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25.01.2022 Good marketing isnt rocket science! Think about how you buy. Do you buy immediately from a cold call or an email spam? What makes you buy? Think about the process you go through. First, youll have a need or want for something and then you go out looking. You go on a journey. That journey may involve doing some research or that journey might be as simple as walking straight into the supermarket to fulfill your need. At this point, you are probably thinking What jo...urney? Sounds like marketing jargon to me! I know most of us dont think about that journey but even for the smallest purchases the journey is there. Some journeys are quick (eg buying a coffee), some are quite lengthy (eg building a house). In that journey, you would have asked yourself several questions. Next time you buy your lunch, a coffee or go supermarket shopping think about the questions you ask yourself in that journey. Use those questions and apply it to your customers and how they buy from you. The first step in the journey is to connect with your customer by building an AWARENESS of your product through your key messages. If you read my post earlier this week, youll already know to talk to your customer using the key message of customer problem and solution. Want to know more steps in the customer journey? Lets have a chat and together Ill help you understand the process your customers go through to buy. E: [email protected] M: 0420 300 110 www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au
24.01.2022 Need help with decision making in business or family life? Read the blog series, by Trent Moy to learn this weeks top tip - Separating Facts from Assumptions. Spend this week using this tip and send us your feedback. #decisionmaking #facts #assumptions
23.01.2022 Business owners, do you know: your goals, your marketing objectives, your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). ... If you don’t know or you are not sure, then chances are your business and your marketing lacks direction. This can be a key cause of business failure. 2020 has really upset many businesses as they shift their business direction. If your business needs help finding it's direction again then have a free chat with Look Deeper Marketing. We want to help small business grow and thrive. www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au M: 0420 300 110 E: [email protected]
20.01.2022 Everything you want out of life is outside your comfort zone. Do you have a plan to get there? www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au
20.01.2022 Who uses Internal Communications as a marketing channel? Engaging staff is key to get their buy in, knowledge and awareness of your business products and services. Your internal staff are a captured target audience. When you consider your marketing strategy, we often hear of businesses looking outside the box. You also need to look in.....not only in terms of your strengths and weaknesses, but looking at your internal staff too. What are some ways you engage your staff?
18.01.2022 Here is a short summary of 5 quick tips to help you with your decision making. Let us know how you go.
18.01.2022 A marketing strategy or a marketing plan? What is the difference and does my business really need one, both or either? Read on to find out what your business needs and how to master your marketing strategy with these five simple questions.
18.01.2022 Peoples tolerance appears to be much lower in 2020 and for obvious reasons. However, Im surprised how many small businesses are struggling with a strategy to cope with negative feedback or reviews. Perhaps, as a small business owner, you are feeling as anxious as your customers feel. This can lead to both business owner and customer stuck in an unresolved, negative rut. If you are receiving negative reviews or comments online, deal with the matter with a very general shor...t and polite response eg Sorry [insert customer name] to hear you feel this way. We would appreciate looking at this matter in more detail. Please call [insert individuals name and phone number] and we will work to resolve this matter for you as quickly as possible. Take the matter offline and deal with it appropriately. If you are struggling to develop a customer complaint resolution process specific to your business, start with a quick brainstorm: How would I like to be treated? Ask your staff, your mentor, your family and your customers the same question. It may not be a perfect process but it will give you some guidance should the need arise.
17.01.2022 Attention Small Business Owners! Who needs some marketing tips and tricks? If youre a small business owner like me, you know very well that we have limited resource and time and sometimes that marketing plan gets pushed aside. Yep! Even, with my best laid out marketing plans - I also need to prioritise my workload to meet deadlines. Whatever the marketing situation in your business it is IMPORTANT and you need to find a way of making your marketing work for you, whilst al...so targeting your customers. I want to help small business owners with their marketing. If you need some tips, tricks, advice let me know. You can ask me your marketing problem or question SPECIFIC to your business. Thats FREE access to over 20 years expert marketing experience. Shoot your question through social media, text, email....even a Zoom chat if that works for you. Its free. A question and answer session with no obligation. And, you wont be spammed afterwards. E:[email protected] M: 0420 300 110 www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au
17.01.2022 During my morning workout today, the trainer said "Attack your weaknesses." We may train these weak areas harder to bring them on par with other areas of strength. We tend to focus on our weaknesses more so than our strengths, which can be overlooked in the process. Think about your top 5 strengths and ask "Am I giving these the attention needed to continue to grow, or at least maintain?" If not, then that is a weakness.
16.01.2022 In your business, you want to hold onto your core strengths, build upon them and grow them. Do you know how to do that? Want to chat it about your business strengths? M: 0420 300 110 E: [email protected]... #marketing #lookdeepermarketing #strengths #smallbusiness #marketingstrategy
13.01.2022 Know, who is your customer? Think about your ideal customer - perhaps it is someone you already know. Name them and write down as much as you can about them. When you do your marketing communication, write a blog or even when you brief your agency think about that persona and speak to them in the language that persona would use. If you need help knowing who is your customer or how to talk to them, we can help. Call us for a chat. M:0420 300 110... E: [email protected] www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au See more
13.01.2022 Business owners, do you know what your customer problems are? Do you know how your product/service is trying to solve these problems? Its in our nature to try and correct problems by providing a solution, or creating something better. Some of the greatest inventions have evolved trying to solve a customer problem - like the sliced bread machine or the rotary clothes hoist. Companies are created trying to solve a problem: Ikea have been solving household storage problems f...or years with smart, affordable storage solutions. A product tries to solve a customer problem, even if that is a future problem. Virgin Galactic space travel is trying to solve future travel issues. Before talking to your customers: 1. Consider your customer problems 2. List how each of your products solve each customer problem. Do the products need reviewing or adapting to better suit your customer needs? 3. Use the PROBLEM and the SOLUTION in the key message when communicating to your customer, ensuring you use targeted marketing to reach this group of customers. What are your favourite customer problem and solution examples? Or tell us your customer problems. M: 0420 300 110 E: [email protected] www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au
13.01.2022 Stay up to date with your marketing planning as business conditions change.
13.01.2022 Lifelong learning is a term I hear a lot (and not just at my kids school). Lifelong learning is not only for young kids. Marketing is constantly evolving, and I am constantly learning through webinars, reading etc. I want to be as informed as I can to help as many small business owners as I can. Of course, it is not only the marketing industry evolving. I popped in to see my beautician, Rosemary De Kauwe Skin Care Clinic, last week and was amazed to see several biology books... open at her desk. This beautiful woman never stops amazing and inspiring me. Rosemary is in her early 80s and still practicing in her skin care clinic. (YES! You read right! Early 80s!). She has been in the industry for over 40 years! Rosemary has been doing some online webinars and in between the webinars and clientele is doing additional learning. Learning because she loves what she does, is passionate about it and loves being able to authentically advise her clients. I love her dedication and passion! She is an inspiration to lifelong learners. Thanks Rosemary, for always inspiring me. Do you have a love of learning? Who is your inspiration?
11.01.2022 Have attention spans really decreased in 20 years? Throwback to the year 2000 and the Annual Barclaycard Rewards Brochure. I commissioned research on the brochure early 2000 and one of the key findings that has stuck with me since is: You have 10 seconds to engage the customers interest otherwise they would discard the brochure. (This was usually around page 5). We all know how important it is to get onto page 1 of Google but is this because our attention spans have reduc...ed, are we lazy or we simply dont like researching? Does it also depend on the topic? Would love to hear your thoughts - if you have read to the end of this post! lol FYI the Barclaycard Rewards brochure was a 36 page booklet, mailed to almost 1 million customers depicting offers of how to use their Reward points - yes it was an expensive printing/mailing exercise. Check out the copy in the photo. Worthy of a conversation in itself.
10.01.2022 We all have a weakness - even Superman! What is the weakness in your business and how do you reduce it's impact or how will you eliminate that weakness? Not sure how? Chat with Look Deeper Marketing to help. www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au M: 0420 300 110 E: [email protected]
08.01.2022 Look Deeper Marketing are delighted to be able to participate in the Greater Sydney Womens Safety Charter. I expect youll be hearing a lot more about it. The Charter has been collaboratively designed to influence policy and practice to enable women and girls to feel safer in our city. Making our city more female-friendly brings wider social and productivity benefits because a city that works for women, works for everyone. Learn more about the Charter https://www.greater.sydney/womens-safety-charter.
08.01.2022 Im sure there will be a flood of R U OK? posts today...and thats ok...it gets the message out, especially in 2020 when many people are not OK. My sons school hold activities, which is also great! We talked together about this flyer he got at school and conversation starters. It was a brief chat. Hes a teen now and not a big talker - like many teen boys, but every small message helps. Hope this flyer helps you in some way too. #marketing #smallbusiness #marketingspecialist #smallbusinessmarketing #ruokeveryday #lookdeepermarketing
07.01.2022 Struggle with decision making? Heres a tip - the first of a five part series by Trent Moy that will help you in your business and life. #marketingspecialist #marketingstrategy #smallbusiness #businessstrategy #decisionmaking
06.01.2022 We all see things differently. What do you see in the image? Let me know in the comments. Ill let you know what I see shortly. Look Deeper Marketing take a deeper look into your business.
06.01.2022 Are you a small business owner and not sure on your next steps? Now is a perfect time to innovate. Its a time to pivot your business. If you are unsure how to pivot, then it is time to call in experts to help. Remember, none of us are experts in all business areas so whether you need help with cash flow, leadership issues or marketing, reach out to experts and see where they can help. Most offer free consultations. Look Deeper Marketing are marketing strategy experts. ...We offer a ONE-hour free marketing consultation. We will look at your strategy and ensure it is fit for your current and future business purposes. We will provide you with your next steps and set you on a path to business success. Whatever your current problem we will help you find a solution. With over 20 years global marketing experience, we want to see your business grow and thrive. Call or email today. M: 0420 300 110 E: [email protected] www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au
05.01.2022 What did you see in the image? I see a lady - her hair in a bun on top of her head. She has a long, thin body. I see three little dogs, one a Scottish Terrier. I see the Eiffel Tower. A Parisian lady taking her three dogs for a walk past the Eiffel Tower.... By the way these are two floor tiles in my bathroom. Take a deeper look.
05.01.2022 Ask customers, suppliers and staff their opinions of your business. This can help identify your strengths and weaknesses and look at ways to improve. Try a surveyor a personalised phone call and also ask how they are getting along. Great innovation can come from listening to others.
04.01.2022 Decide today if it will be a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kind of week. PS I could have used a glass half filled with water in this post but seriously, how good do those M&Ms look?
03.01.2022 Is it a problem or a conflict? Improve your decision making abilities with your family or in your business with the latest tip in this series by Trent Moy. Practice this weeks tip and let us know how you are going with improving your decision making skills.
02.01.2022 All business owners should have a marketing strategy. It provides the groundwork and direction on how to deliver your business goals. Consider a marketing strategy as an investment in your business. If you arent sure what a marketing strategy is, thats ok! We specialise in marketing strategy and want to help you understand the marketing jargon. Check out our website or call us. M: 0420300110... www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au See more
02.01.2022 What is unique about your business? What will make potential customers pick you over your competition? My son picked this flower from the competition because it was unique. Such an interesting flower - it was five flowers in one! Look Deeper Marketing take a deeper look at your business and your competition. We will find your point of difference and opportunities to make your business grow.... Call us to find out how we can help your business. M: 0420 300 110 E: [email protected] www.lookdeepermarketing.com.au
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