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Lord Gabriel Hunter Deckard | Public figure

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Lord Gabriel Hunter Deckard


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23.01.2022 TAKEN FROM: == SOURCES: == "EQUIVALENT INJURIES, use of medical services, and fear of the abuser were also discovered in cases where... the abuser used repeated instrumental abuse or intimate terrorism (Laroche, 2005, Table 8), regardless of the gender of the perpetrator and the victim." "Despite these reactions, men were only half as likely as women to call police (Laroche, 2005, Table 9)." "Women USE VIOLENCE, even the MORE SEVERE FORMS, at least AS MUCH AS DO MEN and use it against nonviolent men (Stets & Straus, 1989, 1992) and against children (Gaudioisi, 2006; Trocme et al., 2001)." [D.G. Dutton (2010). The Gender Paradigm and the Architecture of Anti-science. Partner Abuse, 1(1), 5-25.] "This annotated bibliography describes 343 scholarly investigations (270 empirical studies and 73 reviews) demonstrating that WOMEN ARE AS PHYSICALLY AGGRESSIVE AS MEN (or more) in their relationships with their spouses or opposite-sex partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 440,850 people." [Martin Fiebert. References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners: An Updated Annotated Bibliography. Sexuality & Culture (2014) 18:405-467.] "It is possible to extrapolate that as many as 7,832 male and 1,958 domestic violencerelated suicides occur annually in the US. When domestic violencerelated suicides are combined with domestic violence homicides, the total numbers of domestic violencerelated deaths are HIGHER FOR MALES than females." [Richard Davis, (2010) "Domestic violencerelated deaths", Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, Vol. 2 Iss: 2, pp.44 - 52.] "Women commit intimate violence frequently and do NOT do so ONLY IN SELF-DEFENSE. A more reasonable interpretation of the data from these numerous studies would be that people (not just men) use violence in intimate relationships and use whatever form they have learned will be effective. Men, having greater upper body strength use direct physical violence more than women. WOMEN USE WEAPONS MORE OFTEN THAN MEN TO GENERATE AN ADVANTAGE (see also Morse, 1995)." [Donald G. Dutton, Tonia L. Nicholls. The gender paradigm in domestic violence research and theory: Part 1The conflict of theory and data. Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2005) 680 714.]

22.01.2022 Israel the ONLY Jewish state. The ONLY democracy country in the Middle East The ONLY Middle Eastern country that women and gays are equals too the rest of the people. BUT UN have declared it the WORST country to violate human rights. UN has a agenda and that is genocide and a Islamic agenda ... Why is there there a U.N commission in the Middle East that does not include Israel but includes countries such as Egypt Syria Iraq Morocco Libya Lebanon Jordan Kuwait The worlds most abuses of human rights towards: Women towards freedom towards religion towards press towards assembly towards speech This report from these people does not consider Israelis to be deserving of human rights and the consistent approach of the UN council The agenda against Israel completely ignores all human rights. From the 1960s 70s that refuse to include Israel Where is the apartheid? Why was there a meeting held on agenda to single out only one state which is the Jewish state for targeting? Once the Middle East was full of Jews so Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon,Jordan and Kuwait where are your Jews? Algeria 140,000 Algeria where are you Jews? Egypt used to have 75,000 Egypt where your Jews? Syria you used to have tens of thousands of Jews Syria where are you Jews? Iraq had over 135,000 Iraq where are they So to the UN Council for Middle East and all the countries that is allowing to the UN to use them as their military genocide puppets WHERE IS THE REAL APARTHEID

18.01.2022 Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge of the birth of the third child May the house of Windsor live long, May the British Royals live long

18.01.2022 Shameless shameful

17.01.2022 The sad reality of the UN fails every time on human rights by turning a blind eye and ignoring

16.01.2022 Today I stop to give Thanks, Respect and Remembrance to our ANZACs. The brave men and women who fought and continue to fight for our Freedom. The fallen who did not make it home, paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting our shores, our freedom, our rights! For that my fallen angels I say Thank You. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. ... At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. LEST WE FORGET

15.01.2022 Scott Morrison I’m wondering are we footing the bill for YOUR holiday? Drinks with the Murdocks yet cutting funding to NSW RFS... Australia is burning up. People are dying, wildlife are dying endangered wildlife are closer to extinction people’s livelihoods and homes are gone it is YOUR job as PM to be here and help THAT Mr. Morrison IS YOUR JOB especially when you promote yourself as devoted Christian. You are sorry because almost 75,000 people signed a petition you gone. #ScottMorrison #Auspol #australiaburning

13.01.2022 If you can please donate

13.01.2022 One of the best vocals I have heard and one amazing entertainer. Fly high angel RIP Marie Fredrickson. #roxette #RIPMarieFredrickson #MarieFredrickson

12.01.2022 Let’s get rid of all the benifits that came with it when you lose or resign you job. No golden handshake. No free flights. No extra benifits at all. When your votes out you have to find another job just like the rest of the country

12.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. If you know of someone that is struggling with life, it doesn't take much to ask them "R U OK?" - sometimes this single question or to check in with someone can make a difference. Just remember, someone may seem to be OK on the outside, but not necessarily OK on the inside. #ruokday2020

09.01.2022 Interesting would you use these

06.01.2022 Happy Independence Day Israel. 70 years Israel the ONLY Jewish state. The ONLY democracy country in the Middle East ... The ONLY Middle Eastern country that women and gays are equals too the rest of the people. See more

03.01.2022 The Prince has given a heartwarming speech to the people of Bundaberg. His Royal Highness praised the Bundaberg people for their resilience in adversity and di...saster and talked of his admiration for the Australian spirit. This is his speech in full: Premier, Mr Mayor, ladies and gentlemen, before either the microphones blows away or the roof on this thing collapses I just wanted to say how enormously touched I've been by the incredibly warm welcome you've given me today in Bundaberg and to thank all of you for coming here to the distillery ... it's either for the rum or something else, I'm not sure and I certainly, after being here in 1994, having tasted the Bundaberg Rum back then, it's taken me, I'm afraid, all these years to come back for another tot and I'm thrilled that still this distillery's proving to be the one that produces some of the most famous and special of all rums around the world. So again if I may say so, I realise that you've all been through some very difficult and painful times since I was last here with all of you and you've had the most awful experiences of floods and goodness knows what else and I just wanted to say that apart from the fact that I feel nothing but the greatest possible sympathy for all of you who suffered in so many ways or lost your property or it was damaged, I do hope that there's been a chance to recover and to become gradually more resilient against all these more intensive natural disasters. I also wanted to pay a particular tribute to all those wonderful people in the emergency services and voluntary organisations who clearly make a huge difference in helping so many people to recover from these awful disasters but I do know, I do the Australian spirit and character is such that you are unbelievably resilient and somehow you've managed, regardless of what happened, and that is one of the great characteristics I've always admired ever since I first came here 52 years ago. You don't change and you're just as wonderful.

03.01.2022 Thank you to the memory of all who gave there lives many years ago for Australia. This is a time to reflect on not only the men and women who laid there life down for all Australians but it's a time to reflect on our freedom and opportunities that these brave men and women sacrifice their life for so we can have the life today. We all should never become complacent with the past of world wars we must learn from the past and act accordingly in the right way to keep Australia... safe for all and because it's what must happen, and not act because of it's the popular action to do to make one look good in the public eye. War is an act of society's action to keep ones country safe from harm and not an emotional action led by fear. I pray for all the men and women that are serving Australia today I pray for them to return home and back to there loved ones safely. #lestweforget #anzac

01.01.2022 Remind Your Dear Ones To Add These To Their Diet

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