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LOOP Growers in Draper | Farm

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LOOP Growers

Locality: Draper

Phone: +61 423 713 519

Address: 674 Eatons Crossing Rd 4520 Draper, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 We’ve come so far this season and are so Incredibly grateful and proud of all those in our community who have had the time to ground themselves, here, on this ground, over the last couple of months. This place would be half if not from them.. And it is going to be interesting to see what germinates and takes root after this troubled yet miraculous period, whereby people have been broadcasting seeds of change around them in their confinement. ... Don’t forget about this pace. It’s natural and it’s beautiful and it’s healing all over. It doesn’t take long to notice and seemingly took no time for us all to adopt. Seize it.

25.01.2022 Hanging out in the patch having a Friday knock off with this cucumber pickle Pilsner - the next of our series of beer collabs with @newsteadbrewing. A cracker of a beer that has used our reject cucumbers from the summers harvest, lacto fermented by the brewers and brewed using de-salinated water from @seqwater No waste here and a real ‘putting out foot down’ statement attached to the label, as you will read, that says a whole lot about this companies commitment to conducting ...sustainable business going forward. We love this partnership. #closedloopcommunity #brisbanebeer #regenerativeagriculture

24.01.2022 Lush lettuces on a crispy autumn morn. After a long dry spell and a hot summer, it’s been a long time between greens. It’s bloody lovely seeing them come out of the garden again. This is the best time of year to be a farmer

18.01.2022 One of our favourite games on the farm is the ‘guess the weight of the vegetable’ game We would like to share it with you all to pass the time. Guess the weight pumpkins weight ... Closest guess gets a prize and a whole bunch of cred. Thank you to our pumpkin models and loyal vollies. Once the distancing madness ends we will be offering photo ops with the pumpkin for a small gratuity. Gotta bounce back somehow @negomi

17.01.2022 Come on down to @wanderingcooks tomorrow for their big ol open day! If you own a food business, want to own a food business or are just interested in real, good food, then this is the event for you. We will be having a chat with Ange, along side some of the best in the biz. There will be heaps of info about sourcing quality local food, opening a food business and a market as well. Elaine Young - @bondstreeteats Mike Hilburger - @pickleheadpickles Geo Abel - @flockeatery... Michael Nguyen - @thaihoa_grocer Kay Tommerup - @tommerupsdairyfarm It’s free, so why not! Head to @wanderingcooks to register and we will see you there

15.01.2022 We’ve reached that point that we hoped we’d never reach: It’s no longer sustainable for us to pump from our usual spot in the creek. Our waterway stopped flowing months ago, however we have had deep enough pools to continue drawing from it sparingly, up until now. There is still water here, however we humans are not the only ones that rely on this system. There are still fish, bees, butterfly’s and birds that need it just as much, if not more than we do. So that’s it. Our opt...ions? Well, there are a few. The best one is digging a damn and then a bore to fill it with, the next best and more realistic is just digging a bore, however that still takes time and money and still isn’t guaranteed. So what we have to do right now, is roll out 200m of poly pipe, upstream, to a section of the creek that has retained its water. It’s well vegetated with native trees that hold the banks steady and reduces wind, heat and therefore evaporation. It’s a bit of effort, but we only plan to pump from this new pool a few times, just enough for us to establish some eggplants, cucumbers and chillies for next year, plus hopefully a bit extra for ya know, general living needs. Then that’s going to be it for us until it rains again. We usually try to slow down after christmas because it usually gets too hot to grow around then anyway, but it’s currently spring and there’s no serious rain predicted. I hate to think what summer has in store... @ LOOP Growers See more

14.01.2022 We have entered a time of unprecedented change. What we have all taken for granted for a long time, is no longer feasible. This, dear friends, is why we ramble on about supporting local businesses and getting to know the people that provide you with your food and other resources. This is why we say it’s not smart to rely so heavily on imported goods. This is why we say that community is so important. Let’s make this a time for responsibility and empowerment, not fear. There ...are a lot of people that are suffering hard from this. Many have lost their jobs, others are struggling to keep their businesses afloat. These people still have bills to pay and families to feed. So now, it is the responsibility of those who are well, who's jobs are safe and secure, or are lucky enough to be able to work from home, to bolster our local economy and to take responsibility. We must support small LOCALY OWNED businesses, NOT supermarkets and big chains. There are local grocers that still have pasta and toilet paper available, you just need to look outside the box. Support those places, use this as an opportunity to get off the supermarket drip. Join a co-op and get produce delivered. Be adventurous with what you eat and get used to the fact that you can’t get broccoli and zucchini all year round. Patronize our local cafes, restaurants and breweries, most have take home options and in some cases have started delivery services. Buy secondhand anything and everything, so that new resources don’t have to be used at the current rate. Purchase from designers and artists, because we all need a beauty in our lives. If you have tickets to a gig, don’t refund them, so that we may keep the industry afloat. Use your new found time so start a veggie patch to grow food for yourself and neighbors. Finish that creative project or learn a new skill. It’s bloody hard not hugging our friends when we see them and we have thoroughly washed our hands more times in the last two weeks than what our skin would like. But we will still be delivering veg to our favorite places around Bris for the foreseeable future. We love you all. Don’t forget to go outside to breath in the beautifully clean air

14.01.2022 I don’t think I’ll ever tire of harvesting bright lights chard. The colour combos are endless. This pick is off to @alphabetcafe for the ‘Strange Times’ boxes this week

12.01.2022 Spring is the time for hot compost, out here at Loop. It should really be winter, but winter is busy. Winter is our peak growing season and also when we try to build any new infrastructure we need because, ya know, it’s not above 35 degrees most days. So that leaves us with spring. Our warm season crops are heavy feeders, and because we rely almost entirely on compost to feed our soil everything it needs to feed our plants, we need a lot of it. So this is us, shoveling substrate from @littleacremushrooms , brewers malt from @rangebrewing , mulch from local arborists, crop residue, ground up eggshells and the manure from our goats and chickens that have been fed the yields collected from the kitchens of our partnered businesses, businesses that have made the decision to take a stand and do something positive for this planet we call home. And in a few months all of these places will be rewarded with the eggplants, chillies and zucchini’s that they have helped to grow. If that doesn’t give you the warm and fuzzies, I don’t know what will. So go give em some love and eat some delicious food @alphabetcafe @luckyduck._ @flockeatery @grown_bne @vvaldmeer @woodenhorse_restaurant @kingarthurcafe @citywinerybne @littletreesamford @netherworldarcade @newsteadbrewingco @sproutartisanbakery @oi.mongrel We love you guys!!! See more

09.01.2022 Hope this week didn’t get on top of you... The little white dog ain’t so little anymore.

05.01.2022 And just like that, winter is is upon us. (our climate hasn’t quite worked out how to read a diary yet) It seams so surreal to be waking up to a frosty garden and picking winter veg with stinging fingertips. That fierce summer of heat, drought and fires, now just seems like a distant dream. We feel incredibly lucky to have come out the other side of it, albeit not completely unscathed, but definitely stronger for it. And now, in spite of a global pandemic (or maybe because ...of it?), we are having one of the best seasons our little farm has ever experienced. We are so appreciative of our beautiful community for sticking with us, even when the world is falling apart around them. And we want to welcome all the newcomers to the local food system, who have discovered that shorter supply chains are far more reliable in times of crisis. It’s also important to note that these localized systems will continue to become more reliable, the more continuous the support. So keep up all the bloody good work, and hopefully we will see some of you out here for a farm tour or a barn dinner before too long!! See more

05.01.2022 We got rain! I think this is finally some good enough news to say happy new year! I woke several times during the night to the sound of heavy rain falling, which confusingly, both brings me joy and fills me with anxiety. How much has fallen? Are the animals ok? Are those seedlings outside getting pummeled? Did the cover crop grow enough to hold the top soil in place? Well, we have received a delightful 90ml in the last 24hours, which is a perfect start. Not so much to cause... dramas in the garden, but enough to put some water in the pools of the creek, although no water has actually flowed through yet. Which is also lucky, because it has given Dad and I a change to get all of the extra piping we had to lay upstream in the creek, out of the creek. If we left the pipe in and the water flowed down, we would loose the pipe, and it wouldn’t be pretty. So now that that job is done, I’m sitting down with a coffee, sun shining on my face, knowing there is a little bit more water in the creek, an intact garden, a lower fire risk and a slightly happier environment around me, I can finally breath a sigh of relief. See more

03.01.2022 Today, we march along side our brothers and sisters OC, many of whom will be the lineage of one of the longest standing civilized cultures on earth. The knowledge they hold of this land is unparalleled and should be held in reverence. Our indigenous people deserve the highest respect and nothing less, so it’s difficult for us to understand how this utterly illogical fight is still going on. But what that says to us, is that we are not doing enough. We need to do more. So today our job is to show up and to listen. Or job is to be respectful and compassionate. And our job is to learn how to do better. Stunning artwork by Lindsay Malay

03.01.2022 End of year bash As we close in on another year gone we take stock of where we are and how far we have come as a farm and as farmers... Our successes, failures, bad runs of weather, fortuitous arrivals of beautiful people with grand energy, it has all gotten us to where we are and we count ourselves pretty bloody lucky to be where we are !... On the 14th of December we are extending an invite to you all to come round to the barn and celebrate with us as we relish in the overwhelming success of what we as cultivators have endeavored so hard to cultivate - community. Without the partnerships we have developed over the last 4 years we couldn’t be here. Small scale agriculture needs willing participants that aren’t farmers or agriculturalists, but conscious agrarians directly and inextricably connected to their food. And in these times of dry, our community kicks into gear. We will be holding a raffle on the night with prizes donated by our partnered venues and all funds raised going towards putting a bore down to secure our dwindling water supply. There will also be bands, food and tasty beverages all of which supplied by our talented friends. Come party yo link to tickets in bio.

02.01.2022 Thank you so much to all who came out on the weekend to celebrate the fantastic year we have had and contribute to the future survival of our farm. We had a huge amount of support from our partners, friends and family through physical labour, loaning of equipment, entertainment and donations of prizes for our raffle. Through this action we managed to raise almost $2000 to offset the cost of our bore, which is now active, filling the creek and soaking the root zones of our tr...ees as we speak. But we still have a ways to go to get to our target ... If in this holiday season you want to give back and contribute to an ecological cause but don’t know what - consider how the water security of local regenerative farm might be that tangible thread you can hold onto, when the environmental issues seem so out of reach. If you couldn’t come along on Saturday, but would still like to help, our good friend @jessindia9 has made a platform to do so and it’s up on our website. But the best support you can give us (and yourselves!), is to continually support local regenerative farmers and the businesses that support them, throughout the year, in good times and in bad. Because we all need to eat and there’s just no room in this world to cut corners anymore. Thanks everyone! Love you all!!

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