bikes will become mandatory in one year’s time, which include the fitting or integration of operator protection devices and minimum stability requirements.
21.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS For people in parts of Maranoa and Warrego Central West, Gulf Country, Northern Goldfields and Upper Flinders, North West, Channel Country and Forecast Districts. The Bureau says a line of severe thunderstorms persisting over western Queensland and severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds in the warning area over the next several hours. ... Locations which may be affected include Thargomindah, Longreach, Winton, Cloncurry, Cunnamulla, Quilpie, Windorah, Isisford, Barcaldine, Julia Creek, Camooweal and Blackall.
20.01.2022 Be Bright About Christmas Lights Nothing says Christmas like a sparkly strand of decorative lights and Ergon Energy is encouraging everyone to remain electrically safe when stringing them in the coming weeks. Area Manager Graham Burke says dangers ranging from electric shocks to house fires are a real risk, which can easily be avoided by following a few safety procedures when you’re installing powered Christmas decorations.... Ultimately Christmas lights and powered decorations are electrical appliances and, like any appliance, if they’re used incorrectly or they’re faulty, they can be dangerous, So before plugging them in check for signs of obvious damage, such as frayed cords and exposed wires. If you’re satisfied they’re in good condition, plug them in and stay with them for five or more minutes to check that concealed or less obvious faults aren’t at play and there’s no burning smell or damage occurring, such as melting insulation. Mr Burke also says we need to make sure any powered decorations you’re using on the outside of your property have been manufactured to withstand the elements. Quality decorations should always specify if they’re built for indoor or outdoor use. Of course, using outdoor lights inside the home is perfectly fine, but never use lights built for indoor use outdoors because they are not water-resistant and can deteriorate, quickly becoming a hazard. Christmas is about spending quality time with loved ones and you want to keep them safe by following a few simple precautions.
20.01.2022 Clean Up Underway. Longreach Regional Council says it's busy with the storm clean up. Note the numbers below if you need assistance.
20.01.2022 Kerbside Pick Ups. From Monday October 19TH Longreach Regional Council will be staging its Kerbside collections. Check here for what will and won't be collected, here: https://bit.ly/2GFPsoX
20.01.2022 Natural disaster guides to help producers get ready for the season Now is the time for primary producers to prepare for natural disasters-That’s the warning from Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner. With a La Niña underway and likely to last through to at least the end of summer, there is an increased chance of above average rainfall across most of Queensland for both spring and summer.... We’ve already been hit with hailstorms and heavy rainfall this spring and conditions have the potential for more tropical lows leading to the increased possibility of significant rainfall in areas of the state. According to the Bureau of Meteorology, there is a potential for an above-average number of tropical cyclones expected this season and typically, in La Niña years, the first cyclone occurs earlier than normal around mid-December. The Minister is encouraging everyone to check the specially tailored natural disaster guides the Department has prepared to help producers protect their property, business, livestock and crops. Tips include photographing assets in their pre-disaster condition and ensuring everyone on the property are familiar with a plan to get to safety in the event of a flood and to ensure livestock have access to higher ground. To view the guides, visit www.business.qld.gov.au and search for ‘natural disasters’ and ‘preparing animals for natural disasters’. Mr Furner is also advising pet owners not to forget about family pets in household or farm emergency plans. Keep emergency phone numbers handy for your local council, veterinarian, animal welfare agency and pet and advisory services and make sure your pets can be properly identified if they escape. If moving pets to safety, make sure you take plenty of food, bowls, a leash and toilet litter or old newspapers. If they are to be left at home, secure them in a confined space, preferably inside and under cover, and provide access to water. For more information about how to prepare your property or business, visit: https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/ For information on animal welfare during a disaster contact biosecurity.qld.gov.au, the RSPCA, your local council or your veterinarian.
19.01.2022 KAP & ONE NATION PREFERENCE DEAL. The Katter’s Australian Party and One Nation have announced they will place each other as the number two position on their how to vote cards. KAP Leader Robbie Katter says the alliance has been sealed to reflect the major party neglect of Queensland. ... The Liberal and Labor major party dominance had clearly failed regional Queenslanders and that the time was now for much needed change. For far two long the major parties have continued to sell off our assets, pushed green ideology and failed to invest in regional job creating mega-infrastructure projects. Queensland can’t afford another four years of major party dominance, we know it doesn’t work, enough is enough, times up. Mr Katter says the KAP would put the Greens last in all seats.
19.01.2022 Not All Debt is Bad Debt. Treasurer Cameron Dick has today released the Queensland Budget, delayed because of the COVID 19 Crisis and in so doing the treasurer says he aims to destroy the myth that all debt is bad. For nearly a decade, Queensland politics has been haunted by the false argument that debt in Queensland was somehow inherently more dangerous and damaging than debt borrowed anywhere else, or borrowed by anyone else.... That somehow, Labor borrowing to build schools, hospitals or prisons was somehow more harmful to the economy than the LNP borrowing to pay." today is the day that myth is finally and conclusively dispelled. And as a result, Queensland now has a budget that will see debt levels climb to $130 billion within four years which the treasurer says is necessary after the COVID-19 crisis smashed a $12.3 billion hole in revenues. The budget forecasts unemployment will improve in the next 12 months, there will be improved economic growth and an expected economic shot in the arm from interstate migrants over the next four years. The Treasurer says the COVID-19’s budgetary impact on Queensland is far worse than the Global Financial Crisis but in line with the ALP election promise there are no new state taxes. Queensland finishes 2019-20 with a $5.734 billion deficit that rises to $8.633 billion next year, before falling deficits reach $1.389 billion in 2023-24. I make it clear today that the budget will only return to balance when the economy returns to normal, Budget snapshot: hiring 2,025 extra police personnel by 2025. Unemployment rate is forecast 7.5% for 2020-21. 74 million to fast-track tourism recovery, including $15 million marketing blitz. $14.8 billion capital program for 2020-21, with 58% to be spent outside of Greater Brisbane. A record $21.8 billion spent on health in 2020-21. Hiring of 5,800 nurses, 1,500 doctors, and 1,700 allied health professionals to 2024. $55.8 million in 2020-21 for improvements to or for new ambulance stations and operations centres. $1.62 billion on health infrastructure projects in 2020-21. $140 million for a Big Plans for Small Business Strategy $394 million for new classrooms and administration buildings over the next four years $235 million for new or upgraded school halls over the next four years $45 million to build and upgrade training facilities at schools. Hiring of 6,190 new teachers and 1,139 teacher aides. 375 extra firefighters. $45.8 million to domestic and family violence. $449.7 million in 2020-21 for energy, rates, water concessions and rebates for seniors and eligible Queenslanders.
19.01.2022 Police issue warning following QPS phone numbers used in scams Detectives from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group have issued a warning to Queensland residents about a scam using Queensland Police Service phone numbers to legitimise government or bank impersonation scams. Recent reports indicate the scammers are using a practice known as caller ID spoofing, where they inappropriately manipulate the telephone network to indicate the incoming call is from a different ... number (in these cases a QPS number). This scam involves you receiving a call from what appears to be a trusted or well-known government phone number and the caller impersonating an employee from the organisation (in this case a police officer) to legitimise the scam. The scammer threatens you in relation to an outstanding fine or fee, for example, a debt with the Australian Taxation Office or a warrant for your arrest or deportation. The scammer then demands a form of payment to prevent action against you. While this type of scam has been doing the rounds for some time, police are concerned this version of the scam using a QPS spoofed phone number has an additional layer which may result in more members of the community falling victim. Detective Acting Superintendent Vince Byrnes from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group urged Queensland residents to always be vigilant when receiving phone calls from people asking for money or personal details. Police, or any other legitimate government department or financial institution, will never call you and ask for your personal banking information or payments in gift cards, cryptocurrency or money transfers. It is important to take independent steps to verify a caller’s identity before providing any personal information or payments of any sort, irrespective of the phone number displayed, or who a caller claims to work for." Please make your own enquiries if you do receive a phone call from what appears to be a police station, take down the callers details, find a number yourself and dial it in, rather than returning a call you may have missed or were directed to. If you have received such a call and made a payment to a scammer, contact your financial institution immediately and report the matter to the Australian Cyber Security Centre ReportCyber. "If you did not lose any funds you can still report the incident to Scamwatch."
19.01.2022 Border Opens to NSW-Except Sydney. The Queensland will, from November 3 swing open to regional NSW but remains closed shut to Greater Sydney and Victoria. From 1am on November 3, regional NSW residents will eb allowed to travel into Queensland and they will be able to travel into Queensland via Sydney Airport, but they will need to travel through Sydney without stopping.... Sydney aeras included in the ban are: Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Camden, Campbelltown, Canada Bay, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Inner West, Ku-Ring-Gai, Lane Cove, Liverpool, Mosman, Nth Sydney, Northern Beaches, Parramatta, Penrith, Randwick, Ryde, Strathfield, Sutherland Shire, Sydney, The Hills Shire, Waverley, Willoughby, Wollondilly, Woolhara, Sydney Harbour. Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young says people in those Greater Sydney areas will only be allowed into Queensland if they spend at least 14 days out of the NSW hotspots without testing positive. Dr Young says Queensland is now waiting to see what happens in Victoria when its lockdown ends before any decision on travel from that state will be made. Dr Young has also warned that should there be one unlinked case in regional NSW, she may look to closing off that local government area. Queensland recorded one new case of COVID-19 overnight: a man in his 50s who returned from Stockholm who is in hotel quarantine and concern grows about COVID-19 fragments that have been detected in Wynnum and Ipswich. Dr Young says for anyone who lives in that Ipswich area or who lives in Wynnum who shows even slight symptoms to come forward and get tests.
18.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS, LARGE HAILSTONES and HEAVY RAINFALL For people in Central West and parts of North West, Central Highlands and Coalfields, Channel Country and Maranoa and Warrego Forecast Districts.... The Bureau say severe thunderstorms are continuing through the North West, Central West and Channel Country Weather Situation: Severe thunderstorms remain active over southwest Queensland along a pre-frontal trough associated with a cut-off low pressure system over South Australia. Supercell thunderstorms with the risk of destructive winds, giant hailstones, and intense rainfall are possible through the Channel Country. Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds, large hailstones and heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding over the next several hours in the Central West and parts of the North West, Central Highlands and Coalfields and Channel Country districts. Locations which may be affected include Longreach, Winton, Isisford, Barcaldine, Blackall and Dajarra. Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds, large hailstones and heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding over the next several hours in parts of the Channel Country and Maranoa and Warrego districts. Locations which may be affected include Thargomindah, Bulloo Downs, Hungerford and Ballera. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services advises that people should: * Move your car under cover or away from trees. * Secure loose outdoor items. * Never drive, walk or ride through flood waters. If it's flooded, forget it. * Seek shelter, preferably indoors and never under trees. * Avoid using the telephone during a thunderstorm. * Beware of fallen trees and powerlines. * For emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500.
18.01.2022 MARANOA AND BALONNE CLUSTER FENCE CLOSES THE GAP Maranoa Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council, in partnership with Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and landholders have successfully completed the ‘Barrier Fence to the Border’ Collaborative Area Management Project. The project enhances strategic fence linkages between the NSW Wild Dog Fence Extension project, and the Balonne Shire Wild Dog Exclusion fence scheme, Murweh and Paroo shires, as well as large p...arts of Bulloo, Quilpie and Blackall-Tambo shires where cluster fences have been built. The project aimed to fund the construction of exclusion fencing that would connect previously erected cluster fences (funded through DAF and landholders) to create a connection of fences which would extend from the Wild Dog Barrier Fence in the north of the Maranoa local government area to the Queensland border, providing further protection from predator animals on small stock. Maranoa Mayor Tyson Golder has thanked each Council’s Rural Land Team member for all their vision, work and dedication in providing a mechanism for building a better future for landholders and businesses within the region. This project highlights what can be achieved when local governments work collaboratively with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries towards a common goal of developing stages that create economic sustainability for our communities. The project took some sharp planning. At the completion of Round 1 of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative (QFPI), councils noticed how little additional fencing was required to construct an unbroken line of cluster fences from the Wild Dog Barrier Fence to the Queensland border. Discussions with Balonne Shire Council revealed that they shared this vision, and a joint application for funding was submitted to DAF under the QFPI Program. The successful application assisted three landholder groups, for the construction of 235kms of exclusion fencing. The successful Collaborative Area Management Groups were north Bollon, Culgoa, as well as the Woolerina Yendon cluster, which was jointly funded under Balonne Shire Council’s Regional Economic Diversification Program. Cr Golder says local Governments working with funding provided by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has enabled the construction of one of the most strategic fences erected as part of any publically funded exclusion fencing program. This project provides benefits, not only to the rural producers in the Maranoa and Balonne local government area, but also for those located in the five local government areas further to the west. The 3 cluster groups comprise 14 landholders an area of 255,327 hectares, constructing 281.15kms of fence. This project is funded by the Queensland and Australian Governments as part of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative.
17.01.2022 SEVERE FIRE DANGER FORECAST Residents are advised that severe fire danger is forecast for the Channel Country and Maranoa and Warrego forecast districts from tomorrow-Tuesday, 1 December. . The Weather Bureau warns of severe fire danger ratings for the Channel Country and Maranoa and Warrego districts on Tuesday, with very hot and windy conditions forecast.... Fresh northeast to north-westerly winds are likely for much of the day, before a strong southerly change moves into the region in the evening from the southwest. Monitor the fire and weather situation through your local radio station, www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au and www.bom.gov.au. For information on preparing for bushfires go to www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au.
17.01.2022 The Parliamentary Top Seats Begin to Fill The LNP has elected Gold Coast MP David Crisafulli, unopposed to be the Liberal National Party's leadership. Toowoomba South MP David Janetzki takes the Deputy leader role following a party room meeting today.... Mr Crisafulli is 41 years old, the father of two and a former journalist who grew up in Ingham and worked both there and in Townsville. He became the youngest person elected to Townsville City Council and was the member for the North Queensland-based electorate of Mundingburra from 2012 to 2015, during which time he also served as a Minister in the Newman Government.. He later moved to the South East and won the seat of Broadwater in 2017. Today he described himself as a ‘conviction Politician’. If something is good, I will be the first one to say we support it and we’ll back that, but by the same token, if something is wrong, I will be prepared to call it as such and will do it in a forceful manner. I won’t compromise my values." LNP deputy leader David Janetzki, says he’s honoured to take up the new role, describing it as a privilege. Mr Crisafulli says he will put his shadow Cabinet together in the coming days. Meantime the Premier has announced her Assistant Ministerial line up They are: Bart Mellish- Assistant Minister, with COVID Economic Recovery Charis Mullen-Assistant Minister for Treasury Julieanne Gilbert-Health Infrastructure. Nikki Boyd-Assistant Minister for Local Government. Brittany Lauga-Assistant Minister for Education Michael Healy- Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development. Lance McCallum- Assistant Minister for Hydrogen Development and the 50% Renewable Energy Target by 2030 Bruce Saunders- Assistant Minister for Train Manufacturing and Regional Roads
16.01.2022 Solar PV systems Dangers Power suppliers are reminding customers with rooftop solar to shut down their systems ahead of severe storms and extreme weather events. Ergon Energy Area Manager Craig Burchill says there’s a danger to repair crews working after storm damage if the systems are left running.... Even though grid-connected solar PV systems cannot supply the home when the network is not operational, they can continue to generate direct current (DC) power that goes back out into the network where we have crews doing repairs. It is important to always follow the manufacturer's or installer's shutdown procedures. Shutdown procedures should be located at the inverter or on the main switchboard. Craig said safety should always be the number one priority and under no circumstances should people get onto their roof without having the system checked first. Solar panels and their cables should always be treated as if they are live and customers should not attempt to reconnect solar PV systems after severe storms or roof damage, as their roof may be electrified. Craig also warned solar PV systems should be turned off whenever there’s a risk of flooding. They have to be turned off before flood waters arrive. Electricity and water don’t mix and even if Ergon have disconnected power ahead of the flood Solar PV systems do not require mains power to generate a DC supply and that’s why we treat all solar PV installations as energised. Do not reconnect any solar PV systems unless a licensed electrical contractor has certified the installation is safe. More information about solar PV safety can be found on the Ergon Energy website.
15.01.2022 COVID Relief Grants Longreach Regional Council is launching a one-off funding program to assist community groups with COVID related expenses. The COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Grants Program is aimed at providing targeted funding that community and non-profit groups can use for operational purposes so they can continue functioning within the community. It is designed to address financial hardship brought about due to the impacts of COVID-19.... Mayor Tony Rayner says the new funding supports outcomes not achieved by other programs. It’s quite rare to find a grant that can be used for operational purposes he said. Council funding, like state and federal funding, tends to support events and capital works. But we thought it was important to offer some kind of relief for community groups that would help them stay afloat and cover the costs of things like insurance, rent, professional services like lawyers and accountants, things like that. He says Council was using funds that had not been acquitted from other programs due to COVID restrictions. We suspended our Community Donations Program earlier this year while restrictions were in place, so we’ve reallocated a portion of that funding to create this new program. The COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Grants will be available until the end of the 2020/2021 financial year, or until the allocation is exhausted. Applications can be made to cover expenses incurred by non-profit organisations from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2021. A detailed application pack is available on Council’s website at longreach.qld.gov.au/funding.
15.01.2022 Postal vote applications are open now. With the State Election knocking at our doors, (Oct. 31st), e can from this week apply for a postal vote on the ECQ website here: https://bit.ly/ECQpostal Postal votes close on Friday 16 October and while we can apply for Postal votes form this week the ECQ can’t mail the ballot papers until after candidate nominations close in mid-October.... Electoral Commissioner Pat Vidgen says the option to apply for a postal vote weeks before the start of the election period, will support electors who may not want to vote in person due to COVID-19. We remind electors who applied for a postal vote in March and want to postal vote in October, they need to apply again. The ECQ is also establishing special postal voting arrangements for residents of certain aged care facilities which would usually receive a mobile polling service as a ‘declared institution’. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and to protect vulnerable residents, the ECQ is unable to provide this service for this election. However, the ECQ says it will streamline the postal vote process for these facilities, to make sure it is easy for residents to vote by post if that is their preference. We are planning for an election period with two weeks of extended early voting days and hours, including voting on Saturday 24 October as well as election day voting between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 31 October.
14.01.2022 New graduate midwife keen to help rural women New Central West Hospital and Health Service graduate midwife Rachael Bryant says she has moved to Longreach to pursue her dream of becoming a rural midwife. Ms Bryant graduated from the University of Queensland in 2016 with a dual degree in nursing and midwifery but has been working as a registered nurse at Toowoomba Hospital since then.... Born and bred in Augathella, Ms Bryant says she had always wanted to return to work in a rural community. I also wanted to get back into midwifery because my dream has always been to be a bush midwife and to look after rural women. Being from a rural community myself, I know the challenges faced by pregnant women in country areas and the long distances they have to travel. Longreach Hospital offered me the chance to get back into mainstream midwifery through their 12-month graduate midwife program and I was happy to take up the opportunity.’’ The Central West Health maternity service operates as a Midwifery Group Practice, whereby a pregnant person is supported by a ‘known’ midwife through their pregnancy, birth and early parenting. The group practice is backed by medical, nursing, allied health and administrative teams within the health service. As well as birthing and other services at Longreach Hospital, the midwifery service delivers ante and postnatal care throughout the region. Ms Bryant says she is happy to be working with a great team of midwives, doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and other staff to deliver maternity services right across the region. Since joining Central West Health in September, for instance, Ms Bryant already has done outreach work at Winton and Barcaldine, as well as working in the Longreach Hospital maternity unit. On average, between 6065 babies are born at Longreach Hospital each year and the Midwifery Group Practice also provides antenatal care for about 100 women a year. Ms Bryant says having a baby was one of the most amazing events in a parent’s life and midwives played a vital role in helping to deliver that most precious of gifts. From the initial appointment in a woman’s early pregnancy, during the birth and through to those first few weeks at home with a new baby, midwives provide education, care and support on everything from pregnancy, diet, birth, breastfeeding and settling techniques.’’ This is exactly where I want to be for the future of my career.’’
14.01.2022 Gas companies step out for future gas projects, jobs The hunt is on for more gas to fuel jobs, with four companies to explore more than 3000 square kilometres of central and south-west Queensland. Senex Energy, Comet Ridge, State Gas and Denison Gas had won tenders to explore areas close to their existing infrastructure to get more gas to market quickly. ... Manufacturing Minister Glenn Butcher says any gas from more than 450 km2 of this land is guaranteed for the Australian market. The four companies that have won tenders are: Comet Ridge, who will explore two areas totalling 435 km2 for domestic market gas. The areas are to the east and north-east of Comet Ridges’ Mahalo North Project. Senex Energy, who will explore 18 km2 for domestic market gas near their existing Project Atlas near Wandoan, as well as 486 km2 south east of Theodore. State Gas, who will explore 1414 km2 located south-west of Rolleston near their existing Reid’s Dome gas project. Denison Gas, who will explore 668 km2 located north of Injune, near their existing Denison South project. Since 2015 more than 80,000 square kilometres of land has been released for gas exploration, over a quarter of it is guaranteed for Australian consumers. The Government is also investing $5 million to investigate the feasibility of a physical 500km gas transmission pipeline, to connect the Bowen Basin to the domestic and export markets.
14.01.2022 AgForce Thanks Farmers for Stepping Up. As the State election campaign draws to a close, AgForce is thanking members for their effort in creating and supporting the Stand With Regional Queensland. The organisation says it has made a real impact.... We have watched over the course of the eight-week campaign all the parties respond to the issues AgForce has highlighted. The organisation says there’s already been significant wins, including: Labor’s commitment to an inland alternative to the Bruce Highway LNP’s comprehensive adoption of AgForce’s vegetation management framework Both major parties announcing water pricing reductions LNP’s commitment to additional biosecurity officers AgForce’s ‘scorecard’ that rates each of the five major parties according to how their policies will assist agriculture and regional Queensland has generated many conversations in the community, significant media interest, and election commitments for all parties. It’s the culmination of years of work developing and advocating for government policy that enables agriculture to be profitable, to be sustainable, and to underpin the State’s economy and the many communities it supports. Stand With Regional Queensland is the first campaign of its type conducted by AgForce aimed at providing members and the community with a strong voice and platform to influence government policy.
14.01.2022 Cluster fencing grants The State Government is providing another $5 million dollars in Cluster Fencing grants to drought-declared local government areas. The funds are available through Round 5 of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative.... Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Mark Furner says landholders wanting to discuss inclusion in Round 5 projects should contact their local government, industry group or regional NRM group. The success of our agriculture sector is a vital part of Queensland’s $8 billion plan for economic recovery from COVID-19, and funding like this will help them build on that success, The closing date for applications is 5PM Wednesday 11 November, to be submitted to [email protected] Further information about the latest round of Queensland Feral Pest Initiative grants, call the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 13 25 23 or visit www.daf.qld.gov.au
14.01.2022 LA NIÑA LIKELY TO BRING MORE RAINFALL AND CYCLONES The Bureau of Meteorology has released its Severe Weather Outlook for October to April, showing an increased risk of flooding for eastern Australia and tropical cyclones in the north, with roughly average potential for heatwaves and severe thunderstorms. The Bureau says the current La Niña is likely to bring more rain to eastern and northern Australia, with some drought affected areas already seeing rainfall deficienc...ies ease and water storage levels increase. La Niña also suggests an earlier than normal arrival for the first rains of this year's northern wet season and an earlier monsoon onset for Darwin. While recent decades have seen a decline in the number of tropical cyclones in our region, Bureau climatologist, Greg Browning, says this summer is likely to buck that trend. "On average Australia sees 9 to 11 tropical cyclones each year, with 4 crossing the coast. With La Niña this year we are expecting to see slightly more tropical cyclones than average, and the first one may arrive earlier than normal." "Every northern wet season has had at least one tropical cyclone cross the Australian coast, so we can never be complacent. We know that cyclones can develop at any time throughout the tropical cyclone season, which runs from November to April." "This means that communities right across northern Australia need to stay be prepared now, and stay informed from the very start of the tropical cyclone season in October, right though until April." After the catastrophic fires of last summer, it's a very different bushfire outlook this season, with average fire potential for most parts. "This fire season we're expecting wetter than average conditions in eastern and northern Australia, so long running large bushfires are less likely, however a wetter spring can lead to abundant grass growth, which could increase fire danger as it naturally dries during summer." "Meanwhile, if dry conditions continue in southwest Western Australia as forecast, the potential for more fire weather days there could increase." The Bureau's General Manager of Decision Support Services, Sandy Whight, sys the lower fire risk across much of Australia is no reason for complacency. "La Niña also brings more rain and increased humidity, which can mean fewer extreme heat days. But while heatwaves may not be as severe, the Bureau's advice is that in southern areas they may last longer and be more humid both of which can increase the risk to human health. Be sure to monitor the Bureau's heatwave service, which provides information about the location and severity of heatwaves." REGIONAL SNAPSHOT: QUEENSLAND La Niña is likely to bring more rain than usual, with an increased risk of widespread flooding Likely to see more tropical lows and cyclones than normal Earlier start to the wet season across the north Average numbers of severe thunderstorms
13.01.2022 Road Map Out of Restrictions. The State Government has launched au updated plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions during October, November and December. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says the new roadmap gives more certainty to the community and businesses through to the end of this year by outlining monthly easing of restrictions including increasing gatherings in public spaces, unseated drinking and eating, dancing at weddings and removing some border restrictions.... From 4pm today, Queenslanders will be able to celebrate this achievement by getting a drink or a meal out without having to be seated. Stage 4 of the Roadmap started at 1am on 1 October by extending the Northern NSW border zone and moving Queenslanders outside, where a Summertime Taskforce will also be established to identify more outdoor opportunities. Unseated drinking and eating will come into effect from 4pm 2 October. If there is no unlinked community transmission in NSW for 28 days, Stage 5 could start from 1am 1 November and will see the Queensland border open up to NSW visitors and return travellers, while also increasing public gatherings to 40 people, permitting unseated drinking and eating at venues with a COVID Safe Plan and allowing up to 40 people to dance at a wedding with a COVID Safe Plan. Stage 6, anticipated from 1am 1 December, will see public gatherings increase to 50 people, increased attendances at outdoor events and no restrictions on people dancing at weddings. The Queensland border will remain closed to Victoria until community transmission is under control.
13.01.2022 More water on the table to drive growth, jobs in the West Farmers and businesses in south and central west Queensland can bid for more water from today. Expressions of interest were now open for 4545 megalitres of water in an area from Longreach south and west to the state borders.... Natural Resources Minister Dr Anthony Lynham says the additional water offers farmers and associated agribusinesses the opportunity to expand, as well as the renewable sector who could also use this to develop geothermal generation projects. About 3.4 million megalitres of unallocated water is reserved in water plans. The Government has been working since 2018 to identify and release unallocated water to support economic development and job creation. The EOI is open across an area that includes Longreach, Boulia, Birdsville, Windorah, Eromanga through to the South Australia, Northern Territory and New South Wales borders. Areas with an existing high water take have been excluded, including areas in the Surat Basin near Dalby, Chinchilla and Roma. Expressions of interest for additional water in the Western Great Artesian Basin opens today (17 September 2020) and close 30 November 2020. Any additional water allocations issued will include conditions to protect the environment and existing water users. For more information visit www.business.qld.gov.au//catchments-plan/unallocated-water
13.01.2022 Restrictions Ease The State Government has announced a further easing of restrictions as Queensland continues its recovery from the pandemic. From 4pm Tuesday, November 17:... Gatherings: increase gatherings in homes and public spaces from 40 to 50 across Queensland Indoor premises: increase from one person per four square metres to one person per two square metres (eg restaurants, cafes, pubs, clubs, indoor play areas, museums, art galleries, places of worship, convention centres and parliament house Weddings: up to 200 people can attend a wedding and all guests can dance Funerals: Up to 200 people can attend a funeral Indoor events: seated, ticket venues to increase from 50% to 100% (eg theatre, live music, cinemas and indoor sports) Performers can reduce distance from audience from 4m to 2m except choirs which remain at 4m from audience Outdoor events: increase outdoor events from 1000 to 1500 with a COVID safe checklist (larger events require a COVID safe plan) Open air stadiums: Increase seated Capacity from 75% to 100% Outdoor dancing: outdoor dancing allowed (eg outdoor music festivals) The Premier says these are sensible steps back to normality after Queensland recorded 60 days without a locally acquired case. The changes will come into effect at 4pm on 17 November 2020. Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young says businesses and venues will have to continue to operate under COVID-19 Safe Plans, such as collecting contact details, complying with occupant density numbers, and providing hand sanitiser.
12.01.2022 TRICKYThis Gift Giving With the end of school looming and the rush on for buying that thank you ’gift’ to give teachers there’s a few tricks you need to know. Be warnedQueensland teachers are not allowed to accept lotto tickets or scratchies as gifts.... In fact, such things and cash, or items which can be readily converted to cash are off limits. Also, if you feel generous and want to go all out, remember that if the gift costs more than $150 the recipient teacher would have to spend a fair chunk of time filling out paperwork to declare it Oh, and it can’t be historically or culturally significant. UMSo where does that leave these historical Australian ICONS-Soap on a Rope??? Tim Tams???A Bunch of Gladys???...Cadbury's Roses???... Who says teachers don't get it tough???
11.01.2022 Power in Opinion. The Queensland Government-owned electricity companies are calling on the community to help shape the future of the state’s energy industry. Ergon Energy and Energex, as part of Energy Queensland, along with Powerlink are seeking participants in the Queensland Household Energy Survey, which is the largest of its kind in Australia, to gain an in-depth insight into Queenslanders’ changing electricity needs.... The input will help Queensland’s electricity distribution and transmission companies plan for the industry’s rapidly evolving future. CEO of Energy Queensland, Rod Duke says in the past, the annual survey had provided valuable information that is now being used to plan for the next generation power network. Previous survey respondents have clearly shown that Queenslanders are very keen to adopt new technology, such as home energy management systems, smart home assistants, electric vehicles and solar PV just to name a few. This includes developing new power tariffs, building a network that accommodates their needs and ensuring we’re providing services that remain relevant to everyone’s requirements. The companies say the survey’s annual insights on emerging technologies, particularly in storage and energy management systems, help to deliver better solutions for the future. Queenslanders keen on having their say on the future of the state’s electricity industry can participate in the survey and have the chance to win one of ten $100 gift cards by logging onto : https://bit.ly/2JcNiyz . The survey closes 18 December 2020.
11.01.2022 Mayor's Update. "Thanks for joining me for another of my fortnightly updates. I’m enjoying the opportunity to share a little bit of what’s going on at Council with you. I’d like to start by thanking everyone across our region that came to one of our bi-annual community consultation forums this week. We didn’t get to have the forums we wanted to have earlier this year, so it was good to get my first forum as Mayor under my belt....Continue reading
11.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS For people in parts of Maranoa and Warrego, Central West, Gulf Country, North West and the Northern Goldfields and the Upper Flinders Forecast Districts.... The Bureau says gusty thunderstorms continue over inland Qld, extending from the Gulf Country to the southern interior. Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Charleville, Longreach, Doomadgee, Barcaldine, Hughenden and Richmond. Winton recorded a wind gust of 107 km/hr at 4.56pm Cloncurry recorded a wind gust of 62 km/h at 3.26pm Queensland Fire and Emergency Services advises that people should: * Move your car under cover or away from trees. * Secure loose outdoor items. * Seek shelter, preferably indoors and never under trees. * Avoid using the telephone during a thunderstorm. * Beware of fallen trees and powerlines. * For emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500.
09.01.2022 Halloween safety tricks to go down a treat With a COVID Halloween upon us this year Police are remining everyone planning on trick or treating to stay safe and healthy. They’re also making it easy to let the little guys and ghouls in your area know whether your house is active in trick-or-treating this year.... The posters linked below are easy to be printed out at home, and clearly communicate your trick or treating preference to monsters all over the map. Click here: https://mypolice.qld.gov.au//Halloween-Poster_A4_GREEN-Wel OR https://mypolice.qld.gov.au//Halloween-Poster_A4_RED-No-Th For trick-or-treaters; If you are looking at heading out on a Halloween trick-or-treat quest, Police remind you remind you that we all need to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while hunting for delicious treats and showing off your spooky costumes. Trick-or-treaters are urged to stay up to date with the health directives in place on October 31 and remember to: Stay physically distanced from groups outside your household Remember that gatherings are limited to 40 people in homes and outdoors Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly for bonus points Use hand sanitiser regularly while bewitching your neighbours Queensland Health has also encouraged parents and carers to consider other ways to be COVID safe, like individually packaging loose treats, washing hands well before preparing treats and in between handing them out, and regularly using hand sanitiser between those ominous door knocks. And for kids-As always, be safe when out spooking the neighbourhood keep off the roads, don’t venture into any homes, stick with a trusted adult and head back home before it’s too late to enjoy your sweet haul. https://d2haxmvzil2swt.cloudfront.net//132033_QPS-Hallowee
09.01.2022 Landholders get State rent waiver on back of AgForce proposal AgForce has been advised of further relaxations to State land rents. We’re pleased ongoing negotiations with the Government have resulted in further potential savings of thousands of dollars for members and other landholders.... After waiving rent for the April-June and July-September quarters, the State Government will do the same for the October-December quarter for all primary production lease, licence and permit holders not on the minimum annual rent payable (currently $272). The waiver is part of the State Government’s COVID stimulus package, but recipients do not need to be directly affected by COVID to be granted the waiver. AgForce says there’s no action necessary for rural landholders the waiver will be automatically applied. They also say anyone with any questions can call AgForce Policy Specialist Lauren Hewitt on 3236 3100. Further details are available on the State Government website.
09.01.2022 Budget Moves Please Councils. The Western Queensland Alliance of Councils has welcomed the Federal Government’s 2020-21 Budget and says the west has a lot to offer the economic recovery of the nation. The Alliance is urging the Federal Government to look to Western Queensland to deliver for the nation at this critical time. ... Western Queensland stands ready to ensure our communities can play our part in budget restoration and continue to deliver and grow the $9.5 billion we inject into the economy each year - if you ‘invest in the West’ it pays dividends. Led by the 21 Mayors of Western Queensland, the Alliance says it has developed a strategic plan of the State Election and beyond to highlight the common issues across the region. Our plan is not a list of problems, but a realistic framework ready for investment that recognises the critical role Western Queensland and its key industries can play in supporting the entire nation recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Most welcomed by the Mayors in the Federal Budget has been what they call the long overdue investment in critical water infrastructure. This is a very welcome investment for truly the most important ingredient for our regions to thrive and generate wealth for the nation. Items of note in the Budget that align with key priority areas for WQAC and its member organisation of councils in Queensland’s North West (NWQROC), Central West (RAPAD), and South West (SWLGA) include: The investment $1 billion for local governments for the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. An additional $200 million in grants to extend the successful Building Better Regions Fund for a fifth round. $2 billion in funding for projects through the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund. A $50 million Regional Tourism Recovery initiative to assist businesses in regions heavily reliant on international tourism An additional $30.3 million in funding for the Regional Connectivity Program to improve connectivity in regional and remote Australia. $41.0 million for a Research and Development Program to continue the Government’s regional decentralisation agenda, by funding research and development activities that will benefit regional industries. An additional $28.1 million to extend the Stronger Communities Programme, which provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 across the country to community organisations and local governments for small capital projects that deliver social benefits for local communities.
09.01.2022 Regional airports face demise due to new security laws Local airports are being forced to adhere to strict and expensive security upgrades to remain compliant as part of a Federal Government initiative to enhance security at commercial airports around Australia. Kennedy MP, Bob Katter says the changes spell the end for carriers such as Rex Airlines and countless regional airports across Queensland as the majority of the owners are local councils who will have no means to fo...ot the diabolical bill estimated to be up to $760,000 a year. Mr Katter said the measurements fall into the Government’s typical once size fits all approach to governing and only imposes further restrictions in the name of national security with the collateral damage being regional towns. If these airports close, it will make life utterly intolerable. They have put in requirements stipulating airports that don’t meet a certain quota in passengers a year will not get the security clearance, so it cannot be used as a commercial airport. This decision closes every small-town airport in Australia. Rex Airline has received $54 million in Federal subsidies since August as part of the Government’s coronavirus recovery funding and has been able to remain operating with a reduced number of flights in some areas. The Federal Government’s proposition to provide financial support in July next year is too little, too late the airports will be gone by then. What they have done is taken the mantle of safety put there by so many people over generations and ripped it away. Mr Katter is now calling on the State Government to override the feds and regulate the remote market routes to ensure continuity, to save our small towns, keep the airports open and the planes in the sky. So all I can say is that we are going to fight this all the way down to Canberra and I think we might have the numbers on this one. The Government thinks they are going to finance it in July next year. No way Hosay, the airlines and airports will have closed by then gone forever but I will fight like a tiger to keep them open. PIC: Thanks to Kate Downie.
09.01.2022 ATM theft charges, Central Queensland Police have charged a man following the alleged theft of cash and an automatic teller machine (ATM) from Jericho back in August. Longreach and Gladstone detectives arrested the 35-year-old West Gladstone man for the alleged theft of a Jericho ATM overnight on August 21, and the theft of money from an Alpha ATM and the attempted stealing of an ATM at Bargara, between September 14 and 15.... The man is facing 36 charges including fraud, wilful damage, unlawful possession of weapons, stealing, possessing drugs and drug utensils, dangerous operation of a vehicle, unlicensed driving, evading police, entering a premises to commit an indictable offence and receiving tainted property. He is due to appear at Gladstone Magistrates Court today. Detectives would like to speak to anyone who can provide further information in relation to any these offences. If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting or call 131 444.
08.01.2022 Christmas Warning Parents and gift givers are being warned to be on alert when shopping for Christmas gifts this year, with a number of toys landing on Santa’s unsafe list during the Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) Operation Safe Christmas campaign. Following inspections of over 5,600 toy lines across 266 retailers there have been six toys identified as unsafe.... Two plush toys, a wooden alphabet puzzle, a wooden number puzzle, a magnetic number puzzle and a rainbow circle stacker have been removed from shelves after they were deemed to be a choking hazard for young children. OFT says when choosing toys and gifts for children this Christmas, there are a few simple rules to remember: Toys with small parts are a choking hazard o A good rule is the smaller the child the bigger the toy Beware of button batteries, not just in toys but a range of products, they can cause serious injuries or death if swallowed o They need to be in secure child resistant battery compartments o Avoid poor quality products which may release the batteries if broken or dropped Avoid small high-powered magnets - these are banned from sale in Australia as they pose serious health risks if swallowed. Consumers should exercise extreme caution when buying magnetic balls commonly supplied as a toy, game or puzzle. If in doubt, always ask the seller to verify the product supplied is not subject to the permanent ban. Consumers are advised to stick to reputable brands or retailers and if you are buying online, check information about the seller and always ensure the toy has not been banned or recalled. For information on safety standards and product bans, visit www.productsafety.gov.au or www.qld.gov.au/fairtrading Any concerns about unsafe toys should be reported to the OFT at www.qld.gov.au/fairtrading or by calling 13 QGOV (13 74 68). If you suspect your child has swallowed or inserted a button battery, call the Poisons Information Centre immediately on 13 11 26 for 24/7 fast, expert advice.
07.01.2022 Environmental activism no place for ‘hypocritical’ banks AgForce has lashed out at what they say is a hypocritical and discriminatory decision by ANZ to make emissions reductions targets a condition of loans to farmers. AgForce CEO (and former banker with ANZ) Michael Guerin says there is no doubt that banks had a vital role in agriculture but managing climate change wasn’t one of them.... This completely hypocritical and counter-productive move exemplifies a sort of ‘creeping social activism’ we are seeing in the banking industry that is stifling growth and genuine practice improvement. Banks are the last people who should be lecturing the community about right and wrong.
07.01.2022 Advanced medical equipment users should plan Now. Ergon Energy is urging customers who rely on advanced medical equipment to have a plan in for unexpected power outages, especially with severe storm season upon us. This includes ensuring their electricity retailer has up-to-date contact details and having a Plan B in place.... Manager Customer Operations Cloe Kernick says at this time of year everyone should be prepared for the disruptions wild weather can cause, particularly anyone whose health is reliant on electricity supply. This should include calling their electricity retailer or Ergon on 13 74 66 to ensure their latest contact details are up to date. This way we have the right details should we need to contact them. It’s also ideal these customers speak to their GP to put a plan in place should their home be without power for an extended period such as knowing where their closest hospital or medical facility is or going to a friend or family member’s house that still has power.
06.01.2022 REGIONAL COUNCILS TO RECIEVE FEDERAL FUNDING Local road maintenance in Barcaldine will receive a boost thanks to a $157,505 funding injection though the Federal Government’s Roads to Recovery Program. Maranoa MP David Littleproud says the funding will allow the CouncilS to progress a number of high-priority projects, using local knowledge to deliver the best local roads.... "Apart from increased safety, drivers are going to be travelling on smoother, more reliable roads and that’s all part of building up efficiency across the region. Local road maintenance in Barcoo will receive a boost thanks to a $112,487 funding. While Bulloo Shire Council’s local road maintenance will receive a boost thanks to a $424,460 funding injection. Longreach Regional Council's Local road maintenance will receive a boost thanks to a $264,041 funding.
06.01.2022 VITAL ROAD SAFETY UPGRADES IN OUTBACK The Australian and Queensland Governments have unlocked a total of $9 million in joint funding for upgrades to the Eyre Developmental Road and the Birdsville Developmental Road. The Eyre Developmental Road project will receive $4.50 million in joint funding for progressive sealing between Bedourie and Birdsville and will support 15 jobs during construction.... A further $4.50 million in joint funding will go towards paving and sealing sections of the Birdsville Developmental Road between Morney and Birdsville. Federal Member for Maranoa David Littleproud says the timing could not be better to see funding flow to deliver vital road safety upgrades in Maranoa. Unlocking this funding means we can get these projects underway, providing a much-needed boost to local jobs and the economy at a time when it couldn’t be needed more. Both projects are due for completion by December 2021, weather permitting. As well $2.34 million has been allocated for upgrades to the Cramsie Muttaburra Road and $3.01 million for Clermont Alpha Road. The Cramsie Muttaburra Road project will receive $2.34 million in joint funding and $3.01 million is allocated for Clermont the Alpha Road project. Both projects are due for completion by December 2021, weather permitting.
06.01.2022 AgForce Urges Support AgForce CEO Mike Guerin is urging all Queenslanders to join Ag Force in its Stand With Queensland campaign as we run up the state election. Mr Guerin says farming has always been at the forefront of Australia’s development, feeding and clothing our growing population while providing an underlying economic lynchpin vital to our prosperity.... Agricultural businesses not only provide for our population but are a significant exporter and contributor to our economy. In 201718, the value of Queensland rural exports alone exceeded $9.5 billion a whopping 12.8 per cent of the State’s total goods exports. He says Governments can, and should, continue to champion Australia’s robust food safety standards and high-quality beef, sheep and goat meats, as well as grains and cane products, over and above all other world supplies. This is more important than ever if, as has been publicly stated, agriculture is to play a significant role in helping lead Queensland, and the rest of Australia, out of its COVID-induced economic gloom and onto the path towards full recovery. COVID has understandably dealt a massive blow to our ability to reach our traditional markets, with many borders around the world still closed and the pandemic far from over. Of course, integral to this are the strong biosecurity systems that protect our planet and ensure agricultural production and ongoing trade. He says agriculture is embedded in our daily life, it is a major contributor to our economy, and it will help sustain our population and those of our export partners in the years to come. It helps connect all Queenslanders urban and rural and is why with the State election approaching you need to join AgForce in its Stand With Regional Queensland campaign. Jump onto our Facebook page to see how you can make sure Government hears you.
05.01.2022 Mayor's Column: Leaders in the Leader 23-10-2020 I’m writing this week’s column from the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) Annual Conference, where I’m representing our region. The LGAQ are an important advocacy body for local communities across Queensland, with a membership made up of the 77 local governments of Queensland. It’s important our region is represented at the event. At the conference the membership votes on resolutions that form the basis of the a...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Katter pleads with Govt: ‘The world is bigger than China’ Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy is hitting hard this week over trade and China. He says he’s had a gut-full of China’s trade terror tactics on Australian producers and has slammed the Federal Government for failing to aggressively market our produce to other countries.... It comes as China began its investigation into anti-dumping allegations, slapping Aussie wine makers with a 200% duty from midnight. We wouldn’t be in this position if the lazy, useless b.a.s.t.a.r.d.s, who occupy with their big fat backsides the parliamentary benches in Brisbane and Canberra, got out there like Jack McEwen did when Britain went into the Common Market and we lost 30% of our exports. McEwen drew up an agreement on the supply of beef, grain and coal into Japan all of which made us extremely unpopular because it was only 20 years after the war but it was successful. Mr Katter says the Government has done absolutely nothing to develop alternative markets. "Clearly the VIP countries, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, our bloody neighbours who have 700m people living there should be the priority? China may think they are tough and big and throw their weight around, but it was stupid that they picked a fight with the Muslim provinces, the Mongolian provinces, they have picked a fight with India and they have picked a fight with the United States, and that’s not a smart thing to do. They have managed to pick a fight with everyone and well, I don’t know of any fights they have ever even won against Japan but I certainly wouldn’t be provoking that little tiger either. It sure would be nice if we had 300 patrol boats with 60 cruise missiles on the back of them so we can defend our country. And yes, it may cost 2% of the federal budget, but quite frankly it’s not going to break the bank. We must remember that we live on an island, with vast coastline, and are extremely vulnerable. We are overwhelmingly a European country in the middle of Asia with a landmass that is completely empty. You take out the coastal strip from Cairns through to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, and take out a little dot around Perth, well you have less than one million people living there. And in that wasteland is all of our oil, all of our gas, all of our bauxite, and all of our coal and all of the nation’s water. ’A land without people will be taken by a people without land’. That is the truism of history. So get off your backside and go chase up the VIP countries, get off your backside and do something about protecting us.
05.01.2022 New Blackall Hospital to Open Next Month 25 November is the day Blackall’s new $20.11 million hospital will begin accepting its first patients. Construction of the new hospital would be completed by 20 October and the facility then handed over to the Central West Hospital and Health Service. ... Between the hand over and the first patients through the door there’ll be a period of formal commissioning and associated staff familiarisation. A public open day is planned for 20 November. Health Minister Steven Miles says he commends the Central West Hospital and Health Service and major contractor St Hilliers Pty Ltd for bringing the hospital into service much earlier than expected. Originally, the combined hospital and general practice was expected to be fully operational by early 2021 but Central West Health and St Hilliers have worked hard and effectively together to make the hospital a reality for the Blackall and Tambo communities at least three months earlier than expected. The new combined general practice and hospital occupies a site adjacent to the existing hospital, which will continue to deliver health services as normal until the move to the new hospital is complete. The new 10-bed facility including two emergency department bays and two short-stay beds would provide coordinated and integrated healthcare for the community and 8 consultation rooms that will support a range of clinical and GP services. It will also include more flexible arrangements for overnight accommodation for carers/families of paediatric, palliative care, mental health and other inpatients requiring additional support. Chief Executive Jane Hancock says a feasibility study is progressing to determine the future use of the existing hospital complex once the new hospital had been completed. A consortium including Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Division), BlackallTambo Regional Council, Central Queensland University and Central West Hospital and Health Service secured $750,000 Commonwealth funding last year to undertake this study.’’
05.01.2022 Mail it Early for Christmas. With the COVID 19 virus impacting on Australia Post staff numbers and creating a surge in online shopping the warning for would be Christmas gift givers is out- Post early to ensure delivery by Christmas. Australia Post has set December 12 postage as its deadline to guarantee parcel delivery and December 19 for express post deliveries.... It says shoppers should aim to have completed their online shopping by the end of November to ensure delivery to them in enough time to allow dispatch and post to gift recipients. The delays being faced by Australia Post have come about because of COVID related shutdowns, staff shortages and huge delivery and sorting demands as a result of a surge in online purchases. The organisation says it handled more than 600,000 additional parcels in August compared to 2019. The border closures are also expected to see more people spend Christmas away from family and friends and instead, turn to Australia Post as a means of spreading Christmas cheer, gifts and well wishes.
04.01.2022 Looking after your mental health Central West residents are being reminded to look after their mental health and watch out for their friends and relatives as well. Central West Hospital and Health Service Executive Director of Medical Services Dr David Walker says Queensland Mental Health Week from 1018 October was a good time to focus on mental health.... But we should be looking out for ourselves, our friends and relatives all year round,’’ he said. As part of Mental Health Week, Central West Health, in partnership with Outback Futures, James Cook University and Relationships Australia, is participating in the Muttaburra Health Expo on 10 October, which is hosted by Men’s Shed. Everyone is welcome to attend, and a free barbecue lunch will be available. Dr Walker says mental health issues could affect anyone and occur at any time. Our advice is don’t stay silent. Don’t expect your concerns to just go away by themselves reach out to your GP, connect with someone in your local community who can listen and provide support. And keep an eye out for friends and relatives who might be struggling-It’s been a hard time for everyone and it’s no surprise that people may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression. We all need to support each other to help cope with these pressures. In the Central West, we have mental health clinicians available to deal with any mental health-related concerns and contact can always be made through your local health facility. Dr Walker says mental health support is also available 24/7 by phoning 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55). However, Dr Walker stressed the 1300 MH CALL number was not a replacement for emergency services. Mental health consumers, support services and the wider community requiring emergency assistance should continue to use the 000 number.’. Dr Walker said Central West Health also was encouraging people to take time for mental health by following six simple actions, as recommended by the Queensland Government’s Dear Mind initiative and based on the internationally recognised Wheel of Wellbeing. These six actions are: Take time to get healthy being active and eating well is good for your mind as well as your body Take time to keep learning learning new things can make you more confident as well as being fun Take time to show kindness practising small acts of kindness, volunteering time, or simply helping a friend in need can help you feel more satisfied with life Take time to connect spending time with other people is important to everyone’s mental wellbeing Take time to take notice paying more attention to the present and the world around you helps relieve stress and enjoy the moment Take time to embrace nature connecting with the outdoors and taking care of the planet is the best recipe for world wellbeing.
04.01.2022 Firearms Oversight Committee Established Queensland Police have established a Firearms Oversight Committee. They say the group has been established to ensure Balance between community safety and public interest with the rights of firearms applicants and licence holders.... The committee is coordinating the implementation of all 13 recommendations from a Queensland Audit Office (QAO) report into the regulation of firearms in Queensland. The QAO report identified the QPS could regulate the acquisition, possession, use and disposal of registered firearms more effectively. The QPS is addressing the recommendations across three key themes of deciding who can access firearms, monitoring firearm licence holders, and regulating dealers and firearm movements. Committee chair Deputy Commissioner Tracy Linford says the QAO recommendations largely relate to opportunities previously identified by the QPS, with a number of projects already commenced to renew processes and systems. Finding the necessary balance between community safety and the rights of the lawful firearm owning community will continue to be the focus of the QPS as action items are implemented and assessed. It is important to acknowledge the ongoing commitment of the QPS to enhance the service Weapons Licensing delivers to the community. The community can have confidence that the work is well under way and over time will provide a better framework for all stakeholders.
04.01.2022 Storms Likely. Thunderstorms and possible of wind gusts have been forecast for the west today, with severe storms possible in the south west. The Weather Bureau says the severe storms cold produce damaging winds and heavy rain with large hail.
04.01.2022 Disaster-proofing Queensland Bulloo and Barcoo are two of seventeen councils in regional Queensland that will share in almost $3.5 million to fund priority infrastructure upgrades on roads, drainage systems and power supplies to better prepare for future natural disasters. Under the funding Bulloo Shire receives $42,375 for a standby generator for the Thargomindah Works Depot while Barcoo will see $360,00 spent on the floodway upgrade on the Jundah-Winton Road.... Queensland Treasurer and Minister responsible for the QRA Cameron Dick says the projects aim to reduce the impacts of natural disasters. Other Resilience projects approved include: Paroo Shire Council: Flood boat channel parallel to Eulo Bridge ($150,762) Quilpie Shire Council: Two concrete floodways on Canaway Downs Road ($120,000) Southern Downs Regional Council: Emergency generator for Stanthorpe Civic Centre ($103,000) Banana Shire Council: Mobile emergency generator ($36,500) Burdekin Shire Council: Storm water drain upgrades on Conley Street ($316,399) Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council: Emergency power supply for the Cherbourg Administration and Disaster Control Centre ($31,352) Croydon Shire Council: Upgrade to Guildford Road ($307,167) Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council: Three new floodways on Old Doomadgee Road ($534,996) Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council: Auxiliary power supply ($294,768) Isaac Regional Council: Flood mitigation at Moranbah sewage pump station ($136,043) Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council: Water main upgrade and connection to Ergon power supply ($230,000) Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council: Disaster management equipment and bushfire fuel reduction activities ($162,400) Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council: Back-up power supply for Jardine water pump station ($303,149) Torres Strait Island Regional Council: Culvert crossing upgrade on Badu Wells Road ($177,211) Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council: New bridge on Buddabadoo Road ($172,750)
02.01.2022 Don't Back flip on This Opportunity Longreach Regional Council is calling on locals to "Roll up! Roll up!"... They sayspaces are going fast - so be sure to get in quick! Contact our Communities Team on (07) 4658 4111
01.01.2022 More Border Restriction Relaxation Five additional NSW shires will now be included in open borders with Queensland. From next week the shires of Glen Innes, Byron, Ballina, the City of Lismore, Richmond Valley, (inclusive of Casino and Evans Head) will be added to the border zone from 1am on October 1.... Residents in those council areas will also be allowed to travel anywhere in the state without going into quarantine but will have to fill out a border declaration pass. Queenslanders coming back to their home state still need a border pass to return declaring they have not visited a hotspot, but they will not need to quarantine. The new border arrangement will apply to all Queenslanders and those in the specific NSW council areas.
01.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning Update Warning for DAMAGING WINDS, LARGE HAILSTONES and HEAVY RAINFALL has been updated for people in parts of North West, Central Highlands and Coalfields, Central West, Channel Country and Maranoa and Warrego Forecast Districts. The Bureau says severe thunderstorms remain active over southwest Queensland along a pre-frontal trough associated with a cut-off low pressure system over South Australia.... Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds, large hailstones and heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Thargomindah, Longreach, Winton, Cunnamulla, Isisford and Barcaldine. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services advises that people should: * Move your car under cover or away from trees. * Secure loose outdoor items. * Never drive, walk or ride through flood waters. If it's flooded, forget it. * Seek shelter, preferably indoors and never under trees. * Avoid using the telephone during a thunderstorm. * Beware of fallen trees and powerlines. * For emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. The next warning is due to be issued by 10:05 pm.
01.01.2022 Central-west councils bind together to Get Ready for future disasters Five councils in western Queensland are pooling funding received through the 2020-21 Get Ready Queensland program to develop a disaster preparedness flipbook for residents and visitors. Funding for the booklet is being provided by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.... Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Longreach and Winton are teaming up to produce the Be Ready Central West Flipbook to help people prepare for and respond to whatever disasters may hit the region. The Get Ready Queensland booklet encourages Queenslanders to be prepared for all hazards, including severe storms, bushfires, heatwaves and pandemics, and helps local governments protect residents and their properties. Longreach Regional Council Mayor Tony Rayner says the planned flipbook will be distributed to every resident and business in the five council areas and will be available at tourist information centres. The book will describe the different types of disaster events that are common to the central west, as well as informing residents and visitors about issues they should consider leading up to a disaster. It will provide advice on preparing for a disaster and the steps they should take after a disaster has passed.
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